The process of dethronement in the Russian Orthodox Church. Is it possible to get married in a church

In this case, it is necessary to have medical documents confirming such dependence.

  • An abortion that was performed without the knowledge of the husband can also serve as a reason for debunking.
  • The presence of an unnatural vice in one of the spouses (homosexuality, bestiality, and so on).
  • The so-called debunking procedure How does the debunking process take place? To be blessed for re church marriage, it is necessary to file a petition for dethronement to the Diocese. You can find out how to do this in any church, where they will help you and answer all your questions. However, it must be remembered that the petition is submitted only after the divorce in the registry office. But as such, the debunking procedure is not carried out and no documents are issued confirming the dissolution of the previous church marriage. In the Diocese, only a blessing is given for a second wedding.

How to debunk a church marriage: procedure, reasons, grounds


The church allows only three weddings, all subsequent marriages cannot be approved by the Orthodox Church. What is needed to receive the blessing of the second wedding ceremony, in addition to asking?

  1. Certificate of dissolution of a previous marriage.
  2. Passport or identity document.
  3. A document confirming the conclusion of a new marriage.
  4. The absence of reasons why the church can refuse to repeat the wedding ceremony (marriage between spiritual and blood relatives and other reasons).

One of the spouses can apply. In the event that you receive a blessing for the second wedding, you can go to any temple and get married.

If the reason for the marriage was treason, then in this case the blessing for re-marriage is given only to the spouse who is not the culprit of the divorce.

Rules for debunking in the Orthodox Church after a divorce

Church Divorce Let's be blunt: if you think that a civil divorce exists, this does not mean that it is possible to dethrone a church marriage. Such a procedure simply does not exist. There is no church divorce. However, if your family is still destroyed, and you decide to remarry in a church marriage with a new spouse, you should not contact the nearest church.

An ordinary priest does not have the right to give permission for a second wedding. You need to contact the nearest Diocesan Office, the address of which will be prompted to you in any church. Please note that before a new wedding, you must be in a registered civil marriage with your second spouse.
When applying to the Diocesan Administration, you need to have with you a Certificate of wedding in the first marriage, a document on the dissolution of the first marriage from the registry office and a Certificate of registration of a new marriage.

How to get divorced after a divorce: order

  • Is it possible to get married in a church after a divorce and is it necessary, possible grounds
  • The procedure for dissolving a church marriage
  • The rite of dethronement Orthodox Church
  • How to get divorced after divorce
    • Is it possible to get married without the consent of the husband or wife
    • What you need: what documents, where to apply, how much to pay and wait
  • How many times can you get married

How does a church marriage break down? Under what conditions Orthodox person can get married with an ex-spouse, is there such a church rite? Let's talk! Is it possible to get married in a church after a divorce and is it necessary, possible grounds If irreconcilable differences nevertheless arose between the spouses and it was decided to divorce, then it is necessary to contact the registry office, where the formal procedure for dissolution of marriage will be completed.

The debunking of church marriage, reasons

What you need: what documents, where to apply, how much to pay and wait If you decide to terminate the previous union and remarry and go through the wedding procedure for the second time, then you will need the following list of documents in order to correctly submit the application:

  1. The passport,
  2. Certificate of dissolution of the first marriage,
  3. Church marriage certificate
  4. If the divorce occurs due to the fact that the spouse has lost legal capacity, is ill with an incurable disease, then medical documents confirming this should be provided, as well as a death certificate if the first spouse died.

Together with these documents, you must apply to the Diocese for permission to conduct a second wedding ceremony. Sometimes a petition for dethronement is filed instead.

Is it possible to dethrone a church marriage

Despite the negative attitude of the church towards divorces, priests periodically allow their adherents to re-marry. If the reasons mentioned above are present, it is possible to get married after a divorce even without the consent of the husband or wife. Under all other circumstances, each specific case considered individually.

It is likely to be refused if the priests consider insufficient grounds. In what order it is necessary to act After the married husband and wife officially divorced, it is necessary to contact the church and go through the procedure for dissolving the already church marriage. by the Russian Orthodox Church established order debunking, which can be completed within 2-3 weeks.
First of all, in order to get married, you need to visit the parish where the wedding took place, you need to try to communicate with the priest who performed the sacrament.

Is it possible to dissolve or debunk a church marriage

  • 1 The procedure for debunking established by the church - is it or not
  • 2 Does the church allow divorce at all?
  • 3 Is it possible to remarry an ex-spouse?
  • 4 Is it possible remarriage?
  • 5 Who can get married?

After the dissolution of a marriage in court or in the registry office, many former spouses have the question of how to debunk a church marriage. Of course, those who got married in the church ask this question. It must be said right away that the Russian Orthodox Church does not provide for the procedure for debunking a church marriage.
Marriage is consecrated by the church, but divorce is not encouraged by it in any way, so you can get a legal divorce, formally divorce, but you cannot get married. In the church dictionary there is no such word at all - debunking.

How to go through the divorce procedure?

So, is it possible to get married after a divorce or not? Church-established debunking procedure - yes or no different kind willful interpretations of church rules mislead people. On various forums, they even describe the debunking procedure. But these provisions do not correspond to religious reality.


The Church is not a registry office and not a court. It does not allow the return of spouses to their former "premarital" status. Therefore, it is not correct to apply the concepts of “divorce”, “dissolution of marriage” to church marriage. It is believed that the crowned marriage was connected by God, which means that only God can also break the marriage bond, having cleaned one of the spouses at the right time.

And even a priest - a man - is not given the opportunity to destroy what was created and fastened by God. Does the church allow divorce at all? The church does not encourage divorce and, as a rule, it is impossible to receive a blessing for this.

The debunking of church marriage: is it possible or not


Listed required documents attached to the request are as follows:

  • a certificate of divorce issued by the registry office;
  • if one of the spouses lives in a new marriage, you need a certificate of his conclusion;
  • wedding certificate;
  • the consent of the second spouse to the debunking, signed by him personally and legally certified;
  • documents confirming the reasons that the spouses want to dissolve the church marriage.

Please note that only copies of documents need to be submitted. The originals must always be in the hands of the applicant. Is it possible to hold a wedding ceremony after a divorce The Orthodox Church provides for a second wedding without any censure in only one case - the death of one of the spouses. In all other situations, the priests have a negative attitude towards such a question as to be dethroned in the church.

Dissolution of Church Marriage: Procedure and Causes

Everything happens in life. And sometimes married couples understand that they family boat hit the reefs and irrevocably fell apart. Moreover, this happens both with those who lived in a civil marriage, and with those who went through the sacrament of the wedding. And if official divorce does not cause any special problems, then the debunking of a church marriage is a rather complicated thing.

Today, many couples, when registering their marriage, prefer to accompany this process beautiful rite weddings in the church. And only a few realize the seriousness of the religious sacrament, as well as the responsibility that lies with them after the wedding.

Coming to the civil dissolution of marriage, the spouses ask themselves: In the Orthodox Church, a special procedure is provided for this.

What is the fundamental difference between "debunking" and civil divorce?

As you know, a civil divorce can be performed in one of two instances:

  • in the registry office;
  • in a court.

This will depend on some circumstances, namely: the presence of minor children, mutual / non-mutual consent of the spouses, attendance / non-attendance at the scheduled previous meetings, etc.

Dissolution of marriage in the church order has no gradation with respect to instances. The Church does not litigation regarding divorce cases, regardless of whether or not the spouses have children. To get a clergyman's resolution to break the marriage bond, it is enough apply to the diocese.

It's important to know! Divorce in the church order is already made on the basis of an act of civil dissolution of marriage: or a court decision.

Where is it easier to get a divorce: in the church or civil authorities?

In some cases, the procedure church divorce can be much simpler than in its civilian version. First of all, this applies to cases where the dissolution of a marriage takes place in court.

The trial process is longer than in the registry office and the church. Proceedings may be extended repeatedly by the judge, as long as they are carried out in the event of:

  • the presence of minor children;
  • disagreement of one of the spouses to break the marriage bond;
  • failure to appear at the registry office.

Despite the relative simplicity of the procedure, the issue of church marriage and divorce should not be taken lightly. The Church is very negative about the facts of breaking family ties, as well as their reasons.

Note! Those wishing to "debunk" will need to carefully prepare for the argumentation of the reasons for this. Their list is limited, clearly spelled out in some church acts. This is the complexity of the procedure for a church divorce, in contrast to a civil one. The usual desire of the spouses is not enough here.

What acts of church legislation regulate the issue of divorce?

Back in 1917-1918. The Council of the Orthodox Church adopted an act - "Determination of grounds for termination marriage union, consecrated by the Church» . The document defined the reasons that were considered "legitimate" in church circles for the termination of a marriage between married spouses. These circumstances are still accepted by the church today as weighty reasons for the “debunking” procedure.

First of all, the document regulating the issues of church marriage and its dissolution today is the “Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church” (2000). Chapter 10 of this document - "Issues of personal, family and public morality" - sets out the position of the church in relation to divorces, the procedure for their commission.

Also in 2000, the "Charter of the Orthodox Church" was adopted, in which special attention is paid to the procedure for dealing with divorce cases by diocesan clergy.

Interesting! The Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate decided to collect the requirements for the conclusion and dissolution of church marriages within one specialized document - "On Church Marriage" (2015). His project can be found on the official website of the religious structure.

Relationship between ecclesiastical, civil and de facto types of marriage

Civil marriage is a relationship officially registered in special government bodies. Registration is a fundamental difference between a civil marriage and an actual one - not formalized in the manner prescribed by law.

Interesting! As it turns out, in our time, erroneously unregistered cohabitation is called a civil marriage.

A church marriage is a relationship consecrated with the help of a special church procedure- weddings. In some countries, only church marriage unions are recognized as legal, those that have legal force.

In our country, the ratio between these types of marriage bonds is as follows: civil marriage endowed with a legal force that other species do not have. Actual unions do not receive the approval of the clergy. Church marriage is “superimposed” on civil marriage: the church recommends first officially legitimize the relationship between the spouses, and only after that seal the union before God.

What is the basis for a church divorce?

If the reason for a civil divorce can be the expressed desire of the spouses or one of them, then for the church procedure it alone is not enough. In order for the church to show leniency and give permission for the dissolution of the marriage, obvious evidence is needed that the family has broken up, and there are no more chances for its restoration.

One of the most striking evidence for the church can be considered separation spouses for a long time.

The unconditional reasons why the church satisfies the desire of the spouses for "debunking" are:

  • conflicts between spouses on the basis of different religions;
  • recognition by one of the spouses of his infidelity;
  • officially confirmed in medical order diseases of one of the spouses: AIDS, syphilis, alcoholism, drug addiction, mental disorders;
  • incurable problems with the reproductive function of one of the spouses, certified by a doctor;
  • abortion without the knowledge and consent of the husband.

The Church also provides for the dissolution of a marriage if it was fictitious, based on forcible coercion, blackmail and other illegal methods, if there is relevant evidence and confessions.

"Debunking" is also allowed if Cohabitation spouses becomes impossible due to excessive conflict, the use of violence in the family, an attempt on the life of one of its members (including a child).

Church canons allow divorce when it is considered illegal and according to civil laws:

  • one of the spouses at the time of registration this marriage had other undissolved marriage bonds;
  • entered into the next marriage in the course of this married life;
  • married spouses are related to each other;
  • one of the spouses, being married, begins a relationship with a close relative.

It's important to know! The church is indulgent towards one of the spouses even when the second one is missing and absent five years. In this case, the canons allow you to release a person from bonds. This also applies to a situation where the husband or wife is a serious offender, sentenced to punishment with grave consequences (confiscation of property, etc.).

How to write a petition for the dissolution of a church marriage (sample)?

In order to dissolve a marriage sealed by a church rite, it is necessary to draw up and submit a special petition addressed to the diocesan bishop - representative of the diocesan administration.

This document can be drawn up and submitted by one or two spouses who wish to dissolve the marriage. To perform the procedure correctly, avoid possible delays in consideration of the case due to errors in filling out the form, it is proposed to familiarize yourself with the sample petition for the dissolution of a church marriage.

This is a fairly simple document in its structure that does not require too much a large number data. To compose it, you must specify:

  • surnames, names and patronymics of the spouses;
  • wedding date;
  • the place of the ceremony;
  • the name of the temple;
  • reason for divorce.

Note! If there is a desire to enter into a second church marriage for one or both spouses already at the time of the divorce, this moment can also be specified in the petition: ask permission from the diocese, indicating the data of the future wife and / or husband.

Filing for an annulment of a church marriage

So, as we have already indicated above, the petition for "dethroning" is submitted to the name of the diocesan bishop. And this means that the document should not be taken to the temple in which the priest performed the sacrament of the wedding, but directly to the diocese itself (any level). The case will be referred to the bishop, because it is in his competence to make decisions on the termination of bonds.

You can apply to the diocese on any day of the week, except weekends. For this, the presence of both spouses is not necessary. This procedure can be carried out by one person.

Only those applications are considered, to which the established package of documents is attached:

  • a copy of the civil divorce document (certificate);
  • original wedding certificate;
  • copies of documents that will substantiate the reason for the church divorce (if necessary);
  • copies of the passports of the divorced spouses.

Important! Spouses will need to be present in person at the hearing at the appointed time.

The procedure for considering a petition in the diocese

The procedure for considering each application is individual. But there are a few general steps in it:

  • review of the petition and documents attached to it by the commission in the diocese where they were submitted;
  • transfer of a package of documents to a representative of the highest (regional) diocesan administration, who will make a decision on the case;
  • consideration of the case together with the spouses during a personal conversation.

In terms of its duration, the conversation of the clergyman with the spouses is not regulated by any documents, as well as its content. During this time, the spouses will try in every possible way to reconcile.

If this is not possible, the already former spouses are issued a document with a priest's resolution to terminate the marriage.

Re-Church Marriage: Myth or Reality?

Regarding remarriages, church canons are quite strict. As a result of fulfilling certain requirements, it is possible to obtain permission to re-marry a divorced person with another person. The Church allows no more than three marriages.

The next church marriage is most often allowed for the spouse who was not responsible for the termination of the bonds in the first case. In such a situation, the sacrament of the wedding takes place traditionally, as well as for the first time. But if both spouses enter into a church marriage again, then the wedding procedure for them will be slightly different from the first: they will not be crowned (the “second rank” procedure).

The church canon also provides for the possibility of remarriage for the "guilty" of the previous "dethronement". But for this it is necessary to fulfill church requirements - to perform repentance by performing penances.

Penance is the so-called "punishment", which is imposed by the church to atone for sin by the culprit of "debunking". In their form, penance can differ significantly:

  • pilgrimage to holy places;
  • fast;
  • almsgiving, etc.

The duration of the penance (an average of two to three years), its form is chosen by the priest. It often depends on the measure of the "sin" that led to the dissolution of the church marriage.

Based on the results of “serving a church punishment” and atonement for sin, the priest makes a decision: to satisfy or reject the person’s request for a second wedding.

Interesting! To obtain permission to enter into a third church marriage, the conditions and terms of penance are tightened. At the same time, the applicant should not have children from the first two marriages, and his age should not exceed 40 years.

Thus, church divorce is not fiction, but real procedure which is done by the church. But in connection with the presence of the opportunity to “get married”, one should not take a light-minded approach to strengthening marriage bonds through the sacrament of the church. When deciding on a wedding, one should be guided not by dreams of a beautiful ceremony, but by the seriousness of intentions and the willingness to answer for one's actions.

The clergyman tells

In the video below, the rector of the Church of St. Basil the Great, Father Arkady, gives answers to questions about debunking.

To conduct a repeated sacrament, it is necessary to receive a blessing from the diocesan bishop, which is given only in exceptional cases:

  1. an incurable disease of the spouse that poses a threat to the lives of children (AIDS, syphilis, etc.);
  2. inability to procreate;
  3. one of the spouses changed the Orthodox belief to another;
  4. wife's abortion without medical necessity;
  5. one of the spouses is missing;
  6. incurable alcoholism or drug addiction;
  7. the marriage of one of the spouses to another person.

A personal conversation with a clergyman should be fairly open and confidential. You should not hide the shameful reasons for parting with your ex-spouse. Priests adhere to the rule of secrecy of confession, so your story will remain only between you.

What needs to be done to file a divorce in the Orthodox Church?

Knowing about the difficulties of re-marriage, some spouses decide to hide the fact of the church sacrament during the previous conclusion of the union.

For true believers, this is completely unacceptable. The wedding ceremony invokes God's blessing on the family being created.

Knowingly going to a lie and not confessing to the clergy about the wedding held earlier means sinning.

Such thoughtless actions are unacceptable for people seeking to receive God's mercy and live according to the laws of the Lord. Registration of permission for re-marriage with a future life partner provides for a divorce with a former spouse.

The church performs only constructive actions, therefore it does not use such a thing as “debunking”. Despite this, in the petition for a second wedding, a request is indicated in the blessing for the dissolution of the previous church marriage.

How to write a petition for the dissolution of a church marriage?

The petition must be properly executed and submitted to the ruling diocesan bishop. It is best to personally go to the temple and learn about all the nuances divorce proceedings. On the spot, they can provide you with a sample application and tell you about the package of necessary documents.

The request form looks like this:

  1. in the right upper corner it is indicated to whom the petition is sent (His Eminence the Most Reverend (Name). Below this, the applicant's data is written - full name, address and contact phone number;
  2. in the center of the next line, the type of letter is indicated - “Request”;
  3. further, in free form, the applicant must indicate the date and place of the previous wedding, the history of marriage and the reason for the divorce;
  4. after the text, a list of documents to be provided is listed;
  5. below, in a separate line, the consent or disagreement of the second spouse is indicated;
  6. at the very bottom of the petition letter there should be a date and a signature;
  7. the petition ends with the phrase: "I apologize for the dissolved marriage."

What documents need to be provided?

Despite the fact that the wedding of the spouses took place in the presence of the Lord, and the wedding certificate has no legal force, consideration of the petition for a second sacrament will require a package of documents:

  • copy of the passport;
  • a copy of the divorce certificate issued by the registry office or the court;
  • a copy of the church marriage certificate;
  • handwritten consent of the second spouse to a church divorce (if any);
  • medical documents confirming the presence of diseases, if any were indicated in the petition as the basis for a church divorce.

The timing of the consideration of the application in the Diocese is not regulated, therefore, when submitting a petition, you should clarify the approximate date of the interview with the clergyman. After reviewing the letter and documents, the petitioner is summoned for a conversation with the priest.

If the minister of the Church considers the indicated grounds for the dissolution of the marriage significant, then the spouses are debunked. Having studied all the features of a church divorce, you can foresee the possibility of remarrying in Heaven.

Reasons such as “they didn’t get along” or “the husband earns little” are not a reason for the dissolution of a marriage for the church. The diocesan bishop may well refuse such a petition, therefore, a sufficiently weighty argument must be indicated for a divorce.

How is the procedure for dissolving a church marriage?

After the Diocesan Bishop puts his resolution on the petition for the annulment of the church marriage, former spouses can remarry within the walls of the Church.

The second wedding is a debunking of the previous union, so no additional ceremonies will be held. The only thing that will not be in the ritual is the moment with the laying of crowns on the heads of future spouses.

This prerogative is granted only to the couple who are first united before God. Otherwise, the whole ceremony will be just as beautiful and solemn.

How much does the ritual cost?

Any representative of the registry office can officially name the exact cost of a marriage in this institution, since it is clearly fixed and is mandatory.

In the case of a wedding, such a figure can hardly be heard. According to the laws of the Orthodox Church, the ceremony is carried out free of charge. In fact, it is not. Each temple has its own rules, which you should learn about in advance.

In some temples, a small monetary donation is enough before the ceremony. In small churches, they can ask from 1 to 4 thousand rubles. In large temples, the ceremony can cost more than 10 thousand rubles.

The collection of fees for the wedding ceremony is equated to a monetary donation, therefore all funds go only to the maintenance of the church and clergy.

Re-marriage after divorce

A couple of hundred years ago, the union of two people meant a wedding before God. Marriage was recognized in the world only if the couple was crowned by a priest. There was no question of any registration of the union in the registry office.

After the wedding ceremony, young people become spouses forever, and no force could separate them. So it was before. Nowadays church rules have undergone some transformation.

How to get married in a church? Does such a ritual actually exist? Priest Mikhail Samokhin will answer these questions in this article.

How to dethrone in the church?

One is a wedding, two is a wedding...

Priest Mikhail Samokhin

To be honest, the word "debunking" cuts my ear. And not only because there is some terminological or philological incorrectness in it. Rather, the attitude to the Sacrament of Marriage, which is seen in this word, causes alertness. Converged - dispersed. Married - "married". Everything is simple, everyday, ordinary and fixable. And most importantly - in our hands.

Really decay Orthodox family- tragedy. Although when people come to the site or personally with the question of “debunking”, they don’t realize the tragedy.

But the Lord conceived the family as a union of two people for the rest of their lives: “I say to you: whoever divorces his wife not for adultery and marries another, he commits adultery; and he who marries a divorced woman commits adultery." (Matthew 19:9) A simple and clear command.

Strict chastity was not only a barrier against the pagan licentiousness that reigned around the first Christians. It naturally followed from the understanding that marriage is an earthly image of the heavenly union of Christ and the Church. Christ cannot have two Churches, and the Church cannot have anyone but Christ. The same is thought of the relationship of a man and a woman, united in Christian marriage. So wrote about the family, for example, St. John Chrysostom.

And now we are investing in the Sacrament just such a higher meaning, perceiving the family as a small Church, whose task is the spiritual salvation of all whom it unites. There is another important feature that unites the Church and the family. It is the power of love that works in them. to each other and to the Lord.

Thus, the Church, as the herald of the Gospel truth, does not know divorce, as the ancients or modern people. Divorce is like the return of premarital freedom from each other. But there are cases when people themselves destroyed their marriage. And it is impossible to turn a blind eye to this.

Guided by the words of the Lord, the Church recognized the fact of the breakup of the family in the event of the betrayal of one of the spouses. And so far, the list of reasons why a marriage can be recognized as broken up is small. For accuracy, I will quote an official document - "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church":

“In 1918, the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in the “Determination on the reasons for the termination of the marriage union, consecrated by the Church” recognized as such, except for adultery and the entry of one of the parties into new marriage, also falling away of a spouse from Orthodoxy, unnatural vices, inability to marital cohabitation that occurred before marriage or was the result of intentional self-mutilation, leprosy or syphilis, prolonged absence, condemnation to punishment, combined with the deprivation of all rights of state, encroachment on life or health of the spouse or children, sophistication, pandering, profiting from the indecency of the spouse, incurable severe mental illness and malicious abandonment of one spouse by another. Currently, this list of grounds for dissolution of marriage is supplemented by such reasons as AIDS, medically certified chronic alcoholism or drug addiction, abortion by the wife with the disagreement of the husband.

Mournful list. And I really don’t want any of it to become a reality of the family life of one of the readers. But it may very well be that if you are reading these lines, the topic of church divorce has touched you personally. The family broke up. And now I understand why it is called a tragedy. What to do? Of course, pray. Or about saving the family, or about the fact that the Lord ruled later life by His good will.

And only when, in answer to prayer, you find someone with whom you want to go through life, when you come to the decision to seal your union with God's blessing, you need to go to the temple. They will tell you how to apply to the ruling bishop of the diocese for the blessing of remarriage.

Note that this decision is so important to the Church that only the bishop can make it. And the right to remarry is given only to those who are not to blame for the collapse of the first family. Isn't it a significant difference? Not "debunking", but remarriage. Not freedom, but again a family, a small church.

It is important. It's crucial. But I, like many fellow priests, consider it inappropriate to overshadow the triumph of marriage with words about divorce. And therefore, it is possible to talk about this only during preparations for the wedding. Maybe in confession. But for some, how the Church understands the sacrament of marriage remains unknown. And the Sacrament itself is a beautiful rite.

Therefore, I really want my joyless reflections to be read, first of all, not by those who ask about “debunking”. And those who joyfully prepare for the Sacrament of marriage. Not because I like to darken someone's joy. But for the newlyweds to realize the importance and responsibility of the upcoming event. And let a few useful information presented here will never be useful to anyone!

Have you read the article Debunking. How to get married in a church?“. Read also.

Life doesn't always turn out the way you want. Marriages and families break up for many reasons. And if in worldly life problems with divorce usually do not arise, then after the wedding, the couple may face serious problems. After all, this is a special sacrament, according to popular belief, connecting the young for life.

Therefore, to figure out whether it is possible to dethrone a church marriage, the procedure of which requires special approach, more details follow.

At all times, the church had a negative attitude towards the dissolution of a marriage, so debunking is a more complicated procedure than simply obtaining a divorce stamp in the registry office. Such cases are documented, and certificates of termination are kept in every church where the sacrament of the wedding is held.

The reasons for such a step must be extremely weighty in order for the priest to give his permission for this procedure.

  • a proven fact of taking drugs or alcohol that led to a person’s dependence;
  • a certificate from the dispensary stating that the spouse has AIDS;
  • abortion without the consent of the spouse.

Of course, there may be many more reasons for dissolution of a marriage, but the priest does not always recognize them as weighty enough to allow this to be done. In addition, the clergyman may allow a second wedding after the debunking of a previous church marriage.

If there are any of listed reasons, then they can debunk the marriage even without the consent of one of the spouses. But in general, each case is considered individually. And if the priest believes that the reasons are not good enough, then the spouses may be refused.

First, the husband and wife must officially divorce - in the registry office. And only after that you can think about how to debunk a church marriage and seek advice from the priest.

The Russian Orthodox Church has determined a phased process that the couple will be able to go through within two weeks.

Initially, you need to go exactly to the parish where the sacrament of the wedding was performed. It is advisable to talk with the priest who performed the ceremony. So, if the wedding took place on the territory of the Moscow region, then the debunking can only be done in Moscow. If the couple registered a church marriage in another city, where in right moment there is no way to get in, then it is allowed to contact the nearest church parish.

With each of the couple, the priest talks separately, trying to find out the main reason for the divorce and explain what the consequences will be.

After the conversation, you need to send a petition addressed to the Administrator of the Diocese, which should indicate the date of the wedding and the place where the sacrament was held. It is important to describe all family life spouses, so that it is clear that the reason for the divorce was not invented for any other purpose. All reasons for debunking must be confirmed with certificates and documents certified by a lawyer. Last important document there will be a letter from a priest who expresses his opinion and attitude towards a married couple in it.

The list of required documents that must be attached to the application consists of the following papers:

  • divorce certificate issued by the registry office;
  • a document on a new marriage (if one of the couple has already entered into it);
  • document confirming the wedding;
  • notarized consent of the second half to the debunking;
  • documents confirming the reasons for the decision to dissolve the marriage.

All this is attached to the application in the form of photocopies. The originals remain with the sender.

Is it possible to get divorced if the marriage broke up, in unilaterally or by mutual desire - now more or less clear. But can the spouses re-pass the wedding ceremony with another person, you should understand in more detail.

Re-marriage in the Orthodox Church is allowed only if the married spouses were separated by death. In all other cases, the church is extremely negative about such a question as to dissolve a church marriage.

The sacrament of the wedding can be performed again only after registration in the registry office. After that, the young will have to correctly draw up a petition to the Diocese. A sample of such a document is in every temple. The rite will be performed only if the permission of the bishop comes. An ordinary priest cannot himself decide on a remarriage after he has given permission for the couple to divorce.

However, in this case, the Diocese declines all responsibility.. She doesn't give out official document, which will confirm the debunking. For the repeated performance of the rite, the young can only receive a blessing, and the sacrament itself will take place according to the “second rank”. Crowns will not be put on the bride and groom, and not a single priest will be able to write a document on the second wedding.

When can you get married again?

AT Christian world There is a tradition according to which the wedding takes place three times. But the third time the rite becomes possible only when a widow and a widower get married or they have minor children. To do this, it will be necessary to issue documents confirming widowhood. Copies must be made of them and submitted to the Diocese along with the application..

Decunning in the Orthodox Church, whose rules and canons are very different from other faiths, has a number of differences from ordinary divorce. If the latter passes fairly quickly, then for the former to take place, there must be quite a few good reasons, and it will be controlled by several church authorities. the main objective This rite is not just to debunk the spouses, but to achieve a second blessing for the wedding due to the recognition of the first as an ungracious event.

Before heading to church for an answer to a question how to get divorced ex-husband, you need to realize all the consequences for each side. Indeed, only the partner who is found not guilty of the gap will receive permission for a second wedding.

Often after a divorce, a couple forgets that they need to get divorced. But if these are believers, then this problem is in the first place for them. An unpleasant action can be avoided only if the wedding ceremony has been realized by the spouses over the years life together, and did not become another tribute to traditions and the pursuit of a beautiful celebration.
