How to make a relationship with a guy more interesting. Good relationship with a guy - how to achieve

In any relationship, be it friendly or romantic, you need to invest some effort on both sides and not only when they first arise. It is not uncommon for a guy to try his best to get a girl, and when he manages to achieve the desired goal, then he lets everything take its course.

In the end, it turns out that the efforts were wasted if you do not start taking relationships for granted and do not take care to maintain and improve them. To get better relationships, you need to stick to the following rules. This article is dedicated to them.

  • Don't forget to follow the spoken words.

Even if your relationship has already become close and trusting, then you should not forget what you say in relation to each other. Before you say something, don't forget to think about the consequences of what you said. This is very important and plays a huge role in relationships.

  • Respect the opinion of the second half.

When you value a person, you will respect his opinion even if you think differently. Of course, disputes are allowed, but only if they are constructive. In no case should you humiliate your opponent during the debate. It is forbidden to hurt a loved one for something that is very dear to him.

  • Can be found good side in the negative character trait of your soul mate,since every opinion is quite subjective.

This suggests that you can perceive negatively what others consider positive. In addition, it can be assumed that behind something negative there is something useful in it. You should treat your soul mate with understanding.

  • Don't get bored in the company of your loved one.

Not every disagreement becomes the cause of a dispute and much worse - a quarrel. Before you swear, you should think about whether you need it. What is more important for you - to prove that you are right and hurt the person, or to give in and keep the peace in the relationship?

  • Don't jump to conclusions sooner than necessary.

You should not immediately pounce on your loved one with accusations and condemnations, because we do not know the motives of his actions and what is going on in his head. Consider giving your loved ones the benefit of the doubt. Strong relationships require trust. If a loved one does something that you do not like, then you should clarify the situation together, and not immediately start blaming him for what he did.

  • Don't forget to compliment your significant other.

They are looking forward to this and will be extremely happy to hear something good in their address. This is especially true for girls who are known to love with their ears. There is no doubt that after a compliment, the girl will blossom and smell in your company.

  • Thank each other for even the smallest things.

It is known that a person ceases to appreciate the good if it is regular and in sufficient quantities. In the case when your chosen one cooks borscht every day, then thank her properly. The girl will be pleased next time she will try even harder for you to do something better. It is important to say the word “thank you” to your soulmate, which plays a huge role in respect for each other. A person who has received gratitude will understand that it is very important. In addition, we should not forget that all life consists of little things that sometimes play more role than anything else. Never forget this!!!

  • Always appreciate your loved ones.

Tell them pleasant words, but only from pure heart. Cherish the people around you. Remember more about good deeds of people.

Relationships with other people often mess with our psyche and make every cell of our body burn with hellish flames, causing incredible pain. Wild tension (in which we are kept by quarrels, any negativity, and even possibly a potential break in relationships) can have an extremely sad effect on our health. That is why you need to act right now. Urgently! In order to make the relationship better, stronger and more interesting, thereby reducing the risk of separation, I suggest that you start taking action right now. Start strong and interesting relationship from the following three things:

1) Pay attention to yourself, analyze the situation.

How much time do you spend complaining about fate? Do you often think that he or she is doing something wrong? That they love you less, that they owe you something? Should it? Catch all this nonsense in a fist! Stop, that's enough! Start analyzing and thinking! Right in this moment flip everything negative thoughts in a completely different direction. What can you do right now to help? Tidy up, clean up, run a 5K, maybe make some money, whatever! Nobody likes whiners. Whining is useless. Whining is a waste of time. You can do a bunch of really useful things for yourself right now - so take care of yourself. If there's nothing to do, can you call your friend right now? Note that you should NOT call TO COMPLAINT. And just to say “Hello” to your friend, chat, maybe take a walk. You can always find something more productive to do right now instead of grieving or complaining. No offense, but DON'T BE SMOOTH. It's clear that you're not in right now. in a better mood, but that doesn't matter. Once you can switch your brain to other things, it will improve! You can't get angry or complain. Smile! :)

2) Try to be happy no matter how the relationship goes!

Does your happiness depend on what the other person does or doesn't do? Does that mean you're a puppet? Absolutely no one likes puppets, they are used and kept as a fallback. Be an independent person, don't let other people's actions drastically affect your mood. When you enjoy have a great day and some brute starts dumping his anger on you, loading you with his problems and throwing his Bad mood on you, trying to infect you with their emotions and tune your brain to your negative wave - do not fall for it! Don't let anyone drag you down! you need to be happy man, Despite everything! Focus on the things you enjoy and do them, let everyone moral freaks go through the forest.

3) Control yourself, not anyone else!
You cannot completely control what other people do. What your loved one does or says. But, you can control your actions! Set your weak points where you can get hit below the belt. It can be your past misdeeds that you are reminded of, or just empty accusations or even insults - it doesn’t matter! Pay attention to how you begin to react to such vile antics. The most important thing for you is to learn how to break the chain reaction. That is, in response to a provocative statement, instead of your usual actions, just kiss the person and leave. You can’t even imagine how such an extraordinary trick on your part will defuse the situation and how it will favorably affect you, your soul mate and your relationship in general. Any person who can make you angry becomes your master.


Find a common hobby.

You will be interested in working together common cause. It could be stamp collecting joint classes fitness, playing music or skydiving. In any case, a common hobby is an endless topic of conversation, it will give your coexistence additional interest, make you active and give you many positive ones. A positive emotions unite.

Give each other some freedom.

If you spend all the time together and do not disengage your hands, in time you will have everything fewer topics for conversations. Everyone should have their own separate social circle, it is from there that you will bring something new and interesting to the common hearth. And do not try without fail to make your friends common, sometimes you need to have something only your own, intimate. After all, no matter how much you love each other, you are independent accomplished individuals. That is what makes you interesting to each other.

Do romantic stupid things.

Order bouquets of flowers at home not about a joint, but just like that. Enclose love notes in your pocket to your loved one completely. Read under starry sky, but order "your" song and invite your partner to the slowest dance. A little romantic "firewood" will only benefit your family hearth.

Come out into the light.

Even if your nest is the most comfortable, it is worth going out somewhere so that others can see you together. Attend theaters, exhibitions, at least once a month dine not at home, but in a cafe or restaurant. Do not refer to the shortage! Look at the posters, yours probably hosts free cultural events. And some exhibition "Urban life of the N-th province in the 19th century" will become a real event and a topic for discussion.

Have adventures together.

Buy tickets for the train and leave for the whole day in a neighboring city. Wander unfamiliar streets, see local sights and read memorial plaques. Or maybe better, capturing a tent and sleeping bag, go on bicycles, where do you look? And ride until the night catches you...

Surprise each other.

You know your partner as flaky, you do not expect anything unexpected from him. Yes, and you are no longer a mystery to him. As the hero of the famous operetta said: "My wife is read." True, later he had to admit that he missed in this book "... the most interesting pages ...". So save your partner from this boredom. Surprise him either with an unexpected skill, or an act, or an outfit. Even if you have to make great efforts to learn how to tap dance, believe me, and the delight in the eyes of your loved one will pay for these efforts a hundredfold.

What is the easiest way to improve relations with a man? What is the most effective way to influence a man so that he respects a woman? Let me remind you that a man cannot truly love a woman he does not respect. (On the contrary, it happens) This is a feature of male psychology.

Of course, main way to improve relations with a man - this is an increase in self-confidence. It is worth increasing confidence by 10%, as for women who are insecure in themselves, relations with men immediately improve by 2 times and at least 10% for women with average self-confidence.

Developing self-confidence before the formation of subconscious reactions and behavior. For example, reacting quickly to a joke, being confident when you're tired, focusing on other thoughts, and even being confident when you're trying to appear insecure requires training. (that is, this behavior happens by itself, and not only when the girl tries) - this is a rather lengthy process, which is described in my course How to become more confident in yourself in 3 months.

However, there are some behaviors that you just need to be aware of and do not require much practice. Know, understand, try several times and there will already be an effect. Of course, the effect of such knowledge is lower than that of training, but all actions require much less time and effort.

This is exactly what I'm going to talk about today. This behavior is simple and obvious. But, nevertheless, if you constantly use it in life in relation to men, you will quickly feel the effect.

The first way to improve relationships with men is to speak your mind, tell stories from your life, share something useful, etc.

Do you know what is outwardly one of the biggest differences between confident people and insecure people? In the first few minutes or hours, how do men determine a woman's confidence and, accordingly, draw a conclusion for themselves about the prospects for love for her, marriage, etc.?

Confidence or uncertainty is determined by whether a woman expresses her opinion on some issues, tells something about herself, advises or not.

Insecure women (as well as men) often think that their opinion is not interesting, that they do not fully know the situation in order to have their own opinion, etc. Often this has nothing to do with objective knowledge.

Therefore, it makes sense to learn to express your opinion. You can and should train, of course, not only on the man you like, but also on everyone. The easiest and safest way is to train on girlfriends or colleagues. It's harder already professional activity. But you have to try and try.

A few notes on expressing your own opinion.

Voicing your own opinion is an effective and fairly safe technique that develops confidence and even more perception of you as a confident girl. Even here, however, some caution should be exercised.

First, be extremely careful to express your own opinion about the ethics of your man's actions in his professional activities.

Many professions of men, especially managers, employees of law enforcement agencies and entrepreneurs, require a certain rigidity or they immediately fly out of the cage. It is necessary to fire people who may not have anything to live on, sometimes you need to cheat, evade taxes, give bribes, manipulate employees or colleagues, make subscripts, do nothing to anyone the right job(window dressing) and do a lot of not always pleasant, but necessary things.

Criticize (under the guise of expressing your opinion) this part male work(if it exists, of course) you need to either very carefully or forget about it altogether.

Ethical or unethical behavior with friends, relatives, yourself, etc., is quite debatable.

Secondly, expressing your opinion about professional conduct manager and colleagues.

Here you also need to be careful. You need at least some preparation for your opinion to be perceived (and not look like another stupidity) and you need to be prepared for the fact that it can be perceived as criticism.

In addition to these minor clarifications, it remains great amount areas of life where you can and should speak out. Tell us about yourself, express your opinion, share advice on where something can be done right (or someone did it wrong), etc.

If you constantly do this, then in addition to being perceived by men (and women) as more confident woman you will get feedback on your statements. You will understand that here they said stupidity, but here you know no less than someone else, and here it was necessary to say something for a long time, and not to be silent. And if you listen to this feedback, you will become much wiser.

In addition, as I have repeatedly written, men need to be told directly about what you need. (with some exceptions) By learning to talk about yourself more often, it will be much easier for you to tell a man what you need from him.

In general, talking about yourself, about your opinion, advising someone on your experience is a pretty good strategy. Apply it and you will gradually understand how it works.

The second way - do not try too hard.

Obviously, the more insecure a woman is, the more she tries to please a man. A self-confident woman, of course, also tries to please a man to some extent, but does ten times less for this. (Does not do less, but usually tries less)

To make it clearer, I will give a few examples.

The first example is dressing too carefully.

Let's say a woman meets a man.

She may dress TOO diligently for the first meeting. For example, wear the best Evening Dress, all their best jewelry, to make some incredibly expensive hairstyle, etc. and so on. And besides this, she can even tell a man that she begged for a dress from a friend for a long time, that she does such a hairstyle once a year for big holidays etc.

This is an example of overzealousness. A man can go on a date regular clothes or even in tracksuit and does not expect such clothes from a woman. Such excessive diligence clearly shows him that the woman is too interested in him, it is not particularly necessary to achieve her, that she is already practically in love and the only task is quick sex and think about how it will be easier to part with this later.

Again, I'm not suggesting that you go on a date in a tracksuit. (Although depending on where the date is, it might be a good idea) Of course, put on a proper dress, if necessary, do your hair and nothing more.

The second example is too diligent cooking or even more table setting..

A man comes on a date to a girl and sees candles, some tablecloths, expensive champagne, expensive table setting, etc.

But why would it? What did he deserve? If yes, then there are no questions.

Again, I do not propose to leave a man hungry if he came to the girl's house. Of course, you need to feed him. However, one dish and a regular plate with a fork are enough for this.

The third example is diligence in helping a man.

For example, a man has some a difficult situation. He does not have time to do something, he lacks some connections or skills, he does not have enough money or something else. Can the girl help him? Of course it can, why not.

But don't try too hard.

If a man does not know something, then it is quite possible
suggest where to look for it. Excessive in this situation will be sitting for weeks in libraries and the Internet, systematizing a couple more weeks of knowledge, and then printing it all.

If a man doesn’t have time for something, then you can cancel the date (no offense), you can even sit with him for a couple of hours and figure it out together, but excessively is to do everything for him.

If a man lacks some connections that you have, then it is quite possible to give him a little recommendation, organize a meeting where he could talk about his wonderful proposal. It will be excessive to force someone (parents, subordinates or colleagues) to forget about other options and accept only services, goods, ideas, etc. the man you like.

So, in order to please men, of course, you need to try. But it is desirable that these efforts are basically aimed at you, and not a man. That is, they have mastered some skill from the Psychology of Men - good. They brought the weight back to normal - excellent. Improved your confidence - great.

Much less need to try for a particular man. And most importantly, what I'm writing about here is to avoid EXCESSIVE effort. It is not only not useful, it is extremely harmful to relationships.

The fourth example is an excessive attempt to match his hobbies, hobbies, etc..

Almost every man loves something that does not arouse any interest in a woman. Someone is ready to examine or repair cars all day long, someone watches sports programs, someone constantly reads about politics, and someone is ready to work from morning to evening. (Of course, this is not all, there are many other hobbies.)

Of course, it is highly desirable that a woman at least minimally understand what is important for a man. This often holds the family together or even serves as the basis for starting communication.

It is desirable that a woman at least in general terms know what her man is doing, at least know about his hobbies. And if the relationship is developing, then it makes sense to at least go a little deeper and know more about what the man knows. (If there is interest, then dive deep)

Excessive effort pretty quickly shows a man that a woman needs him too much, does not have her own interests and is not confident in herself (in general or in relations with specific man). Excessive independence, of course, is also bad, but in Russia it is still relatively rare.

The third way to improve relationships with men is to be at least a little secretive..

Insecure women immediately tell everything about themselves. More precisely, it usually happens as follows. At first, they are not ready to say anything at all. unfamiliar men, something to ask them or defend their opinion. (Shyness)

But as soon as the man showed his disposition towards her, they talked for several hours, as soon as the flow of information about himself begins.

Confident women do the opposite. A little, shallow, they are ready to communicate with almost anyone more or less adequate man. However, to speak frank conversations V in large numbers man, he must deserve it.

Let's take an example from them. Learn to talk about everything on the one hand. Naturally, you also need to train not only and not so much on the man you like, but on any person. It is clear that the value for learning is mainly communication with unfamiliar or unfamiliar people.

On the other hand, learn to hide information about yourself. Think about what you can tell at the first meetings (and not only at the first ones) and to whom, and try to keep this information to yourself. Think about what information should never be shared with anyone at all.

Conversely, think about what you can talk about with almost anyone.

With a man who likes a woman, you need to talk with even more caution. At a minimum, never tell him that you are head over heels in love with him. And don't text him. love letters until he tells you how he feels.

I think it’s clear that you don’t need to tell a man that you are sitting by the phone all day and waiting for his call with an invitation to a date. I think that you can add the rest of the points yourself.

The general principle is this. Learn to speak common topics(weather, children, world events) with any a stranger and to keep to oneself information with a relatively well-known person, but which does not need to be said. Insecure women have problems with both the first and second points. But if learning to talk to strangers without special training is not so easy, then you can easily retain information. volitional efforts, a little practice and analysis.

Sincerely, Rashid Kirranov

Starting a relationship is always fun and exciting, but maintaining a relationship long time it's always hard work. Once you've settled into a relationship, you must maintain a sincere flow of communication and continue to value time with your loved one. Building a long-term relationship isn't always fun, but the benefits of maintaining long-term and Serious relationships far outweigh the difficulties you may encounter. If you want to know how to make your relationship last, just follow these tips.


Make time for each other

  1. Find time for romance. While “date night” may sound forced, you and your significant other should aim to have a date night at least once a week, if not more often. You shouldn't call it "date night" if that sounds too vulgar to you, but you should spend time together, just the two of you, at least one evening a week.

    • You can do the same things on a date night, like cooking dinner together and then going to the movies, or spice it up and do something different each time. If you stay at home, support romantic atmosphere by lighting candles and turning on soothing music.
    • Whatever you do, you should definitely have time to really talk during a special evening together. You will not be able to have a normal conversation if you are going to a noisy concert together.
    • Learn to say no to others during "date night." Your girlfriends may beg you to go to a cafe together, but if you have a date, say that you can't go out and offer to meet at next week. You won't succeed if you're always ready to say no to "date night."
    • You should always look beautiful, tell each other how much you love each other, and compliment each other throughout the evening.
  2. Have sex at least once a week. You shouldn't include this in your calendar, and hopefully you won't, but you should make a conscious effort to make love at least once a week, no matter how tired you get after work, or how many times you've done it. last week.

    • Making love is a way to keep your intimate relationship and get closer to your partner.
    • You should also spend some time just hugging and kissing each other so that it doesn't feel like you're just completing the "sex" item on your to-do list.
  3. Find time to talk. While the two of you may have hectic schedules, you should make a mutual effort to talk to each other every day, no matter how much work you need to get done. You can set aside time to talk over dinner, or talk on the phone if your significant other is far away.

    • Make it a habit to find out how your loved one's day went. While you shouldn't bore each other with every little thing, you should get used to Everyday life each other.
    • If you spend a week apart, set aside at least fifteen minutes a day to make up for lost time and remind your loved one how much you love and miss them.
    • When you are talking, there should be no distractions. If you are watching TV at the same time or sitting on the phone, then you are not really talking.

    Maintain a strong connection

    1. Be honest with each other. Honesty is the key to any long-term relationship. To save strong relationships, you must be open and honest with your soul mate. You must be able to share your most intimate thoughts and feelings with your loved one, otherwise you are not really communicating.

      • Don't be afraid to tell your loved one if they have disappointed you. Being honest about your feelings will help you solve the problem, and it's much better than passive aggression if you are upset about something.
      • Share your feelings with your loved one. If you're really upset about something that happened at work or something your mom said, then don't keep it all inside.
      • Know when to be silent. Although honesty almost is always the best policy, you should not share any petty feeling with your loved one. For example, if you don't like his new shirt or find one of his friends a bit annoying, then it's probably best to keep it to yourself.
      • Make time for honesty. If you want to open up about something important, be sure to only do so when your loved one has time to talk and is relatively relaxed. Your news will be better received if he has time to listen.
    2. Learn to compromise. In any strong relationship happiness should be more important than being right. If you want your relationship to last, then you must learn to make decisions with your loved one and find a way to make both of you happy with those decisions, or take turns giving in to each other. Here's how to do it:

      • When you make a decision, have your loved one rate the importance of the decision to them from 1 to 10, and then indicate how important it is to you. Then talk about why this is so important to both of you and what you can do to make it mean less to you.
      • Be thoughtful. When you both make a decision, discuss the pros and cons and what you can agree on.
      • Take turns giving in to small decisions. If you have chosen a restaurant for a date, then let your girlfriend choose the movie that you will watch.
      • Make sure you both compromise. If your girlfriend constantly gives in to you, then this is not a compromise in the end, because you are more persistent.
    3. Learn to ask for forgiveness. This is very important point. If you want to stay in long term relationship then you definitely need to be able to ask for forgiveness from time to time. When it comes to relationships, admitting you're sorry is more important than being stubborn.

      • Learn to apologize if you did something wrong. It may take you a while to realize that you made a mistake, but when you do, ask for forgiveness for what you did.
      • Do it honestly. Be sincere and make eye contact. If you apologize just because you have to, it doesn't mean anything.
      • Learn to accept your partner's apologies. If he does it sincerely, stop being angry, accept the apology, and move on.
    4. Tell your loved one how much they mean to you. Never forget to say “I love you” and take your feelings for granted. You should tell your loved one every day that you love him - several times a day, if you can. Remember that there is a difference between "I love you" and "I love you" - you have to say it consciously.

      • Always compliment your significant other. Tell her how wonderful she looks in her new dress or how much you love it when she smiles.
      • Always thank your soul mate. Do not take courtesies and good deeds for granted.
      • Always tell your loved one how special she is. Never forget to tell him about his uniqueness.

    Keep moving on

    1. Find new interests to pursue together. Relationships are like a shark - if they don't move forward, they die. You must find ways to keep your relationship fresh so that love doesn't just become part of your daily life. One way to do this is to find new interests that you can pursue together so that you have a common passion.

      • Take weekly dance lessons. This will be a good workout for you and will rekindle your passion for each other.
      • Find a shared hobby. Try taking painting or pottery classes, or find new love to sailing.
      • Go to class together. Try to learn new language or take history lessons together.
      • Go for a run together. This great way get closer, whether you're running a 5K or training for a marathon.
      • Do something that pushes both of you out of your comfort zone. Try hiking, mountain biking, or even ice skating. Doing something completely unfamiliar will bring you closer.
    2. Refresh your bedroom. If you want to keep healthy relationships then you must maintain a healthy sex life. Although your lovemaking after five years together may not be the same as it was at the beginning, you still need to try something new in the bedroom so that sex with your partner is exciting for you and that everything you do is still exciting. .

      • Make love in new positions. Don't do the same thing over and over, even if it works. You can even look for new positions together, which can be a good prelude.
      • Make love in new places. You don't always have to head to the bedroom - try the sofa, the kitchen table, or even head to the hotel in the middle of the day.
      • Try going to a sex shop to pick out some toys for the bedroom.
    3. Take a trip to a new place. Although vacation is not good long term solution any problems in a relationship, a trip together can help change the way you look at things and appreciate your love in a new way. In addition, thanks to joint travel planning, you will have something to look forward to.

      • Plan the trip you've always wanted to go on. If you've been talking about a trip to Paris together for the past seven years and you have enough money to do it, then it's time to turn your dreams into reality.
      • Go on a short day trip. Even a simple trip out of town to spend a day in the woods or on the beach can freshen up your relationship.
      • Arrange a second Honeymoon. If you are already married and have had a honeymoon, take yourself another one to celebrate your love.
    • Make your significant other feel special.
    • Be yourself when you start dating someone. Don't change, don't be rude, don't be an idiot.
    • Never try to change someone, it will only make things worse.
    • Remember that both people are involved in a relationship.
    • Never rush.
    • Never try to make your partner jealous, he will leave you thinking that you no longer love him and are interested in another person.
    • Don't get too attached to other people or close friends of the opposite sex and don't talk about them all the time, it makes your partner feel insecure and ruins the relationship.


    • Attention: These steps are not a guarantee. However, most people will agree that these steps are the basic truths of a relationship.
