How to pay off a mortgage loan with maternity capital. Mortgage under maternity capital

Few of the young families can afford to buy their own housing. Most of them are forced to save the necessary amount for several years.

Therefore, banks are developing special mortgage programs that allow preferential terms to acquire a dwelling in the ownership of this category of the population.

One of these products is represented by the possibility of using maternity capital pay off the mortgage.


Among the purposes of maternity capital, defined by law, is the acquisition of housing.

Moreover, it is allowed to spend funds not only on the purchase of a finished home, but also on the construction of a house or on obtaining housing through a mortgage.

It should be noted that in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of families with two or more children, the legislator obliged all banks practicing mortgage lending to credit, as a payment, credit debt, mother capital funds. But at the same time, situations in which capital is used can vary.

So it is allowed to use maternity capital:

  • to pay the down payment. This service is not for everyone. financial institutions turns out. Previously, banks were very reluctant to accept matkapital in the form of a first payment. It was believed that such clients were not solvent enough, which led to higher interest rates with a short credit period;
  • upon payment of the principal amount. This variation is most often used because it allows you to reduce the amount of the principal debt. Due to this, a smaller percentage is calculated and, consequently, the amount of the overpayment is reduced;
  • in the payment of interest accrued on the loan. Such a scheme is rarely observed, since it is more profitable for the bank, since it is guaranteed to earn the interest due. For the borrower, this method is acceptable if early repayment is not expected and you want to reduce the amount of the monthly payment.

If at the time of issuing the certificate for mother capital, the family already has a loan taken for improvement living conditions, then the capital money can be immediately sent to repay the loan.

It is essential that the law does not limit the number of loans that can be repaid with family capital. The most important requirement is that they all be received to improve living conditions.

An important requirement for the repayment of a mortgage by mother capital is that housing purchased on a mortgage must be registered in fractional ownership all family members.

The restriction on the use of maternity capital is represented by the impossibility of using it to pay off fines, penalties and commissions on overdue debts.

How to repay

To pay off a mortgage loan with maternity capital, you first need to go to the bank.

Although not every bank accepts family capital for the first installment, no banking institution has the right to refuse to repay the principal and interest in this way.

The bank must provide a certificate indicating the amounts of the principal debt and mortgage interest.

The bank statement together with other documents is submitted to Pension Fund. As soon as the employees of the Fund have checked all the documentation, an application form for the use of capital for the purpose of repaying the mortgage is issued. A receipt-notification of the acceptance of documentation is also transmitted to the owner of the certificate.

The term for studying the application by the Pension Fund is defined by law as 1 month. Then a decision is made. If it is positive, then within 2 months the entire amount or part of the capital is transferred to the specified account of the creditor.

In anticipation of the repayment of the mortgage debt, the borrower submits to the bank an application for early repayment of the mortgage, in full or in part.

You can use the mother capital to pay off a loan taken to pay off a mortgage loan. The procedure for this situation is similar.

But to use capital In a similar way allowed no earlier than the child is 3 years old. Moreover, both loans must be received before the birth of the baby.

When maternity capital is used as a down payment, you must first obtain the approval of the bank.

Upon receipt of this, you can contact the FIU to formalize the procedure for transferring funds.

What documents are needed to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital

To pay off a mortgage at the expense of maternity capital, the following documents are transferred to the bank:

  • application for early redemption;
  • certificate for the purchase of maternity capital;
  • passport of the applicant who is also the owner of the certificate.

After receiving this documentation, the bank issues a certificate of the amount of debt and title documents for the mortgage object.

To apply to the FIU, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents, including:

  • a document certifying the identity of the person who has the right to dispose of the capital;
  • a certificate for receiving mother capital (in case of its loss, a duplicate must be obtained from the FIU);
  • documents confirming the presence of a mortgage debt (bank certificate, mortgage agreement);
  • title documents for housing (contract of sale, extract from the USRN);

  • an application in the prescribed form with a request to use capital to pay off a mortgage;
  • a notarized obligation of the borrower after the repayment of the mortgage to arrange housing in common shared ownership.


The validity period of the certificate for maternity capital is not limited. You can use capital funds at any time when the need arises.

If the specified owner of the certificate has died or lost the right to use the certificate, then another person with the appropriate right can use the capital. This may be the other parent or legal guardian.

In addition, the child himself, whose birth was the reason for the registration of maternity capital, can use the certificate.

Such a right arises for a child from the moment of majority until reaching the age of 23 years.

It is allowed to use mother capital to pay off an existing mortgage at any time from the date of receipt of the certificate.

But if the capital is used as a down payment, then it is allowed to use it no earlier than 3 years after the birth of the child.

Important! If maternity capital is used as a down payment, then not a single ruble should be spent from its funds. Otherwise, it is allowed to use the allocated funds only to repay an existing loan.

With an affirmative decision of the Pension Fund regarding the transfer of maternity capital to pay a mortgage loan, funds will be received in a bank account after 2 months.

Can they refuse

In some circumstances, the use of maternity capital to pay off a mortgage may be denied.

The reason may be:

  • collection of an insufficient package of documents;
  • providing false information;
  • incorrect filling of the application;
  • deprivation parental rights, which entails a ban on the use of maternity capital;
  • commission of a crime by the applicant against the person of the child;
  • restriction of the rights of the guardian to use the mother's capital by the guardianship authorities, the right is suspended until the restrictions are lifted.

The above list is exhaustive. There can be no other reason for refusal. If the Pension Fund refused to use the capital, the reason should be clarified.

In case of an error, it should be sent and applied again. The lack of the right to use capital does not allow it to be used in any circumstances.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any mortgage loan option, a repayable mortgage has its advantages and disadvantages.

So the main disadvantages include the following points:

  • lengthy registration, requiring the collection of more documents for the bank than with a conventional mortgage;
  • the need to interact not only with the bank, but also with the FIU, which increases the number of documents and the duration of registration;
  • inability to use maternity capital in certain cases up to three years of age child;
  • the impossibility of partial use of capital during its subsequent use for the first installment.

But in general, all the disadvantages of repaying a mortgage with maternity capital come down to paperwork.

Otherwise, the use of mother capital funds provides a number of such advantages as the ability to:

  • the rapid acquisition of their own housing;
  • reducing the amount of the monthly payment;
  • shortening the loan term;
  • repayment of a previously taken housing loan.

If we talk about how it is still better to use maternity capital to pay off a mortgage, then the best option is the repayment of an existing loan.

This is due to the fact that the use of mother capital for the first installment reduces the level of bank confidence in the borrower.

For this reason, a higher rate is applied on mortgages. When the borrower makes his own funds as a down payment, he thereby confirms his solvency and can qualify for more favorable terms.

Video: How to get a mortgage loan


The state jealously monitors the targeted use of the money allocated for the birth of the second and more baby, that's why repayment of a mortgage with maternity capital- this is perfect option application of funds. Thus, the family gets the opportunity to buy property or expand, thereby improving living conditions.

The certificate holder is given only 3 ways to choose how to spend money on repaying a mortgage loan:

  1. Pay the down payment by applying for a housing loan as soon as the child turns 3 years old. Previously, banks were reluctant to issue such loans, regarding young parents as unreliable borrowers who have low incomes due to a woman's maternity leave. Today the attitude has become more loyal. But now the rates on the loan may be somewhat inflated;
  2. Pay off the body of the debt. The option is considered one of the most profitable from a financial point of view. How more money the client of the bank contributes for the purpose of early repayment, the interest rate will be charged on the smaller amount of the debt. Thus, it turns out to competently manage finances and reduce the burden on the family budget. The overpayment will be minimal;
  3. Pay interest on a loan. This scheme practically not used. Its essence, like the previous method, is to reduce the amount of monthly payments, but only if the client does not plan to pay off the debt ahead of schedule.

Banks are required to accept funds from maternity capital if the borrower wishes to pay part of the mortgage in this way. In practice, there are often banking organizations that simply do not have such a program. They publish conditions on the sites without positioning them as a public offer. This means that the lender will decide on his own who to approve the application, and which category of borrowers not to issue money.

Therefore, if a family is interested in obtaining a mortgage with the involvement of mother capital, first you need to choose a suitable program for yourself. This will allow you to sign a contract for more favorable conditions, and monthly payments will not become an unbearable burden.

Paper question: what documents may be required to pay off the debt on an existing mortgage

To contact the bank, first you need to settle issues with the Pension Fund. To do this, the parent of the child applies to the Pension Fund branch at the place of registration. There you will need to fill out an application and prepare the following certificates in advance:

  • Passport of the applicant (mandatory identification of the applicant is required);
  • Marriage certificate (if the couple is divorced, you must have a certificate of divorce). When registering mother capital great importance has the mother's surname, so if she changed it, proof is needed;
  • A Russian birth certificate for a child (today, you can get maternity capital for a child only if both the mother and the baby have Russian citizenship).

In more difficult situations you can’t do without a certificate of deprivation of parental rights, adoption documents, etc. As a result of the application, the parent receives a certificate.

Now you can contact the bank, where you can write an application for partial early repayment of the debt. For this bank employee you will need to present your passport and certificate received in the PF. The result of such an appeal will be the issuance of a certificate to the applicant, in which the current amount of the debt is registered.

Now we need these documents for repayment of a mortgage with maternity capital: a copy of the sale and purchase agreement or the agreement on equity participation in construction - if it turns out that the house that the family wants to buy has not yet been completed.

The following must be transferred to the Pension Fund:

  1. Application (in person or issue a power of attorney for a person who will represent the interests of the owner);
  2. Applicant's passport;
  3. Certificate for the use of maternity capital;
  4. Mortgage loan agreement obtained from the bank. It is allowed to use its copy, provided that it is certified by the seal of the creditor;
  5. A certificate received after the previous application to the bank on the current amount of debt and interest;
  6. For spouses, an original marriage certificate will be required;
  7. For children under the age of 18, birth certificates are required. If the parents have died and the children are in the care of a guardian or adoptive parent - his passport.

The next step is to check the collected package of documents

  • If not all the necessary certificates are collected or it is revealed that some of them contain false information;
  • If it is revealed that the purchased property is not suitable for children to live in it, or the parents have not allocated a share in the property for them;
  • If the certificate was obtained fraudulently or illegally.

Please note that the PF must always motivate the refusal. This allows the certificate holder, in case of disagreement with such a decision, to go to court to appeal the refusal.

Actions upon receipt of a refusal depend on the reason for such a decision. If it's just not enough necessary information or it is necessary to make some adjustments - as soon as this is done, the documents can be submitted for verification again. If the fund made a mistake, it is best to solve the problem in court.

What will be required to apply for a mortgage and pay off the down payment through the use of mother capital

The list of documents may vary in different banks depending on the conditions of the program.

The main package is always standard and includes:

  1. Borrower's passport;
  2. Marriage certificate;
  3. SNILS (green book);
  4. Birth certificate of the child;
  5. Some banks are ready to accept for consideration a certificate of income in the form of a bank, but most require a certificate of 2-NDFL;
  6. Documents on the employment of a person, it is important to have work experience at the last place of work and an average of 5 years of total work experience;
  7. If a guarantor appears in the transaction, he will need to prepare all the same certificates as the main borrower.

Next, it's time to choose a suitable property that is being verified by the lender. After that, the borrower gets the opportunity to cover part of the mandatory down payment by using funds from maternity capital. The proposed loan terms will depend entirely on the solvency of the borrower.

The process of paying off the down payment by using money from the maternity capital account:

  • Stage 1- Appeal to the bank. At this stage, the client visits a bank branch, where he clarifies what current lending programs are and whether the possibility of using maternity capital to pay for a mortgage is allowed. The specialist will tell you what documents may be required;
  • Stage 2- search for a suitable object. On average, the family has 3-4 months for these formalities. First, you will need to submit an application (this can also be done remotely - on the lender's website) in order to obtain preliminary approval. This will save time and eliminate unnecessary problems. Then you should find out by what criteria the bank evaluates real estate. If the property passes inspection, it's time to conclude a contract;
  • Stage 3- Getting a mortgage directly To do this, a potential borrower prepares the package of documents described above, then the buyer and seller sign a preliminary sale and purchase agreement. Please note that without a notarized consent, allocating a proportional share in an apartment to a child or children will simply not allow the PF to use money from the maternity capital account;
  • Stage 4- The PF transfers funds to the creditor's account, after which the family begins to pay off the debt according to the established schedule.

To fulfill the last paragraph, the applicant in again you will need to visit the PF office. The list of documents is no different from the package required for early target repayment of a mortgage loan at the expense of maternity capital. If everything is fine, the fund transfers funds to the creditor's account within a month from the date of receipt of the papers. It is very important that the bank is reliable: it is checked for accreditation and license.

A little about the nuances of using maternity capital

Deal in without fail formalized legally, i.e. it is necessary to document that the funds were used specifically for the purchase of housing. You can use money in this way if the second child is already 3 years old. Otherwise, the family needs to save a little personal funds, and maternity capital to apply to pay the body of the loan.

453,026 rubles is the maximum amount of maternity capital that the state allocates to a family for the birth of a second child. This is how much you can spend on paying the repayment of the down payment.

You can cancel an application to use the money to pay off a housing loan. If the PF has already transferred the money, it will not be possible to cancel the application. Therefore, before making a final decision, it is important for the family to weigh the pros and cons of such a decision in order to use state aid as efficiently as possible.

It is also worthwhile to manage capital carefully if it is possible to sell a mortgage apartment even before paying off the debt on the loan. Otherwise, you will first need to obtain consent from the guardianship authorities. Also, the family has the opportunity to receive a tax deduction for a housing loan, if they repay all the debt through the use of maternity capital. This will save more money.

There is no unequivocal recommendation when it is better to use maternity capital - even before purchasing a house or only later, when it is time to make monthly payments. Each family can choose for themselves best option.

Experts advise give preference to the repayment of the down payment, if the amount of maternity capital is small. It is more logical to spend a larger amount on debt repayment, in which case the bank will additionally recalculate the amount of interest. Thus, the overpayment will be lower.

Sample application for transfer to the Pension Fund

The document is always filled out on a standard form, which has the required fields:

  1. Personal and passport data of the applicant who applies for money;
  2. Place of its registration;

Buying your own home for young families, and even more so with small children, is not an easy task. But today, thanks to the amendments to the legislative acts that regulate the process state allowance"Maternity capital", it became possible to repay a mortgage loan with maternity capital, while using the certificate will be possible even if the child is under three years old. Let's look at the terms of repayment of a mortgage loan, a list of documents that should be submitted to the relevant government bodies what to do in case of refusal.

Conditions, procedure for repayment of a mortgage loan from financial maternity capital

Young couples are often interested in when it is possible to use maternity capital to pay off a credit line for housing, what conditions should be taken into account?

Please note that the right to repay the mortgage with maternity capital is granted only if the following conditions are met:

  • the target direction of the loan is to improve the housing circumstances of the family;
  • residential real estate, which is taken on credit, is located on the territory Russian Federation;
  • both partners become owners of the acquired housing;
  • loan processing is possible, both for the wife and for the husband, subject to formalized relations. As you can see, maternity capital - a mortgage on a husband is completely allowed;
  • the parts of the children in the total area of ​​the property (house) are determined by the parents and must be additionally certified by a notary.

The repayment of a mortgage loan by maternity capital occurs in a certain order, which includes the following sequence of actions:

  • the client signs a loan agreement for full cost apartments (houses). Please note that when signing a loan agreement, you should not indicate that payment will be made using MK;
  • real estate is registered for a new owner or an agreement on equity participation is registered in the Rosreestr database;
  • a banking institution transfers money to the seller's account, thus taking housing as collateral for a loan;
  • the client announces the intention to repay part of the mortgage using the MK certificate;
  • financial institution provides necessary information about the remaining debt, interest;
  • the borrower applies to the regional branch of the pension fund, while submitting an application for the use of the MC, the necessary package of documents and a certificate from a banking organization on an open credit line;
  • The FIU reviews the submitted documents and makes a decision.

Can I get a mortgage maternity leave and cover interest on loan obligations with cash from family capital? Today, the use of financial resources to pay off a mortgage in order to pay off interest on a monthly basis is prohibited. However, the Ministry of Construction is developing a relevant bill, after the adoption of which the latter will be allowed. However, only parents who are officially registered and on parental leave will be able to use this right.

Another point that often arises among citizens, is it possible to pay off a car loan using this state program? While this issue is under consideration, but already now there are a number of restrictions on its use: the car must be exclusively from a national manufacturer, the cost of the car should not exceed the size of the capital.

Methods for repaying a loan from maternity capital

The amount of family capital for the current year is 492 thousand 348 rubles. and this amount in a number of regions of our country can repay up to 40% of the total loan obligations for the purchase of housing.

Mortgage capital can be used in the following ways:

  • as a down payment for an apartment. Please note that some banking institutions do not allow the use of MK in this way, so immediately check this nuance with a bank employee. Often, payment is made partly from finance mat capital, partly from the borrower's cash;
  • to spend maternal funds for the construction of a house, it does not matter whether the developer will be involved or the construction will be carried out independently. True, in the latter case, the amount is divided into 2 parts, the first (50%) is allocated at the beginning of construction, the rest of the amount - after six months, subject to the provision of an estimate;
  • the certificate extinguishes the principal debt before the expiration of the deadlines for the loan. This method is attractive in case of registration of credit obligations before registration of the right to maternity capital, with the help of these finances, the borrower, in agreement with the bank, can receive a reduction in the duration of the loan or the interest rate. This method is mutually attractive for all parties to the contract;
  • direct family capital to repay interest on the loan. This calculation scheme is used quite rarely, most often it is resorted to if the borrower does not plan to repay the “body” of the debt ahead of schedule in the future;
  • use maternity capital to pay off mortgages by employees of military units that participate in the accumulative mortgage system, in accordance with Federal Law No. 117 of August 20, 2004 “On the NIS of Housing for Military Personnel”.

How to pay off a military mortgage from matkapital funds

If with simple families everything is clear, then how to apply state compensation in the case of members of the Russian armed forces?

In addition to the fact that it is possible for military personnel to use maternity capital for a mortgage on a general basis, they additionally have the right to use the accumulative mortgage system.

The procedure for repaying a credit line for the purchase of residential real estate for military personnel can be carried out using:

  • funds accumulated on a personal personal account, with an agreement that the duration of service in the troops is at least 20 years. In case of dismissal earlier, after ten years of service, the money can be used only on the condition that the departure was provoked by the reason prescribed in the legislation;
  • target housing loan (CHL), the possibility of obtaining a loan is provided no earlier than 3 years after the start of accumulating money under the NIS. The funds can be used to pay off a part of debt obligations on a mortgage, repay a loan ahead of schedule, and make an initial contribution.

It should be noted that the use of maternity capital to pay off loan obligations in conjunction with NIS requires the serviceman to comply with all generally accepted requirements.

The use of maternity capital as a down payment on a mortgage

The procedure for registering mother capital under a mortgage, as a down payment, can be very unpredictable due to the fact that most banking institutions do not conduct such loan programs. Often, the amount of the contribution is divided in half, part is paid by the borrower, part is financed from the funds under the program. But even in this case, the requirements of the bank may be more stringent than with the standard use of maternity funds.

The list of documents required for repayment of a mortgage with maternity capital

We note right away that the papers that must be submitted to a financial institution to draw up a mortgage contract do not differ from the standard ones for obtaining any loan:

  • application form - an application for a loan;
  • document confirming the identity of the borrower (passport);
  • family capital certificate.

A bank employee on their basis will issue you a certificate of the availability of a loan, its amount, interest rates.

Note that financial institutions offer various conditions and loan rates. For example, to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital, Sberbank offers:

  • preferential interest rates;
  • the possibility of receiving funds, both in national and foreign currencies;
  • special credit conditions are provided for payroll card holders;
  • the ability to pay the first contribution for housing with mother capital.

Actions in case of a positive decision on the possibility of repaying a mortgage loan

So, the banking institution you have chosen has made a positive decision on issuing credit funds to you. Next, you need to take ownership of the housing and apply to the Pension Fund in order to use the maternity capital to pay off the mortgage. What can you do without waiting for the baby to be three years old after birth.

In the PF, in addition to the statement, necessary papers, you need to provide a notarized commitment that within six months after the closing of the credit line for the removal of real estate from a bank pledge, you undertake to allocate parts of the property to all members of your family. Such a document is needed if the apartment was not originally issued by signing an agreement on equity participation.

Employees of the Pension Fund make a decision within a month. With a positive decision of the commission on the repayment of the mortgage by mother capital, cash transferred to the account of a financial institution. This procedure takes 10 business days.

After transferring money to the bank account, an employee of the organization will issue you new scheme payment of debt, taking into account the already partially repaid credit obligation. Depending on preliminary agreements with the bank or the conditions prescribed in the contract, the client may be offered preferential interest rates, a reduced duration of loan repayment.

Eligibility and Reason for Refusal of Mortgage Loan Approval

In order not to subsequently receive a negative result from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation for the repayment of a mortgage by maternity capital, you should contact Special attention on the main reasons for the negative decision:

  • the list of submitted papers was not complete or filled out with errors;
  • false information is provided in the documents;
  • the parent (guardian) is deprived of the rights to the child, after the birth of which he received the right to issue an MK certificate;
  • the applicant has committed a criminal act against the child;
  • the child, who was supposed to be issued a certificate, was taken away by the family representatives of social services, as a result of which the parents (guardians) are deprived of the right to dispose of the funds.

If in the first case it is possible to re-apply to the PF and submit documents, then in the rest, the right to return a mortgage loan obligation with family capital is lost.

Necessary papers for applying to the Pension Fund branch

The package of papers required for applying to the FIU consists of:

  • a document that confirms the identity of the applicant, certificate holder (passport);
  • application of the approved form;
  • certificate for family capital. If it is lost, you should first contact the Pension Fund about issuing a duplicate;
  • papers indicating the right to own real estate;
  • loan agreement, indicating the purpose of the credit line;
  • document - a certificate confirming the existence of a loan and indicating the balance of credit funds;
  • an obligation (officially certified by a notary) to secure shares for each family member after the full repayment of the loan for the purchased housing;
  • a notarized power of attorney, if the package is not submitted by the certificate holder;
  • copy judgment, in a situation where one of the parents is deprived of the rights to the child.

Terms of Use and Refunds

The validity of the certificate for family or maternity capital is not limited by time frames, so you can apply it at any time convenient for you. In addition, if the credit line is issued to one of the spouses, and the certificate to the other, it is also allowed to apply maternity capital for a mortgage.

Can I pay off my mortgage earlier? Yes, you can pay off the debt immediately after the decision of the FIU. The bank will count this as early repayment of the loan.


As you can see, the application state compensation for young families real chance get housing on favorable terms, even if you take into account all the subtleties and conditions this process. We hope that our article has allowed you to find answers to your questions, and you will be more confident in the procedure for applying for a loan, and information on how to repay a mortgage with maternity capital in Sberbank, VTB will allow you to choose the best option for paying the latter.

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How is an apartment bought with maternity capital divided?

How to pay off a mortgage with maternity capital in 2018 - you will find a detailed answer to this question by reading this article.

One of the most common ways to use maternity capital is to improve the living conditions of the family. At the same time, funds can be used not only for the purchase of housing or its construction, but also for the repayment of a mortgage loan. A clear advantage such use is that no need to wait for the 3rd anniversary of the second child. The family can buy a house earlier or reduce the burden on family budget. In the article, we will deal with all the nuances of using maternity capital to pay off a mortgage.

Ways to use maternity capital in a mortgage

To date, the amount of maternity capital is 453 thousand 26 rubles. These funds, as a rule, are enough for 10-40% of the cost of housing, depending on the region of residence. The use of maternity capital can significantly save family funds and more short time close the mortgage.

Capital can be spent on a mortgage loan in several ways:

  1. Payment of the down payment. Not all banks work according to this scheme, therefore, during the initial consultation, it is necessary to inform the bank employee that the first installment is paid from the capital. In any case, most banks do not allow capital to be used as a 100% down payment. In this case, the borrower needs to pay at least 5% of the cost of housing at the expense of personal funds (capital can be raised in this way only after the child is three years old).
  2. Repayment of principal ahead of time . This method is interesting when the mortgage was issued before the right to maternity capital arose. It is most convenient for both parties. The borrower makes early repayment, due to which it can reduce the mandatory payment or the loan term. For the bank, this procedure does not carry any risks.
  3. Payment of interest on a loan. This scheme is rarely used. For the borrower, it is interesting only if he does not plan to make early repayment in the future. The bank receives a guarantee that the interest will be paid.

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Application of capital as a down payment

If a potential borrower plans to use maternity capital as a down payment, then you need to choose a bank and a lending program that allows this.

Requirements for borrowers on such loans may be tightened, as the procedure carries a certain risk for a financial institution. It is not necessary to draw up a deposit or advance agreement before obtaining the consent of the bank.

In addition to the standard package of documents, a credit institution must also provide a certificate for maternity capital and a certificate from the Pension Fund, which indicates the balance in the account. After reviewing the documents and making a positive decision, you can set the date for signing the sale and purchase agreement and the loan agreement. The procedure will then look like this:

  1. After the conclusion of the contract, it is necessary to register it in the state register, in accordance with the current legislation.
  2. The registered agreement is submitted to the bank, and it issues credit funds (non-cash transfer to the seller or providing him with access to the safe, where the funds were previously pledged).
  3. In the bank, the borrower receives a certificate of the balance of the debt, and, together with other documents, transfers it to the Pension Fund.
  4. The pension fund reviews the documents (usually it takes up to two months). If approved, notifies the borrower and transfers the funds to non-cash payment to the borrower's account.
  5. The bank recalculates the schedule and thus reduces the mandatory payment.

The participation of maternity capital not only allows you to significantly reduce the cost of your own funds when buying real estate, but also increases the loan amount that the borrower can count on based on their income.

It is possible to use capital as a down payment only if there has not been any of its payments yet. If funds have already been withdrawn, for example, for the education of a child, then capital can only be directed to repay the mortgage.

It should be noted right away that only the loan that was issued to improve the living conditions of the family can be repaid with capital, and the appropriate targeted use of funds must be indicated in the contract. If the family issued a loan for their own real estate, and sent the money for other purposes, then it will not be possible to pay off the balance of the debt with capital.

The borrower under the agreement can be both the mother, who has the right to maternity capital, and the father of the child, but only on condition that they are officially married.

To pay off the mortgage, first of all, you need to contact the Pension Fund and issue the capital certificate itself.

  1. Contacting the bank, where you need to inform about your intention to make early repayment and get a certificate of the balance of the debt. It is also advisable to immediately write an application for unscheduled repayment, since most banks require in advance writing notify of any repayments greater than the required payment.
  2. Appeal to the Pension Fund and transfer of the necessary package of documents, namely:
  • a document that confirms the identity of the person who owns the certificate (mother, father or guardian);
  • application for the payment of maternity capital in the established form;
  • certificate for maternity capital (in case of its loss, it is necessary to issue a duplicate in advance at the Pension Fund);
  • loan agreement (the intended use of funds must be indicated, which implies the improvement of the family's living conditions);
  • a certificate from the bank indicating the current balance on the loan;
  • a notarized obligation of the property owner to arrange housing for all family members after the loan is closed and the encumbrance is removed by the bank;
  • additional documents at the request of the Pension Fund (a power of attorney, if the documents are submitted by an authorized person; a court decision, if one of the parents is deprived of parental rights, etc.).
  1. The Pension Fund accepts documents and issues a receipt to the applicant.
  2. The decision will be made no later than 2 months. The applicant will then be notified in writing.
  3. With a positive decision, the bank transfers funds to the borrower's loan account. Maternity capital cannot be obtained in cash, so attempts to cash out in a similar way useless.

During the period of consideration of documents in the PF, the applicant has the right to review his decision and cancel his application. To do this, you need to write a new application.

If the borrower does not apply to recalculate the schedule, then with the annuity schedule, the payment will remain at the same level, but the loan repayment period and the final overpayment will be reduced. If you want to reduce the mandatory payment, you must contact the bank and write a corresponding application. After changing the schedule, its new calculation must be provided to the borrower.

Maternity capital can only be used to repay the principal or interest. It is forbidden to use it to pay off any penalties.

If the amount of capital is sufficient to fully repay the balance, then further actions must be taken to remove the encumbrance. After that, the owner is obliged to fulfill his obligation and register the property in the shared ownership of all family members. If this is not done, then the Pension Fund has the right to withdraw the payment in court order.

Reasons for rejection

The pension fund may refuse the owner of the certificate for the following reasons:

  • providing not all documents or filling out an application with errors;
  • deprivation of the owner of the certificate of parental rights to a child whose birth became the basis for obtaining the right to maternity capital;
  • commission by the applicant of a crime against the person of the child;
  • the presence of restrictions on the use of maternity capital in relation to the guardian (if such a restriction is temporary, then the guardian can submit documents upon its completion);
  • social services took the child from the family.

In the first case, it is easy to resolve the issue: the Pension Fund will announce exactly what documents are missing and what is incorrectly indicated in the application. Once the errors have been corrected, the documents can be resubmitted. In other cases, the right to maternity capital may be lost.

Other reasons for the refusal of the Pension Fund are unlawful.

The nuances of using maternity capital

  1. An application for payment of funds can be canceled, but you cannot "change your mind" if the funds have already been transferred to pay off the mortgage. Therefore, it is worth weighing in advance all the advantages and disadvantages of such use of funds. If there is a possibility of selling a mortgaged apartment after repaying the loan, then it is better not to use maternity capital, since permission from the board of trustees is required.
  2. A child can independently use the funds of maternity capital after reaching the age of 23, but only if the mother and father lose their rights to capital. Therefore, he can apply for a mortgage on his own or repay his loan only if the specified condition is met.
  3. If the borrower has enough maternity capital to fully repay the loan, then the borrower can initiate the return of paid insurance premiums, which will also make it possible to receive additional funds.

After the birth of a second child, the costs increase. This is especially sensitive if the family pays a mortgage. Therefore, obtaining a certificate for MSC and reducing payments is more relevant than ever.

To repay a housing loan from Sberbank with maternity capital, you need to follow simple algorithm. The whole procedure is regulated and scheduled, is under the control of the authorities, so there are no special problems.

Conditions for early repayment

The use of MK is considered early repayment. Therefore, before taking specific steps, you need to carefully study the section of the contract and additional agreements (if any) that relate to this issue.

Some companies establish a so-called moratorium, which prohibits paying off debt before a certain time. If not, then no problems are foreseen. For information on how best to pay off debt ahead of schedule, read this article.

Of course, the contracts in Sberbank are standard, so the conditions usually look like this:

  • commission - none;
  • prior notice to the bank on the day of payment is required;
  • the size of the payment is reduced, not the term;
  • only the body of the loan is repaid, penalties (if any) and interest are repaid by the borrower on his own.

Thus, early repayment of debt is formally no different from any other DP. True, in this case the transfer of money will be carried out not by the borrower himself, but by the Pension Fund. Read more about the transfer of subsidies.

Specific terms of payment should be viewed in the contract, as they may differ so as not to get unpleasant surprises.

Issuance of a certificate in the Pension Fund

First you need to issue the certificate itself. It is issued by the FIU. By general rule, the mother of the child must apply for a subsidy, but it is quite acceptable for the father to submit the documents.

Thus, it is illegal if documents from the father are not accepted in the PF. For information on how to get family capital, read the link.

In the event that both the mother and the father died without having time to draw up a document, the right to dispose of the subsidy passes to the children in the same proportion after their 18th birthday. They also have the right to pay off their own mortgage.

To obtain a certificate, you must bring:

  • passport of the applicant (mother or father);
  • SNILS;
  • marriage (or divorce) certificate;
  • birth certificates of all children;
  • a certificate of family composition (from the housing department);
  • a notarized obligation from the parent, to whom the mortgage is issued, to allocate a share to the children in the dwelling;
  • birth certificate.

In some cases, other documents may be needed, for example, if the mother has not previously received SNILS, then you will need to issue it first. The term for consideration of the application is 1 month. Then you will need to come up with a passport and pick up a document for yourself.

Transfer of funds to Sberbank

After receiving a document on the appointment of a subsidy, you can proceed to the transfer of money. Although the standard terms of the contract do not stipulate the period for prior notice to the bank, it is better to contact the loan officer in advance and inform him of your intentions.

This is also necessary, as it will be necessary to provide the PF with a copy of the bank's license and constituent documents(to prove its legitimacy). Despite the fact that the bank will have to collect well-known and authoritative documents: this is the order.

In addition to them, you will need to provide the following papers to the Pension Fund:

  • borrower's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • loan agreement with the bank;
  • payment schedule;
  • account statement (to indicate how much is left to pay and whether the bank takes too much);
  • certificates of registration of rights to an apartment - at least three: for the main borrower and his two children;
  • bank details for transferring funds.

Will need to apply at the disposal of mother capital. It is allowed to transfer the entire amount, as well as its part. Early repayment can be made repeatedly: for example, if at first they wanted to leave part of the mother's capital, but then they had to spend it as well.

The order must be left by the owner of the MSC. If the main borrower is the husband, and the wife issued the capital for herself, then you will have to provide additional documents confirming marital status. Within a month, the documents are studied, and if everything is in order, the funds are transferred to the bank.

Obtaining a new payment schedule or a certificate of loan repayment

But the business with the creditor does not stop there. After receiving the funds, its employees will notify the borrower about the arrival of the transfer and ask him to come to the branch.

  • If the payment partially repaid the debt, the borrower will be given a new schedule. As a general rule, the size is reduced monthly payments. But you can leave an application for restructuring the loan and reducing the term.
  • If the transfer completely closed the mortgage, you need to go to the office in a month and take a certificate of no debt under the contract. As a rule, there are no problems with “revived” loans, but it is better to play it safe.

If there are penalties and fines, you will first have to pay them off, and only then you can get a certificate of no debts. Maternity capital can also be used as a down payment on a mortgage, you will learn more about this possibility from this
