Stones for every lunar day. th lunar day

Apart from standard ways physical, dry cleaning metals, there are many magical, because. removal external signs pollution, does not mean the removal of information and energy seals. The metal itself is more flexible, less tenaciously keeps its memories, it is more difficult if the ring has a stone. It is good to clean with salt, naturally do not rub, but put the ring in salt for a day. Suitable for all metals water options, because Water works most actively with memory and is less harsh than, for example, Fire.

Cleaning of metals:

In addition to the common method of running water, freezing is very effective. In a plastic vessel, so as not to crack, put it in the refrigerator for a day, best before the new moon, on the last 29th day lunar cycle. Freezing water pulls out all the information, structures it, often visually. In the ice, next to the ring, cloudy figures can form - this is what happened. Or rays, arcs of bubbles - this is the aura of the ring, the intensity of which means its sleeping or waking state.

Silver has the most mobile memory, it is most tightly tuned to its owner. After negative events, it needs to be cleaned energetically more often than other metals, but this feature has its own magical advantages. physical sign old information is the darkening of silver, they can be removed in the usual way- an aqueous solution of ammonia, before lunar cleansing. Be careful if there is artificial blackening or lightening, then ammonia is not suitable. The removal of this noble blackness is more often necessary if the ring has changed its owner or if its “personality” needs to be radically updated. Silver blackness is the experience of the ring, if you do not want it to be lost, for example, having been inherited from your ancestors, water procedures are enough.

Further, on the 1st lunar day, you can set the ring for yourself, talk with him, agree on something and restore energy balance. Silver must be placed for several nights on the windowsill so that it sees the moon that has appeared and grows, and during the day it must be removed from straight lines. sun rays. Neomenia - the appearance of a newborn month, occurs no later than 3 days after the new moon. For charging copper, after cleaning, burying in clean, living earth is well suited. A pot with indoor flowers is suitable, according to the state of health of which one can judge the qualities of the earth. For iron - calcination with fire, for example from a candle, keep better near so as not to smoke, and leave it by the dying candle. Gold is charged with sunlight, window sill method.

Stone setting:

If your jewelry artifact has a stone, it is all the more better to use purification with water or freezing, stones are more selective to other methods. After purification, you can adjust the stone.

Stones acquire the greatest power on certain lunar days (correspondences are presented in the table below), when their magical properties are powerfully revealed. But if you have not tuned in to this stone, have not agreed on cooperation with it, most likely it will simply not work, in worst case its energies can be dangerous, causing unpredictable, uncontrollable effects. It is necessary to start working with a stone two weeks before it. lunar day, on the opposite phase of the Moon, the opposite point of the lunar cycle when the stone is most passive. The opposite lunar day is indicated in brackets in the table. Before this, the stone must be cleaned, for example, according to the method described above (the next new moon is March 7 at 8 pm Moscow time), and set aside. Starting from the day of the antiphase, as T.N. Zyurnyaeva advises, for two weeks, while the stone is filled with energy, take it in your hands every day and equalize with its growing strength, repeating three times: “I am the master, and you are a friend (assistant, protector, healer). You can "talk" to him about his magical properties, it is assumed that you already know what kind of help you are waiting for. And two weeks later, on the day of the lunar day of the stone, you can start wearing it.

Table: Correspondence of minerals and lunar days

1 lunar day (opposition day - 16): diamond (diamond), rhinestone.
2 lunar day (16): jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate.
3 lunar day (17): jaspilite, ruby, aventurine, pyrite, carnelian.
4 lunar day (18): sardonyx, amazonite, green jade.
5 lunar day (19): blue turquoise, pink chalcedony, marble.
6 lunar day (20): hyacinth, citrine.
7 lunar day (21): sapphire, heliotrope, white coral.
8 lunar day (22): red pomegranate, chrysolite, morion.
9 lunar day (23): black pearl, alexandrite, rauchtopaz, serpentine (serpentine).
10 lunar day (24): amber, olivine-chrysolite, sardonyx.
11 lunar day (25): fire opal, hematite (bloodstone), carnelian.
12 lunar day (26): lapis lazuli, yellow coral, mother of pearl, pink pearls.
13 lunar day (27): noble opal.
14 lunar day (28): hyacinth.
15 lunar day (29.30): agate, morion, jet.
16 lunar day (1.2): spinel (lal), tourmaline, charoite, emerald, white pearls (all except black).
17 lunar day (3): transparent amethyst, crow and falcon eye, zircon, almandine.
18 lunar day (4): white agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel.
19 lunar day (5): labrador, jet, morion, hematite (bloodstone), chrysolite, green pomegranate(uvarovite), onyx, white turquoise.
20 lunar day (6): red jasper, jasperite.
21 lunar days (7): pyrite, zircon, aventurine, obsidian.
22 lunar day (8): blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade, amber.
23 lunar day (9): rauchtopaz, black jade, crocodile, sarder.
24 lunar day (10): black jasper, airy obsidian, malachite, blue jade, grossular.
25 lunar day (11): spats, eye of the Tiger, Hawkeye, cat eye, all fossils, heliotrope, pink marble.
26 lunar day (12): orpiment, yellow jade, jadeite, chrysoprase.
27 lunar day (13): lilac transparent amethyst, emerald, pink and raspberry quartz, selenite, adularia.
28 lunar day (14): chrysoprase, chrysoberyl, milk opal, jadeite, aquamarine, amethyst, aragonite, belomorite (moonstone), plasma.
29 lunar day (15): black pearl, mother-of-pearl, obsidian, white opal, colored jasper, cacholong, labrador.
30 lunar day (15): white coral, rock crystal, tourmaline.

The idea that this or that planet rules every day is very old, it has found its reflection in most human cultures and still reminds of itself in the names of the days of the week. AT Everyday life it is important to take into account the days of the week: all things that require an investment of energy, plan for Tuesday, things that require systematic and concentration - for Saturday, and so on. This planning has a practical meaning, everything in life happens with less effort and more clearly. To live at least a little in rhythm with Nature means to go towards ourselves. How to choose a stone - a crystal or a gem by day of the week?

If you know even a little English, you understand that Sunday is the day ruled by the Sun, and Saturday is ruled by Saturn.
Monday is the day of the moon, and where the names of the planets are not clearly visible, the reason is that the names of the Roman gods sound in the now generally accepted names of the planets. Each culture had its own gods, corresponding to the Roman ones, and called the days of the week (and, I think, the planets) by their names. Let's say, English Thursday, Thursday, is named after the god Thor (Thor), an analogue of the Roman Jupiter, and Thursday is ruled by the planet Jupiter.
In French the ruling planets of the days of the week are even more noticeable: martedi - Tuesday - is ruled by Mars, mercoledi - Wednesday - by Mercury, venerdi - Friday - the day of Venus.

On a certain day, a mineral is more strongly nourished, similar to its ruler planet in character and in its balancing action. You can collect a “week” from your favorite stones and wear it in the form of a bracelet or beads, or you can focus on minerals corresponding to the day of the week on which you were born. Also, with the help of a mineral, you will “pump” a weak planet in your horoscope, for example, the Moon in Capricorn or Mars in Pisces.

Monday, moon

white, silver, delicate shade stones, shimmering, shining: opal, pearl, moonstone, sun stone, malachite, aquamarine, belomorite, white agate, selenite, cacholong, cowrie shells, mother of pearl. It is better to frame them in silver.

Moonstone should be used in accordance with the lunar phases, and at the new moon it concentrates all power in itself. It symbolizes magical power lunar fields and is considered the most suitable for people born on the full moon.
Moonstone calms the mind, awakening dreaminess, softness and tenderness in people, eliminates anger and internal tension, promotes the development of intuition and imagination, brings relief to people experiencing Negative influence full moon. If the moonstone is viewed on a moonlit night, it will bring peace of mind and peace.
The stone perceives and attracts love, it is worn as a talisman to bring love into your life. It is able to awaken tender passion, therefore it was highly valued as a gift to loved ones.

Tuesday, Mars, Pluto

Bright, fire stones, as well as black stones and with a metallic sheen:
Garnet, ruby, spinel, fire opal, fire agate, red jasper, pyrite, hematite, obsidian, jet, morion, schorl, verdelite (green tourmaline), black onyx, black jade, lava stone, shungite. Suitable blackened metal, White gold, surgical steel.

Spinel good for physical and emotional condition organism. Strengthens the immune system, enhances blood circulation, promotes tissue regeneration, treats infectious and gastric diseases. raises the tone.

in the East for precious stones red color has a strong reputation as a powerful stimulant sexual energy, love and passion. That is how they treated the stones, which we now call spinel. It was believed that they have the ability to arouse irresistible passion. Spinel is contraindicated for people with excessive impulsiveness - under its influence they can quickly “burn out”.

Wednesday, Mercury

Green, golden, transparent stones: agate, jadeite, jade, serpentine, serafinite, aventurine, rock crystal, citrine, golden topaz, ametrine, hyacinth, zircon, diamond, green amethyst (praseolite), green garnet (Wessonite), green aquamarine, alexandrite, fluorite. Metal - any, since Mercury does not have a clear expression of male or female energy.

The green amethyst is called praseolite. It means "bow" in Greek. You can wear it for any illness or in full health, to all people, without exception by sex, age or zodiac sign.
Amethyst turns green under the influence of high temperatures at the time of formation. Green - the color of nature, neutral, calm, helps to slow down a bit and gather. The crystal will help develop intuition, join nature, and even show "sleeping" talent.

The stone stimulates the work of the heart and normalizes blood circulation. If every morning you do a facial massage with a rounded bead or insert jewelry, then you can get rid of mimic wrinkles.
Jewelry with amethyst will be a wonderful gift for business people: they will not only elegantly fit into the dress code, but also help win the argument, settle the non-standard situation.

Thursday, Jupiter, Neptune

Stones of a generous variety of colors and textures, as well as marine shades: jasper, tiger's eye, turquoise, amazonite, aquamarine, amethyst, apatite, beryl, chrysolite, carnelian, sardonyx, morion.

Metal - white gold, silver, silver brass.

Jasper- a stone of nobility, status, respect, generosity and wealth. Helps to gain courage before solving large and long-term cases, not to waste on trifles. Supports optimism, helps in long journeys, international relations and business. For everyday wear is the perfect choice.

Jasper, in addition to its blood-purifying and hemostatic properties, is credited with the ability spiritual education children, a transforming influence on the quality of the soul, its ennoblement and love. Jasper jewelry sharpens eyesight and memory.
Jasper is able to nourish a person positive energy, so it is very useful to wear products made from this stone. In many countries, it is believed that jasper attracts good luck, happiness and prosperity to the house. as it is a stone of Jupiter, a kind and generous planet!

Friday, Venus

White, pink, green stones: agate, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, charoite, lepidolite, sun stone, rose quartz, white jadeite, malachite, chrysocolla, variscite, angelite, celestine, aquamarine, azurite, chrysoprase, emerald, dioptase, zoisite, unakite, pink tourmaline, watermelon tourmaline.

Metal - pink gold, copper, brass.

Thanks to his lilac color charoite considered a good sedative and relaxing agent. It has a positive effect on nervous system, helps to remove the physical, mental and mental stress accumulated during the day, to relieve headache. It is useful to consider this stone for several minutes a day in a calm environment - this will provide a calming effect and have a beneficial effect on the psyche.

The state of peace, tranquility, harmony and love for everything that exists - this is what charoite is able to give to its owner.
This stone awakens intuition, helps to reveal your Creative skills, self-realization. It is believed that it strengthens the family, brings harmony to marriage and improves mutual understanding between spouses.

Saturday, Saturn, Uranus

Stones of sky color, gray and brown shades: lapis lazuli, sodalite, sapphire, blue topaz, amethyst, iolite, kyanite, labradorite, hawk's eye, onyx, rauchtopaz, some types of jasper, dendroagate.

Metal - silver, both light and dark.

Sodalite affects the throat chakra and the third eye chakra.
It is believed that minerals normalize arterial pressure, regulate cardiac activity, reduce appetite and help with liver diseases. Blue sodalite jewelry, reduce nervous tension relieve insomnia and nightmares. Sodalite is also useful for the prevention of eye diseases. Sodalite normalizes the work of the endocrine and lymphatic systems, normalizes metabolism. It has a particularly strong effect on thyroid gland- treats related diseases. Sodalite neutralizes the effects of excessive solar or radioactive exposure, and put on sore spot, sodalite draws stress and discomfort and even contributes to the resorption of tumors.

Sodalite is a talisman of businessmen, scientists, teachers, doctors, astrologers. Sodalite helps to better understand the world, acquire inner harmony. No wonder this stone is called "fallen from the sky."

Sunday, Sun

Everything is bright and sunny: amber, simbircite, yellow calcite, carnelian, zircon, hyacinth, diamond, crystal, heliodor, heliotrope, ruby, tourmaline, chrysolite (olivine, peridot).

The metal is gold or a gold-colored alloy.

Tourmaline- the only mineral that has a durable source of energy (the sun). Therefore, it is called a nugget of energy or an electric stone. negative ions and weak energy polarity produced from this mineral is a sensational new substance that is being explored by many scientific centers and laboratories.
The stone improves memory, relieves dizziness, cleanses blood vessels, and charges plasma. In running water, you can remove an extra charge from the stone. In order to charge - you need to hold it in the sun for a while. Promotes relaxation smooth muscles internal organs and blood vessels, vasodilation, improves blood circulation and lymph circulation.
Tourmaline patronizes artists, designers, generally creative bright people. At the same time, soft energy helps not to be arrogant, not to close your heart.

Remember, minerals are living formations, but, as some skeptics say, they cannot “quarrel” with each other. As well as jinx it. People who do not strive for development and knowledge swear. Rocks love people, especially if people love rocks!

All examples in the photo are my work. You can see and order more

Are you planning important meeting, public speaking, serious conversation, exam? Except careful preparation to the event, you need to take care of your appearance and enlist the support of the moon! The most powerful energy of the Earth's satellite causes the ebb and flow of huge oceans, to say nothing of the power of its influence on a person. How to get the help of the moon during important event Of your life? And why would she help you?

Talismans and colors of lunar days - how does it work?

In fact, everything is simple and logical. For a full shift cycle lunar phases, from one new moon to another, the Moon passes through 30 so-called lunar days, with each of these periods of time corresponding to a certain mood of the Earth's satellite. Every lunar day has certain characteristics, such as symbol, element, form, talisman stone, lucky color . In addition, each of the lunar days is favorable for certain actions and events in different areas human life. Therefore, the first thing to do when planning an important meeting is to look into Moon calendar and choose the correct, most suitable lunar day.

What is the lunar day today? Lunar Calendar 2018 >>

How to use the color of the day according to the lunar calendar?

If it is not in your power to choose a date, you can enlist the support of the Moon by choosing a lucky stone and a talisman. Moonlight colors can be used in clothes, in makeup, in choosing nail polish, the paste of the pen with which you write - in general, in anything that will be with you directly at the moment of an important event (and better than all day). And if you also reinforce the colors of lunar days with talisman stones, good luck will follow you on your heels! 🙂

In the table below, we have collected information for each day of June 2017, so that it would be more convenient for you to choose a wardrobe, makeup and jewelry that will attract good luck into your life.

To find out the colors of the lunar days of the next months, take a look at our Lunar Calendar 2018>>

Talismans and colors of lunar days. June 2017

the dateLunar day colorTalisman Stone
1.06 hyacinth, citrine
2.06 red, scarlet and blackgarnetite, uvarovite, olivine, chrysolite
3.06 black pearl, alexandrite, rauchtopaz
4.06 amber, tsvarovite, olivine-chrysolite, sardonyx
5.06 fire opal, hematite, carnelian
6.06 lapis lazuli, yellow coral, mother-of-pearl, pink pearls
7.06 red opal, ruby
8.06 purple, lilac, lilac and whitehyacinth
9.06 red, scarlet and blackagate, morion, jet
10.06 orange, chestnut, chocolate and brown; white, silver, bluetourmaline, emerald, pearl (NOT black)
11.06 yellow, goldhematite, zircon
12.06 green, malachite and emeraldwhite agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel
13.06 blue, sea ​​wave and azurelabradorite, chrysolite, olivine, green garnet, boiled, red onyx
14.06 blue, indigo, ultramarine, cornflower blue and sapphirered jasper, rock crystal
15.06 purple, lilac, lilac and whitezircon, aventurine
16.06 red, scarlet and blackblue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade and amber
17.06 orange, chestnut, chocolate and brownrauchtopaz, black jade, crocodile, sard
18.06 yellow, gold, amber, lemon, saffron and ocherblack jasper, airy obsidian, malachite, blue jade, grossular
19.06 green, malachite and emeraldspars (amulets), tiger (red) eye, falcon (blue and blue) eye, cat (green) eye
20.06 blue, sea wave and azureorpiment, yellow jade, jadeite, chrysoprase
21.06 blue, indigo, ultramarine, cornflower blue and sapphirelilac transparent amethyst, emerald, adularia, pink and raspberry quartz, selenite
22.06 purple, lilac, lilac and whitearagonite, anadalusin, chrysoprase
23.06 red, scarlet and blackserpentine, black pearl, mother of pearl
24.06 orange, chestnut, chocolate and brownwhite coral, rock crystal and tourmaline
25.06 orange, chestnut, chocolate and brownjadein, calcedony, iridescent agate
26.06 yellow, gold, amber, lemon, saffron and ocherjaspilite, ruby, pyrite, aventurine
27.06 green, malachite and emeraldsardonyx, amazonite (brings joy to the house), green jade
28.06 blue, sea wave and azureturquoise, pink chalcedony, marble
29.06 blue, indigo, ultramarine, cornflower blue and sapphiremarble
30.06 blue, indigo, ultramarine, cornflower blue and sapphiremarble

Stones and minerals

These are amazing creations of nature and one of the forms of life. They have many mysterious properties and has long been used both for healing and for magical actions. Each stone represents a certain system of human protection. An information exchange takes place between a mineral and a person. Crystals constantly interact with the outside world and send information to the external environment, causing various vibrations.

Since childhood, we have been taught that stones are part of inanimate nature. And only now, many scientists - representatives of traditional science - have agreed that stones are a different kind of life. The stones are alive, just like you and me! Only their activity is greatly slowed down compared to human, but they live for thousands and even tens of thousands of years. All stones have a special crystalline structure that is able to perceive, store and transmit information. The stones are huge energy potential, therefore, there is a constant energy-information exchange of stone with the surrounding space. And when there is a resonance between a stone and a person, then the person is included in the system of global energy exchange and, thus, can be healed both mentally and physically.

Stones are living beings, well, almost like cats and dogs, only they don't talk. But still, you need to periodically, once a month, on the 27th or 28th lunar day, take care of them: clean them, give them a rest for a day or two so that they can recharge. The stones that you wear all the time enter energetically deeply into all field structures and are able to help you find health, harmony, and happiness. different stones affect differently different people. Everyone has his own talisman, and his own amulet, and his own healer. They just need to be found. If you like the stone, attracts the eye, then this is your stone.

To quickly enter into resonance with the stone, use the following rules:

- do not put a stone without a frame in the middle of the palm, you need to take stones only with your fingers, you cannot crush them or pull them in your palms;

- never buy a stone just because it is in fashion or it is prestigious to wear it. Before you buy, it's best to listen to yourself. Please note that the stone must be polished (at least one facet). Otherwise, he can bring chaotic energies into your life that you cannot control;

- if the stone has fallen out of the frame or cracked, it cannot be worn. It should be buried - buried in the ground on the 27th lunar day;

- if the stone is “not yours”, then it is almost impossible to wear it - it will fall off, interfere, crush, forcing you to take it off;

- the most valuable stones donated to you from pure heart;

- stones bought in antique shops or pawnshops must be cleaned for a long time from accumulated in them for centuries negative information;

- you can’t give a stone from hand to hand, you need to put it on the table;

- you should not give your stone to hold, measure, touch other people, even relatives;

- a stone is acquired and connected to it when it has the lowest energy, which depends on the lunar day. Then you need to take the stone with the fingers of your left hand and say 3 times: "I am the owner, and you are a friend." Then put it aside for two weeks, but every day pick it up and admire it. After two weeks (preferably at lunar noon), put the stone on yourself in any form (in a bag or in the form of jewelry).

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The moon revolves around the earth. At different positions relative to each other of the Sun, Earth and Moon, we see the illuminated disk of our satellite in different ways.
The part of the illuminated disk is called the phase of the moon.
Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish a month growing from a new moon to a full moon from a month waning to a new moon from a full moon.
In the northern hemisphere, a well-known trick is used: if an imaginary stick can be attached to the crescent moon in such a way that the letter “P” (growing) is obtained, then the month grows, but if the month looks like the letter “C” (old), then it decreases.

The four phases of the moon in ancient times were associated with the four elements, which followed the order of "decompression" internal energy: Earth - Water - Air - Fire.
Each phase of the moon takes about a week.

As we know, the Moon returns to its place relative to the Sun in 29.53 days. The synodic month is divided into phases, each of which is marked with specific information. There are also gradations inside the phases - lunar day, for example, and each has its own information.

The beginning of each phase is rigidly interconnected with the aspects of the Moon and the Sun - conjunction, eastern and western squares, oppositions.

Each phase of the moon has its own symbol, its own color and refers to a certain element.

To quickly enter into resonance with the stone, you need to use rapidly changing rhythms lunar month.

Each stone is purchased and put on on a certain lunar day, moreover, it is put on in antiphase to the lunar day recommended for buying a stone.


When the Moon is between the Sun and the Earth on a straight line connecting these two luminaries, in this position the unlit part of the lunar surface faces the Earth, and we do not see it. This phase is the NEW MOON, or the "birth" of the Moon.

During the new moon, that part of the moon that is not illuminated by direct sunlight is still slightly visible against the dark background of the sky. This phenomenon was called the ashen light of the moon. Leonardo da Vinci was the first to correctly explain the reason for this phenomenon: the ashen light is given by the sun's rays reflected from the Earth, which at that time faces the Moon with most of its hemisphere illuminated by the Sun.

1-2 days after the new moon, the Moon moves away from the straight line connecting the centers of the Sun and the Earth, and we can see a narrow lunar crescent from the Earth, bulging towards the Sun.

A week after the new moon, the boundary of the sunlit and dark part of the lunar disk acquires the form of a straight line for an earthly observer. The illuminated part of the moon is exactly half of the visible disk, and this phase of the moon is called the FIRST QUARTER.

1st phase - associated with the elements of the Earth. The moon is not yet fully separated from the sun's rays. Its symbolic color is blue, the color of innocence. This phase is named after the virgin goddess Artemis. In the Zoroastrian tradition, this is the goddess - Chista

1 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 15 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - BRILLIANT (contains the Sun in Aries), PEARL (does not have the power of a specific planet), CHAROIT (contains the power of Venus in Libra),


2 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 16 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - ADULYAR (contains the power of the Moon and Neptune), JADE (has the power of Venus, Moon and Saturn), PEARL (does not have the power of a specific planet), CHAROITE (contains the power of Venus in Libra), SPINEL


3 MOON DAY (antiphase - 17 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - AQUAMARINE (contains the power of the Moon in Pisces), ALMANDINE

(contains the power of the Sun, Neptune and Venus), CARNEOL (contains the power of Venus, Pluto)


4 MOON DAY (antiphase - 18 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - AGATE (has the strength of different planets depending on the color), AMAZONITE (contains the strength of the Moon in Taurus), serpentine (has the strength of Neptune and Mercury), JADE GREEN (contains the strength of Proserpina, Saturn) OPAL


5 LUNAR DAY (antiphase - 19 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - WHITE TURQUOISE (has the power of the planet Pluto), LABRADORE (contains the power of Pluto, Saturn), MORION, AMBER (contains the power of the Sun, Venus)


6 MOON DAY (antiphase - 20 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - HYACINTH (has the power of the Moon and Uranus), RED JASPER


7 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 21 lunar days)

ACQUISITION - AVENTURINE (contains the power of Neptune), HELIOTROP (has the power of Saturn, Moon and Venus)



This time is from 8 to 14 lunar days, the moon continues to grow.

The 2nd phase is associated with the element of Water. Symbol - the goddess Thetis, eldest daughter sea ​​god Nereus. Another symbol is the moon goddess Selene. In the Zoroastrian tradition - the sea queen Ushitai.

In the second phase, the Moon reveals itself in all its glory. The color of the second quarter is green, the color of fruiting.

Two weeks after the new moon, the Moon is again on the line connecting the Sun and the Earth, but this time not between them, but on the other side of the Earth.

The FULL MOON is when we see the full disk of the Moon illuminated.

At the junction of the 2nd and 3rd phases - the full moon, during which the Moon is maximally freed from the influence of the Sun, becomes the most independent. This is the so-called Moon Road - 30 degrees before and 30 degrees after the new moon.


8 MOON DAY (antiphase - 22 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - CHRYSOLITH (contains the power of Venus, Neptune), BLUE JASPER


9 MOON DAY (antiphase - 23 lunar day)



10 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 24 lunar day)



11 LUNAR DAY (antiphase - 25 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - CARNELIUS (contains the power of the Sun, Saturn, Mars)


12 LUNAR DAY (antiphase - 26 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - AMETHYST (contains the power of the Sun in Libra, related to the 7th house), JADE YELLOW


13 MOON DAY (antiphase - 27 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - QUARTZ, MILK OPAL, RUBY (contains the power of the Sun in Leo), SELENITE


14 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 28 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - AQUAMARINE, BELOMORITE (contains the power of the Moon and Neptune), SAPPHIRE (contains the power of Jupiter and Saturn)


3rd phase - THIRD QUARTER

Associated with Air. Her symbol is the goddess Dione, in the Zoroastrian tradition Uparetat is the messenger of the gods. The color is yellow, the color of thought (Divine Thought, Divine Word). In another way, it is called Metis.

15 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 29, 30 and 1 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - DIAMOND, EMERALD (has the power of the Moon, Vulcan and Proserpine),


16 MOON DAY (antiphase - 2 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - AGATE IRRIGATE (has the power of different planets, depending on the color), ROCK CRYSTAL, LAZURITE (contains the power of Venus, Uranus, Jupiter), TOURMALINE (contains the power of Pluto, Venus), CHALcedONY


17 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 3 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - AVENTURINE (holds the power of Neptune), HEMATITE (holds the power of Mars and Saturn), ZIRCON (holds the power of Saturn, Neptune)


18 MOON DAY (antiphase - 4 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - BLUE AGATE, CAHOLONG (has the power of Venus in Taurus)


19 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 5 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - MOSS AGATES, POMEGRANATE (has the strength of Mars and Jupiter), ONYX (contains the strength of Mars, Mercury, Venus), PINK CHALcedONY


20 LUNAR DAY (antiphase - 6 lunar day)



21 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase -7 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - WHITE CORAL, AIR OBSIDIAN (contains the power of Saturn, Uranus, the Sun)


4th phase - FOURTH, LAST QUARTER - waning moon

At this time, exactly half of the disk is illuminated again, only from the other side than in the first quarter phase.

Element of Fire. Color - red. The symbol is the goddess of vengeance - the Gorgon. Her other name is Eris - discord, disunity - the goddess of Moon Fire, because the red moon was associated with the bloody moon. In the Zoroastrian tradition - the goddess Daena, the embodiment of Faith and Conscience.


22 LUNAR DAY (antiphase - 8 lunar day)



23 MOON DAY (antiphase - 9 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - ALEXANDRITE, WHITE PEARL (contains the power of Proserpina, Venus, Saturn, Moon in Libra), RAUHTOPAZ (contains the power of Pluto, Saturn), serpentine


24 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 10 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - JADE BLUE (contains the power of Venus, Moon, Saturn, Proserpina in Aquarius), DARK OBSIDIAN (contains the power of Saturn, Uranus), SARDONYX, CITRINE (contains the power of Venus)


25 LUNAR DAY (antiphase - 11 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - FIRE OPAL, CAT'S EYE (holds the power of Venus), HAWK'S EYE (holds the power of Mars), TIGER'S EYE

(contains the power of Mercury)


26 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 12 lunar day)



27 LUNAR DAY (antiphase - 13 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - MALACHITE (contains the power of Venus, Pluto)


28 MOON DAY (antiphase - 14 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - CHRYSOBERYL (contains the power of Saturn, Neptune, Venus), CHRYSOPRAS (contains the power of Saturn, Venus)


29 LUNAR DAY (antiphase - 15 lunar day)



30 LUNAR DAY (anti-phase - 15, 16 lunar day)

ACQUISITION - AGATE, GAGATE (has the power of Saturn in Cancer)



TURQUOISE GREEN has the power of Saturn, is acquired on any lunar day, as everyone works with him individually.

RHODONET - no planets and lunar day. but this stone reveals the talents of a person. It makes a person more dexterous. contact, associated with the sign of Gemini.

SPINEL (lal) - contains the power of Venus, the Sun, Saturn, you can buy it any day.
