Are second hand items harmful? Harm of second-hand: real and imaginary

Hello guys. Natalya Gramotkina is in touch with you and today I want to tell you about how Feng Shui second-hand clothes affect a person. In general, the idea for writing this post was suggested by my regular reader Sergey. His question is quite interesting, here is what he writes:

Think, this question will be of interest not only to Sergey, but also to other readers. So let's figure it out.

Surely, everyone knows what second-hand is. Ever since the time Soviet Union in our country there were flea markets, then commission shops. Now this type of sale of used clothes is usually called second-hand in the Western manner, which means “second hand” in English. By and large, each of us wore things “after someone”, and there is nothing “such” in this.

If you have never even bought second-hand things, then for sure, one of your friends or relatives gave you theirs, as they became small or, on the contrary, large, or simply did not like them. This is especially true for children's clothing, when in the first years of life the child grows rapidly, and there are so many clothes that they no longer fit in closets.

I know this firsthand. I have a very young daughter, now she is 4 years old. And I gave away a lot of her children's things to people who have small children. Also, in turn, they give us worn children's things, which we wear for one season at most, and then they become simply small. And how are you with this? Have you ever exchanged things in your life? Tell about it.

The influence of second-hand clothes on a person according to the teachings of Feng Shui

As I already answered Sergey in the comments, Feng Shui second-hand clothes should be worn carefully, because we don’t know which person it belonged to before. Healthy or sick, lucky or unlucky, whether this person is now alive or dead, and so on. And in Feng Shui, it is believed that wearing such clothes is not worth it.

But it happens that in second-hand stores there are high-quality good things, inexpensive price, which you can’t always find in ordinary stores, and if you do, you won’t add up the prices for them. Therefore, if you already have such a situation, then there is a way out!

In order to protect yourself from possible energy deposits while wearing second-hand clothing, perform a cleansing ritual before this.

Cleansing ritual for second hand clothes

Although second-hand clothes are dry-cleaned, it is still better to wash them before wearing them. This should be done in salted water, as salt cleans the energy very well. Just add two tablespoons to the washing water sea ​​salt(if there is no marine, the usual one will do). Then hang to dry outside under direct Sun rays, for a while, and not on a battery or dryer. And then, if it is a cold season, it will be possible to dry it in the house. If a warm time years, of course, it will dry out on the street.

The next way is fumigation with various incense. For this, the shops have big choice various aroma sticks. You just need to light the stick and pass around the thing several times so that it is well soaked.

The third way is to “ring out” a thing with an ordinary metal or. As you know, the sonorous ringing of metal perfectly fights negative energy.

And the fourth is to read a prayer over the thing 3, 7 or 9 times, for example, “Our Father” or a cleansing mantra from those proposed below.

If the tongue turns to say this 🙂 I honestly tried. Can tell cleaning on mother tongue it was much easier for me 🙂 Well, maybe you can do it, try it! Write about your successes. I like to listen to mantras more when they are superimposed on music. Very nice and relaxing music though.

Well, here, perhaps, and all the ways. I’ll just add on my own that I would recommend you to wash and iron a second-hand thing anyway, and then at least call, at least read, at least sprinkle with salt 😉 It’s up to you.

Children's clothing is an exception, here such measures are not required, since children have more energy force than adults, and are able to overcome energy layers themselves. In addition, they grow quickly, and do not walk in these things for a long time.

That's all for me. I hope my story about how second-hand Feng Shui clothes affect a person was useful to you. I look forward to your feedback. Bye.

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Over the 20 years that second-hand stores exist in Ukraine, they have changed a lot. The ruins with dirty rags, in which only the poor were rummaging, were transformed into solid stores.

Original and sort

What items go to second hand

Original. Items collected kind people, put in a huge opaque bag. It weighs 80 - 150 kg and costs 1.5 - 3 euros per kg.

And although it is the most a budget option purchases, only large stores with a large turnover can afford it, because a lot of money is often lost on these savings. After all, these bags are a lottery: no one knows what is inside.

Someone gets a bunch of expensive and almost new branded clothes. And someone can get a bag from this batch for 600 euros inside with terrible and washed out blankets with pillows.

And one more thing: due to the fact that the product is packaged, it is treated with a higher concentration of chemicals and it smells stronger.

Assorted. In a transparent bag, things are sorted by type and season - men's sweaters, women's dresses, warm bathrobes, etc.

In addition, things are packed according to the degree of wear. Unworn clothes with tags can cost as much as 25 euros per kg, and things with spots and holes can be bought for 2 - 3 euros per kilo.

In a cheap bag, 30% of things are frank garbage, which is suitable only for dogs on a litter. Another 30% is taken for rags, the remaining 40% can be sold. It is on them that the maximum price is set in order to return not only what was spent on the purchase, but also to be able to pay taxes, rent and pay the salary to the seller.

If in the first three or four days after delivery, the goods are not bought, they are stale, and it is very difficult to make money on them - the longer they lie, the cheaper they are sold, and even more stinks.

Myths about second hand

The abundance of various clothes, which often look chic and are sold very cheaply, could not but surprise the inhabitants of the post-Soviet space in the hungry 1990s.

As a result, second-hand stores have grown huge amount myths. Importers, shopkeepers and ordinary sellers helped us understand their veracity.

  • Money is often found in the pockets of clothes, which foreigners donate as help to the poor. The sellers keep the money for themselves.

    No. Small denominations and coins are indeed regularly found in things, especially in bags. Knowing this, sellers must inspect pockets before sending a batch for sale. But this money is not a conscious help: the owners simply forgot to take it out.

  • If a helicopter is depicted on the packages with things, then the things are intended for dropping from helicopters by victims of some kind of disaster, if the bear cub is things for orphanages.

    No. Organizations that collect clothes often paint different logos on the bags. So they explain to which charitable purposes they are going to donate part of the money received from the sale of things. Logos can be very different and should not be taken literally.

  • Second hand - a weapon of slow killing of the poor. Things are impregnated with poisons and viruses, and people wearing them begin to get sick and die.

    No. Second-hand stores have existed all over the world for decades, and both homeless people and celebrities buy clothes in them. Of course, many of them get sick and then die, but for completely different reasons. Employees of second-hand stores, who have been working in this area for years, are not only alive and well, but even quite well off. Yes, things have specific smell because they are carefully treated with hot steam and a disinfectant gas (40% paroformalin) that kills viruses and bacteria. But for human health, these substances are almost not dangerous - except that allergy sufferers need to be careful. Moreover, paroformalin is washed off - you just need to wash the item several times after purchase

  • Traders are selling humanitarian aid, which should in fact be distributed to the poor for free.

    Yes and no. It happens that used clothes are sent as a gift, and they are put on sale. Parishioners, for example, of a Baptist church in America send things to their Ukrainian "brothers", and they do not distribute them, but sell them. If you see a lot of stationery, children's books and toys at a second-hand store, this also usually indicates that the goods are actually humanitarian. But this rarely happens - most often used items are collected for legal sale.

Geography of used things

America arguably the worst secondhand store ever.
Firstly, the American nation continues to suffer from obesity, because usually clothes from there are "hippo" sizes. Secondly, the things themselves often come quite dirty. Thirdly, our mods are very different.

Ireland, one of the best suppliers of used items, especially for children. Because of state support, clothes for babies are so cheap that sometimes the Irish share chic and never worn children's things.
True, due to the fact that the country is small, the supply of things to us is also small.

Australia, another one good country in the world of second-hand, but little represented on the Ukrainian market. Due to the fact that cold days are infrequent on this warm continent, warm clothes practically do not wear out, and rich Australians in summer change quite often.

Britannia, it is believed that the best second-hand goods are brought from here. The British are rich enough to buy good things. natural materials. And they regularly get rid of them because English apartments are small, and obsolete things give way to new ones.

Norway, in this country it is quite cold, so excellent fleece waterproof things are brought from there, warm jackets and other warm clothes. However, the rest of Norwegian things are also of high quality. In addition, they supply good home textiles.

Germany, economical Germans very carefully wear things almost to disrepair and only after that they hand them over to those in need. That's why german clothes second hand is not very popular. But home textiles (curtains, bed sheets and towels) very good ones are brought from there.

France, both fashionable (even couture) expensive things, and torn grandmother's tights can be brought from there. It all depends on the district of the city in which the clothes were packaged - good ones are brought from the elite, and rags from the slums. If you are very lucky, you may come across a vintage designer exclusive.

Italy, things are good. They bring a lot of them, because, firstly, Italians are used to buying a lot of clothes and shoes, but they don’t have time to wear them out, and secondly, they have a wonderful tradition to get rid of everything unnecessary on New Year’s Eve.

Competitor in the face of China

Second-hand is by no means a competitor to ordinary stores: “There are not so many people who buy clothes both in second-hand stores and in boutiques at the same time - these groups of buyers almost do not intersect.

But to whom our clothes are the main competitor, it’s cheap Chinese, which is also imported illegally under the auspices of customer-supplied raw materials (fabrics from which clothes should supposedly be sewn in Ukraine, and then taken back) or the same second-hand.

These paperwork tricks help the Chinese pay less taxes and end up selling things cheaper. Let's not talk about quality Chinese clothes- there are good things in it. But the fact that China is the undisputed leader in the sale and production of things is a fact.

Buying second-hand clothes in specialized stores, the new owner tries to get rid of the second-hand smell. These things make enough unpleasant odors, but do not worry: there are many ways to quickly and effectively deal with such an annoying problem.

How are second-hand things processed?

Items for sale former owner to the receiving point, undergo mandatory processing using chemicals That's why they get such a specific smell. This is done to rid clothing of possible insects and other harmful microorganisms.

The composition of the preparations used for processing includes the organic compound formaldehyde and the methyl methane radical. Chemicals penetrate the threads of the product. The smell of secondhand clothing is not the only annoyance for the person who bought it. Chemicals left on a dress or shirt, jeans or skirt can cause inflammation skin and even cause poisoning.

How to easily remove secondhand smell from clothes with improvised means

At home, it is allowed to eliminate the aroma characteristic of second-hand using improvised means that are available in almost any kitchen, for example, ammonia.

First you need to prepare a solution ammonia, consisting of a 10% substance, water and essential oil geraniums. The volume depends on the type of product. For example, you want to remove the characteristic smell from things the size of men's sweater. To do this, pour 10 liters of water into the basin room temperature or slightly higher, add 100-120 ml of ammonia and 8 ml of essential oil. Soak the item in the prepared solution for 2-4 hours. If this is a denim product, then the time increases to 7-8 hours.

After that, the thing is wrung out and dried for fresh air 3 days. Then it should be washed in the machine with powder and rinse aid. The mode is selected so that the entire washing cycle takes at least an hour. It is best to dry outdoors.

There are several other ways to get rid of the smell:

  1. Coffee beans. They must be crushed in a coffee grinder, fall asleep coffee powder in a bag made from cotton fabric and tie it up. Clothes must be folded into plastic bag and place a bag of coffee in it. Tie the bag tightly and leave for 2-3 days.
  2. Natural soap. The smell of second-hand can be removed from clothes with soap. It is necessary to act in the same way as with coffee beans, but only place soap, crushed on a grater, in a cotton bag.
  3. If second-hand clothes stink, you can prepare a solution of 100 ml of 6% vinegar, 100 g of salt, 45 g of baking soda. Pour the mixture into a basin with 8 liters of warm water, mix well and lower the item to be cleaned into the solution. It should get wet for 3-4 hours. Then the thing is wrung out and sent to washing machine for 1.5 hours. If the smell is not removed, then the procedure must be repeated again.
  4. Flavored salt. Before washing second-hand clothes, it is recommended to soak them in a solution of a substance that can be purchased at a nearby supermarket. It is better to choose salt with the smell of lemon, fir, sea breeze. 300 g of salt are poured into 500 ml of water. No need to wait until the granules dissolve: you should immediately rub the product with the mixture. Leave the thing in this form for 20-30 minutes. And at this time it is necessary to prepare another solution of 500 g of salt and 10 l hot water. The thing must be held in this composition for 1 hour, then wring it out, wash it in a typewriter and dry it in the fresh air. Video can't be loaded: HOW TO GET RID OF SMELL ON SECOND HAND || Second Hand ✿Mari Link✿ (

Removing odor without washing

Not all housewives know how to remove the smell of second-hand from clothes that are not recommended to be washed, for example, from jackets made of genuine leather or with fur coat. The most commonly used method of getting rid of the smell in this case is to ventilate the product in fresh air. This procedure is long, but not demanding. special means and time costs.

An unpleasant aroma will help eliminate frost: you should take your clothes out to the balcony for a couple of days. If it is warm outside, then the product can be packed in polyethylene and placed in freezer for 4-5 days.

After that, the thing should be dried in the room, but you should not turn on the heaters.
A product made of genuine leather can be placed in a plastic bag, pour 3 tbsp. l. ground coffee or sea salt, tie tightly and leave for 2 days. Thereafter bad smell will disappear. Coffee or salt can be replaced with a rag soaked in vinegar essence.

With the help of coffee, you can remove the smell from a fur coat, which must also be put in a bag. But keep it in this form should be longer - up to 5 days.

Medicinal herbs are another good remedy to eliminate the unpleasant chemical odor that accompanies second-hand clothes. Herbal mixture is prepared from the following components:

  • mint - 70 g;
  • linden - 100 g;
  • sage - 80 g;
  • yarrow - 110 g;
  • pharmacy chamomile - 110.

The prepared composition is poured into a cotton bag. He and his clothes should be put in a plastic bag, which is tied and left in this form for 3 days. After that, the smell should disappear.

If this does not happen, then the procedure is repeated. If folk ways getting rid of the second-hand smell does not work, you can contact the dry cleaners. Although the services of professional craftsmen are expensive, the owner does not have to worry that the product will be damaged. Video can't be loaded: 6 LIFE HACKS. HOW TO GET RID OF THE Smell of Second Hand Items. (

Household chemicals

Get rid of the smell of "second hand" will be possible with the help of means household chemicals. These drugs act at the molecular level without causing harm to humans.

Silvester is an effective remedy. It not only neutralizes odor, but also disinfects clothes, while appearance products do not change for the worse.

Using the drug is quite simple. First you need to wash the thing, rinse it several times and wring it out. Then you should pour water into the basin and dissolve the cleanser in it at the rate of 1 cap per 1 liter of water. Soak the product in the solution for 1.5-2 hours, then wring it out without additional rinsing.

Many people treat used things with caution, not wanting to use them. There is a feeling of disgust, prejudice, for which some in such cases are accused of superstition

Each of us has a favorite thing - watches, clothes, toys, whatever. Perhaps no one would want to part with them just like that. But it happens, for example, that the jacket has become small or tired, and then it passes into the use of someone else. There is nothing abnormal in this, but there are also oddities associated with the new owners of old clothes.

Energy of things

Sometimes wardrobe items, favorite toys and wallets retain the energy of the previous owner, which can stay on them for a long time. According to clairvoyant Fatima Khadueva, the winner of the 13th season of the Battle of Psychics, it depends on how much a person loved his thing, how long he wore it, what events he was with this thing. The more time it belonged to its previous owner, the stronger the astral trace remains.

There can be many different events in a person's life. Funeral, illness, separation, bankruptcy cause negative emotions, a person is in bad condition. The same is transferred to things. They remember the mood of their owner and accumulate it in themselves. Therefore, the superstition that nothing can be brought home from the cemetery has a completely understandable explanation.

Nonetheless, positive emotions also accumulate. Students often put on the clothes in which they got excellent marks on the previous exam, and again successfully pass even difficult subjects. By passing on a thing with such a past, you can help the new owner in attracting good luck, getting rid of an illness, or in love relationships. Not only wardrobe items, but absolutely any item with which he often comes into contact with can be charged with the energy of his owner.

Negative energy of a worn item

The cause of illness, lack of money and quarrels in the family can be any foreign thing. Quite frequent are stories about how suddenly and seemingly without reason, inexplicable ailments begin, healthy man suddenly unable to get out of bed. And then it turns out that he wears a jacket of a deceased person, purchased through a second-hand store.

Wardrobe items seem to reach out to their former owner and lure their new owner there. Therefore, it is believed that second-hand goods can really damage the biofield. As, however, and just a thing taken from friends or relatives.

There is nothing terrible in transmitting even negative energy. There is little pleasant in this, but psychics and esotericists argue that you can get rid of the bad influence of a negatively charged object. To do this, it is enough to wash or wash that item or wardrobe that, as you think, attracted trouble to the house. Water cleanses of everything bad, allowing you to accumulate new emotions and positive impulses in a previously negatively charged thing.

Be careful when passing your personal items into the hands of another person and think before you start using something that has been used. May there be more positive emotions and “happy” things in your life, good to you, and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.02.2016 01:20

People often find various things on the street, sometimes even valuable jewellery or money. However, not...

Every person has faced this problem: important thing lost and never found. ...

AT recent times more and more shops with confiscated goods, clothes from Europe and consignments appear. We all know what category and price they belong to. Second hand stores have existed in Ukraine for a long time, but due to the crisis and the depreciation of the national currency, right now they are gaining more and more popularity.

Many Ukrainians do not disdain "bags" and "European goods", and even those who can afford expensive brands. The reason is simple: why spend thousands if the same brands can be bought "for a penny". After all, after washing it will be very difficult to distinguish which boutique they are from.

In fact, not everything is so simple with second-hand stores. Many lovers of worn things believe that it is enough to wash them thoroughly before wearing them and protection is guaranteed. In fact, get rid of strange feeling and the stubborn stench of second-hand clothes is not so easy.

In this article we will understand what second-hand is, how to protect yourself from possible threats and freely enjoy the benefits of this budget multi-brand.

Second hand clothing

Speaking in general about the meaning and purpose of second-hand, it can be described very simply: it is a special system for collecting used clothes for the purpose of further processing or sale. In some countries, there are even special factories that collect clothes from the population and sort them into certain categories. Moreover, it is distributed not only by season, purpose and gender, but also by the level of novelty of the product, as well as by the brand of the manufacturer.

Thus, in many thrift stores, almost new things are very often found, there are even completely unworn items, moreover, with the original branded label. The only thing that can significantly spoil the positive emotions from the purchase famous brand on the second hand, this is a very specific aroma, one might even say a real chemical attack on the olfactory organs. This odor cannot be confused with anything, everyone recognizes it. And the reputation of the owner of such a thing may be in jeopardy ..

Today, many articles are circulating on the Internet on the topic of the dangers of used clothes and the harmfulness of the means by which things are processed before they are sold at transshipment points, customs or wholesale warehouses. It is pointless to prove or disprove the fact that toxins are used to disinfect clothes. There is only one answer - they are definitely used.

The main question is HOW to completely protect your body from these toxic chemicals, as well as completely clean clothes from the “bearings” of the previous owner: his bacteria, remnants of skin secretions, and even someone else’s ingrained smell of sweat.

In order to understand how to deal with an unpleasant smell from a new thing bought in a trunk, it is necessary, first of all, to understand what is the reason for this, or rather, by what specific means the things were processed.

It is common to disinfect worn clothing with the cheapest and most readily available chemicals, such as formaldehyde or methyl bromide.

Formaldehyde- it is a toxic volatile colorless gas for disinfection (aqueous-alcoholic solution of formaldehyde - formalin). Its presence is noticeable even at very low concentrations due to strong odor. With prolonged exposure, this chemical has a dangerous toxic effect on the body, irritating to the skin, eyes, Airways and can lead to very sad consequences.

Methyl bromide has approximately the same properties and purpose as the previous chemical monster.

The smell of second hand

It is the above substances that give such a specific aroma to things after antibacterial cleaning. All clothes are processed: leather and fur, things with leather lining, leather and rubber shoes, chemical fiber products, cotton and woolen products, as well as all other items of clothing.

And although many research sources try to prove the opposite - namely, the safety of the above antiseptics - it is worth relying on healthy sense and proven toxicity data. Precaution in this case will not hurt, especially in relation to health.

Do you want to wear a T-shirt, jeans or formalin-soaked blouse? Have you ever wondered why this particular disinfectant is used in morgues ..

How to get secondhand smell out of clothes

At all points of sale of used clothes, it is always recommended to thoroughly wash things after purchase, not only in order to neutralize the smell, but also to clean them from far from the most useful substances and chemistry.

However, as mentioned at the beginning of our article, removing the smell, and even more so, cleaning the clothes of the chemical, is sometimes very difficult. Normal washing, drying for many days and airing in the fresh air or in the sun - not always effective method for such a task. Especially when it comes to shoes and leather items. It is sometimes possible to weather the smell for weeks and not in every case to get the proper result.

Leather products tend to retain persistent aromas, even after several washes. Especially, it concerns clothes or footwear, the former use. Sun or frost won't do much to neutralize the odor and poisonous qualities of a corrosive chemical. To completely remove it, cleaning at the micro level and its chemical neutralization is necessary.

Conclusions, instructions

After buying clothes in second-hand, you must:

  1. Wash out soluble chemicals and moisture repellents from the fabric structure

    the water temperature should be the maximum allowable for this type of fabric. Surfactants and polymers wash better at high temperature conditions washing machine.

  2. Carry out additional antibacterial treatment

    disinfect all things from the bacteria of the previous owner and people who have already gone to the fitting room with your outfit. You don’t know who these people were, what they were sick with, why the outfits of the first owner ended up in the store, and also how well the clothes were disinfected before being sold.

  3. Neutralize volatile chemical substances, which cause an obsessive stench and may be harmful to health

    If everything is clear enough with washing and airing, then the issue of disinfection and odor neutralization raise a lot of questions due to their narrow focus and specificity.

What tools to use

For this purpose, it is best to use advanced modern organic products that are able to work at the molecular level without harm to humans and tissues.

A second-hand odor neutralizer must be multifunctional:

  • be able to remove and permanently remove the smell,
  • disinfect and clean the fabric from germs
  • protect against allergens and chemical toxins

The first multifunctional odor neutralizer that can solve all of the above problems was developed in the NanoSvit laboratory (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Silvester - the first organic remedy for rinsing from the smell of clothes with a powerful disinfectant and antibacterial effect. Does not contain fragrances, dyes, toxins and other chemicals. All work is done precious metal in liquid organic form - silver.

Action of organic silver:

  • antibacterial, disinfection
  • odor removal
  • neutralization of chemical toxins
  • anti-allergic action

Silvester Ingredients: active substance - organic silver concentrate (silver citrate), citric acid, water

Safety: No fumes, No toxins, Simple organic composition

Uniqueness: the drug has no analogues in Ukraine and the CIS.

The product is made on the basis of pure silver (Ag 99.99%) of high concentration and was created for the disinfection of clothes and linen. It consists exclusively of organic components, does not contain toxic chemical additives, and also does not have harmful fumes.

Clothing and underwear enriched with silver has pronounced anti-allergic properties, helps to reduce skin irritations and supports general protective functions human body.

Instructions for use:

We remove the second-hand smell on T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, jeans, hats, synthetics, etc.

  1. Wash clothes on a long wash cycle at the maximum allowable temperature for the fabric.
  2. Rinse thoroughly (recommended several times). wring out
  3. In a separate container (basin, bucket) draw a few liters of cold water
  4. Add Silvester at the rate of 1-2 caps per liter of water
  5. Soak the products evenly and leave for 1-3 hours
  6. Wring out lightly without additional rinsing and dry in the shade

Second hand shoes

Used shoes- the most complex product in the context of the problem under consideration. For example, leather cannot be washed, and sports sneakers disintegrate after prolonged soaking. But that's not the biggest problem...

Fungus!.. This invisible colonizer hides in every 2 pairs and is able to come to the surface at any second and give you a very unpleasant diseases, which are accompanied by severe discomfort and the appearance of an unpleasant odor from the feet and shoes. Your diagnosis can easily be: fungus on the legs (feet, between the toes) or even nail fungus.

Fungal spores survive even in the most extreme conditions. Most standard household disinfectants (formaldehyde, bleach, vinegar, etc.) are unable to kill this microorganism. The spores can exist for years in the structure of the leather or insole.

What to do?..


To be sure of the cleanliness and safety of your not new "new thing", do not neglect additional measures cleaning and disinfection. It will help remove odors, avoid allergies, protect you from disease, and give things that much-desired new feeling!

Buy a second-hand smell remedy in Kyiv (delivery in Ukraine)

You can buy second-hand odor products in Kyiv at official online store NanoSvit on this site or through our network of dealers and partners.

When buying a drug on our website, you get a guarantee of product quality from the manufacturer NanoSvit (Kyiv, Ukraine).

All products have a branded hologram.

Also, you can order drugs with delivery to any location in Ukraine (Nova Poshta, Intime, Ukrposhta) and the CIS (Ukrposhta).
