Frequent brushing for hair growth. What not to do? Benefits of scratching

To keep your hair looking good, you need to take proper care of it. At healthy hair The keratin flakes lie evenly, covering each other (like tiles). At improper care behind the hair, the scales begin to exfoliate, warp and separate. In order for hair to look beautiful and healthy, it is necessary during hair growth to influence its root organ, which is located in the lower layers of the scalp.

The life of hair can be divided into three periods: hair growth. This period lasts from 2 to 10 years. Almost all the hair on the head is in this state; hair rest. This period lasts approximately 3 weeks. Approximately 1% of hair rests; dying off. This period lasts about 3 months. Approximately 14% of the hair on the head dies.

To determine the condition of your hair, just take a strand of about ten hairs and pull it a little. If you have 2-3 hairs left in your hand, then everything is fine. If there are more than 4 hairs in your hand, then there is cause for concern (unless, of course, it is in spring or autumn).

Washing your hair. How to wash your hair correctly

One of the main hair care techniques is washing it. immediately arises main question- how often should you wash your hair? It depends on hair type, time of year, climatic conditions. The main thing is that your hair needs to be washed when it is just starting to get dirty. Before you start washing your hair, you need to comb it. The head is well moistened with water. Previously, to rinse your hair well, you used rain or melt water. Now, a little borax or baking soda should be added to hard tap water to soften it, usually 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.

Water for washing hair should be quite soft and moderately hot (38-40 °C). Washing with hard water does not cleanse, and even, on the contrary, damages the hair.

To rinse your hair, you can use infusions prepared from birch leaves, nettle leaves or chamomile flowers: pour a tablespoon of dry crushed raw material into a glass of boiling water, let it brew until it cools, and then filter.

To eliminate the influence of alkali, give hair elasticity, softness and shine, you need to add 1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of water or the juice of 1 lemon to the rinsing water. Wet your hair well after washing with a liquid consisting of 5 ml of glycerin, 15 ml lemon juice, 90 ml of boiled water and 15 ml of cologne. This will make them soft, silky, shiny. Hot water and a light head massage help increase blood circulation in the scalp and improve tissue metabolism.

After washing, dry your hair with a towel. It is recommended to use heated towels, especially in winter. In summer, it is advisable to dry your hair outdoors. Clumped and tangled long hair should be carefully combed with your hands, squeezed between the ends of a towel and left loose until completely dry. Quick drying with a hairdryer or dry heat is very harmful, as the hair easily becomes over-dried, becomes brittle and brittle (split ends). It is not recommended to comb your hair when wet, especially long hair. Heavy from water, they are easily pulled out.

After swimming in salt water (sea water), hair should be rinsed with plain water, since the simultaneous exposure to salt water and bright colors sun rays makes hair brittle.

Never wash your hair with products not intended for this purpose. detergents- they will remove all natural fats from the hair. It is better not to use “family shampoos”; try to choose a shampoo according to the condition of your hair and scalp. Today the choice of shampoos is very large. Special additives in shampoos provide almost all care options.

For oily hair, mild emulsifiers and irritation-softening herbs are suitable; anti-dandruff - biologically active substances that kill bacteria; For sensitive skin heads - fat-reducing substances; For damaged hair- substances that can combine with keratin and smooth the surface of the hair. It should be borne in mind that the condition of your hair may change, so keep an eye on it and change the shampoo if necessary.

Hair balms

The next element for hair care is balms. Rinsing with conditioner gives hair shine. As a rule, using a regular balm only prevents hair damage. But there are balms with special protein additives that have healing effect and for some time restore the surface of diseased hair. It is recommended to use a balm that gives hair shine every time you wash your hair, so it is best to use the balm simultaneously with shampoo. Typically, the substances contained in shampoo and conditioner are selected so that the hair becomes clean and smooth, easy to comb and curl. This is very important for women with long hair; after washing with shampoo, the hair gets quite tangled and when combed, it falls out a lot - balms will smooth out the hair and make it noticeably easier to comb.

Conditioner hair rinse

In addition to balms, conditioners are used for hair care. Conditioner, or rinse aid, neutralizes static electricity and makes hair pliable. It protects hair from harmful effects environment, makes combing easier, gives hair shine and elasticity.

Hair styling gel

To make it easier to create a hairstyle or give the hair some shape, use hair styling gel. The gel fixes the shape of the styling, but not as strongly as varnish. Using the gel will allow you to quickly style your bangs or curl your curls.

Modeling hair styling gel is available in three versions: ultra-strong, strong and normal fixation. The gel is applied to wet hair. Take the gel into a cupped palm, rub it in your hands and apply it evenly over the entire surface of your hair. After this, give your hair desired shape- comb smoothly, style individual strands into curls, etc.

Combing hair. Why and how often should you comb your hair?

This question will probably seem strange to you. But the fact is that you need to comb your hair not only out of neatness. Hair needs constant care. One of the manifestations of this attention is regular combing of hair (and not looking at it in the mirror).

It is best to comb your hair twice a day, since when combing, the teeth of the comb irritate the nerve endings of the scalp, which revitalizes blood circulation and promotes hair growth. It is necessary to have a comb with blunt teeth so that they do not scratch the skin. Constantly brushing your hair massages it well and, to some extent, cleans it by removing dust from it. At increased greasiness and dusty hair, it is advisable to use a fine-toothed comb with a layer of absorbent cotton wool at the base of the teeth.

Long hair should be combed from the ends, short hair - from the root. When combing short hair, you should only use a comb. In general, it is recommended to use a massage brush to comb your hair. Combing with a brush painlessly tidies tangled long hair. In addition, the brush not only combs, but also massages the scalp more thoroughly.

It is better to comb hair longer than 25-35 cm first with a brush, then with a comb. At very long hair You need to wrap them in a tight bun near your head and comb them strand by strand with a brush until the ends.

It doesn’t matter whether you are a girl or a guy, but if you have hair longer than five centimeters, then you comb your hair every day. But just because this activity is so familiar and habitual does not mean that you are doing everything right.

Here are seven mistakes that many people make every day, and if you keep doing it, your hair's health (and quantity) may deteriorate, not to mention its appearance.

When people start having problems with their hair, when it becomes oily, weak or electrified, they most often try to change their care product - they buy other shampoos, conditioners, masks.

No one even thinks that the problem may be the inability to comb their hair. So, 7 mistakes, by eliminating which you can improve the condition of your hair.

1. Combing from roots to ends

If you comb your hair, moving the comb from root to tip, this is bad for your hair - the comb, when it gets tangled, pulls hair from the follicle, and you end up tearing out more hair.

Which is correct?

Comb, starting a few centimeters from the ends, gradually moving upward and unraveling knots from the hair. This method does not injure the hair or tear it out.

2. Combing wet hair

When hair fibers become saturated with moisture, they stretch, making them weaker. When combing, stretched hair becomes damaged and breaks faster.

Which is correct?

Wait until your hair is dry and then comb it.

3. Detangle hair with a flat brush

When the hair is very tangled, many people use a brush or “massage”, while tearing out the hair almost in strands. This is too rough a method, no matter whether the hair is dry or wet.

Which is correct?

For detangling, it is better to use a wide-tooth comb, but first, spray your hair with a special product, such as a detangling spray.

After such products, the comb will glide well through the hair, and it will untangle faster and easier, without damage.

4. Scratching too much

There is such an absurd myth: in order to comb your hair well, you need to run a comb through your hair 100 times. In fact, such sessions only damage the hair - they break it.

Which is correct?

There is no need to get carried away with the number of times, it is better to take care of the quality in order to carefully eliminate all the knots.

5. Wrong brush

Natural hog bristle brushes are much gentler on hair than artificial bristle brushes. In addition, they better distribute natural fats along the entire length, from roots to ends. As a result, your hair will look clean longer.

6. Dirty brush

Many people never wash their comb at all, believing that it cannot be dirty. In fact, it accumulates lost hair, dead skin particles and sebum. Just think about it when next time you will comb clean hair.

Which is correct?

The brush should be washed once a week - first remove hair from it, and then rinse under water with soap or shampoo.

7. Static electricity

Due to the friction of the brush against the hair, static electricity may occur. To prevent this from happening, spray your brush with hair spray before combing. Alternatively, you can take a couple of drops of hair oil on your fingers and rub it all over your head.

Take pity on your hair and comb it correctly!

Beautiful hair is a woman's pride. Numerous commercials make us think that beautiful and healthy hair depends only on using a certain brand of shampoo and conditioner, but in reality this is not the case. Big role Combing plays a role in hair care. Have you ever thought about this while combing your hair in a hurry in the morning?

How to choose a good comb

In hair care, it is important not only how to comb your hair, but also what is the best way to comb it. The range of combs presented today is very wide. How to choose among them the one that best suits you? You need to focus on your hair: assess its condition, length, degree of thickness. These criteria will help you choose the right comb. It is best to have several combs and brushes in your arsenal for different occasions.

Now you know how to choose a good comb, then a few words about how to comb your hair correctly.

Combing rules

Try to never comb wet hair. They are much more susceptible to damage than dried ones. If you still need to comb them, use a wide-toothed comb and proceed very carefully, slowly. Your movements should not be sudden. Wet hair They lose their elasticity and in this state it is very easy to tear them out or cause dissection of the ends.

A beneficial effect is obtained by combing your hair with a brush. As a result, blood rushes to the head, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. They become shinier, smoother, and grow better. In addition, massaging the head with a brush relieves headache. But remember that brittle and split ends, just like oily hair, should be avoided combing with a brush.

All women have probably encountered the problem of severely tangled hair. Combing them is not so easy. But the procedure is greatly simplified if you follow a few recommendations. Short hair begins to be combed from the roots with careful and gentle movements. Long hair is unraveled starting from the ends, gradually moving higher and higher. If necessary, you can divide your hair into strands and comb them with short, gentle movements in the same direction.

The more often you brush your hair during the day, the better it will look. However, this procedure should not take too long. Comb your hair in different directions, smooth them with your palm, following the brush with your hand. To improve hair nutrition, you can tilt your head.

Follow the rules of personal hygiene. Everyone in the family should have their own comb so as not to transmit germs to each other and various diseases scalp.

Hair condition reflects general state human health. Various diseases, unorganized nutrition, lack of vitamins, overwork and other disturbances in the activity of the whole organism and especially nervous system- all this affects their growth and condition. Great harm brings abuse of alcohol, smoking, tea, coffee, poor organization of rest, lack of physical exercise. For normal height hair great importance has and proper care. Ordinary visible hair, located on the surface of the skin, is a dead formation in which cells no longer reproduce. If damaged, it cannot be restored. Therefore, you need to take care of your hair.

Unfortunately, sometimes hair is exposed to a variety of harmful influences: it is roughly combed, torn off, overheated, excessively degreased with alkalis, bleached with a strong solution of hydrogen peroxide, etc. All this leads to destruction. Is it any wonder that with such “care” the strands break, split, and thin out.

Of great importance in hair care is keeping them clean.
They get dirty very easily. At the same time, their shine is lost, the color changes, they become sticky, and do not fit well. Obstructed air flow to the scalp and heat from the hair promote the development of microbes. Therefore, shampooing is considered the main hair care procedure.

How often should you wash?

The frequency of hair washing primarily depends on the wishes of the owner. This can be either daily or just once a week - for each individual.

The frequency of washing depends on the type of hair, the degree physical activity, time of year, weather and even hairstyle. Healthy (normal) strands are usually washed once a week.

However, in summer it is recommended to wash your hair at least twice a week, because in summer more dust and dirt accumulate in the hair. You also need to wash your hair more often in winter, since warm hats do not allow the head to “breathe,” which is why the strands quickly become greasy.

Oily hair is washed two to three times a week, sometimes more often. This is especially true if your work is dirty in some way. If your job is more sedentary, once a week is enough. If your hair is dry, once every two weeks may be enough.
Curls mixed type- oily at the base, but dry and brittle at the ends - wash as it gets dirty (usually 2-3 times a week), but such hair requires well-cleansing shampoos without dehydrating the scalp, as well as the mandatory use of balms that reduce dryness. But you should not allow itchy skin, oily, sticky hair, or a significant amount of dandruff to appear.

As for unhealthy hair, it is not the frequency of washing that matters more, but the frequency of use. special means, suppressing activity sebaceous glands, microscopic fungus and cleanses the skin of sebum.

Using soft shampoos You can wash your hair every day. Contrary to popular belief, frequent washing not harmful to hair.

What water should I wash with?

It is very important what kind of water you use when washing your hair. Tap water- not the best the best option, because, in addition to bleach, it also contains a lot of all kinds of impurities, and the hair absorbs water, and with it harmful substances, much better than leather. Our great-grandmothers washed their hair with melt or rain water, but given the current environment, this is also an unsafe activity. Therefore, it is best to wash your hair boiled water , to which you can add baking soda to soften it (1 tsp per 1 liter of water), ammonia(1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water), borax (1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water) or glycerin (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water).

For proper washing Hair water should not be too hot or cold.

The optimal water temperature is 35-45C (it feels warm with your hand). Moreover, the oilier the hair, the cooler the water should be - hot water activates the sebaceous glands, which can cause strands to become even fatter.

Scalp massage is beneficial for all hair types. If the skin is dry, the hair is brittle and there is dandruff, then it is useful to massage with some oil (burdock, castor) before washing your hair; this will increase blood circulation and supply the scalp with additional oxygen, which in turn will affect the beauty of the hair.

At oily hair massage the skin while simultaneously rubbing in the treatment agent with a cotton swab oily skin. Massage with rubbing is done before washing your hair. Since massage increases the activity of the human hair-skin apparatus, it is especially recommended for those who have dry scalp or suffer from dry dandruff, as well as those who, due to wrong mode and exhaustion, hair falls out profusely. These people need massage most of all, and they should do it more energetically.

The normal duration of a massage is 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to do it before washing or during it no more than 2 times a week.

It is possible to massage after washing, but it is not advisable, as this increases the secretion of sebum. However, this only applies to those who have oily or oily hair. The fact is that a massage, if carried out after washing your hair, turns out to be a little more effective due to greater absorption of the medicinal substances that are part of the products that you use. Therefore, here you can experiment: only experience will help you determine what is best for you.

The massage consists of stroking, rubbing, stretching, airing and vibrating the hair:

  • Stroking. They do it with the fingertips of both hands, starting from the frontal hairline, as if combing the hair along the partings to the back of the head, or place one hand on the upper part of the forehead, the other on the back of the head, both hands move easily, without pressure, towards each other.
  • Trituration. Use your fingertips to massage the entire head down and up from the top. scalp head with small, energetic movements, then circular movements of the fingertips in the same directions.
  • Stretching and airing. The hair is grabbed between the fingers and pulled upward with careful movements, performing slight vibrations.
  • Effleurage. Do it with four fingers of both hands ( thumb at the same time it is fixed) over the entire surface of the head softly and easily.
  • Vibration. They work with the pads of their fingers over the entire surface of the head from the crown down to the border of hair growth, as if moving the soft tissues.

How to wash your hair correctly?

  1. Comb your hair thoroughly before washing to remove dirt and dead cells from the scalp.
  2. Wet your hair completely. Make sure that even the bottom layer is well moistened.
  3. Pour a small amount of shampoo (about a teaspoon) into your cupped hand. Use the palm of your hand to scoop up some water, as most shampoos are concentrated.
  4. Using your fingertips, gently massage shampoo into roots. When washing your hair, you should always move from the roots of your hair to their ends, since this direction coincides with the direction of the cuticle scales. The head is washed with careful circular movements of the fingers so as not to scratch the scalp with nails. It is recommended to combine shampooing with a scalp massage. Light massage When rubbed into the scalp, soap foam increases blood circulation in the scalp and improves local metabolism in tissues. It is advisable not to tangle long hair during washing, so as not to damage it later when combing. When washing, do not rub the strands against each other too much, so as not to damage the shaft and cuticle.
  5. Rinse the shampoo thoroughly with warm water. Check to see if there is any shampoo left on your hair. You should always apply shampoo to your head twice during one wash. This is due to the fact that during the first soaping, only part of the dirt, dust and sebum is removed from the strands.
  6. It is best to dry your hair with a warm towel. You should wipe lightly in the direction of the cuticle scales, i.e. from roots to ends, but do not do it too hard. Do not dry your hair, as it is especially susceptible to damage after washing. Most better drying is the natural drying of the hair, sometimes using a warm towel. You should not allow your hair to dry on its own in the cold; it is better to wrap your head in a warm towel - it will absorb moisture. It is very bad to dry your hair in the sun, since an excess amount of ultraviolet radiation has never benefited anyone, and wet hair is weakly protected from external influences. If you decide to dry your hair in the sun, cover your head with a scarf.
    Quick drying with a hairdryer or dry heat is very harmful, as the curls easily dry out, become fragile, brittle (split). In summer it is useful to dry your hair outdoors. Confused and tangled long strands You need to carefully take them apart with your hands, squeeze them between the ends of the towel and leave them loose until completely dry. If you need to dry quickly, use the cold drying mode, holding the hair dryer at least 40 cm from your head.
  7. After bathing in salt water, your hair should be rinsed, as the combination of salt water and bright sunlight can cause hair to become brittle.

How to comb

It is contraindicated to comb wet or damp hair. They can absorb moisture, so you should not comb your hair, especially long hair, when wet. Heavy with water, they easily break off and are pulled out.

The combs should have completely smooth, not very thick and blunt teeth so that they do not scratch the skin. The best combs are considered to be horn, wood, or hard materials that bend easily. Metal combs often damage the skin and scaly layers of hair, so using them is not recommended.

For combing, it is better to use a brush with natural bristles; in case of increased hair loss, use a sparse comb.

Brushes made of polyethylene and others artificial materials must be used with caution, as they may cause mechanical damage hair and skin inflammation. When used, combs made from artificial materials create a voltage of 60-100 thousand volts. It is no wonder that their long-term use affects health. It is best to comb your hair with wooden combs. For example, a birch comb will not only improve your well-being, but also stop hair loss and get rid of dandruff.

And a comb and massage brush must be strictly individual, as they become dirty they must be cleaned hot water with soap or a 10% solution of ammonia.

Combing must be done carefully and correctly. When combing roughly, the hair is torn, tied into knots, and split into tassels. Short strands combed from the roots, and long ones - from loose ends. If your hair is tangled, you need to be patient, do not pull it out, but divide the entire cloth into small strands and gradually comb from the periphery to the center.

The combing procedure not only cleanses the hair, but also massages the scalp, causing pleasant sensations heat, improves nutrition of hair follicles and promotes more intensive growth. This procedure spend daily for 5-10 minutes.

Combing is a simple but very important procedure in which the skin is massaged, blood flow to the head is increased - and this has a beneficial effect on the nutrition of the hair roots. As a result of combing, the strands are cleaned of dust and dirt, and the fat is evenly distributed along the entire length. You need to comb your hair to better cleansing in all directions - along the growth path, and then against and to the side.

There is something magical and mysterious in this action, isn’t it? Brushing your hair at night is methodical and focused - like meditation. For many peoples, this procedure is almost sacred in nature. The Slavs, for example, have spells for combing:

I'm scratching my hair
I ask the mirror
Purity, beauty,
Dreams come true! You grow hair,
My girlish (female) beauty!
Every hair will be
My dear snare!

In order for your hairstyle to look attractive, you need to regularly comb your hair in all directions. It is best three times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. Hair will be healthy only if the scalp is well nourished with blood. Regular massage and brushing cause increased blood flow to the scalp and improve nutrition of the hair follicles.

In addition, combing allows you to style your hair in even strands, eliminate their tangling. The teeth of the comb or the bristles of the brush, stimulating the nerve endings in the scalp, revitalize blood circulation. Regular brushing also ventilates the hair well and cleans it, removing dust.

You need to comb your hair with a brush at least a hundred times in one procedure. The magic number “one hundred” is mentioned in many ancient beauty textbooks and has become firmly established in fiction.

By cleansing and airing your hair, you also massage your scalp, which in turn will enhance hair growth and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Rules for combing long hair

Try to adhere to the following rules:

1. Combing long hair should start from the ends. Use your fingers to hold the hair firmly but gently at the base to prevent it from being accidentally pulled out. But combing short haircut should start right from the root. Combing short hair, you can use both a comb and a comb if your hair is very short. But your comb should not be too frequent so as not to pull out hair, nor too sharp so as not to scratch the skin.

2. For longer hair, the use of a comb is completely excluded; combing can only be done with a special brush or a very sparse comb. The teeth of the comb should be blunt, not sharp, because scratching the scalp is very harmful to the hair: it increases the secretion of oil from the skin. For the same reason, a nylon brush is not suitable: it is too hard and sharp.

3. It is best to use a brush made of natural bristles or a massage needle brush with ball attachments on teeth.
Combing with a brush is very useful - the bristles massage the surface of the head, but the comb does not do such a massage.
But this rule only applies to dry hair. Hair, damp after washing, regardless of length, comb only with a sparse comb! It's better to wait until your hair is almost dry. Combing immediately after a shower or bath is also not recommended.

4. When combing dry hair, if it is longer than 20-25 cm, it is better to use a brush first and then a comb. Brushes tidy up even the most tangled hair much faster and easier. But still, no matter what tool you use, the main thing is that your hand movements are not rough and sharp.

5. Combing your hair with a brush and massaging your scalp is helpful. fresh air, this gives the scalp a chance to breathe. But it is better to avoid exposing your hair to direct sunlight.

6. Brush with a brush, starting from the back of the head, from the scalp to the ends of the hair in a circular motion. Moreover, if the hair is very long, then you need to tightly grasp it with your fingers near the head and, highlighting strand by strand, brush along it to the ends.
After such preparation, the hair can be easily combed and styled with a comb and other hairdressing tools.

7. Let us remind you once again: you need to make sure that when combing your hair does not pull out. To do this, movements must be careful, smooth and leisurely. Brushing harshly or quickly can damage your hair.

8. The location of the parting needs to be changed from time to time, or it is better to do without it at all. Otherwise, bald spots may form in this place. It is not for nothing that in many nationalities traditional hairstyle women - hair combed back. This way you can maintain hair thickness for many years.

9. Combs, combs and brushes must be perfectly clean, they must be washed regularly, otherwise they can rub dust and dirt into the skin and hair or even cause an infection. You especially need to keep your brush clean; it gets dirty faster than combs: due to the thickness of the bristles, lost hair gets stuck in it. Before washing the brush, it should be freed from any remaining hair and dandruff.

10. “Oh, I forgot my comb! Give me yours! We often hear this cry, but if you care about your hair and don’t want to pick up someone else’s dandruff, you should refuse such a request. In case you go out, have a spare brush or comb with you - for forgetful friends. So maintain the image of a responsive and kind person, and healthy hair.

11. Remember for yourself and instill in your household: each person should have an individual comb and hair brush. Transferring them to other people for temporary use is unacceptable: it is unhygienic! This is how pathogenic fungi and microbes can be transmitted.

12. In addition to combing, massage of the scalp with your fingertips is very effective: the scalp is grasped with force by the fingertips and moved in different directions.

13. Hand movements during massage should be energetic, fingers should be immersed in the hairstyle and slightly bent to create strong pressure. Each area of ​​the head is treated this way.

14. It is very good to combine massage with rubbing nutritious liquids into the hair roots. The preparations are applied with a cotton swab to the scalp, after which the actual scalp massage begins. Useful material should only come into contact with the skin: getting them on your hair is undesirable, since as a result the hair begins to stick together slightly or becomes unpleasantly stiff.

15. Massage the scalp using circular movements of your fingertips. You should start with light pressure in the back of the head and massage towards the temples and forehead. At luxurious thick hair It is necessary to part the hair into strands and apply the medicinal liquid along the partings. The massage should be performed for at least five to ten minutes.
Manual stimulation helps counteract depletion of the scalp and ensures that the skin is supplied with nutrients both internally - from the bloodstream, and externally - from healing drugs.
