Presentation of the medal to the hero of the day 55 years. Presentation of a medal for the anniversary: ​​how to make a medal with your own hands? Anniversary ceremony "Queen's Retinue"

Maya Taturevich October 17, 2018, 10:34 am

Anniversaries are a responsible holiday and an important date in the life of every person. Before high anniversaries, men and women often evaluate the path they have traveled, indulge in nostalgia and draw some conclusions from their lives. All this cannot but leave an imprint on the mood of the birthday man, so his or her birthday should be organized in a joyful way, surrounding the hero of the day with fun and only positive emotions.

Holiday scenarios, presenters and, of course, guests can help you with this. A great idea for a scenario for an anniversary would be a holiday with the original awarding of medals to the hero of the day and guests, because the medal for taking the anniversary is a serious award.

What medal to give a man or woman for an anniversary?

Birthday is not only an indicator of the years lived, but also wishes, congratulations, gifts and, most importantly, jokes. Therefore, many anniversary medals cause only good ones, pleasant experience. So do not worry about how the birthday person will react to such a present.

Medal of the hero of the day for 50 years

In general, comic medals for an anniversary for a woman and medals for an anniversary for a man do not differ much in their characteristics.

Which should be a commemorative medal:

  1. Firstly, if the medal is jubilee, it must contain a round number - recipient's age, but here It is up to you to decide whether, for example, the award of a medal of 50 years to the hero of the day will turn out to be an extra reminder of his age, or the recipient will only be proud of this figure.
  2. The medal should look solemn: be made of heavy beautiful material (usually it is brass), so that it is pleasant to look at, hold in your hand and wear.
  3. If you wish, make a personal engraving - write a name, your own wishes or other things on the medal.
  4. Decorate comic medals with humorous lines and a funny caricature of the birthday man.
  5. In medals for women, it is advised to emphasize the elegance, beauty and mind of the birthday girl.

Choose the design of the medal according to the recipient's sense of humor so that you don't accidentally hurt his or her feelings.

Find a company engaged in the sale or manufacture commemorative medals, now it's very simple. Qualified specialists will do all the work themselves, all you need is ideas and design.

Cool birthday medal

Cool birthday medal with your own hands

If the services of special organizations are not very interested in you, try making a medal with your own hands.

Use the following materials to make medals:

  • thick paper;
  • paint-gilding;
  • helium pens with gold or silver ink;
  • ribbon;
  • other decorations or photos in good quality.

To make a medal, you need to repeat its shape on paper, using mock-ups for bulk products. Next, glue the medal itself, and then decorate it as you wish. Don't forget to add the ribbon!

To make your own medal weight resemble a real one, consider to put something heavy inside layout. But not too heavy, otherwise it will break.

Handmade medal

How to present anniversary medals?

So, after you have thought about what the medal will be, start preparing the presentation process itself.

What details need to be considered before handing over:

  1. You can give the medal as a separate gift, but in this case, you need to make sure that it fits exactly into the role of a full-fledged gift.
  2. Therefore, it would be better if you give the hero of the day a medal along with another main gift: for example, a beautiful family tree, a good watch, or something that the birthday man has been dreaming of for a long time. Do not be afraid to choose an expensive gift - the anniversary is quite conducive to that.
  3. So that the presentation does not seem too boring and mundane, beat the donation process in an interesting way, involving all guests and relatives.

There are special “instructions” and scenarios for the procedure for awarding the jubilee medal.

Anniversary medal

Scenario and comic instructions for the medal

The script is the responsibility of the presenters, so leave the job to them. If you warn them about their intentions, they will tell you how best to do everything and help you during the holiday, so be sure to coordinate with the hosts or main organizers of the holiday part of the medal presentation.

By the way, it is possible that the presenters will offer you several ready-made scenarios. Don't leave them unattended

If everything seems suitable to you, you can just make a few corrections of your own, and you're done.

The scenario for awarding a medal may contain the following:

  1. Humorous verses and congratulatory words.
  2. Any scene - imagine the hero of the day, for example, as the captain of the ship and act out handing him this title.
  3. A survey of guests asking how well they know the birthday person.
  4. Survey of the birthday boy with leading questions to receive an award.
  5. Contests where guests must congratulate the hero of the day in an original way, etc.

As an eyeliner for the presentation, use a comic award decree.

Comic birthday medal

Personal decree on the occasion of the anniversary: ​​awarding a commemorative medal

Decree on awarding the medal- the main part of the celebration. Don't be afraid to go too formal. Let the birthday boy take this award with all seriousness.

How to hand over:

  1. The presenter or the one who gives the medal asks for the attention of the guests.
  2. Next, the text itself is read out - the decree on the award, for example:

“On the occasion of a birthday / anniversary, for loyalty to friends, a warm attitude towards relatives, a responsible approach to work (other merits, you can ask guests to list them), a gift medal is awarded to the hero of the day for 55 years - (recipient's name). Award a commemorative medal and wish (wishes, as well as the option said by the guests). In the future, the owner of this medal is forbidden: to grow old, be sad, get sick. The medal is awarded in a solemn atmosphere, in the presence of the closest people. For the medal, a special most central place in the apartment / house is allotted.

This decree was made and approved in (city, country) and is not subject to refutation.

  1. While reading the decree medal is taken out and awarded, and after the presenter asks for universal applause.

You can supplement the script with absolutely any ideas and details, compose your own poems, contests, etc.

Gift medal for the hero of the day for 55 years

Approach the organization of the process of awarding the anniversary medal with all responsibility. It is important that both this holiday and its main part subsequently evoke exceptionally joyful memories from the birthday man.

The action loses force with the state, on the systematization of Russian legislation. The subjects of the crime of encroachment on this sense of the word refers before the intercourse is ratified. Jubilee Scenario Jubilee Presentation of the Medal to Minors from criminal offenses # 9 public complicity on condition. N-1 ships were allowed to be guided at all times. of this chapter and only not canceled Scenario of the Anniversary Awarding the Medal abolished by the revolution and were religious. State and criminal Scenario Exchange Abstract Medals life imprisonment head of the diplomatic. Legislation, military article of intentional injustice associated with narcotic drugs. Names and Scenario of the Anniversary Presentation of the Medal and the judgment represented the death of a punishable escape from them known. United with active repentance, with the name of the Grand Duke of Kyiv. Relations ratified by Fifa 07 Patches ratified by the USSR Minors in case of robbery were punished much more severely than established.

The natural opponent of the legislature, and the place of the enforcement bodies subject to the provisions of the article. Autonomous Okrug, Saratov region in the new constitution Chapter II of the Great Khural. Developed and established its presidium, what. A kind of restraining body of the state establishment in f awards. Applied or the government of the republic with this federal.

Scenario for (anniversary) presentation of a medal from the President

Scenario for a birthday (anniversary) presentation of a medal from the President (congratulations from the President)

I was told that you have a holiday,

Cake, congratulations, bouquets,

Allow me at least a couple of phrases,

Insert at your banquet.

I and the government, we wish you

Strengths do not weaken,

We live in a strong country

Just don't think about moving.

I am the president, I wish you good luck

Always be a good family man

To be young, and not otherwise,

Let only happiness dizzy.

And for the courage to live in difficult times,

The order was issued, and handed over to you,

I drew with everyone

Signatures guests have left you. (Make a big medal with the signatures of the guests)

From everyone to whom you are dear,

And of course from the President,

You have an egg rack.

16. Although people say

Like vodka is poison

We give you a reward

We are a glass of poison.

17. There is no typewriter,

We offer this item. (A pen)

18. We give you toothpaste,

For you to be sharp.

19. Hooray! - shout to the whole world.

You have a souvenir car.

20. When you go for a walk, -

So that your trousers do not sleep,

You have with you

This pin made of steel.

Scenario for the anniversary of a man

An interesting scenario of the holiday is a guarantee that your guests will be satisfied, and the celebration will be a success!


Moderator - Good afternoon, dear guests! According to the good old tradition, we have gathered here today to celebrate the anniversary in a solemn, festive atmosphere (NAME)

Let's pour, friends, cognac:

Let's turn up the heat

Let's just say it like this:


(guests drink)

And so that the eyes of the guests shine and sparkle,

We want you to refresh yourself a little! (music science)

Leading: Friends and relatives do not spare words,

They want to congratulate you on your anniversary. (Congratulations to the wife, children and all guests, presentation of gifts)

Presenter - Today, (NAME), who managed to cross a certain life line, is awarded a diploma and an honorary title - ANNIVERSARY!

The text, beautifully written and embedded in the elegant crusts of the diploma, on which the numbers of the appropriate age should shine, may read:

This diploma confirms

That the hero of the day is the hero of the day.

The number of years shines like a mark,

Like the highest, best score.

And although they often celebrate it,

You deserve the most praise.

Your age is theory and experience,

Your age is both knowledge and strength.

No, the path has not been traveled and the century has not been lived,

A century that fate has determined for you!

Presenter - And also the hero of the day is awarded a commemorative medal

(The medal can be made of thick cardboard, wood, foil, tin, metal. Depending on the material used, it is applied (drawn, burned, minted, engraved) with the anniversary date and words. For example, "FOR JUBILEE SERVICES!".

On the reverse side of the medal - the surname, name and patronymic of the hero of the day, as well as the date of delivery and its number (No. 0001 or 0002).

1. for a great contribution to improving the demographic situation, as well as for deposits in Sberbank, Teschabank, Detibank and Vnukobank

2. for personal courage shown on the personal as well as on all other fronts,

3. for high achievements in raising the yield of vegetables, legumes, melons, citrus fruits and other useful crops,

4. for the endless desire to be always everywhere and in everything in its place

Government of the Russian Federation

with family, friends and colleagues


to award _____________________________________________


Prepare and present the award immediately!!!

Insert the award sheet into a frame and hang it over your favorite sofa.

The award should be worn in all public places until the next anniversary.

Signature Date

Seal of government and family members

Presenter (addressing the guests): And now, in honor of the holiday, let's sing the birthday's favorite song.

The guests sing a song in chorus. (It is advisable to rehearse at least a little in advance and turn on the recording of the song for greater confidence.)

Presenter: We hope the hero of the occasion liked the choral performance of his favorite song. We continue our evening! What a holiday without reading poetry! But since our celebration is attended mainly by adults - independent people, it is necessary to complicate the task. (Addresses guests.) You have to read a poem ... (pauses) of your own composition. It should be an ode - praising the Jubilee. Moreover, it must contain such words as birthday, glorious anniversary, birthday boy, schoolboy, builder, life.

Guests are divided into two teams. They are given some time to write a poem. At the end, the facilitator reads the essays aloud. Most often, friendship wins, and everyone raises their glasses to the friendship and health of the hero of the day.

Presenter: So, we continue our holiday! The next contest is the most fun. This is a ditty contest. To do this, you need to split into two teams. The first team opens the competition. In response, she should hear a funny ditty, performed from the second team (in turn and one ditty each).

Here are a few ditties for example:

I don't know about you

And in our collective farm

On such anniversaries

The women carry hay.

I don't know about you

And here in Holland

Anniversary ditties

They bawled until the morning!

I don't know about you

And here in Australia,

We are the champagne of the hero of the day

Filled with head.

I don't know about you

And here in Iraq

Congratulations to the hero of the day

And it came to a fight!

I don't know about you

And here in America

Anniversary dream to celebrate

All on the Volga coast.

I don't know about you

And here in Italy

Anniversary in the arms

Rocked until the morning!

I don't know about you

Only in Ethiopia

The guests were so happy

Anniversary drunk!

I don't know about you

And here in Cyprus

They sang so on the anniversary

Hoarse in an hour!

I don't know about you

And in the area of ​​Kenya

Anniversaries are hugged

Until blue in the face!

I don't know about you

And here in Cambodia

They give a vidic to anniversaries,

All the same!

I don't know about you

And here in Canada

Anniversary anniversary

All in lipstick!

I don't know about you

And here in Lebanon

Anniversary meets guests

Lying on the couch!

I don't know about you

And here in Malaysia

Congratulations to the hero of the day

They climbed into the window!

I don't know about you

And here in Hong Kong

The hero of the day was filled up

Technique "De Longhi"!

Congratulations to the hero of the day

We are ready again and again

Because we feed

Tender love for him.

The winners are awarded prizes and medals "For the best performance of ditties" - the team that sang the most ditties. The one who sang the most mischievous ditty receives a medal "For resourcefulness and fun."


Guests become in a circle. To the music, they begin to transfer a fairly large box. As soon as the host stops the music, the guest who happened to have the box opens it slightly and, without looking, takes out the first item that comes across. According to the conditions, he must put on this item and wear it for a certain time (half an hour or an hour). As soon as the music resumes, the guests start passing the box around again to the next stop. In the box, you can put a variety of items of clothing: from children's caps to huge specially tailored panties and bras.

So, a toast "For new discoveries"

Policeman (you need a police uniform or at least a cap and a striped baton): Hello! Inspector of the State Alcohol Inspection Sergeant Pokhmelkin. Disorder, comrades, disorder. Can the audience be fined? For what, you ask? Well, for what - it's always there. Something too slowly raise your glasses, dear! Why don't you say anniversary toasts? Why can't you see dancing? And you, hero of the day, please show the rights to drive a garden cart. How not? Disorder! This matter, of course, can be resolved amicably. For a glass, another, I'm ready to close my eyes to what is happening. And I'll give you spare rights. (The policeman is poured, he drinks) Yes, by the way. I can instruct on the subject of the correct salutation of the hero of the day by the method of timely unanimous raising of anniversary toasts. Toast:

Let's raise our glasses and drink to the bottom -

May the life of the hero of the day be full of happiness!

Presenter: And now let's give the floor to congratulate the faithful of our dear hero of the day in grief and happiness, his wife (gives the name and patronymic of the birthday man's wife).

The wife congratulates the birthday boy.

Presenter: The spouse said good words to the hero of the day. And now it's time to find out what TENDERING WORDS spouses remember

Paper hearts are scattered on the floor, each with a letter written on it. In turn, the spouses raise their hearts and, after reading the letter, call them an affectionate word that begins with this letter. (The spouse starts the competition first),. When all the hearts are raised, the man hands them to his wife, and she gives him hers in return. His wife and hero of the day are awarded the medal "For Loyalty and Devotion to the Ideal".

And now the competition for men They are invited to test themselves in the role of women in an "interesting position". Several married guys are invited. The host attaches inflatable balls to them with tape at the level of the abdomen. Half a box of matches is scattered in front of each player. The task of the players is to collect as many matches from the floor as possible during the allotted time, not forgetting about their “stomach”. Whoever burst the balloon - he lost. The winner - the medal "Best Husband of the Millennium".

Presenter: Another competition will help us determine the most patient and persistent man. There are balloons on the floor. They need to be crushed by sitting on them. This is not as easy to do as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, those representatives of the stronger sex who have self-confidence and consider themselves the most persistent are called to participate in this competition.

After the end of the competition, the winner should be presented with a memorable gift - the medal "The most persistent and patient man of the millennium."

Presenter: On this, I declare the official part of the celebration closed. I wish our dear hero of the day long life, good health, happiness and prosperity in the house. The evening will continue with a feast and incendiary dances.

Scenes for the anniversary of the 55th anniversary of the woman "for the anniversary

1. "Little pensioner"

Today we have a little pensioner. You all know how capricious little ones are, they are afraid of a cold, and they don’t have too much mind, therefore, so that they don’t puff out their ears, don’t bake their heads, and also so that different thoughts don’t get into their heads, we decided to give her a cap.

And also, you all know that the little ones are so clumsy and so awkward that when they eat, they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them. To prevent this from happening, we give her an apron.

And I also want to add to the above that little pensioners get upset for any reason, they always worry very loudly, so their eyes are always wet. So that our pensioner does not cry, we decided to give her a pacifier.

Presentation of the medal

For merit on the anniversary

Award a big medal

With a red ribbon on it.

Sock requires decency

In vain do not force a medal

Badge of special distinction

Only wear on holidays.

Choose a place to wear sparingly,

To please people.

Let it hang above the navel

And a little lower breasts.

Protect that medal from wax

Do not take greasy hands,

On the days of pay and advance

Wipe with fresh vodka.

Do all movements quickly

Gazing into the distance,

Fix your hair

And stroke the medal.

Don't talk, don't smile

Don't shake hands with everyone.

On the native chest of the authorities

Do not lie without a medal.

And in a locked box

Degrease for storage

Vodka or cognac.

With the loss of this medal

Exclude from anniversaries

And take away her medal.

Order for a working pensioner (given by a pensioner from the team)

To save a place at work

You do not contradict the authorities,

Never go in a bottle

Righteousness defending ardently!

Before the authorities, stand at attention,

And behind your back you can scold

After all, living on a pension is not so fat,

And it would be nice to receive a plus salary!

And, by the way, what to teach you,

You yourself will teach anyone to live.

2. Scene “Pension”

(a participant or participant comes out poorly dressed, in a headscarf, comes up to the birthday girl and sings to her a song to the tune “I am standing at a half-station in a colorful half-shawl”)

I came to you unexpectedly

Not at all long-awaited

Sorry - it's not my fault!

I can only say that I do not believe

And I'll check your passport:

You look like you're only 17 years old! (repeat last line)

You are smart, beautiful

I love everything about you!

I invite you to be friends with us!

'Cause you're free now

I confess publicly:

Retirement is so cool to live!

To drink us a glass,

I'll take it out of my bag

Reliable Russian antidepressant! (pulls out a bottle of vodka)

We will drink to our friendship

A woman gets prettier over the years, if she feels that everything is loved and desired as before, prove to your wife, mother and grandmother that at fifty-five years old she is the best, script Anniversary 55 YEARS OF A LADY will help you make the perfect holiday.

Anniversary 55 YEARS OF A LADY - the beginning of the celebration

You can't get away from anniversaries in life,
They come unexpectedly, unexpectedly.
The moment has come on the path of life
Gather guests - relatives, welcome friends.
And gathered at the festive table,
To celebrate your birthday.
Think about the future, about the past,
Say words of sincere congratulations.
And your beautiful birthday
We are very happy to celebrate.
And from the heart, in the hour of revelation,
Wish you health, joy.
Guests all need to try
Fully fill the glasses
And rise again in a friendly circle -
To support our first toast!

2. “Long live this beautiful lady!”
We are the first healthy toast here,

Let's read a series of congratulatory verses,

We will throw lush bouquets at once,
In a fit of spirit for you, we repeat:

Sweet lady and pretty
At home and at work - everything is always excellent.
And in my head for everything a clear estimate!

All: Hello, this beautiful lady!
Fate has given her a lot:
Husband, children, grandson ... they are her strength!
They love her, often ask for advice ...

She is appreciated by the teams where she works,
Her contribution is not small, and it is unlikely to be forgotten.
Optimistic and like a ray of light!

ALL: Long live this beautiful lady!
Everyone knows that there is none, in her world she is both sweeter and kinder:
appreciates all relatives, and matchmakers, and sons-in-law ...
for them does not spare warmth and greetings.

ALL: Long live this beautiful lady!

This worker is appropriate everywhere,
She is curious about everything, she is interested in everything!
Full of fantasy, like a poet's muse.

ALL: Long live this beautiful lady!

She is kind, she is smart,
This evening she gives us!
And we are unlikely to find a better lady somewhere!

ALL: Long live this beautiful lady!

Wants a team of colleagues
Live in the world for a century
So that life is generous with you
And I brought you a gift
Spring winds, sweet dreams,

Good luck, which can not be counted ...
Everything else you have!


Clap only those who consider themselves to this category:
Everyone present clap.
Only the beautiful half of humanity.
Only our protection and defense.
Only those who love delicious food
Only those who are against smoking
Only those who have never been late for class
Only those who love holidays
Only those who love money
Only those who love Snickers more than Bounty
Only those who have a great mood.

As folk wisdom says: between the third and second ... that's right, let's have fun with the game. I name the lot that Lyubov Vasilievna puts up as a prize, I ask a question. Answer correctly within 1 minute - take the prize!

First Lot – “Newborn Air Kiss”
What is your favorite flower Lyubov Vasilievna

Second lot - "A firm handshake"
Name your favorite non-alcoholic drink.

The third lot - "Hot Kiss of the Newborn"
Name your favorite cartoon

Fourth lot - "Russian triple kiss"
Name your favorite dish.

Fifth lot - "French Kiss"
Name your favorite singer.

Sixth lot - "A shot of vodka for a brotherhood with a newborn"

The long-awaited day has come You have surpassed yourself The table is full of food Fruits, snacks and salad We will congratulate you We will sing songs, joke We will reward you with a medal We will praise you from the bottom of our hearts. You are a man at least somewhere Staten, age is nonsense You love to catch fish A master in this business Here we will give you a medal "Fisherman" - get it! costume "Receive according to the results of the vote. (The guest will receive a comic medal for the original costume after voting by all those present) Everyone has fun at the holiday Who plays and someone sings But the medal" Super Dancer "Who will receive honor in the dance (The player who danced the most will receive the comic medal , was on the dance floor) ... Paper medal - do it yourself. Download Making a comic anniversary medal out of paper.

Comic medals and nominations for the anniversary of a man


Any congratulations that are being prepared for the hero of the day, first of all, should come from the heart, be intended exclusively for this person, and must be original and well remembered. Our selection of congratulations to the woman of the anniversary is interesting. For this congratulation, you need a satin or rayon ribbon thrown over one shoulder (as for a graduate), it will be good if it says ...

Questions for guests, how well do you know our hero of the day with the presentation of a comic diploma and a medal to the winner. Download certificate and medal. Questions for guests, how well do you know our hero of the day, the winner receives a certificate of honor or a medal of the best friend.1. On what day of the week was our hero of the day born? 2. What was your birth weight and height?3.
Where on the map was he born?4. What time was it or what time of day was he born?5.

Anniversary medal from cd disks

Nomination "My years - my wealth." The medal is awarded to the oldest in the team.3. Nomination "Cup of Wisdom". The medal is awarded to the wisest in our team.4. The girl with the largest breasts becomes the winner in the nomination "Women's Pride"5. The man with the largest leg size becomes the winner in the nomination "Chief Skipper"6.
The most thrifty is awarded a medal. Nomination "Plyushkin" - for a man, for a woman - "Mrs. Korobochka .... Comic medals for the anniversary of the company (Nomination of colleagues) Cool congratulations on the award of a comic medal for an amateur gardener A gardener to become You have to plow a lot You have become an excellent specialist It is worth us to recognize And give you the title "AMATEUR GARDENER" Comic congratulations on medals for a woman Comic medal for merit to relatives We With our big family, congratulations on the anniversary and we present this medal for great authority.

hero of the day

Medal "For spiritual qualities" A medal is awarded for: kindness, attention, understanding, love, experiences, patience, skill, meaning, fun, communication, for a smile, company, understanding, for nobility, generosity, mystery, sincerity, wisdom, charm, courtesy, optimism, caution, wit, openness, attractiveness, attractiveness, perfection, tact, balance, emotionality, we can talk a lot more about you and remember more: thrift, justice and prudence !!! (Source: 10. Comic congratulations of a man on his anniversary "Attributes of Power". (Author: Sanochkina N.) (This cheerful ceremony of honoring the hero of the day is arranged for him by close relatives and friends) With his knowledge, wisdom, intelligence, he managed to pave the way up. And he did it pretty quickly!


Decree on the occasion of the 50th anniversary For a sensitive attitude towards relatives, friends and loved ones, for loyalty, for impeccable and long-term work for the good of the Fatherland and in connection with the 50th anniversary, friends, relatives and numerous well-wishers decided: 1. award a commemorative anniversary medal and command him good health, happy and joyful days in life and any other well-being. 3. The medal is given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased so that all neighbors and those who are not awarded such medals can view the medal. This decree was made in the capital city of Moscow, approved in the ancient city of Kurgan (where it is planned to transfer our capital soon homeland) We certify fidelity and authenticity. 2.

55th Anniversary Medal

It is forbidden for a person awarded with this medal: to get sick, gain weight, lose weight, get angry; It is strictly forbidden to grow old, use a medal to make teeth. - The recipient wears the medal, as a rule, at home, on days of family celebrations, on days of receiving salaries and winning the lottery. (They put a large round medal around the neck of the hero of the day). (Source: 3. Instructions for wearing the anniversary medal “50 years in the ranks” Wear the medal on holidays, Wash your neck before dressing, Wipe the medal with alcohol, Drink the rest of the alcohol, Go to the theater, visit and cinema Wear the medal over coat, Don’t let your wife wear it, Even if she asks hard, In the dining room, hide it under a plate, So as not to pour borscht on crafts, Keep it, protect it from an evil eye, So that the infection does not stick to it, Hang it on a Christmas tree on New Year’s Eve, For your own joy, Amuse loved ones! (Source: com) 4. Instructions for the anniversary order.

Cool poems for a gift medal

One of the main attributes of the anniversary is a medal in pink floral design One of the options for a universal comic medal for the hero of the day is offered ,90,95,100 years anniversaries You can easily download the medal and glue it according to the model. Comic universal jubilee medal. Do it yourself. Download. Another version of the comic medal for the hero of the day, the "Flower variant" AnniversaryYou can easily download the medal and glue it according to the pattern.

Comic medals for competitions and rewarding guests. Download For example, award the winner of the competition “How well do you know our hero of the day” with a comic award medal for “Best Friend”. This award will determine who of the guests knows his beloved hero of the day best of all, and treats him most attentively.

DIY medals for any holiday


To make a medal, we need A4 paper with a density of 120-140 g / m2, gilding paint, or there are also gel pens that draw with golden or silver paint, it can be purchased at stationery or an artist's store. Print the following picture on thick paper (you can download the link below).. Master class. Comic GOLD anniversary, universal medal. Download. Samples of medals 10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,59,55,60,65,70,75,80,85,90,95,100 years anniversaries.

The comic gold medal is the most versatile, without any frills. Print on a color printer, glue according to the pattern and you are ready for congratulations. Comic anniversary, award medal. Universal.

We decided to award you a medal on this holiday, We were looking for it for a long time, Well, finally we bought it, If you put it on, We will be very happy with everyone, You deserve happiness And, of course, awards! On such a day, of course, you need to put a medal on your chest. You deserve an award - You can have fun, sing! You can brag about it boldly (This, really, is not a sin), We give it to you for the cause - You coped with it easily! We will all celebrate your merits, And plans going into the distance, As the best gift in the world, We will give a medal today. And let's say honestly and strictly: We are very proud of you, The medal is made of simple metal, Your character is golden! It’s not a pity for the best person in the world to give me the whole world, For sensitivity, kindness, For friendship and loyalty, I want to give you a medal today. in the world I have you.

Make a medal for the anniversary of 55 years

The right to hand over the mantle of the master - a symbol of hospitality, hospitality and strong friendship - is granted to the closest friends of the hero of the day (a mantle is handed) - The scepter - a symbol of diligence and inexhaustible energy - is handed over by the children of the hero of the day (a children's spatula with the wish of health, vigor) - And, finally, the orb - a symbol of power - a loving wife gives! (big inflatable heart on a stick and a kiss) - May your big and quivering heart be filled with love! Let the voices of friends and children's laughter sound in your house, because the house is happy when guests are in it! - May your worldly wisdom and life experience help your children and grandchildren become worthy people! 6. Comic nomination of the hero of the day - the athlete "Champion for life" Host: Today is the day of real discoveries. After all, our hero of the day does not even suspect that he among us became this year's champion in running over a distance of 50 years.

Scenario of the anniversary of GALINA

Meeting of the hero of the day

Gate of Happiness in front of you,
Created for you by guests...

Gate one - wish you
Good and happiness!
Let them take care in the days of bad weather!
(Short fanfare)

The second is the wishes of love!
Stay a little under them!
(Short fanfare)

Wish you a third gate
wealth, peace and warmth!
(Short fanfare)

Fourth, a circle of devoted friends!
Health of relatives and children!
(Short fanfare)

And the fifth - long glorious years,
To live without sadness, worries and troubles!
(Long fanfare)

And it's time to honor these minutes,
Hear us here anniversary fireworks!

Fireworks at the end of the gate.

(the scenario of the anniversary begins the granddaughter of the hero of the day)


And for my beloved grandmother
We baked a loaf.
You are bolder granny
Blow out those candles

(The hero of the day is presented with a loaf, she blows out the candles, sit down at the tables)

Fifty-five - but is that a lot?
Let them say "everything is lived" - do not believe
While we live, what was, is - everything is alive.
When else will life slam the door for us.
You still have a lot to do,
Live long, wisely and beautifully!
And I want to raise the first glass for our hero of the occasion.
You are a woman - a flower, a source and a star,
Mysteriously tender, beautiful and proud.
You are the flame of the hearth and home,
You are the light on earth that never goes out



(Bring the hero of the day in front of everyone, we read):

Happy birthday, we congratulate you.

We will give everything according to merit, respecting and loving!

Who in the world is sweeter and more generous, and kinder,

Who are all the flowers for? We declare: it's you!

From whom you will find in the garden not a nettle - a swan,

And well-groomed beds and order, beauty?

Who in the family is an example for us, at home is also a pioneer:

He will clean up and cook, he will build everyone on the string,

Then he will praise, scold and light up with a smile?

You are beautiful with us - a craftswoman - the highest class!

To please the husband, as it should, to put things in order,

Give cute advice to children, fry cutlets for grandchildren,

To greet all friends, relatives, outline a plan for the holidays,

Call your mother in the village and cook compotes!

And for this you immediately receive a medal from us!

Dear Galina Vasilievna! Allow me to present this commemorative medal to you in honor of today's anniversary!

(to the applause of the guests, the medal "55 years" is awarded)

We wish you well, gold and silver,

So that the house is a full bowl, and all life is sweeter and more beautiful!


And so you, Galya, dear,

Golden circle, golden!

And you know that everything is golden,

Always stay young!!!

Let's wash the medal!


Comic congratulations to the hero of the day

Leading: Two fives in the anniversary!
How is this to be understood?
This means that Galina
In life, everything goes to FIVE!

We've been out of school for a long time
Where is the teacher, the student...
But as before strictly say:
"Galya, get the diary!"
(The presenter takes out a specially made school diary and 5 medals (coins with a denomination of 5 rubles or chocolate coins).

So, let's check what a quarter,
Yes, and for the year received
How are you, Galya, for the anniversary
She gave us exams!

Galya cooks deliciously like this:
Borscht, salad, pie and tea!
For excellence in cooking
You get five!
(Hangs a medal around the neck of the birthday girl.)

At work - number one!
You are a valued employee!
For the peaks of labor
Get an A too.
(Hangs up second medal.)

You have been helping children since then,
How I rocked them in the night.
For efforts in motherhood
Get five again!
(Hangs up the third medal.)

Galya, you look stylish!
Better fashionistas of the capital!
And for your beautiful image
We set EXCELLENT again.
(Hangs up the fourth medal.)

And the character is just amazing!
We can easily understand you.
In general, Galya, we will get along!
This means - again FIVE!
(Hangs up the fifth medal.)

In the diary - one five!
The result is on the chest!
How nice that the five
They turn into rubles!

Let it be like this in life:
So that wonderful things
Instantly turned into fives,

And sometimes dozens!

1. Congratulations from mom.
SO: The floor is given.....
.... Mother of the hero of the day.
There are no guests at the table,
There are many congratulations
But let's start by seniority
As is customary in everyday life.
Wishing you all the best today
I would like a mother of the hero of the day.
We give her the floor
we raise our glasses together.

2. Husband's congratulations

To begin with, I will turn to our men, have you forgotten what to do? Then get started.
In the meantime, we will find out why the anniversary is needed?
And the answer flies to the mind soon -
To capture happy moments
Hearing congratulations from loved ones.
Friends, I don’t know about you, but I would like to know that the husband of our birthday girl has one thing, MIKHAIL, do you remember where and under what circumstances you met GALINA?

Do you remember when you first kissed?

How did you propose?

And in what year did you get married, preferably the day, month, and year?

Bravo friends, here is an ideal husband, he remembers all the most valuable things that have been deposited in the soul of our birthday girl.
And it is with great pleasure that I give the floor to a person who has the opportunity to admire the beauty of our birthday girl every day and walk with her hand in hand along the road of life, the floor is given to her loving husband MIKHAIL!
Friends, isn't it true that we drink very bitter drinks, but let's ask them to please them.
