Swallow plane giraffe crane cock watch. Notes on nodes in the preparatory group "this is amazing glass"

"28" November 2016 (Monday) Subject:Tasks: 1.Continue to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objective world of their immediate environment. 2. Deepen understanding of the essential characteristics of objects, the properties and qualities of various materials.3Systematize knowledge about the types of furniture, utensils, and their purposes. 4. Expand children’s understanding of materials, tools, their properties, and their purpose. 5. To form in children the knowledge that experiment is one of the ways to understand the world around them. To instill in children a sense of respect for working people, careful attitude to everything that is made by human hands.



Activities in

in accordance with the OO




Morning exercises. Conversation: "The wonderful world of things." View illustrations, compose a story ". Speech development.

Independent activity of children in activity centers. Intelligence game "Come up with a word" Development of intelligence. abilities.

D/i “Only one property” Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the properties of geometric figures, develop the ability to quickly select the desired figure, and characterize it. Anton, Ruslan, Alina, Vlada, Slava.




Artistic creativity (Drawing) Lykova, page 98, title. 42. Topic: The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.Creating an image winter forest by design, independent choice original ways drawing snow-covered tree crowns. Improving the technique of drawing with the end of the brush (hand suspended). To cultivate courage, confidence, initiative in the experimental development of new art materials and ways to work with them.

Communicative Gaming

Literacy training. (according to the speech therapist's plan)


Music (according to plan music worker)



Watching the wind Goal: continue to teach how to determine the strength of the wind; expand children's knowledge about inanimate nature.

D/i “Who will remember more.” Goals: to consolidate in children the ability to visually recognize the color, shape, size of objects in the surrounding space, to develop visual attention.

Exercise “Don’t touch” Purpose: to practice walking like a snake between objects, to improve balance. Vlada, Katya, Anton, Kirill, Slava, Vova.


Help the teacher replenish the feeders with food. Goal: to cultivate a love for birds.

Play activity, experiments

P/i “Throw for a stick”, “Hares and Bug” Purpose: to practice throwing at a horizontal target, crawling under a cord.

Work before bed

Self-checking and element. everyday life work. Read artist liter.

C. Perrault (French): “Tom Thumb”

Slave. p/sleep



2nd walk

Group work

Rehearsal of dances and songs for the holiday "Farewell to Autumn"

Games in activity centers. Stand alone games children. Plot-role-playing Game "Mom's Helpers" Development of communication skills.

Exercise “Bring the bag” Purpose: to exercise balance.Artem, Daniil Arkhip, Anton, Matvey, Vova, Alena.


Watering indoor plants. Goal: To cultivate hard work

Sports relay race. Goal: learn to play in a team, follow the rules

"29" November 2016 (Tuesday) Subject:The amazing world of things and inventions. Tasks: 1..



Activities in

in accordance with the OO

Joint activity of an adult and a child GCD

Organization of subject-spatial environment

Supporting the child's individuality


Motor Communic.

Self-checking and email everyday life work

Morning exercises. Tongue Twisters. Articulation gymnastics. Speech development. Conversation "What is furniture made of?"D/i “Words are friends” Goal: To teach children to select words that sound similar. Duty. To teach children to independently carry out assignments and assist adults.

Goal: D/i "Fold the figure. Development of logical thinking Methods: work in the mathematics corner. Development fine motor skills. Alina, Vlada, Slava, Vova.



Communicative Gaming

Cognition (familiarization with nature) Ryzhova Water is all around us.Target: draw children's attention to the importance of water in our lives, show where and in what form water exists in the environment.


Physical training (according to the plan of the physical education worker)



Sparrow watching . Goal: Continue to generate interest in birds; introduce the sparrow, its habits, habitat, and appearance features.

Independent play activities of children with external materials.

Education sports exercises. Practice walking and running after each other, unite in pairs. Vlada, Katya, Anton, Kirill, Slava, Vova.


Clearing paths of snow. Goal: to cultivate diligence, the ability to work together.

Game activities, experiments

Game “Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow” Goal: strengthening children’s ability to navigate in time, developing attention, dexterity, imagination, phrasal speech.

Work before bed

Self-checking and element. everyday life work. Read thin lit.

Self-service, security, cultural and hygienic skills. Improving the ability to undress and dress independently, and neatly fold clothes. Reading a work of fiction:lane. B. Dekhtereva, “Puss in Boots”

Slave. p/sleep


Developmental gymnastics for sleep. Walking barefoot on massage paths.


2nd walk

Group work.

D/i "Find according to the diagram" Development of spatial thinking and attention.

Games in activity centers. Independent games for children. d/games: “Find objects for the schoolchild” Development of communication skills.

Ball game “What happens in nature?”

Goal: to consolidate the use of verbs in speech, agreement of words in a sentence.


Cleaning game material. teach children to clean up toys after themselves and help the teacher.

Game, motor activity

P/i "Fifteen"; "Find and remain silent." Development of speed of movements, orientation in space. Cultivate accuracy and dexterity.

"30" November 2016 (Wednesday) Subject:The amazing world of things and inventions . Tasks: 1.Continue to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objective world of their immediate environment. 2. Deepen understanding of the essential characteristics of objects, the properties and qualities of various materials. 3 Systematize knowledge about types of furniture, dishes, and their purposes. 4. Expand children’s understanding of materials, tools, their properties, and their purpose. 5. To form in children the knowledge that experiment is one of the ways to understand the world around them. To instill in children a sense of respect for working people and respect for everything made by human hands.



Activities in

in accordance with the OO

Joint activity of an adult and a child GCD

Organization of subject-spatial environment

Supporting the child's individuality


Motor Communication

Self-checking and email domestic labor

Morning exercises. Articulation gymnastics. conversation"Objects that surround us."Duty. To teach children to independently carry out assignments and assist adults.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.Di"Wonderful bag"

Target: Sensory development on color perception. Methods: Intellectual game“Collect a picture” Seryozha B., Anton K. Slava, Vova.


Communicative, Gaming

Cognition. (FEMP) Pomoraeva, Pozina, zan.2, p. 69. Continue introducing coins in denominations of 1,2,3,5,10 rubles. Strengthen counting skills in forward and reverse order. Introduce the measurement of quantities using a conditional measure. Develop the ability to listen carefully and draw conclusions.



Artistic creativity (modeling) Lykova zan. 43, page 100. Topic:Christmas toys - pine cones, bears and crackers. Creation New Year's toys using testoplasty technique - modeling from salt dough or cutting out figures of animals and household items with baking molds (according to plan). Cultivate an interest in reflecting impressions of the life around you.



Observation of seasonal changes. Goal: to form ideas about changes in nature at the beginning of winter (the night increases, the day decreases); learn to distinguish the characteristic signs of the beginning of winter.

Independent play activities of children with external materials. s/r/i “We are athletes” Goal: to give children knowledge about the necessary. playing sports, improving sports skills.

Training in sports exercises, games with elements of sports. Walking in place with movement to the right, left, forward, backward. Vova, Seryozha, Alina, Kirill. Development motor activity. Relieving tension.


Removing snow from the area. Encourage you to carry out assignments.

Game activities, experiments

P/i “Migration of birds”, “Don’t get caught” Goals: practice running in different directions; develop fast and slow running.

Work before bed

Self-checking and element. household work. Reading fiction. liter.

Self-service, safety, cultural and hygienic skills. Improving the ability to fold clothes neatly. Read thin workslane T. Gabbe; "Most nice outfit in the world"

Slave. p/sleep


Developmental gymnastics for sleep. Walking barefoot on massage paths.


2 walk

Group work

D/I "Labyrinths" Development visual perception, fine motor skills.

Games in activity centers.

D/i “Find the odd one out”
Purpose of the game: develop logical thinking preschoolers.


Help junior teacher in clearing dishes after meals.

Playful and motor activities

“P/n “Friendly couples”, “Separate - don’t fall.” Goal: to teach to observe ease of movement when walking.

"1" December 2016 (Thursday ) Topic: The wonderful world of things and inventions. Tasks: 1.Continue to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objective world of their immediate environment. 2. Deepen understanding of the essential characteristics of objects, the properties and qualities of various materials. 3 Systematize knowledge about types of furniture, dishes, and their purposes. 4. Expand children’s understanding of materials, tools, their properties, and their purpose. 5. To form in children the knowledge that experiment is one of the ways to understand the world around them. To instill in children a sense of respect for working people and respect for everything made by human hands.



Activities in

in accordance with the OO

Joint activity of an adult and a child GCD

Organization of subject-spatial environment

Supporting the child's individuality


Motor Communication

Self-checking and element. domestic labor

“The technology is our assistant, where does it live?”Duty. To teach children to independently carry out assignments and assist adults.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Goal Development of logical thinkingGuessing riddles: about tools, about various objects, about electrical appliances.

Slava, Anton, Alina, Katya, Vlada

Motor Play

Communicator Fine

Excursion to the dacha of A.A. Borisov according to the program.

Motor. Gaming

Physical training. According to the plan of the physical education worker



Titmouse observation. Goals: to continue to consolidate, clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about a familiar bird - the tit; enrich your vocabulary with artistic words about the tit; activate attention and memory

Independent play activities of children with external materials. D/i “What does it look like?”
Purpose of the game: develop visual-figurative children's thinking.

Performing exercises to maintain balance Purpose: to develop endurance. Alina, Daniil, Katya, Vlada, Kirill.


Sweeping paths. Cultivate hard work.

Game activities, experiments

P/n"Migration of Birds", "Don't Get Caught". Goals: practice running in different directions; develop slow and fast running.

Work before bed

Reading art literature

Self-service, safety, cultural and hygienic skills. Improving the ability to fold clothes neatly. Reading art produced.lane with him. K. Oreshina; M. Valek. "Sages"

Work p/sleep


Developmental gymnastics for sleep. Walking barefoot on massage paths.


2nd walk

Group work

Classes at the t/o "Kalyaka-malyaka" according to the plan of the teacher d.o.

Exercises with the ball: hit the ball on the floor and catch it with both hands. Goal: develop coordination of movements


Collection of game materials. Providing assistance to the teacher.

Playful, communicative, motor activities

P/n"Catch up with your mate." Goals: perform movements at the teacher’s signal; clearly navigate when finding your match

"2" December 2016 (Friday) Subject:The amazing world of things and inventions. Tasks: 1.Continue to expand and clarify children’s ideas about the objective world of their immediate environment. 2. Deepen understanding of the essential characteristics of objects, the properties and qualities of various materials. 3 Systematize knowledge about types of furniture, dishes, and their purposes. 4. Expand children’s understanding of materials, tools, their properties, and their purpose. 5. To form in children the knowledge that experiment is one of the ways to understand the world around them. To instill in children a sense of respect for working people and respect for everything made by human hands.



Activities in

in accordance with the OO

Joint activity of an adult and a child GCD

Organization of subject-spatial environment

Supporting the child's individuality


Motor Communication

Self-checking and element. domestic labor

Morning exercises. Conversation on the topic:“What does it mean to be surprised?”Duty. To teach children to independently carry out assignments and assist adults.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the hands. Methods: Finger gymnastics on the topic: “Mom’s Helpers” Alina, Anton, Vita.


Cognitive and research

Communicative, Gaming

Cognition. (FEMP) Pomoraeva, Pozina, lesson 2, p. 69. Objectives: Continue to improve skills in measuring the size of objects. Improve your ability to model objects using geometric shapes. Develop the ability to listen carefully and draw conclusions.

Communicative Motor. Gaming.

Speech development. Ushakova, zan. 12p 154 ​​Compiling a story using antonyms. Learn to compose a story, highlight the essential features of objects, select synonyms and antonyms for adjectives.Cultivate a love for your native language.

Physical training. According to the plan of the physical education instructor



Observation of water. Goal: to form ideas about the aggregate state of water in winter.

Independent play activities of children with external materials. Development of motor activity.

D/i “Who will remember more.”
Goals: to strengthen in children the ability to visually recognize the color, shape, size of objects in the surrounding space. Daniil, Vova, Ruslan, Anton.


Removing snow from the area. Learn to finish what you start.

Game activities, experiments

P/i “Flock”, “Traffic Light”. Goal: to develop dexterity, consolidate knowledge about the meaning of a traffic light.

Work before bed

Self-checking and element. household work.

Reading art literature

Self-service, safety, cultural and hygienic skills. . Improving the ability to neatly fold clothes.. Reading fiction. works:L. Stanchev. "Autumn Gamma", trans. from Bulgarian I. Tokmakova

Slave. p/sleep


Developmental gymnastics for sleep. Walking barefoot on massage paths.


2nd walk

Group work

Entertaining tasks “Color, shape, size” Consolidates knowledge about the shape, size, color of objects.

Games in activity centers. Lotto game “Antonyms” Goal: to consolidate in the child’s mind and vocabulary the opposite characteristics of objects or antonym words.

Role-playing games: "House chores." Experiments with water and paints Development experimental activities. Vlada, Slava, Anton, Daniil, Ruslan, Vova, Seryozha.


Watering indoor plants. Goal: to cultivate hard work.

Game activities, experiments

Sports relay race. Goal: learn to play in a team, follow the rules.

Plan for organizing work with parents in the droplets preparatory school group for the week of November 28. to 02.12.2016











Individual conversations and consultations upon parental requests

Consultation for parents "Prevention colds in older children preschool age"

Conversations and consultations with parents on issues that concern them.

Consultation for parents: “How and from what you can make a bird feeder”

Tell parents about preventing colds

Individual conversations, discussion of specific problems and cases.

Exhibition children's creativity. Thematic lesson on the topic: "How do people use leather and wood?"

Abstracteducational eventusing TRIZ

« Amazing items. World of magnets»

(preparatory group)

Program content:

× Introduction to the concept of “magnet”.

× Formation of ideas about the properties of a magnet.

× Updating knowledge about the use of magnet properties by humans.

× Formation of skills to acquire knowledge through practical experiments, draw conclusions, and generalizations.

× Development cognitive activity child in the process of learning about the properties of magnets.

× Developing skills of cooperation and mutual assistance.

Means of training and education: magnetic board magnets, containers with various items, fishing rod with magnet, observation sheet

Preliminary preparation: acquaintance with the earth model - the globe - definition of the southern and north pole.

1. Organizing time.

Educator: Guys, I know you love fairy tales. I also love fairy tales, they have magic and mystery. I invite you to play and learn something new. A letter came to us from a magical land. Want to know what's in it? (Yes) Then a magic wand will help us. (The teacher raises with a magic wand letter) - how did I do it? Have you figured out the magic? Now let's see what's in our letter.

The story is a legend about the origin of the magnet

Educator: I will read you an old legend. In ancient times, on Mount Ida, a shepherd named Magnis tended sheep. He noticed that the iron-lined sandals and wooden stick with an iron tip stick to the black stones that lay in abundance underfoot. The shepherd turned the stick upside down and made sure that the tree was not being attracted strange stones. I took off my sandals and saw that my bare feet weren’t attracted to me either. Magnis realized that these strange black stones did not recognize any other materials except iron. The shepherd took several of these stones home with him and amazed his neighbors. The name “magnet” came from the name of the shepherd.

Today we will get acquainted with such a familiar but very surprising object - a magnet. The extraordinary ability to attract objects to itself has always aroused people's interest. Today in class we will go to amazing world magnets and take a closer look at their properties, with the help of experiments and experiences we will try to figure out what a magnet is.

2. Main part

Experience with various subjects

Educator: In front of you are boxes with various materials different quality, a magnet, a sheet of cardboard on which I graphically depicted these objects. Your task is to bring the magnet to each object one by one and determine whether it is attracted or not. Then, with a pencil, mark on the sheet with a “+” sign those objects that are attracted. Objects that are attracted - put them aside right side. Those that are not attracted - to the left.

Equipment for each child: magnet, container with objects (paper, coins, wire, fabric, wooden stick, paperclip, button, rubber eraser, glass, stone.

Result of the experiment: Some metallic objects are attracted to a magnet, but non-metallic objects do not experience its attraction.

Conclusion: Magnets are pieces of iron or steel that have the ability to attract metal objects. But a magnet only attracts certain metals. But aluminum, nickel and some others are not.

Experience« Does a magnet work through other materials?»

Educator: And now I suggest you check whether the magnet acts through other materials. In front of you Plastic container filled with paper clips glass jar with buttons. We bring the magnet to the container and look - does it attract through glass and plastic? Yes. Now let's check - does a magnet work in water?

Game-experience« Fishing»

Two children take part in the game, taking turns and taking fish out of the aquarium.

Experience-game« Cars»

Educator: Now let's see how our cars come to life at the intersection with the help of magnets?

Conclusion: The force of a magnet acts through glass, plastic, paper.

I think we need to rest a little.

Low mobility game« We are magnets»

(Children go out onto the palace and stand in a circle).

Educator: I will throw the ball-magnet to each of you, while calling your names, and you, like real, strong magnets, must catch it and become magnetized to the ball.

The children go out onto the palace. The outdoor game “We are magnets” is underway.

Well done boys! You caught the ball like real magnets. Take your seats. The children sit at the tables.

Paper clip experience

Educator: And now I suggest you check whether a magnet acts at a distance?

Drawing with reverse side line of cardboard and place a paper clip on it, slowly move the magnet towards it. at some distance the paperclip will jump and stick to the magnet.

Conclusion: There is something around the magnet that can act on objects at a distance. And this is called a magnetic field.

Experience with metal filings« Magnetic patterns»

Educator: B previous experience With a paperclip we could feel the magnetic field, but how to make it visible?

I pour sawdust onto a sheet of paper and hold a magnet from below. Look at how sawdust behaves. They form patterns, crystals. Many of you’re favorite magnetic boards work on this principle (show how you can write and draw on the board. (Let several children try to draw something on it). Any magnet has two poles, south and north, which are designated “+” and “ - “Who can tell me what else has two poles?

Children: Our planet Earth.

Educator: Correct. (Shows the globe) Our planet Earth is a huge magnet, you and I have the opportunity to walk on the earth because it attracts us, but what will happen if we try to connect two identical poles? (Zoom in on the magnets with the same poles)

Children: They push away.

Experience - Racing game

Educator: That's right, now we'll see what happens to the machines that have both identical poles installed.

Conclusion: Different poles of magnets attract, same poles repel.

Experience:« Can a magnet transfer its properties to ordinary iron?»

Educator: Guys, I scattered iron stars on the table. Now we will try to bring the magnet to the sprocket. Look - she stuck to her, and the others followed her. Why do you think this happened?

Children: The star was magnetized and became a magnet itself.

Educator: That's right, the Asterisk itself became a magnet, and therefore the other stars also became magnetized to it. But if we remove the strong magnet, the stars will crumble, because the magnetic field will also crumble. And now I invite you to play the game “We are magnets”

Outdoor game "plus and minus"

Children come out in a circle, in pairs.

Guys, let's agree that we are magnets, we have + on our tummies, and - on our backs. at my signal, + or -, you repel or magnetize to each other.

Conversation about the benefits of magnets

Educator: A man came up with the idea of ​​using useful qualities magnet, for example - magnetized scissors, what do you think, for what?

Children: To find small objects that are lost.

Educator: Correct. What other benefits do magnets bring to our lives?

Children: Fridge magnets. Toys with magnets, magnetic board, etc.

Educator: Well done. People have come up with a very useful item, the compass. Who knows why a person needs a compass?

Children: A compass helps people navigate the terrain.

Educator: That's right, Nowadays there is computer navigation, and before people a compass was simply necessary. People on the open sea, taiga dwellers, and rescuers in the mountains really needed to determine the cardinal points. And here the compass came to their aid. The compass needle always points north. Knowing where the cardinal points were, people could easily determine where to go next.

But did you know. What harm can a magnet do? If you bring a magnet closer to the compass, the needle begins to randomly jump around the entire compass, eventually demagnetizing and the entire device will be damaged. Magnets near TVs, computers and cell phones are also harmful. Therefore, when you conduct experiments with a magnet at home, do not bring it close to these objects, otherwise the devices will deteriorate.

Magnets are harmful not only for devices. But also for the person himself, because in the blood of humans and animals there is a microelement - iron, which is affected by the strong magnetic field of the earth.

3. Final part

Educator: Our lesson is coming to an end. Let's remember what properties of magnets we got acquainted with?

Children: Magnets affect objects made of several metals. Magnetic force can pass through objects and substances. The magnet exerts its effect even at a distance. Different poles of magnets attract, same poles repel.

Well done! You learned well new material. And now I propose to attach the emoticons you recently drew with your magnets.

Current page: 1 (book has 6 pages in total) [available reading passage: 2 pages]

Olga Vitalievna Dybina

Classes to familiarize yourself with the outside world in a kindergarten preparatory group. Class notes


This manual will help you successfully organize and carry out work to familiarize children 6–7 years old with the world around them ( subject environment and phenomena of social life) in the process of classes, games-activities, didactic games.

To make it easier for teachers to plan work on this section of the program, its content is presented in topics. Each topic is covered: an approximate course of a lesson, activity or game is offered. The teacher can show creativity when planning lessons, include variable games, problematic situations, which will make working with children even more successful and meaningful.

The study of each topic can be completed with a game task (puzzles, riddles, drawings, answers, etc.). Game tasks presented in the workbook (Dybina O.V. I get to know the world: Workbook for children 6–7 years old. – M.: TC Sfera, 2009).

Teachers should pay special attention to the fact that when familiarizing themselves with the world around them, they must not:

- limit yourself only to a monologue-story about objects, phenomena of reality; it is necessary to include as many activities as possible in your classes (sit on a chair, sofa, put on clothes and walk around in them, invite your mother, treat your grandmother, etc.);

– overload children with a large number of questions;

– reduce the organization of work with children only to the form of educational activities.

Familiarization with the outside world must be built in accordance with psychological characteristics children, choosing adequate forms, means, methods and techniques of interaction to make this process more accessible and effective.

In the preparatory group for school, familiarization with the outside world is carried out both in the form of games-activities, and in the form of the actual didactic game, when game rule regulates the actions and relationships of children, and correct solution tasks is to achieve the goal of the game. When organizing and conducting games-activities, didactic games, it is important to create an atmosphere that allows each child to realize his activity in relation to the world around him. You can make the game more difficult different methods:

– inclusion of travel into the past, present and future of various objects (depending on the age of the children);

– increase in the number of trips;

– change in the number of teams and participants in each team;

– inclusion of tasks for drawing objects, etc.

Didactic games can be used both in joint activities children and adults, and independent activity preschoolers, as well as to stimulate activity in the process of learning about the world around them.

For children in the preschool group, the educational tasks of experimental games should become more complex: from the ability to act independently in accordance with a given algorithm and obtain a result to the ability to create an algorithm in accordance with models; from the ability to determine and analyze the structure, properties, features, features of the interaction of features of an object to the ability to represent them in a system of relationships and interdependencies (structure, functioning, purpose, existence in time and space, etc.).

The manual presents additional material: options for games-activities, games, exercises intended for use in working with children outside of class, during a walk.

To familiarize children in the preschool group with the world around them (the subject environment and the phenomena of social life), 2 lessons per month are allocated.

Participated in the development and testing of classes to familiarize adults with work teaching staff kindergarten No. 179 “Snowdrop” ANO DO “Planet of Childhood “Lada”” in the city of Tolyatti, head – Palenova Nadezhda Petrovna, methodologist – Kuznetsova Natalya Grigorievna.

The manual suggests approximate distribution material on academic year. The teacher can distribute the material in his own way, in accordance with the holidays of the month (October - Teacher's Day; February - Defender of the Fatherland Day, April - Cosmonautics Day, etc.) or depending on the availability of the material.

Distribution of material for the academic year

Table continuation.

Table continuation.

Table continuation.

Sample lesson notes


1. Helper items

Program content. To form children’s ideas about objects that facilitate human labor in production; explain that these items can improve quality, speed of action, perform complex operations, and change products.

Material. Pictures with the image various items, including items that facilitate human labor in production (for example, a machine tool, computer, robot, sewing machine and etc.); chips, algorithm for describing an item, package, letter from Dunno.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher informs the children about the parcel received from Dunno. The parcel contains a subject picture and a letter with tasks: Dunno asks the children to complete all the tasks and inform him in a letter about their completion.

Exercise 1. The teacher lays out all the subject pictures on the table and invites the children to choose pictures depicting objects that help people in production. Children take turns taking one picture at a time, name the object and tell why it serves a person. The child who correctly names the item and tells how it is used receives a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins.

Task 2. The teacher lays out on the table pictures selected by the children depicting objects that make work easier in production. The teacher describes one of the subjects using an algorithm. The child who is the first to guess and name the object receives a chip. A child can also be the leader.

Task 3. Children are divided into two teams. There are object pictures on the table. At the teacher’s signal, one team selects pictures depicting objects that improve the quality and speed of manufacturing products in production, the other team selects pictures depicting objects that perform complex actions and change the product. The team that quickly and correctly typed the pictures and explained their choice wins.

Task 4. The teacher shows the children one by one pictures depicting a robot, a computer, a calculator, a typewriter, or a machine. Children name each object, talk about it, if necessary, relying on a description algorithm, noting that all these objects belong to the man-made world. Together with the teacher, they clarify that these items make work easier in production, improve the quality of products, speed up the work process, act harmoniously and can change another item.

2. Friendly family

Program content. Summarize and systematize children's ideas about family (people who live together, love each other, take care of each other). Expand ideas about ancestral roots families; intensify cognitive interest to family, to loved ones; cultivate a desire to care for loved ones, develop a sense of pride in your family.

Material. Dunno doll; exhibition “My Family” - photographs of family members of pupils, their favorite objects; craft material ( colored paper, scissors, glue, natural material etc.).

Preliminary work. Creation of the exhibition “My Family”. Conversations: “My parents’ professions”, “How we relax”, “I feel good when...”, “Our pets”, etc. Learning proverbs about family. Drawing on the theme “My family.” Examination of reproductions of paintings by artists on the theme of family; family albums.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher pronounces a proverb and invites the children to guess what it says: “Together is crowded, but apart is boring.”

Children. This proverb is about family.

Educator. Right. Today we will talk about family. What is family? (Children's answers.) I invited Dunno to visit us. (Shows the doll.) He really wants to see our exhibition “My Family.” Tell him about your families.

Children (optional) approach photographs of their family members, tell who is depicted in them, where the family was photographed, etc.

Dunno. Guys, I noticed that you all smiled when you talked about your families. Why? (We love everyone in our family. It's nice to remember the day when everyone took pictures together, etc.)

Educator. Do you love everyone equally or is there someone in the family whom you love more than others? Who wants to tell us about this man? What is he like? (Children's stories - optional.) Now show and tell Dunno about the favorite items of your family members that you brought. (Children's stories.) In a family, parents and children please each other with something. What do you think children do to please their parents? (The fact that they grow, learn something new, strive to help adults, etc.) What do parents do to make their children happy? (By caring for them, loving them, protecting them, etc.) Now arrange the photographs of family members from youngest to oldest.

Children lay out photographs, the teacher asks them questions:

– Who is the eldest in your family?

- Who is the youngest?

- Who is whose mother?

- Who is whose son?

– Who are you to your mother?

- For grandma?

- For your brother?

– Who in the family could be older than grandfather? (Children's answers.) Educator. Once upon a time, grandfather was a child himself, and he also had parents who loved him and cared for him just as your parents take care of you. Then the boy grew up and had a son and daughter - your future father or mother. And then you were born, and your grandfather’s parents became your great-grandfather and great-grandmother. This is your family too; They may not be with you, but they passed on their love to you through your grandfather, father or mother. Grandfather and grandmother would be pleased if you knew what their parents were like, what they did, how they lived. Ask them about it. And then tell us.

Dunno. It's so good that you all have families. You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families everyone loves each other and lives happily together.

Educator. The family has been revered since ancient times. People have composed many proverbs about family. Let's remember them.

Children. It's warm in the sun, good in the mother's presence. There is no sweeter friend than dear mother. Gold and silver do not age; father and mother have no price. The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.

Educator. What would you guys like to wish for your family? (Children's answers.)

Dunno. I liked the way you talked about your families so much that I really wanted to visit one of you.

Educator. Guys, would you like to invite Dunno to visit your family?

Dunno. I will be happy to visit all the guys in turn. And today I would like to meet Andrey’s family, because he spoke so interestingly and in detail about all his relatives.

Educator. And now I suggest you make gifts that will delight all members of your family. You can choose the material for crafts yourself according to your taste.

Children make gifts.

3. Amazing items

Program content. Teach children to compare objects invented by people with objects of nature and find commonality between them (what nature did not give to man, he came up with himself).

Material. Pictures depicting natural and man-made world(two pictures for each child). Cards consisting of two parts: on one half there are objects created by man (for example, a helicopter, a tractor, a vacuum cleaner, a parachute, an excavator, a boat, a house, a crane, an umbrella, an airplane, a car, train, etc.), and the other half of the card is empty. “Domino” pictures: on one half there are objects of the natural world, and on the other - objects of the man-made world; parcel, letter from Dunno.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher informs the children about the parcel he received from Dunno. The parcel contains a subject picture and a letter with tasks: Dunno asks the children to complete all the tasks and inform him in a letter about their completion.

Exercise 1. The teacher, with the help of the children, divides all the pictures into two groups: pictures with objects of the natural world and pictures with objects of the man-made world. The teacher keeps pictures with objects of the natural world for himself, and divides pictures with objects of the man-made world between the children.

The teacher names an object of the natural world. A child who has found a paired object from the man-made world, picks up a picture with its image, names the object and compares it with an object from the natural world (for example, a swallow is an airplane, a giraffe is a crane, a rooster is a watch, etc.). The task is considered completed when the children find all pairs of objects.

Task 2. Domino pictures (on one half there are objects of the natural world, and on the other - objects of the man-made world) are distributed to children. The first child posts his picture, the next one puts his picture with an image of an object in the natural or man-made world (based on the principle of the Domino game, for example, dragonfly - clock - rooster - crane - giraffe - whale, etc.). The task is considered completed when all the cards are arranged in a chain.

Task 3. Each child is offered two pictures. For example, one picture shows an airplane, the other a bird. It is proposed to compare the images, find similarities (common elements) and differences (for example, the similarity of a bird and an airplane - wings, nose and beak, tail of an airplane and a bird; differences: a bird is a living bird, an airplane is an inanimate object) and talk about them.

Task 4. Children are given cards consisting of two parts: one half depicts objects created by man (for example, a helicopter, tractor, vacuum cleaner, parachute, excavator, boat, house, crane, umbrella, plane, car, train, etc.), and the other half is empty. The child must remember and draw in the empty half of the card that object of nature, in the likeness of which the person created the object depicted on the other half (for example, a train - a centipede, a car - a crocodile).

The children and the teacher write a letter to Dunno, in which they say that his tasks are very interesting and the children completed them. They thank Dunno and invite him to visit.

4. How nice it is in our garden

Program content. Expand and generalize children’s ideas about the social significance of the kindergarten, about its employees, about the rights and responsibilities of children attending kindergarten. Bring up friendly attitude to peers, to others.

Material. Cards with images different emotions, photographs of the kindergarten premises, a plan of the kindergarten and signs and symbols of its premises, cards depicting objects or tools of people of different professions, chips, prizes.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher begins the lesson with a conversation: “Just recently, you guys talked about your families, where you feel good and where everyone loves you. Do you know that you all have another family, where they also love you, are always happy to meet you, spend interesting activities, read, help to become strong and healthy? What kind of second family is this? Who guessed? (This is a kindergarten.) Do you love your kindergarten? Do you like to come here? Tell us why you come to kindergarten? What do you like, and perhaps don’t like, about kindergarten?” (Children's answers.)

The teacher shows the children cards with images of different emotions and asks them to complete the task: “In kindergarten, as at home, you have different mood: you are either happy, then sad, then surprised by something, then angry and happy again. Take any card, look carefully at the image of emotions and remember a time when you had such a mood in kindergarten.” (Children's stories.)

Reducer. We have already found out that you all need kindergarten. And who else besides children needs a kindergarten? (Parents, people working in it, the whole city needs it.) Explain why parents need kindergarten? Kindergarten employees? To all citizens? (Children's answers.) Are there many kindergartens in our city? (Yes.) Are all kindergartens the same or are they different from each other? What is the difference? (Appearance building, playgrounds…) If a person goes to kindergarten for the first time and does not know where he is, what should he know in order to find the kindergarten? (Name, number of the kindergarten and its address.) Do you know all this? Name it. (Children's answers.) Do you know your kindergarten well? Do you know the purpose of the various rooms in the kindergarten? The people working in it? We'll check this now. I propose to play the competition game “Who knows their kindergarten better.”

Children are divided into two teams, the teacher asks questions to each team in turn; For each answer, points are awarded, at the end their number is calculated and the winners are awarded.

Exercise 1. The teacher shows photographs of the kindergarten premises. Children must recognize the room, name it and list those who work there.

Task 2. Place the signs-symbols of the kindergarten premises on the kindergarten plan (who is faster).

Task 3. Name the trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten (who can name more).

Task 4. Game “What's extra?”: in a picture depicting representatives of different professions, cross out the profession that is not in kindergarten.

Task 5.Didactic game"Guess the profession." The teacher shows cards with images of objects, the children name the profession of the person in whose work this object is used (ladle - cook; dishes - assistant teacher; balls - physical education teacher; piano - musical director; washing machine– laundress; thermometer - nurse; hammer - carpenter, etc.).

Task 6. Name the rights (to play, to study, to walk, to be cared for, etc.) and responsibilities (to keep one’s body and clothes clean, to observe hygiene rules, to maintain order, not to offend others, to provide basic assistance to adults and children) of children in kindergarten.

Task 7. List how the older guys can help the kids, what they can do for them.

Educator. Well done, guys, you know your kindergarten very well, love it and, I hope, remember it for the rest of your life, because the most wonderful years- childhood years. Would you like our kindergarten to become even better? Imagine that you have all the possibilities that you want - everything will come true. Close your eyes, relax, dream and tell us what you would do to make our kindergarten even better.

Sounds quiet music. Children talk about their dreams.

5. Journey into the past of the book

Program content. Introduce children to the history of the creation and production of books; show how the book was transformed under the influence of human creativity; arouse interest in creative activity person; cultivate a caring attitude towards books.

Material. Colorfully designed books, illustrations depicting printing presses of different times, birch bark, antique books; a set of pictures on the theme from the past to the present of the book; kit story pictures, reflecting the correct, careful attitude towards books.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher asks the children riddles:

She speaks silently
But it’s understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four times smarter!

Not a tree, but with leaves,
Not a shirt, but sewn,
Not a person, but a storyteller.

Then he invites the children to look at the exhibition of books he prepared in advance and draws attention to their colorfulness.

Educator. What is this? Do you need books? (With the help of books, knowledge and information are conveyed.) Who makes the books? Does a person make books by hand? (Books are created using machines in a printing house.)

The teacher shows illustrations depicting printing presses from different times and examines them with the children.

Educator. Do you know how books were created when there were no printing presses? Since ancient times, people have composed fairy tales, songs, proverbs, and riddles. And in order not to forget, they had to be written down. Do you think it was convenient to read books written on clay tablets? Of course not! Therefore, in China they began to write books on bamboo plates (shows the picture) strung on a strong rope. But this was also inconvenient. The Chinese began to write books with a brush and ink on silk. And in Egypt they wrote books on stone slabs (shows the picture), and then on papyrus - a very thin and long sheet similar to paper, made of reed. The papyri were kept rolled up in a scroll (shows a picture). Finally, people invented paper and began to create books on paper: first handwritten, and then printed. The covers of handwritten books were wooden, covered with leather or fabric. It took a very long time to write one book by hand. When the need arose to create many books, man invented the printing press. The first book in Rus' was published by Ivan Fedorov. The printing press made it easier to make books. Gradually, man improved the printing press, inventing machines that produced many books at once. There are machines that print, cut and stitch sheets, print colorful covers, illustrations and make binding so that the book can be preserved longer. All machines are driven by people. But before you start printing a book, you need to prepare its contents. Who do you think prepares all the materials for the books? (Poets, writers, artists.) And as a result, you and I read such beautiful books (shows) that have wonderful pictures.

Then the game “What was, what will be” is played. Children are invited to make a chain from the pictures: from the past to the present of the book. The one who completes the task faster wins.

The game “How I take care of a book” is played.

The teacher asks the children to choose from the proposed plot pictures pictures that depict the correct, careful attitude towards books and name the rules for handling books (do not tear, do not draw on books, do not bend the pages). The one who completes the task faster wins.

The teacher invites the children to go to the book corner and check whether the books are doing well in the group.

Program content. Teach children to compare objects invented by people with objects of nature and find commonality between them (what nature did not give to man, he came up with himself).

Material. Pictures depicting objects of the natural and man-made world (two pictures for each child). Cards consisting of two parts: one half depicts objects created by man (for example, a helicopter, tractor, vacuum cleaner, parachute, excavator, boat, house, crane, umbrella, plane, car, train, etc.), and the other half the card is empty. “Domino” pictures: on one half there are objects of the natural world, and on the other - objects of the man-made world; parcel, letter from Dunno.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher informs the children about the parcel he received from Dunno. The parcel contains a subject picture and a letter with tasks: Dunno asks the children to complete all the tasks and inform him in a letter about their completion.

Exercise 1. The teacher, with the help of the children, divides all the pictures into two groups: pictures with objects of the natural world and pictures with objects of the man-made world. The teacher keeps pictures with objects of the natural world for himself, and divides pictures with objects of the man-made world between the children.

The teacher names an object of the natural world. A child who has found a paired object from the man-made world, picks up a picture with its image, names the object and compares it with an object from the natural world (for example, a swallow is an airplane, a giraffe is a crane, a rooster is a watch, etc.). The task is considered completed when the children find all pairs of objects.

Task 2. Domino pictures (on one half there are objects of the natural world, and on the other - objects of the man-made world) are distributed to children. The first child posts his picture, the next one puts his picture with an image of an object in the natural or man-made world (based on the principle of the game "Dominoes", for example, dragonfly - clock - rooster - crane - giraffe - whale, etc.). The task is considered completed when all the cards are arranged in a chain. Task 3. Each child is offered two pictures. For example, one picture shows an airplane, the other a bird. It is proposed to compare the images, find similarities (common elements) and differences (for example, the similarity of a bird and an airplane - wings, nose and beak, tail of an airplane and a bird; differences: a bird is a living bird, an airplane is an inanimate object) and talk about them.

Task 4. Children are given cards consisting of two parts: one half depicts objects created by man (for example, a helicopter, tractor, vacuum cleaner, parachute, excavator, boat, house, crane, umbrella, plane, car, train, etc.), and the other half is empty. The child must remember and draw in the empty half of the card that object of nature, in the likeness of which the person created the object depicted on the other half (for example, a train - a centipede, a car - a crocodile).

The children and the teacher write a letter to Dunno, in which they say that his tasks are very interesting and the children completed them. They thank Dunno and invite him to visit.

4. How nice it is in our garden

Program content. Expand and generalize children’s ideas about the social significance of the kindergarten, about its employees, about the rights and responsibilities of children attending kindergarten. Cultivate a friendly attitude towards peers and others.

Material. Cards depicting different emotions, photographs of the premises of the kindergarten, a plan of the kindergarten and signs and symbols of its premises, cards depicting objects or tools of people of different professions, chips, prizes.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher begins the lesson with a conversation: “Just recently, you guys talked about your families, where you feel good and where everyone loves you. And you know that you all have another family where they love you too, they are always happy to meet you.” you, conduct interesting activities, read, help you become strong and healthy? Who guessed this? (This is a kindergarten.) Do you love your kindergarten? Do you like to come here? Tell us why you come to kindergarten? What do you like, and perhaps don’t like, about kindergarten?” (Children’s answers.)

The teacher shows the children cards with images of different emotions and asks them to complete the task: “In kindergarten, as at home, you have different moods: you are happy, then sad, then surprised by something, then angry and happy again. Take any card. , look carefully at the picture of emotions and remember any time when you had such a mood in kindergarten." (Children's stories.)

Reducer. We have already found out that you all need kindergarten. And who else besides children needs a kindergarten? (Parents, people working in it, the whole city needs it.) Explain why parents need kindergarten? Kindergarten employees? To all citizens? (Children's answers.) Are there many kindergartens in our city? (Yes.) Are all kindergartens the same or are they different from each other? What is the difference? (Exterior of the building, playgrounds...) If a person goes to kindergarten for the first time and does not know where he is, what should he know in order to find the kindergarten? (Name, number of the kindergarten and its address.) Do you know all this? Name it. (Children's answers.) Do you know your kindergarten well? Do you know the purpose of the various rooms in the kindergarten? The people working in it? We'll check this now. I propose to play the competition game “Who knows their kindergarten better.”

Children are divided into two teams, the teacher asks questions to each team in turn; For each answer, points are awarded, at the end their number is calculated and the winners are awarded.

Exercise 1. The teacher shows photographs of the kindergarten premises. Children must recognize the room, name it and list those who work there.

Task 2. Place the signs-symbols of the kindergarten premises on the kindergarten plan (who is faster).

Task 3. Name the trees growing on the territory of the kindergarten (who can name more).

Task 4. Game “What’s extra?”: in a picture depicting representatives of different professions, cross out the profession that is not in kindergarten.

Task 5. Didactic game "Guess the profession." The teacher shows cards with images of objects, the children name the profession of the person in whose work this object is used (ladle - cook; dishes - assistant teacher; balls - physical education teacher; piano - music director; washing machine - laundress; thermometer - nurse; hammer - carpenter, etc.).

Task 6. Name the rights (to play, to study, to walk, to be cared for, etc.) and responsibilities (to keep one’s body and clothes clean, to observe hygiene rules, to maintain order, not to offend others, to provide basic assistance to adults and children) of children in kindergarten.

Task 7. List how the older guys can help the kids, what they can do for them.

Educator. Well done, guys, you know your kindergarten very well, love it and, I hope, remember it for the rest of your life, because the most wonderful years pass here - the years of childhood. Would you like our kindergarten to become even better? Imagine that you have all the possibilities that you want - everything will come true. Close your eyes, relax, dream and tell us what you would do to make our kindergarten even better.

Quiet music is playing. Children talk about their dreams.

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Page creation date: 2017-10-25

Children lay out photographs, the teacher asks them questions:

– Who is the eldest in your family?

- Who is the youngest?

- Who is whose mother?

- Who is whose son?

– Who are you to your mother?

- For grandma?

- For your brother?

– Who in the family could be older than grandfather? (Children's answers.) Educator. Once upon a time, grandfather was a child himself, and he also had parents who loved him and cared for him just as your parents take care of you. Then the boy grew up and had a son and daughter - your future father or mother. And then you were born, and your grandfather’s parents became your great-grandfather and great-grandmother. This is your family too; They may not be with you, but they passed on their love to you through your grandfather, father or mother. Grandfather and grandmother would be pleased if you knew what their parents were like, what they did, how they lived. Ask them about it. And then tell us.

Dunno. It's so good that you all have families. You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families everyone loves each other and lives happily together.

Educator. The family has been revered since ancient times. People have composed many proverbs about family. Let's remember them.

Children. It's warm in the sun, good in the mother's presence. There is no sweeter friend than your own mother. Gold and silver do not age; father and mother have no price. The whole family is together - and the soul is in place.

Educator. What would you guys like to wish for your family? (Children's answers.)

Dunno. I liked the way you talked about your families so much that I really wanted to visit one of you.

Educator. Guys, would you like to invite Dunno to visit your family?

Dunno. I will be happy to visit all the guys in turn. And today I would like to meet Andrey’s family, because he spoke so interestingly and in detail about all his relatives.

Educator. And now I suggest you make gifts that will delight all members of your family. You can choose the material for crafts yourself according to your taste.

Children make gifts.

3. Amazing items

Program content. Teach children to compare objects invented by people with objects of nature and find commonality between them (what nature did not give to man, he came up with himself).

Material. Pictures depicting objects of the natural and man-made world (two pictures for each child). Cards consisting of two parts: one half depicts objects created by man (for example, a helicopter, tractor, vacuum cleaner, parachute, excavator, boat, house, crane, umbrella, plane, car, train, etc.), and the other half the card is empty. “Domino” pictures: on one half there are objects of the natural world, and on the other - objects of the man-made world; parcel, letter from Dunno.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher informs the children about the parcel he received from Dunno. The parcel contains a subject picture and a letter with tasks: Dunno asks the children to complete all the tasks and inform him in a letter about their completion.

Exercise 1. The teacher, with the help of the children, divides all the pictures into two groups: pictures with objects of the natural world and pictures with objects of the man-made world. The teacher keeps pictures with objects of the natural world for himself, and divides pictures with objects of the man-made world between the children.

The teacher names an object of the natural world. A child who has found a paired object from the man-made world, picks up a picture with its image, names the object and compares it with an object from the natural world (for example, a swallow is an airplane, a giraffe is a crane, a rooster is a watch, etc.). The task is considered completed when the children find all pairs of objects.

Task 2. Domino pictures (on one half there are objects of the natural world, and on the other - objects of the man-made world) are distributed to children. The first child posts his picture, the next one puts his picture with an image of an object in the natural or man-made world (based on the principle of the Domino game, for example, dragonfly - clock - rooster - crane - giraffe - whale, etc.). The task is considered completed when all the cards are arranged in a chain.

Task 3. Each child is offered two pictures. For example, one picture shows an airplane, the other a bird. It is proposed to compare the images, find similarities (common elements) and differences (for example, the similarity of a bird and an airplane - wings, nose and beak, tail of an airplane and a bird; differences: a bird is a living bird, an airplane is an inanimate object) and talk about them.
