Getting pregnant after trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis during pregnancy: diagnosis

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy - is it dangerous?

Why does trichomoniasis occur during pregnancy?

As a rule, trichomoniasis affects pregnant women due to extramarital affairs and casual sex. The disease makes itself felt when there is a decrease in immunity. Sometimes pregnant women are infected by their spouses, who do not even realize that such an infection is in their body.

In addition, pregnant women can become infected after using dirty linen and non-compliance with personal hygiene rules. The pathogen can live on bedding for about five hours. In order to prevent infection, you need to carefully wash and iron linen.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy: effects on the fetus

Some doctors believe that this disease is very dangerous for the fetus, others believe that it is simply undesirable. One thing is clear: trichomoniasis during pregnancy increases the risk that a woman will have a child with impaired functioning of internal organs and malformations of their development.

In addition, amniotic fluid can break earlier and provoke premature delivery.

Trichomonas, which multiply in the body of a pregnant woman, are dangerous for the baby. Sometimes there is an inflammation of the amniotic membrane called chorioamnionitis.

If trichomoniasis is at an advanced stage in a pregnant woman, it can lead to a late miscarriage or stillbirth.

If the course of trichomoniasis is uncomplicated, then such problems in a child at birth as malnutrition are possible. This is a decrease in the normal size and weight of the fetus. With a normal gestation period for a baby, his body weight can be no more than two kilograms. Also, the unborn child can be born infected with various viruses and bacteria.

Girls who are born to infected mothers have more malformations than boys.

Trichomoniasis in pregnant women: treatment

Treatment of trichomoniasis in pregnant women should proceed with the simultaneous examination and treatment of her partner. Only then will the treatment be most effective.

In order to protect the child from the negative effects of antibiotics during the treatment of trichomoniasis, it is necessary to carry out local douching and use vaginal preparations.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy (treatment) should include the use of drugs such as Terzhinan, Ginesol, Betadia, Clotrimazole.

If such treatment is not effective, then at a later stage of the course of pregnancy, stronger drugs can be used. They will not harm the child, since his body is already almost fully formed at a later date.

In addition, Metronidazole treatment is used in the second and third trimester. This is the most reliable and simple drug for the treatment of trichomoniasis ().

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy: dodixin (forum) - what can be said about this? This is one of the drugs prescribed for treatment. Today, however, it is becoming less and less common.

In addition, during pregnancy, Naxodzhin, Tinidazole, Atrikan are prescribed for the treatment of trichomoniasis.

After a gestational age of twelve weeks, treatment is prescribed in short courses, but it must be long-term. Self-treatment of trichomoniasis is unacceptable, especially during the period of bearing a baby. Only the attending physician can determine the desired drug and dosage, which will be optimal for a particular pregnant woman. The duration of treatment can be up to three months, but this is considered on an individual basis.

Pregnancy and trichomoniasis (forum) - such a request often indicates that a woman seeks to find support for other pregnant women on such sites. Pregnant women tend to worry about themselves and their child, but if they are sick with something, such experiences are amplified many times over.

Pregnancy after trichomoniasis

The impact of trichomoniasis on pregnancy - what can be said about a woman and her ability to conceive after she finds out that she has trichomoniasis?

In which case can trichomoniasis cause infertility? “I have infertility due to trichomoniasis” - such words can come from both a man and a woman.

The causes of female infertility in trichomoniasis are considered to be:

  1. Salpingitis. This is an inflammation of the female fallopian tubes. If the fallopian tubes are impassable, this creates the preconditions for difficulties in conceiving a child. If fertilization against the background of inflammation of the fallopian tubes did occur, then the risk of developing an ectopic pregnancy increases;
  2. Cervicitis. This is an inflammation of the cervix. Due to this inflammation, the sperm cannot fully penetrate the uterine cavity. In addition, inflammation of the uterine cervix creates the preconditions for the penetration of other infections into the uterus;
  3. Oophoritis. Inflammation of the ovaries is a rare consequence of trichomoniasis, leading to infertility. It is accompanied by impaired egg production and hormonal imbalance in a woman's body. Lack or excess of certain female hormones can easily lead to female infertility;
  4. Endometritis. It is in the uterine cavity that the attachment of the embryo occurs. If the layer lining the uterus is inflamed, normal embryonic attachment cannot occur.

In men, infertility occurs prostatitis and orchitis, vesiculitis and epididymitis.

Thus, trichomoniasis and pregnancy are interrelated. Trichomoniasis during pregnancy can lead to irreversible consequences for both the pregnant woman and the fetus. That is why pregnant women with suspected trichomoniasis should urgently consult a doctor and decide together with him on the upcoming treatment. If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, this can lead to serious complications. In the future, a woman may become infertile, and the child may suffer from developmental pathologies.

Tests for the detection of trichomoniasis in women during pregnancy may be prescribed several times. The sooner the diagnosis is made, the sooner the treatment course will begin and the potential harm is minimized because, despite the effectiveness of medications, it is extremely difficult to get rid of an advanced infection.

Once in the body, Trichomonas are attached to the cellular structures of the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system and provoke inflammation, and the products of their vital activity poison the human body, significantly reducing the protective mechanisms of the immune system.

Pathogenic microorganisms inhabit the genitals, occasionally - the bloodstream. They adapt as much as possible to life inside the human body: they change shape, camouflage themselves as platelets and leukocytes, attach to other microbes and, thereby, avoid an immune attack. Such metamorphosis significantly complicates the diagnosis.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy occurs due to unprotected sexual contact with a carrier of the infection. The cause of infection is exclusively traditional sex. Through oral or anal contact, it is impossible to become infected with the disease.

In rare cases, the cause of infection can be the use of the same hygiene products with a sick person, as well as his personal linen. The pathological process develops from two days to two months.

One of the most frequently asked questions: is it possible to get pregnant with trichomoniasis. If the disease appeared relatively recently, the answer is yes. In the case when Trichomonas inhabit the genital organs for a sufficiently long time, and no treatment has been carried out, there may be problems with conception.

Fact: neglected pathology can cause secondary infertility. If a woman turned to a gynecologist for help in time, the likelihood of a healthy pregnancy after effective treatment of trichomoniasis is quite high.

Often, the symptoms of trichomoniasis appear during pregnancy. This is due to a decrease in the barrier mechanisms of immunity, changes in hormonal levels and an increase in physiological stress.

Women in position should pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • itching in the perineum;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • pain in the external genitalia;
  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • liquid stool;
  • frothy greenish or yellowish vaginal discharge;
  • increased body temperature;
  • loss of strength, general weakness;
  • bright red vaginal mucosa, the presence of pinpoint hemorrhages.

Unfortunately, such a vivid clinical picture is observed in a small percentage of women. In the vast majority of cases, girls in position complain about:

  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • mucous, purulent discharge from the perineum;
  • decreased sexual desire;
  • periodic pain in the lower abdomen;
  • itching and mild burning in the genitals;
  • exacerbation of diseases of the genitourinary sphere.

The effect of infection on the fetus

The question that worries expectant mothers the most is: how dangerous is trichomoniasis during pregnancy and what effect does a sexually transmitted disease have on the fetus. Experts say that on their own, the infection is not able to penetrate the placental barrier and provoke fetal malformations. However, when other pathogens of venereal diseases join the pathogen, the likelihood of infection of the unborn baby increases many times over.

Ignoring trichomoniasis can cause a number of problems and complications:

  • The bacterium leads to inflammation of the amniotic membrane. This is fraught with premature rupture of amniotic fluid and, as a result, early childbirth or miscarriage. In rare cases, a woman may give birth to a stillborn child;
  • if, without treating trichomoniasis, there is a high probability of fetal malnutrition (decrease in normal size and weight);
  • during childbirth, infection of the child can occur, especially when other sexually transmitted infections “cling” to Trichomonas. This can lead to damage to the cornea and conjunctiva of the eye, anus, perineum, vaginal mucosa and lungs.

In addition, the likelihood of a future mother developing cervical cancer, inflammation of the appendages, endometritis and pelvioperitonitis increases.


In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is important to pay attention to how trichomoniasis can be treated. Most oral medications have a negative effect on the fetus, so experts recommend the use of vaginal medications. The following suppositories for trichomoniasis are highly effective:

  • "Terzhinan" has a trichomonacid effect, is active against anaerobic pathogens, destroys pyogenic bacteria and fungi of the Candida genus, relieves inflammation. The drug does not have a negative effect on the vaginal mucosa. Suppositories are used at bedtime, the average duration of the course lasts ten days;
  • "Clotrimazole" belongs to the group of antifungal drugs with a wide spectrum of action. Candles help cure diseases caused by Trichomonas, dermatophytes, yeast and mold fungi, streptococci, staphylococci and other pathogens. The drug is injected into the vagina once, at bedtime, for six days;
  • "Ginezol 7" is used to destroy gram-positive bacteria and vaginal candidiasis. Apply suppositories once a day, at night. The duration of the therapeutic course is seven days;
  • "Betadine" has a powerful disinfectant and antiseptic effect, effectively copes with trichomoniasis, vaginitis, bacterial vaginosis and genital herpes. Treatment is carried out once a day, for two weeks.

Important! Treatment with any of the above medicines is carried out under the strict supervision of a specialist. Only a doctor can approve the use of the drug, establish the correct dosage and duration of therapy.

In addition, trichomoniasis can be treated in early pregnancy by lubricating the urethra and vagina with a solution of potassium permanganate. The procedure is carried out daily.

In the second and third trimester of pregnancy, the following drugs are connected to the treatment of trichomoniasis:

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy requires mandatory treatment not only for the woman, but also for her sexual partner. You should refrain from sexual intercourse during the period of therapy. In order to avoid relapses, it is better to stop intimate relationships until negative test results are obtained.

If trichomoniasis in pregnant women is not treated, the woman will have to give birth in a special observational department. Newborns are examined for infection, after which, appropriate treatment is carried out by specialists.

The issue of family planning should be approached with the utmost responsibility. It is better to visit a qualified specialist and pass the necessary tests. In the event that a disease is detected after pregnancy, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the attending physician, follow all prescriptions and undergo treatment together with a sexual partner.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy is a dangerous disease for the health of the child and the expectant mother. A venereal infection is sexually transmitted, it appears when Trichomonas enters the body. Pathology affects the mucous membrane of the urethra and vagina, against which infertility or genitourinary disorders appear.

How to Diagnose Trichomoniasis in Pregnant Women

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will take a total swab for laboratory testing. The biomaterial from the posterior fornix of the vagina is analyzed. If possible, you should ask the doctor to perform an urgent test to track the dynamics of the movement of microorganisms.

The result of the general smear is prepared in 1-2 hours. This diagnostic method allows you to determine the number of microbes in the body and the degree of progression of trichomoniasis. If the smear is dried before the study, then most likely a negative result will appear.

Trichomonas ceases to be mobile in a dried environment and takes on a different shape, so it is recommended to do an urgent analysis to obtain accurate results.

Also, trichomoniasis during pregnancy is confirmed by sowing on the flora. During the study, the material taken from the vagina is placed in a special environment favorable for the further reproduction of microorganisms. The analysis allows you to detect the pathogen and determine how sensitive this type of bacteria is to existing antibiotics. In most cases, the study is necessary because it allows you to determine the most effective drugs for the patient. The cultural method of detecting trichomoniasis is performed to determine the infection in the body and regulate the prescribed drug therapy.

The most reliable and accurate method of research is the polymer chain reaction. During this procedure, the DNA of infectious agents is detected. The analysis is performed in a few days, and its accuracy is 95%. Upon receipt of ambiguous results, the method of direct immunofluorescence is additionally assigned. The study reveals the presence in the body of antibodies that are produced by the immune system during the development of trichomoniasis.

Which doctors should be visited?

A gynecologist can detect trichomoniasis during pregnancy if the patient is observed by a doctor while carrying a child. A smear and a blood test are enough to understand that inflammation has begun in the body. In the future, a specific laboratory test will be required to help determine what exactly caused the ailment.

If necessary, the gynecologist sends the patient for examination to a venereologist and other specialized specialists. Also, the reason for visiting other doctors can be serious complications and disruption of the internal organs.

Signs and symptoms

The incubation period for trichomoniasis ranges from 2 days to 2 months. It is impossible to accurately name the duration of the asymptomatic course of an infectious disease. The process depends on various factors, including the current well-being of the patient and the presence of chronic diseases.

A few years ago, pregnant patients with trichomoniasis had pronounced symptoms. The women immediately sought medical attention because they were worried about itching, sharp pain, green discharge, a feeling of heaviness, and disturbed stools. The mucous membrane on the genitals at the same time became saturated red or had pinpoint hemorrhages.

Currently, the acute course of trichomoniasis is rare.

The disease almost immediately becomes chronic, so the symptoms are mild. In half of the infected patients, signs of the disorder become visible only 6 months after the onset of the disease. Chronic trichomoniasis is more dangerous for pregnant women, since trichomonas are inside the body for a long time and have a devastating effect on systems and internal organs. In addition, the health of the embryo is at risk.

You can detect a violation by the following symptoms:

  • pulling pain in the lower abdomen;
  • itching in the genital area, it intensifies when walking or playing sports;
  • change in metabolism;
  • decreased immunity, frequently occurring diseases;
  • hormonal changes in the body;
  • changes in the microflora of the genital organs (increased dryness).

The provoking factors of trichomoniasis are diseases leading to serious changes in the body. With the deterioration of the immune system, a pregnant woman not only faces an infection, but also an exacerbation of all existing diseases. Considering that women in position are allowed to use only a small list of drugs, it becomes difficult to eliminate all violations before the moment of delivery.

Treatment and drugs for trichomoniasis in pregnant women

Therapy is selected after receiving the results of laboratory tests. Specialists select medications that can suppress the reproduction of Trichomonas and not harm the condition of a developing baby. The choice of drugs depends on the duration and activity of microorganisms. Taking strong antibiotics is strictly prohibited, as this will negatively affect pregnancy, but at the same time, medications are the only way to eliminate trichomoniasis.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is imperative to take medications inside and carry out local treatment of the genitals. Douching of the urethra is carried out with a potassium preparation or other recommended remedy. To quickly alleviate the condition of pregnant women, intravaginal suppositories are used. The most popular of them:

From the 13th week of pregnancy, drug treatment changes.

Doctors prescribe imidazole-based drugs to pregnant patients. Preference is given to creams, vaginal suppositories or gels. Tinidazole, atrican, ornidazole and metronidazole are recognized as the most effective drugs from this group.

Reception and dosage of drugs

The dosage of drugs is determined by the doctor depending on the current condition and the individual characteristics of the pregnant patient. Doctors try to prescribe minimal doses of drugs so that the treatment of trichomoniasis does not affect the child's condition. In some cases, experts advise to delay taking medications, so the baby will have time to get stronger. This is due to the fact that the infection poses less danger to the embryo than strong medications. These methods are used in the early stages of pregnancy.

Medicines for trichomoniasis will have to be taken not only by the woman, but also by her partner. Otherwise, re-infection will occur. A pregnant woman will have to follow all the doctor's recommendations and not cancel antibiotics without permission.

After undergoing drug therapy, a woman should be observed for at least another 3 months. Also, repeated tests are performed to diagnose the state of health and monitor positive dynamics.


The chance of giving birth to a healthy child with timely treatment of the infection is quite high. In the early stages of pregnancy, there is a high risk of miscarriage. Trichomonas also negatively affect the course of pregnancy, they provoke premature birth and early discharge of water.

With a long course of the disease, serious complications occur.

Microorganisms affect the reproductive function of a woman, which can cause infertility. Conception will not be possible even after the completion of therapy, since the effect is irreversible.

Effect on the fetus

Infection during the prenatal period occurs only in the presence of concomitant diseases, in all other cases the child becomes infected during childbirth. Trichomoniasis is transmitted during the passage through the birth canal, so if it was not possible to cure the disease before the birth of the child, doctors insist on a Caesarean section.

When a newborn is infected with trichomoniasis in the prenatal period, developmental abnormalities may occur. Treatment is prescribed from the first days of life when an infection is detected. Serious consequences can be avoided even in this case.


The probability of a favorable prognosis with timely detection and treatment of trichomoniasis is 80%. The duration of drug therapy is no more than 4 weeks. In pregnant women, an infectious disease can lead to serious consequences affecting the health of the mother and child. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that all women adhere to preventive measures:

  • be responsible in choosing a sexual partner and not come into contact with dubious personalities;
  • exclude the use of one towel, underwear, washcloths, brushes and other personal hygiene items with someone else, some people are only carriers of trichomoniasis and are not aware of the presence of a violation;
  • adhere to a healthy lifestyle, regularly do gymnastics for pregnant women;
  • daily be in the fresh air;
  • regularly undergo a complete medical examination;
  • eat right and periodically drink a course of vitamins.

If the father or mother of the child suffered from trichomoniasis, then the baby will necessarily be under the supervision of doctors for the first years of life.

Diagnosis of infection at an early stage allows you to quickly cure the disease and avoid negative consequences. For the diagnosis of pathology, they resort to examination and examination of the taken biological material. To confirm the violation, a serological study, bacteriological culture and polymer chain reaction are used.

It is more difficult to identify the disease in boys, because in the male body Trichomonas acquire a sedentary form. For an accurate diagnosis, laboratory tests are carried out several times.

Is it possible to get pregnant after trichomoniasis

If the infection is successfully treated during pregnancy or after it ends, a woman can have another child without any problems. Difficulties arise in the case of selecting the wrong treatment or lack of medication. Before planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to take all the necessary tests again to make sure of your health and prevent negative consequences.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy has its own specifics. In this case, the doctor should pay special attention to the examination and treatment of the patient.

Trichomonas remain active on bedding, for example, up to five hours. Therefore, the causes of trichomoniasis in pregnant women are not limited to reduced immunity (as mentioned above), but also depend on the personal hygiene of the woman herself and her partner. It is important to remember that these protozoa die instantly at temperatures above 40 degrees, which means that ironing clothes with a hot iron is by no means an idle affair. In a weak soapy solution, these microorganisms live for only a few minutes.

Often Trichomonas "coexist peacefully" with other pathogens associated with the genitourinary system, for example, with gonococci and.

Trichomoniasis is sexually transmitted, at least 10% of the inhabitants of the Earth are affected by the disease. Every year this number increases by 200 million people. Due to the peculiarities of the structure of the genitourinary system, women suffer from this infection 4 times more often than men. A temporary decrease in immunity in pregnant women makes them a frequent target for Trichomonas.

The main cause of infection with trichomoniasis during pregnancy is unprotected genital intercourse with a carrier of the infection. The main method is traditional sex, since it is impossible to get infected with this STD through the anal and oral route. It has been proven that the household route of infection with trichomoniasis is possible, although it is very rare. The use of the same hygiene items: a towel, a washcloth, as well as common linen together with a Trichomonas carrier can become a way of transmitting the disease.

A person suffering from trichomoniasis is sometimes unaware of their disease. Inflammation of the urinary tract (urethritis, proctitis, prostatitis), he usually does not associate with infection with a bacterium. A family may plan a pregnancy and not know that both partners are infected until the woman undergoes mandatory laboratory diagnostics.

Until the final sanitation of the genitourinary system from Trichomonas, it is better not to conceive a child. It is advisable to make sure that the infection is completely cured in both spouses. When diagnosing chronic trichomoniasis during pregnancy, it is very difficult to completely get rid of the bacterium Trichomonas vaginalis. Often, the disease manifests itself when the immune system is weakened, provoked by an increased load on the body of the expectant mother.

The bacterium is not able to overcome the placental barrier, so during pregnancy it does not pose a great danger to the growing fetus. If the infection is mixed, that is, gonococci, chlamydia and other causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases join Trichomonas, then the risk of infection of the baby during childbirth increases many times over. Therefore, trichomoniasis is potentially dangerous for the health of the expectant mother.

By itself, trichomoniasis during pregnancy does not lead to miscarriage or stillbirth. But this can happen in the advanced stages of mixed genital infections.

Some gynecologists associate trichomoniasis during pregnancy with the risk of a premature baby, early discharge of amniotic fluid. Chorioamnionitis (inflammation of the amniotic membrane) can theoretically be the result of infection of the body with Trichomonas and the penetration of the pathogen into the uterine cavity.

A decrease in general and local immunity provokes the occurrence of dangerous diseases of the female genital area:

    Inflammation of the appendages;

    Pelvioperitonitis (inflammation of the peritoneum of the small pelvis), resulting from an infection.

They are accompanied by fever, purulent discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, and can cause premature birth or miscarriage. In the early stages, with such symptoms, there is a question of artificial termination of pregnancy. That is why it is important to diagnose and treat trichomoniasis in a timely manner.

At the acute stage of trichomoniasis, a woman is concerned about itching, burning, heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen, cramps when urinating. When examined by a gynecologist, there is hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa, abundant foamy discharge, possibly with an unpleasant odor. In the chronic course of the disease, hyperemia disappears.

Trichomoniasis has a great impact on the reproductive function of women and often leads to infertility. In pregnant women, the disease is detected more often than in non-pregnant women. Often, trichomoniasis during pregnancy causes condylomatous growths and bartholinitis, and premature birth or spontaneous abortion is also possible due to inflammation of the membranes. Infection with trichomoniasis in a child, according to researchers, can occur when the fetus passes through the birth canal. If this happens, then the treatment of the child is started as early as possible, and it usually goes well. Interestingly, trichomoniasis is exacerbated not only during pregnancy, but also with frequent alcohol intake or in case of excessive sexual activity.

The incubation (latent) period of the development of the disease lasts from several days to 2 months. The disease can manifest itself with intense symptoms, or it can immediately go into the stage of a chronic process.

Symptoms of acute trichomoniasis during pregnancy:

    Severe itching in the vagina and external genitalia;

    Pain and cramps when urinating;

    Foamy discharge from the vagina with an unpleasant odor, having a yellow-green color;

    Frequent stool;


    Heaviness felt in the lower abdomen;

    During a gynecological examination - hyperemia of the vaginal mucosa, pinpoint hemorrhages on its walls;

    Increased fatigue, weakness, deterioration in performance.

Symptoms of hidden trichomoniasis during pregnancy:

    Pain during sexual contact;

    Mucopurulent discharge;


    Frequent urination;

    Itching in the vulva;

    Periodically occurring pain in the lower abdomen;

    Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Hidden trichomoniasis can go into an acute form with a decrease in immunity, hormonal disorders, metabolic disorders, pathological changes in the vaginal microflora.

The consequences of this disease for pregnant women are much worse than the disease itself. Although the acute form of trichomoniasis is characterized by very painful symptoms

To diagnose trichomoniasis during pregnancy, a smear is taken from the posterior fornix of the vagina. Bacterioscopic examination allows you to determine the intensity of inflammation and the concentration of microorganisms. To confirm the diagnosis, culture is carried out on the flora, placing the vaginal discharge in a nutrient medium. Additional diagnostic methods are the study of vaginal secretion using PCR (95% accuracy), as well as the detection of antibodies to Trichomonas in the patient's blood by DIF (direct immunofluorescence).

Examination and treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy is carried out immediately in both sexual partners, otherwise the therapy will be ineffective. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, exposure to the fetus with drugs is undesirable due to a possible teratogenic effect, the appearance of developmental defects. During this period, treatment is carried out with topical agents - douching with therapeutic solutions and setting suppositories.

Candles for the treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy:


  • Terzhinan;


In the 2nd and 3rd trimester, treatment with imidazole derivatives is possible:


  • Metronidazole;



Treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy is carried out under the supervision and on the recommendation of a doctor. In most cases, he prescribes the lowest possible dosage of the drug, a short course of treatment. Although with this treatment regimen, relapses of trichomoniasis are possible, the drug load on the body of a pregnant woman and baby remains minimal.

Monitoring the effectiveness of therapy is carried out within 3 months. The woman and her sexual partner take swabs three times. Treatment does not form local immunity and does not guarantee protection against re-infection through contact with an infected sexual partner.

Video about the treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy:

In no case should you self-medicate. Only a doctor, based on the result of the analysis, can prescribe effective drugs. Moreover, the treatment of trichomoniasis during pregnancy should be carried out with great care so as not to harm the unborn child. Antibiotics that are effective in this disease are prescribed only in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, and at the very beginning of pregnancy, topical agents are preferred. Douching is carried out with disinfectant solutions or vaginal suppositories are administered at night. It is imperative for a woman, so that the body can independently resist the disease, prescribe multivitamins or vitamin complexes with minerals.

Folk remedies used in the treatment of trichomoniasis include aloe, garlic, chamomile, bird cherry, calendula, lilac, celandine. For example, aloe juice should be taken 3 times a day for a teaspoon for 15 minutes. before meals, and the largest amount of active substances in aloe accumulates on the second or third day after cutting the leaf (the cut leaf is placed in the refrigerator for a day or two). A decoction of calendula, like chamomile, is used for sitz baths and douching.

Simultaneously with the woman, her partner should also be treated.

If there is a relapse of the disease, then the previously used drug in this case will no longer be effective, and the doctor, based on the newly passed tests, will select another antibiotic. After the end of the course of treatment, for about another three months, you need to be observed by a doctor and take new tests at his request. It is also necessary to follow the rules of hygiene in everyday life.

Is it possible to infect a child with trichomoniasis from the mother during childbirth?

Pregnancy management in the antenatal clinic excludes the active course of the disease and infection of the newborn. In isolated cases, with a low culture and irresponsible attitude of a woman to her health, infection of children during childbirth is recorded. Babies become infected while passing through the genital tract of a woman in labor. The course of infection during pregnancy reduces the development of protective mechanisms in the child.

The defeat of a newborn with Trichomonas leads to pathologies of such organs as:

    Cornea and conjunctiva of the eye;


    Perineal skin;

    anal passage;

    The mucous membrane of the vagina and labia in girls;

Trichomoniasis in newborns always occurs in an acute form, 2-4 days after infection. The disease is manifested by redness of the affected mucosa, in girls - foamy discharge from the genital tract. Purulent may occur, death is not excluded. To prevent complications and negative symptoms, treatment of newborns is carried out immediately after birth.

Education: Diploma "Obstetrics and Gynecology" received at the Russian State Medical University of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development (2010). In 2013, she completed her postgraduate studies at the NMU. N. I. Pirogov.

Sexual infections disrupt the normal functioning of the entire reproductive system of a woman. Especially dangerous is a disease such as trichomoniasis. During pregnancy, the disease harms not only women's health, but also disrupts the development of the baby. This infection is easily transmitted sexually and is often asymptomatic. In the gestational period, the course of trichomoniasis has its own specifics, which every woman who wants to give birth to a healthy baby should know. Consider how to timely identify and how to treat trichomoniasis during pregnancy.

Ways of infection and the mechanism of development of trichomoniasis infection during pregnancy

It is noteworthy that Trichomonas lives only in a humid environment. In dry conditions, at temperatures above + 40⁰С, it dies. Also, the destruction of Trichomonas contributes to antiseptic treatment and sunlight.

The clinical picture of trichomoniasis during pregnancy

The incubation period of trichomoniasis is from 2 days to 2 months. Previously, the symptomatic picture in most women proceeded clearly. There was severe itching, a burning sensation, frothy and often fetid discharges stood out from the vagina, and the stomach could hurt.

The last few years, trichomoniasis has become almost asymptomatic. The first signs may appear 4-6 months after infection and do not always allow suspecting a sexual infection. These are, as a rule, meager white-yellow discharge, slight itching of the genitals, discomfort during intercourse.

Given the sluggish form of the disease, a woman needs to listen to her well-being in order to suspect trichomoniasis during pregnancy in time.

What should a pregnant woman pay attention to:

  • periodic pain in the pelvis;
  • itching and burning of the genitals;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • decreased libido;
  • vaginal hyperemia with traces of bruising on the mucosa;
  • pain during urination;
  • increased fatigue;
  • purulent vaginal discharge with an admixture of mucus.

The acute and latent phases of trichomoniasis often alternate. You can notice signs of Trichomonas activation after drinking alcohol, a sharp decrease in immunity, hormonal imbalance, which entails a change in the composition of the vaginal secretion. At such moments, it is most often possible to detect a chronic and sluggish form of the disease.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy: diagnosis

Trichomoniasis in women during pregnancy in 30% of cases does not cause symptoms. Therefore, the definition of genital infections during pregnancy is carried out several times. The only way to detect the disease is regular examination by a doctor.

Important! If the doctor has suspicions of a latent course of trichomoniasis in a woman in position, he prescribes all three types of studies, and also gives a referral for similar tests to the woman's sexual partner.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy - treatment

With the initial detection of Trichomonas in a smear taken from a pregnant woman, treatment is prescribed immediately for both sexual partners, even if the man's tests are negative.

If trichomoniasis is detected in the first trimester during pregnancy, treatment is carried out only locally - with ointments, vaginal suppositories, creams. Such therapy eliminates the negative effect of drugs on the fetus. Medicines are selected taking into account the severity of the disease, existing complications and test results.

Your doctor may prescribe one of the following drugs:

  • Polygynax- vaginal capsules with antimicrobial and antiseptic action. Additionally contains nystatin for the prevention of thrush.
  • Betadine- antiseptic ointment containing povidone-iodine. Effectively destroys pathogenic flora - fungi, viruses, cocci.
  • Terzhinan- intravaginal tablets for the treatment of vaginal trichomoniasis and vaginitis caused by a mixed infection.

In the II and III trimesters, it is possible to take oral drugs of systemic action:

  • Atrikan- antiprotozoal drug in tablet form for the treatment of urogenital trichomoniasis.
  • Metronidazole- an antimicrobial drug that most effectively fights trichomoniasis.
  • Ornidazole- an antimicrobial drug capable of destroying Trichomonas DNA.

Treatment of trichomoniasis can last from 10 to 21 days, depending on the form of the disease and the duration of pregnancy. The drug, dose and duration of administration are selected by the gynecologist personally in each individual case.

After a full course of treatment, a woman should take control tests within three months. If they are all negative, trichomoniasis is considered completely cured. Since the body does not form specific immunity to Trichomonas, re-infection is not excluded.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy: folk remedies

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease that is treated exclusively with medication. But to increase local immunity, reduce discomfort and speedy recovery, a woman can additionally use traditional methods of treatment:

  • Grind five cloves of garlic, squeeze the juice, take it ½ tsp. 1-3 times a day. Juice is used only freshly prepared, so prepare it immediately before use.
  • Grate ¼ onion and 2 cloves of garlic. Wrap the resulting slurry in a piece of sterile gauze and roll it up in the form of a tampon. Enter the resulting tampon into the vagina for 3-5 hours. The course of treatment is 5 days. During the procedure, there should be no complaints such as burning, itching, local irritation. When they appear, treatment is stopped.
  • Boil 30 g of chamomile inflorescences in 350 ml of boiling water. After three hours, strain the infusion, take 150 ml twice a day. Additionally, you can do sitz baths to reduce the external manifestations of trichomoniasis - itching and redness.
  • Soak a sterile swab in sea buckthorn oil and insert into the vagina overnight. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. Sea buckthorn oil can be alternated with natural honey.
  • Boil 20 g of calendula flowers and 200 ml of water in a water bath for 15 minutes, strain and use a decoction for sitz baths. The number of procedures is not limited.

What is dangerous trichomoniasis during pregnancy

Trichomonas cause a serious inflammatory process, disrupting the reproductive system of a woman, and can lead to complications such as miscarriage, premature delivery, secondary infertility. And although these microorganisms do not penetrate the fetus during pregnancy, they still have a negative impact - the baby can become infected during childbirth, and Trichomonas can affect his genitals. But the greatest danger of trichomoniasis lies in the ability of Trichomonas to absorb other even more dangerous bacteria and mask such formidable infections as gonorrhea, chlamydia, etc.

What is dangerous trichomoniasis for a pregnant woman

Prolonged activity of Trichomonas in the vagina of women often leads to irreversible changes in reproductive function. Common complications are:

  • Growth of genital warts.
  • Bartholinitis (infectious inflammation of the gland located in the vestibule of the vagina).
  • Complete infertility.

Trichomoniasis does not always prevent conception, but becoming pregnant, a woman is also in danger. Pregnancy can proceed with numerous complications or spontaneously terminated.

The effect of trichomoniasis on pregnancy and the condition of a woman is as follows:

  • adhesive process in the fallopian tubes, as a result of which an ectopic pregnancy develops;
  • miscarriage (trichomonas can damage the embryo and cause it to be rejected);
  • premature birth;
  • too early discharge of water;
  • chorioamnionitis (infection and inflammation of the amniotic fluids);
  • postpartum endometritis (inflammation of the uterine cavity);
  • increased risk of cervical cancer.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy: effects on the fetus

For a baby, while he is in the mother's womb, Trichomonas are not very dangerous, since they rarely penetrate into the amniotic waters. In rare cases, the baby may be born underweight or die in the perinatal period.

If the pregnancy goes without complications and the baby is completely healthy, it can become infected during childbirth. Trichomonas enter the ear canal, vagina in girls or urethra in boys, tonsils, conjunctiva. Depending on the location of the infection, the child develops inflammation of one or another organ - vaginitis, conjunctivitis, tonsillitis, etc.

Trichomoniasis: prevention and prognosis during pregnancy

If Trichomonas were detected in the early stages, and the disease has not yet taken a chronic form, treatment for 14 days allows you to completely get rid of the disease. In this case, the prognosis is favorable for both the woman and her baby. Otherwise, trichomoniasis can cause complications or be passed on to the child, and ineffective treatment can worsen a woman's health in the future.

To prevent sad consequences, the prevention of trichomoniasis is important. What needs to be done:

  • Minimize the risk of infection. A woman who is pregnant or just planning to conceive a baby should avoid promiscuity, and also not use someone else's bed linen and personal hygiene items.
  • Strengthen the immune system. Uninterrupted work of immunity allows you to resist infection. The key to health is proper nutrition, sports and outdoor activities.
  • Compliance with all doctor's orders. Do not neglect the preventive examinations prescribed by the gynecologist. In this way, trichomoniasis can be diagnosed in a timely manner and cured without consequences.

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy - reviews

Trichomoniasis during pregnancy is not so common, so the reviews of women about the treatment of this disease during pregnancy are few. Some of them were treated after the 20th week of gestation with Metronidazole and were successfully cured even before delivery. Some women managed to avoid treatment, because repeated tests showed the absence of Trichomonas in the smear and bacterial culture. There were also cases when women were treated after childbirth.

As for complications from trichomoniasis during pregnancy, it is almost impossible to find scary stories about the consequences of the disease, so we can assume that with adequate treatment, nothing threatens a woman and her baby.

Video: Trichomoniasis in pregnant women and children
