How to whiten skin at home. Whitening masks

Girls strive to have a perfect appearance, because everyone knows that there is no limit to perfection. Particular attention is paid to facial care. Below we will tell you how you can make your face clean and beautiful.

How to whiten your face

It is in appearance that impressions about a person are most often formed. Well-groomed hair, face and nails always indicate cleanliness and accuracy. But, unfortunately, the complexion often has a grayish or unhealthy tint. This may be due to various diseases, poor lifestyle, poor nutrition. It is not surprising that girls are interested in how to quickly return a clean and healthy complexion to their face.

Do not despair if you have a similar problem, your face is very sunburned or you are lucky enough to become the owner of freckles. Everything can be corrected: and remove freckles, and even out complexion and regain natural beauty.

So, there are many problems on the face that you want to get rid of as soon as possible. We will tell you some wonderful ways, some of them in 2 days or even overnight will help eliminate unwanted effects. So if you are very tanned in the summer, do not be sad, everything can be fixed quickly. We will look at some home remedies that will tell you how to get rid of an unhealthy shade or blemishes.

But note that you need to be as careful as possible with bleaching agents, as they can cause allergic reactions. Read the forum, find out the pros and cons of the chosen means or methods. If you are very tanned, then the face can be whitened quickly with the help of various compresses, lotions, whitening masks, lotions, essential oils. We also know how you can forget about pigmentation at 37 years old.

How to whiten your face at home

There are many reasons why women need to quickly whiten their face at home. Complexion is important when creating your own image, but achieving the desired shade is not so easy, especially if it is not in the best condition after tanning.

  1. Compresses. this is the simplest and easiest way to effectively whiten the part of the body you need on your own. You can use different whitening compresses. To do this, you will need a gauze cloth, which must first be moistened, for example, in lemon juice.
  2. Herbal lotions. You can make your own parsley tincture at home. Take those herbs that are available in your case, wipe the problem areas in the morning and evening and enjoy the excellent result!
  3. Gadgets. Many women who are interested in how to quickly whiten their face at home opt for lotions. They are easy to prepare, you can use the above herbs, but the main thing is that the products are fresh.

How to whiten the skin of the face with proven methods

At home, you can also use various tools. It is the masks that have a quick action, instant results and are easy to prepare. Just remember that you need to be very careful with chemical masks. One of these masks can be cottage cheese: mix 5 drops of hydrogen peroxide with 50 g of cottage cheese and egg yolk. Apply to face for 15 minutes.

To make the face take on a natural shade as quickly as possible, you can use a decoction with rice. It is prepared very simply: boil the rice to make it soft, strain and refrigerate. If you want, fill ice molds or other small containers with the decoction, and then simply wipe the skin with this ice. Since you can get dry skin as a result, be sure to use a softening nourishing cream.

How to whiten your face from sunburn

What else can you do to save your face from a dark tan? The most common remedy is soda. You can make an excellent whitening scrub from it, it will prepare the skin for the whitening process itself. Since soda has the ability to remove dead skin cells. Use baking soda if you want to get rid of blackheads, teenage acne and all sorts of pollution.

Hydrogen peroxide (3%) can be used. Just wipe the skin by soaking a cotton pad in the solution. But it is not recommended to use peroxide or lemon juice if the skin is dry and too sensitive.

Lovers of soaking up the sun must know how to quickly recover from sunburn. So, you can save yourself from unwanted or uneven tanning with a lemon, or more precisely, with lemon juice.

How to get rid of freckles

Freckles become a problem for many people. Some consider their presence attractive, but more often girls dream of getting rid of them.

A cucumber mask is very helpful in removing acne marks on the face. Peel the cucumber and rub on a fine grater. This will be much more effective than just applying a cucumber cut into circles. Cucumber juice is no less useful if you regularly wipe your face and neck with it. Parsley juice, currant berries, strawberries and even watermelon will also help get rid of spots after acne. But remember that any whitening procedure should take place in the evening so as not to be in direct sunlight for several hours. Otherwise, then you will have to get rid of the redness.

How to whiten your face with lemon

If you do not know how lemon can whiten your face, then the following recipe is for you. Take one fruit, squeeze the juice out of it, drip vinegar, and add some glycerin. This is a good after sun product.

If you've decided it's time to get rid of acne, a gray cast on your face, or those freckles you hate, then try lemon. Use various folk methods to find exactly yours, and go for a consultation with a beautician.

What else can you do to whiten your face?

We have already described in detail how to whiten your face with parsley, hydrogen peroxide and cucumber, soda and other folk remedies. Many women are interested in whether toothpaste can give the face the desired color.

Indeed, there are recipes for masks using toothpaste. It can be applied to specific areas of the skin or large freckles. But this method is not the best, as the paste strongly irritates the skin, redness and sometimes burns appear.

Cosmetics using hydroperite or novocaine are also popular for skin whitening. There are many recipes that include the addition of these drugs.

Often, women use zinc paste or blonde to combat freckles and pigmentation. If desired, you can whiten your face with aspirin. The main thing is to always keep the proportions exactly if you are going to use face whitening medications.

What creams whiten the skin of the face

Any beauty salon or store will help you choose the right cream with a whitening effect. The main thing is to carefully read the composition and make sure that there is no allergic reaction to the components. Some whitening creams can even be made on your own.

How to use whitening face cream

Be sure to read the instructions for use. Apply the cream not in the morning, but a few hours before rest. The skin should rest and not be exposed to ultraviolet rays. Pay special attention to the release date. Creams are safe for several weeks.

What oil whitens the skin of the face

Among the essential oils, there are many that are used for bleaching purposes. These are oils of lemon, tea tree, sandalwood, rose, carrot and many others. Cosmetic clay is also often used for whitening.

Now you know which cream or herbs will be helpful if you suffer from uneven tanning, hyperpigmentation or freckles. Try to fix the problem yourself, but if nothing worked out or the opposite effect turned out, we recommend that you immediately seek help from specialists.

The color of the skin of the whole body, and especially the face, is important for the overall impression of lightness and well-groomed appearance. In this regard, the question of how to whiten the skin is gaining more and more popularity, because for various reasons it can lose its healthy color and become covered with painful spots.

Both women and men dream of making an even, beautiful, and most importantly healthy skin tone. Fortunately, to achieve this goal, you do not need to spend money on expensive surgeries or cosmetics, since everything you need can be made at home from ingredients that are very easy to get.

Why whiten your skin

Before you understand at home, you should understand the purpose of this procedure. The reasons for the deterioration of its color can be very different. As a rule, people think about lightening the skin in the following situations:

  • a large number of age spots, chloasma, freckles or lentigo, spoiling the appearance;
  • too dark tan, which creates the effect of scalded skin;
  • dark skin of the face;
  • the appearance of gray or yellow spots;
  • the remaining traces of cosmetic procedures that do not disappear for a long time.

All these moments greatly spoil the appearance of the face and the whole body. They make their owners think about improving the condition of the skin and make it more presentable and well-groomed in appearance.


Like any cosmetics, home-made products have certain contraindications. Experienced dermatologists strongly do not recommend lightening the skin of the entire body, including the face and intimate areas, for owners of excessively dry skin. Whitening agents can quite dry it, resulting in flaking.

Immediately after applying masks, lotions or infusions, you should not go out into direct sunlight. Otherwise, irritations may appear on the skin, which will have to be disposed of by other means, including expensive medicines.

For people who have severe hyperpigmentation, it is better to consult a doctor before performing at-home whitening procedures. Perhaps the specialist will advise other methods for solving the problem, which will be less dangerous and more effective.

Before using the mask, you must make sure that there is no allergy to its components. At the same time, it must be remembered that even the minimum content of a component that causes allergic reactions can lead to serious problems.

Skin on the face

Having dealt with the reasons for the need to clean the skin, you can proceed directly to the review of the means with which you can effortlessly whiten the skin at home, without using the advice of specialists. They will help correct both congenital and acquired defects. Folk creams, masks and infusions will in no way harm the skin of the face, so you should not be afraid of them.

Of course, if you don’t want to prepare the products yourself, you can use hospital procedures, since you can also whiten your skin with their help. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that various peels will not only require financial costs, but can also harm the patient's health, since chemical acids are used there.

Details on how to whiten the skin of the face at home are described below. It lists the most effective ways to clean the face from unpleasant spots and other defects.

Whitening and rejuvenation

People are often interested not only in how to whiten the skin of the face at home, but also in how you can visually rejuvenate. A great way to fulfill these desires is to mix two interesting ingredients:

  • half an avocado;
  • about 7 drops of olive oil.

The first component must be thoroughly crushed to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then add olive oil to it and mix thoroughly.

It is not required to infuse the mixture, but it is best to store it in a dark, cold place. It is recommended to use it every day in the morning or in the evening. The product should be applied for 15 minutes on pre-cleansed skin, then rinse with warm water. Additionally, smearing the face is not required.


The combination of a teaspoon of honey, the same amount of potato starch and a couple of teaspoons of salt can whiten and remove keratinized particles. All ingredients must be mixed together until smooth.

Honey performs a nutritional function. It contains many beneficial elements for the skin. Thanks to him, the tone of the skin is quickly leveled.

Potato starch is designed to brighten the face. In addition, it is often called a substitute for Botox, because it can have a similar effect, only not chemical, but natural.

In this case, it is best to choose sea salt. It is she who has an excellent peeling property. Before connecting all the components of the mixture, it must be crushed in a blender.

For owners of dry and overly sensitive skin, it is best to add a teaspoon of milk here. It is required to apply the finished mask in a thin layer on the entire face, including the areas around the eyes and lips. As soon as the first layer dries a little, you need to immediately apply the second. In one session, it is necessary to use up the entire prepared mixture. Keep the mask on for up to 25 minutes. The course of clarification consists of 12 procedures, which should be carried out every other day.

Lightening by 1 tone

If desired, only a homemade cream will help to lighten the face by 1 tone. You can whiten your skin with it pretty quickly. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • egg white;
  • a teaspoon of honey;
  • slice of lemon;
  • 3 teaspoons of oatmeal.

The skin whitening cream is prepared in just 20 minutes. The first step is to beat the protein so that it can be saturated with oxygen and complete its task. After you need to chop a slice of lemon, combine all the components together and stir.

The finished mixture must be applied to the face and washed off after 15 minutes. Then, within 10 minutes, the skin needs to be allowed to breathe. During this period, you do not need to apply any other means to it. But after 10 minutes, it is allowed to use a moisturizer.

This type of mask tightens pores and perfectly smoothes the skin. Thanks to this, women of different ages are happy to use it and get great results.

Elimination of age spots

Men and women are increasingly asking how to whiten the skin and remove the hated age spots. In fact, solving this problem is very simple. To do this, you need to take any citrus product (tangerine, lemon, lime or grapefruit) and wipe them with juice or by themselves on the skin of the face. This is allowed to be done several times a day.

Tone mask

Another interesting mask that helps whiten the skin and even out its tone. It is made from the following components:

  • honey - a teaspoon;
  • grapefruit juice - a couple of drops;
  • half lemon.

First you need to squeeze the juice from part of the lemon as much as possible, and then combine it with the rest of the ingredients and mix well. It is best to apply the mixture to the skin with a cotton pad, as it will help distribute it evenly. You should not apply a mask close to the eyes and lips, as this can provoke inflammatory processes. It is allowed to wash it off after about 15-20 minutes under running water.


A remedy that can be prepared even in the village does not need popularity. It is very effective and reliable, which every person who tries it on himself can quickly see. To prepare the infusion you will need:

  • parsley - a bunch;
  • boiling water - a glass.

The ingredients must be combined in a separate container and closed with a lid. You need to infuse the tool until it cools down. Then they are allowed to wash or wipe their face with cotton swabs soaked in it.

You can use the infusion 2-3 times a day. The first noticeable results can be seen after about a week of daily rubbing.

How to whiten body skin

Age spots are the most common reason for the need for skin whitening. They can appear in a variety of places and be very noticeable.

The leader in the fight against such problems is lemon juice. In order to achieve a good result, you need to mix 5 drops of this juice and about 50 grams of homemade melted honey. The resulting mixture must be applied to problem areas of the skin and kept for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with running water. This mask is recommended for morning use. But if it is not possible to do it immediately after waking up, then the procedure can be transferred to the evening, but then a pinch of wheat flour will have to be added to the mixture. Immediately after washing off the mask, apply a nourishing cream to the treated area.

An equally effective way to whiten the skin is hydrogen peroxide. It does not need to be mixed with anything, as it is not capable of corroding the skin and causing irritation. With this liquid, you only need to moisten a cotton pad and gently walk over the dark areas of the body. You can do this about 3-5 times a day. Peroxide can not only lighten the natural skin tone, but also eliminate pigment and age spots, as well as significantly reduce the visibility of acne and scars.

Intimate parts

Women quite often look for the answer to the question of how to whiten the skin in intimate places. Such a need may arise in connection with various situations, so there are several options for resolving them.

The most famous and effective are masks made on the basis of white clay. They make it possible to quickly and effectively whiten the skin in intimate places at home. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that with their frequent use, the skin can dry out and undergo unpleasant changes in the form of inflammation and microcracks.

Hydrogen peroxide can also be used to lighten intimate areas, but for this it will need to be combined with a small amount of ordinary running water. Having soaked a piece of cotton wool with such a liquid, they need to process the necessary area for half an hour. It is not required to wash it off in the future from the affected areas, since such a solution does not pose any danger to the skin.

In the old days, it was considered a privilege of the upper class. Secular ladies of all ages protected her from the sun's rays, from redness and the appearance of dark spots. Secret knowledge of how to whiten the skin of the face was passed down from generation to generation in every family in order to maintain its noble appearance and freshness.

Nowadays, makeup artists consider their matte milky skin tone to be the perfect “canvas” for sophisticated stylish makeup for girls. But in the spring and summer, a variety of cosmetic problems begin to appear among the fair sex: from perky freckles to age-related chloasma, lentigo, liver spots and other pigmented formations. Some of them are quite harmless, for example, ephelids, or "kisses of the sun", while others require an accurate diagnosis, as they are symptoms of disease.

Where to begin?

Before whitening the skin, it is necessary with the help of specialists to determine the nature of its darkening. In cases associated with diseases of the internal organs, you will first have to eliminate the cause, and then proceed to restore the natural beauty.

Where is it better to whiten: in a beauty salon or at home?

In the salon, the skin whitening procedure consists of two stages:

Decreased production of melanin pigment;

Exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

Method one - chemical peeling

Previously, cosmetologists used salicylic alcohol (20%), phenol or an ointment containing mercury for this purpose. These components were unsafe, so they were replaced by natural alpha hydroxy acids, or AHAs: lactic, citric, glycolic, pineapple, grapefruit, tartaric, citrus, and passionflower. In addition, beauticians have the ability to reduce melanin synthesis, knowing how to whiten the skin with the help of effective chemical peels, they will be able to correctly select the concentration of AHA and recommend the correct subsequent care: with a moisturizing or active regenerating cream.

Method two - laser whitening of the face, neck, décolleté and hands

With age-related skin changes in women, formation with a high content of melanin often occurs. Home skin lightening procedures in this case do not bring the desired effect. Doctors-cosmetologists with the help of a modern laser device in just a couple of sessions will help whiten these areas absolutely painlessly without injuring the surrounding tissues.

When can whitening treatments be performed?

Experts recommend brightening the skin with chemical peels and laser resurfacing in beauty salons from September to April, when they are not as active as in the summer. Home whitening procedures, which are less aggressive than salon ones, can be successfully performed in the summer, but only in the evening. In the afternoon, after any lightening procedures, you will have to protect the skin with creams with SPF protection of at least 30-50 units, wide-brimmed hats, especially during periods of increased sun activity - from 10 am to 5 pm. By the way, it must be remembered that the celestial body, covered by clouds, can also stimulate the formation of age spots on the skin.

How to whiten the skin of the face if freckles and pigmentation are not very noticeable? Velvet covers with a milky tint can be obtained at home. For this purpose, plants with good bleaching properties have long been used: lemon, parsley, cucumber, some types of berries: strawberries, raspberries, watermelon. Brewer's yeast nourishes and whitens the skin well. In masks with a brightening effect, experts advise adding animal products: cottage cheese, milk, egg white, kefir or sour cream. The queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, was famous for her amazingly beautiful skin, which she had thanks to milk baths. And the royals of the Middle Ages rejuvenated and whitened their skin in champagne baths. Today, many beauties know how to whiten their skin with mineral water, toning and giving it a healthy, even tone.

Minerals such as hydrogen peroxide, kaolin and zinc contribute to skin lightening. You need to add them to masks very carefully (especially zinc). Girls with dry skin type need to be extremely careful with these substances.

Important! When choosing how to whiten the skin of the face and body, you need to consult with a competent cosmetologist. Homemade masks with natural products not only brighten, but also rejuvenate, moisturize and nourish, prevent the formation of wrinkles, improving the appearance.

The complexion is very important for the overall impression of well-groomed and light appearance, but it can be so difficult to achieve. Bad habits make it yellow, diseases of the internal organs - gray, excessive sunburn - red-chocolate, problems with blood vessels - spotted.

Therefore, at a certain point, the problem arises of how to whiten the skin of the face so that it acquires an even, healthy, beautiful color. It turns out that this can be easily done even at home.

The reasons for the deterioration of the complexion can be different - at what point do you need to sound the alarm, how can you whiten your skin quickly and effectively? You need to think about lightening the face if:

  • the number of age spots (freckles, chloasma, lentigo) is too large and spoils the appearance;
  • it so happened that you did not calculate the time of your stay in the sun and the tan turned out to be too dark, up to a painful beauty, as if the skin was scalded;
  • the skin is very dark, as if you had just arrived from the Yugs;
  • if the complexion has become gray or yellow;
  • if after some certain cosmetic procedures (not necessarily even salon ones) the marks do not go away for a long time: these may be small purple scars, reddish nodular formations.

All this spoils the appearance of the face and makes you seriously think about how to whiten the skin and make it look more presentable and well-groomed. Before you rush to the beauty salon, you can first use home remedies and methods.

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Home remedies for skin lightening

To whiten your skin at home, you'll need herbs (both fresh and dried), essential oils, and regular foods. There are a number of time-tested tools and methods on how to bring the complexion in order and make it bright, even and beautiful. You can try different methods and choose the one that works best for you.

  • 1. Compresses

A whitening compress is a gauze cloth abundantly moistened with the active substance (curdled milk, herbal infusion, lemon juice, etc.), applied to the face for 10-15 minutes. Compresses can be done 2 times a week.

  • 2. Herbal lotions

Want to know how to whiten the skin specifically? Make infusions of herbs such as yarrow, licorice, dandelion, parsley or bearberry, wipe your face with them twice a day - the result will not be long in coming.

  • 3. Gadgets

From the same herbs that were indicated for the preparation of infusions, but only necessarily fresh, as well as some products, very effective lotions can be made if you need to whiten a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face (for example, forehead or post-acne). They can be used every other day.

  • 4. Brightening masks

If you do not know how to quickly whiten your skin in record time, it's time to turn to homemade masks that effectively solve this problem. They are easy to prepare, have almost instant action and amazing results.

  • 5. Essential oils

In bleaching agents, you can add 3-4 drops of anti-pigment essential oils: birch, oregano, turmeric, mint, patchouli, black pepper, rosemary, sandalwood or eucalyptus.

Choose methods that you can use regularly, that will be available to you at any time, to refresh the skin, tone it and get rid of brown spots, which often become a terrible complex.

Best Facial Whitening Recipes

Sometimes there are situations when you urgently need to put yourself in order, and there is not enough information and knowledge on how to whiten the skin of the face quickly at home. Now you will not have such a problem: study the recipes for brightening products, memorize, try and enjoy the effect achieved.

  • 1. Berry compress

Squeeze juice from viburnum or currant (red or black) berries, moisten gauze in it, apply for 15 minutes.

  • 2. Berry-honey mask

Mix the pulp of red currant (2 tablespoons) with honey (a teaspoon).

  • 3. Mask of parsley

If you do not know how to whiten the skin from a tan that is uneven and spoils the appearance of the face, use this wonderful mask. Chop the parsley, mix (2 tablespoons) with natural honey (a tablespoon) and lemon juice (a teaspoon).

  • 4. Masks from dairy products

Kefir and sour cream have the ability to lighten the skin, from which you can make great masks. For 2 tablespoons of the product you will need a tablespoon of lemon pulp.

  • 5. Cucumber mask

Grate the cucumber, mix (2 tablespoons) with the same amount of chopped parsley, sour cream (a tablespoon), add lemon juice (a teaspoon).

  • 6. Lotions

Squeeze juice from horseradish, dilute with cold water in a ratio of 1:1. Similarly, you can lighten the skin with hydrogen peroxide (3%) or lemon, from which you need to squeeze the juice. Such lotions are contraindicated for sensitive and dry skin.

  • 7. Multi-ingredient lotion

Mix lemon juice (a tablespoon) with milk (half a glass), vodka (2 tablespoons) and sugar (a teaspoon).

  • 8. Lemon-Vinegar Lotions

Another recipe that will tell you how to whiten your skin after sunburn in just 20 minutes. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix with table vinegar and glycerin in equal amounts.

  • 9. Soda lotions

food baking soda also brightens the skin as part of lotions: dissolve a pinch of soda in 4-5 tablespoons of water, moisten a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the problem area.

  • 10. Wine lotions

Mix a solution of wine vinegar (a tablespoon) with yogurt (2 tablespoons) and wheat flour (a teaspoon).

Now you know how to whiten your skin quickly, even at home, from pigmentation, from unhealthy colors, and from uneven or unsuccessful tanning. After applying effective brightening products, your skin will shine with porcelain whiteness, which, by the way, is always in fashion.

We have already written more than once how to lighten the skin of the face at home. This topic is not only extensive, but also in demand by women of all ages.

Even cute freckles sometimes cause significant discomfort to their owners, not to mention pigmentation, acne spots, remnants of excessive sunburn and a dull complexion.

In order for the skin tone to be even, yellowness and grayness to go away, it is not enough to use decorative cosmetics and try to mask imperfections. And daily skin care is also not enough if a woman has such problems.

Today we will talk about why you need to whiten your skin, what are the rules for using homemade skin lightening recipes and, of course, introduce you to new recipes for whitening masks and other home remedies based on natural products.

Why lighten your skin?

The main reason we have already mentioned is aesthetic. A woman cannot look and feel well-groomed if spots and acne marks appear on her face, if dark circles under her eyes are visible, her complexion is gray or yellowish. Any of us will try to deal with such a situation: someone will go to a beautician, and someone will use folk remedies and try to cope with homemade masks, lotions and scrubs.

And, of course, the skin will not acquire a good color if it is not regularly nourished. Weekly, or even 2-3 times a week, prepare nourishing masks from natural products, they are safe and perfectly supply the epidermis with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Here you will find a selection of such masks for different skin types:.

The best masks for skin lightening

We offer the most effective recipes for skin lightening masks at home. Choose the formulations that suit your skin type, test them and be sure to find those that will help you achieve the desired result. Repeat the procedures in a course of 10-14 times, and then change the composition of the mask.

Cucumber is a wonderful product for skin care. As part of homemade masks, it perfectly moisturizes the skin, saturates it with microelements and whitens it. The effect will be greatly enhanced when combined with helpers such as parsley and lemon.

Cucumber - 1 piece
Parsley greens - 1 bunch

Grind a small cucumber on a grater or in a blender. Finely chop a small bunch of parsley to make about 2 tablespoons. Squeeze out fresh lemon juice. Mix everything and apply on the face, neck and décolleté. Where pigmentation often appears. Leave the mixture on your face for 20 minutes and wash your face with slightly acidified lemon water.

Cottage cheese as part of brightening masks for spring pigmentation can be mixed with a variety of products: salt, parsley and dandelion juice, egg and hydrogen peroxide. From the proposed recipe, choose what you like best and use to improve complexion.

Curd - 2 tablespoons
Milk - 1 teaspoon
Egg yolk - 1 piece
Parsley greens - a small bunch
Fresh dandelion leaves - 5-6 pieces
Salt - 1 pinch

Ingredients 1: mix cottage cheese with milk, pour in parsley juice and add a pinch of salt.
Composition 2: rub cottage cheese with finely chopped dandelion leaves.
Composition 3: mix cottage cheese with raw yolk and add peroxide.
Keep the composition on your face for no more than 15 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

Honey is an indispensable product for skin care, it supplies it with very useful vitamins and microelements. And in combination with lemon juice, it perfectly whitens age spots and freckles. It is better to use this mask in the morning, before washing. The face after the procedures remains fresh for the whole day.

Natural honey - 1-2 tablespoons
Lemon juice - ¼ teaspoon

Mix the ingredients and apply on face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with cool water and proceed with further skin care and makeup.

Yeast is often used in homemade masks. They contain a lot of substances useful for the skin, and in combination with hydrogen peroxide, they can fight even very strong pigmentation.

Raw yeast - 1 tablespoon
Hydrogen peroxide - 5-6 drops

Mix yeast and peroxide, if the mask is too thick, add some fresh milk. Apply to problem areas and keep until completely dry. Then rinse with water.

Starch is known as a wonderful product for nourishing the skin, it perfectly tightens and rejuvenates the skin, providing the effect of Botox. In addition, starch also whitens, so it is used in masks for pigmentation on the face.

Potato starch - 2 tablespoons
Honey - 1 dessert spoon
Salt - 1 whisper
Milk - 1 tablespoon

Mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous slurry is formed and apply to the face in several stages as the previous layer dries. In total, hold the composition on your face for up to 25-30 minutes and then wash your face.

Parsley is an excellent skin bleach. But in combination with lemon and honey, the effect is enhanced, whitening age spots, freckles, post-acne marks.

Parsley greens - 1 bunch
Honey - 1 tablespoon
Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

Finely chop the parsley and take about 2 tablespoons. Add liquid honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice. This mask should be kept on the face for 15-20 minutes and washed off with cool water.

Express methods for fair skin

  • An excellent face mask with a nourishing and brightening effect will come from banana pulp and cream.
  • To whiten dark skin around the eyes, boil a potato, mash it and mix it with finely chopped parsley.
  • Mix the pulp of red currant with a teaspoon of honey - you get an excellent brightening mask.
  • Mash the pulp of a melon or strawberry and simply apply it on your face. In 10-15 minutes you will get the result.
  • In the cream you are using, add lemon, orange, grapefruit, rosemary, sandalwood, vanilla, or turmeric essential oils. This will give the cream extra. Enough 1-2 drops per single serving of cream (5 grams).

Prevention of pigmentation and dark complexion

  1. In order for the face to retain its fresh color, you need to pay attention to the state of your health. Detect and treat skin diseases and problems of internal organs in a timely manner.
  2. If you want to look good, you have to give up smoking, alcohol abuse and junk food.
  3. Always, at any time of the year, protect your skin from harmful solar radiation. Wear sunscreen even in winter, it is better if they contain zinc oxide, which is an excellent barrier against UV radiation.
  4. Do not sunbathe in the sun between 10-11 am and 4-5 pm. Wear hats and sunglasses when it's hot.
  5. Nourish and moisturize your skin regularly so that it stays healthy longer and can withstand the harmful factors of the environment and time.

Remember that a healthy, fresh complexion speaks of your grooming and youth. Use additional tips from this video:

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