How to hint a guy to him. How to hint to a guy that I want him: from simple to complex

There is no doubt - this is him, the same guy that you have imagined in your dreams all your life. You want to date him, but he doesn't show enough interest. Or maybe he thinks that you are an inaccessible girl, or is shy, does not know how to take the first step. So he will never guess in his life what you like, and you are not averse to establishing a closer relationship with him. But how can he hint about it? It is not customary to speak directly in the forehead - suddenly it will be frightened. In this article, we'll show you how to do it right.

Step 1. Gathering information

First of all, you need to find out all the “underground” of the candidate. Suddenly he is a womanizer or in general, girls are “not his”, or some other flaw is present in him, incompatible with your happy joint future.

We find out all this carefully from mutual friends and acquaintances. Believe me, if you wish, you can find many sources of information, besides, there are social networks - you can surf there and clarify the picture a little for yourself.

Step 2. Does he show signs of sympathy

If everything is ok, we move on to the next point, namely, you need to make sure that he really likes you. Suddenly he feels only purely friendly sympathy.

Usually, already at the first meeting, a man clearly understands how far he can go with this or that girl. This one - it will do for bed, with this one - you can decide on a serious relationship, but with this one - well, you can only laugh together in a common company, no more. Therefore, if he considers you as the second or first category, then there is a chance. But if he put you in the category of "friends", then I'm afraid that attempts to "divorce" him into a relationship will be useless.

How do you know what category you are in? Will have to watch him. If he likes you, he will try to shorten the distance, approach, start a conversation - whatever, at least about the weather, at least about exchange rate quotes - it doesn’t matter, but he will take the initiative. Will look for you.

If it doesn’t fit, keeps evenly, doesn’t reduce the distance, most likely you are in a friendly category.

Step 3. Getting Started

Let's assume that all the signs gave out that he is interested in you. In this case, you can move on to real action. But let him not consider them too active. At this stage, you need to try to catch his eye more often, organize “random” meetings. In other words, we get closer to him in every possible way.

Very important here body contact. Whatever, let you not dance under the moon, but just, for example, playfully push him down the hill when will go in winter sledding in the park is also body contact. If you are interesting to him, he will welcome any of your initiatives.

Good luck, everything will definitely work out!

You like a guy, but he does not show signs of attention. The feeling of uncertainty is the worst thing for a woman. There are two options here: either he is indifferent to you, or he does not know how to approach the issue of showdown. Then you will have to take the first step - if you cannot tell him directly about your feelings, you will have to work around it. To do this, you need to know the answer to the question of how to correctly hint to a guy about your feelings.

What to do?

The first step is to conduct “monitoring of opinions”. Ask yourself or ask a friend to ask about his relationship with you at his friends. If the answer is yes, you can move on to modest hints. You can also meet people close to him - brother, sister, parents and leave positive impression About Me. Relatives will definitely remember the sweet girl who intrigued them. If a guy trusts the opinion of loved ones, he will pay attention to you.

Need to show interest in hobbies the guy you like, just show real interest. If you achieve heights in what he loves, this means arousing genuine admiration for your beloved guy.
Guy would appreciate any help as a sign of attention- this may be the search for the information he needs, or extracurricular activities in English. And if you appear in the same places where he is, when the guy good mood there is an opportunity to arouse interest. The positive emotions that he experiences in these moments will be associated with you.

You can arouse interest in yourself, focusing on the desired object. This is a good opportunity to let the guy know about your love. It will be ideal if he does not look away, but looks at you - it means that the spark has run. Try to violate his personal space, but do not break into him too abruptly. Touch his shoulder, brush, when he joked - this will help to subtly hint at feelings.

What to talk about?

First, stop acting like a friend. You want to win his sympathy, so you do not need to give advice about girls and in general all the talk about opposite field need to minimize.

You need to keep talking about everything, actively participate in the discussion. You should not just speak in a conversation about things in which you are a layman - this is immediately noticeable and looks pathetic.

Flirting is very important to show your attitude towards young man. Agree, you will not talk in hints and joke with a guy who is completely indifferent to you. This rule is understood not only by girls, but also by guys. Flirting involves engaging conversations with jokes, laughter and non-verbal signs: you can smile, fiddle with a curl, sit in an open position (without crossing your arms or legs). Be natural and confident, talk about your and his hobbies - this will help establish contact and let him know that he is loved.

How to behave?

You can hint to a guy that you like him with your behavior. Make sure that the guy in your company is as comfortable as possible. You can give him a gift if, for example, it is his birthday. Come up with something special, but don't shout your feelings in bulk with heart cards or a framed picture of yourself.

In his presence no need to flirt with other guys- this will repel your loved one, let him understand that you are like that with everyone, therefore those signs of sympathy that were allegedly rendered are not such. Being with him in the company you need to joke and constantly smile - guys love cheerful and cheerful girls. At the same time, you don’t need to hang around your neck and show your feelings with all your might in front of his friends. This will only cause a storm of ridicule and he will not react to your gesture in any way.

If you spend a lot of time together, you common interests and he does not mind walking together - there is no need to hint about anything, everything is clear anyway.

Women's tricks

A friend will always help in trouble, especially if you need to bring your best friend with the guy of her dreams. Ask her to casually mention in conversation that you like the guy. Let her allegedly let it slip - now you need to look at his reaction. The guy may be embarrassed, blush, but immediately shout “This is a joke!” no need. If a young man hesitates, is confused and it will be necessary to save the situation, only then can the conversation be reduced to a joke and say that this is a friend’s fantasy and you don’t feel anything like that for him. Ready for the fact that the guy does not reciprocate, you must always be.

How to hint to a guy that I like him by correspondence (VKontakte)

Today, correspondence in VKontakte, ICQ or chats is very popular. Sometimes a girl, just talking with a guy and not seeing him, can already fall in love and hope for mutual feelings. Other girls know the young man, have seen him, and perhaps even walk in the same company. But how to hint to him that he is not indifferent?

To hint to a guy that you like him by correspondence, you will have to bring all your flirting skills to the surface.
Write in communicating your feelings much easier than to say it face to face. This is an option for very shy and shy girls - this method of recognition should be similar to a conversation, its only minus is absence eye contact.

To start a conversation, you can choose a completely abstract topic: ask how he will spend the weekend or what plans he has for the evening. The question must be asked in such a way that it is not followed by a one-word answer “yes” or “no”. Next, you need to act according to the situation. For example:

  • You: What will you do on the weekend?
  • He: Have not decided yet, nothing special is planned. Why are you asking?
  • You: Natasha, my friend, invited me to my birthday party on Sunday. Said I could come with a guy. I like you, so I decided to propose to you.

Or you can talk about something else:

  • You: At your place free evening? And then we were here with friends gathered at the cinema.
  • He: Yes, I'm not busy, do you have something to offer?
  • You: We are going to go to a cafe first, and you are a good conversationalist, I like you. Don't want to join? And then a friend goes with her boyfriend.

It is important to know that the guy is alone near the computer and will be able to understand and realize the seriousness of your intentions, otherwise he may react inadequately for fear of ridicule from friends or interest in his sister’s correspondence. This is a slight hint of sympathy, so if the guy does not show interest, you won't be stupid and you can continue your friendship with him.

Some girls find it easier to choose the “beautiful stranger” tactics. You write to a guy from a page he doesn't know with a fictitious name or from an ICQ number he doesn't know. You learn some nuances about each other, find common interests, and then you just make a date with him. The guy will be so intrigued that he will definitely come on a date to see the mysterious girl. Sometimes even without seeing each other, people can begin to feel mutual sympathy. For young people with a romantic streak, this perfect option dating and the opportunity to tell about their feelings. Guys don't take hints well, so sometimes you have to be direct.

Taking the first step is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is much worse to live in a vicious circle, where there are only doubts and anxieties. It is impossible to guess about his feelings, losing, perhaps, best moments of your life that you could spend next to your loved one. It's better to take the first step. To say directly or hint to a guy about love, than later to regret his indecision.

Men don't read our minds. But they read our actions! How to tactfully and delicately push a guy to the first kiss? We will tell you how to properly hint a guy for a kiss: how to behave, what to do, look, touch. You will also learn how to choose the right place and time for a kiss and whether to take the initiative in your own hands and kiss the guy first.

It is so accepted that the initiative in a relationship should come from the guy. He should be the first to approach and get to know you, he should be the first to ask you out, he should be the first to kiss you.

But this does not mean that you have to humbly wait for his decisions. There are many tricks in the female arsenal that will help push him and direct him in the right direction.

How to push a guy for the first kiss

Think it's time for a first kiss? Did he hesitate? You need to make him want to kiss you. Hint to him that you do not mind, and then he will definitely take the next step. Here are some proven tricks to help you.


The guy doesn't make the first move because he's not sure if you want to. Show him with your behavior that you like him: flirt, smile, compliment, laugh at his jokes.

It is important that the atmosphere is warm and friendly. Don't be too proud or act like a touchy person. If the young man feels comfortable next to you, then soon he himself will decide on a kiss.

How to learn to do nice compliments.


The best hint is touch. Hold hands. Or fix his hair. Choose yourself. Touches indicate your sympathy. They destroy some barrier between lovers, making them closer friend to friend.


Get as close to him as possible, feel his breathing and heart rate. Look into his eyes. Stay in them for a few seconds, look at the lips and back. Can you feel your hearts beating to the beat?

If the guy turned out to be very modest, then take a little initiative. For example, run your hand across your face or wrap your arms around his neck. In this situation, the touch will act like an electric shock, and he will no longer be able to control himself.

Tip: in order not to “drill” the guy with your eyes, look into his eyes for a while enough to distinguish their color. It will take the few seconds it takes and won't make the guy uncomfortable.

By the look of a man, you can determine what he feels in you. Don't believe? Then .

Perhaps he already wants to kiss you and is just waiting for the right moment. How do guys hint at a kiss? All .


It is worth drawing his attention to the main object - the lips. This can intuitively provoke a man and make him kiss you.

For example, if you lightly bite or touch the lower lip, then the young man will not lose sight of it. Remember that your lips are the most attractive, especially at such moments.


Take a little time. If a guy takes you home, then you should not immediately run to the apartment. To get started, stop near the entrance / entrance to the house and talk. Rub the keys a little in your hands, not forgetting to look your lover in the eyes. He already understood everything.


Spend your next meeting or date at the cinema. This is such a small female trick. If you go for “horror”, then you can touch it more often, arguing this with “fear”.

An interesting melodrama or comedy with happy ending will become a call to action, especially if you comment on the end of the film with the words: "Oh, how romantic."


Scientists have proven that the most memorable and enjoyable first kiss is when a girl kisses a guy. But how not to get rejected and not be rejected? Consider all the nuances.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We advise you to look free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women". You'll get step by step plan of 12 steps on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for years to come.

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Is it worth kissing a man first: when is it possible and when is it not?

Suppose you failed to seduce a guy for a kiss. What to do in such a situation? Is it worth taking the initiative into your own hands?

In order not to get into an awkward situation and not get rejected, follow his behavior. Guys give out their emotions just like we do, so it’s quite possible to determine that he likes you.

More about what you can here.

Don't rush. It may turn out that your beloved is not at all modest. Suddenly he wants to take this step in a different environment, or is still figuring out if he made the right choice. If the guy first asked you on a date, give him the initiative. He himself will dare to kiss you, but do not forget about the tips above so that he does not think that you are indifferent to you.

If you still decide to take this brave step, be gentle. Approach him, look into his eyes and slowly, slowly, approach his lips. When you are within a couple of centimeters of the target, stop for a few seconds. At this point, the young man can take the initiative into his own hands.

Let the kiss be not persistent, timid, and last only a few seconds. After that, look at his reaction. If he didn’t run away from you and didn’t say that it was superfluous, if he looks at you with love (this is noticeable), then stay in the same position and look into his eyes, smiling slightly. Most likely, he will want to continue, and this time he will kiss you.

Interesting video on the topic:

  1. Don't go overboard with makeup. A guy may not kiss you because of bright red lipstick on the lips or because of too brilliant shine. He does not want all this to be on his lips too. Go on a date - use a colorless lip balm that will make your lips soft and / or give them a pleasant scent.
  2. Freshness of breath. No matter how long we brush our teeth in the morning, they will not be clean in the afternoon. Kissing a person who comes out of his mouth bad smell- a terrible "pleasure". Therefore, always carry gum or mints with you and use one before meeting your lover.
  3. Consider if it is right for you. If you want to kiss a guy as quickly as possible because his indecisiveness and timidity annoy you, then consider whether you need to start with him at all serious relationship. His character will not change over time, most likely, he will be like that all his life. But even in this case there are exceptions.
  4. Don't kiss him in public places. Perhaps the young man does not want others to know about your relationship, or does not want everyone to see his indecision. Choose a more intimate setting for this than a university hallway or a backyard.
  5. Do you want to touch him? Offer to measure hands! Then, if the guy doesn't mind, leave your palm in his.
  6. Don't think about outsiders. During the kiss, you should not bother with questions like: “What is he thinking about now?” or "How do I look?" If this kiss is mutual, then he is now thinking only about how beautiful you are, and the same answer is suitable for the second question.
  7. Tell him. If a guy talks very quickly and talks a lot, then most likely he plans to kiss you, but does not know when to do it. Help him - tell him with a playful smile on his face that he talks too much and put your finger or palm on his lips. He will kiss you. Important: this shouldn't sound like a reproach. He may be offended, be careful.
  8. Smile. A smile, like politeness, conquers cities.
  9. Control the situation. If the kiss is not what you imagined it to be, try to correct the situation. When you like what he does, tell him about it, but rather show your pleasure. You can hug him tighter or go limp in his arms. He will learn!

Remember that a kiss often marks the beginning of a relationship. Take it seriously. Love to you!

The outdated stereotype that a man should be the first to offer a relationship has long been discredited. Waiting for him to take the first step, you can simply lose precious time and sometimes miss the chance. Men, despite their masculinity and courage, are rather timid. If the guy from the environment really likes - take the risk. Perhaps he does not dare to propose a meeting himself, or simply has not thought about it yet. Then you should take the initiative in your own hands.

What to do before you act

First you need to weigh everything and assess the situation. The girl must clearly understand that this is the only one who she needs and deserves attention. Since the lady will have to become the initiator of the relationship and make some efforts, she should take into account that when she starts dating a guy, he may show those qualities that she did not know about before.

There is a chance to be disappointed in the chosen one, but you should not be afraid of this. If you do nothing, then the man will remain inaccessible, and the lady will remain with her dreams and fantasies. While her competitors will begin to act actively, because everyone will be able to offer a guy to meet. But not everyone will do it in such a way that the young man appreciates the seriousness of his intentions and agrees.

How to invite a guy for a walk

How to hint a guy so that he himself wants to meet?

No matter what method a girl chooses to hint at a relationship to a man, she should always remain natural. In the ideal case, everything should look like it was his own initiative, and he himself took a step towards. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following points:

What to look out forWhat to do
Your appearanceWorth keeping an eye on appearance and make an effort to look charming. A wonderful move - a pleasantly smelling perfume, gentle, possibly containing pheromones
Having common hobbiesIt is advisable to choose a guy with whom you have common interests. You need to make it clear that the heart is not busy. And if a guy likes a lady, he himself will offer her to meet
The nature of communicationInternet communication should be avoided. Dialogue should take place live. IN last resort you can talk on the phone so that a man can hear a woman's pleasant voice
Guy moodA lady should not despair if a man answers with concise mean phrases. Maybe the girl just got hit hot hand or turned up at the wrong time.
Character of a young manWhen the necessary contact is established, you should continue the usual friendly communication and take a closer look at the chosen one. At this stage, you can find out something new for yourself about the guy’s personality and avoid disappointment if it turns out that he is completely not the person you want to deal with.

Do not use other people's ways to win the heart desired man in your case. This may not work, and sometimes cause a backlash. Relationships are a purely individual process between people of the opposite sex. What is good for one couple may be bad for another.

A man wants to see a weak woman in front of him, whom he can protect and feel needed and strong next to her.

Therefore, in order to attract the attention of a guy, the methods work wonderfully: “Oh, something broke for me ... (something)” or “It doesn’t work for me .... Fix it please…. Save, help out, without you in any way ... ".

In order for him to offer to meet, the girl must become for him the most defenseless creature.

In this way, you can play on the instinct of men, laid down by nature, to be a rescuer and protector. weak women. When girls show that they themselves are doing great with everything, the guys feel that they are not needed and withdraw into themselves. If a man tries to help a girl, but does not cope with the task, you should not scold him, you must definitely praise him. Otherwise, he will not have the desire to continue to communicate with the girl.

How to tell a guy that I like him

How to avoid rejection?

When communicating with a young man, you should follow simple rules:

  • Be sincere. No need to play a role and put on someone else's mask. Bluff and falsehood is felt immediately. You should not predict the situation in advance and think about what he can say in response.
  • Give the right to personal space. Chasing the chosen one is a bad idea, so the girl will only scare him away from herself. It may seem to him that the lady has mental problems.
  • Don't impose. So that a man does not refuse to develop relationships, you should not put pressure on him, so the girl will face a wave of resistance. If a girl hears a refusal to her proposal, she should in no case be imposed. It is worth stepping aside so that the guy has a chance to understand that he is missing something in the absence of a girl. Sometimes this behavior causes interest and a desire to renew the friendship.

How to show a guy that you like him

How can you be open about your intentions?

There are cases when a girl has tried all means, but the guy still does not dare to offer a relationship or simply does not understand what she wants from him. You will have to act openly and start a conversation yourself.

It must be started correctly, choosing the right words and phrases, taking into account the character and mood of the man, as well as suitable situation. You can use the knowledge about the guy's hobbies and plans for the near future or for life. The ideal setting for doing this is to be alone. No need to use the hackneyed phrase: "I want to have a serious talk with you." So he just gets worried and scared. You need to act more subtly, starting a conversation like this:

  • “What a wonderful evening it was. Thank you for having such a great time. Shall we repeat our communication? Shall we go somewhere else? »
  • “I wanted to stay face-to-face with you for so long, but I didn’t know how to do it. I hope that now I will not think about it? »
  • “If I could always be with you together. How wonderful it would be to spend more time together.”
  • “I just now realized that I would like you to become my boyfriend.”

You can create a playful environment and unexpectedly this moment quote love poems:

You are special to me

You are not like everyone else.

You are the only one for me

You are the best on earth.

And I love your eyes

Smile and words.

When you're next to me

It's a head circle.

Believe that feelings are sincere

And not empty words.

I want to scream for joy

That I love you!

Examples of wording on how to propose a relationship to a man:

  • “I want to ask for a long time, do you have a relationship? Let's try to date? »
  • “I want to make a confession to you, I really like you and I would like something more than just friendship.”
  • "How is it, such handsome guy and still alone! I can fix this mess."
  • “Listen, well, I’m hinting, hinting ... I’ll have to admit it straight out - I like you. How are you looking at starting dating? »
  • "We are adults, it's time to tell you straight - let's meet."

If the girl got an answer

If a refusal follows, the girl should not pretend that she was greatly hurt. It is necessary to maintain pride and dignity, to react calmly, not to express any claims. After all, you can regret in the future about friendly relations stopped with this person. It’s better to react like this: “Well, you won’t be forced to be nice ...” or “Maybe you’ll change your mind later - you know how to find me.”

It is better for a girl to find out everything at once herself than to harbor empty hopes. So she can clearly define the situation for herself and understand where to move on. If she managed to desired result, then she will begin a relationship with a man. In case of refusal, the girl will dot the i's and will try to build a new union.

He is the best, the most beautiful and the most clever guy in the world. You like him so much, you're just crazy about him! He gives you flowers and invites you to romantic date. What dress to wear? Or maybe jeans and a new top? And what hairstyle to do? What about a manicure? Ah... Stop! Come down from heaven to earth. For now, it's just a fantasy. In reality, "your" boyfriend does not even suspect that you are not indifferent to him.

Maybe you are not strong enough to take the initiative in your own hands. Or a little old-fashioned and think that the guy should make the first move. Or you just can't find the right words to let him know that you like him. Perhaps there is another reason why you prefer to play hide and seek and hide your feelings. But, you know, the risk of hide-and-seek is that if you hide too well, you might never be found. In other words, not daring to confess your sympathy to a guy, you risk losing him. Now you are at a loss: how to hint to a young man that you like him? There are several ways to do this. We will talk about them in our article, and you can choose the one that suits you best. And when you choose, act!

The art of subtle hint

Start by finding out how the guy treats you - in the event that he is opposed to you, it is hardly worth admitting that you like him: he will definitely react to all your hints in a completely different way than you dream. if you have mutual friends, try to ask them, ask them to give you advice on how best to behave with him - a view from the outside is often more objective. Well, if you often meet in the same company, then you can start to take more active actions. Try to stay close to him. If a young man does not dislike you, he will easily allow you to reduce the distance between you to about half a meter.

Become an expert non-verbal communication to see if a guy likes your company. First, learn to read body language. Open postures (arms not crossed over the chest or hidden behind the back) are good sign: the chances that the guy will listen to your words increase. Second, actively speak body language yourself. Avoid closed postures, as this can be subconsciously interpreted as a manifestation of self-doubt, distrust of the interlocutor, or even aggression. Find occasions to casually touch his arm or shoulder. This will allow you to hint that you are counting on something more than just a friendly relationship.

When talking or random encounters with him (let him think it's random!) smile. A sincere smile makes you want to smile back and uplifts your mood. Friendliness and friendly attitude work wonders: he will be pleased to be in your company and communicate with you. And you will show that you are happy, and, by the way, you will have a great reason to tell him how much you like his smile. Smile even if you just meet eyes.

Try to give him small compliments. It is not true that only women love with their ears. Men are also extremely partial to the recognition of their merits, even if they carefully hide it. But remember, you don’t need anything flowery and intricate, nothing far-fetched and labored. Your compliments should come from the heart, and the guy should understand this. “You have a great sense of humor”, “This sweater suits you very much, you have wonderful taste”, “No one understands computers better than you”, “It amazes me how much you know about cinema” - if you are not indifferent to it, then you can continue this list indefinitely, because the person you like is always the best. Try not to go too far and do not praise him every five minutes on insignificant occasions: here even the most conceited man may suspect that they are laughing at him. Emphasize that you have a lot in common with him: say, for example: “I also like black and white films.”

It would be nice if you could turn your compliment into a short conversation. For example, if you just compliment his sweater, he may not know how to react. Try to strike up a conversation about clothing styles and gradually let him know that you approve of his taste. Guys like to be praised (yes, they can be very vain).

Flirt with him. A little flirting can help make your relationship less formal. For example, if he is joking, laugh, but only if you really like his joke. Otherwise, just smile politely. You can tease him a little from time to time, but with care and tact so as not to offend. If you see him in the company of friends, you can wave to him. This will let him know that you make him stand out from other guys. Don't be upset that he didn't wave back, did he smile at you? If you smiled, then your innocent flirting worked.

Make him small gift. This idea may seem strange to you, but just imagine that you are giving a gift to your to the best friend or a girlfriend. No matter what you decide to give, don't make a whole show out of it: say something like "I accidentally saw this in the store and thought of you." Do not give anything extravagant or expensive. The gift should be small so that the guy doesn't think he owes you something in return. It will be better if you give him something that he really likes - so he will understand that you think about him and accept him for who he is.

When talking to his friends, mention that you like him. This, of course, can be risky, since you will not be able to predict how they will react to your frankness. They may start to tease him or you, they may twist your words when they retell him your conversation, or they may not say anything at all. Therefore, resort to this method as a last resort. If you trust his friends, ask them to casually mention your sympathy in a conversation with him. But only “accidentally”, otherwise it will seem to him that you are driving him into a corner and demanding to make a decision regarding your relationship. So, if you take a chance and his friends don't let you down, he'll find out about your feelings and he'll have to make a counter move.

What to do if the guy does not understand hints

Have you already tried all the ways to let the guy know that you are not indifferent to him, but nothing changes? It seems that all your efforts are wasted and his attitude towards you remains the same. In this case, there is nothing left but to tell the guy directly that you like him. It is better to dot all the "i" than to bitterly regret your shyness or indecision later. But before you reveal all your cards to him, answer the question: does he really not understand your hints or just does not want to understand?

Unfortunately, it happens that it is much easier for a guy to pretend that hints do not reach him than to directly tell a girl that he is indifferent to her. This is not very nice of him, because such behavior can give you hope that romantic relationship between you is still possible. And it may happen that he really will not understand what you are getting at. Alas, men can sometimes be surprisingly thick-skinned and insensitive to small women's tricks. In any case, you can hint indefinitely, but nothing can be achieved. And that means you have to be honest about your feelings.

Even the most determined girl will be confused in such a situation and will not know what to do. In fact, you can't just walk up to him and stun him by admitting that you like him. From surprise, he may react completely differently than you want. It's better to call for help again female tricks and approach the solution of this problem as if you were a commander before a decisive battle.

Choose to talk convenient time and place. There should be no outsiders near you. Even if you are very nervous and think that the presence best friend will give you courage, don't ask her to help you. In such a situation, the third will always be superfluous. Either the guy decides that you want to play a trick on him, or the girlfriend intervenes at the most inopportune moment. His friends are also bad witnesses for your conversation - in the company of other guys, he may want to demonstrate his independence to you and may offend you with a stupid joke. So do not tempt fate: your confession is only for him.

Both of you shouldn't be in a hurry. Don't talk about your feelings while running. After all, this conversation is important for you, even if your young man understands this too. Smile! An open smile helps create a welcoming atmosphere and helps you gain self-confidence. Be sure to make eye contact with a guy if you want to let him know that your feelings are really serious. Start a conversation with someone neutral theme and gradually bring it to the main point. Consider different conversation scenarios and how you will proceed with your confession as the situation develops. Of course, there is a little bit of manipulation here, but in fact this case it is not harmful to anyone, and therefore do not think that you are doing dishonestly with a guy.

The following advice may seem ridiculous, but we still strongly recommend that you rehearse your confession in front of a mirror in advance. Imagine that you are an actress and you are auditioning for the lead role in a movie or theater production. Play with your intonation and gaze, say the words "I like you" several times until you get used to the way they sound. Be sure to think about your outfit: don't dress too playfully or too formally. Your makeup should also look natural and not draw attention away from you.

Prepare in advance for possible reaction guy to your confession. It will be wonderful if he answers that he is also not indifferent to you. But there is also the possibility that he will say that he does not feel any sympathy for you. Do not forget about your self-esteem, do not throw a tantrum and, of course, try not to say too much in the heat of the moment. It is important to save face and not give the guy the slightest reason to think of you as an unbalanced or exalted person. Believe that later, mentally returning to this conversation, you will know that, thanks to your restraint, you have nothing to reproach yourself with. Giving free rein negative feelings you're only hurting yourself.

Of course, it is possible that the young man will be taken aback by surprise, especially if he really did not notice your hints. Remember that people can give out the most unexpected reactions out of confusion. So add that you yourself are a little worried: "This is the first time I tell a guy that I'm not indifferent to him, and I'm a little nervous, because I'm not sure that you like me." If he asks for a timeout to think about what you're saying, don't demand an immediate response. Most likely, you, too, will need some time for the adrenaline and emotions caused by your bold confession, somewhat subsided. Give each other that opportunity.

If you are still desperately embarrassed to tell a guy that you like him face to face, we advise you to write to him about it. Send him a private message on VKontakte or Facebook. This way you will be less nervous, and he will have the opportunity to think for a while before giving you an answer. The disadvantage of this method is that you have to wait for an answer, worrying and alternately moving from hope to despair. This can be a real test, especially if the young man is in no hurry to answer. A period is always better than an ellipsis, even if it comes after "Let's just be friends."

If you don't know him personally

The most ordinary story: you met in one of the social networks, correspond, exchange photos, but do not know each other in real life. Now dating on the Internet is far from uncommon and does not cause condemnation or misunderstanding. Moreover, some prefer this type of communication. In such circumstances, how to hint to a guy that you are not indifferent to him?

This is much easier to do than in real life. Firstly, to help modest women, there is a whole system of so-called “emoticons”, the main purpose of which is to reflect the emotions that you are experiencing at the moment and help your interlocutor understand you better. Communication on forums, chats, ICQ and social networks does not imply direct eye contact. Your interlocutor does not see or hear you, just as you do not see or hear him, therefore emoticons play the same role that looks, intonations, facial expressions, gestures, etc. play in live speech. If you want to let the guy know that you are not indifferent to him, you can, for example, put "kiss" emoticons instead of the standard "smile" emoticons. The main thing is not to put them on too often, otherwise the guy will get used to them and will no longer pay any attention to them.

In addition, when chatting with a guy online, you can also use some of the methods above to declare your sympathy for him. compliments or light flirting will be just as effective as in real life. You can, for example, send him an Internet postcard with a playful inscription or describe your ideal man, which - what a coincidence! - as if written off from your interlocutor. You can in your status in social network insert the words from Anna German’s song “And I like him, like him, like him ...” and then with joking hints answer his question, to whom exactly are you so indifferent that you are ready to shout about it to the whole world. For flirting, witty jokes and funny emoticons, talking (or rather, corresponding) with you becomes more and more interesting and pleasant.

The Internet suggests a freer, more relaxed and uninhibited style of communication. As a rule, texting a guy something like “I like you more and more” or “I like talking to you” is psychologically easier than in real life. After all, if it seems to you that something is going wrong, you can simply disconnect from the network or pretend that the young man misunderstood you. You can chat with a guy online indefinitely, but if you really like him, sooner or later you will have to transfer communication to another level: make it clear that you don’t mind meeting him. Most likely, he will agree, especially if he correctly deciphered all your hints.

On the other hand, this situation also has its own pitfalls. Getting acquainted on the network, do not forget that your interlocutor can be anyone and anything. There is nothing difficult in filling out your questionnaire with fictitious data or giving someone else's photo, no. In other words, you can be anyone online and play any role. Figuring out who is who is hard enough. Do not forget that the Internet has long been chosen by the so-called pick-up artists in order to make non-binding acquaintances. To charm a girl and force her to admit that she likes him is not difficult for a pikaper. And what is the result? Broken heart, feeling betrayed, and losing trust in other young people.

It's no secret that girls often make the same common mistake: they invent perfect guy. It seems to them that their online acquaintance is able to understand them like no one else, he is smart, resourceful and witty. Without noticing it, they endow him with all positive qualities, they like him more and more, and in the end they fall in love with him. But he may not live up to your expectations and disappoint you after a date in real life: it is quite possible that he drew the knowledge about cinema that you admired so much from Wikipedia and “worked” a little on his smile in a photo in Photoshop. You have to be ready for this.

A few more hints

Remember the sense of proportion, do not overplay. Don't go too far trying to get into his personal space unless you want him to think you're stalking him. Don't make a tragedy if he doesn't answer yours tender feelings. In the end, this is our life, and there are always many separations in it, followed by new meetings.

Love yourself and accept yourself for who you are. Do not forget that you are special, do not give up yourself under any circumstances, even for the sake of the most beautiful prince in the world. At the same time, remember that the young man you like is also a person. Let him know that you appreciate him. A self-confident girl will not go unnoticed. Most importantly, do not confuse spontaneity with swagger.

Don't blindly fall in love with the guy from the chat. Be psychologically prepared for the fact that he may not live up to your expectations. But if this happened, still take a closer look at him: maybe you should give him a second chance? It happens that at the first meeting there is a feeling of awkwardness that spoils good impression from your friend. Listen to your intuition, no matter what advice girls give you who have already been burned in a similar situation.

As you can see, letting a young man know that you like him is not as difficult and scary as it might seem at first glance. You can hint about your feelings with the help of words, a smile or a gift. We wish you good luck in mastering the art of little female tricks!
