Knee-elbow position for pregnant women for what. Knee-elbow position during pregnancy: salvation or another pacifier? Contraindications of the knee-elbow position during pregnancy

When a woman carries a baby in her womb, she is constantly under the control of doctors. Gynecologists and obstetricians, observing the course of pregnancy, can prescribe to the patient not only medication, but also instructions regarding the necessary positions of the body. So, for example, recently pregnant women are increasingly faced with such a concept as the knee-elbow position during pregnancy. According to experts, this position is extremely useful for future women in labor. What exactly is its use, and how to properly position the body, we will tell further.

The position, referred to in obstetrics as the knee-elbow, is one of the available methods from the arsenal of therapeutic agents designed to alleviate and improve the condition of pregnancy. This method is completely safe.

Indications for use

The knee-elbow position of the body is recommended for patients in the position, as a rule, after the 20th week of pregnancy. This position, which is shown in the photos and videos below, can alleviate the condition of a woman if the pregnancy does not proceed according to the norms or any disorders are observed. In addition, it helps to ensure that the baby takes the correct position in terms of childbirth.

Given that the body of the expectant mother is going through changes throughout all 9 months of pregnancy, we can assume a change in the work of vital systems. By influencing nearby organs, the uterus with the fetus in it causes certain disorders that entail unpleasant sensations and even adverse consequences.

So, for example, the bladder is not fully able to work, causing frequent urge to defecate, and sometimes involuntary urination. In some cases, improper functioning of the bladder provokes fluid retention in the body, which can lead to swelling and, as a result, the development of prerequisites for preeclampsia.

In addition, the intestines are infringed, some vessels of the circulatory system are pinched, and the musculoskeletal system is “loaded”. Another situation in which it is recommended to take the knee-elbow position for pregnant women is (, oblique, transverse).

The knee-elbow position allows you to reduce discomfort and stress on internal systems and organs, and also increases the likelihood that, if the position is incorrect, the fetus will be able to roll over before delivery.

If you do this pose correctly and regularly (as described in the video below), you can create conditions under which the muscles of the uterus will be relaxed. This will allow the uterus to stay at rest more often, which will favorably affect pregnancy.

Why doctors recommend the knee-elbow position, we figured it out. Now you should explain how to properly start performing a special exercise.

Obstetricians are advised to take a knee-elbow position, starting from the 20th week. This specific relaxation exercise should be done several times during the day. Taking this position is not only useful, but also safe, so the pregnant woman herself can determine the number of repetitions.

To take the knee-elbow position, excessive effort is not required. The step-by-step technique for performing the exercise, which the video instruction teaches, is as follows:

  • Get on all fours and then get down on your elbows;
  • Lower your shoulders and head so that the pelvis is above their level;
  • Focus on your own feelings so that there is no discomfort, pain, dizziness.

To make it comfortable to stay in this position for 15 minutes, you can use two pillows, placing one under your knees and the other between your arms under your chest, as shown in the video instructions.

You can notice the beneficial effect of the exercise on the first day. As a result of a 15-minute stay in the knee-elbow position, the pregnant woman notes unloading of the lumbar region, relieving tension in the lower abdomen, eliminating uterine tone, and improving overall well-being.

For a baby in the womb, the knee-elbow position is also beneficial. During the performance of such an exercise, the supply of oxygen to the fetus improves, on which, in turn, the heart rate and the development of the baby as a whole depend.

can alleviate some of the complications that have arisen. The article tells in what cases it is worth applying it, how to do it and what problems can be solved by applying such a provision.

Indications for the knee-elbow position

Gynecologists prescribe the implementation of the knee-elbow position for almost every future mother who has stepped over the middle of the full term of bearing a child. This method refers to a non-drug method of treatment, but is considered quite effective.

The doctor recommends it for the manifestation of gestosis. So called toxicosis in the later stages of pregnancy. This is a generalized definition, since preeclampsia can manifest itself in the form of severe edema, slow metabolism, poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver, high blood pressure and convulsions.

The use of the knee-elbow position is indicated for the usual manifestations of edema, back pain. With slow work of the kidneys and stagnation of urine, this posture is considered therapeutic. To improve blood circulation, as a prevention of varicose veins and the manifestation of vascular networks on the body, the same provision should be applied.

In anticipation of the onset of labor, in the last weeks, this position is prescribed for pregnant women so that the child takes the head presentation. This version of the presentation greatly facilitates the process of childbirth for the mother and child.

How to accept and how long to perform the knee-elbow position

Such a pose will be beneficial for a pregnant woman if it is systematically performed correctly. Will help take knee-elbow position photo, or a picture with an image, or you can follow these recommendations:

  • you need to kneel, which are at a short distance from each other;
  • lower the upper body and stand on the elbows;
  • the upper body should be lowered below the pelvis;
  • put a pillow under the elbows;
  • the chest almost touches the floor, and the upper part of the legs is perpendicular to it;

The implementation of the above instructions will help to take the most effective posture for therapeutic purposes.

It is necessary to start taking this position for treatment or prevention after the 20th week of pregnancy, when the pressure of the enlarged uterus on other organs and blood vessels becomes significant. Such a pose will bring results in the case of daily, at least three times a day, its implementation. It is worth starting with 5 minutes of performing the knee-elbow position. Gradually, the time spent in this position should be increased at a time. You can stay in this position for up to 30 minutes.

In addition to the planned implementation of such a position, it is worth taking it every time when back pain begins to torment, breathing worsens. This method of treatment has no contraindications, therefore it is recommended for expectant mothers with a normal pregnancy.

Benefits of the knee-elbow pose

Knee-elbow position during pregnancy, with systematic implementation, improves well-being and is able to solve a number of the following problems:

  1. This position helps the baby in the last weeks or days of pregnancy to roll over head down and take a position that will help the woman give birth to him in a natural way, without resorting to a caesarean section. The recovery of both the child and the mother proceeds much faster if the birth took place in this way.
  2. This position reduces pressure on the musculoskeletal system, pain in the legs, back, which occurs after prolonged sitting on a chair, lying on your side, walking, standing in line and other familiar situations.
  3. The occurrence of edema of the extremities decreases or stops with regular performance of the knee-elbow posture.
  4. Kidney function improves in this position. It also contributes to the complete regular cleansing of the bladder. This prevents puffiness, which in turn improves well-being and appearance.
  5. The uterus with the baby and amniotic fluid puts pressure on the blood vessels, which increases the load on the heart and speeds up the pulse. Taking a knee-elbow position, photo, pictures or the above recommendations describe how to do it correctly, you can reduce pressure on the circulatory system and reduce an unacceptably large number of heart beats per minute. The pulse should not exceed 110 beats in 60 seconds.
  6. From small manifestations of preeclampsia, you can completely get rid of the use of the knee-elbow posture. This situation partially relieves symptoms of severe gestosis.
  7. The appearance of the vascular network is treated using the above position during pregnancy.

To improve well-being, get rid of back pain, reduce swelling of the limbs, ease breathing, help the child take a head presentation will help a simple way that involves performing a knee-elbow position.

The positive effect of the knee-elbow position cannot be underestimated - during pregnancy, doctors recommend that every expectant mother practice it. The position helps not only to achieve relief from the burden - every week the uterus grows in size, constricting the diaphragm and other organs. Also, the knee-elbow position has a preventive effect on certain diseases and complications, especially characteristic of pregnant women.

It makes sense to practice this position, starting from about the 20th week of gestation, that is, from the period when the intensive growth of the abdominal circumference begins. How many times a day to take the knee-elbow position, and how long to stay in it, is decided by each independent mother-to-be. Minimum - two or three approaches during the day, each for at least 5 minutes. Optimally - three sets of 30 minutes each. If there is an opportunity to do more, it is only welcome.

How to take the knee-elbow position?

The pose looks the same as a similar position with intimacy - the woman leans on straightened knees and elbows. However, during pregnancy, there is another immutable condition - the pelvis must be located above the head and shoulders.

The main thing is that the position should be comfortable. The use of pillows or gymnastic balls as a support for the hands is encouraged. If they are not, then it is advisable to lower your head to the floor.

What are the benefits of the knee-elbow position

Firstly, the knee-elbow position during pregnancy makes it easier to bear the burden, reduces the load on the internal organs. For example, in the later stages, the uterus can compress the urinary tract, loading the kidneys and making it difficult to urinate. 20-30 minutes in this position remove the problem and with difficulty in defecation.

The positive effect of the knee-elbow position:

  • reducing the load on the spine and the entire lumbar spine;
  • reducing the likelihood of edema on the body;
  • stimulates the fetus to turn head first in case of improper presentation of the fetus in the womb- this method is a gymnastics, when the body of a pregnant woman should take an inclination in one direction or another, depending on the position of the fetus;
  • prevention of preeclampsia- preeclampsia, that is, various complications during pregnancy, is the most common cause of perinatal fetal death;
  • prevention of pyelonephritis- a woman's kidneys experience a special load during pregnancy; regular exercises on the knee-elbow position almost eliminates the development of pyelonephritis in the acute stage, reduces the likelihood of exacerbation in the chronic stage.

Thus, regular homework with this position is an indispensable preparation for childbirth for every expectant mother. The knee-elbow position, practiced during pregnancy in the second and third trimesters, should not be considered a panacea for all problems. But it practically eliminates the manifestations of a number of serious complications.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time of waiting for a new family member. However, very often the condition of a woman worsens for various reasons. The benefits of exercise have long been proven and without them it is impossible to maintain a healthy lifestyle. At the stage of gestation, a moderate load on the body will help to avoid many complications. Let's deal with the effectiveness of the knee-elbow posture. What are the contraindications, and how to properly perform.

What is the knee-elbow position

The knee-elbow pose is an exercise from the category of therapeutic and prophylactic gymnastics. The people roughly nicknamed this rack "cancer". From the second trimester, the uterus grows rapidly, and all the internal organs of a pregnant woman are squeezed. For this reason, there is an exacerbation of chronic diseases, the load on the musculoskeletal system increases, the internal organs begin to malfunction. At this stage, physical exercises that can alleviate the condition of a woman will come in handy.

Useful properties of the knee-elbow position during pregnancy in different trimesters

Pregnancy is a normal physiological state of a woman. However, this process is characterized by a powerful load on all organs and systems. If a girl did not carefully prepare for pregnancy, then it will be quite difficult to survive the next 9 months. Therapeutic exercise is considered an excellent adjuvant for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Doctors recommend the knee-elbow position after the 20th week of gestation, and the exercise brings the following benefits to the woman:

  • prevents stagnant manifestations in the pelvis;
  • improves blood flow in the uterus, placenta, internal organs;
  • improves the functions of digestion;
  • reduces edematous syndrome;
  • increases the outflow of urine;
  • releases breath;
  • reduces dizziness;
  • relieves the symptoms of varicose veins;
  • reduces uterine hypertonicity;
  • unloads the spine;
  • reduces manifestations of late gestosis.

Usually, the cat's pose is recommended for performance in the second and third trimester, but for the prevention of various complications, with toxicosis, it is also useful in the early stages. At the beginning of pregnancy, a handstand on all fours will keep the body in good shape, strengthen muscles and ligaments, increase blood circulation in the pelvis, and prepare the body for childbirth.

Exercise has a beneficial effect on the condition of the fetus. Since this posture relieves pressure from the mother's inferior vena cava, improves blood circulation, respectively, the child receives more oxygen and nutrients. In the third trimester, the exercise is also shown with an incorrect (transverse, pelvic) location of the fetus.

Until the 36th week of gestation, the baby should take the head position. If this does not happen, it is necessary to exclude the pathological causes of the complication. For example: a short umbilical cord, malformations of the child, tumors or defects of the uterus, etc.

Incorrect position of the fetus can become a condition for a caesarean section

The systematic implementation of the knee-elbow stand helps the child to take the correct (head) position before childbirth. When pregnancy proceeds without complications, the cat pose is used for prevention and general healing of the body. If the gynecologist did not advise to perform the exercise, the woman herself needs to ask the doctor for recommendations on this issue.

Very interesting, in my opinion, is the position of the progressive obstetrician-gynecologist E.P. Berezovskaya. Its statements are based on scientific research, professional experience and practical activities. In particular, the doctor says and writes that mild edematous syndrome during pregnancy is a natural process and does not require therapy. This phenomenon is facilitated by an increase in the volume of circulating blood, a slow metabolism, and hormonal characteristics. If a woman has no other complaints, and she does not swell instantly, like a ball, with the progression of a negative state. Exceptions are serious diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart in a woman's history, which, of course, must be treated.

The knee-elbow position is productive both at the stage of pregnancy and at the time of labor.

Surviving the first period of contractions in a knee-elbow position on a fitball is much easier

Are there any contraindications for exercise

The knee-elbow stand has no special contraindications and is absolutely harmless to the mother and fetus. The only limitation may be the ability of a woman to perform a stand and personal well-being.

Technique for performing the knee-elbow position

Making the knee-elbow position is extremely simple:

  • get on all fours, knees slightly apart;
  • shift body weight on the forearms;
  • bend your elbows;
  • position the head and shoulders below the level of the pelvis.

It is permissible to put a pillow under the head and chest. The main condition for the exercise is a feeling of comfort, relaxation. Ridiculous would be recommendations to stand 2-3 times a day for 20-30 minutes. And if it doesn't work? Pain, discomfort or other unpleasant symptoms? A pregnant woman is obliged to take into account her well-being and do the rack as much as she can. You should start with the minimum execution time and gradually increase the duration.
The intensity and duration of the knee-elbow exercise depends on the well-being, physical fitness of the pregnant woman

Ideally, you need to do the exercise on a hard surface. For example, gender. Alternatively, you can use a fitball. When tension is felt during the stand, then the position is taken incorrectly. If leaning on outstretched arms is not very comfortable, you can spread your elbows a little to the sides and place one palm on top of the other. The back is not recommended to bend too much. The fetus during the exercise can move vigorously or, conversely, calm down. Excessively painful tremors of the baby indicate the trouble of such a situation for him.

Obviously, in the early stages, it is much easier to stand in a cat pose. Body weight and uterus are still small. In the second and third trimester, a significant increase in volume can make the exercise impossible. If it is difficult for a woman to accept such a position, or she experiences dizziness, pain, there is no need to force the body, but to find more suitable procedures to alleviate unpleasant symptoms.

Reviews about the knee-elbow position during pregnancy

It helped me from incomprehensible pains in the abdomen (either ligaments, or intestines), and from pain in the lower back. There is simply no point in standing, you need to do a “kitty” (if there are no contraindications) or slightly “twist” your booty, sway.


When the doctor told me to stand like that, I giggled, and then I tried it - you really have a rest. It was very convenient.–189670328/

For me, this pose was the best salvation from edema in the hot summer. And the back rested. Even most of the fights in the second birth, I spent on all fours, the doctors did not mind, but it was much easier for me


In the late stages of the third pregnancy, edema began to bother me, there were no other complaints. The gynecologist prescribed the knee-elbow position among other treatments (medications, baths). The doctor said that you need to do as much as you can. To be honest, this position was very difficult for me: my legs and arms were numb. Performed as far as possible, but the swelling stopped only after childbirth. Therefore, for me, the effectiveness of the exercise was zero.

Doctors' opinion

Russian doctors actively recommend the knee-elbow position to pregnant women both for prevention and to alleviate various complications. These tips are typical for any gestation period. Depending on the severity of the disease, the exercise is proposed to be performed separately or as part of complex therapy. Scientific medicine takes the opposite view on this issue.

I would like to give the opinion of the progressive obstetrician-gynecologist E.P. Berezovskaya. She considers the knee-elbow position to be completely useless and ineffective in alleviating the condition of the pregnant woman. However, this position is spoken of as convenient during sex, when a large belly interferes with the classic sexual intercourse. I think, from a scientific point of view, it is difficult to argue with such a position. It is unlikely that you can expect to cure all the complications of bearing with the help of the position on all fours, but it is quite possible to use the exercise in the complex of special gymnastics for pregnant women in order to improve the overall health of the body, cheer up, improve blood circulation and other positive aspects. For women planning pregnancy, it is simply necessary to raise the level of their knowledge in order to make intelligent decisions about health issues.

In a pregnant woman, due to the fact that the uterus greatly increases in size, all the organs that are in the abdominal region change, they can shift, squeeze because of this, stagnation is observed. This does not mean pathological processes, but the woman experiences discomfort, severe pain. The uterus can put pressure on the vessels - the aorta, vena cava, so the load on the heart area increases significantly. Because of this, the woman is worried about the constants, she does not have enough oxygen. When the uterus grows, it begins to put pressure on the kidneys, it is difficult for a pregnant woman to go to the toilet. In this situation, a knee-elbow position is necessary.

The impact of the knee-elbow position on the body of a pregnant woman

In order to perform this exercise, you need to purchase a small pillow, it is placed under the top of the body. You can perform this exercise even at the last stage of pregnancy, for this you need to lower your knees to the floor, then lower your whole body on your hands, they should be bent at the elbow joints. Thus, the load is redistributed, the uterus begins to rise up and down, while the kidneys, ureter, urinary system and other organs located in the abdominal cavity, as well as large vessels, are released from its pressure.

After the knee-elbow position, blood circulation in the organs improves. This method of treatment should be used by all pregnant women in the second trimester, first performed for half an hour three times a day. Then, in order for the effect to be noticeable, you need to lower your shoulders below the pelvis, raise your buttocks above your head. Please note that in order not to harm yourself and the baby, you need to choose a comfortable position for yourself, use a pillow.

Benefits during pregnancy from the knee-elbow position of the body

This method does not require the use of special medications, so it can be used in the first or third trimester, no side effects were noticed from it. It is also recommended to perform the position for preventive purposes, with the help of it you can improve the health of a pregnant woman.

You need to do the exercise as much as possible from the second trimester, so you can protect yourself from toxicosis, while medications will not be needed.

Knee-elbow position with breech presentation of the fetus

The norm, when the child is turned to the birth canal with the head, then the birth will pass without problems. But often the baby can turn the pelvis, such childbirth is impossible in its own way, only surgical intervention is needed here.

Gynecologists are convinced that the baby turns up to 35 weeks in the correct position, some a few days before labor. It is very important in this situation to help the child take the correct position, with the help of the knee-elbow posture this can be done.

Technique for performing the knee-elbow position

1. The surface must be stable.

2. Put your knees on the floor.

3. The weight of the body must be transferred to the hands.

5. Efficiency will increase if the shoulders and head are lowered lower than the buttocks.

6. Put your forehead on a pillow, you can stretch it under the armpits and under the chest, so the rest will be comfortable.

7. Can be used for fitball position.

You need to get up in this position in the morning, afternoon, evening. If there is a need, then much more often. You need to stand in it for up to half an hour, pay attention to your well-being.

Contraindications of the knee-elbow position during pregnancy

This position is absolutely safe, it has no contraindications, with the help of it you can alleviate your condition without taking special medications. Just note that the exercise must be performed correctly, the head should be located lower than the buttocks. In the event that your stomach does not allow you to fully perform the exercise, you begin to feel a rush of blood, the pain is pulsating, you need to use a pillow.

Thus, the knee-elbow position is the best method for improving the condition of the organs during pregnancy, when they suffer from stagnant processes, impaired blood circulation, it is especially useful for the intestines, kidneys, urinary tract, and the muscular system, helps to relax them, relieves pain and tension. . It is important not to forget to do it regularly.
