Modern toys in the life of children. Modern toy in a child's life

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What toys does your child play with?

scary toys

dead and vampires

monster toys

can easily lead to the destruction of the integrity of the child's psyche, which is very sensitive, unlike the psyche of an adult.

If a parent wants to show a child that real life along with positive characters, there are also negative ones, you should buy characteristic toys that carry a certain semantic load, for example,

A gray wolf from a fairy tale or the same three-headed Serpent Gorynych.

Huge soft toys Giant bears, hares and horses that double more baby are not only unsuitable for role play, but they can simply scare the child. In addition, they are powerful dust collectors, and at the same time they are extremely difficult to keep clean. Soft toys-animals should be proportionate to the child and perform the functions that are assigned to them: form emotional reactions to tactile sensations, develop affection and empathy.

electrified weapons

Modern laser guns and other futuristic weapons, replete with light and noise special effects, overexcite nervous system child and move him to the manifestation of aggression. The desire to shoot, play war games, and fight with swords is characteristic of all boys, and it is not worth suppressing it. Today, there are enough games and toys on sale that will help shape the image of a noble warrior, a defender of the weak and offended: swords and sabers, armor and other accessories for a knightly duel, sets for a role-playing game, say, in a police station.

Barbie and Bratz dolls

Dolls depicting a young woman or a teenage girl are quite suitable for the collective role play of younger girls. school age. However, you should not buy them for preschoolers, so as not to arouse interest in those areas of life (flirting, shopping, career) for which they are not yet ready. The ideal doll for them would be a doll small sizes, soft or plastic, in which only the legs-handles are bent.

Girls of this age, as a rule, prefer to actively play with all their dolls: rocking, feeding, carrying, rolling in strollers, changing clothes.

Thank you for your attention!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Advice for parents "What toys do your children need?".

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Materials for the parent meeting "The role of toys in the life of a child preschool age»

Krivosheina Olga Alexandrovna, teacher of MBDOU No. 130 "Child Development Center - kindergarten", Kemerovo
Target: to form knowledge about the meaning of the toy, its role in the life of the child; equip with knowledge about the appropriate pedagogical selection of toys.
- give an idea to parents about what a toy is;
- show the importance of toys in a child's life;
- introduce the types of toys and the requirements for them;
- to give recommendations on the selection of toys.
Preliminary work: survey of parents; interviewing children to identify their gaming preferences; preparing consultations.
Equipment: laptop, projector, audio player, toy set.

Main part.

Leading. Good evening dear parents! I am glad to welcome you to the parent meeting "The role of toys in a child's life."
During the meeting, we will identify the importance of toys in a child's life, get acquainted with the types of toys and anti-toys, and consider the requirements for choosing toys.
Development of the rich emotional world A child is unthinkable without toys. They allow the child to express their feelings, to explore the world learn to communicate and get to know yourself.
Just as it is impossible to imagine a child outside the game, so almost no game is complete without a toy. It helps to clarify, comprehend the child's ideas about the environment and contributes to the development of its plot. The game, as an independent children's activity, is formed in the course of the upbringing and education of the child, it contributes to the development of the experience of human activity. toy, in this case, acts as a kind of standard of those objects, to find out the purpose of which and master the various actions with which, it is necessary for the child. The game, as a form of organization of children's life, is important because it serves the formation of the child's psyche, his personality. Game and toy are inseparable from each other. A toy can bring a game to life, and a game sometimes requires a new toy to develop.

Types of toys.

In modern pedagogy, more detailed classification toys accepted in theory and practice preschool education, is the classification of E. A. Flerina. This classification is based on various aspects of mental and physical development child:
- motor sports toys - ball, hoop, jump ropes, skittles, volleyball, spillikins, mosaic, etc. - contribute to the development of large and fine motor skills, eye gauge;
- plot toy - people, animals, transport, furniture, etc. - contribute to the development of creative imitative play, through which the child identifies, consolidates and deepens his social experience;
- creative labor toy - all kinds construction material, constructors, various models, etc. - develops design abilities and inventions;
- technical toy - different kinds cars, toy cameras, kaleidoscopes, spyglasses and so on. - also develops design abilities, expands the technical horizons, directs interest in construction and technology;
- Board games- contribute to the development of intelligence, attention, familiarity with the shape, color, size, literacy, counting, and also organize children's team in games with rules;
- fun toy- a jumping bunny, a quacking duck, a bird with a waving tail, etc. - brings up a sense of humor;
- musical toys - singing birds, primitive musical instruments, toys with musical melody- serve as a means of developing musical ear;
- theatrical toy - shadow theater, theater of toys, puppets - lead to your own theatrical play, extremely enrich children's artistic perception.
What do you think is the importance of children's toys?

The value of children's toys.

For society, a toy - essential element culture (“mirror of culture”).
For an adult, a toy is the most important component educational environment.
For a child, a toy is a source of joy, an object for creativity, a psychological means for the child to master the objective world and his own behavior.

Functions of toys.

1. Cognitive.
The toy allows you to explore the world.
2. Creative.
The toy contributes to the formation of creative abilities.
3. Psycho-therapeutic.
The toy allows you to express and live your feelings.
4. Communicative.
Communication with the toy contributes to the formation of internal dialogue and inner peace. Teaches how to communicate with other people.
5. The formation of the image of I.

The toy promotes awareness of their capabilities. Expanding the sphere of autonomy and competence of the child.
6. Relaxation.

In order for the toy to perform the functions listed above, you must be very careful about its choice.

Modern toys and anti-toys for children.

Modern toys for children are a wide range of goods for any age, taste and budget. Unlike the not so distant past, in our country now there are no strict restrictions and regulations on the sale of children's goods, so manufacturers are trying to sell everything that has any demand, and sometimes even artificially "warm up" this demand. So among children's toys there are also "anti-toys".
An anti-toy is a toy that does not meet the criterion of spiritual and moral security.

Some examples of anti-toys.

Hermaphrodite toys (dolls with the appearance of girls, but with the primary genital organs of boys), extremely destructive for the child's psyche, introducing sexual perversions and other psychophysical destruction into the minds of children.
Toys that form sadistic inclinations, in particular, are offered " interactive toy"Untitled" Crazy Chicken", in the description of which the manufacturer stated the following: "The chicken flaps its wings and moves its legs. She dances great to the music! But if you take her by the neck, she will begin to make death moans and try to escape from your hands. This show is not to be missed. And as soon as you let go of Crazy Chicken, she will continue the concert, dancing merrily and waving her wings to the incendiary music.
"Toys" in the form of germs and viruses have appeared on the toy market, including HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, dysentery, mad cow disease, "toys" that mimic human genitalia.
"Toys" that mimic human feces are offered.
Widespread "toys" involving the child in the implementation of occult and religious magical rituals, mystifying their consciousness.
Toys are offered - "jokes" imitating human injuries, which are amputated limbs and other parts human body, for example: "child's bloody hand", "children's leg", "vampire's head", "foot in the car", "throwing snot", "hand with claws", "skull with an eye"
An increase in the number of facts of deliveries to Russia and the distribution in Russia of anti-toys that are clearly damaging the psyche of Russian children should activate parents carefully, thoughtfully choosing toys for their children.

Types of anti-toys and their harm to the child.

1.Scary toys. Not all scary toys are bad. After all, even in the best folk tales there are negative characters with whom good heroes fight and win. The meaning of a scary toy is to teach the baby to overcome his fear. This fear should be conditional and predictable, like the toy itself. For example, the heroes of Russian fairy tales or modern cartoons familiar to the child since childhood, he knows how to deal with them, knows their weaknesses and peculiarities. Such a toy should be conditional, without unnecessary details - the child will come up with them on his own, to the best of his own imagination and mental stability.
But modern scary toys tend to be overly detailed. Cyborgs, which are a terrible parody of a person, dolls with distorted faces, monsters, the creators of which have drawn relief muscles, scars, and warts - such saturation with details overloads the baby's psyche, irritates him, and leads to the appearance of uncontrollable fears.
Another problem of modern toys and popular characters is that their external and internal content does not have a pronounced connection. For example, when a "superhero" fights a "supervillain", they may only differ in the color of their clothing and badge. Or a disgusting monster turns out to be a kind and sweet creature. Such a discrepancy causes dissonance in young children, blurring the line between good and bad, between good and evil.
Harm from scary toys especially great if the child begins to play "on their side", allows them to do evil in games with impunity. In this case, more attention should be paid moral education child, communicate more with him, read good children's books, limit watching violent films and TV shows.
2. Overly detailed toys. Detailing is a problem not only for monsters, but for most modern toys in general. Previously, children were made dolls from socks, with buttons instead of eyes, and these toys were the most beloved - the kid himself invented and imagined the missing details, the character of the doll and its history.
Modern dolls are sometimes difficult to distinguish from living people - their bodies, clothes, faces with pronounced emotions are so carefully worked out. There is nothing to "think" here. If the toy is the hero of a popular cartoon or book, then it’s impossible to come up with a story. Often a child, playing, repeats episodes from the cartoon over and over again, without introducing anything new. This negatively affects the development of the imagination and imagination of the baby.
3. Toys leading to a shift in generally accepted values. In order to interest consumers, manufacturers of modern toys produce the most unusual goods that do not fit into the norms of traditional morality. Among real examples: transvestite doll, dead dolls, plush bowel movements and more. Little girls are encouraged to play with a children's striptease pole, as well as a realistic baby doll that imitates the process of breast sucking. It is obvious that a child, whose psyche has not yet been fully formed, cannot adequately appreciate toys, which sometimes shock even an adult.
More about Barbie doll
It would seem that what could be harmful in Barbie dolls? Among the mass of modern toys, they look quite harmless. Barbies are not ugly, do not call for cruelty, do not contradict the norms of generally accepted morality. And yet, many psychologists warn parents against buying their children this still fashion toys.
Why? Firstly, in playing with dolls, especially for young children, the main thing is a manifestation of care and tenderness. Such games are the earliest preparation of girls for motherhood. Barbie doll does not look like a child and does not cause a desire to babysit and take care of her, does not develop maternal instinct in girls.
In addition, these dolls are very realistic, but the proportions of their faces and bodies are distorted: excessively big eyes, too much long legs, too much thin waist. Because modern society recognizes this type of appearance as almost a standard to strive for, for most girls, playing with such dolls gives rise to dissatisfaction own appearance.
Of course, not all modern toys are bad. But the modern ideology of "sell everything that is bought" contributes to the flooding of the market for children's toys. huge amount real garbage. And, if you do not consider such products useful for your child, the best option- make toys for him yourself. And let the wooden car not have a windshield and even wheels, and the doll's thread hair does not look too much like real hair. Such toys develop the baby's imagination and let him know: even in modern world Not everything of value can be bought with money.
Before parent meeting We conducted a survey, the results of which you can see on the screen.
The most interesting thing for us is what modern parents pay attention when choosing toys.
What rules do you think should be observed when choosing toys?

Requirements and principles of toy examination

Every adult, parent and caregiver, should be able to choose toys for children based on criteria.
A. Health and environmental requirements: what is the toy made of, is there a quality certificate, are small parts firmly attached, etc.
B. Pedagogical requirements: what will the toy teach? What will develop skills and abilities, creative abilities?
Q. Psychological requirements: what does the toy carry? What feelings will it awaken in the child?
D. Aesthetic requirements: does the toy correspond to the ideas of beauty, does it develop a sense of beauty, harmony?
D. Spiritual and moral requirements: what values ​​does the toy convey, does it contribute to the formation of moral consciousness, conscience, the distinction between good and evil, the desire to follow moral standards?
Let's take a closer look at the pedagogical criteria for choosing toys.

Toys for children: pedagogical selection criteria.

Buying toys caring parents it is worth focusing primarily on the choice of the child himself: he must want a toy, it must be interesting to him. And the task of adults is to choose the most correct and useful from all the children's “I want”. There are several criteria for selecting toys.
Simplicity. A design that combines too many properties and functions disorients the baby. For example, a plastic squirrel on wheels with a built-in telephone would not be considered an educational toy. It is better and more useful to offer the child toys that have a clear purpose.
Quality. The low quality of the toy simply will not allow the child to perform the actions for which it was bought. A bunny tail that has fallen off or poorly spinning car wheels does not contribute to the development of a baby’s skills.
Stimulation of activity. Often, children ask to buy them a toy they saw with friends, or a doll - an exact copy of some cartoon character. Of particular interest to the child are objects with which you can do something: disassemble and assemble, extract sounds or transform. Children are attracted to novelty elements, and such toys support curiosity and activity.
The independence of the child. Toys should contribute to the formation in the child of the desire to act independently and boldly decide the most challenging tasks. If playing with an item requires outside help, for example, the need to hold something, find a lever or press a button - the baby will quickly lose interest in such a “game”.
Ethics and aesthetics. The toy is a significant participant in the process of education. It should evoke good feelings and develop humane qualities of character. Toys that contribute to the formation of destructive qualities are unacceptable: cruelty, aggression, anger. Bloody masks, various monsters and monsters are not the best options for children's toys.
History and culture. Giving preference to the purchase of a particular toy, such aspects should also be taken into account. Author's toys (dolls, wooden crafts, various cute little animals) develop good taste. Retro toys allow you to touch the history of your people.

Typical mistakes when choosing children's toys

Adults quite often choose toys for children, focusing on their own taste and personal preferences, so they make a series of common mistakes, among them:
1) Purchasing giant plushies. Those items that the child cannot pick up are not toys. It is rather a part of the interior or a gift for an adult;
2) Buying a lot of the same type of toys. Rooms modern children similar to shops Child's world". And the child, meanwhile, plays with two or three of his favorites;
3) High price and popularity with other children or their parents are not the best guidelines for buying a toy for your child. Going shopping in the "Children's World", it is worth discussing in detail with the children their preferences;
4) Toys for children should never be bought at random kiosks. Toxic materials, poorly fixed small parts and parts are far from complete list hazards that can turn into serious problems. It is better to go to a specialized store where sellers can provide quality certificates, huge selection toys for boys, games for girls, gifts and just useful and important goods for children.
So, the “right” toy for a child should have a developing potential, have educational utility and be absolutely safe.

How to choose safe children's toys?

Among the variety of children's toys it is easy to get lost. At the same time, a children's toy should not only please the child and be interesting to him, but also suit his age, be safe, and meet many regulations and standards.

Rules for choosing children's toys, according to Rospotrebnadzor experts

When choosing a toy, look at it and examine it, read everything that is written on the package. It is important to pay attention to:
Material. The toy must be made of safe materials. Do not buy toys made from natural fur and tree bark, in addition, leather toys are not recommended for children under 3 years old. When choosing soft toys, it is worth remembering that they must have a dense and well-stitched pile, as they can shed. Bacteria also accumulate in soft toys, and they can become a source of infections, so this is not the best option for the smallest children and those who are prone to allergic reactions.
Form. The toy must be free of sharp protruding parts, burrs and sharp corners which could injure a child.
Color that should be as natural as possible. First, it does not violate the child's understanding of real world, and secondly, toys of "poisonous colors" can scare children and contain "toxic" dyes. It is also worth avoiding black and bright red toys, they can be poorly perceived by the child.
Smell. Feel free to sniff the toy right in the store. She must not have persistent bad smell, and if it has, then it is made of "toxic" materials.
Instructions that you should study in advance, even before buying. Instructions for correct use toys can be applied both on the toy itself and on the packaging and on the label, or be in the form of an insert.
Subject. Buy toys that will not harm the psyche of the child. Psychologists do not recommend buying children different monsters, mutants, etc.
Realism. Rospotrebnadzor experts recommend choosing toys that look like real animals or people so that the child can draw an analogy.
Sound - it should not irritate the ear and scare the child. If the toy musical accompaniment, before buying, listen to all the melodies and make sure that the baby is not afraid. In addition, pay attention to the volume of the sound or the possibility of adjusting it.
By the way, when buying musical wind toys, pay attention to the places for contact with the lips of children - they should be made of easily disinfected materials that do not absorb moisture.
Details. Non-removable parts of toys made of hard materials such as metal, wood or plastic, must be positioned so that the child cannot grasp them with their teeth. If the parts are separated from the toy, then they should not have sharp edges and ends.
Child's age. When choosing a toy, be sure to pay attention to the age for which the toy is intended.:
The place where you buy toys. Buy toys in specialized stores, do not buy toys "by hand" in places of unauthorized trade.
- And now I suggest you take part in a small experiment.

Natalya Lyakh
Modern toys for preschool children

A child who in childhood did not learn to fantasize, create, go beyond the usual limits, is unlikely to acquire this ability in adulthood. age. When buying an expensive Lego set for your child, let him disassemble the finished toy on the details - to come up with another one, already independently, without prompts from the manufacturer.

As for creative skills - "fancy" toys their development is not really targeted. Therefore, choosing baby toy, try to understand what it is for, what function you put into it.

What can an adult do when toys fantasy is not stimulated? At least - play role-playing games with the child every day for at least 20 minutes. active games. Even if you really don’t want to, literally sit down, take toys and play. Buy toys consciously, and not in order to "the child did not cry". Do homemade with the kids toys, sculpt figurines, build houses, tracks for cars, etc.” Whatever toys we didn’t buy for our children - ordinary, environmentally friendly, wooden, rag, push-button, collapsible or talking, the main way to make these purchases useful is to play with the child. Teach your kid to play - and he will play with any, even incredibly boring toy, come up with something.

When choosing children toys: should be considered

1. Does it match toy age?

Toy for small children should not be too simple or too complex. Only if toy"suitable" for the baby age, he will be able to fully appreciate all its advantages.

2. Does it help child development toy?

Correctly chosen toy help your child improve acquired skills and encourage the development of new ones.

3. Is toy safe for a child?

Safe design: toys with small parts, sharp edges or breakable parts are usually unsafe for small children.

Safe Size: very small toys that can be swallowed (smaller than a child's fist, or toys with detachable parts are a serious hazard.

Safe sound. Loud sounds who publish toy guns, model airplanes and motorized cars can damage a child's hearing. You should choose toys that make soft and musical sounds rather than harsh, loud or shrill.

Poisonous toys. Toys containing dangerous chemical substances (phenol, formaldehyde, lead);

Toys negatively affecting the child's psyche. Playing monster dolls, aggressive toys, toys With sexual overtones, the child thinks out negative stories, often associated with violence and cruelty ...

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    The doll is the main toy.

    The specifics of playing with a Barbie doll in preschool children.

    The impact of the image of the doll on the personality of the child.


    Abdulaeva E. In the world of games and toys. Main toy / E. Abdulaeva, E. Smirnova // Preschool education. - 2009. - No. 9.

    Abdulaeva E. In the world of games and toys. Beauties and monsters / E. Abdulaeva, E. Smirnova / / Preschool education. - 2009. - No. 10.

    Nelson A. Game as a mediated action. Gender aspect / A. Nelson // Psychological science and education. - 2011. - No. 2. - S. 93-100.

    Elkoninova L.I. The specifics of playing with a Barbie doll in preschool children / L.I. Elkoninova, M.V. Antonova // Psychological science and education. - 2002, No. 4 .S.38-52

1. Doll - the main toy

Perhaps the most important toy for children of all ages is a doll. Children always played with dolls, and not only girls, but also boys.

All dolls, according to V.S. Mukhina, can be divided into several groups, with different functions:

    "beautiful dolls" Among them, puppets for admiring stand out - in the growth of a person and of medium size;

    characteristic dolls (doll-boy or doll girl) with pronounced certain qualities: naivety, mischief;

    emotional reflection dolls depict a toy in different emotional states(smile, sadness, surprise);

    ethnographic dolls, appearance which reflects the national traits of a particular people.

A toy as a cultural phenomenon, therefore, a toy has all the relevant functions of a cultural phenomenon. Accordingly, according to the functions of the toy, the following cultural classification can be proposed:

    humanistic, or human-creative, function is inherent in the toy, since it is undoubtedly

affects the culture of the individual. Based on the cultural needs of society, this or that toy appears, which is included in the upbringing process in order to give something to the child;

    protective function determines the meaning of toys - to prepare, which means to save, adapt

child to life. From childhood, prototype toys, plot toys are taught to defend themselves from the cold, enemies;

    cultural function regulator of social life and the way of socialization of the individual

carried out through customs, mores, laws and education; manifested in the toy by following the traditions in folk toy, to bring up to play by the rules and honestly. In the process of play, the child develops morality;

    performs the function of social memory, or historical continuity (communicative).

A folk toy is a carrier of social memory, and all other toys are either traditional or created on the basis of traditional ones;

    creative, or "creative" function appears in several aspects of the toy.

Didactic and educational games are aimed at developing the creative side of the child. The toy can be creative in itself, that is, encourage the child to the process of creation (build a house out of sand, make origami out of a sheet, a stick becomes a sword or an obedient horse);

    value-oriented function comes down primarily to the assessment and reassessment of values.

The value of a toy has constantly changed throughout history, which has allowed it to evolve and change;

    epistemological, or cognitive, function determines the ways and forms of development of the toy,

based on the needs of the child, the possibilities and desires of the parents;

    a significative, or iconic, function is always present in a toy.

The doll is basically image of a person .She is the toy that most appeals to the child's own humanity. The doll is at the center of two important processes. On the one hand, in playing with a doll, a child expresses himself - his experience, his knowledge and experiences, creates imaginary images; puts in the mouth of the doll their words, thoughts, experiences. That is, the doll becomes for the baby a kind of "mouthpiece" of his inner world.

On the other hand, in playing with dolls, the child masters the world of human relations and ideas in which he lives. The doll sets the image of a person who becomes a role model for the baby, and it is through the doll that ideas about a person and the ethical categories associated with him - beautiful and ugly, good and bad, good and evil, penetrate into the soul and mind of the child.

You can introduce a child to a doll from the first months of life. peering into doll face, the baby recognizes the human image. Moreover, this happens both in relation to the tumbler, and in relation to a simple nodular doll,

and especially - when meeting with expressive, almost human face porcelain doll. Although babies do not yet play with dolls, when they meet their eyes, they respond with a smile and joyful animation. Therefore, the meeting of a child with a doll is very important from the first months of life.

From the age of two, communication with a doll is a literal imitation . The child does with the doll the same thing that the mother does with him: feeds, bathes, puts him to bed. The kid sees himself in the doll. The more detailed the child feels himself, the more fully he masters his environment, the more details appear in his play with the doll. And for boys, a doll is necessary to the same extent as for girls.

At this age, large baby dolls and naked ones resembling a small child are good. In order for the child to play with the doll, you need a crib with a mattress, pillow and blanket, and simple tableware- i.e. the essentials.

At the age of about 3 years the baby has an interest in playing out stories between small dolls: the child becomes the creator of his world and the director of the events taking place in it. Moreover, children often use any more or less suitable things for this: for example, three sticks - a large one, a smaller one and a very small one - can become a father, mother and child. Between them, quite real events are played out. The use of sticks is a testament to the baby's developing imagination.

The most natural and organic directorial play occurs with small puppets. Dolls are suitable, which are convenient to hold with one hand, ranging in size from 5 to 20 cm. First, you can use nesting dolls with beautiful, but dim faces. And then, when there is a need for a detailed reproduction of actions - “sit down to dinner”, “swing on a swing”, - “real” little dolls are needed. For pupae, you need a house with a table, beds and other puppetry. Around the house there may be trees, paths, swings made from the simplest materials at hand, simple carts and animals. All these attributes help the child build his own world and display his experience and his "ideas about life" in it.

Well, if the doll has only the outlined facial features. Then the kid can supplement, “finish” her image through imagination. One of the novelties of the puppet industry are the so-called expression dolls("expressive dolls") - with pronounced emotions. The expression of their faces, as a rule, is exaggerated and rather resembles a grimace: they scream, get angry, cry, show their tongue, close one or both eyes, etc. The mood, emotional state displayed by the doll are clearly and in detail traced and unchanged. This slows down the child's imagination and makes the doll unsuitable for play: after all, in a real game, thanks to his imagination, a child can imagine the same face as cheerful, sad, tired, preoccupied, crafty, careless. It is thanks to these amazing powers of imagination that the baby brings the doll to life, and it is endowed with the ability to act and show character.

Today the stores are so Huge selection of toys for kids that, at times, you can stand near the counters and showcases for more than one broken hour, marveling at the imagination of manufacturers. What is there just not: toy hair dryers, irons, washing machines and vacuum cleaners for girls, tool kits, exact models of cars, ships, airplanes for boys. Stuffed Toys in the form of well-known and beloved fairy-tale characters of our kids, a thousand and one sets for creativity, wooden educational toys! Eyes run wide. Buy children's toys not a problem, the problem is which toys to give preference to.

A toy is something that accompanies a baby from birth. Through toys and games, loses with toys first life situations faced with. To be in the role of a mother, the baby needs a doll that he will dress, feed and lull. To be a dad, you need a toy steering wheel or children's tools such as a screwdriver or drill. But in general, choosing a toy is a serious matter. Here it is necessary to pay attention to the following points.

The central place is given to the doll. You have a daughter or a son, you can’t do without a doll. The doll is the personification of a person. You can take care of the doll, you can talk to it. Like a doll, it is important for a child to have fairy-tale characters, as well as those toys that depict animals and animals. It's good to have figurines:

- (dog, cat, sheep, horse, pig ...);

- animals (tiger, lion, elephant, giraffe);

As the child grows older, we acquire technical toys. From this group, I would like to pay attention to designers, such as "Lego", which are able to develop not only fine motor skills and thinking, but also the child's imagination.

Children are interested in toys that can be worn on the hand or on the finger (puppet and finger theaters). Naturally, one of the parents or older brothers and sisters should act as a puppeteer.

It's hard to overestimate role musical toys in the development of children. Drums, pipes, rattles, various rattles and other "instruments" delight children of all ages.

And, of course, didactic toys, that is, those that help to acquaint kids with different concepts. These are mosaics, puzzles, nesting dolls, various inserts that help to learn the color, shape, size of an object.

When choosing a toy, pay attention to the following

1. The toy must be appropriate for the age and interests of the child.

No need one year old baby donate constructor from small parts, since the child not only has not “grown up” to this toy, but can also take these very details into his mouth. And an eight-month-old baby is unlikely to play with a large metal typewriter; rather, he will hit himself or others on the head with it.

2. The toy must be safe for the life and health of the baby.

Do not buy, which still pulls objects into its mouth, toys that you are not sure of. Toys must not be toxic Strong smell . For quite small child the rule applies: it is better to have one high-quality rattle that you can safely try on your tooth than ten cheap toys of unknown origin.

3. The child should be able to do something with the toy, for example, fold, disassemble, assemble, and so on.

4. The toy should not cause a feeling of fear, disgust, cruelty or aggression.

Give your child a separate corner where he can spend time playing, where he can store his toys. serious attitude and the respect of parents for the toys and play of the child is necessary for the child. After all, the game is a way of knowing the world for a child.

Toys for preschool children

Child's preschool years are very important, as at this stage learns and develops at an amazing rate. The child's brain develops quite quickly during this period, and he or she learns to make connections between people, objects, and events.

The child is full of energy and curiosity, and it may be very difficult to find toys that can satisfy and stimulate the child. At this stage they are just beginning to discover their abilities and the things around them; they enjoy climbing, running, jumping and moving objects, developing their skills and muscles. They are also interested in stimulating the senses and imitating the actions of adults.

When choosing toys that are appropriate for a toddler, it is important to keep their needs and interests in mind and think about the skills that the child should develop as he or she grows up.

At this age, the child needs:

- Stimulation of the senses;
— An outlet for creativity;
- Freedom;
— Supervision;
- Company;
- Tests.

Appropriate and acceptable toys for toddlers

At this age they are very active, they do not rest at all and love to play. They need to be constantly monitored and interacted with. When choosing toys for their development and entertainment, you need to consider many factors.

This is an amazing age for development. Children like it if they face difficult obstacles and train their powers, especially cognitive and creative ones. Everything around represents new knowledge for children. All you have to do is provide them with a variety of tools to grow their creativity and they will amaze you.

At this age, children are very energetic and love to run, jump and climb everywhere. Their hands are also involved in this process, as the little fingers become more and more developed. However toys for this age should be simple and the kids need a little help. At this stage, they begin to play with others and repeat the movements of adults. toys like fancy dress , might be perfect for them so they can learn new tricks.

At this age, children are very interested in tangible sources such as pencils, paints, plasticine and chalk. They love to scribble and mix colors.

Children are divided into different age groups, describing their needs, skills and appropriate toys accordingly.

- From a year to a year and a half.

Many children start walking when they are about a year old, and they are eager to use this new skill to explore the world around them. Children of this age are very purposeful, and also at this time they develop most of the muscles and improve motor skills.

Suitable toys: soft toys, bucket and spatula, water toys, building blocks, cars and trucks big enough to drive, toy trains, simple musical instruments, etc.

- From one and a half years to two years.

Now children begin to use their imagination for entertainment and problem solving. They learn to match objects by size, shape and color, follow simple instructions. It's also ABC time, when children learn an astonishing number of new words.

Suitable toys: puppies, dolls, playhouses, balls and pillows, balls, puzzles, costumes, books to read together, swings and climbing structures, etc.

- Two to three years.

At that time children like to expand their imagination, imitate adults, develop coordination and control. They also learn to draw and express their view of the world, take on new challenges and rely on their social, motor and verbal skills.

Suitable toys: puzzles, tricycle, tea sets, sandbox toys, cubes, blackboard and chalk, pencils, clay and plasticine, costumes for dressing up, dolls, soft toy and knitted toys, boxes and books with simple stories, bath toys, etc.

Ideal toy for preschool child

It is known that at the age of three to five years, children not only continue to explore the world, but also learn to communicate. And in this, as mentioned above, toys help them. For a long time educators tried to figure out What is the best toy for kids this age?. And the answer was found.
Testing conducted in the USA in children's center Philadelphia showed that plasticine is the perfect toy . The experiment, which lasted five years, involved 215 babies with a slight developmental delay.

His results showed that modeling - perfect way help children overcome this gap. They had hourly sessions every day.

As a result, 70% of babies learned to recognize letters and build phrases from them, and 30% improved their speech. All children without exception have improved communication skills.

Scientists have long proven that finger movements (so-called fine motor skills) are in close connection with mental development. How more active baby acts with his fingers, the sooner he begins to speak. The fact is that in the cerebral cortex motor and speech areas are nearby. Moreover, speech is actively formed under the influence of impulses coming from the fingers.

A high level of development of fine motor skills in a child is one of the indicators of his good physical and neuropsychic development. Sculpting, applique, drawing - all this not only helps the baby grow mentally, but also reveals in him creative personality. //,
