NLP technologies in love and relationships. Influencing men with nlp

Recently, quite often you can hear about some magical techniques that allow you to change your life for the better. Among them is NLP - Neuro Linguistic Programming, which is also called the technique of manipulating consciousness. It allows you to lure the interlocutor to your side without lengthy persuasion and bringing a lot of evidence. The beauty of NLP is that there is no direct impact. A person is sincerely convinced that all the phrases uttered by the interlocutor are a reflection of his own thoughts, but who can not agree with himself? For professional negotiators, such skills are undoubtedly necessary, but can NLP be useful for girls who want to gain popularity with the opposite sex?

NLP techniques for women on a date

To begin with, it is worth saying that now we will not talk about male limitations - we are all used to thinking according to a certain scheme, only a few have real non-standard thinking, but it is useless to apply these techniques to them. Also, do not use NLP to communicate with those who are familiar with these techniques - no one likes to be manipulated. And for a person who constantly works with NLP, for example, a psychologist or a marketer, your attempts will be completely ridiculous. So be careful.

So, how can NLP techniques for women on a date help?

Of course, these are not all NLP techniques that can be useful for women, there are a lot of books on this topic. For example, “Since then they lived happily ever after” (L. Cameron-Baedler) or “NLP. Games in which women win” (Anvar Bakirov). Therefore, if you are interested in the art of manipulation, read, experiment and succeed. True, more often men find themselves at our feet not thanks to female NLP, but thanks to the art of being a woman - gentle, but demanding, sweet, but with claws.


Every woman wants to know the recipe how to fall in love with a man and live with him happily ever after. Of course, there are some recommendations, which I will now outline. Influences will be described first basic, then forbidden, manipulative.

20 effective tricks



Sex appeal. I won't surprise anyone if I say that a sexually attractive woman is more likely to get attention from men. At a minimum, the initial attraction on His part is provided to her. But this is not all, and only with the help of this it is unlikely that you will be able to fall in love with a man.


Your image must be different from others. To make a man fall in love with you, at least come up with some kind of character trait, albeit not quite “correct”, but your “chip”. For example, always wear a “lucky” scarf, keychain, or love for a certain kind of candy. Think of how these candies take you out of any trouble to a state of happiness.

This needs to be instilled gradually, and when he wants to please you, he will definitely use this knowledge. Just do not think of a mink coat at the first meeting, there is a great chance to miss a man)))


Allusions to one's own sexuality, indirect promises. For example, it's good to mention in passing that you've taken an oral sex class, or you're into strip plastic surgery, or you've read an interesting book about sex, or you like to watch pornography, and so on.

It perfectly includes male fantasies. His brain will turn on the process of influence itself, and do not be surprised if, over time, he will burn with passion for you. And you don't have to think about how to make a man fall in love with you, he will fall in love himself!


Women's helplessness in simple matters that are easy for him to accomplish. From shaking hands when descending stairs and opening doors, to advice on technical issues. And in general, it’s convenient to turn on the “fool” and say, you’re so smart, tell me, stupid ...

Taking advice is always very beneficial, since you can partially shift the responsibility to the adviser. But be careful, men are not so stupid, and this manipulation may not work. But most often it helps to fall in love with a man, so try it!


financial independence. No one scares men like "freeloaders". Of course, over time, he will take on some financial support, but do not immediately try to sit on his neck. Most men, especially those who are smarter, immediately filter such ladies. Do you really need a smart man?


Anchoring. This is an NLP technique. When a man feels especially good with you, touch him in a certain place on the body. Often this technique solves the question of how to fall in love with a man. Do this several times, in different situations during the most comfortable state. It is only important to anchor in a place that is hard to reach for others, otherwise this anchor will start to work on colleagues at work.


Psychological support. All people have good and bad moods. And when a person feels bad, he needs support. At such moments, he is especially receptive. First you need to accustom him to the fact that you will always understand and support. And when he learns to go to you for this, you can begin a gradual soft suggestion.


No exes no complaints, men are afraid of women's problems. Especially at the beginning. Let him understand that you are all hurt without him. And it could be even better with him.

SECRET #9. Escape

Escape. Create a small communication deficit with you. On a date not get to the point where you have nothing to tell each other. If you have sex, then it's better not stay overnight. He must want to wake up with you in the same bed and ask you about it. Not call, not write first, only if on business. And even if he wants to know about your life, create a small obstacle that he must overcome. A man is a hunter, and he will be much more excited to catch up with prey, and not to take it when it waits with loving eyes.


Disappear at the peak of emotions. So that in your absence he thinks more about you. And more unpredictability. He doesn't have to know exactly when you'll grace him with your attention again.

We have an excellent article about emotions, where you will learn how to use this tool correctly, how to recognize a man’s emotions (and these are his real thoughts), and how to develop emotional intelligence. When you read this article, go back and follow the link EMOTIONS.


Denial of sex. There are no clear recommendations here. If you are in sex - Cleopatra herself, and not one man has left you on his own, then feel free to show him the class, and move away. After a while, he will want to repeat and you will be able to set your own conditions. But if you doubt your abilities, it is better for a man to endure a little BEFORE so that he himself comes up with a passion and believes in it himself. But don't overdo it, or you'll be very disappointed.


sexual literacy, learning. It is very useful to improve your sex skills - a variety of trainings, intimate muscle training, dancing. This will never be superfluous and will increase your self-esteem.


Adjustment. Copy his poses, but to the best of etiquette and common sense. It is natural for a person to trust a similar person, so try to become like him in something similar.

Competent FLIRT will help to fall in love with a man, at least at the beginning of communication.


Conversation in one language. From his phrases, determine his dominant mode of perception. There are three of them - visual, auditory and kinesthetic. And enter into your vocabulary a similar expression of your thoughts. I will cover this topic in a separate article.


Presence of common topics of conversation. I really hope that you really have something to talk about. And if a man is not of your circle and other interests, then you can fall in love with a man, if he is already very good ... To do this, you will have to find out his interests and get carried away with it yourself. For real, with passion. This is one of the main compatibility criteria, so go for it. Passion goes away, novelty is erased, but common interests remain!


Comfort. If a man is comfortable with you, he will always return. Find out what he likes the most, what he dreams of and try to fulfill it. And be sure to check it out. Ask: "Are you happy now?" or a little more indirectly: “You know, I am now as happy as ever. Thank you for being there right now." And even if he did not answer, this information was deposited in the subconscious, rest assured. Several such sessions - and you are his queen.


Sense of humor, self-criticism. This will add comfort in communication, and will bind the man to you even more.


Women's submissiveness very exciting man. And even if you occupy a high position at work, you need to be obedient and accommodating with your man. And even if it is just a game, he will appreciate it. But in our age of female emancipation, variations are possible, and often men become feminine, women become masculine. And be sure to evaluate this advice according to the situation. But according to scientists, unions with male dominance are considered stronger.


Flattery. Men adore flattery, admiring eyes of a woman, but do not overdo it so that he does not consider you an idiot. Don't forget to praise him. More often!


Promise. Find out what he lacks in the grand plan of life.

For example, if he dreams of building a house, say that as a child you lived in the village with your grandmother, and those were the happiest times. And in general, you dream of a house where there are many flowers, where it is cozy ... That is, in fact, indirectly promise to bring comfort to his house. Or he wants a baby. Say, "I want a son from you." How well the singer Natalie found the most desirable words for any man, and the song became a hit!


Well, here we come to dangerous methods. , which can also fire against the manipulator. If you decide at all costs to make a man fall in love with you, think carefully about the consequences. All responsibility and all risks will fall on your shoulders. In no case do I undertake to read morality, you just have to be sure that you feel love for a man. And you can’t be afraid to lose, because fear can get in the way.



Inciting jealousy. The male has been endowed with jealousy since ancient times. After all, while he is hunting, he does not want another male to fertilize his female, and then bring up someone else's offspring. I will not tell you the scenarios, just a hint of possible infidelity is enough. And the most amorphous men are activated. Do not go too far, your victim can easily jump off or arrange a showdown for you, after which you yourself can suffer. Relationships of swinging are based on this, when partners try to stir up their former passion.


Strong emotional experiences together. Extreme, danger bind people very strongly. for example, a joint parachute jump, or paragliding, or swimming in the night sea - everything unusual and scary is a strong impact. Once, before my eyes, my lover fell from a waterfall. He survived, with minor injuries. But something seemed to have happened in me, and it attached me terribly to him. For 2 years I suffered from the strongest binding, and he escaped with only physical injuries. Therefore, such experiments are very dangerous, and it is not a fact that they will not turn against the instigator.


Disappearance. Manipulator's trump card. Requires little preparation. In a conversation, as if by chance, make a reservation that you think that true love is worthy of suicide, or that you understand Marilyn Monroe, and that she took her own life. Or other nonsense, and if after this statement your man did not run away and did not bring you into an emergency, continue the game.

After a petty quarrel that you yourself provoke, just turn off the phone for a few days. Disappear from all social networks, etc. Nonsense, of course, is delusional, but if it works, then the victim will go crazy in a few days and it will not be difficult to fall in love with a man. For at least a few days, he will think about you, and this will lead to a kind of affection.


Pendulum. The most harmless of all prohibited influences. First, show the man how good, white and fluffy you are. And then, BOOM! After a small oversight, you become a terrible bitch. You choose the amplitude of the buildup in accordance with the degree of its binding and common sense. Then again good, and again bad. It is important for you not to be afraid of losing him, because a person with a healthy psyche is unlikely to endure this. Although, in all of us there are difficulties ... perhaps this way you can fall in love with a man.


Falling in love with a man is still half the battle, or even a quarter. It is very important to recognize the signs of a man's affection in time. The look of a man will tell you how he treats you. And also about his sexual preferences! Follow the link "LOOK MAN" to understand his attitude towards you.

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Neuro-Linguistic Programming, also known as NLP, is a field of psychology that studies the subjective experience of a person, and through the analysis of this experience, allows you to copy the skills of successful people. But most often NLP in Russia is viewed as an almost supernatural technique of manipulating an interlocutor, which can be used for everything from influencing negotiating partners to achieving success in the field of sex and relationships.

In fact, there is no magic in NLP, but some of its techniques can be a good help in a romantic relationship with the man of your dreams. NLP in Relationships: Tricks and Advice NLP teaches us, first of all, by analyzing relationships, that in dealing with the object of your passion, there should not be too many of you at first. Imagine if gold were used instead of regular iron, and that metal would be everywhere. Would we appreciate it that much? No matter how much you want to focus all your attention on the chosen one, wait a bit. Try to gradually get used to your person. When it becomes clear that he is interested in the further development of relations, stop communicating for a while. You can refer to sudden employment, urgent matters, a business trip. This technique in NLP is called "closer-farther", and these emotional swings can multiply even a weak attachment many times over. Only the man thought that you can count on the development of relations, and then you suddenly lower the degree of interaction. Such a distance should be followed by another “closer”, then the cycle can be repeated, but here it is important not to overdo it, and move on to the next stage in the development of relationships in time, otherwise your chosen one may emotionally “burn out”. Believe me, most men, when caring for you, successfully use these techniques. When communicating, you can use little tricks: try to look at the interlocutor most of the time, because according to research, couples in the heyday of love relationships look at each other more than three-quarters of the time when talking. Even external factors cannot stop them. Such a long look makes a man consider you as a partner. There is a lot of emphasis on the gaze in general in NLP, and here is one observation: if you look at a person you like, your pupils dilate. Eyes with dilated pupils are perceived by men as captivating and alluring, and to achieve this effect, you can arrange a date in a place with a romantic twilight. NLP: How to Behave in Dating If you want to use NLP psychotechniques in a relationship, then you need to be prepared to imagine that this is just a game. The ease that accompanies any game will allow you to relax and not worry so much about a possible failure, because after losing you can start the second round. Any NLP intervention, whether it be a therapy or a manipulation technique, begins with "adjustment" and "attachment". To do this, you must try to adjust to the pose of the chosen one, the manner of his conversation and even the rhythm of breathing. At a deeper level, it is worth sharing his interests, understanding what is important for him in a relationship, expressing verbal agreement with his principles. People most of all love people who are similar to them - in this case it is much easier to become "one of your own" for a person. There is a way to influence even those men who have feelings for their ex or non-reciprocal love for another woman. To do this, you can try one interesting technique, which consists in using the "anchor" effect. Ask a man to talk about the one who is of interest to him, keep the conversation going, ask leading questions, while carefully monitoring his condition. As soon as you understand that he is completely in the power of feelings for another and is experiencing the peak of euphoria, touch his arm or shoulder. From now on, exactly the same touch of yours will be associated with a whirlpool of feelings. Using this “anchor” at the right moments, you can redirect love for another woman to yourself, it is especially easy to do this if at that moment you are in a state of adjustment to each other. But beware of using this technique to upset someone's already established relationship. The principle of NLP: it cannot be used to harm, you cannot build your happiness on someone else's misfortune. NLP in relationships - good or bad? Despite the fact that NLP is considered a manipulative area of ​​psychology, it is primarily aimed at developing positive qualities in oneself through the knowledge of one's own psyche and the methods of its functioning. The correct application of NLP will benefit both you and your man. In order for your relationship after sex to be successful, with the help of NLP, you can concentrate on the following points: Choose for a relationship a man whose values ​​​​and attitudes are as close as possible to your own. in his place, think about what he can expect from you, and what you can give him. Be ready not only to take, but also to give, not necessarily expecting something in return. Consider not only his interests, but also your own. If you take into account these points, it will become much easier to achieve reciprocity. All this categorically should not mean "acting in men's interests to the detriment of their own", the key to harmonious relations is the art of compromise on both sides. And remember that most people are naturally good psychologists, of course, this also applies to women. Surviving in those difficult times when only men ruled the world, women, being on the periphery of public life, were focused exclusively on relationships (sometimes their whole life depended on them), and unconsciously applied NLP techniques when the concept itself did not yet exist. Any NLP training begins with the right setting of goals: clearly decide what you want from the relationship and from your chosen one, and you will definitely achieve it! Anna Meister

Every woman is a born manipulator. And few men can dispute this fact. From childhood to adulthood, the representatives of the weaker sex are trained in all conceivable and unthinkable ways to achieve their goal. But it’s one thing when the usual and slightly annoying female whims are used, and another thing when we use manipulation techniques that are completely invisible when communicating with men. How to learn to apply NLP in life and in communication with the stronger sex? We'll talk about this.

NLP for every day

Having delved a little into science, let's remember that neurolinguistic programming is, first of all, a verbal influence on our opponent. And in the hands of women, the competent use of NLP skills can turn into a real weapon. If pick-up artists use programming techniques to woo girls, then why can't we do the same? No one knows how to influence the opinions of others and convince them the way women do. So let's look at a few tricks where neurolinguistic programming works flawlessly on men.

Phrases encoding the stronger sex:

  1. "Honey, I'm seriously thinking here...". Psychological studies have confirmed that in almost 50% of cases, such a phrase makes a man tense up and turn his attention to the interlocutor. Within a fraction of a second, dozens of assumptions are born in the head of men, as the interlocutor decided to say. It is very convenient to use such a phrase if you urgently need a man to pay attention to you.
  2. "Honey, today I don't want sex". Such a phrase can put a man into a state of stupor, similar to an impending global catastrophe. In what situation can such a phrase be used? There are several options: turn away from him and fall asleep, so that he suffers and thinks what he did, and was more attentive to you in the future, or still agree to intimacy after a long and painful wait for a man. Let him be proud of himself and his perseverance. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to cajole a man's pride either.
  3. "I want more!". An alternative to the previous one. After a sexual intercourse that has just ended, when a man leans back on his back without strength, such a phrase has the effect of a bombshell. You will immediately hear hundreds of excuses, how tired he is and wants to sleep. To this he can answer something like “Well, dear, I understand everything and will not insist,” after which you will certainly bathe in his love and gratitude.

Time and place in NLP

Also in NLP for girls there are a couple of tricks when the emphasis is not so much on the phrases themselves, but on the time when they were uttered. For example, you are tired of waiting for enterprise from your man and decided to act on your own. A few examples for your reference:

  1. The man has been surfing the Internet for a long time. Silently approach him, take away the mouse and, as if by chance, go to some porn site. At the same time, you can poke at any photo or video and ask: “Why haven’t we tried this pose yet?”. An amazing effect awaits you, in which you can ask for anything.
  2. Husband's friends stayed up late at your place, and obviously they are not going to leave. Enter the kitchen in the most beautiful and revealing dress, with beautiful hair and makeup. Pick up a glass of beer or other drink that is consumed in the company of your man, drink it in one gulp and go out with the words “Darling, can I have you for a minute?”. Further development of events depends on you.
  3. One example that is used in a pickup truck. If your partner does not always understand you, and it seems to you that you cannot find a common language with him, use the imitation effect. This does not mean that it is worth literally copying it. But you can quietly copy his movements, manner of speaking and pace of speech, adopt some of his habits and hobbies. After some time, you will notice that you have become a closer person to him. He will begin to pay more attention to you, praise you for some of your gestures and admire your habits, not even suspecting that they all belong to him.

NLP skills in love

Touching upon neuro-linguistic programming in love, it is important to remember that although this science is called manipulative, it is primarily aimed at developing the best qualities in a person. NLP is self-improvement, a way to make yourself better. As for relationships with the opposite sex, for their harmonious development it is enough to acquire only four NLP skills:

Compliance with these simple rules will not go unnoticed by your man. Relationships are always a sacrifice. Invest in your love and in time you will achieve what you want.

NLP for women was created long before the advent of Neuro Linguistic Programming as a psychological science. And the women themselves created it. Everyone remembers the phrase that men rule the world and women rule men. Simple and uncomplicated skills of interacting with the stronger sex will give you the opportunity to achieve your goal without sacrificing your interests. The main thing in this matter is to know exactly and imagine what you want from your life and from the man who is next to you. The rest is a matter of technique.

Many write that NLP is the psychology of manipulating people, and even more so men! But this approach is fundamentally wrong: first of all, with the help of NLP, you can set yourself up for a positive wave, after which positive changes will not keep you waiting!

NLP is an art that absolutely every girl can master!

Rules for attracting love

If you are single, then it is better to always make your “request to the Universe” as general as possible. Do not include the name of the person you like now: it is quite possible that he has completely different desires! Say this: "I am happy with the person I love and love me."

After your request, try to close your eyes and imagine how you feel, look, and see when you are in love. Bring out these feelings in yourself as brightly as possible! Behave exactly the way a person in love behaves. This state of being in love can attract a loving partner to you. Quite simply, right?


Technique #1: The Perfect Date

Men and women are equally nervous before a first date - and that's great! True, excessive experiences can be confusing and will not let you relax. Then you don’t have to wait for miracles: on a date there will be not two pretty people, but small lumps of negativity that are afraid to blunder every second.

To avoid this, tune in to positive emotions in advance. After all, dating is about having fun, not about getting married and having kids right away. Have fun! Try to imagine what it will be like - your ideal date? What do you feel? How does he look at you? What are you talking about? Create your picture of a wonderful evening. You will see, you will be so filled with pleasant expectation that the date will go great.

Technique #2: Always Say Yes

Of course, this is a joke name, but the rule of three yeses really exists! Psychologists have long revealed that a person who answered three questions in a row with confident agreement will do it for the fourth time! This NLP technique in love will help you get the desired effect from a handsome man if he needs a little ... push to act.

Technique #3: Disarm

The Disarmament technique was described in her book NLP for Happy Love by Victoria Isaeva. His secret lies in getting ahead of the actions of a loved one. With its help, you can avoid parting or quarrels.

Do you think that your man wants to tell you bad news? Get ahead of him. Say: "Darling, I understand that our relationship is not perfect, but I would like to correct the situation with you!" Of course, he will no longer want to tell you about the bad, and you will discuss the problem and find a compromise together. This technique is really different from the rest, because it is aimed at improving existing relationships.
