What does the name Oleg mean from Greek. Name meaning: Oleg

born: 1951-07-22

Version 1. What does the name Oleg mean

Oleg - from other scand. sacred.

Derivatives: Olegushka, Olezhik, Olesya, Olya, Olyusya, Lega, Lyoka, Lyosha, Alya.

Folk omens.

October 3 - Oleg the leaf breaker, the wind knocks it down from the trees. If on this day the wind is from the south, then next year expect a good harvest of winter crops.


Oleg is a very arrogant, self-confident person, which, however, is quite justified: he is charming, smart, principled, and besides, a real workaholic. Whatever he takes on, he succeeds. And if there is a snag in something, he “turns on” his strong will and still succeeds. He does not work for self-interest, but he loves money, he is not accustomed to fork out, he is not at all wasteful. A devoted husband who drags weight into the house. Friends consider him a bore, and the truth sometimes finds a passionate desire to insist on his own, although it’s not worth it. But these minor flaws do not deprive Oleg of that special attractiveness that attracts both men and women to him. The first appreciate in him an analytical mind, practicality, the second - a romantic mood. Oleg knows how to look after beautifully and is not averse to achieving success in this area.

Version 2. What does the name Oleg mean

They are contradictory, stubborn, principled, defend their personal opinion to the end, even if they are wrong.

Excellent mathematicians, physicists, work in the field of electronics, are not influenced and like to drink in close company.

Very sexy, although well camouflaged.

born: 1927-10-01

3 version of the meaning of the name Oleg

Oleg - "sacred" (Russian-German)

Outwardly, he seems to be a cold and reserved observer, but under his indifference lies a warm heart.

This is a dual personality: on the one hand, he is a person who arrived from another world, a kind of mythical figure, on the other hand, a completely material and moderately combative person, a little ambitious and arrogant.

Very self-confident and demonstrates his superiority. However, deep down he is often full of doubts, he is characterized by indecision, Oleg considers this his main drawback.

His will borders on incredible stubbornness. Does not pay attention to others, is difficult to excite, but is prone to depression. He has excellent reaction skills and only occasionally loses his temper. Hardy in work, stubborn so much that he is rather obsessed. With all this, it gives the impression that he is the only one working. He skillfully uses his intuitive gift for selfish purposes. Oleg has a well-developed analytical thinking.

Able to hurt the interlocutor with an ironic remark. In childhood, such a child should not be allowed to be disrespectful to others. Very impressionable and sensitive. Wants to be loved, but he himself is not able to express his love because of exorbitant pride. Friendships are hard to come by. He is waiting for proof of devotion, and only then can he become a devoted friend, and even then with some resistance against a closer relationship.

Oleg is rather contradictory. Failures easily discourage him from any desire for further work. But everything he does is for show. Raising such a child, parents should instill in him true inner morality. Active, but does everything out of a sense of duty, without much enthusiasm.

Oleg's health is excellent, although he is prone to excessive alcohol consumption. In childhood, his lungs should be protected. Often there are headaches. May be seriously injured in a car accident, he should be careful while driving.

Oleg's sexual relations are as complex as his character. They are based on sensual love and aggression, unusual affection and indifference.

Oleg is able to learn something for a long time, although without enthusiasm, but diligently. He can become a high-ranking official, a politician, a demanding teacher, a pharmacist, but he always remains somewhat dry and aloof. In communication with others, some philistinism is visible. He receives guests because he wants to show wealth and his family. Can change a city apartment to a lonely house, lost among the forests. To achieve some of his goals, he is ready to act rather hostilely and contrary to the interests of others. He likes to teach, give advice, and he does not even want to listen to any reasonable recommendation.

"Winter" Oleg is proud, impregnable, but kind at heart. Responsive to requests for help. Can become a good mathematician, electronics engineer. He gravitates towards the exact sciences.

"Autumn" - attentive to everything that happens, easily notices the smallest details. Has an excellent memory. Can be a lawyer, investigator, teacher. The name is suitable for patronymics: Evgenievich, Vladimirovich, Mironovich, Viktorovich, Alekseevich, Sergeevich.

"Summer" - kind, but quick-tempered. He does not know how to be angry for a long time and does not remember insults, he is cheerful, good-natured.

"Spring" Oleg - a little more vulnerable, stubborn and capricious. Zealously monitors his appearance, does not tolerate someone's superiority. He must be the leader. The name is suitable for patronymics: Anatolyevich, Igorevich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Vadimovich, Kirillovich, Bogdanovich, Vilenovich.

born: 1960-11-08

4 version of the interpretation of the name Oleg

Oleg is like a mother; firmly connected with her spiritual qualities and psyche. Monogamous; most often he chooses as his wife a woman who is somewhat reminiscent of her mother.

He loves children very much. Direct, stubborn, focused on one thing. He gravitates towards the exact sciences.

Able to analyze the situation; analyzes everything he encounters. Sometimes too meticulous - to boredom. Easily influenced by others. Sociable, quickly makes new acquaintances, however

Oleg does not let everyone close to him. Jealous, picky. But reliable and devoted to loved ones. He does not tolerate any pressure, but if you find an approach to him, you can easily command him. And he will not even guess that he is acting one way or another not of his own free will, but at the request of his wife or close friend. Pretty mediocre versed in people, for him they are all good.

born: 1954-01-04

5 version of the meaning of the name Oleg

The name is of Scandinavian origin (among the Varangians - Helgi) and means: sacred.

Boys with this name are easily influenced by others, so that in childhood and adolescence, parents should be especially attentive to the circle of their acquaintances.

Unfortunately, Oleg quickly learns bad habits.

In his school years, he will attract the attention of teachers with his abilities in the exact sciences, and the mathematician will surely notice that Oleg has an analytical mindset. The tendency to subject everything to analysis is manifested in Oleg in everyday life. Adult Olegs are principled, they defend their opinion, even if they are wrong. Persistent in achieving the goal. Their inherent concentration gives especially positive results if they devote themselves to science.

They are attached to their parents, especially to their mother. Relations with the mother-in-law are cool: polite, but without a feeling of sympathy or love. He strives to make his wife in some way similar to his mother, he does not hide the fact that his mother is the ideal woman for him. And if the wife does not understand this in time and does not compromise, quarrels will often flare up in the family.

Oleg is disinterested. Giftedness and a certain stubbornness make him difficult to communicate, besides, he does not always succeed in suppressing a feeling of some superiority over people. He is usually a faithful husband, although outwardly cold. Not averse to drinking, drunk is difficult to manage. Likes to sleep more in the morning. Oleg's children often grow up with a complex character.

A good wife for Oleg will surely be one of those who are called Ada, Antonina, Vesta, Clara, Larisa, Lesya, Maya, Marta, Natalya, Rimma, Svetlana, Seraphim, Sophia, Tatyana, Ella. Marriage with Angelina, Wanda, Barbara, Vera, Danuta, Daria, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Nina, Olga, Oksana may turn out to be unsuccessful.

born: 1900-01-21

6 version of the meaning of the name Oleg

OLEG - sacred (Old Scandinavian).

Name day: October 3 - Holy Right-Believing Prince Oleg of Bryansk, monk of the Bryansk Monastery founded by him (XIII century).


Planet - Venus.

Color - dark blue.

Auspicious tree - hazel.

Treasured plant - camellia.

The patron of the name is a snake.

Talisman stone - pearls.


Oleg is born with a feeling of superiority over people, and he sometimes fails to suppress this feeling, which makes him not always pleasant in communication: people with hurt pride and simply losers cannot stand him. Oleg has an analytical mindset, this is a practical romantic - a rather rare, but attractive combination. Stubborn, self-confident, principled, focused and incredibly hardworking. In order to insist on his own, it comes to tediousness, he is able to make many enemies on this righteous path. However, if you know in advance that selfish motives are alien to Oleg, a lot can be forgiven him. At the same time, he is tight-fisted, loves money. Usually Oleg is a faithful husband, although he is not averse to using his charm (and what is, that is!) On the side.

8 version of the meaning of the name Oleg

Name day Oleg

June 1, October 3,

There is only one name day for a person - these are either name days that fall on a birthday, or the first after a birthday

Famous people named Oleg

born: 1951-07-22

Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer and poet, People's Artist of Russia

Oleg Tabakov

born: 1935-08-17

Soviet and Russian actor, director, teacher, People's Artist of the USSR

born: 1927-10-01

Soviet and Russian actor and director, People's Artist of the USSR

born: 1960-11-08

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, director, People's Artist of Russia

born: 1954-01-04

Soviet and Russian football player and coach, Olympic medalist

born: 1900-01-21

Soviet writer, publicist, memoirist

Oleg Antonov

d.r.: 0000-00-00

Soviet aircraft designer, academician

Oleg Mityaev

d.r.: 0000-00-00

Russian bard, musician, actor, People's Artist of Russia

Oleg Yankovsky

born: 1944-02-23

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor, director, People's Artist of the USSR

Oleg Dal

born: 1941-05-25

Soviet theater and film actor

Oleg Lundstrem

d.r.: 0000-00-00

Soviet and Russian jazz musician, conductor, composer

Oleg Kuvaev

born: 1934-08-12

Soviet geologist, geophysicist, writer

Oleg Borisov

born: 1929-11-08

Soviet theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR

Oleg Konopkin

born: 1931-05-29

Soviet and Russian scientist-psychologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Education

The word "Oleg" has other meanings: see Oleg (meanings).

Oleg- male Russian personal name, presumably descending from the Scandinavian Helgi(from other Scandinavian heilagr - “holy”, “sacred”). One of the pre-Christian dynastic names of the Rurikids.

Hypotheses about the origin of the name

According to the most common version, the name comes from the Old Norse name Haelgi (Helgi) formed from the adjective other-Scand. heilagr - "saint"; in pagan times - “dedicated to the gods” [from 1]; its translation into Old Russian language - Olga.

Polish linguist Stanislav Rospond in his work "Structure and classification of East Slavic anthroponyms" refers to the name Oleg among other East Slavic anthroponyms "to nominal archetypes not found anywhere else." “Some of these archetypes,” Rospond writes, “are confirmed by ancient sources ... This should also include forms incorrectly recognized as Nordic Oleg, Olga, Igor, Gleb, Uleb, Duleb».

The Russian historian A. G. Kuzmin wrote in one of his works that the name Oleg obviously goes back to Turkic Ugut- name and title, with the meaning "great", and that this name is in the form Khaleg with the same meaning is also known among the Iranian-speaking tribes.

Name history

In ancient Russian history, the name Oleg identified primarily with the Prophetic Oleg, the successor of Rurik, the first Grand Duke of Kyiv. Among the subsequent Rurikoviches, it became one of the dynastic names, gaining a foothold in the Chernigov and Novgorod-Seversky princes (the branch of the Olgovichi). During the period of fragmentation of the Russian lands, the Olgovichi often acted as opponents and rivals of the Monomakhovichi branch, whose representatives were firmly entrenched in the Kiev Grand Duchy, and later in the Vladimir-Suzdal principality and the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Name Oleg, as V. A. Nikonov wrote, became odious in Kyiv, and later in Vladimir and Moscow, but was frequent in Chernigov possessions and related destinies (Ryazan and Murom principalities). The bearers of the name among the Grand Dukes of Ryazan, for example, were Oleg Ingvarevich Krasny and Oleg Ivanovich. By the 15th century, after the loss of independence by these principalities, the name finally came out of the list of Rurikovich names.

The name turned out to be forgotten until the second half of the 19th century, when, on the wave of mass interest in ancient Russian history that had formed in Russian society, it fell into the field of increased attention to it. However, it was not used as a real personal name until the end of the 19th century, since the Russian Orthodox Church did not recognize it. The name was mentioned in the holy calendar: back in the Middle Ages, the church canonized the Monk Prince Oleg Romanovich of Bryansk, but his baptismal name was Leonty, and he took the tonsure under the name Basil, therefore, the church did not consider the worldly name of the prince to be truly Christian. Priests, as a rule, refused to baptize newborns with the name Oleg, only sometimes yielding to particularly persistent parents. Alla Ktorova spoke about an incident that happened in the 1910s in the family of a high-ranking Russian military man who insisted on baptizing his son with a name that was coming into vogue Oleg. When the news about the fact of baptism reached the church authorities, one of the hierarchs, expressing his dissatisfaction, summarized: “I won’t demand rebaptism, but I will impose a penalty on the priest” (Paradoxically, at that time there was already a bearer of the name in the imperial family Oleg: that was the name of one of the sons of Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich). A similar situation at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries was with other names associated with Russian history (for example, with Igor, Vsevolod) or with Russian literature (see. Svetlana).

After the October Revolution, restrictions on the naming of people, due to Orthodox canons, disappeared - it became possible to give newborns any names, regardless of the holy calendar. Name Oleg, thus, returned to the Russian name book.

Name prevalence

In the first years of Soviet power, the name remained rare, but it quickly gained popularity. So, according to the information collected by A. V. Superanskaya and A. V. Suslova about the names of newborn Leningraders for several decades, the name Oleg in the 1920s-1930s, it had a frequency of 4 ‰ (that is, 4 name bearers were identified in 1000 registered). In the future, an increase in frequency was noted: for those born in the 1940s-1950s, it was 25 ‰, in the 1960s-1970s - 28 ‰. In the 1980s, the frequency dropped to 15‰; Superanskaya and Suslova attributed the name to the category of names that received limited distribution.

Statistics prepared by V. A. Nikonov on the names of newborns in 1961 in several regions of central Russia show that in the early 1960s, the townspeople preferred the name Oleg much more than the villagers. Its frequency in regional centers ranged from 27‰ (in Kostroma) and 29‰ (in Vladimir) to 48‰ (in Penza) and 56‰ (in Kursk). In the countryside, much more modest figures were found. Only in rural areas of the Kostroma region (15 ‰) was the frequency comparable to urban values. In the villages of other surveyed regions, the frequency ranged from 3‰ (in the Kaluga and Kursk regions) and 6‰ (in the Tambov and Ulyanovsk regions) to 8‰ and 9‰ (in the rural areas of the Yaroslavl and Penza regions, respectively).

name day

Oleg name meaning, character and fate | What does the name Oleg mean?

In this article you will find information about the meaning of the name Oleg, its origin, history, learn about the interpretation of the name.

  • Oleg's zodiac - Libra
  • Planet - Venus
  • The color of the name Oleg is dark blue
  • Auspicious tree - hazel
  • Oleg's treasured plant - camellia
  • Patron named Oleg - snake
  • Oleg's talisman stone - pearl

What does the name Oleg (Volga) mean?"relieving; redeeming" (the name Oleg is of Slavic origin).

The short meaning of the name Oleg: Olezhka, Olegushka, Olesya, Leka.

Patronymic name Oleg: Olegovich, Olegovna.

Oleg Angel Day: October 3 (September 20) - Holy Prince Oleg of Bryansk, monk of the Bryansk monastery founded by him (XIII century)

Signs of the name Oleg: The name Oleg celebrates a name day once a year: October 3 - Oleg the leaf breaker, knocks a leaf off the trees with the wind. If on this day there is a wind from the south, it means that there will be a good harvest of winter bread for the next year.

Positive traits of the name Oleg: Slowness, caution, prudence, emotional balance. Oleg has a sharp mind and iron logic, but at the same time he likes to dream. Very often he manages to turn dreams into reality. A man named Oleg can calculate his capabilities and calmly go to the intended goal.

Negative traits of the name Oleg: Selfishness, isolation, emotional coldness. The name Oleg is indifferent to the violent manifestation of emotions, he is irritated by female tears. He can use the location of a person for his own selfish purposes.

The nature of the name Oleg: Oleg is born with a sense of superiority over people, and he sometimes fails to suppress this feeling, which makes him not always pleasant to communicate with. This is a practical romantic - a rather rare, but attractive combination. A man named Oleg is stubborn, self-confident, focused and incredibly hardworking. In order to insist on his own, it comes to tediousness, he is able to make many enemies on this righteous path. Oleg is tight-fisted, loves money. Being an exemplary family man, sometimes he is not averse to using his charm (and what is, that is!) On the side. With the name Oleg, you should keep your eyes open, because in the foreground for him are his own interests, and if for their sake it is necessary to use deceit and even betrayal, Oleg will stop at nothing.

Oleg is stubborn in achieving his goal, disinterested, principled and defends his opinion, even if he is wrong. He has an analytical mindset, knows how to concentrate, and is prone to the exact sciences. Oleg analyzes the meaning of the name everything: the situation in the team, relationships with friends, the political situation in the world, the movie watched, the book read, and even the act of the neighbor. He is very attached to his parents, especially to his mother.

The name Oleg is monogamous. In the woman he loves, he looks for similarities with his mother: in appearance, in character, in habits and hobbies. He loves children very much - he cannot imagine his life without them. Oleg is passionate and erotic, he is often able to get carried away, but this hobby quickly disappears. The intimate proximity of the name Oleg with a woman is more than pleasant entertainment for him. In sex, he tries to prove his masculinity.

In intimacy, Oleg needs tenderness and inspiration. The cleanliness and accuracy of a woman, the aesthetics of the items of her toilet, her perfume are very important. Mother for Oleg is the ideal of a woman. And if the wife does not understand this in time and does not compromise, conflicts are inevitable in the family. A man named Oleg is faithful to his wife, although outwardly cold. Relations with the mother-in-law are cool. In education - achieves success in the exact sciences: mathematics, physics, electronics.

Little Oleg has been showing a contradictory character since childhood. He never knows exactly what he needs. Oleg is not capricious, he is simply unable to make a decision. If parents want to avoid tears and difficult situations, a child named Oleg should not be given a choice, for example, not to offer two dishes at the same time or not to ask where he wants to go more: to the circus or the zoo. Oleg needs not only to prompt, but also to teach him to make a decision on his own.

Oleg is a capable boy, he studies well, but is easily suggestible: And here parents should be on the alert, because there may be bad influences.

Usually the name Oleg receives a higher education, is inclined to the exact sciences. Career makes quietly, in stages. Oleg is very stubborn, focused, hardworking, he always strives to show independence, to insist on his own. The name Oleg has an analytical mindset, he analyzes life events, working moments. In each of his actions, he sees the positive and negative sides, understands the relativity of everything that is being created, and, as in childhood, often hesitates in choosing a solution. Oleg himself considers this his main drawback, carefully hides it, outwardly self-confident, demonstrates confidence and steadfastness. In addition, Oleg has a wonderful intuitive gift that helps him get out of difficult situations. He has an excellent memory, a keen eye, he notices the smallest details of the environment, affairs and at the same time their relationship with various actions.

The name Oleg finds itself in professions that require independence, clarity. He can be a good mathematician, electronics engineer, lawyer, investigator, teacher of exact sciences.

In appearance, Oleg is cold, proud and impregnable. He talks to people abruptly, laconically, which makes him unpleasant to communicate with. Many do not like him, especially those who have infringed pride. Oleg does not become a leader, but he does not particularly suffer from this.

In his soul, Oleg is a kind and sympathetic person, he has self-irony, he does not remember insults.

Oleg is a monogamous and wonderful family man, his attitude towards his mother, whom he adores all his life, is especially touching. Even he is looking for a wife externally and internally similar to his mother, setting her as an example and not hiding that she is his ideal woman.

Choosing a profession by name: Oleg is disposed to individual work. He is gifted with original thinking, unconventional judgments, independent views. The successful completion of the work will be a matter of honor for him.

Oleg's business and career: Oleg is a purposeful, rational person who says little, but does a lot. He knows how to save money for a secure, prosperous life and can achieve financial success.

Oleg's love and marriage: The name Oleg builds family relations on equality. He chooses a balanced woman with an analytical mind and a kind heart as his wife. The marriage of the name with Evgenia, Inga, Irma, Kira, Marina, Ionna, Olga, Rogneda, Sbyslava, Tomila, Yana is favorable. An unsuccessful relationship named after Oleg can develop with Alla, Bella, Dorofey, Irina, Lyubomila, Regina, Tamara.

Health and talents named after Oleg: Oleg's health is good, only in later years ailments are possible due to violations of the functions of the organs of the excretory system.

The fate of the name Oleg in history:

  1. Oleg - the first prince of Kyiv from the Rurik family. The chronicle says that Rurik, dying, transferred power to his relative Oleg, since Rurik's son, Igor, was a minor at that time. Oleg remained in Novgorod for three years, and then, having recruited an army from the Varangians and the Chud tribes subject to him, the Ilmen Slavs, Mary, Vesi, Krivichi, moved south. He occupied Smolensk and Lyubech, where he planted his people. When Oleg reached Kyiv, Askold and Dir were already reigning there. The chronicle tells that Oleg summoned them out of the city by cunning and killed them, and he himself "took possession of Kyiv and made it his capital, saying:" ... Be the mother of a Russian city. "After many heroic deeds in the fall of 912, Oleg died and was buried in Kyiv on Shchekovitsa.However, according to another legend, Oleg died during a campaign to the north and was buried in Ladoga.
  2. Oleg Yankovsky - theater and film actor, director.
  3. Oleg Tabakov - Russian director, actor, People's Artist of the USSR, teacher, producer.
  4. Oleg Kutafin is a well-known lawyer, a specialist in the field of constitutional law.
  5. Oleg Popov - circus artist, famous clown.
  6. Oleg Konopkin - scientist-psychologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Education.
  7. Oleg Mityaev is a famous Russian bard.
  8. Oleg Kuvaev - geologist, writer.
  9. Oleg Strizhenov - theater and film actor, People's Artist of the USSR.
  10. Oleg Dal is a Soviet theater and film actor.
  11. Oleg Antonov - Soviet aircraft designer, academician.
  12. Oleg Efremov - actor, director, theater figure, People's Artist of the USSR.
  13. Oleg Romantsev is a famous Russian football player and coach.
  14. Oleg Protopopov is a Russian figure skater.
  15. Oleg Borisov - Soviet theater and film actor.
  16. Oleg Vidov - Soviet and American film actor, film director, Honored Artist of the RSFSR.
  17. Oleg Deripaska is a Russian entrepreneur.
  18. Oleg Basilashvili - theater and film actor.
  19. Oleg Blokhin is a Ukrainian football player and coach.
  20. Oleg Menshikov is a theater and film actor.

What does the name Oleg mean: characteristics, compatibility, character and fate

Creative Calm Cheerful

Oleg Gazmanov, singer

Name origin: Old Norse

When you're lucky: Thursday, Saturday

When there are problems: Tuesday

Important years of life: 33, 39

Zodiac sign: Cancer

Lucky number: 15

What does the name Oleg mean?

The name Oleg is associated with princely origin, with something strong, strong-willed. And this is not a deceptive impression. The meaning of the name Oleg, associated with the female name Helga, endowed Olezhka with somewhat unusual qualities.

At times, a clear romantic, sentimental and kind to all living things that surround him, at other times secretive and withdrawn, stubborn, headstrong, ready to defend his word to the last breath.

Contradiction manifests itself in everything, and often depends on the internal state and mood.

Oleg is very restrained, outwardly not subject to any emotions, and therefore it is very problematic to trace the logic of his actions.

What does the name Oleg mean, what secrets does he keep? Not many people know where his name came from. But this explains many of the typical characteristics inherent in Oleg. Comparing different Olezhek, you do not immediately understand what general description could be given to them. Behind secrecy and silence, it is sometimes difficult to catch what is the main thing for this man, and what is of secondary importance. But not everything is so difficult.

Would you name your child by this name?
Not really

The origin of the name Oleg is Old Norse, it is associated with the word "helge", which is translated into Russian as "bright" or "sacred".

Its history is connected with the first bearer of this name in Russia - one of the brothers of Rurik who came to rule, who after the death of the latter began to rule Novgorod, made many conquests and received the nickname "Prophetic" among the people.

The history of the name Oleg, one might say, is the history of the princely clan. That is why the name did not immediately go to the people. This origin, coupled with the "sacred" interpretation, was the reason for the spread of Olegs among the princes.

Only in the 19th century, thanks to the work of A.S. Pushkin "Song of the Prophetic Oleg", the nobles began to give this name to their sons.

Nowadays, Olegs are quite common. The nickname is very beloved, especially in diminutive forms - Olezhka and Olezhek. Although in its sound its full form leaves a certain romantic, and backed up by the corresponding patronymic, for example, Aleksandrovich or Konstantinovich, even an aristocratic trace.

Forms of the name Simple: Oleg Full: Oleg Ancient: Helg Affectionate: Olezhka

Already from childhood, Olezhka will be distinguished by a high degree of perseverance, reaching tediousness. Smart and hardworking, always focused on his job, he will always stand his ground to the end. Characteristics of the name Oleg: very restrained, sometimes even secretive, on his mind, but without cunning, rather just wanting to keep his thoughts and ideas secret.

From childhood, she defends her freedom, and does not allow anyone to push her around.

Restrained, outwardly indifferent. Having matured, he becomes decisive and imperious. Kindness and honesty can be called one of the main character traits - Oleg will never humiliate another person or intentionally hurt another. Therefore, in the people around him, especially those close to him, the presence of these qualities is of great importance to him.

The main characteristic for Oleg is independence, he does not like to depend on anyone.

Therefore, in professional activities, he prefers to work alone. Any task that requires developed logical thinking is up to him. It costs him nothing to master some new knowledge or skill if they allow him to cope with the task alone, without involving other specialists in the work.

Olezhka is a little emotional, and therefore often seems calm, like a boa constrictor. With such a temperament, he cares little about people's opinions. At the same time, he does not have an overestimated self-esteem, there is no painful self-conceit. All this helps him achieve good results, because it does not distract from the main goal.

The character of the name Oleg suggests such qualities as original thinking, non-standard approaches and judgments, commendable determination, caution. Impulsiveness, actions "at random" are not characteristic of him.

Olezhek rarely becomes a leader unless absolutely necessary. But they are born diplomats, they easily find a common language with others.

Despite this, Olezhka can sometimes “withdraw into himself” so much that outwardly he will be perceived as a creature from another world, which means that he is something incomprehensible and illogical. He should remember about such an interpretation of his behavior by others, and do not forget sometimes to maintain at least superficial contacts with other people, so as not to “run wild” at all. Otherwise, such isolation and detachment can lead to a loss of life orientation and sometimes even depression.

Character traits Judgment Balance Purposefulness Ability to think outside the box Creative approach Restraint Low emotionality Boredom Unpredictability

Already in his youth, Oleg is successful with girls due to his aura of mystery. However, he does not use this and often starts dating girls at a more mature age. Olezhka makes an excellent family man, but he has been going to this status for a very long time.

Good and bad couples Maya Natalia Svetlana Sofya Tatyana Angelina Varvara Daria Ekaterina Oksana

Sentimental romantic, believes in true love and can spend years looking for it.

The history of the search is also complicated by the fact that in his chosen one he will look for qualities inherent in his mother.

In relationships, he is looking for a middle ground, he does not want to obey or command, only equality will suit him. If he is lucky to find a girl who agrees with this position, then their compatibility will be perfect. Olezhek is monogamous, very faithful, devoted. Without question, he will help his wife with both household chores and with children. True, it will be easier for him to find a common language with them at a young age.

When is the name day?

October 3 © Author: Alexey Krivenkiy. Photo: depositphotos.com

What does the name Oleg mean?

Oleg's character traits are prudence and coldness, the goal is self-affirmation and financial well-being.

The name Oleg is derived from the Danish "Helg", which means "saint".

Origin of the name Oleg:

According to the most common version, this name comes from the Old Norse "Helgi", which was formed from the word "heilagr" - "saint". First appeared in Russia with the beginning of the reign of Ruriks.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Oleg:

Little Oleg is calm and focused. He is a quiet child, not prone to noisy games, but easily succumbs to other people's influence and can get into trouble "for the company." He has great affection for his mother. He is mentally gifted more than physically, sciences are easy for him, Oleg studies with pleasure, he is especially good at exact sciences. However, Olegs love variety and search, in their youth they tend to try as many things as possible, and it is very difficult to keep them from this. In youth, they are distinguished by some moral instability and a tendency to doubt. Young Olegs constantly need to be reassured, guided and supported.

Olegs achieve great success in professions related to technology and the exact sciences. Concentration, hard work and innate ability to work with his hands make him an attentive and responsible worker, but Oleg is also good at theoretical and analytical work. Oleg rarely strives for leadership, preferring calmness and confidence in the future. Ambitious in terms of speedy and high-quality work. In communication, Oleg is calm and somewhat cool, which is why he sometimes seems arrogant and self-satisfied. Olegs are characterized by hesitation and distrust, which they hide by distancing themselves from people. It is sometimes difficult for Oleg's interlocutors to judge what impression their words made on him, therefore many Olegs have a reputation for arrogant, laconic people. He can be mocking, harsh and intolerant, especially in relations with people who are insecure, crybabies, melancholic. As a rule, he is boring and persistent, does not like being refused. In friendship, he is undemanding and constant, you can rely on him, in loved ones he appreciates confidence and friendly support. Due to prudence and an innate sense of justice, he is able to smooth out conflicts. In his youth, due to insecurity and intolerance, he often makes enemies.

He prefers to build relationships with a woman who looks and looks like his mother. Pays close attention to behavior and habits, demanding, although in youth it can be impulsive and promiscuous. Oleg is always sensitive, he remembers the tastes and preferences of his partner well. A cold mind is combined in it with romance and abstract dreaminess. As a rule, Oleg has a spectacular appearance and takes care of himself. In bed, he is passionate and demanding, although he gives no less than he asks. It cools down quickly, but the fading of passion for him does not mean the fading of interest in a woman. He does not seek to consolidate relations, but having entered into marriage, he does not feel an early desire to get out of it. Not against intrigues on the side, but infrequent.

Having created a family, he tries to earn more, save and save money. He spends a lot on children, whom he loves very much, helps his parents financially.

Olegs born in winter are more self-confident than their "spring" namesakes, and "summer" and "autumn" Olegs are almost always financially secure and occupy a high position in society.

Oleg's marriage with Sofya, Svetlana, Natalya, Tatyana and Maya is successful, relations with Daria, Olga, Ekaterina and Vera can be difficult.

Name Oleg in different languages:

  • Name Oleg in English: Oleg (Oleg)
  • Name Oleg in Chinese: 奥列格 (Aolege)
  • Name Oleg in Japanese: オレグ (Oregu)
  • Name Oleg in Spanish: Heleg (Heleg)
  • Name Oleg in German: Helge (Helge)
  • Name Oleg in Polish: Helgi (Helgi)
  • Name Oleg in Ukrainian: Oleg

Forms and variants of the name Oleg: Olezhka, Olezhka, Olezhik, Oleg, Olezhenka, Olegushka, Lega, Olyusya

Oleg - the color of the name: white

Oleg's flower: White Rose

Oleg's stone: amethyst, pearl

Characteristics of the name Oleg | The secret of the name Oleg

Oleg - "sacred" (pyc-germ.).

Characteristics of the name Oleg

Outwardly, he seems to be a cold and reserved observer, but under his indifference lies a warm heart. This is a dual personality: on the one hand, he is a person who arrived from another world, a kind of mythical figure, on the other hand, a completely material and moderately combative person, a little ambitious and arrogant. Very self-confident and demonstrates his superiority. However, deep down he is often full of doubts, he is characterized by indecision, the characterization of the name Oleg considers this his main drawback.

His will borders on incredible stubbornness. Does not pay attention to others, is difficult to excite, but is prone to depression. He has great control over his emotions and only occasionally loses his temper. Endurance and perseverance in work borders on obsession. With all this, it gives the impression that he is the only one working. He skillfully uses his intuitive gift for selfish purposes. Oleg has a well-developed analytical thinking.

Able to hurt the interlocutor with an ironic remark. In childhood, such a child should not be allowed to be disrespectful to others. Very impressionable and sensitive. The secret of the name Oleg wants to be loved, but he himself is not able to express his love because of exorbitant pride. Friendships are hard to come by. Waiting for proof of devotion, and only then can he become a devoted friend, and even then with some resistance to a closer relationship.

Oleg is rather contradictory. Failures easily discourage him from any desire for further work. But everything he does is for show. Raising such a child, parents should instill in him strict moral principles. He is active, but the characterization of the name Oleg does everything out of a sense of duty, without much enthusiasm.

Oleg's health is excellent, although he is prone to excessive alcohol consumption. In childhood, his lungs should be protected. Often there are headaches. May be seriously injured in a car accident, he should be careful while driving.

Oleg's sexual relations are as complex as his character. They are based on sensual love and aggression, extraordinary affection and indifference.

The nature of the name Oleg

The secret of the name Oleg Oleg is able to learn something for a long time, although without enthusiasm, but diligently. He can become a high-ranking official, a politician, a demanding teacher, a pharmacist, but he always remains somewhat dry and aloof. In communication with others, some philistinism is visible. He receives guests because he wants to show wealth and his family. Can change a city apartment to a lonely house, lost among the forests. To achieve some of his goals, he is ready to act rather hostilely and contrary to the interests of others. He likes to teach, give advice, and he does not even want to listen to any reasonable recommendation.

"Winter" Oleg is proud, impregnable, but kind at heart. Responsive to requests for help. Can become a good mathematician, electronics engineer. He gravitates towards the exact sciences.

"Autumn" - attentive to everything that happens, easily notices the smallest details. Has an excellent memory. Can be a lawyer, investigator, teacher. The name is suitable for patronymics: Evgenievich, Vladimirovich, Mironovich, Viktorovich, Alekseevich, Sergeevich.

"Summer" - kind, but quick-tempered. He does not know how to be angry for a long time and does not remember insults, he is cheerful, good-natured.

"Spring" - a little more vulnerable, stubborn and capricious. Zealously monitors his appearance, does not tolerate someone's superiority. He must be the leader.

What patronymic is suitable for the name Oleg

The name is suitable for patronymics: Anatolyevich, Igorevich, Gennadievich, Georgievich, Vadimovich, Kirillovich, Bogdanovich, Vilenovich.

Where did the name Oleg come from?

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Origin and meaning of the name:
The name Oleg is of Scandinavian origin, meaning "sacred, bright".
Olegushka, Olezhka, Olezhik, Olesya, Olya, Olyusya, Lega, Lyoka, Lyosha, Alya.
Little Oleg is easily influenced by others, he can quickly learn both good and bad, so parents should keep an eye on who their son communicates with from an early age. Oleg is a good student at school, especially he may like the exact sciences. He is a very concentrated boy, and this concentration is transferred to ordinary life. It is quite difficult to communicate with Oleg, and communication does not always bring him pleasure - he is not always understood, besides, Oleg does not always manage to suppress a sense of superiority over his comrades and interlocutors.
Adult Oleg is principled, defends his opinion, even if he is wrong. Persistent in achieving the goal. Oleg is disinterested. He can’t be a leader, and he doesn’t particularly strive. And Oleg appreciates people who are not eager to become commanders. Oleg cannot be called ambitious, but his pride is not painful. He is not going to prove his superiority to anyone, preferring to calmly go towards his goal. Oleg is a delicate nature, he is charming and smart. Devoted husband, devoted friend. He incredibly manages to combine romance and practicality.
Charm stone:
Zodiac sign:
The name Oleg is suitable for Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo.
The name Oleg gives the impression of something good, strong, beautiful, bold, bright.
Folk signs:
October 3 Oleg the leaf-breaker, on this day the wind knocks the leaves off the trees. If the wind blows from the south, expect a good harvest of winter crops next year.
Gramonia with name bearers: Antonina, Gloria, Clara, Larisa, Maya, Natalia, Rimma, Svetlana, Sophia, Tatyana
Incompatibility with name bearers: Angelina, Varvara, Vera, Daria, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Nina, Oksana, Olga

here everyone has already written about Oleg :), I will add that they tend to be contradictory. but they are restrained, intelligent, love variety, always doubt, but they are stubborn in their opinion. They love companies. Excessive hobbies harm your career.

What does the name Oleg mean? Where did it come from?

Pani monica

The name Oleg is the Russian form of the Old Norse male name Helgi. In translation, it means holy, sanctified.

In modern Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, it sounds like Helge, in Sweden two variants are used - Helge and Hälge, in Iceland and the Faroe Islands the Old Norse form is used - Helgi.

The female form of the Russian name Oleg is Olga, the female form of the Scandinavian name Helge is Helga.

The version about the Slavic origin of Oleg is far-fetched. Firstly, the ancient Slavs used a different principle for the formation of personal names (God + Dan, Izya + Slav, Yaro + Slav). Secondly, Slavic names are distinguished by their malleability, softer and longer sound. The names Oleg and Olga sound more severe, chopped (pronounced as chopped off), not in Slavonic.

The first from the ancient Slavic world we know the Prophetic Oleg, who came along with the Varangians from across the sea. This is the ninth century. Princess Olga was "of the Varangian language", that is, she had a Scandinavian origin.

The Scandinavian name Helgi is known much earlier. Helgi, son of Halfdan I, the legendary Danish king of the early 6th century, is mentioned in Beowulf (an epic poem from the early 8th century). Helgi is one of the heroes of Scandinavian mythology, descending from the god Odin.

Vladimir 83

Self-confident, principled, hardworking and disinterested. Very persistent in achieving the set goal. He has an analytical mind, so everything that happens is subjected to careful analysis. Can achieve significant success in any profession, and often reaches a high social position.

According to the most common version, the name comes from the Old Norse name Helgi (Helgi) formed from the adjective heilagr - "saint"; in pagan times - "dedicated to the gods"; its translation into Old Russian is Olga.

According to another version, the word comes from the same root as the Russian words "easy", "benefit", "lga" - relief, lightness, freedom, opportunity, that is, it has a common Slavic etymology and is a purely Russian name, while in Scandinavian sources, the name Helgi became known much later.

Meaning of the name

Oleg is the owner of a very controversial character. He is impulsive and capricious, failures for a long time knock out solid ground from under his feet. But he likes to flaunt his successes, so that everyone appreciates his mind, quick wit and success. The origins of his activity are not a character given by nature, but a sense of duty, so Oleg does many of the things he undertakes without much enthusiasm. This man also possesses such qualities as adherence to principles, charm, industriousness, prudence, therefore, in life he manages to achieve a lot, which is largely facilitated by the originality of his mind.

Characteristics of the name Oleg

Winter Oleg - nature is stubborn, proud and impregnable. Often his independence and independence are mistaken for self-confidence, so this man has few friends. He is very demanding of others, but in relation to himself this quality does not show. In fairness, we note that everything that he undertakes, he does very well, therefore he is valued and respected at work. The kindness of winter Oleg deserves special attention, because of which he often suffers.

Spring Oleg vulnerable, stubborn, sensitive and capricious. He carefully monitors his appearance, because he believes that it is the outer shell that is the basis on which relations between people are initially built. Oleg, born in the spring, will not tolerate anyone's superiority, so he tries to do everything in his power to prove his leadership. Pride, exactingness and pretentiousness make him a difficult person to communicate, so he has few close people.

Summer Oleg kind and quick-tempered, vulnerable, but quick-witted, he does not know how to be angry for a long time, so he quickly forgets about his grievances. Thanks to his cheerful nature and natural good nature, this man has many friends who are ready to share both joy and sorrow with him. The summer Oleg himself will also come to the aid of his loved ones at any time of the day or night. There is no place in his life for gray everyday life, because he is always surrounded by cheerful people for whom reality is a holiday.

Autumn Oleg - a focused, methodical and reasonable man who is very attentive to everything that happens around him. He knows how to analyze the situation, draw not only the appropriate conclusions, but also work on mistakes, which helps him avoid many troubles. The practicality of the autumn Oleg often prevents him from building personal relationships, since he is always looking for a catch in everything. If he learns to take life easier, then life will become easier for him.

Stone - talisman

Oleg's mascot stones are pearls, opal and aquamarine.


The pearl is rightfully considered the only decoration that is generated by a living being. Therefore, it is not surprising that our ancestors believed that pearls are of divine origin, and therefore have magical properties.

In China, pearls were considered a symbol of wisdom. In Greece and Rome - the personification of rebirth and purification.

Traditional healers endowed pearls with healing properties and believed that pearls have a general strengthening effect and increase the vitality of the body.

Pearls symbolize longevity and prosperity, true love and joy. This stone helps to improve mood, pacifies pride and vanity, protects from anger, envy, resentment, hatred and betrayal.

Interesting fact! It is not recommended for single people to wear this stone, since pearls favorably affect only family people. So, for loners, he promises melancholy and depression, while in family life he is able to bring peace and tranquility.


This stone, symbolizing fidelity and at the same time inconsistency, has been used by magicians for centuries as a talisman that protects against black witchcraft, damage, the evil eye and other blows of fate.

In the East, they believed that opal protects love and happiness, protects against illness and theft, develops existing talents, and enhances the gift of prophecy.

But! Opal helps only decent and noble people achieve their goal. At the same time, the magical properties of an opal set in gold are doubled.

Opal enhances the spiritual principle, grants peace and harmony, fights depression and insomnia, improves heart affairs, protects family happiness.

black opal negatively affects the character of a person, prompting him to a wild life and bad habits.

white opal enhances the positive qualities of its owner, granting him wisdom, humility and patience.

fire opal brings passion to the relationship and symbolizes love.

blue opal helps to learn new things and improves relationships with others.

green opal improves health and longevity.


Aquamarine helps to establish personal life and establish friendly contacts with others, the main condition is the sincere desire of the owner of this stone to change his life for the better, to become kinder and more responsive.

Ancient people endowed aquamarine with powerful magical properties and attributed to it the ability to cool destructive passions, improve well-being, enlighten the mind, correct thinking, and suppress base desires.

Aquamarine transforms the most primitive desires into something auspicious and creative, eliminates family problems, making marriage long and happy.




Oleg is patronized by two planets - Venus and Jupiter (you can read more about them in the article).


The element named after Oleg is Fire (more information about this element can be found in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in human life").


Libra and Sagittarius are considered favorable signs of the zodiac for Oleg (you can read about these signs in the article "Elements, planets and numbers in human life").

Animal - symbol

Oleg's totem animal is a snake (snake), symbolizing, on the one hand, death (it's no secret to anyone that a snake bite can be extremely dangerous), and on the other hand, rebirth, wisdom, power (a snake not only sheds its skin, changing her to a new one, but her poison also has certain healing properties).

The coiled snake personifies the cycle of phenomena in nature: sunrise and sunset, life and death, beginning and end, wisdom and stupidity.

The snake, symbolizing power, power and knowledge, is considered an intermediary between Heaven and Earth.

In the Christian tradition, the snake is the so-called ambivalent symbol, personifying both the wisdom and sacrifice of Christ, as well as the tempter Satan, who caused the fall of Adam and Eve.


Plants-symbols of Oleg are hazel and camellia.


It symbolizes fertility, wisdom and supernatural abilities, so hazel branches were often used to make divination and magic wands.

The hard shell of the nut and its delicious core are the personification of secrets and life's difficulties.

The Germans believe that hazel brings good luck and family happiness to lovers, while for Italians this tree is a symbol of longevity, health and material well-being.

In Russia, hazel at all times was considered a blessed tree, so its branches were used as a protective amulet against witchcraft. In addition, our ancestors believed that a double walnut would definitely bring happiness and wealth.


This flower symbolizes grace, beauty, health, well-being, dispassion, strength of body and spirit.

Interesting fact! During the period of the prohibition of Christianity in Japan, it was the camellia that became the symbol of Jesus Christ (underground Japanese Catholics were forbidden to wear a cross, instead of which they used this flower).


Oleg's metal is zinc, symbolizing youth, health and success. This metal represents prosperity and longevity.

auspicious day


origin of the name Oleg

Name translation

From Old Norse, the name Oleg is translated as "sacred", "dedicated to the gods", "bright", "clear".

Name history

The name Oleg comes from the Old Norse Helga.

It is also believed that the history of the male name Oleg began with the famous Rurik brothers, in whose dynasty it was one of the most common during the XII - XIV centuries.

In Orthodoxy, this name entered the calendar after the canonization of Prince Oleg Bryansky, who abdicated and became a monk.

Forms (analogues) of the name

Common forms of the name Oleg: Olezhek, Olezhechka, Lying, Olezha, Olezhka, Lega, Olegushka, Olezhenka.

The secret of the name Oleg

name patrons

Oleg is patronized by the holy noble Prince Oleg of Bryansk.

Angel Day (name day)

The legend about the name Oleg

The noble prince Oleg Romanovich was the son of the Bryansk prince Roman Mikhailovich and the grandson of Mikhail Chernigov (the latter was martyred by the Tatars in 1246).

During that difficult period, the Russian lands were captured by the Tatar Horde, and therefore the princes carried out the will of the Tatar khans. According to one of these orders, Saint Oleg and his father took part in the war directed against Lithuania. At the end of this campaign, Oleg abandoned the worldly vain life, from fame and fortune, and devoted his life to serving God. Oleg ceded his throne to his brother, and he himself took monastic vows.

Saint Oleg was famous for the strictness of monastic life, piety and humility. It was he who, at his own expense, erected the Bryansk Peter and Paul Monastery, in which he died around 1331. His body was buried under the bushel of the same monastery.

Interesting fact! Today, a parting prayer service is served at the relics of St. Oleg of Bryansk for conscripts who ask the fearless warrior prince for blessings, as well as help in completing difficult military service.

Famous people

Famous actors and artists named Oleg:

  • Oleg Tabakov;
  • Oleg Basilashvili;
  • Oleg Menshikov;
  • Oleg Yankovsky;
  • Oleg Strizhenov;
  • Oleg Dal;
  • Oleg Efremov;
  • Oleg Borisov;
  • Oleg Vidov;
  • Oleg Zhakov;
  • Oleg Kharitonov;
  • Oleg Anofriev.

Famous singers named Oleg:

  • Oleg Gazmanov;
  • Oleg Garkusha (leader of the "Auktyon" group);
  • Oleg Nesterov (leader of the Megapolis group);
  • Oleg Mityaev.

Famous athletes named Oleg:

  • Oleg Blokhin - famous Ukrainian football player and coach;
  • Oleg Maskaev - Russian professional boxer;
  • Oleg Veretennikov - Russian football player;
  • Oleg Bazilevich - Soviet football player and coach;
  • Oleg Dolmatov - Soviet football player and coach;
  • Oleg Goncharenko - Soviet speed skater, who was the first in the USSR to win the title of world champion in this sport;
  • Oleg Romantsev - Soviet football player and coach;
  • Oleg Kuznetsov - Soviet football player;
  • Oleg Prudius - Ukrainian professional wrestler;
  • Oleg Protasov - Soviet football player and coach.

Oleg Popov - Soviet circus artist and famous clown.

Oleg Antonov - Soviet aircraft designer who developed AN aircraft.

Oleg Deripaska - the famous Russian businessman.

The meaning of the name Oleg

For a child

Little Oleg is subject to other people's influence, because of which he not only often gets into various troubles, but is also able to adopt certain bad habits from his peers. For this reason, from childhood, Oleg's parents must clearly control his social circle in order to stop the negative influence from the outside on their child in time. In general, the boy is very attached to his parents, and especially to his mother, who is a real ideal for him.

At the same time, Olezhka has a developed sense of superiority, he is self-confident and arrogant, so it is quite difficult for him to make friends and join the company. Despite this, this boy is kind and calm, fair and honest, just his energy needs to be directed in the right direction.

From early childhood, Oleg shows such qualities as perseverance, adherence to principles and perseverance, so it is not difficult for him to beg from his relatives for another toy or candy. But still, Oleg’s desires should not be followed, because in the future this may negatively affect his fate (the boy must understand that nothing is given in this life just like that).

Oleg studies well, especially he is given the exact sciences, during the development of which he can use the full potential of his analytical mind. But he also studies humanitarian subjects with ease and interest.

For teenager

Young Oleg is not used to sharing his emotional experiences, he is restrained in expressing emotions, strict and impregnable. He cannot be called a loner, but he is absolutely not attracted to large companies (he tries to stay apart, while it will not be difficult for him to go against public opinion).

Oleg always shows his leadership qualities and strength of character in everything, so you should not expect this young man to accept the rules of the game imposed on him. At the same time, he is open and sincere, just his pragmatism is often perceived as arrogance, and prudence - for rigidity. The life of young Oleg is not facilitated by natural stubbornness, with which the young man is not even going to fight.

Hardworking, independent and principled Oleg, in order to achieve his goal, is ready to act rather harshly and hostilely, while the interests of those around him are absolutely not of interest to him. But he himself loves to teach and give practical advice.

It is impossible not to say that young Oleg is talented, charming, charismatic and attractive, and therefore enjoys the attention of the fair sex. It is not surprising that he knows all the delights of sexual life before many of his peers. Love stories become an integral part of the owner of this name, although he never fully surrenders to passions, listening to the voice of reason.

For a man

Restraint, pride, assertiveness and confidence - these are the qualities that are inherent in an adult Oleg, who always keeps his feelings under control. Its practicality helps to set achievable goals, the conquest of which is a feasible and not meaningless task.

Outwardly, Oleg is cold and restrained, although passions can burn inside this temperamental man. The duality of Oleg's nature attracts and repels at the same time: he is self-confident and indecisive, pragmatic and romantic, open and withdrawn. It is not easy to solve it, but those who manage to do this will acquire in his person a true friend and a loving man.

The irony and straightforwardness of Oleg are far from clear to everyone, so many are afraid of communicating with this man who is not afraid to express his opinion in person, regardless of whether it coincides with the opinion of the majority or not.

Adult Oleg is not used to relying on someone. His ideal world resembles an impregnable fortress in which life flows as usual. It is also important for him that his house was a full bowl, and his relatives and friends did not need anything.

Description of the name Oleg


Oleg is principled and honest, but at the same time he can trample on moral standards if this promises him benefits. Moreover, in order to achieve the goal, he can cross the line of tact and diplomacy, offending a person with a harsh word.


Oleg's health is strong, and all for the simple reason that he starts playing sports early (as you know, physical activity strengthens the body).


Oleg knows how to beautifully look after a woman, he is generous, attentive and caring: his chosen one will not feel a lack of compliments and gifts. The romanticism of this man is also captivating, running counter to his practicality and rigidity: a candlelit dinner, a visit in the middle of the night with a huge bouquet of roses - all this can be easily arranged by Oleg.

But! His passion passes very quickly, therefore, in order to keep Oleg, a woman needs to surround herself with an aura of mystery and maintain intrigue.

Oleg will be able to truly fall in love with a smart, interesting, mysterious and feminine girl who knows how to properly present herself in society. In addition, in a woman he appreciates individuality, therefore he is looking for an extraordinary chosen one.

Communicating with women, Oleg immediately takes the initiative into his own hands, so it is quite difficult for girls to resist the pressure and onslaught of this self-confident and powerful man.


Important! Most often, the choice of a life partner is influenced by Oleg's idealization of his mother, therefore he is looking for a wife who looks like a mother. If he does not find the same ideal woman, then he tries to remake his beloved, who, having resisted, may lose her family.

Oleg marries exclusively for love, and when the feeling passes, he can leave the family in search of a new passion.

Mostly in Oleg's life there are two marriages, and if the second turns out to be unsuccessful, then the owner of this name is unlikely to ever tie the bonds of Hymen.

Family relationships

For Oleg in family relationships, care, trust and love are extremely important. If the spouse cannot give him all this, then the marriage will quickly fall apart. In addition, Oleg's chosen one is simply obliged to find a common language with his mother, otherwise serious quarrels and scandals cannot be avoided.

Note that Oleg is a faithful, attentive and caring spouse who will always help his wife with the housework and will gladly assume certain obligations for raising children. But still, his relationship with children does not always work out well, which is due to the excessive severity and exactingness of Oleg, who is used to controlling everything.

It may also happen that the family for Oleg will become only one of the components of the puzzle of success, something picturesque and ostentatious, while in fact there will be no feelings between him and his wife.


Oleg is passionate, erotic and sexy, he tends to get carried away often, but his feelings fade just as quickly. At the same time, he does not take his intimate life too seriously, because sexual relations for him are one of the opportunities to assert himself. This is a pleasant entertainment that can bring pleasure to both partners.

The owner of this name is looking for new sensations in the sexual sphere, so he is not afraid to experiment. His sexual behavior depends on the woman herself: for example, with one partner, Oleg can be gentle and relaxed, and on the other, tough and even despotic.

Mind (intelligence)

Analytical mindset and amazing ability to correctly analyze, calculate and calculate everything help Oleg to make correct conclusions.


Work for the hardworking and purposeful Oleg is the most important component of life, but he treats it exclusively as a source of income. For this reason, he rarely finds his true calling, working mostly for mercantile reasons. Despite this, Oleg is a good and valuable employee who can be both a neat performer and a responsible leader.

Oleg's qualities such as excessive straightforwardness, intractability, dryness and intransigence can interfere with Oleg's career advancement. This man will make an excellent programmer, manager, teacher, lawyer, doctor, politician or actor.


Oleg's business will definitely go uphill, but only on the condition that he will build it himself, without the help of partners. Otherwise, disagreements, quarrels and even litigation cannot be avoided.


Sport is Oleg's main hobby, because he devotes a lot of time to his physical development, and he does it with great pleasure, and not under duress.

Character type


Balanced, practical and logical, Oleg can be a gentle romantic, he is just ready to reveal his true nature only to the closest people.

Oleg is an internally strong person who can stand up not only for himself, but also for others. But he knows how to restrain himself and smooth out sharp corners, which speaks of his diplomacy. This man tries to suppress the will of others, he likes to command, and he does this not always correctly.

The owner of this name greatly appreciates his independence, which he is not ready to part with even in marriage.


Oleg's intuition is poorly developed, and this man will use only his mind when making decisions.

Horoscope named after Oleg

Oleg - Aries

This is an independent, daring, straightforward and sharp man in communication, for whom someone else's opinion means absolutely nothing. At the same time, Oleg-Aries, for all his categoricalness, absolutely cannot stand loneliness, therefore he either surrounds himself with acquaintances and friends, or starts a relationship in which the other half must invariably admire his partner, thereby stimulating his activity. The Oleg-Aries woman must have great patience.

Oleg - Taurus

Balanced, self-confident and intelligent Oleg-Taurus is unhurried and reasonable. He weighs his every word, and ponders his actions, so he cannot stand surprises, fuss and any unrest. If feelings are born in the heart of Oleg-Taurus, then they are always solid. Moreover, this man is very attentive to his chosen one in particular and to relationships in general. He is a wonderful family man who will never leave his family.

Oleg - Gemini

Politeness, diligence and nobility of Oleg-Gemini are truly captivating. But the emotionality of this man, his temperament and passion can prevent him from building both work and family relationships. From a woman, he expects warmth, care and sincere love.

Harmonious and warm relationships for Oleg-Gemini are the basis of life. He is very hard going through betrayal, because he is faithful to his partner.

Oleg - Cancer

This is a changeable nature, whose mood changes in a split second, therefore it is sometimes difficult to find a common language with Oleg-Rak. His sensitivity and vulnerability become the reasons that he is prone to depression. Therefore, it is very important for him that there is a woman nearby who can support, console and encourage Oleg-Rak in any situation. At the same time, this man can take advantage of the situation and shift his worries and problems to his beloved.

Oleg - Leo

A gambling, energetic and active adventurer - this is how Oleg-Lev can be characterized, for whom life is a game full of amazing adventures, new and incredibly interesting events. He is waiting for gifts from fate, while he himself is in no hurry to do anything in order to achieve his goal. Oleg-Lev is a real seducer who can charm any woman with his sweet exhortations. When the feelings pass, he throws his passion without much regret.

Oleg - Virgo

Serious, thorough, tough, principled and strong, Oleg-Virgo is always guided solely by facts and sober calculation. He knows how to analyze and see the details that help to understand the main essence. Oleg-Virgo will choose a woman with high spiritual values. In addition, such qualities of the chosen one as tenderness, responsiveness and kindness are important for him. Therefore, quarrelsome women who cannot live without scandals, he bypasses.

Oleg - Libra

The courageous and calm Oleg-Libra behaves very delicately with others, because any showdown disgusts his peaceful nature. He is always ready for compromises, since he considers a constructive dialogue to be the tool by which any problem can be resolved. Oleg-Libra tries not to let women get close, as he is afraid of being betrayed. For a long time he chooses the only one with whom he then builds a strong family.

Oleg - Scorpio

Ambitious, but at the same time irresponsible Oleg-Scorpio lives for today. He tries to please everyone around him, so he flirts with women and flatters men, thereby surrounding himself with insincere people. Oleg-Scorpio often uses his charm for his own selfish purposes, especially when it comes to winning the love of women. Bottom line: short but bright novels, after which there is emptiness in the soul.

Oleg - Sagittarius

This is a smart, tactful, intelligent and talented man, whose energy would be enough for more than one person. He is witty, positive and enthusiastic, and sees the world in pink. This is probably why many of his unrealistic plans come true, despite their unreality. Oleg-Sagittarius needs an equally active dreamer, with whom he can realize his crazy ideas. For this man, it is important that his chosen one accepts all his strange ideas with understanding.

Oleg - Capricorn

This is a sincere and good-natured man, with whom it is always interesting and fun, while Oleg-Capricorn is balanced and knows clear lines between fun and seriousness. He is always open for communication, but not in his habit of opening his soul to people. Oleg-Capricorn is a reverent connoisseur of female beauty, but the decisive moment when choosing a chosen one is still the inner content of a woman and her spiritual qualities. In a woman, he appreciates a sense of humor, tact and patience.

Oleg - Aquarius

This is an attentive, but absolutely impassive person, whose responsiveness is feigned. In fact, Oleg-Aquarius takes care of himself exclusively. He is observant, methodical, patient and reasonable, but romanticism and impulsiveness are not inherent in him at all, so women get bored with him. Oleg Aquarius tries to please the fair sex, he is elegant and gallant, but this is not enough to win women's hearts.

Oleg - Pisces

The closed, timid and even apathetic Oleg-Pisces is constantly struggling with his weaknesses and contradictions that arise in his soul. He lacks the inner strength and self-confidence to take control of his destiny and manage it, so he often relies only on chance. Next to Oleg-Pisces is often a strong, tough and strong-willed woman, whose main task is to guide her humble chosen one on the true path.

Oleg name compatibility with female names

Oleg and Olga

Oleg and Marina

Oleg and Christina

This couple is able to survive any difficulties, because their strength lies in spiritual kinship, while the material component fades into the background or third plan. Oleg and Christina live with feelings, so their union is strong.

Oleg and Victoria

Oleg and Love

Despite diligence and ambition, Oleg is often irresponsible in relation to the family, which absolutely does not suit solid Love, for which such components of family life as stability and regularity are important.

Oleg and Evgenia

They say about people like Oleg and Zhenya that they are "not loved by the brownie", therefore it is quite natural that they cannot build a strong family outside the walls of the house. The union of these two people does not stand the test of family life and breaks up.

Oleg and Larisa

Larisa's love of life is for Oleg the catalyst that makes him constantly move forward and not stop there. Sexual compatibility also plays an important role in their relationship.

Oleg and Alena

One goal, one dream, one aspirations - this is what the couple Oleg and Alena live for. They do not conflict over trifles, since peace and tranquility in the family is more important for them than any Italian passions that only destroy marriage.

Oleg and Vera

Freedom-loving Oleg and independent Vera cannot accept the fact that there are two leaders in their family who want to reign supreme. It is the unwillingness to compromise that causes the breakup of this couple.

Oleg and Alexandra

The sincere love of Oleg and Alexandra helps them overcome any difficulties that fate has in store for them. These are wonderful lovers, true friends and ideal spouses, so their family can be called exemplary.

Oleg - a name with Scandinavian roots, translated means "bright" or "sacred." It can also be called princely, since it was with them that it enjoyed great success.

The meaning of the name Oleg says that he is growing up as a capable boy. He studies well at school, he can be an excellent student in all subjects. He is especially helped in this by his inherent concentration and tendency to analyze. Most attracted Oleg Usually he always gets higher education.

He has an analytical mind. However, he can easily succumb to someone else's influence, which is why Oleg may develop bad habits. Therefore, parents, especially in adolescence, should carefully monitor the environment of their son. It is not always easy for little Olezhka to make decisions on his own. Therefore, in childhood, parents should prompt him and explain how best to act in a given situation.

The secret of the name Oleg characterizes him as a self-confident person. He is also usually focused, principled and hardworking. He is used to standing his ground to the last, which is why he may have enemies and ill-wishers.

Oleg is in perfect control of himself, loses his temper quite rarely. However, it can be difficult to communicate with him, his stubbornness sometimes has no boundaries. Oleg usually does not have many friends, but he is very devoted to his close people, and he will expect the same from them. He is sympathetic and forgives grievances quickly, prone to self-irony. Oleg carefully analyzes each of his actions, evaluating the positive and negative sides. He has a well-developed intuition.

The meaning of the name Oleg shows that its owners are very attached to their parents. And his mother is the ideal woman for him. He will look for a life partner similar to her, or, if possible, try to remake his wife. If his wife cannot accept this or compromise, then there may be frequent quarrels in the family.

Monogamous, but outwardly Oleg may be coldish, however, he will always be a faithful husband. His relationship with his mother-in-law is usually cool. Of course, he respects his wife's parents, but he will not have strong feelings for them. The meaning of the name Oleg characterizes him as a good owner, he simply In household chores, he will always help his wife.

He loves his children, but they do not always feel his sincerity and warmth, so relationships do not always work out well.

The meaning of the name Oleg reveals him as a good worker. He has a good memory, able to notice the smallest details in business. He prefers professions that require independence, clarity and attentiveness. Oleg can become an excellent lawyer, electronics engineer, investigator, mathematician and even a teacher. He does not strive to make a career quickly, he achieves success in stages.

To achieve the goal, he is ready for anything, he can even become hostile and act in prejudice to the interests of those around him. He likes to give advice and teach, however, he does not accept any comments and even recommendations addressed to him. Oleg usually does not become a leader, but he never aspires to this.

Oleg's character traits are prudence and coldness, the goal is self-affirmation and financial well-being.

The name Oleg is derived from the Danish "Helg", which means "saint".

Origin of the name Oleg:

According to the most common version, this name comes from the Old Norse "Helgi", which was formed from the word "heilagr" - "saint". First appeared in Russia with the beginning of the reign of Ruriks.

Characteristics and interpretation of the name Oleg:

Little Oleg is calm and focused. He is a quiet child, not prone to noisy games, but easily succumbs to other people's influence and can get into trouble "for the company." He has great affection for his mother. He is mentally gifted more than physically, sciences are easy for him, Oleg studies with pleasure, he is especially good at exact sciences. However, Olegs love variety and search, in their youth they tend to try as many things as possible, and it is very difficult to keep them from this. In youth, they are distinguished by some moral instability and a tendency to doubt. Young Olegs constantly need to be reassured, guided and supported.

Olegs achieve great success in professions related to technology and the exact sciences. Concentration, hard work and innate ability to work with his hands make him an attentive and responsible worker, but Oleg is also good at theoretical and analytical work. Oleg rarely strives for leadership, preferring calmness and confidence in the future. Ambitious in terms of speedy and high-quality work. In communication, Oleg is calm and somewhat cool, which is why he sometimes seems arrogant and self-satisfied. Olegs are characterized by hesitation and distrust, which they hide by distancing themselves from people. It is sometimes difficult for Oleg's interlocutors to judge what impression their words made on him, therefore many Olegs have a reputation for arrogant, laconic people. He can be mocking, harsh and intolerant, especially in relations with people who are insecure, crybabies, melancholic. As a rule, he is boring and persistent, does not like being refused. In friendship, he is undemanding and constant, you can rely on him, in loved ones he appreciates confidence and friendly support. Due to prudence and an innate sense of justice, he is able to smooth out conflicts. In his youth, due to insecurity and intolerance, he often makes enemies.

He prefers to build relationships with a woman who looks and looks like his mother. Pays close attention to behavior and habits, demanding, although in youth it can be impulsive and promiscuous. Oleg is always sensitive, he remembers the tastes and preferences of his partner well. A cold mind is combined in it with romance and abstract dreaminess. As a rule, Oleg has a spectacular appearance and takes care of himself. In bed, he is passionate and demanding, although he gives no less than he asks. It cools down quickly, but the fading of passion for him does not mean the fading of interest in a woman. He does not seek to consolidate relations, but having entered into marriage, he does not feel an early desire to get out of it. Not against intrigues on the side, but infrequent.

Having created a family, he tries to earn more, save and save money. He spends a lot on children, whom he loves very much, helps his parents financially.

Olegs born in winter are more self-confident than their "spring" namesakes, and "summer" and "autumn" Olegs are almost always financially secure and occupy a high position in society.

Oleg's marriage with Sofya, Svetlana, Natalya, Tatyana and Maya is successful, relations with Daria, Olga, Ekaterina and Vera can be difficult.
