Does almond oil help eyelash growth? Where to look for eyelash oil: review of products

In addition, the oil affects the eyelash and hair bulb at the molecular level, which helps to “awaken” the bulb and activates the growth of new eyelashes.
In order to extract maximum benefit from healing masks based almond oil, you need to know a few secrets correct application of this tool.

Almond kernels contain up to 60% fatty oil, which is obtained using cold or hot pressing. Almond oil contains proteins, fat-soluble vitamins, B vitamins, and a whole complex of micro- and macroelements. Thanks to such a rich composition useful substances, almond oil has a stimulating and softening effect.

First of all, the oil was used as a wound healing agent and was used to treat venereal diseases and even removed scars. Much later, almond oil began to be used to restore the beauty of hair and eyelashes. Today it is an indispensable tool to strengthen hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, which simultaneously stimulates their growth.

Ways to apply almond oil to eyelashes

Almond seed oil is not very thick, so it is best applied with a clean mascara brush. Typically, almond oil is sold in glass bottles, so that you don’t have to pour it into a separate container each time you use it; it’s best to pour some of the liquid into a clean tube from used mascara. It is not necessary to pour the oil into a tube in concentrated form; if desired, it can be diluted with distilled or boiled water, the recommended ratio is 1:2, the majority is oil, the smaller part is water. It is better to store this composition in a dark place, at room temperature, the tube cannot be placed in the refrigerator, as under the influence low temperatures the oil loses its beneficial properties.

The second option for applying oil to eyelashes is quite primitive, one might say, camp. If you urgently need to start treatment, but you don’t have an old bottle of mascara at hand, you can use a regular cotton pad or sponge to apply the oil. This option is acceptable, but not very economical and convenient; moreover, the oil can get on the mucous membranes of the eyes. Any eyelash comb that will help apply the oil evenly to the eyelashes is also suitable for this purpose.

Duration of the procedure

Apply almond oil to the eyelashes in the same way as mascara, using gentle zigzag movements, or as you are used to, the main thing is that the oil does not get into your eyes. To prevent this from happening, you don’t need to paint your eyelashes all the way to the roots; after a few blinks, the oil will be easily distributed along the entire length of the eyelash. This nourishing mask should be left on the eyelashes for 15-20 minutes, then the residue must be removed from the eyelashes; this can be easily done using an ordinary paper napkin.

Recommendations for the correct use of almond oil

With any rehabilitation course, and especially cosmetic, it is important to follow all the rules and remember to carry out the procedures daily. The effectiveness of almond oil will increase several times if you take its use seriously and carefully.

Some simple rules:

  • Apply oil only to clean eyelashes, after removing makeup;
  • The face must be washed before the procedure;
  • When removing residual oil from eyelashes after the procedure, do not use water;
  • Before the procedure, the bottle of oil needs to be warmed up a little; it should be a little warm;
  • You should not buy or use oil after the expiration date.

Where to treat

The almond seed contains up to 60% fatty oil, which is obtained by cold or hot pressing.

Where is the best place to buy almond oil?

Almond cosmetic oil is sold in any pharmacy or in the cosmetic department of all supermarkets. There are specialized stores that sell flavored oils, and you can also find almond seed oil there. Leading cosmetics companies also offer almond oil; here is a short overview of the most famous of them:

  • The French company "Givenchy" offers almond oil with an additional complex of vitamins and microelements that enhance the effect of the oil, although it contains synthetic additives, but they significantly speed up the process of oil absorption into the eyelashes. The only drawback of this brand of almond oil is high price product, but it is fully justified by the quick and very effective result.
  • Continues popularity rating natural cosmetic under the Helena Rubinstein brand. IN medicinal composition It is not almond oil itself that is included, but its extract, which enhances the effect of the remedy several times. In addition, the oil is already sold in a very convenient container, which will not require additional refinements and inventions in finding a suitable brush.
  • The Chanel company does not offer eyelash oil as a separate component, but here you can buy excellent medicinal mascaras with the addition of almond oil. And also among medicinal cosmetics, you can choose hair care products with the addition of almond extract. Here you will be offered an indispensable product based on almond oil to relieve puffiness after.

It is better to purchase these products from foreign companies directly on the official websites of the companies in order to be completely sure that the product is not a fake and the money was not wasted.

Homemade almond oil products

If it is not possible to purchase expensive ready-made formulations for strengthening and growing eyelashes, it is not at all difficult to prepare effective medicinal products based on almond oil yourself.

Here are some proven recipes:

A decoction of burdock and almond oil. You need to take 1 liter of water and 200 g of dried herbs and burdock root, bring the composition to a boil, leave for an hour, then add 5 tbsp. l. almond oil, mix everything thoroughly and leave in a dark place for 4 days. This excellent remedy for daily washing of eyelashes.

Complex oil mixture for eyelash growth. The following composition will not only help strengthen your eyelashes, prevent their fragility, but also make your eyelashes shiny and fluffy. So, you need to take oil: almond, castor, olive and burdock (2:1:1:1). All components are thoroughly mixed together; if the composition is too liquid, you can add a little Vaseline. This basic foundation, you can add to the oil composition if desired different oils, even a little aloe juice won't hurt. For example, for those who complain about thin and thin eyelashes, it will be very helpful if you add Peruvian balm to this oil complex; it is sold in pharmacies.

It also restores eyelashes very well after prolonged use of mascara, or after extensions. artificial eyelashes, a mask that contains equal proportions of almond and.


The popularity of almond oil lies in the fact that it is extremely effective and has almost no contraindications; troubles arise mainly due to its improper use, and to avoid them, you must:

  • During an inflammatory process, for example, in the presence of an ulcer or a purulent rash on the eyelids, almond oil should not be applied to the eyelashes;
  • The same applies to the eyes, if the mucous membrane of the eyes is inflamed for any reason, be it or, you should temporarily discard almond oil masks;
  • Before the procedure, eyelashes and eyebrows must be clean, without any makeup;
  • If the composition based on almond oil contains components unknown to you, you should consult a cosmetologist or dermatologist before using the product.
  • Before using any product based on almond oil, you need to conduct a test: apply a little product to the inner bend of the elbow and check the skin reaction after 12 hours; if there are no unpleasant sensations or consequences, almond oil can be safely applied to the eyelashes;

Almond oil has been known for its beneficial properties since ancient times. Initially, it (due to its anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties) was used in the treatment of deep wounds or severe burns. Today, almond oil is successfully used for eyelashes and eyebrows.

Beneficial features

Almond oil is a colorless, rather viscous liquid, which is obtained by cold pressing of nuts, due to which all the useful microelements and vitamins remain in it. Its unique properties allow it to be used in eyelash care:

  • it is good, with regular use their losses will be significantly reduced;
  • the oil envelops the eyelash hair with a thin film, protecting it from negative external influences;
  • thanks to the formed film, the eyelashes become thicker, and the mascara gives them even more volume;
  • with regular exposure they become thicker and retain their shape;
  • This unique remedy restores hair follicles and stimulates their activity;
  • it effectively restores eyelashes after a traumatic eyelash extension procedure;
  • it is easily absorbed, leaving almost no traces of greasy stains;
  • the oil is pleasant to use due to its light, delicate aroma;
  • With regular care, healthy shine returns to your eyelashes.

Rules of application

In order to receive maximum effect from using almond oil, you should know some rules for its storage and use.

  • The product is considered hypoallergenic and safe, but each body is individual. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test.
  • You can buy the product at a pharmacy or cosmetic store and choose virgin oil, which contains the most useful substances. Do not use a product that has expired. It still does not provide any benefit, but can cause significant harm.
  • Almond oil for eyelash growth should be stored in a dark container and at room temperature. In the refrigerator it gradually loses its useful qualities. For storage, you can use an old mascara container, which should first be thoroughly washed with alcohol and then dried well.
  • For safety reasons, it is better to carry out the first procedures with diluted oil. Why are its two parts mixed with one part? boiled water. At normal reaction body, you can use pure undiluted product.
  • After applying the oil to the eyelashes and leaving it for the required time, the remaining residue should simply be blotted with a napkin. Do not wash it off with water - this can lead to clogged pores and, as a result, the occurrence of stye or other inflammatory processes, sometimes very serious.
  • Only warm oil acts on the hair follicles, so you need to warm it up a little before using it. You can do this in a water bath.
  • You cannot apply the product over mascara; you must first clean your eyelashes and face of makeup.
  • If it gets into the eyes, the product forms a thin film that causes discomfort for several days. Therefore, it should be handled with care.
  • Since the product has strong fluidity, it is advisable to add a little Vaseline to it, then the product will become more viscous and will not cause trouble when used.
  • The longer the mask lasts, the better. It is optimal to leave it overnight.
  • Only with regular and long-term use of the product will the results be visible, so you need to be patient and prepare for daily procedures.

Masks for eyelashes

Almond oil itself is characterized by a lot of beneficial properties that can be enhanced with the help of additional components.

  • If you add castor oil and burdock oil, then the effect of using such a mixture will increase several times. By constantly using this product, you can get thick and lush eyelashes.
  • If inflammatory processes occur in the eyelid area or allergies, a mixture of oil with marigold extract can help. This mask will effectively relieve swelling and also soothe itching.
  • If you add chamomile decoction to a mixture of almond and peach oils, you will get magic remedy to restore the volume and volume of eyelashes.
  • A decoction of burdock leaves and roots, which is mixed with almond oil and infused for several days, perfectly strengthens eyebrows and eyelashes. dark place. It is recommended to rub your hair with this product every day. Within a month you will be able to see a noticeable effect from its action.

Knowing the features of almond oil for eyelashes, you can successfully use it healing properties not only in the treatment of weakened hairs, but also for preventive purposes to strengthen them and stimulate growth.

In the article we discuss almond oil for eyelashes, its beneficial properties and methods of use. After using any of the recipes, your eyebrows and eyelashes will become more elastic, stronger, thicker and longer.

Almond oil is obtained by cold pressing the kernels of sweet almonds. The consistency of this oil is liquid and spreads well when applied.

The product contains vitamins E and A, which improve the structure of eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as B vitamins. They strengthen hairs and activate their growth.

The oil contains proteins, macro- and microelements, natural antioxidants, and fatty acids.

Almond oil is ideal for eyelashes after extensions, when frequent use decorative cosmetics and after vitamin deficiency, when hairs begin to fall out and eyebrows become rarer and thinner.

The tool provides positive effect in several directions:

  • strengthening eyelashes;
  • improving their structure;
  • normalization of blood circulation in areas of hair growth;
  • softening and moisturizing the skin around the eyes;
  • restoration and return of healthy shine.

The oil envelops each hair with the thinnest film, which protects the eyelashes from frost, fading and the effects of cosmetics, making them thicker and more voluminous. Eyebrows become straighter and thicker, hairs stop sticking out in different directions.

Do almond oil make eyelashes grow?

The product nourishes hair follicles, activates their growth and awakens “dormant” follicles. Hair grows faster and their number increases.

In 2-3 months daily use eyelashes become thick and lush.

Using almond oil for eyelashes

Almond oil is added to mascara to enrich its composition. Using this mascara will make your eyelashes more well-groomed, stronger and more elastic.

To restore hair after vitamin deficiency or extensions, restore its previous thickness and accelerate its growth, take a therapeutic course of masks:

  • Prepare a container where you will store almond butter. Take a container from an old mascara. Wash it and the brush thoroughly.
  • Mix the product with boiled water in a 2:1 ratio, mix and carefully pour into the container.
  • Store the oil at room temperature in a dark place.
  • Apply the product every day, using pure form or adding it to other oils and ingredients.

Well medical procedures lasts at least 4 weeks.

How to use oil so as not to injure your eyelashes and accelerate their growth:

  • Before the procedure, wash off your decorative cosmetics.
  • Apply the product every day, preferably in the evenings.
  • Warm the oil in a water bath each time before applying.
  • Do not use expired product.

Because the natural remedy absorbs well and does not leave a feeling of heaviness; it is often used to remove makeup. Soak a cotton pad in warm water, add 1-2 drops of almond oil and gently sweep over the upper and lower eyelids.

How to apply

  • When painting your hair, move in the same way as when using mascara - in a straight line, zigzag or with light strokes.
  • Always start from the inner edge of the eye.
  • Do not brush all the way to the roots. Due to its liquid consistency, the product will gradually fall down. If you don't want to wait, blink a little and the oil will be evenly distributed along the length of the hairs.

After application, leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, then remove any remaining product from the eyelashes.

Is it possible to leave it overnight?

Cosmetologists allow you to leave the oil on your eyelashes overnight. The oil does not leave any morning swelling and swelling, as well as greasy stains on the pillow.

The product nourishes the hairs throughout the night, and in the morning you will remove any remaining product.

What to wash off with

Remove almond oil with a cotton pad or napkin. After the procedure, do not wash your face with water, so as not to cause clogging of pores and inflammation on the skin.

Eyelash masks with almond oil

Mask for eyelash growth


  1. Almond oil - 1 tsp.
  2. Essential oil (rosemary, tea or geranium tree, cloves) - 5 drops.

How to cook: Add essential oil to the almond mixture and mix well.

How to use: Saturate a mascara wand with the mixture and apply the mixture onto your eyelashes with light movements. Leave the mask on overnight, and in the morning remove the remaining mixture with a cotton pad. Carry out the procedure every evening for 3-4 weeks.

Result: Almond oil with rosemary or cloves will accelerate the growth of eyelashes, and with tea or geranium tree it will make them stronger.

Strengthening mask


  1. Almond oil - 1 tbsp.
  2. Burdock oil - 1 tsp.
  3. Sea buckthorn oil - 1 tsp.
  4. Vitamin E - 1 capsule.
  5. Vitamin A - 1 capsule.

How to cook: Prick the vitamin capsules with a needle and squeeze the liquid into a glass bowl. Heat the oils and mix with liquid vitamins.

How to use: Dip a cotton swab into oil mixture, blot well and apply the product to the entire length of the eyelashes. Close your eyes and wait 25 minutes. Remove any residue with a soft cloth. Use the mask for a course of 30 days to 2 months. The duration of the course depends on the condition of the eyelashes.

Result: A mixture of oils with vitamins A and E nourishes hair, restores it after extensions and accelerates growth. Eyelashes become noticeably longer and thicker.

Vitamin mask


  1. Almond oil - 1 tbsp.
  2. Olive oil - 1 tbsp.
  3. Vitamin E - 1 capsule.
  4. Fish oil - 1 capsule.

How to cook: Squeeze the liquid from the fish oil and vitamin E capsules. Stir in the olive oil and almond oil until smooth.

How to use: Apply the mask to your eyelashes using a cotton swab and leave for 20 minutes. Blot your eyes with a cotton pad.

Result: Almond oil strengthens hair, olive oil nourishes it with beneficial microelements, and fish fat with vitamin E enhances eyelash growth.

Almond oil for eyebrows

Almond oil stimulates eyebrow growth, strengthens them, makes them thick and silky.

How to apply neat

Use the product before bed immediately after removing eye makeup. The consistency of the oil is not very thick, so use a cotton pad, dip it in the product, squeeze and gently massage your eyebrows.

The second way is to pour oil into a container from under an old mascara and dip the brush. Comb your hair with light movements, distributing the product along the entire length.

Mask recipes

Mask for thick eyebrows


  1. Almond oil - 1 tsp.
  2. Castor oil - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Stir the oils and heat slightly in a water bath.

How to use: Dip a cotton swab into the mixture and lubricate your hair. Wait 1 hour and remove any residue with a clean swab. Make a mask every day for 2-3 months.

Result: A mixture of oils will make your eyebrows thick and well-groomed.

Eyebrow restoration mask


  1. Almond oil - 1 tsp.
  2. Carrot juice - 1 tsp.
  3. Vitamin A in liquid form - 4-5 drops.

How to do: Mix ingredients in a glass container.

How to use: Dip a cotton pad into the mixture and gently sweep over your eyebrows. After 10 minutes, remove the remaining mixture with a clean disc. Repeat the procedure every day, morning and evening, until you get the desired effect.

Result: The mask accelerates hair growth and restores its structure.


Before making a mask, do an allergy test. Apply 1-2 drops of almond oil to your skin. If you are individually intolerant to the product, you will experience redness, inflammation, itching or flaking.

Also follow the safety requirements:

  1. Do not use almond oil if you have styes on the eye, conjunctivitis or other inflammations of the mucous membrane.
  2. Do not apply the product to painted eyebrows and eyelashes.
  3. Do not use eyebrow product for purulent acne and acne on the skin.

Reviews with before and after photos

Anastasia, 33 years old

I used low-quality mascara for a long time, and my eyelashes began to fall out a lot. When I took off my makeup, my eyelashes were not visible at all.

I decided to fix the problem, studied all sorts of forums and found a recipe with almond and castor oil. I smeared my eyelashes with this mixture every evening.

A week passed and I noticed that my lash line looked more defined and visible, and after 3 weeks I noticed brand new short lashes. So the recipe works!

The main advantage of almond oil is its availability. I don’t like overseas products, which are expensive and impossible to buy. And here, at any pharmacy, you buy almond oil and lubricate your eyebrows and eyelashes every day. Personally, I’ve been making this mask for two weeks now and I’m happy with it. Eyelashes have become healthier.

What to remember

  1. Almond oil strengthens eyelashes, nourishes them with vitamins, enhances growth and restores them after extensions.
  2. The course of treatment procedures lasts from 4 weeks or longer.
  3. The standard method of application is to pour the oil into an old mascara tube and apply the product every day to the eyelashes and eyebrows, without touching the roots.
  4. The masks contain burdock, olive and castor oil, vitamins E and A in liquid form, fish oil, carrot juice and essential oils.
  5. Do not use almond oil for conjunctivitis, barley, purulent acne.


Almond oil for eyelashes and eyebrows: methods of use, reviews, benefits and harm

Since ancient times, representatives fair half Humanity is constantly striving to improve its appearance. After all, unfortunately, few people can boast of naturally gorgeous eyelashes and eyebrows.

Many generations of women have noticed that simple almond oil best activates growth, strengthens and heals hair.

This useful product remains firmly among the cosmetic products that have been used for thousands of years.

Composition and properties of almond oil

By pressing the kernels of fresh almond nuts and then squeezing them, natural oil. It is a light yellow liquid with an unobtrusive nutty aroma and pleasant taste. Almond oil is very light and liquid.

At the same time, it has low viscosity and excellent absorbency at room temperature.

However, if it is used as one of the ingredients nourishing mask, it is advisable to warm the resulting mixture to body temperature before use.

The composition of almond oil includes substances:

  • oleic (65 to 83%) and linoleic (16 to 25%) acids - participate in the formation of immunity, ensure proper functioning nervous system, have a beneficial effect on skin and hair;
  • carotenes - support the functioning of the immune system;
  • bioflavonoids - participate in metabolism, cell renewal, have antioxidant activity;
  • proteins;
  • Sahara;
  • minerals - zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium;
  • vitamins E, F and A.

This herbal oil is rightfully considered one of the best natural remedies to strengthen and activate hair follicles.

Temperature changes and the adverse effects of cosmetics gradually weaken and thin eyelashes and eyebrows, so ongoing care behind them in modern conditions simply necessary.

When absorbed, almond oil starts the regeneration process. It will heal damaged eyelashes and eyebrows and activate the growth of new hairs, increasing their elasticity and shine.

It is best to use unrefined almond oil to care for eyelashes and eyebrows.

How to care for eyelashes and eyebrows with almond oil

The care procedure includes applying masks, lubricating eyelashes and eyebrows with almond oil, as well as its use as part of nutritional mixtures from various cosmetic oils. Basic Receipt Collateral desired result - regular use selected method.

Using the product in its pure form

This natural oil can be used in its pure form, applied in the evening to the eyebrows and eyelashes 1-2 hours before bedtime. To do this, you can use a cotton pad, brush, cotton swab or even just with your fingertips. For convenience, you can fill an old mascara tube with oil. Before doing this, you need to wash it thoroughly to prevent any remaining mascara from affecting the oil.

If you have neither the time nor the desire to create complexes, you can simplify the procedure for treating eyelashes with almond oil, making it absolutely simple and quick, but no less useful. It is enough to remove eye makeup daily using the product.

Using almond oil you can remove makeup and treat eyelashes at the same time.

Improvement in the condition of eyebrows and eyelashes will be noticeable within a week. However, the course of application should be at least 4–6 weeks.

Mixtures for restoring damaged eyelashes

It is very effective to use mixtures of cosmetic oils to restore damaged eyelashes. One of these recipes that can give vitality weakened eyelashes, combines three types natural oils: castor, almond and burdock. It is necessary to mix these products in equal parts and apply the mixture to the eyelashes every evening before going to bed.

As an option, you can try a nutritious cocktail made of equal parts of almond, castor and olive oils. Duration of use - 1 month.

Burdock oil strengthens eyebrows and eyelashes and stimulates their growth

Masks for eyelash growth

For eyelash growth, it is necessary to prepare a nutritional complex. For this you will need:

  • 1 part castor oil;
  • 1 part almond oil;
  • 1 burdock oil;
  • fish oil (liquid or capsules);
  • 1 part oil solution vitamin E.

Vitamin E can be found on pharmacy shelves as part of the drug "AEvit".

Mix all ingredients in a porcelain or glass container, close tightly with a lid or cling film. This vitamin complex You need to lubricate your eyelashes every evening and after 3-4 weeks of use the result will not be long in coming.

For convenience, you can take a used mascara tube. A brush will be convenient for applying oil to eyelashes, as well as adjusting the amount of mixture applied.

The duration of the course is two months, then it is advisable to give the eyelashes a rest for some time.

Don’t forget to remove any remaining oil from your eyelashes in a timely manner. Otherwise, it can clog the pores and serve as a source of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the eyes or barley. If you decide to remove excess product that has not been absorbed, do not rinse it off with water. Before washing, simply remove any remaining oil with a dry cloth or cotton pad.

The nourishing complex is conveniently applied to eyelashes using a mascara brush.

Treatments to stimulate eyebrow growth

Moisten with warm almond oil cotton pads and press them to your eyebrows. After 10–15 minutes, thoroughly comb your eyebrows with a brush (you can use toothbrush) in the direction of hair growth for one to two minutes. In addition to the cosmetic effect, such a massage will improve blood circulation in the area of ​​eyebrow growth and have a stimulating effect on the growth of new hairs.

Use this mixture at least 2 times a week, and excellent result will not keep you waiting.

: almond oil as part of a homemade cosmetic product

Precautionary measures

There are almost no contraindications for the use of almond oil. It is recommended to comply with minimum safety requirements, including:

  • Do not apply to painted eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • do not use when inflammatory processes in the bulbs of the eyes and face (acne, purulent acne);
  • Do not lubricate eyelashes if the mucous membrane of the eyes is inflamed (conjunctivitis, barley, etc.);
  • You should limit the use of almond oil if you are hypersensitive.

Almond oil should only be applied to healthy skin


Nowadays, cosmetologists offer a huge range of services to improve appearance eyelashes and eyebrows. The chemical ingredients in the dye have a bad effect on the growth process and block the flow of nutrients to the hairs.

Therefore, natural healing products are becoming more and more popular. Observe simple rules care for eyebrows and eyelashes, and your eyes will always attract attention. The main thing is not to give yourself the opportunity to be lazy and not be afraid to experiment.

Your beauty is in your hands!

  • Olga Kurosh
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Almond oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes are equally important components of an attractive female image, as well as well-groomed hair or leather.

They decorate the face, visually emphasizing all its advantages and smoothing out imperfections, making the eyes more expressive and open, giving the look a magical charm and depth.

Of course, nature has not endowed all women with long and fluffy eyelashes And thick eyebrows, but there is one wonderful tool available to everyone that will help fix this. And this remedy is almond oil.

This product is in for cosmetic purposes people started using it a long time ago. It was used to preserve the beauty of the beauty’s skin and hair. Ancient Rome, Egypt, Greece and other countries.

Since then, almond oil has not lost its popularity: today almost all cosmetics manufacturers include it in their products and are widely used in home cosmetology those who prefer natural care behind you.

So let's find out what exactly is the benefit of this wonderful remedy for eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as how to use it at home.

What are the benefits of almond oil for eyebrows and eyelashes?

Almond oil - natural product obtained from seeds different varieties sweet almonds (a heat-loving plant from the Rosaceae family) by double cold pressing. Externally, the oil is a viscous light yellow oily liquid with a pleasant nutty taste and light aroma.

It has a truly unique chemical composition, which includes triglycerides and triacylglycerides of oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids, as well as a significant amount of amygdalin (vitamin B17), phytosterols (compounds belonging to the group of steroid alcohols), vitamins A, E and B2 and mineral salts.

Thanks to such a rich set of valuable components, almond oil can become an indispensable assistant in the care of both healthy and damaged eyebrows and eyelashes as a result of exposure to various adverse factors.

With regular and proper use of this product as cosmetic product Can:

  • restore and strengthen the structure of eyelash and eyebrow hairs;
  • awaken “sleeping” hair follicles, make eyebrows and eyelashes thicker;
  • stimulate hair growth on eyebrows and eyelids;
  • prevent intense loss of eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • replenish the lack of nutrients and moisture in the skin cells around the eyes;
  • provide skin, eyelashes and eyebrows with protection from adverse environmental influences;
  • slow down the aging process of the dermis.

The main advantage of almond oil over other vegetable fats used in cosmetology is that it has a very light structure, is well absorbed and does not weigh down the hair.

At the same time, the components included in its composition are able to penetrate deeply into the skin and the mouth of the hair follicles, restoring their functioning, as a result of which eyelashes and eyebrows begin to grow faster and become thicker.

There are practically no restrictions on the use of almond seed oil for eyebrows and eyelashes; caution should be exercised with it only for those who are allergic to nuts or infectious diseases eye.

However, before using this product for the first time, it is still recommended to test it for individual tolerance by conducting a test on the skin of the wrist or elbow.

Recommendations for using almond oil for eyebrows and eyelashes

In order for almond oil to bring only benefits to eyebrows and eyelash hairs, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use unrefined almond oil, as it contains more beneficial substances than a refined product. High-quality oil is sold only in bottles made of dark glass, which prevents direct ultraviolet rays, the impact of which negatively affects the characteristics and properties of the product.
  • Before use, almond oil should be slightly heated in a water bath (not in a microwave oven, since with this method it is difficult to control the temperature of the product). Warm oil acts faster and more effectively on eyebrow and eyelash hairs. If you plan to use the oil in its pure form, it is more convenient to first pour it into a small container (for example, into a thoroughly washed mascara tube), and then lower it into hot water for a few minutes.
  • Before applying oil or a multi-component mask based on it on eyebrows and eyelash hairs, you need to remove makeup and wash your face with warm water and any suitable cleanser. To apply the oil composition to the hairs, you can use a clean mascara wand or a soft brush. When treating eyelashes, try not to touch the roots, otherwise the product may get into your eyes and cause irritation. Remove excess oil immediately using a dry cotton pad. Eyebrow hairs can be oiled from the very roots, touching the skin. In this case, it is advisable to perform light massage fingertips to activate blood circulation in the area of ​​the brow ridges and thereby increase the effect of the procedure.
  • Conduct cosmetic procedures It is better to use this remedy in the evening, approximately an hour to an hour and a half before bedtime. It is recommended to leave almond oil on the eyelashes for no longer than 30 minutes, otherwise you can provoke the appearance of morning swelling. It is permissible to keep the mask on the eyebrows for up to 2 hours, and to prevent the oil from flowing and getting into the eyes, you can apply gauze swabs or cotton pads to the area of ​​the superciliary arches and secure them with cosmetic tape.
  • If you used almond oil in its pure form, after completing the procedure, just gently blot your eyebrows and eyelids paper napkin. And if you use a multi-component mask, you will need to wash your face with warm water and neutral gel or foam.
  • Almond oil can be used as a makeup remover. It removes makeup perfectly and is easily absorbed into the skin without clogging pores. You can also add almond oil (in small quantities) to caring cosmetics intended for daily use (for example, medicated mascara, serum or balm).

The maximum course of use of almond oil should not exceed 8 weeks. After a course of treatment for damaged hairs, you need to take a break for 1–1.5 months, then it can be repeated. The frequency of procedures is daily or every other day. For preventive purposes (to maintain healthy eyebrows and eyelashes), it is enough to use this remedy within 4–6 weeks.

Recipes for masks for eyebrows and eyelashes with almond oil


  • almond oil - 20 ml;
  • olive oil - 10 ml;
  • vitamin E - 2 capsules;
  • fish oil - 10 drops.

How to do:

  • Mix the oils and heat.
  • Add fish oil and the contents of the capsules (they need to be pierced with a needle).
  • Mix everything and apply to the eyebrow area and eyelash hairs.
  • We wait about 30 minutes, then remove the excess mixture with a napkin.

To strengthen

  • almond oil - 20 ml;
  • burdock oil - 10 ml;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 5 ml;
  • vitamin A - 1 ampoule.

How to do:

  • Mix all the oils, heat them slightly and add vitamin to the mixture.
  • We treat eyelashes and eyebrows with the prepared composition.
  • We wait 20–25 minutes, then remove the mask using a cotton swab.

For growth

  • almond oil - 15 ml;
  • dried chamomile flowers - 10 g;
  • dried lemon balm - 10 g;
  • hot water - 150 ml.

How to do:

  • Pour chamomile and lemon balm into one container and pour boiling water over it.
  • Let the plant material brew for at least half an hour, then strain the infusion and mix it with almond oil.
  • We soak gauze swabs in the prepared solution and apply them to the eye area (including the brow ridges).
  • Keep the compress mask on for 30 minutes, then remove the tampons and rinse your face with water.


  • almond oil - 10 ml;
  • castor oil - 10 ml;
  • burdock oil - 10 ml.

How to do:

  • Mix all the oils and heat them in a water bath.
  • Using a brush or brush, apply the prepared mixture to eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes, then remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.

Almond oil is one of the best natural healers for damaged eyebrows and eyelashes, because it can literally bring them back to life, make them stronger and thicker.

But do not forget that external care alone is not enough for the health of eyelash and eyebrow hairs; it is also important to provide them good nutrition and hydration, so to speak, from the inside.

To do this you need to eat right, follow drinking regime and take multivitamins or dietary supplements if necessary.

Long eyelashes and sable eyebrows are in fashion today, they are given Special attention representatives of the fair sex in daily makeup. However, not every girl can boast of naturally thick eyebrows and eyelashes. If your hairs are also sparse and thin, then almond oil will come to the rescue.

What are the benefits of almond oil?

Beneficial features almonds have been known to mankind for more than 8 thousand years. This plant is native to China and the Mediterranean, where it is still grown to this day. Almond is a small tree or bush with beautiful inflorescences of delicate flowers. The fruit of the almond tree is not a nut, as many are accustomed to believe, but a drupe, more reminiscent of a peach pit. Almond oil is obtained from the kernels of the drupe.

Unrefined almond oil is obtained by cold pressing: with this processing method, it retains more beneficial substances. Thanks to this, it has found wide application in cooking. Refined oil that is extracted by high temperatures, has less nutritional value and costs less.

The fruits of the almond tree contain substances that are beneficial for health and strengthening the body.

Composition and properties

Almond oil - universal product, which is successfully used for both medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Its composition is simply a storehouse of useful substances:

  • monounsaturated oleic acid;
  • polyunsaturated linoleic acid;
  • vitamins E, B2, K, F;
  • carotenes;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc and phosphorus.

In the cosmetic industry, almond extract is used to create anti-aging and moisturizing products, gels, soaps, shampoos, etc. The oil makes the skin soft and elastic, gives it radiance and moisturizes. Thanks to high content The squeeze of vitamins is ideal for caring for eyelashes and eyebrows: vitamins A and F improve hair growth, vitamin B2 has a strengthening effect.

Video: beneficial properties of almond oil

How to choose and store oil correctly

High-quality almond oil has a weak yellow tint and a nutty smell; there should be no sediment at the bottom of the bottle. It is better to use unrefined almond oil to care for eyelashes and eyebrows.

It is best to buy almond oil in a small dark glass container, because due to contact with air and light, the shelf life of the product is sharply reduced.

Buy almond oil only in dark glass jars

The oil must be stored in a dark place, avoiding frequent temperature changes. If unopened, almond extract can be stored for up to 12 months.

Precautionary measures

To prevent oil from getting into your eyes and causing irritation, you must follow these rules:

  • apply the product with a clean brush from used mascara;
  • apply the product only to clean eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • do not use oil if there is inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes or skin;
  • paint the eyelashes from the middle: since the oil is quite liquid, it will flow down the hairs itself;
  • do not leave the oil overnight so that it does not get into your eyes;
  • Before use, perform an allergy test.

If in contact with eyes, almond oil may cause discomfort, mucosal irritation and swelling. If this does happen, rinse your eyes with warm water and make a lotion from chamomile infusion or tea. If symptoms of irritation persist, consult a doctor.

When using almond oil, be careful - it can cause irritation if it gets into your eyes.

Using almond oil for eyelashes and eyebrows

Almond oil is great for home use: it can be applied to eyelashes and eyebrows in its pure form, added to masks and compresses, or enriched with it store products for eyelashes. The extract is quickly absorbed and does not leave heaviness on the eyelids.

Almond oil in pure form and in combination with other oils

To use almond oil in its pure form for the growth of eyelashes and eyebrows, follow the instructions:

This procedure should be carried out daily for 2–3 months. Very soon you will notice that your eyelashes have become longer and your eyebrows thicker.

Almond oil can be used pure or mixed with other base oils:

  • for better hair growth, mix almond and castor oil in equal parts;
  • for nutrition, make a mixture of almond, wheat germ and grape seed oils;
  • To prevent hair loss, add peach oil to almonds.

Firming mask with vitamin E and fish oil

To prepare and use the mask, follow the following instructions:

  1. Mix equal parts almond, olive and castor oils and vitamin E solution.
  2. Add 2-3 capsules of fish oil to the resulting mixture.
  3. Apply the mixture to the eyelashes and eyebrows and after 20-30 minutes, remove the residue with a napkin.

You can make this mask every day for a month.

Castor and olive oil nourish and accelerate hair growth, and fish oil perfectly strengthens it.

Video: product for eyebrow and eyelash growth with almond oil

Eyelash rinsing lotion with burdock infusion

Sequence of lotion preparation:

  1. Mix 900 ml hot water and 175 g of fresh burdock leaves.
  2. Let the broth cool, then add 45 ml of almond oil to it.
  3. The mixture should infuse for 4 days in a dark place.

Rinse your eyelashes with this infusion every evening for 2-3 months. The procedure promotes better growth eyelashes

Almond oil makes eyelashes thicker and longer

Enrichment of products with almond oil

How to get rich cosmetic products almond oil:

Causes of eyelash and eyebrow loss

If your eyebrows and eyelashes begin to fall out, you need to pay attention to your health and your lifestyle. The following factors can lead to hair loss:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • usage household chemicals and low-quality cosmetics;
  • taking certain medications;
  • bad habits;
  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in food;
  • long-term stress.

If eyebrows and eyelashes begin to fall out very much, it is recommended to stop using all decorative cosmetics so as not to worsen the situation.

To keep your precious hairs healthy, fluffy and thick, use only high-quality cosmetics. A good mascara should contain keratin, lanolin, melanin and vitamins. It is better to choose mascara designed specifically for sensitive eyelids: it has a more gentle composition. Also, don’t forget to remove your makeup before going to bed.

Beautiful eyebrows and eyelashes are as important components of an attractive female image as well-groomed hair or skin. They decorate the face, visually emphasizing all its advantages and smoothing out imperfections, making the eyes more expressive and open, giving the look a magical charm and depth. Of course, not all women have been blessed by nature with long and fluffy eyelashes and thick eyebrows, but everyone has access to one wonderful remedy that will help correct this. And this remedy is almond oil.

People have been using this product for cosmetic purposes for a very long time. It was used to preserve the beauty of the skin and hair of beauties of Ancient Rome, Egypt, Greece and other countries. Since then, almond oil has not lost its popularity: today almost all cosmetics manufacturers include it in their products and are widely used in home cosmetology by those who prefer natural self-care. So let's find out what exactly is the benefit of this wonderful product for eyebrows and eyelashes, as well as how to use it at home.

What are the benefits of almond oil for eyebrows and eyelashes?

Almond oil is a natural product obtained from the seeds of various varieties of sweet almonds (a heat-loving plant from the Rosaceae family) by double cold pressing. Externally, the oil is a viscous light yellow oily liquid with a pleasant nutty taste and light aroma. It has a truly unique chemical composition, including triglycerides and triacylglycerides of oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids, as well as a significant amount of amygdalin (vitamin B17), phytosterols (compounds belonging to the group of steroid alcohols), vitamins A, E and B2 and mineral salts . Thanks to such a rich set of valuable components, almond oil can become an indispensable assistant in the care of both healthy and damaged eyebrows and eyelashes as a result of exposure to various adverse factors. With regular and proper use of this product as a cosmetic, you can:

  • restore and strengthen the structure of eyelash and eyebrow hairs;
  • awaken “sleeping” hair follicles, make eyebrows and eyelashes thicker;
  • stimulate hair growth on eyebrows and eyelids;
  • prevent intense loss of eyebrows and eyelashes;
  • replenish the lack of nutrients and moisture in the skin cells around the eyes;
  • provide skin, eyelashes and eyebrows with protection from adverse environmental influences;
  • slow down the aging process of the dermis.

The main advantage of almond oil over other vegetable fats used in cosmetology is that it has a very light structure, is well absorbed and does not weigh down the hair. At the same time, the components included in its composition are able to penetrate deeply into the skin and the mouth of the hair follicles, restoring their functioning, as a result of which eyelashes and eyebrows begin to grow faster and become thicker. There are practically no restrictions on the use of almond seed oil for eyebrows and eyelashes; only those who suffer from nut allergies or infectious eye diseases should be careful with it. However, before using this product for the first time, it is still recommended to test it for individual tolerance by conducting a test on the skin of the wrist or elbow.

Recommendations for using almond oil for eyebrows and eyelashes

In order for almond oil to bring only benefits to eyebrows and eyelash hairs, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • For cosmetic purposes, it is better to use unrefined almond oil, as it contains more beneficial substances than a refined product. High-quality oil is sold only in bottles made of dark glass, which prevents direct ultraviolet rays, the impact of which negatively affects the characteristics and properties of the product.
  • Before use, almond oil should be slightly heated in a water bath (not in a microwave oven, since with this method it is difficult to control the temperature of the product). Warm oil acts faster and more effectively on eyebrow and eyelash hairs. If you plan to use the oil in its pure form, it is more convenient to first pour it into a small container (for example, into a thoroughly washed mascara tube), and then lower it into hot water for a few minutes.
  • Before applying oil or a multi-component mask based on it on eyebrows and eyelash hairs, you need to remove makeup and wash your face with warm water and any suitable cleanser. To apply the oil composition to the hairs, you can use a clean mascara wand or a soft brush. When treating eyelashes, try not to touch the roots, otherwise the product may get into your eyes and cause irritation. Remove excess oil immediately using a dry cotton pad. Eyebrow hairs can be oiled from the very roots, touching the skin. In this case, it is advisable to perform a light massage with your fingertips in order to activate blood circulation in the area of ​​the brow ridges and thereby increase the effect of the procedure.
  • It is better to carry out cosmetic procedures using this product in the evening, approximately an hour to an hour and a half before bedtime. It is recommended to leave almond oil on the eyelashes for no longer than 30 minutes, otherwise you can provoke the appearance of morning swelling. It is permissible to keep the mask on the eyebrows for up to 2 hours, and to prevent the oil from flowing and getting into the eyes, you can apply gauze swabs or cotton pads to the area of ​​the superciliary arches and secure them with cosmetic tape.
  • If you used almond oil in its pure form, after completing the procedure, just gently blot your eyebrows and eyelids with a paper napkin. And if you use a multi-component mask, you will need to wash your face with warm water and neutral gel or foam.
  • Almond oil can be used as a makeup remover. It removes makeup perfectly and is easily absorbed into the skin without clogging pores. You can also add almond oil (in small quantities) to caring cosmetics intended for daily use (for example, medicated mascara, serum or balm).

The maximum course of use of almond oil should not exceed 8 weeks. After a course of treatment for damaged hairs, you need to take a break for 1–1.5 months, then it can be repeated. The frequency of procedures is daily or every other day. For preventive purposes (to maintain healthy eyebrows and eyelashes), it is enough to use this product for 4–6 weeks.

Recipes for masks for eyebrows and eyelashes with almond oil


  • almond oil - 20 ml;
  • olive oil - 10 ml;
  • vitamin E - 2 capsules;
  • fish oil - 10 drops.

How to do:

  • Mix the oils and heat.
  • Add fish oil and the contents of the capsules (they need to be pierced with a needle).
  • Mix everything and apply to the eyebrow area and eyelash hairs.
  • We wait about 30 minutes, then remove the excess mixture with a napkin.

To strengthen

  • almond oil - 20 ml;
  • burdock oil - 10 ml;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil - 5 ml;
  • vitamin A - 1 ampoule.

How to do:

  • Mix all the oils, heat them slightly and add vitamin to the mixture.
  • We treat eyelashes and eyebrows with the prepared composition.
  • We wait 20–25 minutes, then remove the mask using a cotton swab.

For growth

  • almond oil - 15 ml;
  • dried chamomile flowers - 10 g;
  • dried lemon balm - 10 g;
  • hot water - 150 ml.

How to do:

  • Pour chamomile and lemon balm into one container and pour boiling water over it.
  • Let the plant material brew for at least half an hour, then strain the infusion and mix it with almond oil.
  • We soak gauze swabs in the prepared solution and apply them to the eye area (including the brow ridges).
  • Keep the compress mask on for 30 minutes, then remove the tampons and rinse your face with water.


  • almond oil - 10 ml;
  • castor oil - 10 ml;
  • burdock oil - 10 ml.

How to do:

  • Mix all the oils and heat them in a water bath.
  • Using a brush or brush, apply the prepared mixture to eyebrows and eyelashes.
  • Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes, then remove the remaining mixture with a napkin.

Almond oil is one of the best natural healers for damaged eyebrows and eyelashes, because it can literally bring them back to life, making them stronger and thicker. But do not forget that external care alone is not enough for the health of eyelash and eyebrow hairs; it is also important to provide them with adequate nutrition and hydration, so to speak, from the inside. To do this, you need to eat right, follow a drinking regime and, if necessary, take multivitamins or biologically active food supplements.
