Sexual life of Armenians. The sexual hunger of Armenian women will be satisfied after the overthrow of the current government of Armenia

What are Armenian women like? The question is quite appropriate, especially on March 8th. Whatever Armenian men say, it will be biased to one degree or another. It is much more interesting and fairer to hear an opinion from outside, the opinion of a non-Armenian man. For example, the Estonian writer and publicist Kalle KASPER, the husband of an Armenian wife.

Kalle was married to the writer Gohar MARKOSYAN-KASPER, whose work NV has referred to more than once. A native of Yerevan, she moved to Tallinn in 1991, leaving behind her medical knowledge and experience and focusing on literature. Author of six novels, short stories, poems and translations. Unfortunately, Gohar passed away two years ago. Kalle Kasper's words about Armenian women, full of undisguised admiration and love, are addressed primarily to her.

After my marriage, I gradually entered a new and completely unfamiliar world. I used to divide humanity, on the one hand, into men and women, and on the other, into different nations, without bringing the categories of sex and nationality together, but now it turned out that such a classification is not enough. Before me was a type of people that I could not identify earlier, but who quite clearly had certain specific features that distinguished him from all the others - Armenian women.

Outwardly, they did not differ so much from other women, after all, how many combinations can nature offer? Armenians, of course, bear little resemblance to Estonians and other northerners, we almost never see such naturally black hair, as well as large expressive brown eyes, but, for example, with Latin American women, who can now be seen on any TV channel, they have more similarities (although Armenian women are not so vulgar). Ripsik drew my attention to the fact that her compatriots resembled Italians; indeed, having met, say, Sophia Loren on the streets of Yerevan, you won’t think that she was born outside of it - but the type of Monica Vitti is less common in Armenia. It is difficult for me to compare Italians and Armenians in terms of their behavior, I don’t know the first ones, however, judging by movies, Armenians seem to be more reserved, being in this sense more similar to Oriental women(however those are much more faceless). I have already mentioned that Armenian women seem to be invisible, they do not seek to communicate with strangers. Ripsik explained to me that such a habit is formed already in youth, if you even casually look at a random man on the street, he will immediately start pestering you. Perhaps that is why Armenian women seem a little erotic at first glance - they are simply forced to hide this spark deeper, otherwise too strong a flame would flare up at every step. My other classmate (non-Armenian) once told me that it is the most difficult thing to get to a kiss with an Armenian woman, but then she belongs to you. I don’t know how right he is, but I would suggest as an image a well-defended bastion that hides priceless treasures from prying eyes. In any case, Armenian women do not fit into the most common classification of women, which, as you know, sounds like this: “all women are divided into accessible and easily accessible” - they are hard to reach.

If I had to define the essence of an Armenian woman in a nutshell, I would choose the expression “strong rear”. Surely you have noticed that among Ripsik's friends and relatives there was not a single unfaithful wife. When this concerns one or two women, this can be considered an accident, but if there are many faithful souls, you begin to see a pattern. From childhood, an Armenian woman is taught that her first duty and life purpose is to be a faithful companion to her husband and a worthy mother to her children. This is achieved precisely by education, and not by intimidation, Armenia is not an Islamic country, there are no legal punishments for treason here, a lost wife will not be stoned to death, she will simply be divorced. However, adultery is rare, mainly in some specific strata, for example, among people of art, whose morals are always less strict and under a complete veil of secrecy. It is absolutely unthinkable that an Armenian woman would invite her lover to her home or go out with him for a walk on the street, not to mention introducing him to her husband (which honor was repeatedly shown to me in Estonia). public love story With married woman- this is something so unusual that they talk about it a few decades later. Of course, a person is a person, and anything happens in Armenia too, so Ripsik told me about one tragedy that shook the whole of Yerevan, when the bodies of lovers who died from intoxication were found in the garage in the car, and both were married. But this is an isolated case, an ordinary Armenian family is a stable whole. How much of this stability is the influence of Christianity? I think not so much, although Christianity in Armenia is a very old phenomenon, the Armenians are proud that they are the first people in the world who adopted this religion at the state level already in 301, when most European nations did not exist at all. But at the same time, the influence of Christianity in Armenia has always been balanced by strong secular traditions, so already in the Middle Ages, in addition to religious poetry (Narekatsi), there was also Renaissance, cheerful-erotic (Nahapet Kuchak), in a word, this educated people, "a fragment of Europe, accidentally landed in Asia," as Ripsik wrote in her novel. As for Armenia of the twentieth century, it was the same Soviet republic as all the others, and the same Soviet people lived there, that is, either atheists or half-believers, who, perhaps, even wanted to believe in God in their hearts, but with their minds understood that it was an anachronism. Rather, in relation to the Armenians, as in relation to the Jews, we can talk about a special way of life that has been formed over many centuries, about such a subtle understanding of the world (in comparison with us barbarians), where, after a long search, we realized that the family is not the primary cell society, but the essence of existence. No family, no life. And what kind of family can we talk about where women behave sexually indiscriminately? (The Jews, as far as I can tell from my little experience, have a slightly higher degree of freedom, probably some other regulators protect their family). Therefore, Armenian women are brought up from childhood in the spirit of virtue and obedience in general. If, for example, in northern countries, girls are allowed quite a lot, because they believe that they, unlike boys, do not hooligans, then in Armenia, on the contrary, girls follow every step vigilantly, while boys are sometimes allowed even more than they can (so as not to deprive them of enterprise). In the Armenian family, to this day, it is a custom that the daughter, when she marries, is innocent. Among the common people, this is strictly monitored, the bride is in danger of going back to Father's house if her “sin” is revealed, which means a big scandal and shame (not much less than with adultery). The intelligentsia's morals, of course, are not so severe, but cleanliness is valued here too. And when a girl before the wedding did not “walk” with several or even several dozen guys, then later, already married, she will not immediately, as soon as a strange man appears on the horizon, spread her legs.

Of course, for last years something has also changed in Armenia, for example, quite a lot of straw widows whose husbands went abroad to earn money and created new family, there are many such women who did not get a husband at all, all because of the same emigration, since young men are easier to anchor than girls, and if such women experience financial difficulties, then in order to improve their situation a little (but by no means from thirst for pleasure), they are sometimes ready for sexual relations and without demanding marriage, being content with the fact that the lover is ready to support them; but I do not believe that all this has turned the Armenian way of life upside down. In Yerevan, they described to me with horror how prostitution flourished terribly, explained exactly where the girls gather in the evenings, out of curiosity, I walked past this place several times, indeed, from under one marquise, three or four shabby girls threw inviting glances at dusk , a little further on, several men, leaning out of the cars, were haggling with a single young woman who was standing on the pavement and, as it seemed, was looking for the right partner; if this is the heyday of prostitution, then what is happening in Berlin and Tallinn?

But a strong rear is not only the confidence that horns will not grow on the crown. Man after exhausting day job I need a place to rest. In fact, this is how a house should be, but if dusty floors, dirty linen and dishes and a grumpy wife are waiting for you there, yelling: “Go and cook your own food, why should I serve you?” need a house like this. An Armenian man does not have such problems; when he comes home, he knows that the shirts are clean, the room is in order, and if the table has not yet been set, then it will be quickly set, because the tolma is already on the stove. How an Armenian woman is taught to be from childhood worthy wife her husband, so she is taught the art of housekeeping. It’s something absolutely natural for an Armenian woman to bother in the kitchen, it’s in her blood, I have seen more than once how, after a festive (party) dinner, for example, a birthday, teenage girls present among the guests rush to help the hostess clear the table and wash dishes. So, one of the Armenian national prides, culinary, is also passed on from mother to daughter. If some Armenian women like other household chores, while others do them only out of a sense of duty, then almost everyone loves to cook, and it can be said without exaggeration that all Armenian women are good cooks. Armenian cuisine is home cooking, often with complex recipes that require a lot of time to implement, but without extravagances (ham roll in pineapple compote is not offered to you in Armenia). I don't know if their dishes are so tasty because Armenian women like to cook, or if Armenian women like to cook because their dishes are so tasty - Ripsik thinks that main reason kitchen feats and all the desire to please my husband - but the fact remains that after a dozen years of marriage with an Armenian, I wrinkled my nose even at a roast in Paris at the Café de la Paix.

Thus, Armenian men and children are always fed and, according to at least in this respect, satisfied with life. Such an effect is not completely unknown in our country either, otherwise why is it customary among Estonians to say: “a man’s love is born in his stomach”? But listen to how much contempt they put into this sentence! They seemed to want to say: “Oh, you miserable little people, it’s just that you don’t love us, although we are more than worthy of it, you definitely need to be fattened, as if you yourself can’t fry your own eggs ...” Recently, in one supermarket, I met a friend married man, he was very nervous in appearance, I asked how he was doing, and he admitted: “I am looking for something to eat, there are circles before my eyes from hunger.” I did not ask where his wife was, because even if she was not on a business trip abroad, this does not mean that she did not find something more important for herself than cooking dinner for her husband. In Armenia, such a marriage is completely unthinkable, I think even the president’s wife prefers to take care of her husband herself, and if a woman became president in Armenia, then believe me, between two meetings she would run home to wrap minced meat in grape leaves.

It is clear that many readers, primarily men, expect revelations from me about what Armenian women are like in intimate life- but they can't see it. Let the interested person try to catch some Armenian woman in his nets, otherwise I have only heard about compatriots so far that their wives have cuckolded them with Armenians. Surely there will be those who will perceive everything stated above skeptically - let the author say what he wants, but the reality is still much more prosaic, none of these Armenian women are angels. But I didn't claim the latter. Armenian women are the same people as everyone else, and therefore, they are characterized by all the shortcomings that characterize a person as such: they can be selfish and selfish, greedy and envious, stingy and whining, stupid and even a little lazy, although I met the latter rarely. They are also by no means devoid of pure female weaknesses, like to dress well, gossip and eat those pastries, cakes and cookies that bake so superbly - because, in addition to all other virtues, they are also born confectioners, which is why they tend to be overweight and suffer from it; but, in my opinion, the latter list rather contains properties that suit a woman, just as she suits earrings, rings, necklaces and other jewelry, rejected for some time by Western women, but still attractive to Armenian women.

I wrote about something else - not about what unites Armenian women with women of other nationalities, but about what distinguishes them. I have no doubt that in the West there will be women who are passionate and faithful, and whose faces reflect a clear moral purity; but here it is more an individual than a collective property, while in Armenia it forms a kind of culture - a culture that at least so far reflects the onslaught of the hedonistic mentality that is coming from the West. We can mock girls who, when getting married, do not know what to do with a man in bed, but in this mockery, in addition to cynicism, there is also a considerable amount of envy, since we, gentlemen, often have to be content with wives who dropped drunk his virtue in the first bed that came across.

Maybe someday in the distant future, in about two thousand years, when the Estonians and many other European peoples begin to reach the age of the current Armenians, and we will create harmonious family maybe then our men will be able to be real masters in the house, such as their wives respect and obey, maybe then we will no longer drink like pigs, maybe vodka will disappear from our genes by that time, and maybe , our women will also calm down, come to terms with their earthly purpose and understand that the only road to happiness follows in the footsteps of a man - maybe, but I'm not sure about that.

Prepared by Eva Kazaryan

Someone manages to attract the attention of an Armenian easily and naturally, while someone, despite all efforts and attempts, is defeated. So, let's try to answer the question: how to win the love of an Armenian man?

What is an Armenian man?

Character of an Armenian man

First you need to find out what exactly do we know about Armenian men?

The image of a fatal handsome man with an ardent temperament and a reverent attitude towards a woman has firmly settled in our thoughts. In fact, Armenian men do not stand out much among men of other nationalities. Armenians are distinguished by a sharp change of mood, jealousy, unconditional charisma, loyalty to traditions, reverence for family ties, hard work. These are the main characteristics obtained from women living or communicating with men of this nationality. Armenians living in the cities of Russia are more socialized than their compatriots living in their homeland. But, it must be remembered that each person is an individual and people of Armenian nationality are no exception.

How to attract the attention of an Armenian man?

Before figuring out how to win the love of an Armenian man, you need to clarify how you can draw his attention to your person. There are no known facts that Armenian men prefer a certain type of women. Therefore, it does not make sense to repaint from blonde to brunette, lose weight or get better. An Armenian can be attracted to a woman by mystery, or by the presence of a zest, which seems to be visible, but not solved. By doing this, you can intrigue him and arouse interest in yourself. If your meeting is casual and you would like to start a relationship with this person, in no case be imposed on him, try to gently push him into action and then very reluctantly give in to his request. Be as unapproachable as possible, this will push him to further action, because Armenian men are essentially conquerors. Mysteriousness, impregnability and well-groomed appearance- your main weapon on the first stage to the goal.

How to win the love of an Armenian?

How to fall in love with an Armenian

So, now you need to fix the result and go to new stage relationship with the object of your dreams. You have to try to bind him. Learn to cook his favorite dishes and learn the Armenian language, it will flatter him and it will be much easier for you to communicate with his family when you get to know relatives and friends. And such an acquaintance will definitely take place. And in order for your relationship to become as strong and durable as possible, you need to please the parents of your Armenian man. It is the opinion of his family that will play a decisive role in your relationship. Whatever affection a young man feels for you, he will be able to break off relations with you if the family decides so.

If you are counting on long term relationship with his partner, then he will certainly be proud if you know his roots and understand all the "branches" of his huge family.

You will need to show your partner that it is he who plays the main role in your relationship, but do not let him deprive you of your own opinion. This will cause him respect for you, and he will be proud that an independent girl recognizes him as the head of the relationship.

Do not test his feelings with jealousy. Armenians are usually very jealous and you may be expected to best case scandal, at worst - a complete break in relations.

Learn to respect your Armenian boyfriend. Show him your mind, understanding and admiration. An Armenian man will be proud that he has such a smart and understanding girlfriend. And most importantly ... If your relationship has grown into a serious one and you have achieved your initial goal, express your love for him. After all, every person needs to be loved.

And in the end...

You have put a lot of effort into getting the love of an Armenian man. And what will you get in return? Armenian men, as a rule, are well-educated, it is interesting to communicate with them, they look after them beautifully and show care. If you plan to start a family with him, then according to statistics, Armenians good husbands, caring fathers who put the family in the first place. They respect their wife and her opinion.

These tips are not at all a guide to action, since each person is, first of all, a formed personality with his own principles and worldview, and, accordingly, he needs special approach. But, these tips can help you better understand the thoughts, feelings and affections of an Armenian, which in the future will help you create and strengthen your relationship with your beloved man.

Many are represented here female mistakes in bed, which men do not like so much, and which they do not want to talk about.

Undoubtedly, each man has his own similar list, but your man, no doubt, will have something to agree with on this list. It is useful for every woman to know, writes

1. Men hate it when women act like they don't like sex.
2. Men don't like women who never initiate sex.
3. Men do not like women who do not know the male body.
4. Men don't like it when women make them responsible for their orgasms.
5. Men can't stand it when women act like "sex traffic cops" in bed.
6. "Sexy corpses." Men can't stand women who are insensitive in bed.
7. "Sexy talker". Men can't stand women who talk too much in bed.
8. Men can't stand women who don't take care of themselves.
9. Men get annoyed when a woman doesn't love hers. own body and belittles his dignity.
10. Men can't stand women who are too preoccupied with their appearance.
11. Men can't stand women who don't like receiving oral sex.
12. Men can't stand women - lovers of greedy kisses.
13. Men don't like too serious women.
14. Men hate women who use their sexuality to manipulate men.
15. Men can't stand women talking about their ex-lovers.
16. Men can't stand women who are not capable of spontaneous sex.
17. Men hate women who wear ugly underwear.

Now a few secrets that every woman should have in her arsenal in order to make a man the happiest.


Men often express themselves through sex when they can't express themselves through emotions.
Have you been like this? Your partner offers you to make love, but you see that he himself is not very set up for this, he looks squeezed and tense. You try to talk to him, but he is definitely not interested in anything other than sex. You feel that something is wrong here, and you are absolutely right - in this moment he does not so much want love and sex as he seeks to remove emotional stress.

Here's how it goes. Often a man feels like he is overwhelmed with negative emotions. Perhaps he is worried about the project he is working on. Maybe he's just talked to one of his elderly parents and he's saddened by how quickly their health is deteriorating. Perhaps he feels guilty about his yesterday's behavior with you. Therefore, your partner cannot express these feelings in words or does not know how to do it. And suddenly a sexual desire arises in him.

Men often use their sexual energy as a "safety valve" for the release of oppressive emotions.

1. Discuss this issue with your partner.

Of course, do not start this conversation in bed or directly at the moment when you are faced with this problem.
Do not say: "I know that you have some problems and you just do not want to tell me about them and prefer sex in this situation."
Say, "I would like to make our sexual relationship even better - why don't we listen to the advice in the book and see what the results are?"

Let's say your partner suddenly starts to show increased sexual activity, and you feel that he wants to get a quick discharge and that in fact he is just upset about something.

Don't say, "Don't touch me! I know you're upset about something, and until you tell me about it, there's no question of sex!"

Say, "Darling, I would love for you to just lie down next to me for a little while. It's so nice to feel your closeness."

It will be easier for a man to open his feelings to you if you demonstrate to him that:
- understand and share his feelings;
Don't judge him for being depressed.
If you create conditions in which a man can relieve his emotional tension in a conversation with you, this will bring you even closer, and your sexual relationship will be filled with more passion.


Men feel rejected if you turn down their sexual offers.
Your partner, hugging you, begins to kiss your neck. You know that with this he wants to tell you that he is in the mood for sex, and you absolutely do not want this. What should you do?

1. React with annoyance in the hope that your partner will understand what's wrong.
2. Respond sluggishly, reluctantly, hoping thereby to moderate the ardor of your friend.
3. Say something like: "Listen, dear, you don't need to. I'm not in the mood right now."
4. Being reluctant to let him make love to you and, lying in bed, think about his business for tomorrow or decide what things need to be taken to the dry cleaners.

The correct answer is: "You shouldn't do anything like that" - and here's why. Sex is for a man very an important form expressing emotions is a way of offering oneself in the hope of being accepted physically and emotionally.
When your partner makes you sexual proposal, it offers you more than sex. It's like he's saying, "Please accept me."

Never completely reject your partner's sexual suggestions.
This does not mean that you need to answer "yes" to any sexual proposal from a man. Just remember about male vulnerability in this matter, remember that this is a peculiar form for a man to offer himself to you, and you must find a way to demonstrate that you accept him.

Say: "Darling, I'm a little tired today. Maybe you can just lie down with me, I feel so good when you're around."

"I love you very much, I love to make love to you, but at the moment I'm so tired after work that I won't be able to love you the way I would like. Hold me, dear, and let's find another time for love, let the kids are asleep."

In other words, remember that when your man offers you sex, he is looking for love first. Don't just say "no": be sure to caress him or otherwise let him know how much he means to you.
If you are not in the mood for sex, by answering your partner "no" to a sexual proposal, be sure to tell him that you love him.


erection illusion.

This secret is not known to many women.
If your partner has an erection, it is not at all necessary that he is in the mood for sex, and it is quite possible that he is not sexually aroused at all.

Since women do not have a penis, they simply do not understand much about this mysterious organ. We believe that when our man has an erection, he is already quite aroused and ready for sex. Sometimes this may be the case, but not always. Here is some information for you to think about.

An erection occurs as a result of a rush of blood to the penis. Here are some non-sexual causes of erections:

As a rule, men wake up in the morning with an erection. This does not necessarily mean that they are sexually aroused - an erection is a physiological effect that occurs as a result of processes occurring in a man's body during sleep and awakening. sometimes full bladder can lead to increased pressure in a man's lower body, causing an erection.

Friction or pressure on the penis from tight clothing or prolonged sitting in a bent position can cause an erection. The penis contains thousands of tactile nerve endings, which, in response to friction, cause increased blood flow to the penis.
An erection can occur with extreme exertion or stress.

What problems can give rise to the "illusion of erection"? We misinterpret the causes of an erection in a partner.

We believe that our partner is sexually aroused and therefore we feel the need to respond to this situation. This can lead to resentment and misunderstanding between you.

We misinterpret the causes of erections and get upset about it. Your partner wakes up in the morning with an erection, and you start torturing him, what did he dream about, who is he dreaming about? Or your husband is talking to your mutual friend while swimming in the pool. When he comes out of the water, you notice he has a slight erection. Was it really your friend who turned him on like that? Is he dreaming about her? Due to the "erection illusion" you may mistakenly assume that something or someone is turning your man on.

When in doubt, ask your partner if he is aroused or not.
Let's say you wake up in the morning, your husband hugs you, and you feel that he has an erection. But you're not sure if he really wants to make love or if it's just an "erection illusion". You have two behaviors:
- ask him if he is really in the mood for sex;
- forget about your doubts, act confidently, believing that this is his invitation to sex.
He won't mind even if you make a mistake! Even if he wasn't aroused enough, once he senses your vibe, he's bound to get tempted.


Men don't like to talk during sex.

Have you ever tried to talk to a man while making love to him? Have you wondered: why is he so reluctant to express his feelings to you at this moment? The answer to both of these riddles lies in another male secret:
it is much more difficult for men than for women to speak and do something at the same time.

Studies have shown that it takes a man some time to switch from one activity to another. For example, when your partner makes love to you, touches you, looks at you, feels you, he uses one part of the brain, and when he wants to talk to you about his feelings, he must turn on another part. This switch requires a certain effort from men, while in women both hemispheres work simultaneously.

Why do men get annoyed when women talk during sex?
We know that men always strive to do everything well.
When you talk during sex, your partner feels he must answer you, and this distracts him from sex.

But this does not mean at all that you should always be silent during sex. Of course, it's very nice when your man tells you in bed how much he loves you. But if your partner is silent in bed, if you feel that he is not emotional enough, perhaps knowing this male secret will help you understand it.

1. Discuss this information with your partner.
Ask him what he thinks about talking in bed. You may be surprised to hear an answer similar to Lenny's explanation: he may have difficulty speaking in this situation, because at the moment when he feels love, it is difficult for him to talk about it. Tell him about your need for affectionate words and try to understand his attitude to this problem.

2. Talk as much as you want, but don't be disappointed if you don't get an answer.

If you enjoy expressing your passion with words, don't hold back, even if your partner doesn't do the same. Nevertheless, it will be better if you say that he does not have to answer you, that you do not expect the same verbal expression from him. This will allow him to relieve himself of tension, and he will not be annoyed by hearing your words in bed.

3. Try to make love in complete silence.

If you suspect that you are a sex talker, take the advice and make love in deep silence. Try to experience new feelings, believe me, it will be great.

Some believe that the difference between a man and a woman is not so great. Others strongly disagree with this. In any case, a woman needs to have a clear understanding of the characteristics of the opposite sex in general and representatives of a particular nation in particular.

Recipe for well-being
In general, the qualities of choleric and melancholic are mainly inherent in Armenians. On the one hand, they are mobile, temperamental, active, active, quick-tempered, vindictive, able to burn all bridges and ships. On the other hand, they like to whine and complain. In a word, the conventional wisdom that we have a certain masochism is not entirely fiction. To mitigate these qualities, which are not always convenient for life, we have created our own standard of a man - a person with the features of a sanguine and choleric person, that is, cheerful, sociable, sociable. They even came up with a special definition for him - “lav utoh-hmoh tha” (a lover of good food and drink). Now imagine how, say, a German woman would react to young man with this recommendation. For her, this is the image of an eternally drunk glutton, and in a society where the standard is a punctual, thrifty hard worker. We mean a sociable person who has a wide circle of acquaintances and friends, which in turn implies the ability to provide for a wife and children. An Armenian woman must understand and put up with all the consequences of such a formulation of the question. For example, regardless of employment and well-being, host friends of her husband and not resist his meetings with them outside the home. Moreover, she is obliged to help him establish and maintain the necessary contacts. And one more important detail: if in some other nation the statement “the way to a man’s heart lies through the stomach” can be accepted with reservations, then in our case it is very straightforward.

Anatomy of feelings
In women, the interpersonal distance is much less than in men. loving wife seeks to tie her husband to the hem. It is possible, but very short term, often just Honeymoon. Then the man begins to win back the space, to restore the distance. He will have his own parallel world — friends, hobbies… For an Armenian, this distance is especially great, and a woman needs to develop a competent approach, she must understand that this is necessary for a man, this is inherent in his nature. As well as the fact that men, for the most part, like to talk less than women. Moreover, if at the very beginning of the relationship the partner's talkativeness attracts, then soon, as a rule, it begins to tire. Long monologues and details annoy him. If a woman wants to be heard, she should be as specific and brief as possible. And if you decide to speak out, give him a lot of compliments - he is ready to listen to them even from unloved wife. Praise him! Make him feel smart, handsome and strong. It is only believed that a man loves with his eyes, and a woman with her ears. Our man is distinguished by absolute pitch for praise. As for his eyes, they are insatiable. I remember scenes from some movie. A man eats a lot, greedily, his stomach swells right before his eyes, it seems that it is about to burst. But he can't stop. The stomach is full to capacity, and the eye is not satisfied. He grabs a glass and pours wine into his eye.

In a word, no matter what a beautiful wife a person has, his gaze wanders over the faces of others, he is looking for something else. The reason for this may be complexes, painful focus on their masculine qualities.

The dignity of a man is in the same place as the death of Koshchei
The funniest trait of a man is to stand in front of a mirror for a long time. In France, they conducted an experiment: they built a camera into a hotel mirror and followed the people who looked into it. It turned out, contrary to popular belief, that the strong half of humanity spends much more time at the mirror than the weak. Moreover, the women look businesslike: she looked at herself from head to toe, straightened her bangs, powdered her nose and went. Men, on the other hand, admire themselves: a frowning glance, a cursory glance, sexy, they will play with their biceps and ... a smug smile. But of course, special love they test to their phallus. In America, they conducted a study, the questionnaire of which included one question: “What part of your body is the most important?” The representatives of the fair sex overwhelmingly answered - everything in general, and the strong - manhood. And this definition itself speaks of the degree of importance of this organ for the well-being of its carrier. Armenians, I think, have a hypertrophied attitude towards the sexual organ. That is why the most ugly and stupid man can not hesitate to allow himself to claim the most charming and smart woman. He considers himself unsurpassed in sex.

Purely Armenian murder
The founder of transactional analysis, Eric Berne, argued that there is eternal love. And he designated it with a capital Latin letter I. That is, with just one line. In his opinion, it is possible only when the spiritual and physical in a relationship are in complete harmony.

Now forget what I said. According to my observations, in the mind of an Armenian, spiritual intimacy and carnal love are in no way connected with each other. Therefore, he is surprised when a woman, having learned about treason, is offended, and, it should be noted, he quite sincerely gives her his main argument: “But I love you!” Sex for him is most often just a way of spending time, something done by the way. But he will never forgive the betrayal of a woman, considering this an encroachment on his private property. He will divorce and even kill her. As a forensic expert, I often encountered such situations. And, interestingly, I often hear from investigators in the address of the killer: “What a man! I would have done the same." By the way, men kill their wives more often in the heat of passion. But women kill cruelly, in cold blood, having thought through every detail. This is not a manifestation of a momentary feeling, but a revenge gained through suffering, accumulated over the years. And she's scarier.

In bed with mom
An Armenian man most often expects his wife to be like her mother, at least in her manner of speaking or dressing. This must be taken into account in relations with the husband, and this must be guarded against in the education of sons. We are very attached to the boys. Even literally, physically - to your body. Sometimes, up to 10-11 years old, boys sleep in their mother's bed. As a result, an oedipal complex may develop. Regardless of the number of years he has lived with his wife and the number of common children, our man builds relationships with her on the basis of the dogma: “I will bring a dozen like you, and I have one mother.” The retribution for this from generation to generation is trouble in own family. And this one vicious circle should be torn apart, but only starting with the upbringing of one's own son. But for such manifestations, the spouse must remain indulgent.

Get your husband to respect you as much as he does himself, not more or less. In the first case, love is impossible, in the second, sooner or later he will begin to despise you.

Love of labor bees
In the difficult 90s, a shift in roles took place in the Armenian family. Men in the changed conditions could not fulfill their traditional role of head. The main reason for this was complete absence stability, unpredictability tomorrow. And for strong half it is vital to be confident in the future. If he does not see him, he is half a man. This should certainly be taken into account and treated with understanding - a very sensitive moment when the fair sex requires maximum tension both physical and moral strength. In addition, a woman, by her nature, adapts better to a new environment, since her super task is to maintain the hearth, and she never loses sight of it. That is why she is known as a conservative. She can exchange a doctor's coat for a cleaner's apron and feel, if not happy, then at least satisfied with the knowledge that she is feeding her family. And for a man, it is fundamentally important that the work gives pleasure, captivates him, regardless of its profitability. By definition, he should be doing what he loves. The same thing happened after October revolution in Russia. Moreover, at that time an attempt was made to consolidate the objective changes by summing up an appropriate ideological platform for them. What is the theory of “love of labor bees” by Alexandra Kollontai, suggesting an abundance of momentary hobbies-loves and destroying the foundations traditional family! But to create on its basis ideal model the communist cell of society did not succeed. And after a couple of decades, the fiasco of the new ideologists became so obvious that the Institute of Sociology in Moscow began to study classical family in different republics, in order to come up with a new, optimal model based on old experience. However, nothing is better monogamous family with all its costs and imperfections for long history Humanity has not been created.

Oriental art of playing with a man
It must be remembered: the Armenian is not amenable to re-education, it makes no sense to conflict and fight with him. This is an axiom. A woman can achieve her goal only by cunning. American psychologist, author of the popular book " Social Psychology» Tamotsu Shibutani is Japanese by origin. So, he came to the conclusion that, although the whole world is sure that the Japanese wife is completely subordinate to her husband (Japanese women are famous for being the most obedient and obedient wives), the Japanese, in fact, are a real henpecked.

The Armenian woman is strong, but, alas, she really lacks flexibility, and she does not always know the art of playing with a man. But this is oriental art!

Elda Green is a professor at YSU, a full member of the Academy of Educational and Psychological Sciences, a member of the Writers' Union of Armenia, a republican forensic expert, an honored psychologist of the RA, a member of the Council under the President of the RA, an author of numerous scientific and fiction books, stories and articles. Winner of gold medals of YSU and the Union of Writers of the Republic of Armenia.

“Yerevan” magazine, N3, 2009

Love has no nationality. However, here's what you need to prepare for if you're going to tie the knot with an Armenian man. Evarushnitsy share their stories.

"I have second cousin I have been happily married to an Armenian for 9 years already. Their family is very friendly, the person is quite adequate. True, the wedding was precisely Armenian, with a bunch of Armenians who spoke their own, including toasts that the bride did not understand, with an offering of gold in huge quantities and not always new. There is another example - a relative of her husband married an Armenian. So patriarchy in all its glory, the woman even gave him a coat when she got dressed. His family took the girl with hostility, in general, it all ended in a scandalous divorce after 10 years. *** “I have been married to an Armenian for 12 years, three children. I will not hide, they did not quite want to accept the Russian, but when they accepted - as a native - it was a little like a mountain for me, even in front of my husband. The husband's family lived in Yerevan all their lives for several generations (that is, they were not Russified at all). We have many friends and we also have Russian wives - and no problems. As for the language - never in a company, at a holiday, etc. if one of the Russian wives at the table does not speak Armenian, they have the following order - only in Russian, or first in Armenian, and then translation. No patriarchy, quite the contrary. My husband cooks, more Russian is busy with the children. Although there are pitfalls: the Armenian mother-in-law. At first it will not be easy, but if you approach her with your mind and heart, you will be like a second mother. *** “She was married to an Armenian from Baku. I loved him to the point of insanity, he, too, youth ... But he walked like a dog, did not hide, raised his hands, then asked for forgiveness. After 4 years, sex came to naught, and the Armenian ambition only increased. Well, I sent him. He is now happy with the same hairy Armenian beauty, two children. Grateful for learning to cook from his family. I will say one thing - consider this my personal opinion - if you want to live in a marriage without sex - go for an Armenian. They are enough for several years, then only for multiple mistresses, but not for a wife. Has given birth - is free, it is possible, so to speak. Sex once a month is already good. Well, in general, hot blood - cools down quickly, especially to his wife. *** “Two of my friends are married to Armenians. And I must say, we all should have such husbands, girls. This is not just carrying wives in their arms - this is some kind of permanent adoration. Both are family, caring, they carry children in their teeth, everything is in the house, everything is in the family. Moreover, one is a military man, they are now serving in the Moscow region, there is a military school. The second graduated from the railway technical school, i.е. with education not quite there, all his life he works on the railway, like his late father - they have a dynasty. In this family (we just live closer) I love to visit, I charge there so madly positive energy that then it seems to me that in my life I will have such a family and such relationships. BUT! In my youth, I met with an Armenian, and no matter how he called me to marry, I would not go. Purely for me, marriage with them is unacceptable. Although... never say "never". In general, you need to look at a person and listen to your heart. *** “My friend married an Armenian (she is Ukrainian, he is from a family of refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh), but as I understand it, he is not a full-blooded Armenian, there is a lot of blood mixed there. He sought her for a long time for 6 years, probably she is 4 years older than him. His Armenian relatives were against marriage, they openly said at the wedding that Valya jumped into the last door of the last tram (although she is smart, she always studied well, she earned 2/3 of the money herself for the wedding. Now she is at home with 2 children. I was she is visiting her: she is always irritated, there is not enough money (alas, this Armenian did not turn out to be a breadwinner). I suspect that he will make a third one for her, so that she, like his mother, would sit at home by the stove.
