How to give your hair a brown tint. Golden hair color: how to choose the right shade

Golden hair color - choice modern fashionistas who are not afraid to look bright and at the same time natural. This shade allows you to preserve the true color of your curls, but at the same time enlivens any hairstyle, making your appearance more fresh, radiant, and youthful. Even popular ones for many years have given way to this tone. platinum blonde and ashy blond, because, as it turned out, this makes the face more severe and adds age. And by adding a little gold to her hair, every lady becomes light, serene and attractive.

It’s immediately worth noting that golden can be either dark or light. This shade is an excellent substitute for dark chestnut, which gives a gloomy appearance, as well as light brown, which often looks boring. If you add notes of gold to dark hair, it will sparkle with new colors, glow in the sun and attract the eyes of others.

The ideal golden hair color can be achieved using ash blonde. Will help you move away from boring gray stereotypes, which also age your face tinted shampoos, which contain gold pigment. Do not be afraid that after the procedure you will become red - this will not happen. The curls will simply become natural yellowish tint, which can be compared to the color of an ear of wheat. Many people equate golden hair color with fairy-tale hair, because the heroines of Russian fairy tales had exactly such curls.

It’s worth saying right away that warm ones suit almost any color type. The main thing is to choose exactly the color number that will highlight your eyes, outline the oval of your face and make your features more expressive. For example, light golden hair color will become perfect couple for gray or blue eyes. Such a duet will look good against the background of white skin, which will make its owner tender, light and dreamy.

Among golden colors There are also more saturated ones that will fit perfectly with light brown and green eyes. Perhaps these tones have their share of red or even shades of red, but this does not make them worse. After all, only such colors can “warm up” the already bright golden-copper hair color will become perfect choice For green-eyed girl. It will perfectly highlight the depth of the eyes, emphasize the flawlessness of the skin and thus make the face more expressive. But it’s worth remembering: when choosing bright color hair, don’t get too fancy with your hairstyle. The simpler you style your curls, the more harmonious the image will be.

A brunette can also have golden hair color, because adding such an accent to your hairstyle means making it not boring, enlivening it. Often, dark hair fades, loses its shine, and acquires an undesirable gray tint. Only gold pigment can give them life and youth to the face. Perhaps after dyeing the curls will become a little lighter, but this will not spoil the image at all.

For the first time in many decades, stylists and hairdressers made right choice. And besides this the choice is coming to everyone - dark-skinned, white-skinned, brown-eyed, and those with “ pansies" Golden hair color is something universal, it fits perfectly with both light and dark hair. dark curls, simultaneously reviving both.

Dye plants
these are plants that produce and contain in their separate parts(roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits, seeds) and tissues (wood, bark) dyes contained in plastids (intracellular components containing pigments and carrying out the synthesis of organic compounds) or dissolved in cell sap.
Natural dyes have no equal in their richness of shades, because... they give deep and soft tones.

You can get a coloring solution by evaporating the roots, leaves and flowers of plants in water. Fresh, not dried, give the brightest color, although less durable. Shades depend on the age of the plant, the composition of the soil, and the time of collection. It is better to collect leaves and flowers that have just bloomed, bark in the spring, and roots and rhizomes in the fall.
Natural dyes not only change hair color, but also nourish the scalp and strengthen hair roots.

Recipes for dyeing hair with natural dyes.

Infusion of navel tincture

(2 teaspoons of flower baskets are poured with 1 glass of boiling water, left for 30 minutes, then filtered and the cooled infusion is applied to the head for 15 minutes) gives the hair a light brown tint.

Infusion of annual sunflower:

Pour 2 tablespoons of flowers into 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter and rinse your hair once a day. To maintain the natural freshness of light brown hair.

Decoction of chamomile inflorescences and nettle rhizomes

To prepare it, take 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials of each component per 1 liter of water. Rinse your head with the broth, tie it with a scarf or towel for 15-20 minutes. After drying your hair, moisten it with chamomile essence mixed with water (1:1 ratio). After 1 hour, rinse again with chamomile infusion (1-2 tablespoons of chamomile pour 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, then filter). For lightening hair.

Chamomile decoction

For blond hair, take 100 g of dry chamomile inflorescences, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes, leave for 1 hour, then filter. For darker hair you need to take 150-200 g of chamomile. Moisten the hair with the decoction and leave for 30-40 minutes. In order for dark hair to become lighter, pour 100 g of chamomile into 1.5 cups of boiling water, mix well, leave for 30-60 minutes, filter, squeeze out the remainder and add 1/4 cup of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Lubricate hair and leave without wiping for 30-40 minutes.

Onion peel

A decoction obtained from onion peels serves as a natural dye. This dye is one hundred percent natural, which means completely harmless. And this gives it a lot of advantages. Onion peels will be a reliable help when using different cosmetics. A decoction of onion peels will help to improve the health of the scalp and solve problems such as excessive dryness and dandruff. To create such an amazing infusion, simply pour boiled husks, but not hot water. Cover the workpiece with a lid and leave it for about twelve hours. Then use the infusion every time you wash your hair. Onion broth Ideal for those who want to give their hair a soft reddish tint.

St. John's wort for hair

The herb helps strengthen the hair follicle, deeply affects the hair structure, strengthening and toning it. Products based on St. John's wort help get rid of oily hair, normalizing the functioning of hair. sebaceous glands. With their help, you can effectively reduce the symptoms of baldness and overcome dandruff, giving your hair fullness and silkiness. Beneficial features St. John's wort applies not only to the hair, but also to the scalp. Rinsing your head with a decoction will help eliminate itching, moisturize and tone the skin.

St. John's wort decoction for hair.

To prepare the decoction you will need fresh (2 tbsp. spoons) or dried (1 tbsp. spoon) St. John's wort flowers, which need to be poured with boiling water and left for an hour, the decoction gives hair chestnut shade. You can also use a pharmacy collection. The product is used to rinse hair after shampooing. Decoction for oily hair a more concentrated one is being prepared. If your scalp is very sensitive, it is recommended to add chamomile to the decoction.

Vegetable hair dye from walnut shells

As a result, the hair becomes beautiful Brown color. This dye is prepared from green shells walnut, which must be boiled in water for 3-4 hours. The result is a dark brown liquid, which is then evaporated to obtain a pure extract. Next, add olive oil and sunflower oil in the ratio: 1 part of the resulting extract 2 parts of oil. Then evaporate the resulting mixture until the water has completely evaporated. Cool the resulting dye to 40-50 degrees, apply it to the hair, leave for 25-30 minutes, and then rinse.

Herbal hair dye from nettle

Nettle dye is used to obtain a chestnut color. You will need 400 grams of dry crushed nettle. Fill it with warm water and boil for 4 hours - about 2 liters of dye should remain. Then cool it, strain and add vinegar in the ratio: 4 parts dye to 1 part vinegar. Next, apply the resulting dye to your hair, let it dry completely, then rinse it off. This is an excellent tint dye. It can be used every day.

Herbal hair dye made from fallen birch leaves

Use dye to obtain golden hair color. It is prepared in the same way as nettle dye.


Herbal hair dye from buckthorn bark

Gives hair a red-golden color. To prepare the dye, take 1 tablespoon of buckthorn bark, pour boiling water over it and cook for 10-15 minutes. After this, cool the red-brown dye, apply it to your hair, leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.


An infusion of the rhizome gives the hair a brown color. An infusion of flowers strengthens hair, gives it shine and health.

Usage dyeing plants and obtaining natural, natural dyes It’s not only useful, but also very pleasant.

I hope it was useful to you! Beautiful and healthy hair to everyone!

Do you think in the old days women had nothing to dye their hair with? I was very surprised...

They had natural dyes - henna, basma, rhubarb, chamomile, tea, green walnut shells, nut kernels, onion peels, black poplar buds and leaves, linden flowers...

Talking about hair coloring natural means, where should I start? First of all, from the fact that hair coloring with vegetable dyes is harmless.

Using these dyes you can get various shades hair. But it should just be noted that natural dyes can act differently depending on your natural hair color, its thickness and individual susceptibility.

So, where do we start?


Chamomile is especially good for lightening hair. It will make your hair manageable and shiny. Chamomile is best used for oily hair, as well as for coloring gray hair.

Gray hair

It is enough to brew 1 glass of dried chamomile flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, then add 3 tablespoons of glycerin. Next, apply the composition to your hair, put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it with a towel for insulation. After an hour, wash off. Gray hair will have a golden tint.

How to lighten hair with chamomile?

To do this, pour 150g of dried flowers into 0.5l of vodka, leave for 2 weeks, strain and squeeze. To enhance the lightening, you can add 50g of hydrogen peroxide to the composition (as you can see, there is some chemical involved). Apply the composition to the hair and leave for 30 - 40 minutes, then rinse with water and shampoo. The hair will turn golden.

If your hair is blond,

Use chamomile as a rinse after every hair wash. Your hair will also turn golden.

What if the hair is dark?

Then brew 1 cup of dried flowers with 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, then add 50g of hydrogen peroxide. Now apply the composition to clean, dry hair, leave for 30-40 minutes and rinse with water and shampoo. Your dark hair will lighten.

You can dye your hair with a mixture of chamomile, henna and tea.

Heat 400g of water to a boil and add 10g of black tea, 50g of chamomile, 40g of henna. Boil for 5 minutes, then let cool, add 200g of vodka, leave for 2 - 3 days. Then strain the mixture and squeeze out the rest. Moisten your hair with this mixture and leave without drying for 30 - 40 minutes, then wash with shampoo.

Onion peels for hair coloring

Onion peel useful remedy for hair, with which you can not only color, but also strengthen your hair and get rid of dandruff. A special compound was found in onion skins - quercetin, which colors hair in orange-reddish shades. You can simply rinse your hair with its decoction.

Blonde hair

You can dye it a dark chestnut shade if you wipe your hair every day with a strong decoction of onion peels.

If you want your blond hair to become bright golden, wipe it every day with a weak decoction of onion peels.

Gray hair on dark hair.

Use a strong decoction of onion peels. Pour half a glass of husk with a glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, strain, add 2 teaspoons of glycerin. You need to wipe your hair with this mixture every day until you see the result.

Tea for hair coloring

Tea leaves contain the same compound, quercetin, as onion skins. Tea gives a reddish- brown tint.

To prepare the paint, just boil 2-3 tablespoons of tea in 200 grams of water for 15-20 minutes and let it brew. And then use it in the same way as onion peels, that is, the resulting tincture can either rinse your hair or apply it to your hair, leave it for some time, then rinse with warm water.

Gray hair

You need to brew 4 teaspoons of black tea in 1/4 glass of water. Boil this tea leaves for another 40 minutes over low heat, strain and add 4 teaspoons of cocoa or instant coffee. Stir the mixture until smooth. Apply to hair with a brush, then put a plastic cap on your head and wrap your head in a towel for insulation. Leave the mixture on your hair for one hour, then rinse with warm water.

Gray hair will turn straw-yellow if you rinse it with strong brewed black tea after each wash!

Hair coloring with rhubarb is a fairly ancient method.

This plant contains orange-yellow chrysophanic acid, which will give your hair golden tones. Depending on the color of your hair, you may end up with straw-yellow or light brown shades. Rhubarb roots no less three years old dig up in the spring, chop and dry in the shade. If this is very difficult, buy a ready-made one at the pharmacy.

For short hair you will need 10g, for long ones - 20g,

for very long ones - 30g of dry rhubarb.

Pour 200g of chopped root cold water, boil for 15 - 20 minutes, stirring all the time so as not to burn. A thick mass is formed. It needs to be cooled and allowed to brew a little. Sometimes a pinch of baking soda is added to give it a dark brown tint. Rhubarb infusion is added to pure henna so that the bright color inherent in henna becomes more muted. In this case, the proportions are observed - 30g of rhubarb powder and 70g of henna powder.

If you have blond hair,

and you want light brown with a golden or copper tint, then after washing your hair, rinse your hair with the following mixture: pour 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed rhubarb roots with 1 glass of cold water, put on fire and boil for 15-20 minutes with constant stirring, then cool and strain.

If you want to dye your blonde hair light brown color, then add a little dry white wine or apple cider vinegar(100 g of wine or vinegar per 0.5 liter of water). The entire composition is brought to a boil, then kept over low heat until half the solution is obtained. Only clean hair should be rinsed after washing.

For normal or oily hair.

To obtain a light brown hue, you can use another recipe: crush 200 g of rhubarb (leaves and roots) and boil in 0.5 liters of white grape wine until half the original volume is obtained.

Gray hair.

If you use rhubarb to color gray hair, you will get a light brown tint.


Walnut has long been used for hair coloring. In this case, you can get different chestnut shades. To do this, collect green walnut peel; it can be used either fresh or dried.

To make your hair brown,

mix 0.5 cups olive oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of alum and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped walnut peel. The entire composition is poured with 1/4 cup of boiling water and placed on low heat for 15 minutes, after which it is cooled and wrung out. Apply to hair for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You must apply it with a brush, otherwise your fingers will become stained.

And this recipe gives the most lasting results.

2 tablespoons of green walnut peel per 100 g of alcohol. We get chestnut color. It should be kept on the hair for 10 - 30 minutes.

Another paint option:

Boil 100 g of green walnut peel in 1 liter of water to 2/3 of the original volume, then apply to hair and keep for about 20-40 minutes.


They dyed their hair with linden back in Ancient Rus'. This coloring not only colors but also strengthens the hair. Linden colors hair chestnut or brown.

Let's look at a few recipes.

Pour 1.5 tablespoons of linden flowers into 1.5 glasses of water, put on low heat and stir constantly until 100 ml of water evaporates. There should be about 1 cup of broth left. Then cool the broth and strain. Apply the resulting liquid to your hair and leave until desired shade.

You can make a decoction from linden twigs and leaves. Prepare the mixture and use it in the same way as in the first recipe. Get brown.


Coffee contains many coloring compounds, so it can also be used to color hair.

The easiest way

Brew strong coffee and rinse your hair after washing your hair, after which you do not need to rinse with water. Your hair will take on a new shade.

If your hair is brown,

you can get a rich chestnut color.

To do this, take 4 teaspoons of ground coffee, add 1 glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. After the coffee has cooled a little, add 1 packet of henna into it. Mix everything and apply to hair along the entire length. Now put on a plastic cap and an insulating towel on top. Depending on the desired shade, hold the mixture for 10 to 40 minutes.

What other natural remedies can you use?


Take 3 - 4 tablespoons of cocoa, mix with 25g of henna and brew according to the technology indicated on the henna bag. Apply to clean hair for 20 - 30 minutes. This way you can get a mahogany shade on dark hair.

Blackberry juice

will give your hair a reddish-brown tint. This is the easiest coloring method - apply the juice to clean, dry hair and leave for at least 1 hour. Be careful, blackberry juice may remain on your hands and clothes.

Spruce bark will dye your hair black.

To do this, grind the spruce bark into powder, brew it with boiling water and apply it to your hair. It must be kept for at least 1 hour.

Sage decoction

4 tbsp. Brew spoons of dry sage with a glass of water. If you apply the infusion to the roots of your hair every day, even White hair. Sage dyes hair dark.

Lemon juice

You can lighten your hair with this. To do this, press lemon juice, mix it in a 50:50 ratio with vodka, apply to damp, clean hair, then dry your hair in the sun, as the ancient Romans did. Afterwards, wash your hair with warm water. This method should not be used by those with dry hair.

As for such remedies as henna and basma, this is a separate topic that should be discussed further.))

Look here at the shades -

Hair coloring with folk remedies is an excellent alternative to traditional chemical dyes. Not everyone can use ordinary paints due to intolerance to individual components, allergies and other contraindications. Traditional methods can environmentally and safely dye their hair dark or light, hide gray strands and give your curls the desired shade.

Features of dyeing with natural dyes

Now there are many people who want to dye their hair with folk remedies, since it is easy to do at home. The only drawback of natural paints is their instability; the painting procedure must be repeated every few weeks. The time that the color will stay on the hair after dyeing at home will depend on individual characteristics.

So, Thin hair They hold color better and require less time for the dyeing process. Before you start dyeing your hair at home, you need to prepare necessary tools. Folk remedies should be applied with a sponge or swab; you can also paint with a comfortable soft brush. It is also necessary to prepare a blanket to protect the shoulders from paint. Before painting, you should wash your hair with regular shampoo.

Benefits of natural dyes

Hair dyeing using folk remedies is convenient not only because it is done at home. It also has many other advantages, including:

  • Taking care of your hair.
  • No irritation on the scalp.
  • Naturalness of the resulting color.
  • It is possible to change your hair color regularly.
  • Providing a healing effect on hair and scalp.
  • Low price for natural ingredients.
  • Possibility of coloring gray hair.

To get the most pleasant impressions from dyeing hair with folk remedies, you should remember a few simple rules. Can not use natural colors immediately after coloring at the hairdresser. The process of saturating your hair with the desired shade is quite lengthy, so you shouldn’t rush and remove the dye in advance. By following these rules, you can easily get good result at home.

Henna and basma

For dyeing hair golden color, henna is considered the best folk remedy. It is a powder from the leaves of alkana or lavsonia. Henna not only gives hair a pleasant color, but strengthens hair from roots to ends thanks to the presence of tannins. Its use at home is quite simple, and for health purposes it can be done weekly.

It must be remembered that henna is effective only on brown and light brown hair; its use on blonde hair gives a red-orange hue. To give dark color hair, henna is complemented with basma. The proportions of these components affect the final result. So, if you take henna and basma in these proportions, it will turn out:

  1. A 1:1 mixture gives a nice chestnut color.
  2. Henna and basma in a 2:1 ratio will give a bronze tint.
  3. Henna and basma in a 1:2 ratio will result in a radically black color.

These figures may vary slightly depending on natural color hair. To correct saturation, you can reduce or increase the painting time. In addition, dyeing black hair with folk remedies will not give desired result, the dark and golden color will not appear on them in any way.

To prepare paint from henna and basma at home, you should take their powders in the right proportions. The powders are poured into a glass bowl and mixed until the color is uniform. After this, hot liquid is added to the mixture, it can be like plain water, and red wine or coffee. If desired, you can add drops of glycerin.

  1. Hair is washed with shampoo and slightly dried without using a hair dryer.
  2. The hairline is covered with Vaseline so that the dyes do not transfer to the skin.
  3. A mixture of basma and henna is applied along the parting lines using a sponge.
  4. To color the ends you need to add a little to the remaining mixture hot water.
  5. After thoroughly applying the dye, the hair should be hidden in a plastic bag and wrapped with a towel on top.

Depending on the desired shade, the paint should be kept for from 15 minutes to an hour and a half. After this time, the paint is washed off with warm water without using shampoo. If your hair is gray, dyeing with these folk remedies takes a little longer, but the result will be very good in any case.


Chamomile is an affordable and popular remedy for lightening hair at home. It has a soothing, softening and regenerating effect, and also adds shine to hair and reduces excess hair loss. sebum. There are several recipes using chamomile flowers:

  1. 1 cup of dried flowers is poured with half a liter of just boiled water and left for two hours. 3 tbsp is poured into the infusion. l. glycerin, after which it is applied to the hair. Hair is wrapped up plastic bag and a towel for one hour. This folk remedy can dye completely gray hair a golden shade.
  2. Dark hair can be lightened with chamomile in this way: pour one and a half glasses of flowers with 1 liter of vodka and leave for 14 days. After this, the infusion should be mixed with 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide, applied to the hair for half an hour, and then rinsed with regular shampoo.

You can also regularly rinse with a light chamomile decoction to give your hair a golden color.

Onion peel

Among folk remedies for dyeing hair at home, onion peels are popular. In addition to its long-lasting golden color, the husk gives shine to hair and eliminates dandruff. To dye your hair with onion skins, you should take:

  • 0.5 cups finely chopped husks
  • 1 glass of hot water
  • 2 tsp. glycerin

The husk needs to be filled with water and brought to a boil. Keep on fire for 20 minutes from the moment of boiling, then cool and filter. Add glycerin to the broth and apply it to your hair with a clean sponge daily until the desired shade is obtained.


Using the green peel of this nut, you can give a bright chestnut shade to your hair; it will look especially effective on brown hair. In this case, the raw materials used can be dried and paint from the peel can be used at any time of the year. There are many ways to color walnuts, including the following:

  1. Half a glass of any vegetable oil add 1 tbsp. l. alum, 1 tbsp. l. ground nut peel and 50 ml hot water. The mixture is placed on low heat and kept there for a quarter of an hour. Next, strain the mixture and apply the resulting cake to your hair. Leave the cake for 45 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  2. This recipe is simpler than the previous one. To make it, take the peel, ground in a meat grinder, and mix it with water, bringing it to the consistency of thick homemade sour cream. The product obtained in this way should be applied to the hair with a brush, left for 20 minutes and rinsed with water without shampoo.
  3. To achieve a lasting result you need 2 tbsp. l. pour 100 ml of alcohol into finely chopped green peel and leave for 24 hours. Apply the resulting infusion to your hair and leave for up to half an hour. This method gives noticeable and long-lasting hair color.
  4. There is another recipe for dyeing hair with walnuts. To do it, you need to pour 100 g of peel with a liter of water, put it on fire and boil the broth until it reaches two-thirds of the original volume. Filter the resulting broth and apply to hair, after half an hour, rinse with water without shampoo.

Video: Hair coloring with natural dyes


Rhubarb gives ashen and light brown shades, and products made from it cover gray hair well. There are recipes based on rhubarb:

  1. Rhubarb root in the amount of two tablespoons is poured into a glass of water and boiled over medium heat for a quarter of an hour. The broth is cooled and filtered, after which 50 ml of apple cider vinegar or wine is added. The mixture is brought to a boil again and exactly half of the liquid is evaporated. The decoction is used to rinse hair after regular washing.
  2. Rhubarb leaves and roots in an amount of 200 grams are poured with unsweetened white wine and boiled by half. Rinse hair with a decoction after washing to give it light shade oily and normal hair.

Rarely is a woman happy with her natural color hair. You always want to correct, or even radically change, what nature has given. And the modern beauty industry provides such an opportunity. Permanent paints for hair can quickly give it beautiful shade, turning you from, say, a brunette to a radiant blonde. The only problem is that even the best dyes are harmful to hair because they contain aggressive chemical components. " Good alternative permanent paints— tint products that do not penetrate deep into the hair shaft, but only envelop it, remaining on the scales and under them, says Irina Arkhagova, master stylist of a beauty salon “ Golden ratio" — Hydrogen peroxide is not used in such preparations, therefore natural pigment does not wash out of hair. You can strengthen your natural shade or make it a few shades darker. But, unfortunately, such products cannot radically lighten hair. They can only give any light nuance already bleached hair.”

Toning products also help care for curls: they contain vitamins, natural oils and plant extracts. Tint products are available in the form of paints, balms, tonics, masks and shampoos. Be careful with the latter: shampoos have alkaline environment and with frequent, and even more so incorrect use, you can dry out your hair. “It is recommended to do tinting once a month or 2 weeks after using permanent paint if you need to refresh the color,” says Irina Arkhagova. — If you notice that your colored hair has become drier and duller, add intensely moisturizing balms and masks to your care. And here nutrients Don’t get carried away - they wash out the coloring pigments from the hair.”

Natural dyes

You can give your hair a beautiful shade using vegetable dyes. They not only change color, but also make hair healthier and accelerate growth. Natural products are suitable for curls in any condition; they are not capable of harming the hair. They are also distinguished by their durability and naturalness of shades.

* Golden tone Common hops, fallen birch leaves, calendula or juniper berries will add hair to your hair.

* Straw color curls can be obtained using yarrow and barley sprouts.

* Chestnut palette will provide dyes from walnut shells, buckthorn bark, nettles, and sea buckthorn.

* Red-golden shades will be given to the hair by chamomile, onion peel and cranberry.

But there is one more important nuance. “It is better to use natural dyes if you do not use industrial ones,” says Irina Arkhagova. - Any dyed hair is damaged to one degree or another and can settle on the scales. If you use permanent or tinted products again, there is a high risk that the resulting color will be far from the desired one, because... particles vegetable paint will slow down or even completely change the chemical reaction.”

Recipes for natural hair dyes

- Buckthorn bark decoction

Gives hair a dark brown tint.

1 tbsp. buckthorn bark, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes until the composition acquires a reddish-brown color. Strain it and cool it. Then apply to clean, dried hair and rinse with water after 30 minutes.

- Nettle decoction

Gives hair a chestnut tint.

Pour 400 g of dry crushed nettle into 2.5 liters of warm water and put on fire for 4 hours. After the water has boiled away, the volume of paint should be approximately 2 liters. Cool the resulting mixture and strain. Before tinting, mix one part of the dye with 1/4 part table vinegar. Apply the composition to dry hair and do not rinse until completely dry. Nettle dye can be used daily until the shade of the desired intensity is obtained.

- A decoction of fallen birch leaves

Prepare a composition for dyeing according to the recipe for dry nettle dye. Apply the resulting product to clean, dried hair for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

- Decoction of onion peels

Gives hair a golden hue.

Pour 100 g of onion peel into 1 liter of hot water and boil for 30 minutes. Then let it brew for half an hour and strain. Moisten clean, dried hair with the prepared mixture, leave for half an hour and rinse the curls.

- Rhubarb decoction

Gives hair a light brown tint.

Pour 150 g of rhubarb into 0.5 liters of water and boil to half volume. Strain the resulting mixture and cool. Apply to clean, dried hair for 20-30 minutes and rinse.

- Decoction of acorn shells

Gives hair a black tint.

Pour 1 liter of cold water over 1 kg of acorn shells, bring to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes. Then strain and cool. Apply the resulting composition to your hair until the desired shade is obtained.

Dye your hair with tinted or natural tinting compounds, and your curls will be healthy and beautiful.
