Girl's character based on her pet. Tag Archives: sexual preferences

You can determine the character of an animal by learning about pet person. That is why psychologists have been determining character based on animals for decades. Finding out a person’s character by their favorite animal is very simple, just take the test.

Test to determine character type based on an animal

To find out your character from an animal, select one answer option from the list:

Your result: Dog

The character of a person based on his favorite animal, a dog, speaks of a sharp and emotional nature. You are able to commit an act and only after that think about the consequences. You are not particularly verbose, you like order and a clear plan of action, so you try to complete everything you undertake quickly, even if this affects the quality.

Your result: Cat

The character type test, where the cat was chosen, speaks of you as a person who does not recognize authorities and trusts inner voice. In addition, you are in no hurry to act, so all your words most often remain just words. But what we cannot blame you for is the lack of taste. You know perfectly well what color and style suits you, so you often dictate fashion to the whole world.

Your result: Horse

The character of a person based on his favorite animal - a horse - speaks of you as a hardy and completely undemanding nature. You are romantic and dreamy, as well as vulnerable. To live in " castles in the air“You are hampered by practicality, which brings you back to earth and forces you to act rather than dream.

Your result: Predators

The character of your favorite animal - predators - speaks of you as a hardy and sometimes even cruel nature. You cannot stand monotonous paperwork, you feel more confident during active actions, when the result of the work can be seen with your own eyes. Such people make excellent athletes who achieve a lot in their chosen sport.

Your result: Lizards, vipers, newts

The character of a person based on his favorite animal - reptiles - suggests that you can accumulate resentment for years and at one moment throw it out on the people who come to hand. Most often, such people become close or relatives, which can cause harm. family relations. It’s better to curb your ardor and direct it towards the right direction, for example, playing sports.

Your result: Birds

The test to determine your character type, where you chose birds, speaks of you as an easy-going, cheerful and free person to communicate. In any company, you become the center of attention and win over everyone who meets on your path in life. You do the work very quickly, so you make a lot of mistakes that you immediately forget about. Naturally, you have a lot of friends, even though most of the promises made to people remain unfulfilled.

Your result: Pisces

According to your animal character, you are a contemplator who is used to standing on the sidelines and just observing what is happening. At the same time, most often, the conclusions you come to are not positive, but rather the opposite. On the other hand, before doing anything, you will think 100 times and complete the task without errors.

Of course, these animal character characteristics are not the rule for all people, so don’t think about it - just love animals and take care of them.

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Which indoor plant suits your zodiac sign?

Of course not. Moreover, the classification of men in comparison with their smaller brothers is not only a way to get to know a particular representative of the stronger sex better, but also a very objective test for whether he has a sense of humor. The presence of which, by the way, always makes a man a little less like that same male of some touching animal, which he clearly does not desire to be like.

It is not without reason that psychologists claim that a person - both a man and a woman - is distinguished by a special quality: most of all, people are irritated by those qualities in others that spoil their own character. Accordingly, we can safely conclude: a man who is offended by comparison with an animal is either complex, or filled with erroneous ideas about a particular animal, or simply agrees with the presence of negative qualities animal. In any case, this does not make him any less like a furry or feathered inhabitant of the planet. Moreover, this classification is more likely for women, who are much more sensitive to animals, than for stern men, who so hard experience the decline of their individuality even through comparison with animals.

So which animals are most similar to? Various types men?

Of course, there is no classification that would provide for a clear division according to this principle of similarity to a specific animal. Any man can be stubborn, like a cute donkey, and charming during the period of flirting, like the most authentic cat, and rude during the period of discord, like an angry bear, and faithful, like a dog. But based on the presence of the largest concentration of specific traits in a man’s character, it is still possible to classify him as a specific group of similarities with animals.

So, firstly, a man whose behavior model most closely resembles the habits of a dog. One of the least offensive ways of comparing a man with animals is even for those who have no sense of humor and flatly refuse to understand the indirectness of this comparison. Men like to be like dogs. First of all, because it is this animal that most of all, in the perception of any person, correlates with loyalty and the ability to be friends with one’s soul mate. In addition, the men in many songs themselves drew parallels between themselves and best friend man: thus, in the eyes of all women on the planet, they became nobler, wiser, more devoted and, naturally, more desirable.

So what makes a dog man different?

He is devoted and faithful, adores Tasty food, constancy and homebody. A woman for him is not only a lady of his heart and an object of admiration, but also a friend, to whom by default he trusts his most secret thoughts. Such men are mostly monogamous and are ready to wait for their beloved for years. True, as soon as she finds out that someone is so tenderly and devotedly in love with her, she herself rushes into the arms of her unexpected admirer: as a rule, such men are not particularly skillful in courting, so often their beloved simply high feelings has no idea about her. That’s why he doesn’t think about the prospects of relationships. These types of men most often marry only once in their lives, and they do not delay the process: they are the happy exception to the rule that all men are afraid of family ties.

Secondly, the cat man.

Such a man is found in the life of almost every woman. His main feature is his inexhaustible love for the fair sex. He loves everyone at once, but he can remain faithful for a long time to the only one who could lull him, curled up in a soft ball on her lap. Man-cat love literally radiates in waves. And not at all because he is exclusively interested in intimacy. He considers her not the most important part of the relationship. Foreplay, flirting, love games, the presentation of today's beloved feelings in a wide variety of guises - that's what male cats love. They are also fans of cleanliness. And in everything: the house must be tidied, the car must be washed, their suit or jeans must be washed. And he won’t hesitate to wash, clean and iron it all himself. Although, of course, he would prefer that a woman do it. After all, the male cat simply adores attention to his person. Therefore, it is difficult to call him not jealous. He will rush at his opponent not so much out of fear of losing his beloved or fear of not being worthy enough in the eyes of the public. No: he is much more irritated by the prospect of losing his full attention.

Thirdly, the tiger man.

No matter how diverse the types of men are in comparison with animals, this one is unlikely to be able to truly offend a man. Well, who doesn’t want to be like this graceful, spectacular, strong and independent animal? Not even just an animal, but a symbol of wisdom, prudence, strength and reaction speed. Truly, almost everything is attractive about Tiger men. But they often remain for abundant female attention indifferent. More precisely, they quite sincerely may not notice how many hearts beat faster when they appeared. Unless someone points out their role as the “local Elvis Presley” to them. And even then they won’t believe it right away. Tiger habits in the behavior and character of a man are rather a temporary phenomenon. Often they disappear with age, and the man moves from the tiger class to another group. But there are also representatives of the stronger sex who do not change their striped essence. For permanent relationship they are almost completely unadapted: it is very difficult for them to get used to the fact that another owner will now touch their things without asking. More precisely, the hostess. But you won’t be bored in cohabitation with a tiger: stormy scandals and all-consuming tenderness are provided in abundance here. generous gifts and the inability to accept a gift in return, and constant clashes characters, and a riot of passion at the moment of reconciliation. Simply put, a complete cocktail of the most bright emotions waiting for the woman who chose the tiger.

Fourth, the elephant man.

The strongest, does not like to stop, is unbending in the face of difficulties - this is exactly the man who has a woman behind him as if behind a stone wall. It is safe to say about him that he is the living embodiment of the successful use of the “I see the goal, I see no obstacles” strategy. Such a man is both a breadwinner and faithful husband, and a loving wise father, and a true gentleman. Of course, for a freedom-loving woman, an alliance with him will not be easy: he was simply created to protect his beloved, protect her interests and give her everything without any effort on her part, which sometimes leaves no room for the manifestation of her individuality.

Favorite animal is not only yours energy donor and assistant, this is a reflection of your essence. There is a belief that when you look into the eyes of your living talisman, you will see yourself in them.

The love for animals goes back a long way. In Egypt, cats were worshiped, placing them on the same level as deities. In India, cows are allowed to be treated the same way as their mother. Sheep have long been sacrificed to God. There are countless animals, and every person feels a special connection with our smaller brothers. Some people like unbridled and wild predators, others admire the cat's grace. Everything in this world is interconnected, and our mental connection with animals is no exception. Your favorite animal will say everything for you.

Wise Owl

In some countries, owls act as sinister thieves of luck and harbingers of death. In other parts of the world they are worshiped and given the ability to attract prosperity and wealth. Today, the owl symbolizes wisdom. If this is your favorite animal, you are very lucky. Mental connection with an owl indicates enhanced mental capacity, developed intuition and insight. You are able to expose the traitor, break through the thorns of lies, and find the truth. You are not afraid of change because you know what to expect from it.

Sly Fox

Fox is cunning, grace, speed and efficiency in one package. There is no animal more amazing than the fox. We have heard about her resourcefulness and dexterity since childhood. Everyone has read fairy tales about how one fox deceived everyone around. The Fox is ruled by determination and confidence; she achieves her goal by any means necessary. If this is your spirit animal and you admire it, rest assured that the fox may also admire your agility and dexterity. You know how to avoid problems, overcome your fears and complexes. Do you know how to right moment become brave and stressful situation- be cunning. You have the power to subjugate people to your will, manipulate and control.

Stately horse

Horses are sacred creatures and love for them is understandable. Even standing next to a horse, you feel enormous power and the power of this gigantic animal and at the same time you are amazed at its grace and gentleness. The minutes spent next to a horse remain in the soul forever. Loving this animal shows that you are a freedom-loving, personable and successful person. You are responsive, pure, fair. You rush towards your dream, overcoming difficulties one after another.

Freedom-loving bird

Each bird is a symbol of freedom and spiritual life. IN Ancient Egypt souls of the dead were depicted as birds with human heads, symbolizing the transition to the spiritual, sublime world. Love for birds defines you as a person who is conscious, spiritual, intelligent and incomprehensible. You are patient, wise, but at the same time restless and strive to learn the truth.

Wild bear

The bear is a very controversial animal. In Russian traditions, he personifies the king of beasts, sometimes good-natured, but more often a furious predator. Any hero will envy his strength and power. The image of a bear attracts good luck and success. A spiritual connection with a predator suggests that you strong personality. You are self-confident, brave, good-natured and sympathetic, and are not afraid of loneliness, adversity and difficulties.

Brave Lion

The lion represents royalty, courage, strength and power. It is not for nothing that he is considered the king of beasts. Leo is not afraid of anything, fear and defeat are unknown to him. So if you have respect and admiration for it graceful predator, it will point out your strengths. You are self-confident and sometimes selfish. You know how to choose your life partners and have complete control over your environment. You always have a leading position at your disposal, and the ability to change the world is given as a bonus.

Delicate butterfly

The butterfly symbolizes the immortality of the soul, resurrection, the ability to transform and rebirth. This celestial creature begins the cycle of life as a caterpillar, reborn as a butterfly. A love for butterflies indicates faith, love and hope. You are not afraid of change, you know how to enjoy it. And the abundant Universe appreciates this very much and constantly makes itself felt. Amazing changes are constantly happening in your life, which sometimes you are not even aware of.

lone wolf

The wolf is a symbol of freedom, fearlessness, purity. A spiritual connection with a wolf speaks of you as a man of honor. You are independent, self-confident, purposeful. In any fight, you fight to victory, like your spirit animal. A wolf will never choose defeat, even when in mortal danger. This shows great courage. You use all sorts of options to your advantage, never letting go of your luck.

Royal tiger

The Chinese consider the tiger to be the king of animals. He is brave, furious, elusive. In myths, the tiger is often depicted as an equal rival to the dragon. This predator symbolizes beauty, grace, exclusivity and strength. Love for tigers gives you determination, perseverance, and tolerance. You are wise enough, responsible and have the ability to make all your dreams come true. You know that the price of success is hard work on yourself in training your fortitude and willpower.

Smart snake

Many people treat snakes with disdain, although they symbolize wisdom, vitality, immortality, healing powers, fertility and home. In addition, snakes are skilled predators. Snakes are found in many sacred apocrypha; they have been written about since ancient times, giving them not the last place in spiritual world. The snake is energy, creation, mindfulness. Your love for snakes suggests that you can adapt to any environment. You don't hold on to sadness and let go of grudges. You are resourceful and always get your way, sometimes with cunning and the easy way. You have enhanced intuition and the ability to distinguish enemies from friends.

Noble deer

Deer - Sun, dawn of life, light, spirituality, creation, purity. These are amazing animals, whose horns in mythology represent the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge. Admiring a deer shows that you have kindness, love, calmness and selflessness. You know how to control your emotions and have the ability to hear. You are not afraid of anything, because you understand well how this world works. You create and help other people achieve this.

Totem animals come to the rescue when it seems that there is no more hope. Your spiritual connection with your favorite animal awakens your strength in times of need. You did not choose them in vain. This means that in moments of defeat, turn to the strength of your animal. We wish you good mood, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

The cat is the most close friend, the other “I” of the owner, so if someone doesn’t like the cat, then he doesn’t like its owner either. Cats are usually owned by ladies who harmoniously combine the advantages of both sexes. Such women are beautiful and smart, feminine and efficient, efficient and effective, pretty and persistent in achieving their goals.

For unmarried cats, cats often replace a non-existent child, because a cat also needs care, affection and tenderness; it is a playful and capricious animal, like a child. A lonely woman with a cat treats men with distrust and is reluctant to enter into close relationships with them. A man who likes cats recognizes a woman's right to be independent. But a bachelor with a cat is a completely self-sufficient person, and it will take a lot of strength to win his heart. Hating cats can mean hating everything female. In psychology, there is even a term “cat phobia” (scientifically, eilurophobia). Ladies who despise cats feel bad about themselves deep down, and cat-phobic men don’t truly love women.


For a woman, her dog is almost always a symbol of a man, even if the dog is female. Looking at the breed, you can always tell which ones masculine qualities the hostess appreciates it most.

A large shepherd means that its owner needs a protector and reliable support. Bulldog means that a woman values ​​her partner’s loyalty, reliability, solidity, constancy and sense of humor. The lady with the Doberman has an iron willpower and is defiant towards men - who can protect me better than my dog? A woman who holds a malicious, yapping, biting and cowardly creature in her arms imposes too much on men. high requirements, expecting to find some incredibly wonderful qualities in them. As a result, such women are rarely happy in marriage. Almost everyone who loves dogs is intolerant of the independence of others and seeks to control the lives and actions of loved ones.

It is believed that only the evil and cruel people They can't stand dogs, but that's not always the case. Opponents of bobbies and bugs simply may be shy, fearful, may be afraid of these biting and loudly barking predators, or perhaps they simply prefer to seek love and friendship in the human world and do not understand why they might need this little wolf. Many people are disgusted by the need to train another Living being and become its owner, and therefore they flatly refuse to have a dog at home.

Hamsters and guinea pigs

Everyone who loves small furry animals needs protection strong man, tenderness, affection and care, because they themselves feel small and defenseless. That's why children so often ask to buy a hamster; they want to be big, strong, caring friends for tiny animals. If a person cannot stand the stupidity of other people, then he is unlikely to be moved at the sight of a hamster or guinea pig.


Exotic bright birds appeal to romantics, melancholic, sensitive, vulnerable people who are bored in silence and loneliness. The parrot reminds of tropical islands, fairy-tale pirates and compensates for the lack of travel in ordinary life. Birds are not tolerated by irritable, hot-tempered, workaholics, overloaded with work, sybarites: loudly chirping and piercingly screaming parrots disturb their comfort, confuse their thoughts and confuse their plans.


Loving rats means declaring to the whole world: I am not a bore! I have original thinking, and your stereotypes have no power over me! A rat fanatic will first study everything, touching and checking, and only then draw his own conclusions. And he doesn't care about other people's opinions. If a child brings home a rat, it means he has a sociable, cheerful, kind-hearted character. Rats are not liked by conservatives, shy, timid, cautious people who follow only beaten paths in life.

Based on materials from

The animal world lives by strict rules. The stronger eat the weaker, the instincts of reproduction and instincts of survival take over and only the strongest always wins. Unlike animals, nature has given man a soul, the ability to sympathize and pity, although sometimes animals have more open heart, when it comes to children or sick people than some people. The animal world is clearly divided into packs, just as people are divided into “castes”. But animals do not exterminate themselves, as man does during his constant desire to develop and develop “civilization” and receive more and more “benefits” in order to save his energy and time.

It remains interesting that the basic character traits and behavior patterns of animals and people are identical. Among the representatives of “intelligent” creatures there are also eternal “predators” and eternal “victims”. The stronger ones “eat” the weak and defenseless. Only those who were able to heartlessly step over others and become the leader of the “pack” rise to the top.

To understand what kind of animal you are, or rather, which animal’s character traits and behavior patterns are similar to yours, read the description and find yourself among the “ powerful of the world this,” and then perhaps you will be able to answer some personal questions that are tormenting you, but which you do not want to voice out loud. The answers are very often on the surface; people are simply accustomed to looking for a “double bottom” in the elementary.


The wolf is a predator that constantly moves towards its goal. He takes care of his family without thinking about the feelings and opinions of “strangers.” The wolf is cruel when defending his own. He will not look for ways to get closer to strangers, because everything alien is always a threat. The wolf is always secretive and rarely opens his heart to anyone. This predator comes only when he wants or considers it necessary to reward someone with his presence. There is no use calling him. He is not emotional, so sometimes it is difficult to withstand his “painful” restraint and “unemotionality.” If suddenly you find yourself on the Wolf’s list of enemies, then you just have to enjoy every moment of life as if it were your last, because Wolves do not forgive insults.

Wolves are most often: Capricorns, Aries, Sagittarius, Aquarius, Cancer.


Big cat. Proud and majestic. Physical form Leo's is always excellent, males are always large and strong. Leos are ready for exploits around the clock. They are eager to fight in order to always be on top. They do not know how to lose, lions are eternal winners. This animal is a born leader and leader. Leo knows that he is strong, and therefore does not understand the meaning of the words “loss”, “fatigue”, “concessions”, “compromise”. Leos do not do anything just for the sake of whim or pleasure, they live to “satisfy their hunger”, without offending anyone for the sake of ordinary self-satisfaction. Leos love luxury and wealth. They are accustomed to receiving aesthetic pleasure from everything that surrounds them. Kings are always favorable to their slaves. And the lion has always been and will be a king.

Leos are most often: Leos (sorry for the tautology), Scorpios, Capricorns.


The dog is sincere and trusted friend, an intelligent communicator and dedicated advocate. This animal is characterized by a heightened sense of justice in personal and work matters. The main “talent” of a dog is their ability to listen carefully and understand what their interlocutor needs from them. The dog does not like to be the center of attention, but it always appears at the right moment. This is a kind of friend - Superman.

Dogs are most often: Taurus, Virgo, Libra, Pisces.


The fox is always kind to others on the outside, but very cunning on the inside. Representatives of this animal species are found on all continents, in all countries, in every city. Her color is always bright, appearance attractive and luxurious. For her own benefit, the fox can dissemble, blackmail, “pocket” and take away, but she does all this beautifully, unobtrusively and without any trace of her “crime.” To be a fox means to make everyone fall in love with you. She - real woman by nature: beautiful, cunning and sometimes deadly.

Foxes are most often: Gemini, Scorpio, Pisces, Libra.


A domestic creature that needs protection. Sometimes “purring” with pleasure, and sometimes showing claws. They do not like separation and prefer the eternal campaign of warm and dear people. main feature this beauty - increased level egocentrism. Not receiving enough warmth and attention, she may become depressed. If you have done something wrong to the Cat, then don’t even dream that you will get away with it. Revenge will catch up with you.

If the Cat is in a bad mood, then you will immediately understand it. In this case, the main rule is to please and amuse. Only 100% attention and love can save the situation.

Cats are most often: Pisces, Virgo, Libra.


A stately, beautiful and cheerful animal. A horse always knows what is in fashion, which “field” has the most delicious grass, how to attract attention in a large crowd, and who she really needs in her life. The perfect combination intelligence and beauty. The horse rarely admits his mistakes and repents of his sins. She will blame circumstances and the people around her, but will never admit that she is wrong. Horses are in constant motion, they need dynamics and speed. Partner is required condition their happy life. The Horse likes to live with a backup plan for a rainy day.

Horses are most often: Gemini, Pisces, Libra.

Source Marina Poznyakova
