Is it possible for pregnant women to crochet with knitting needles. What can harm knitting during pregnancy

She divorced her husband five years ago. From marriage, two children 9 and 11 years old. Tired of deciding and dragging everything on yourself family problems And besides, my husband started walking. She left him, as they say, "with one bundle" ... All this time I was equipping a house from scratch, paying off three loans, raising children, it was not easy. Thank God I was lucky and I changed jobs, began to earn more. More or less life began to improve. A year ago I met a man... And Oh God... This is the man I dreamed of. The complete opposite of mine ex-husband. And care and attention. One But ... He is a single father ... His wife left him with a child, went to his to the best friend. In principle, this situation did not frighten me and I thought, well, where are two children there and the third one will not be a hindrance ... But it turned out that everything is not so simple ... I like wise woman immediately began to look for an approach to the child, bought her toys, completely replaced her wardrobe, the poor child did not even have decent things, everything was washed out so much .... I bought her a bunch of beautiful rubber bands for the garden. I tried my best to please. The girl is 5 years old ... The child is problematic, does not understand anything, in the garden they complain about her that she does not obey, does not want to study .... At home she does whatever she wants, does not respond to comments. He says that he understood and immediately creates again !!!
Mom does not participate in the upbringing of the child in any way, she does not pay alimony, referring to the fact that she pays a joint loan ... Well, okay, God bless her ...
We all lived together for a year ... I thought that she would change and we would live happily ... But nothing changed ...
I was infuriated by her behavior and because of this I was constantly not in the mood, so we began to swear with Alexei. I couldn't tell him that his daughter pisses me off... I understand that he loves her more life... I thought about breaking up, but I love him and he loves me very much .... and he communicates well with my children, goes to chess with my son .... I don’t know what to do .. It seems to me that his daughter will never change And I will never love her...


Olga Morozova

Hello. I've already somehow created a topic about neighbor's dogs, how to scare them away. In the autumn, in September, a neighbor's dog bit our kitten, in the middle of the day, one might say, in front of a neighbor (the owner of the dog) and ours (I and my son saw it). They simply simply did not have time to do anything, how much does a 3-month-old kitten need. I then said a lot of things to the neighbors because of their dogs. They apologized, promised to look after them, but at the same time the phrase sounded: hunting dogs (ordinary mongrels at the same time) and cats will still be attacked, they called it happy (((
To be honest, I didn't want to more cats start, but in October, for her daughter's birthday, they brought her a gift-kitten .. There is a tray at home and the cat goes there, but only in a small way, but in a big one she got used to the street. They let her out, looked after her all the time. And that week, the neighbor's dog jumped over the snowdrifts to our yard and grabbed the cat right at the porch. At that time, I was hanging clothes to dry under a canopy, he did not see me, but I did not immediately see / did not hear him, he attacked without a sound. I jumped out at the squeal of a cat. I repulsed it, while he slashed his teeth on the sleeve of the jacket and tore my sleeve. When I calmed down and treated the cat a little and calmed down myself, I went to the neighbors and said I would complain. The weekend passed, they did not take any measures (the dog both ran down the street and continues to run). Today I wrote a complaint to the district police officer, but I was struck by his words, they say, we cannot take any measures in relation to the owner of the dog, there is no punishment or fine for this. Only if you go further and sue them for material and moral damage. But I don’t want to get involved with the court because of the cat and the torn sleeve. Are there really no laws so that the district police officer, relying on them, could somehow influence the owners of dogs who strangle cats on their own and in other people's yards? In general, I wrote a lot, just if you start a war with your neighbors, then relying on the laws ... Maybe someone will tell you something ...


Elena Nefedova

I must say right away that doctors were bypassed in 2 years, no one saw any problems. Is it character?
Daughter younger 2.1. He does not speak very much, there are no phrases, probably 20-30 words. The rest - do not parse. Executive, understands everything, responds to the name, fulfills requests. She goes to the potty and eats by herself.
But recent months 4 behavior is just out ... Gets crazy if something is not for her. And when he freaks out, he starts throwing everything. That is, he specifically takes everything that is at hand and throws it. Or brushes off the table. A toy, a remote control, a cup, whatever. Very touchy. Throw something - I can slap her on the arm. That is, in terms of strength - as soon as I put my hand on her hand, even the slightest pain is out of the question - she starts to roar and yell, she turns red. And until either I give up or someone comes up to pity her, she won't calm down.
Another joke - if he does not want to go somewhere on the street - he sits on the ground. And that's all there is. Either stand for half an hour to persuade, or grab it by force and run. If you leave, he won't run after me. Well, it also happens at home, in protest, lie on the floor.

Is this normal? Nothing like this ever happened to the older one. So I am in a slight shock, although everyone around me only says how lucky I am that my youngest daughter is so calm and obedient. Whereeeee? By the way, she is adored in the garden, she just behaves perfectly there. How is that?
And such behavior is with me, and with my husband, and with grandfathers and grandmothers !!



Topic to chat. Do you think about the skills of your children? Will explain. A friend's son is a couple of months younger than mine, and now she proudly sends me a video where her baby crawls on the floor like a worm. She happily writes that he is starting to crawl. But for me, it's just a fuss on the carpet))) Or he kicks his ass back, and she thinks that he gets on all fours. I'm just either too critical of my son, or a realist. But until he specifically crawled at least 30 centimeters, I somehow didn’t say that he was starting to crawl. And if he sits with support on one arm - this is not yet sitting. Which camp do you belong to and why?



I got a job half a year ago. Child 3.5. He goes to the garden. Walked well in autumn. I went out for a full day. And now, for almost the whole of February and half of March, I have been sitting at home. I got a job through an acquaintance, no one said anything to me for the omissions, but last time they already hinted that something should be done with the sick leave. I found a nanny through an agency, but my mother panicked that a nanny was not needed (my mother has the same commander), she herself meets him from the garden, but the hospital says we will sit in turn, she will be 2 days, I will be three. But often she either flies away somewhere, then she has a theater, then she doesn’t want to at all and everything is unreliable. And nothing good came of it. The nanny eventually found some other shift work and now she can’t come at the click of a button, only on her own weekends. Mom also teases that I will give half of my salary to a nanny. I can't work normally. I don’t want to leave, because now my husband doesn’t earn enough for everything, I buy clothes for myself, for women’s necessities, plus I pay for vacation, I can save for a mortgage, we save up. Mom realized that we just couldn’t save up for an apartment, she stopped reproaching the purchased apartment, before that her husband was constantly baling, what was he thinking about when he created a family. The husband, although he considers himself a breadwinner, is not enough for everything. And I don't want to lose my job, experience, qualifications. And it’s also very difficult mentally to sit with a child for 2 weeks. I'm better at work, but I can't get there. Only goes to the garden for 5 days and again for 2 weeks at home. I am constantly nervous. How to work and look at the child at the same time. How do women do it?



Good afternoon, dear forum users. We need a collective mind, my brain is no longer working. Given: there is a small studio for preparing for the Unified State Examination and the OGE: Russian, English, Society and Math. I plan to expand - open a second one in another area, and change the name of both studios. The so-called rebranding to produce. Now the name is AbveGE. I want something interesting and to the point. The husband suggests "a studio for preparing for the Unified State Examination, last name, first name." I don't like it, it's too pretentious. The room is small, three classes and an admin desk, which I stand behind if there is no lesson. Don't call it a course. I would be grateful for advice: how can I call it more interesting.


Superstitions and signs during pregnancy have always caused a lot of controversy and conflict, because for some they are a far-fetched relic of the past, for others they are considered reliable “helpers” in life. Signs become more relevant during pregnancy, when the expectant mother is exposed to various emotions, and is able to react instantly to any coincidence, believing in what happened.

Many signs are associated with the umbilical cord. For example, according to one pregnant woman, it is forbidden to knit throughout the pregnancy, the second says that hands should not be raised above the head, because in both cases the baby will get tangled in the umbilical cord. According to doctors, entwining a baby with an umbilical cord in the womb is a fairly common occurrence. The reason is not what the girl is doing, but rather the length of the umbilical cord and the excessive activity of the fetus. However, doctors also advise expectant mothers to change their body position when doing their favorite soothing activity, choosing more comfortable postures so as not to reduce the flow of blood to the fetus.
Lying on the couch every day and sitting in the park is not interesting. Start cooking, knitting scarves or making toys for a baby?

Knitting during pregnancy can be a rewarding pastime

For many women, motherhood becomes the key to discovering completely unexpected abilities in themselves. Maybe before that I also liked creativity, but there was no time for it. Maternity leave- the best time to prove yourself.

Everyone knows that many women begin to knit during pregnancy, despite various superstitions. It turns out that such an activity is classified as difficult, but they are difficult only at the very beginning, when a woman has not learned the basics of knitting. You should also know that knitting can cheer up and calm the expectant mother, reduces the tone of the uterus, giving the baby in the tummy serene minutes. It must be remembered that things that are made by hand are very much appreciated, and unusual design ideas very interesting to the layman.

If there is a desire, but no knowledge, and it seems that these patterns, knitting needles will never give in, then this is a mistake. Of course, you can take courses, although learning to knit on your own will be easy. Initially, you should decide what you need to tie the future baby. For example, you can start with booties. Why booties and not socks or slippers? Small children are fidgety by nature, they are almost from birth on the move. The child's legs always cling to each other, the socks move out. Having made the elastic band tighter, the legs are pulled, the baby gets hurt.

In general, if something is not clear, you should pick up the knitting needles, start knitting, and in the course of work everything will become clear.

When knitting booties, start with a set of 35 stitches, knit 8 rows in stocking stitch in this way. 35 loops are divided into two: it turns out 17 loops + 1 loop (main) + 17 loops. Then, on every second row, one loop is added after the first loop, before the main one, after it and before the last one.

Repeat this set three times, after which 47 loops should be formed. Then they knit 10 rows in garter stitch, without subtracting or adding.

Then you need to divide the canvas into 3 parts (19 loops, 9 loops, 19 loops). And knit only the middle 9 loops: 8 front loops, 1 regular broach, unfold, and knit 8 purl loops, 2 loops together with the wrong side, unfold. Thus, knitting middle part, and at the same time pick up one side loop. This must be repeated 8 times. There should be 11 side loops left.

Then knit the middle 9 loops and 11 side loops with the front ones. The next row is knitted with purl stitches.

Then tie holes for laces (2 facial loops, then 2 with a front loop, 1 yarn over, 1 front, repeat this 9 times, and at the end 2 front loops). Next, the row is knitted purl.

The knitting process ends with 10 rows of stocking stitch, 6 rows of garter stitch. Close the loops and start the assembly.

Pregnancy for a woman is a special period when all thoughts and actions are concentrated around a new life that is emerging inside her. A particularly long-awaited and desired child becomes literally the center of the universe for a family expecting their first child.

Often the desire to preserve, protect and protect the fetus from any dangers is so strong that the woman and those around her go to extremes and use strange, illogical and frankly irrational recommendations. Among such eccentric and unconfirmed advice is the statement that the expectant mother cannot be knitted.

What causes prejudice?

It is impossible to pinpoint the origin of the belief that knitting can harm an unborn child or mother. Most likely, we are dealing with an archaic idea that has come to us since the era of home birth and unsanitary conditions, when main help the woman in labor was the presence of a midwife and a basin with hot water. It was the midwives who often advised pregnant women to refrain from knitting, citing the fact that during childbirth, the baby could be wrapped around the umbilical cord and the baby could die.

Indeed, at a time when there were no developed technologies in medicine, a considerable number of births ended in the death of either the mother, or the child, or both. But, despite this, experienced midwives even then knew how to unravel the loops of the umbilical cord that wrapped around the neck and torso of the child during childbirth.

Today, the entanglement of the umbilical cord poses a very small danger to the fetus, which a qualified doctor takes under control.

Reasons for entanglement

Many girls refuse needlework just because they are afraid for the life of the baby. To find out if this is really the case, it is worth understanding what “umbilical cord entanglement” is, with which knitting is associated.

In fact, this is a fairly common phenomenon in obstetric practice, which happens in every fifth case. natural childbirth. Obstetricians-gynecologists call the main reasons for entanglement:

  • Fetal hypoxia, due to which the child becomes restless and mobile, entangled in the loops of the umbilical cord.
  • Greater length. Most often, the umbilical cord is too long (more than 70 cm), which forms loops and even knots in the uterus, which contributes to the entanglement of the fetus.
  • Hereditary factor (if mother or grandmother had cases of entanglement during childbirth).
  • natural motor activity child.

It is impossible to accurately predict whether the umbilical cord will entangle the fetus during childbirth or not. But even if mothers and grandmothers of a woman had such a situation during childbirth, this does not mean at all that it will happen again. But even so, the danger today from entanglement is very small.

According to statistics, only 15% of all cases occur potential harm child (usually this happens with neck entanglement and tight double entanglement).

Unlike an earlier time, when pregnancy and childbirth for a woman were something akin to a lottery, today any, even more serious danger to the life of a future mother and child, is detected and eliminated on early dates. The obstetrician can see the fact of entanglement already at the 32nd week of pregnancy during an ultrasound scan. But even if this does happen, there are still chances that the child himself will unravel the loops with his handles and free himself from the umbilical cord before birth. If the situation is critical, then the obstetrician will prescribe C-section to eliminate the danger to the life of the fetus during natural childbirth.

Based on a medical point of view, knitting during pregnancy has nothing to do with entwining the baby with the umbilical cord. And the pathology itself is not a serious danger to his life today.

How to deal with fears?

Often a pregnant woman is so imbued with various fears and popular superstitions that the question of whether it is possible to knit or crochet during pregnancy has for her great importance. Especially often the tendency to irrational thinking and behavior is shown by women, in life experience which were negative, traumatic and even tragic cases associated with pregnancy, childbirth and young children:

  • Miscarriages and pathological pregnancies.
  • Loss of a previous child.
  • Severe illnesses in children.

All these sad events in the past have an underlying effect on the subconscious of a woman during pregnancy in the present. Wanting to protect yourself and keep you safe difficult situations in the future, the pregnant woman takes all the measures that depend on her, even if they are absolutely not rational. After all, a sane person sees that there is no connection between the movements of the needles and threads and the development of the placenta and the formation of the umbilical cord. A child in the uterus does not see what the mother's hands are doing, and even tying tight loops on the knitting needles cannot in any way affect his intrauterine life.

Nevertheless, this does not stop many pregnant women. It should be understood that such behavior is a completely normal property. human psyche. When we experience fear and anxiety about the unknown future, we always want to take control of it in order to get rid of the painful anxious expectation. Some people even perform rituals that only they can understand, convinced that in this way they will be able to avoid danger in the future.

Psychologists call prejudice "anchors" with which our mind tries to reduce internal stress.

But even if you talk about this pregnant woman who is afraid to pick up knitting needles or a hook, it’s not a fact that this will improve her state of mind. The child is too great a value for her, which cannot be risked. Therefore, even rationally reflecting on the question: why it is impossible to knit a pregnant woman, she and those around her are thus reinsured in case of danger.

How to help a pregnant woman?

Close people who surround the expectant mother, who is prone to neuroses and fears for the unborn child, should adhere to the most tactful line of conduct with her:

  • If refusing to knit and even asking to remove all knitting accessories from the house will help a woman feel calmer, then it is better to fulfill her request.
  • You should not argue with a pregnant woman, try to convince her or prove the opposite, and even more so force her to pick up a ball if this causes her anxiety. During this period, calm and optimistic attitude in a pregnant woman is very important, which must be achieved in any way.
  • If the expectant mother is convinced that it is impossible to knit during pregnancy, you do not need to do it in her presence if she asks for it. A small sacrifice for the sake of peace of mind and calming an anxious woman is worth it.

As a help to a woman, you can use various psychological tricks- affirmations, i.e. frequently repeated positive attitudes for the future. By the way, you can reinforce them with the same knitting, but use positive archetypes to calm the pregnant woman.

If the girl herself realizes that she is faced with psychological problem, and wants to help himself, you can look for positive connotations between knitting and the life of an unborn child.

For example, it could be a myth about ancient Greek goddesses the fates of Moirah, which unravel the tangle of life for each person at the moment of his birth. You can make a positive installation that while knitting future mother knits happy and prosperous, healthy and long life for your child. You can even invite the woman to knit something symbolic for the baby.

It has been proven that things connected by a mother to a child with love and a positive attitude carry healing energy.

Help of a psychotherapist

When the neurosis reaches a critical point, and the pregnant woman reacts hysterically to everything related to knitting, measures must be taken. Constant psychological stress is very harmful for her and for the unborn child, and it must be neutralized with the help of a specialist. You can contact a psychologist who will spend with a woman individual conversation to identify the causes of fears and reduce psychological stress.

Often behind the belief that it is impossible to knit while carrying a child, there is an uncertainty that a woman will be a good mother. If the child was given with difficulty, then with late pregnancy fear for the life of the unborn baby is quite understandable.

If, nevertheless, conversations and psychotherapeutic techniques do not help, and the expectant mother is in anxious anticipation of the future, it is necessary to tell her doctor about this. The specialist will prescribe her light sedatives to reduce stress and cheer up. But you need to take any sedatives only as prescribed by a doctor, since only he knows which medicines are harmless to the mother and the unborn child.

The most important thing to remember in cases where you are faced with irrational behavior and fears in pregnant women is that in this way a powerful instinct for the preservation of offspring, laid down by evolution, works in them. It is necessary to show patience and indulgence, because at this time girls are very vulnerable.

Pregnant women are faced with many taboos associated not only with harm to health, but also with superstitions. Many believe in them, and, worrying about the baby, refuse many things during this period. For example, they say that during this period you can not get a haircut, buy things for a child who has not yet been born. Some women absolutely do not pay attention to such rumors, and do what they see fit. After all, every woman does not want to run her hair and appearance generally. In addition, many of them are impatient to buy or knit some thing for the crumbs. Let's take a closer look at where the ban on knitting came from, and what science thinks about it.

What is the origin of this superstition?

All the superstitions that exist in modern world originate from ancient times. People believed that in no case should a pregnant woman deal with a thread, since the child could be wrapped around the umbilical cord. It is believed that this prohibition was invented by midwives who were taking birth at that time in order to justify themselves when they could not save the child. Modern doctors do not recommend knitting for pregnant women for other reasons. They talk about the danger of ruining your eyesight. They also believe that this is an additional load on the spine.

superstition and reality

Most often, expectant mothers are afraid that the child can be wrapped around the umbilical cord. But to get rid of this fear, it is enough to know where the prohibition came from. At that time, women did not know much about pregnancy, so they easily believed what the midwives said. But many women in 9 months, one way or another, have to deal with the thread. If the superstition came true every time, then most children would be born with this problem.

Modern medicine has its own opinion on this matter. When a woman knits, she is in the same position. This can lead to stagnant processes or insufficient oxygen supply to the child. Therefore, even if a woman nevertheless decided to knit, then it is necessary to take breaks for a warm-up.

Another reason why doctors may not recommend knitting is the effect of the hobby on vision. When there was no electricity, women were forced to do needlework in very poor light, as a result of which they lost their eyesight quite quickly. To avoid this now, it is necessary to provide workplace good lighting, and also periodically take breaks for a little gymnastics for the eyes.

Another belief that will make you think about knitting or not is the opinion that you can’t prepare things for a child in advance. It was believed that this could lead to the birth of a dead child. If we approach this from a practical point of view, then this is due to the fact that an ultrasound examination does not always show the sex of the unborn child. And when future parents buy things that are only suitable for a girl or a boy, then they have nowhere to put them. But this is not such a problem. “Wrong” things can be donated or sold to someone. You can also buy clothes for the future baby neutral colors, and then add blue or pink elements to them. If the expectant mother still believes in this sign, but wants to knit, then she can knit things for adults. And knitting children's things to do after the birth of the crumbs.

Often young women listen to the opinion of their elders, who firmly believe in folk omens and it is strictly forbidden to knit a young pregnant woman or buy things for him, so as not to harm the baby. But each person must decide for himself whether it is worth giving up his favorite activities for the sake of signs.

Knit or not?

As a result, we can say that there is no reasonable confirmation for this superstition. Each woman must decide for herself whether she will do needlework during this period. But often older relatives or colleagues can begin to criticize for this, call her irresponsible. When another person says that knitting at this time is impossible in any case, otherwise you can do harm, involuntarily you start to think about it. And disputes and bickering can cause a lot of unpleasant emotions, which during this period can adversely affect the health and course of pregnancy.

Future mom should experience as much as possible joyful emotions. The main thing is to know that even if you want to knit or weave, this will not affect your health in any way. It is important to be able to defend your point of view in front of others so that this does not lead to a quarrel and frustration. It is necessary to make it clear to others that you are an adult self-sufficient person who, for any reason, can make an independent decision. And if knitting brings you joy, then this is exactly the activity that suits you during pregnancy.

Video: is it possible to knit during pregnancy?

During pregnancy, every woman faces huge amount prohibitions. It is not surprising that expectant mothers involuntarily begin to believe in all sorts of superstitions and prejudices, such as you can’t cut your hair, as well as dye it, pick up things for the future baby in advance, sew and knit.

But at the same time, many pregnant women are convinced that such rumors arise from scratch, and continue to do everything they did before. After all, every pregnant woman wants to look perfect, and why not use the services of a hairdresser for this. Many expectant mothers want to create something for their future child with their own hands, so why not take up knitting.

It is needlework during pregnancy, namely knitting, that we will pay special attention to today.

Where did the superstitions about knitting during pregnancy come from?

All rumors and beliefs come from ancient times, when women gave birth to midwives. The fact is that in those days, many believed that activities related to thread (knitting, weaving, etc.) negatively affect the child in the womb, as a result of which the baby is wrapped around the umbilical cord.

But, in fact, such an explanation was invented by the midwives themselves, who, due to ignorance in this area, often could not protect the baby from suffocation during childbirth. Therefore, such a superstition as “it is forbidden to knit while carrying a child” has a simple explanation.

Meanwhile, in some cases, experts still recommend abandoning needlework, but there are more objective reasons: vision deteriorates, there are problems with, etc.

Knitting during the period of bearing a baby: superstition and reality

The risk of wrapping the baby with the umbilical cord most often scares expectant mothers. But, as we have already said, this opinion came to us from antiquity. At that time, women were forced to do a lot of needlework in order to provide all relatives with the necessary “wardrobe”. And besides, the process of pregnancy was something unusual and incomprehensible for many, so it was much easier to ban something than to risk health little man in the womb.

If we consider such a situation today, then each needlewoman, while knitting, makes many loops on an even thread, hence the resemblance to the umbilical cord and wrapping the baby. But if the superstition were true, then most babies would be born with entanglements.

Modern doctors may impose such a ban for other reasons. The fact is that during needlework women a long period time are in a static position, which can lead to stagnation in certain areas body or insufficient oxygen supply to the child. To prevent such processes, experts recommend that pregnant women take short breaks (15-20 minutes) from time to time and do a simple warm-up.

Also, one of the reasons for the handicraft "taboo" is spoiled vision. In the old days, women knitted a lot in low light. After all, in those days the only ways lighting was a candle or a torch, so it is not surprising that the sight of the weaker sex quickly deteriorated, and the needlewomen simply physically could not long period engage in their activities.

Today, modern lighting devices can solve this problem and prevent the development of early blindness. But even in this case, doctors recommend taking breaks and doing it for the eyes. This does not require much time and effort. During exciting activity look at the corner of the room or the window, and then you can return to knitting again.

Very often you can hear from others that it is impossible to prepare children's things in advance, since such preparations can end in the birth of a dead child. But during pregnancy, every woman wants to prepare everything, including a children's wardrobe, for the birth of a baby.

But there is a simple explanation for this ban. The fact is that ultrasound diagnostics does not always accurately determine the sex of the child. There are times when parents think they are expecting a girl and, accordingly, prepare a wardrobe for her in " pink colors". However, a boy is born, and then moms and dads have a question: where to put the cooked things? But you should not worry about this, since children's outfits can always be sold or re-gifted.

But in order to avoid such awkward moments, experts advise parents to knit or buy neutral things that are perfect for both their little son and their beautiful daughter. After the birth of the baby, interesting elements can be attached to them, indicating belonging to the floor. And also the best option there will be knitting things for adults. Thus, future mothers will do what they love, and the question of preparing a children's wardrobe will disappear by itself.

But the problem of the older generation is quite difficult to eliminate. After all, mothers and grandmothers know better “what is possible” and “what is not” while carrying a baby. This habit of interfering in one's own business often becomes the reason for the refusal of the expectant mother from her favorite pastime in favor of peace in the family.

To knit or not to knit during pregnancy?

So, it is not forbidden to knit for pregnant women. It depends only on them whether they will be engaged in needlework or not. But even if a woman in a position decides to give a damn about all sorts of beliefs and wants to do what she loves, there will still be a person from her environment who, hiding behind care, will teach and point her out. But women in position are simply necessary positive emotions. And how can you get them if someone keeps saying: “You can’t, you will harm the child!”. After all, you involuntarily begin to think and get hung up on a non-existent problem.

A pregnant woman, of course, can defend her point of view, but in return she will receive only resentment and misunderstanding, and negative emotions and quarrels in this position are useless to her. After all, nine months of pregnancy should be the brightest and most joyful. The expectant mother should surround herself only with positive emotions.

To knit or not to knit is up to you, because such superstitions do not affect the course of pregnancy and the condition of the baby. But it is important that your occupation does not become the subject of quarrels, and then nothing will overshadow the happiest period in life.
