Pink kunzite. Appearance Description

Kunzite (Greek: Σποδούμενος - “turned to ashes”) is a representative of the gemstones of the spodumene family. The name was given in honor of the mineralogist J. Kunz, who discovered the gem in 1902. Since the discoverer of the gem was an employee of the famous jewelry company Tiffany, kunzite gained popularity and value in a short time. Thanks to the well-known brand that popularizes the stone, jewelry with this type of spodumene has become one of the most sought after and favorite accessories of movie stars, politicians and representatives of the "golden youth".

The aesthetic beauty of kunzite has been compared to a pink diamond. But not only red shades gave the gem popularity. The color palette of the mineral is wide:

  • grey;
  • brown;
  • yellow;
  • violet;
  • pink;
  • purple;
  • green.

The latter shade is especially valuable in minerals of this type. Kunzite can be of any size - from miniature nuggets to large stones. However, the price is relatively low, which is especially appreciated by jewelers and jewelry buyers.

The largest specimen weighed 110 kg and was found in a California mine.

The shape of kunzite is a flat prism. There are vertical strokes-facets, confirming the natural origin of the mineral.

Physical and chemical properties of kunzite

Natural deposits of kunzite are formed in igneous rocks containing a high concentration of aluminum, sodium and lithium elements. The hue of the mineral is given by various impurities, for example, manganese is necessary for a pink color.

The chemical formula of kunzite is LiAl(Si 2 O 6).

Gem Physical Features:

  • hardness on the Mohs scale 6.6-7.0;
  • mineral classification - silicates;
  • cleavage of the middle type;
  • the fracture is uneven;
  • monoclinic type of syngony;
  • no iridescence;
  • has no magnetic properties;
  • fragility is present;
  • light refraction in the range of 1.65-1.68;
  • luminescence distinct, bright, orange-red;
  • complete transparency;
  • shine glassy, ​​glossy;
  • pleochroism is present clear;
  • density 3.1 g/cm 3 ;
  • the texture is layered;
  • line color is white.

The mineral has a high sensitivity to ultraviolet rays, under which it fades and loses its color brightness. Despite the high hardness, the mineral is difficult to cut and easily chipped.


There are no mythological legends about the mineral kunzite. Its age is just over 100 years old. However, the first discovery of the mineral was not easy. The stone received its name from the mineralogist J. Kunz, but it was not he who discovered it in the ground. A gem previously unknown to science was dug up by a father and son named Sinclair. But they could not independently determine the belonging of a transparent stone, its value and areas of application. Therefore, the find was handed over to Kunz for further analysis. The mineralogist, realizing that this stone had not been described earlier, claimed the rights of the discoverer to its discovery.

Place of Birth

Since the discovery of kunzite to this day, California and Brazil have been recognized as the largest mines in terms of production. In smaller quantities, the gem is mined in the deposits of Siberia, on the African continent, in Afghanistan.

The magical properties of the mineral

Kunzite is one of the strongest energy drinks among minerals. The aura of a stone can affect the worldview and self-awareness of its wearer, sharpens all his feelings. Kunzite is most often used during meditation. The properties of the gem make it easier to enter a trance, smooth out energy flows, and normalize breathing and pulse. Kunzite activates the intellectual abilities and talents of its wearer, enhances logical thinking. Creative individuals, thanks to this influence of the stone, receive a new portion of inspiration. Enthusiasm, efficiency, perseverance and imagination of the owner of the mineral increase. As a result, new masterpieces of art are obtained.

Kunzite is able to normalize the emotional background of a person. If the wearer of the stone is prone to spleen, neurotic diseases, depression, melancholy and other mental disorders, then the gem will neutralize negative internal emanations. The person's mood will improve and neuroses will pass without complications. The aura of the stone increases a person's self-esteem, enhances his ability to believe in his abilities. Kunzite is a kind of stone motivation. In the literal and figurative sense. People wearing products from this gem are self-sufficient, achieve their goals, have a strong will.

When you change your place of residence, regardless of whether it is a street, a city or a country, the stone facilitates adaptation and sets the people around you in a benevolent way. Kunzite awakens positive character traits in people, reduces the need for lies and negative emotions. Talismans from this stone are a kind of shield from negativity, evil eye, damage and other unfavorable energy waves. These talismans are especially useful for children, since their aura is not able to adequately resist evil messages.

Amulets with kunzite are sources of feminine and masculine strength, keepers of the family hearth. Good luck with the help of this gem will be attracted to people who have no doubts about the properties of the mineral. The aura of the stone is able to attract financial well-being to the house. But for this effect, you will need a figurine or a miniature figurine made of solid kunzite.

The healing properties of kunzite

Non-traditional doctors, healers and healers use kunzite in their practice regularly. The mineral at the energy level nourishes both the healer and the patient. The stone has the best effect on the treatment of the following organs and systems of the human body:

  • vessels and arteries;
  • heart;
  • brain and spinal cord;
  • lungs.

Kunzite improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, relieves pain and has an antiseptic effect. It is used in the treatment of diseases such as:

  • cold;
  • flu;
  • allergic reactions;
  • infectious infections;
  • spasms.

In addition, kunzite is a stone for combined treatment. It does not conflict with medications and enhances their effect on humans. Helps the body to accelerate the regenerative processes in tissues after surgery. It relieves its wearer of depression, neurosis and psychosis. Regular meditation or simply looking at the mineral improves sleep, calms and relieves nightmares.

The influence of kunzite on the signs of the zodiac

The mineral kunzite is suitable for people who limit their social circle. The isolation of character, the fear of large crowds, insecurity in society, hypersensitivity to the mood of the people around - those qualities that the stone smoothes and brings into a state of harmony.

The mineral is tolerant to any signs of the zodiacal circle. There are no negative emanations from his side. However, some members of the Zodiac are more affected by kunzite than others. These are Scorpios, Leo and Taurus. They are kind of favorites of the stone. The rest of the signs are simply pleasant to the aura of the stone and it sets them up in a friendly way and protects them from the negative effects of the outside world.

Over time, the properties of kunzite only increase. But this requires prolonged contact with its carrier. The stone accumulates the memory of generations, so talismans with kunzite are often passed on to the next member of the family.

How to care for a stone

Despite its high hardness, kunzite is a brittle mineral. Chips and cracks may appear from a fall or impact. But most of all, the mineral is exposed to heat and ultraviolet rays. With strong and regular heating, as well as exposure to the sun, kunzite loses its color. In rare cases, its color can change the shade to the opposite. For example, from lilac-pink to green. Most often, the mineral simply becomes transparent.

To preserve the integrity, brilliance, color and quality of kunzite, a number of simple rules should be followed:

  • avoid heating;
  • store in a dark place;
  • protect from mechanical damage;
  • regularly wipe the stone with a soft, damp, cotton cloth;
  • avoid contact with chemicals and dyes, including household and cosmetic chemicals.

Under these conditions, kunzite products will retain their original appearance for decades.

Application of kunzite

One of the main areas with the use of kunzite is the jewelry industry. Jewelry with this stone is the envy and pride of both celebrities and ordinary people. One of the founders of jewelry fashion, the Tiffany brand, is proof of this.

Less popular, but no less valuable, is the second area of ​​application of kunzite - decorative art. Statuettes and figurines made of kunzite are purchased by mediums, esotericists and traditional healers. However, collectors are no exception.

In industrial production, the mineral is used in the manufacture of lithium and to strengthen glass products. Kunzite powder increases the hardness and brilliance of glass, so it is used for the production of mirrors.

Kunzite is a unique mineral comparable to the finest diamonds in the world. Its magical and healing properties are strong. The stone is suitable for wearing by any person, and the cost relative to precious counterparts is not so great. The popularity of the mineral is due to its appearance and the exclusivity and complexity of the cut. Therefore, jewelry with kunzite is available only to a select circle in private jewelry workshops.

Kunzite is a rather rare and interesting gemstone with very interesting properties. It was named after the mineralogist J. Kunz, who, back in 1902, first described it from various samples. They were found in the California state of San Diego. Kunzite is one natural variety of spodumene. Today it is a kind of silicate, created from lithium and aluminum, with the addition of manganese.

This stone is most often formed in granitic pegmatites, in the form of clearly defined columnar or tabular crystals, which have quite characteristic shading on their faces. There were cases when opaque stone crystals reached a length of more than 10 meters, and the weight of the stone often exceeded tens of tons.

Kunzite deposits

Although this type of spodumene is not very rare, there are only a few places in the world where kunzite suitable for cutting is mined. The best crystals of this stone can be found in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. It is important to note that it is the richest place where you can easily find any precious rocks. For example, a well-known transparent crystal weighing 7.41 kg was found here, which is currently stored at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington.

Also in the state, the largest crystal of excellent quality was mined, having a mass of more than 110 kg. From the deposits of Badakhshan, located not far from the ancient mines of Afghan lapis lazuli, transparent kunzite stones regularly arrive, reaching a size of 0.5 m and weighing about 10 kg. Also samples of the highest quality precious crystal come from Pakistan, Madagascar and Nigeria.

Jewelry kunzite has all the properties of a gemstone, such as hardness, strength, brilliance, and extraordinary coloration. Although this crystal is not widely known, however, in many countries of Western Europe, as well as in the USA, jewelry with this inexpensive, but beautiful stone, is in great demand.

Gems with bright colors are quite rare and therefore valued somewhat higher. Faceting kunzite crystals is quite difficult, because due to perfect cleavage, they often crack during processing. Stones that are pale pink in color can lose their color as a result of prolonged exposure to sunlight, most often this happens with stones from Brazil.

A transparent stone with a beautiful pinkish-purple tint captivates at first sight, but what is hidden behind the external beauty of kunzite, what magical properties does it have?

Kunzite and its history

The mineral became known to people relatively recently, many stones can boast a history dating back to ancient times, but kunzite was discovered by American prospectors at the beginning of the twentieth century, and the stone was described and presented to the public in 1902 by naturalist George Kunz, after whom it was named .

Despite a very short history, the stone quickly began to gain popularity. It is not yet well known on the jewelry market, but individual specimens are quite expensive, which could not but attract the attention of counterfeiters - there have already been known cases of kunzite forgery. The cost of the best samples ranges from five to fifty dollars per carat, the appearance of the stone is very attractive, so there is every reason to believe that it will take not the last place among the representatives of the jewelry market.

Mineral deposits

The kunzite stone is not rare, although, at the same time, some of the mined mineral is not of jewelry value. But first-class quality kunzite has been mined in California since about the beginning of the last century. Excellent crystals suitable for jewelry cutting were also found in Brazil. In addition, large deposits of kunzite were discovered in Afghanistan, which allowed this country to become a leader in the supply of the mineral to the world jewelry market. The neighboring country - Pakistan, also boasts a good amount of mined stone. In addition, kunzite has been found on the African continent, in Nigeria, Mozambique and on the island of Madagascar.

Scopes of kunzite

The use of kunzite is not limited to jewelry work. Those parts of the mined stone that are not suitable for jewelry cutting are used in industry.

  • Kunzite is used to produce lithium metal, as one of the necessary additives.
  • Also, the stone is used in the process of making glasses, the addition of kunzite helps to give the glass more shine and better reflectivity.
  • In addition to industrial areas, the mineral is of value to collectors who are interested in individual samples.
  • As for the jewelry sphere, the use of stone here is complicated by the fact that not all kunzite crystals are suitable for cutting, and not every master can work with them, since the mineral is very fragile and capricious, its processing requires special skills from jewelers. Hence the rather expensive cost of kunzite, as well as its relatively small distribution on the market.

Kunzite and its magical properties

Despite the fact that kunzite is known to people relatively recently, many have already managed to discover and appreciate its magical properties.

  • It is noted that kunzite is well suited for meditation. The use of a stone during this process helps to clear the mind of unnecessary thoughts, to come into a state of peace and harmony with oneself.
  • In general, kunzite helps to balance a person's personality, helping to achieve emotional calmness and intellectual focus.
  • It is believed that the mineral can help a person to show the best sides of character - kindness, honesty of intentions and thoughts, love for others. For this reason, it is recommended to give it to children so that they grow up to be good and respectable people.
  • The stone radiates special vibrations that are noted by people involved in magic. They claim that kunzite helps them to better tune in to the perception of the subtle world. The same feature was noticed by creative people, to whom kunzite gives inspiration and desire to create.
  • An interesting feature of kunzite is that it allows a person to wake up his inner child, become cheerful and openly look at the world, therefore this stone is recommended to those people who, for some reason, had to grow up early and become independent.

Medicinal properties

Kunzite is widely used not only by magicians, but also by lithotherapists - specialists who practice treatment with stones.

  • It is believed that the stone has a very beneficial effect on the heart, normalizing its work and protecting against various diseases, improves blood circulation and the functioning of the heart muscle. It is recommended to wear the stone closer to the heart in order to get the best effect from exposure.
  • Kunzite helps restore immunity weakened after a long illness, as well as restore strength after operations with anesthesia.
  • The action of the stone is indispensable in case of psychological problems, it also helps to cope with depression, stress of various directions and insomnia, returning a person to a calm, cheerful state, harmony and healthy sleep.
  • A favorable effect of kunzite on the circulatory system as a whole was noted.
  • Kunzite is also useful for children, it helps them to better adapt to the environment, so if the child is going to school, kindergarten or moving for the first time, then the mineral can help him cope with the stress of the new environment.

Despite all the useful properties, it is worth noting that kunzite, first of all, is an auxiliary tool that enhances the effect of drugs or other methods aimed at curing diseases.

Talismans and amulets

As for wearing kunzite as a talisman, it can be recommended to certain people.

  • Representatives of creative professions will certainly appreciate kunzite as a source of inspiration and good motivation to achieve any global goals.
  • It is advised to use a talisman in the form of a pendant in a silver frame or a ring. It is believed that silver enhances the magical and healing properties of kunzite, and also in itself has a beneficial effect that will not be superfluous for humans.
  • Small figurines made of kunzite are also a good option for an amulet. If you devote a little time every day to looking at such a figurine, you can feel a surge of inspiration, cheerfulness, and also get rid of a bad mood.
  • It is noted that kunzite is great for creating amulets. The mysterious magical power of the stone will protect its owner from betrayal, deceit and lies, violence, accidents and disasters, as well as any negative impact and evil forces.
  • In addition, there is an opinion that the stone helps in resolving love issues, enhances male and female strength, and also contributes to the conception of children.

Kunzite in astrology

Astrologers note that kunzite is well suited, it does not have properties that could negatively affect a person, so everyone can wear it without fear. However, there are signs for which kunzite is especially useful - these are, and. Representatives of these zodiac groups will be able to quickly establish contact with the mineral and to a greater extent feel the impact of its healing and magical properties.

Cat's eye stone and its properties Stone Rhodolite - pink garnet
Almandine - a stone of fidelity and constancy

Pale pink kunzite stone with a transition to light purple color, one of the varieties of spodumene. It was discovered in Connecticut and named after J. F. Kanza, an American mineralogist and vice president of the Tiffany Company. It was he who gave him the description in 1902. Originally found in the US, kunzite is more common in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

Quite large, its weight can be even more than 20 carats, it is quite widely demanded in jewelry (especially abroad), in the industry for the production of ceramics, batteries for cars and mobile phones.

Differences of kunzite from other minerals

Help in identification can be provided by its inherent property of pleochroism, which is due to the prismatic crystal structure. Consists of aluminum and lithium silicate.

This stone is easy to split, which is similar to the properties of topaz and diamond. Under the influence of sunlight, it can lose its color, and this is a feature of minerals from the spodumene family. Kunzite is softer than pink sapphire, but similar in hardness to quartz. Usually quite large in size.

Colour, shine and clarity

Usually it is a pale colored stone, but in some cases its color can be bright. Due to traces of manganese, the color range varies from light pink to lilac and lavender and from pink purple to light purple.

Pleochroism provides a variety of color intensity depending on the angle of the sun's rays. The property of pleochroism, as a rule, is observed in pink and purple tones.

These are transparent stones, in some of them inclusions can be seen. When polished, kunzite acquires a vitreous luster. Basically, transparent specimens are still in demand.

Cutting and processing

Often cut in the manner of an emerald. The Portuguese cut provides additional facets to add intensity to the brilliance of this mineral. The cut must be correctly oriented in order to show the color as much as possible with the pleochroism effect.

The stone is easy to split, so it can significantly decrease in size. Most of all, cut shapes are applicable to kunzite: oval, cushion, round and octagon (emerald), sometimes heart-shaped and trillion.

Usually this stone is not processed. But crystals of green-violet and brown shades are heated to improve the color at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Irradiation treatment is used less.

Gemological properties, deposits.

This single crystal prismatic stone has the chemical formula LiAI(Si2O6) and is a lithium aluminum silicate. The hardness is 6.5 to 7.0 according to Mohs, the density is 3.15 to 3.21, the birefringence index is 1.660 to 1.681. The stone is layered, transparent, with a vitreous luster, characteristic, strong fluorescence in yellow-red and orange tones. The color range varies from pink-violet to light purple.

It was originally found in Connecticut, then in California along with pink beryl morganite. The main supplies of stone come from Pakistan and Afghanistan, but large deposits of it have also been found in Brazil.

Found in Madagascar, Myanmar, Russia, Sweden, Mexico, Canada, Western Australia.
Belongs to the spodumene family, which includes yellow spodumene and green spodumene. They also include "trifan" - a colorless variety.

Similar to kunzite are pink tourmaline, pink morganite, pink spinel and pink sapphire. But they can be distinguished by hardness, which is much less for kunzite, and by weight, since the crystal is large.

Magical and healing properties of kunzite

He was credited with the ability to attract good luck to his owner and make it possible to better understand people. Pink stones served as a conductor between hearts, helped lovers and healed heart wounds. With the help of kunzite, lung diseases were treated.

But the magical and healing properties attributed to kunzite do not mean that you can rely on it to maintain your health. More than a gem, a professional doctor will help.

Jewelry and care.

Pink gemstones are very popular. But sapphires and spinels are expensive, tourmaline is usually small. But kunzite is a large stone, while quite affordable.

He is not very famous, but the sale at auction of a 47-carat kunzite ring for 410 thousand dollars (it was purchased by J. F. Kennedy before his death as a gift to his wife) brought fame to the mineral. This pale pink stone with a purple tint is transparent and beautiful, looks great in jewelry. Sometimes it has a golden sheen.

The size of kunzite is quite large, because there are stones weighing 50 carats, and usually they are applied to the Portuguese cut, as it makes its brilliance more intense. Usually the stones are clean, and even with a magnification, it is not possible to see inclusions in them.

This crystal can be in rings, pendants, and in brooches and pins. Its sheer pink shimmer looks very pretty when paired with a black outfit. And since pink sapphire and spinel are very expensive, kunzite can successfully serve as a substitute for them. Moreover, its large size allows you to make eye-catching decorations.

Kunzite weighing 47 carats adorned the ring that President Kennedy purchased for his wife. At Sotheby's, it sold for a fantastic $410,000.

The mineral is hard enough, but it still requires careful care. It can break on impact and

easy to crack, it can not be overheated and kept under bright light. The best time for jewelry with kunzite is evening.

It should be cleaned with soapy water, ultrasound and steam, as well as chemicals, are contraindicated for it.

Do not leave kunzite jewelry while doing household chores or playing sports, as it can be damaged. It should not be worn with other precious stones either. It is better to store in a box, wrapped in a cloth for greater security.

Kunzite is a rare spodumene

Properties and deposits of kunzite

The gem got its name at the beginning of the 20th century thanks to the mineralogist from America, J. Kunz, who first described and studied it. Kunzite is a variety of the mineral called spodumene, often pinkish-lilac in color. The gem is very similar to topaz, amethyst and beryl, probably for this reason it is also called lithium amethyst or spodumene amethyst.

This surprisingly rare stone can be of other colors:

  • Gray.
  • Purple.
  • purple.
  • brown.
  • Yellow.
  • Brown.
  • Green kunzite is considered especially beautiful.

Pleochroism is an amazing property due to which gems, including kunzite, are able to change shades depending on the angle of view on them. Kunzite can become either colorless, pink, purple or immediately multicolored.

But the mineral also has a not very pleasant feature: from excessive exposure to the sun, it can lose its natural shade, become dull and colorless.

In nature, this mineral is mined in the form of crystals, sometimes reaching a length of about 15 meters, the weight of especially large specimens exceeds 100 tons.

Kunzite is considered one of the most beautiful gemstones in the world, and all thanks to the impurity of manganese contained in it. Jewelry with this gem always looks delicate and elegant, especially elegant will be a kunzite ring made of white gold or silver, worn on a finger under a suitable evening dress.


Not too many gem deposits have been found in the world, the main ones are located in:

  • Brazil.
  • Afghanistan.
  • Africa.
  • in Madagascar.

Pakistan is also famous for extracting the finest gems suitable for making jewelry, as evidenced by many photos.

In addition to jewelry, kunzite is often used in industry, for example, to create rare types of glass and metallic lithium. It is worth noting that this stone is extremely hard, so its processing is a difficult and lengthy process, during which it can easily crumble.

Healing properties of kunzite

Lithotherapists often use this mineral for healing, as it can help with many health problems. It is known that kunzite has a beneficial effect on the heart, improving its blood supply, as well as stimulating the proper functioning of muscles, gradually leading to the healing of many ailments of this vital organ.

The gem neutralizes the negative effects of anesthesia, and is also effective for neuralgia. The stone corrects the functioning of the immune system, making it stronger and more resilient.

The considerable content of lithium in the stone helps to quickly get rid of depression, nervous disorders, the consequences of stressful situations, and most importantly, kunzite will help to cope with insomnia. For a positive effect, the owner of the stone just needs to admire it for a while, turning it in different directions and watching the magical play. The nervous system from such procedures will soon return to normal.

A good stone for children, it calms overly active fidgets, improves the work of their energy flows.

The magical properties of the mineral

In magic, the stone is used much more often than in healing, it helps to find a balance between the heart and mind. It attracts love, joy, happiness to the owner, gives inspiration, develops intuition and improves intellectual abilities.

The gem protects the owner from all manifestations of evil: damage, unrequited love, the evil eye, injuries and deceit, sets him up for good and positive. To this end, magicians advise putting kunzite pendants on children, because they need protection more than adults.

Kunzite is the most suitable talisman for creative people, because it helps them draw inspiration in those moments when it seems that it has completely dried up.

In every house, regardless of the zodiac sign of its residents (after all, it can be used by everyone), it is useful to have kunzite figurines. It will suit everyone, but Lions, Scorpios and Taurus will find a connection with a pebble faster than others.
