3 child with negative Rhesus in mother. What you need to know before conceiving

Every person is a carrier of one type of Rh factor: either positive or negative. The Rh factor is the presence or absence of a protein that is found on the surface of erythrocytes (red blood cells that carry oxygen to tissues). And every woman planning pregnancy, in order to avoid negative consequences must establish your Rh factor, as well as your blood group. After all, it can largely affect the course of pregnancy, as well as the development and condition of the fetus.

Future mother and father may have excellent Rh factors. So, if the mother and father are Rh positive, then the child will inherit a similar Rh factor in the future. The same thing happens if both parents have a negative Rh factor in their blood. If the mother has a positive Rh factor and the father has a Rh negative factor, there will also be no complications during pregnancy. But if it turns out that the mother is the owner of an Rh-negative factor while the father has an Rh-positive factor, an Rh conflict arises, which carries a certain threat.

The fact is that in the body of a Rh-negative pregnant woman, in response to the positive Rh factor of the fetus, antibodies begin to be produced - the immune system perceives the baby's Rh-positive red blood cells as foreign. Rh antibodies are able to penetrate the placenta, where they begin to destroy the fetal red blood cells. The consequence of this state of affairs for the child may be (decrease in hemoglobin), intoxication, and disruption of the functioning of vital organs. All this together is called hemolytic disease. It most often develops immediately after the baby is born, and its treatment is quite complicated. Sometimes a newborn also requires a blood transfusion - he is given Rh-negative blood and resuscitation measures are carried out.

In fact, all of these dire consequences can be avoided if you approach it thoughtfully and carefully. Many women only after spontaneous interruption pregnant women learned that the cause of the miscarriage was the presence of an Rh-negative factor in their blood. Since 15-20% of the female population are their carriers, it is necessary to establish your blood type and Rh factor in the process of pregnancy planning. If pregnancy has already occurred, then in the antenatal clinic in mandatory blood must be taken to determine Rh status. If it turns out that a pregnant woman is a carrier of the Rh-negative factor, she is taken into special registration. Careful control in this case is simply necessary. So, a woman will have to donate blood from a vein quite often - this way doctors will be able to monitor whether there are antibodies in the pregnant woman’s body, and if so, how their number changes. Until 32 weeks, blood is donated once a month, from 32 to 35 weeks - twice a month, and from this time until delivery weekly. Modern medical equipment allows you to constantly monitor the condition and development of the fetus, timely identify the severity of hemolytic disease and, if necessary, carry out intrauterine transfusion blood. the main task This procedure improves the condition of the fetus and prolongs pregnancy. Early or late labor if the mother has a negative Rh factor, they will be dangerous, best time the baby is born - 35-37 weeks.

It should be noted that during the first pregnancy, the risk of developing Rh conflict is low, because the mother’s immune system encounters foreign red blood cells for the first time. In this regard, antibodies capable of destroying fetal red blood cells are produced in small quantities. Therefore, if it turns out that the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, termination of pregnancy is contraindicated - this way there is a chance of the birth of a healthy, full-fledged baby. When next pregnancy the situation gets worse: the blood of a pregnant woman already contains antibodies left over from a previous pregnancy. And now they are able to penetrate the placenta and destroy the baby’s red blood cells.

In any case, if the mother has a negative Rh factor, strict medical control is necessary. Necessary treatment prescribed by a doctor after careful study of all the facts. The good news is that today the development of Rh conflict can be prevented by introducing a special vaccine - anti-Rhesus immunoglobin. This drug, which is administered immediately after the first birth or terminated pregnancy, binds aggressive antibodies and removes them from the mother's body. Thus, they will no longer be able to harm the unborn baby.

Especially for- Tatyana Argamakova

In the article we discuss the Rh factor during pregnancy - what it is, in what situations a Rh conflict occurs and its consequences for the child. You will learn how the Rh factor affects a woman, whether it can change during pregnancy, and what parents should do if an Rh conflict arises.

What is the Rh factor and Rh conflict

Rh factor during pregnancy does not always lead to Rh conflict

Rh factor or Rh is a special protein that is found on the surface of red blood cells. When this protein is absent in the blood, it is called a negative Rh factor; when present, it is called a positive Rh factor.

Some women are interested in the question of whether the Rh factor can change during pregnancy. The answer is negative - Rhesus remains for life. However, there is such a phenomenon as a weakly positive Rh factor. In such people, the amount of protein is so small that the reaction is either positive or negative. If you are diagnosed with weak positive Rh, evaluate it as follows:

  • Rh+ during pregnancy;
  • Rh- during blood transfusion;
  • Rh+ upon donation.

Since the embryo develops a negative and positive Rh factor during pregnancy already in the first trimester, it is important to determine it in time. If the Rhesus of the mother and child do not match, an Rhesus conflict may occur.

Rh conflict is the immune response of the mother’s body to the red blood cells of the fetus. Some of the baby's red blood cells penetrate the placenta into the woman's blood. Her immune system does not recognize the “new proteins” and begins to defend itself and produce appropriate antibodies to the Rh factor during pregnancy. Antibodies aggressively attack the placenta, penetrate the fetal blood and destroy “foreign” red blood cells on which the Rh antigen is located.

The effect of the Rh factor on pregnancy is not always negative. Even if Rh antibodies appear in the blood of a pregnant woman, it is not necessary that they will harm the child. Mother's blood amniotic fluid and the placenta contain special biological filters that retain antibodies and do not allow them to reach the fetus. The child's protection is enhanced if his mother is healthy and the pregnancy proceeds without complications. Everything changes if a woman suffers from toxicosis, there is a threat of abortion, partial detachment placenta, or invasive studies are performed during pregnancy. Then the effectiveness of protection drops sharply.

When does Rh conflict occur?

Rh conflict is not dangerous if you have Rh compatibility, that is, the mother’s body does not perceive the child as a foreign body. Compatibility occurs both with a positive and negative Rh factor of a woman:

  • When a mother is Rh+, she already has Rh protein in her blood. Regardless of what Rh the father or child has, the immune system will calmly accept the appearance of the same protein, and a conflict will not begin.
  • The same applies if the woman has a negative Rh factor during pregnancy, the father is negative and the child is negative. The baby inherits the Rh factor of the parents, and their blood is similar.
  • The option does not cause problems when a woman has a negative Rh factor during pregnancy, the father is Rh+, and the child is born with Rh-. In this case, the blood of the mother and fetus are completely compatible.

A Rh factor conflict during pregnancy occurs when a father with positive Rh transmits it to the child, and the mother has it. negative Rh factor.

The risk of Rh conflict increases if a woman has a history of:

  • birth of a child with Rh+;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • abortion, miscarriage;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • Rh+ blood transfusion.

When parents have different Rh factors during pregnancy, the consequences for the child can be unfavorable and sometimes catastrophic:

  • oxygen starvation and anemia;
  • dropsy with swelling on internal organs;
  • hemolytic jaundice;
  • disruption of brain function;
  • hearing and speech disorders;
  • reticulocytosis;
  • erythroblastosis;
  • fetal death.

Even if the child survives the attacks of antibodies and does not die, expectant mother will face severe manifestations of toxicosis and general weakness of the body.

Compatibility table of Rh factors by blood group

When planning a baby, it is important for parents to know their blood types and Rh factor in order to prevent Rh conflict

If your parents different group blood during pregnancy, compatibility may also be impaired. Blood groups differ in the presence of proteins type A and B:

  • in the first blood group (0) - there are no proteins;
  • the second blood group (A) has protein A;
  • the third blood group (B) has protein B;
  • the fourth blood group (AB) has both proteins.

Depending on the father’s blood type and Rh factor, the pregnancy compatibility table will show the likelihood of an immunological conflict. In all cases, the mother's Rh factor is negative.

The most favorable situation is when the mother has a negative blood type 4, and pregnancy depends only on the father’s Rh, and not the blood type.

Prevention of Rhesus conflict

To prevent Rh conflict, doctors carry out preventive vaccination with immunoglobulin. Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin during pregnancy with a negative Rh factor destroys the baby’s red blood cells that have entered the mother’s body, and her immune system has time to react.

Vaccination is done twice - before childbirth and immediately after childbirth:

  • If the pregnancy proceeds without complications before 28-32 weeks, the mother is given a dose of anti-D immunoglobulin, which protects the embryo until birth.
  • If after the first vaccination there is a threat of miscarriage with bloody discharge, an abdominal injury occurred after a car accident or a fall, therapeutic and diagnostic interventions were performed, for example, cordocentesis or chorionic biopsy, the drug is re-injected.
  • If the baby's Rh factor is confirmed positive after birth, the doctor gives an injection of anti-D immunoglobulin to protect the next pregnancy. Vaccination is carried out within 72 hours after birth, but not later.

What to do if your parents have a Rh factor conflict

Even when the mother has a negative Rh factor during her first pregnancy, and the child has a positive one, this does not mean that a conflict will necessarily arise. If a woman has no history of abortion, miscarriage or blood transfusion, the risk of developing Rh conflict does not exceed 10%. The likelihood of conflict remains low during the second pregnancy, if antibodies to the child’s Rh are not formed.

Another question is when antibodies appeared in the first pregnancy large quantities. In this case, a negative Rh factor during the second pregnancy will sharply increase the likelihood of Rh conflict. As soon as the fetal red blood cells penetrate the mother’s blood, the “memory cells” quickly organize the production of antibodies and provoke the destruction of the child’s red blood cells. And with each new pregnancy this risk will only increase. For this reason, a negative Rh factor during the third pregnancy most often causes adverse consequences.

What should parents do with Rhesus conflict?

The first thing such parents need to do is register with a gynecologist. If the parents have different Rh factors during pregnancy, the woman should regularly donate blood from a vein to determine antibodies to fetal red blood cells and their quantity:

  • from 7 to 32 weeks - once a month;
  • from 33 to 35 weeks - 2 times a month;
  • from 36 to 40 weeks - 1 time per week.

If antibodies do not appear by 28-32 weeks, you will be given injections of anti-Rhesus immunoglolin. If antibodies are detected in you, and their number increases, the doctor will diagnose the onset of Rh conflict and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Treatment of pregnant women with Rhesus conflict is carried out in a specialized perinatal center under constant medical supervision. To reduce the reaction of the mother's immune system to the fetal blood protein, desensitizing therapy is prescribed - the introduction of ascorbic acid, vitamins, glucose, calcium gluconate and cocarboxylase. If the titers of anti-Rhesus antibodies do not decrease, the woman is hospitalized in the pregnancy pathology department.

Planning a pregnancy with negative Rhesus

Incompatibility of Rh factors during pregnancy should be taken into account already at the planning stage. Recommendations for women with rhesus- negative blood Yu:

  • Determine in advance the father’s blood type and Rh factor.
  • Eat right, avoid stress, and exercise to strengthen your immune system and prevent possible breakdowns.
  • Save your first pregnancy and do not have abortions.

Also, at the stage of pregnancy planning, buy anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, since it is not always available in antenatal clinics and maternity hospitals.

For more information about Rhesus conflict, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. A negative Rh factor is when there are no special proteins in the blood.
  2. Rh conflict - when the mother is Rh negative and the child is Rh positive, and the woman’s immune system destroys the fetal cells.
  3. The risk of Rh conflict during the first pregnancy is no more than 10%. With every next child the risk increases.
  4. If a woman has a negative Rh factor during pregnancy, the consequences for the child are anemia, jaundice, dropsy, and death.
  5. The best treatment for Rh conflict is immunoglobulin prophylaxis.
  6. In order to promptly notice the appearance and increase in the amount of antibodies in the mother’s body, regularly donate blood from a vein to check the antibody titer.

The Rh factor plays important role when planning pregnancy and bearing a child. For a successful pregnancy, a woman’s Rh factor is important, because she may face many problems and dangers that await her.

When a pregnant woman first visits a doctor and registers for pregnancy, the doctor must take blood for analysis.

For normal development And wellness Both parents of the fetus must have the same Rh - positive or negative. However, nothing bad will happen if the father has a negative Rh factor, and the mother of the child has a positive one. And only if the mother is Rh negative, does this threaten the health, or even the life, of the fetus.

Rh factor: when is it necessary to see a doctor?

If a woman has a negative Rh factor, the father’s blood must also be taken for analysis to determine his Rh factor. Best options For Rh negative woman there will also be an Rh negative man. But there is still a danger of an Rh conflict; a child can become Rh positive, despite the “disadvantages” of the parents.

From the first weeks of pregnancy, women with a negative Rh factor come under close supervision of doctors and specialists due to their strong risk group.

So why is the difference in Rh factors between parents dangerous?

We will try to explain to you the risks of “minus” and how to avoid undesirable consequences and dangers.

There is no danger for Rh-positive mothers, even if the child has a negative Rh factor. It's another matter when Rh negative mother will Rh positive child. Exists real threat the occurrence of Rh conflict, and as a result - severe hemolytic disease of the fetus. The mother’s immune system reacts very violently to the baby’s red blood cells entering the mother’s blood; they are considered foreign to her, which causes the appearance of antibodies in the woman’s blood.

If the concentration of antibodies in a woman’s body is small, then pregnancy can proceed without complications for the mother and child. But if their number is too high, it can cause hemolytic disease of the newborn. This disease occurs as a result of the penetration of antibodies from the mother through the blood to the child. The child's liver and spleen become noticeably enlarged due to the fight against antibodies and replenishment of lost red blood cells.

During pregnancy, a woman should constantly monitor the growth of antibodies in the blood. Every month she takes a blood test, and from 28 weeks doctors take blood samples every 2 weeks. The child's blood-forming organs are also under constant control. Doctors use ultrasound to check whether the fetus's liver and spleen are enlarged, which can signal that the baby is unwell. Previously, in such cases, pregnancy was terminated; now there is a method of intrauterine blood transfusion.

There is a way to prevent the occurrence of Rh conflict both in the first and in subsequent pregnancies. 2 weeks after the antibody test, and if no antibodies are found, the woman is given a vaccine called anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin, which prevents the appearance of antibodies in the mother's blood. It is administered intramuscularly at 27-28 weeks. After vaccination, a woman no longer needs to be tested for antibodies.

Development of Rh conflict between mother and fetus

If antibodies are found in a woman’s blood, but according to all tests and examinations they do not cause any harm to the child, then after birth, in order to prevent the appearance of antibodies in subsequent pregnancies, the woman is given immunoglobulin within 72 hours.

How do you know if a pregnant woman is at risk due to Rh negative?

Usually, during the first pregnancy, Rh conflict rarely occurs due to the low concentration of antibodies in the mother's blood. But with each pregnancy their concentration increases, and the risk of Rh conflict, and therefore undesirable consequences for the fetus, increases several times. Therefore, doctors prohibit women with a negative Rh factor from having abortions, especially during their first pregnancy.

It is very important for a woman with a negative Rh factor to carry her first pregnancy to term and give birth to a baby. If her first pregnancy ended in abortion, miscarriage, or a frozen pregnancy, then there is a serious risk of antibody growth in subsequent pregnancies. All this happens because after an abortion or miscarriage, mechanical curettage of the uterine cavity is necessary, as a result of which the blood of the fetus and mother are mixed. As a result, antibodies grow in the mother’s blood.

A Rh negative woman is given immunoglobulin after each pregnancy, regardless of how the pregnancy ended - childbirth, abortion or miscarriage - in order to reduce subsequent risks.

According to studies, it was revealed that only 15% of people around the world have negative Rh.

What is the danger of hemolytic disease of the fetus?

When there is a Rh conflict between mother and fetus, hemolytic disease of the newborn occurs.

There is also a risk of group conflict when the mother has one blood type and the father another. Therefore, doctors are very interested in the blood type of the father and mother, and often prescribe AB0 tests for both after 32 weeks. As a result of such group conflict, the child may develop severe neonatal jaundice.

It is very important to determine the child’s blood type in time after birth in order to know whether it is different from the mother’s blood. If it is different, then the child may also develop hemolytic disease, although not in such a severe form as with Rh conflict.

Hemolytic disease is dangerous for a newborn due to the development of so-called kernicterus, when bilirubin in the child’s blood reaches prohibitive concentrations. With kernicterus, the child’s brain is affected, which leads to irreversible consequences in its further development. A timely replacement blood transfusion will help prevent kernicterus.

Naturally, you should always know your Rh and be prepared for any force majeure, but nevertheless, the percentage of good births in Rh-negative women is very high, especially in the absence of the D antigen and in the father of the child.

During pregnancy in later stages, blood must be donated frequently in order to detect pathology in time and begin to eliminate it.

During the first pregnancy, the chance of pathology due to the Rh factor is extremely small, because the mother’s immune system has not yet formed a system of antibodies to the D antigen in the fetus and with minimal therapy the birth will go smoothly.

There may be a risk of blood deficiency in the child, but regular transfusion can solve this problem. IN in this case a woman should be under the strict guidance of a gynecologist to avoid problems with the fetus.

At a certain point in pregnancy, there is a period characterized by a peak in the production of specific antibodies to the fetal antigen. At this point, you can give one injection, which is called immunoglobulin. It belongs to the gamma globulin fraction and its function is to prevent the development of maternal antibodies to the fetus in the future. This is very useful if parents are planning a second pregnancy.

If this drug is not administered to a woman, then with the advent of a second pregnancy, the likelihood of a Rh conflict increases significantly and carries with it consequences much worse than a mild form of anemia in a newborn. We are talking about a very terrible pathology - hemolytic disease. All red blood cells are destroyed, bilirubin levels rise and jaundice can be observed. The fetal brain is also susceptible to damage. The chance to give birth to a healthy child even with assistance necessary assistance very small.

It is worth appreciating the importance of the vaccine with immunoglobulin after the first pregnancy, because there are often cases of abortion by artificial means, because bearing a fetus in some cases is not humane towards the parents or the baby. If an abortion was performed on a woman who has a negative Rh factor, then there should be no talk of a new pregnancy, because the consequences can be fatal.

Medicine does not stand still, and immunoglobulin very well solves the problem of antibodies developed by the mother to the fetus. Therefore, you need to make your plans about pregnancy in advance and in consultation with your doctor.

Features of management of pregnant women with negative Rhesus

Pregnant women who suspect an Rh conflict with the fetus need to go to the hospital as soon as possible in order to constantly be under the 24-hour supervision of doctors who, if anything happens, will be able to provide the necessary emergency care.

But there is also a possibility that the pregnancy will be completely normal. The reason for this may be reduced level immunity in the mother, which cannot be developed in a short period of time required amount antibodies in response to fetal antigens. But this has its drawbacks, because with a weak immune system there is a high risk of infectious and viral diseases, which can negatively affect pregnancy.

Antibodies need to be monitored at least once a week. This will help to diagnose Rh conflict in a timely manner and take urgent action to save the mother and baby.

It is worth noting that a negative Rh factor during pregnancy depends on your blood type. That is, it can be argued that blood type and pregnancy depend in direct proportion to each other. Negative blood type during pregnancy is main reason Problems. Thus, 1 negative blood group and 3 negative blood group cause Rh conflict more often than group 2. The third group, although it does not occur quite often, the chance of Rh conflict in its presence is very high. With blood group 4, Rh conflict does not arise, since there is no cause in the form of agglutinins. The fourth blood group of the mother is the most favorable and it is with the fourth group that you can not be afraid of getting pregnant.

Rh conflict affects the fetus Negative influence, the consequences of which can last a lifetime.

These include:
  • diseases of the blood and cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the liver and gall bladder in the form of hepatitis and jaundice;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • increased risk of diseases that have a hereditary predisposition.

But don't despair. Modern medicine has found more than one method of dealing with Rh conflict; pregnancy with a negative Rh factor is possible and the consequences are not terrible if you follow some important rules.

Prevention and treatment of negative Rh factor

A few decades ago, women with a negative Rh factor were recommended to give birth to only one child, and doctors were categorically opposed to terminating the pregnancy with the first baby.

Today the situation is completely different, which is good news. By using preventive methods If a woman has a negative blood type during pregnancy, she has the opportunity to freely make plans for the birth of her next children.

If a woman has antibodies to fetal antigen D, then it is necessary to adhere to several important rules during pregnancy:
  1. It is necessary to eliminate the production of specific antibodies by the woman’s body or reduce their number.
  2. It is necessary to avoid certain procedures that increase the risk of fetal blood entering the circulatory system mother.
  3. Use immunoglobulin injections if necessary.
From this it is worth concluding what preventive measures are used in this case:
  • prescribing a blood test for the presence of antibodies in the first trimester of pregnancy;
  • if the titer is high, tests need to be repeated every week;
  • constant monitoring of the fetus through tests and ultrasound examinations;
  • if it is impossible to carry out a blood transfusion to the fetus, then it becomes necessary to induce labor, since any delays are dangerous for the baby’s life;
  • A woman should be vaccinated only after cases such as abortion or conception outside the uterus.

It is important to remember that during the first birth the baby is most often not in danger if the woman has not received Rh-positive blood transfusions. The second birth is much more dangerous in terms of the occurrence of pathologies, but this can be avoided if immunoglobulins are administered to the woman in a timely manner.

Don't panic, because modern medicine has gone far ahead and the problem with negative Rh factor during pregnancy is easily solved. The main thing is that you need to spend more time under the supervision of doctors and monitor your health and the health of your baby.

The topic of negative Rh factor worries not only the expectant mother, but also many who are preparing to become parents. There is an opinion according to which negative Rh is considered almost a sentence to infertility.

Let's try to figure out how true this is. And let's start with the main thing - let's define the concept of the Rh factor.

What is Rh factor

The Rh factor is detected using a blood test. Essentially, it is a protein in the blood - it is present on the surface of blood cells. If this protein is not in the blood, the person is determined to have a negative Rh factor.

This is quite normal phenomenon. According to statistics, every fifth woman has this Rh factor and is a happy mother.

Experts say that a negative Rh factor is considered an individual characteristic of a person, such as eye and hair color, and not a pathology at all, and certainly not a diagnosis of infertility. Why then do many pregnant women make a problem out of a negative Rh factor? But the problem can only arise if there is a Rh conflict.

When does Rh conflict occur?

Rhesus conflict is the incompatibility of the blood of mother and child. If the pregnancy test is confirmed, the woman should immediately register with a gynecologist. The first test that a pregnant woman undergoes will be an analysis of the compatibility of the Rh factors of the mother and her baby. And the result of this analysis will significantly affect the course of pregnancy, the outcome of childbirth and the health of the child.

When the Rhesus values ​​of mother and baby do not match, Rhesus conflict occurs. What happens in such cases?

Let's say the baby inherited his father's positive Rh factor. Then the body of a pregnant woman with Rh negative begins to react to the child’s blood as if it were a foreign substance. As a result, antibodies are produced that begin to attack the baby's blood, destroying the red blood cells of the unborn child.

Advice. To avoid unnecessary worries, both parents should donate blood at the first visit to the gynecologist. If a problem of Rh factors is discovered between partners, it is necessary to consult experienced specialists.

Consequences of Rh conflict

Without medical intervention, Rh conflict can cause serious consequences. An excessive amount of bilirubin begins to be produced in the baby's blood. This substance stains the baby's skin yellow, and the newborn may develop jaundice. In addition, bilirubin can damage the fetal brain and cause hearing and speech disorders.

With the constant destruction of red blood cells in the baby's blood, his liver and spleen are forced to accelerate the production of red blood cells, and they increase in size. And a low red blood cell count can cause anemia. There are cases of congenital dropsy (swelling) of the fetus, and sometimes even its death. This is why pregnant women with Rh negative often experience miscarriages.

It is important to know that negative Rh during pregnancy has a similar outcome only in 30% of cases. All other expectant mothers with Rh-negative blood are not in danger.

Second birth with negative Rhesus

Doctors have determined that Rh conflict at the birth of the first child is much less common, since the blood of the mother and fetus at the first contact contributes to the production of IgM type antibodies, which have quite a large sizes. They rarely enter the fetal bloodstream, so they do not cause problems.

However, any contact with incompatible blood (miscarriage, abortion, first birth or blood transfusion) gives the woman immunity to the Rh protein. That is, in the future she will form even more antibodies against fetal Rhesus.

Therefore, with negative Rh, the second pregnancy is much more likely to have adverse consequences. To avoid negative developments, after the birth of the first child, the woman is given anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin.

Thanks to this drug, the production of aggressive antibodies is suppressed, therefore, the risk of Rh conflict is minimized.

Administration of immunoglobulin

Anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin is a drug that interferes with the production of anti-Rhesus antibodies, promoting the binding and removal from the body of already formed antibodies. The administration of this drug prevents the development of Rh conflict during pregnancy.

In addition, immunoglobulin is administered to prevent the occurrence of an immune conflict in subsequent pregnancies. Immunoglobulin prophylaxis is done after:

ectopic pregnancy;
in the first days after birth;
spontaneous miscarriage;
analysis of amniotic fluid;
blood transfusions;
placental abruption.

Remember, different Rh blood of mother and baby is not a disaster. The body's reaction is successfully controlled with the help of medications. The main thing is to do everything on time.

How to plan a pregnancy with negative Rhesus

As already mentioned, a negative Rh factor has little effect on the first pregnancy, since the woman still has a low level of antibodies. However, their number will increase with each subsequent pregnancy. Therefore, doctors do not advise terminating the first pregnancy in case of negative Rh.

The likelihood of Rh conflict increases by 10% with each new pregnancy. Without immunoglobulization in case of negative Rhesus, doctors usually recommend terminating the second or third pregnancy, since the constant destruction of red blood cells will have a detrimental effect on the central nervous system baby.

In such cases, the chance of giving birth to a healthy child is reduced to zero. Complications such as frozen pregnancy often occur. Most often, fetal death occurs in the first three months or last trimester pregnancy.

Prevention and treatment of Rhesus conflict

When planning a family, a husband and wife must know not only their Rh factor, but also their blood type.
If the parents' Rhesus coincides, there will be no reason to worry.

If the father is Rh positive and expectant mother negative, she should have blood tests done periodically. This will help doctors keep the level of antibodies in the blood under control and not miss the moment of Rh conflict. During the first 32 weeks of pregnancy, blood is donated once a month, and then every week until the very end of pregnancy.
In the event of an Rh conflict, doctors will use various measures to save the child. It can be premature birth, blood transfusion to an infant. This operation is performed in the first 36 hours after the birth of the baby.

To reduce the risk of Rh conflict in subsequent pregnancies, vaccination is carried out with immunoglobulin. If immunoglobulin was not administered prophylactically for some reason, it is administered during pregnancy.

Summarizing all that has been said, let’s highlight the main thing - Rh negative during pregnancy- this is not a sentence. If you get tested on time and follow everything established recommendations doctor, the pregnancy will be easy and the desired, healthy baby will soon be born.

As a rule, the presence of a negative Rh factor in the blood causes some concern among the fair sex. Particular attention is paid to the negative Rh factor in women planning pregnancy. Doctors do not recommend a second pregnancy for such mothers, and an abortion is practically a death sentence for childlessness.

Many people believe that Rh negative women You should not marry a man with a positive Rh factor, because the consequences can be frightening. Actually this is not true. Currently, medical scientists have made great progress in studying this issue. Now doctors have learned to cope with the consequences of having a negative Rh factor in the expectant mother, which in the recent past has brought great distress to women.

Some people are interested in the composition of blood and know that on the membrane of red blood cells there is special kind protein. It determines the Rh factor. Almost two-thirds of the European population has this protein. Such people are carriers of the Rh-positive factor. The absence of protein on the membrane of red blood cells indicates a negative Rh factor. Interestingly, there are approximately 7% of Rh-negative people of the Negroid race on the planet. And among the population of the Mongoloid race there are only 1% of such representatives.

Of course, a woman who has a negative Rh factor and is planning to conceive a child should always remember this and monitor her health more carefully. The combination of a “negative” mother and a “positive” father sometimes threatens the occurrence of Rh conflict. But this doesn't always happen. Rh conflict occurs when the blood of the unborn child inherits the father's Rh and becomes foreign to the mother.

In this case, the baby’s blood enters the mother’s blood through the placenta. The body of a pregnant woman perceives such a phenomenon as the penetration of substances harmful to the health of the mother. The immune system begins to produce antibodies, the purpose of which is to provide reliable protection maternal body. The mother's antibodies, having penetrated the baby through the placenta, begin to attack the red blood cells. At the same time, the amount of bilirubin in the blood increases. As a result, the fruit becomes yellow. Due to the fact that red blood cells die, the spleen and liver begin to work harder. They increase in size and there comes a time when these organs cease to perform their function. As a result, anemia occurs.

Of course, such protective actions Antibodies of the mother's body have an extremely adverse effect on the development of the fetus. If a severe form of Rh conflict occurs, a negative Rh factor in women during pregnancy is quite capable of causing a miscarriage, or intrauterine death baby. Even if a woman managed to safely carry the child to term, there is a high probability of giving birth to a baby with severe developmental defects. These include serious disorders of speech, hearing, vision, and brain function. Congenital fetal edema (hydrops), leading to the death of the newborn, cannot be ruled out.

Fortunately, modern medicine is currently successfully combating the manifestations of Rh conflict. Today, such problems occur in only 10% of pregnant women. Gynecologists monitoring the course of pregnancy in expectant mothers with negative Rh factor blood prescribe special injections of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin. This allows you to neutralize aggressive antibodies.

Woman trying to give birth healthy child, must listen carefully and accurately follow the instructions of the gynecologist, and do not skip scheduled ultrasound examinations. Do not despair and treat negative Rh blood factor as some kind of defect or disease.

It is important that blood with a negative Rh factor may be needed for blood transfusions. Therefore, it is good to have a personal blood bank, which is preserved and then stored. It happens that in unforeseen cases literally minutes become decisive.

Negative Rh factor blood is inherited genetically. Knowing the characteristics of the body, you can always cope with the current situation. Take care of yourself!

Rh factor is a specific protein in the blood (Rh antigen D), which may be present, but is not required. It only affects chemical composition blood, which is taken into account for compatibility (primarily during transfusion) with other blood, as well as during pregnancy.

Rh factor and Rh conflict

If a person has Rh antigen D in his blood, then his blood is considered Rh positive and is designated in medical documents (Rh+). If there is no D antigen, then the blood is Rh-negative (Rh-). Approximately 15% of the European population has Rh-, and in Asian and African countries about 5-10%. Such statistics indicate that for a Rh-negative woman it is quite difficult to find a man with Rh- blood. When pregnancy occurs, a Rh conflict may occur between an Rh- woman and an Rh+ man.

Rh conflict is a hormonal response of a Rh negative mother to the positive blood of the fetus. There will be no rhesus conflict, If:

  • The father has a negative Rh factor
  • The fetus has Rh negative blood

The only way for a conflict to arise is negative blood in the mother and positive blood in the child.

How often can the fetal Rh factor be positive when the mother's blood is negative? To roughly predict the type of blood of the unborn child, you need to know a little genetics. All signs of an unborn child, including the type of blood, are formed by at least two genes, one received from the mother, the second from the father. Rh positive-factor in humans can be homozygous (formed by two Rh positive genes) and heterozygous (one gene is positive, the other negative).

So, if the mother has Rh- blood and the father is homozygous positive, then the fetus will have a positive Rh factor. If the mother is Rh-, and the father is heterozygous positive, then the fetus with a 50% probability can have both positive and negative blood. According to statistics, in approximately 10-13% of cases, couples with different Rh factors are formed, and only in approximately 1% of cases does a Rh conflict occur, leading to hemolytic disease of the newborn.

A discrepancy between the Rh factors of the mother and father will not affect the conception of a child. It is a misconception that it is more difficult for a woman with negative Rh blood to become pregnant.

Another thing is that a woman with Rh- blood is not recommended to have abortions and it is advisable to avoid natural termination of pregnancy (miscarriages), especially at later.

This is explained by the fact that in the case of positive blood in the fetus at the time of abortion or miscarriage, in almost 100% of cases, the blood of the mother and fetus is mixed and antibodies begin to be produced in the woman’s bloodstream aimed at destroying the D antigens present in the positive blood of the fetus.

The antibodies produced remain in the woman’s blood forever and can negatively affect the course of subsequent pregnancies. This also explains the increased risk of Rh conflict in subsequent pregnancies.

Now consider the situation when a woman with Rh- is pregnant and the fetus has Rh positive blood. It is then that Rh conflict can develop. First of all, you should know why Rh conflict is dangerous.

When the baby’s blood enters the mother’s blood, it begins to produce antibodies to the child’s blood, since it is perceived as something foreign and the body tries to protect the woman from the “foreign” body. Antibodies begin to attack the fetal blood and literally destroy it. This negative impact exposure to a child's blood can lead to a disease, namely hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN).

Most often it is expressed in anemia or jaundice of the newborn, and in severe cases can lead to renal failure, heart failure, dropsy, edema syndrome or even fetal death. However, these situations are quite rare, since modern medicine has learned to effectively fight and even prevent Rh conflicts.

Every pregnant woman with Rh- blood donates blood once a month, and at a later stage once a week, to determine the titer (concentration) of antibodies. If antibodies are not detected, then everything is normal and there is no conflict. If the analysis reveals the presence of antibodies, then the woman is diagnosed with close observation and the growth of antibody titer is constantly monitored.

Their presence in itself does not indicate a developing fetal disease. It will begin if the mother's blood enters the baby's bloodstream. According to indications, additional ultrasonography, which may also show symptoms of hemolytic disease of the newborn. These include:

  • Fetal Buddha pose - when the child is positioned head up, the abdomen is enlarged and, as a result, the legs are widely spaced, bent at the knees
  • Increased thickness of the placenta
  • Enlarged liver and spleen
  • Hydrops fetalis
  • Polyhydramnios

There are also additional research(fetal blood test, analysis of amniotic fluid, a thorough study of the mother’s medical history, etc.), which can clearly confirm or refute the presence of a fetal disease. If HDN is confirmed, doctors will determine the most appropriate time for the woman’s delivery, most often 35-37 weeks, and also decide on a planned cesarean section.

The presence of Rh conflict can be judged only by objective data (all kinds of tests, ultrasound, etc.). The mother’s well-being in the presence of Rh conflict can be absolutely normal, and at the same time, any health problems cannot clearly indicate the presence of Rh conflict. In order to avoid Rhesus headache, you need to carefully monitor your health and follow your doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions.

Since Rh conflict occurs only when the blood of mother and fetus is mixed, we note when risk increases such a mixture:

  • Abortion or ectopic pregnancy
  • Miscarriage after 12 weeks or vaginal bleeding. These two factors increase the risk of Rh conflict in subsequent pregnancies.
  • For certain tests or procedures (amniocentesis, external turn fetus on the head, etc.)
  • Blunt abdominal trauma

All these situations can lead (and in most cases lead) to damage to the placenta, and as a result, mixing of the blood of the mother and the fetus.

If the titer of antibodies in a woman’s blood increases, she is prescribed nonspecific treatment - vitamin therapy and drugs that reduce allergic reactions. If there is a stable increase in the amount of antibodies in the mother’s blood, a procedure for purifying the blood of antibodies (plasmophoresis) may be prescribed.

If the Rhesus conflict progresses, then an intrauterine blood transfusion to the fetus may be prescribed. All these measures are taken to bring the pregnancy to full term. As soon as the doctor decides that the baby can be born, a caesarean section is performed.

There are also methods for preventing Rhesus conflict. These include the introduction of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin into a woman’s blood, which prevents the formation of antibodies. It is important to remember that it makes sense to administer immunoglobulin only to prevent the formation of antibodies, but if they already exist, the drug will not destroy them, that is, this procedure is offered to those women in whose blood antibodies are not detected.

Exist exact dates administration of anti-Rhesus immunoglobulin - 28-32 weeks of pregnancy. Since the mother and baby's blood almost always mix during childbirth, the woman is given a second injection of immunoglobulin within 72 hours after birth. These measures allow you to become pregnant again without fear of the presence of antibodies in the blood.

To be fair, we note that in most clinics in Russia, immunoglobulin is administered at the woman’s request and for an additional payment (about 8-10 thousand rubles).

But remember that regardless of whether you decide to do paid analyzes and manipulations or not, modern system healthcare in the vast majority of cases allows you to avoid serious problems associated with the presence of Rh negative blood in the mother, and doctors will do everything possible to ensure that your baby is born healthy.

Home " Life " If the mother is Rh negative, the child is Rh positive. How is the Rh factor inherited?

In recent decades, many couples have become very responsible about the issue of childbearing. Most of them carefully plan the birth of a child, especially if the parents have any health problems or abnormalities.

Many people are interested in their blood type; the compatibility of parents for childbearing has a lot to do with this important indicator. But the Rh factor is even more important.

What is blood type and Rh factor?

There are 4 blood groups, each of which has its own characteristics

The concepts of blood group and Rh factor are relatively new. Blood transfusions from one person to another were occasionally practiced in ancient times, but did not always lead to positive results, as sometimes they caused a hemolytic conflict and the patient died. Religion, with its prohibitions on studying the human body, also stood in the way of blood research.

The first three blood groups were discovered only in 1900 by Karl Landsteiner from Vienna, and the fourth was discovered in 1907 by the Czech Jan Jansky. The Rh factor was discovered only in 1940 by Landsteiner and Wiener.

Blood group is individual characteristics antigenic properties of red blood cells. There are 4 groups in total, according to the international classification they are designated as follows:

  • The first one is 0.
  • The second is A.
  • Third - V.
  • The fourth is AB.

When a child is conceived, all four blood groups are formed at once. He can inherit both paternal and maternal blood, as well as variations in the blood groups of his ancestors. So the opinion that a child can only have the blood of the mother or only the blood of the father turns out to be erroneous.

Rhesus is an antigen found on the surface of red blood cells. If it is, and such people are the majority, the blood is considered Rh-positive. Some of the population does not have this protein, so their blood is called Rh negative.

Where and how can you find out your blood type?

The Rh factor is designated “+” or “-”

The importance of blood type is great for all people, but it becomes especially important if you want to have children. It is equally important to know the group and Rh factor indicators for people at risk, for example, military personnel, athletes, especially extreme sports enthusiasts, tourists, firefighters, police officers, rescuers, rangers, doctors and everyone else whose activities are related to high risk injuries and blood loss.

A test for blood group and Rh factor can be taken in any laboratory or clinic with available personnel and equipment. Previously, blood was taken from a finger for these purposes, but now they prefer to take a sample from a vein. This procedure is quick and virtually painless.

It is better to carry out such an analysis in advance and put a stamp about the group and rhesus in your passport.

Some countries require military personnel and other at-risk individuals to wear patches, badges, or bracelets displaying this vital information. Their presence in any critical situation can save lives. No special preparation is required for the test; it is only advisable to take it on an empty stomach. The group is determined using a special test.

Identifying the Rh factor is even more important, especially when planning pregnancy. The test is most often carried out together with blood group determination.

Compatibility of parental blood groups for conception

When the blood type is identified, the compatibility of the parents may be at risk due to a mismatch not so much of the groups as of the Rh factor. Basically, the blood type is important if it is necessary to perform a transfusion.

More information about the rez conflict can be found in the video:

It is believed that the first blood group is universal donor, that is, its owner can give his blood to all other groups, and the fourth is a universal recipient, that is, all other blood groups are suitable for her. Modern doctors prefer to transfuse blood from one group in order to avoid the slightest conflict.

Incompatibility between the blood of husband and wife is important if both have a genetic pathology that can be passed on to the child and cause his illness or even death.

Causes and danger of Rh conflict

It is desirable that the Rh factor of the mother and father be the same

A discrepancy between the Rh factor can cause a so-called Rh conflict. It occurs only if the mother's blood is Rh-negative and the father's is Rh-positive. If the Rhesus numbers are the same, or the father’s blood is negative, conflict does not occur.

With a normal first pregnancy, conflict almost never arises. In order for it to appear, positive blood The fetus must mix with the father's negative blood. At the same time, the woman’s body begins to produce antibodies that attack the fetus as a foreign body.

Rh conflict can lead to fetal rejection and termination of pregnancy.

Under normal conditions, the blood of the fetus and mother do not mix. Most often this happens in the presence of pathologies of gestation and during childbirth. Since very little time passes between mixing and the onset of the reaction, doctors have time to take measures and protect the born child from the development of hemolytic disease. To do this, you just need to immediately place it under special lamps.

During subsequent pregnancies, the risk is much greater, since antibodies are already present in the woman’s body. But medicine does not stand still, and now, even with a negative Rh factor, women successfully become pregnant and give birth to healthy children.

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When the issue of conceiving a child is great importance, especially if for a long time It's not possible to get pregnant, many couples turn to specialists. In fact, a family planning office must be visited from the very beginning. The examination will help determine all factors of compatibility between parents so that the baby is born healthy. Blood group compatibility for conception plays a particularly important role.

What effect does group compatibility have on conception?

The membrane of human red blood cells contains many antigens, which are protein or carbohydrate molecules. Antibodies can be formed in the blood serum to these antigens. By binding to antigens, antibodies cause the destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis). Over 4 dozen antigenic systems are known, but the most famous are the AB0 systems and the Rh factor, which influences the success of bearing a child. All doctors agree that the main influence on the fact of conception is the state of health of the parents, and stories about incompatibility certain groups blood, which leads to the inability to get pregnant, are a myth.

If partners, despite unprotected sexual intercourse, fail to conceive at the moments of ovulation, this does not indicate incompatibility of groups, but the presence serious illnesses, often the reproductive system. Common ones are:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system caused by infection;
  • diseases thyroid gland, endocrine system;
  • obstruction fallopian tubes, other similar pathologies;
  • problems with sperm motility in men, others.

Concerning infectious diseases genitourinary system, then both spouses have them at once, so treatment is prescribed to both the husband and wife. In other cases, only one partner may need therapy.

Of course, genetic inheritance important factor, which determines the possibility of normal development of the child, so many women worry about blood type compatibility. But, as already mentioned, for conception and full development The embryo is influenced by the compatibility of the parents based on the Rh blood factor.

What you need to know before conceiving

The main thing you need to know is what group both partners have. In addition to analysis to determine it, it is also recommended to test for antibodies to the Rh factor. Below we describe in more detail in which cases a Rh conflict can occur that interferes with bearing a healthy child.

Also, every expectant mother needs to know more information about the following facts:

  1. In some cases, problems can arise not only due to Rh factors, but also as a result of differences in the group itself: a woman has the second, a man has the third/fourth; for a woman it is the third, for a man it is the second/fourth.
  2. According to statistics, the owners of the fourth group have the most problems with bearing a fetus, so they are usually under special control doctor
  3. The ability to conceive is reduced not only due to blood type incompatibility, it can also be affected by pelvic diseases, fibroids, cysts, and other neoplasms.

To prevent the appearance possible problems It is recommended to visit a gynecologist or a family planning office before conceiving.

Blood group compatibility table - I, II, III, IV

Many couples strive to find out the blood type of their unborn baby; this can be done without waiting for the child to be born, and earlier than the sex of the child on an ultrasound. To do this, it is enough to know the groups of both parents in order to predict the blood type of the unborn baby with a certain accuracy.

The table below helps determine the combination of different parent groups between themselves:

The table shows that when the parents’ groups are the same (except for 4), then the child will have exactly the same one; if they are different, he may have one of them, or maybe another altogether. In some cases, for example, when parents have groups 1 and 4, children can have absolutely any group.

Rhesus conflict during conception

Rh conflict is a serious problem that can be an obstacle to pregnancy or successful pregnancy. It occurs in cases where a woman has a negative Rh factor and a man has a positive Rh factor, while the fetus acquires a positive gene from the father.

To understand what is happening in female body To explain why he rejects the fetus, it is necessary to have a shallow knowledge of genetics. When the embryo's red blood cells carry antigen proteins related to the positive Rh factor (Rh+), the mother's body perceives the child's red blood cells as foreign bodies and produces antibodies to them. These antibodies bind to antigens on the surface of red blood cells and destroy them.

However, the first pregnancy most often proceeds normally, because the blood circulation of the fetus and mother is normally isolated from each other. Only during childbirth does the blood of mother and child mix, and then the maternal body becomes sensitized and the production of antibodies begins. By the next pregnancy, antibodies to Rh-positive red blood cells are already circulating in the maternal blood. Their peculiarity is that they are able to penetrate the blood of the fetus and destroy its red blood cells.

Let's look at how the Rh factor is inherited.

Mother's Rh factor Father's Rh factor
Rh+ (DD) Rh+ (Dd) Rh- (dd)
Rh+ (DD) Rh+ (DD) - 100% Rh+ (DD) - 50% Rh+ (Dd) - 100%
Rh+ (Dd) Rh+ (DD) - 50% Rh+ (DD) - 25% Rh+ (Dd) - 50%
Rh- (dd) Rh+ (Dd) - 100% Rh+ (Dd) - 50% Rh- (dd) - 100%

Cases where Rh conflict occurs are highlighted.

As you can see from the table, even if both parents are carriers of a positive Rh factor, this is not a guarantee that they will not have a Rh negative child.

Important! Some partners do not know their Rh factor and are not even aware of the consequences of their negligent attitude towards the issue of conception. Doctors encourage everyone to find out the characteristics of their blood type, doing this not only during a transfusion in a critical situation, but in advance.

Consequences of Rh conflict for the fetus

Hemolytic disease of the fetus is an inevitable consequence of Rh conflict during conception. If the embryo manages to survive, things begin to happen to it. major changes. The mother’s body continues to intensively produce antibodies, when they penetrate the fetus’s bloodstream, binding to its Rh-positive red blood cells, the latter are destroyed. This happens in the spleen of the unborn child; the newborn has an enlarged spleen.

Hemoglobin is released from collapsing red blood cells, which, breaking down, turns into bilirubin through several successive transformations. It is the increased content of bilirubin, which has a yellow color, in the blood, organs and tissues that causes the yellow color of the child’s skin - this disease is called hemolytic jaundice of newborns.

Bilirubin is neurotoxic; it can affect both the cortex and subcortical structures of the brain. Long-term consequences may include paralysis, hearing impairment, and mental retardation.

Also, due to the breakdown of red blood cells, their number in the blood decreases, and the child develops hemolytic anemia. Since there are few red blood cells that carry oxygen, the tissues of the fetus and newborn suffer from a lack of oxygen - hypoxia and retention occur. intrauterine development fetus

There are three main forms of hemolytic disease in a newborn:

  1. Anemic. Most easy option. The main symptom is excessive pale skin, enlarged liver and spleen. Red blood cells and hemoglobin are reduced in the blood. Treated with blood transfusion. Usually there are no serious health problems in the future.
  2. Jaundice. In addition to anemia, there is jaundice, enlargement of the liver and spleen. The skin may take on an intense yellow or even yellow-brown color. Amniotic fluid may be yellow in color. Reflexes in newborns are reduced, they are lethargic, and suck poorly. Requires urgent treatment.
  3. Edema. The most severe form. Massive intrauterine destruction of red blood cells leads to severe anemia, hypoxia, metabolic disorders, and tissue edema. The fetus dies before birth or is born in an extremely difficult condition with widespread edema. The skin is very pale and shiny. The child is lethargic, reflexes are depressed, severe cardiac and respiratory failure, severe enlargement of the liver and spleen, large, barrel-shaped abdomen.

Important! When registering a pregnant woman, the blood type and Rh factor of the mother and father must be determined to identify the risk of Rh conflict. Hemolytic disease can be recognized by early stages, if carried out in a timely manner by ultrasound with mandatory examination placental blood flow, do a blood test for the concentration of anti-Rhesus antibodies at least 3 times; consultation with your doctor is required.

Rh factors that match each other

The most optimal for successful conception are same Rh factors from partners, and it doesn’t matter what group they have. For example, 2 positive and 3 positive combine perfectly; there can be no problems associated with blood incompatibility with conception or fetal development.

Problems arise when 1 negative and 1 positive are combined, and if it is negative, it is in a woman. As described above, it all depends on whose gene the fetus acquires; if the father’s is positive, then a Rh conflict will occur.

The Rh factor can be determined in most clinics by donating blood from a finger prick. You can also purchase special test, sold in pharmacies. The package usually contains an applicator, containers where the blood is placed, and special solutions. Doctors advise not to use such tests without special skills, but to contact laboratories.

Incompatibility between the organisms of mother and fetus may arise due to different Rh factors when Rh conflict occurs. Its consequences for the child can be different: the embryo may die in utero, or be born with a certain form hemolytic disease. There is absolutely a possibility of being born healthy baby. In any case, before planning a conception, every couple is recommended to contact a family planning center.

If the parents have the same Rh factor, can it be different in the child?

    It is not at all necessary that a child can have the same Rh as his parents, it can be different and heredity matters. If the father has a negative Rh factor, it can be passed on for generations, but more often the child has a similar Rh factor to the parent.

    My husband and I have a positive Rh factor, but our son has a negative Rh factor. Because my dad is also negative. That is, I have a chance to give the child both positive and negative Rh factor.

    If both parents have Rh+, and one allele of the gene responsible for Rh is zero, the other is positive, then 25% of children will have a negative Rh factor, the rest will have a positive one. If both parents are Rh-, then the child will 100% be Rh-. Because Rh+ is a dominant gene.

    The Rh factor is determined by two genes: from the father and from the mother. A carrier of two pluses (++) and a carrier of plus/minus (+-) are Rh positive, since plus is a dominant gene.

    Those. parents with a positive Rh factor may both be +-, in this case the child may have Rh (-), i.e. negative.

    If parents have the same Rh factors, this does not mean that the child will have the same ones.

    An example from our family.

    My wife and I have a positive Rh factor (+) and a positive blood type.

    My daughter's blood type and, to everyone's surprise, have a negative Rh factor (-).

    My husband has a negative Rh factor, and I have a positive one, both daughters have a positive Rh factor, it has not been passed on, and in general 25 percent of children can be negative, which is not something girls really need

    If both parents have a positive Rh factor, then the child may well have a negative one. Positive Rh is designated RR or Rr, it is dominant. And recessive negative is rr. Therefore, if the parents have Rhesus Rr (positive), then the child may have negative Rhesus in 25% of cases and positive in 75% (mother and father are Rr, and children can be RR, Rr or rr).

    And if both parents have a negative Rh factor, then the child will also be negative.

    I am an example of such a child. Both my parents are Rh positive. And I'm negative. I only found out about this when I became pregnant and at the antenatal clinic they determined my blood type and Rh (I didn’t know either one until I was 30). It was then that I began to study this issue and learned that this was possible. Mom remembered that my grandmother (her mother) had a negative Rh factor.

    The child may have a completely different Rh factor than the one the parents have; there is a dependence on the genes, how strong they are, and they can manifest themselves through generations. There is no guarantee that the father and mother have a positive one, the child will only have the same.

    After a generation, negative Rh can be inherited; according to the laws of genetics, this probability is 25%. But after two generations - no longer, so if you and your husband and your parents are Rh positive, then your child cannot be Rh negative. If both parents are Rh negative, then regardless of the Rh grandparents, your child cannot be Rh positive.

Let's talk about what you need to know about when the mother's Rh factor is positive and the father's is negative. From the article you will also learn what effect the Rh factor has on pregnancy and how Rh conflict occurs.

Our blood has two important indicators for medicine:

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main secret

  • blood type;
  • Rh factor.

This information will be very useful when planning future pregnancy or when life situation when a blood transfusion may be required.

What is the Rh factor?

When studying blood samples through numerous experiments, it turned out that the mixing of blood different people doesn't always give harmonious combination and often the two samples may coagulate or form a biological sediment.

There is a special type of protein in the blood that has direct influence on the performance of the body as a whole, and 15% of the world's population does not have it. When mixing two samples with and without protein, an irreversible reaction occurred; these two types of blood cannot be mixed. This is how the concept of Rh factor appeared.

This discovery confirmed the importance of testing blood not only for group compatibility, but also the need to take into account individual blood characteristics.

The Rh factor is a special type of protein located at the cellular level in the membrane of red blood cells, which has the properties of an antigen.

The influence of various Rh factors in parents actually provokes Rh conflict. The expectant mother is connected with the fetus for nine months, living life for two. The baby receives nutrition, oxygen and protection through the mother's blood. And if their Rh factors conflict, there are possible unforeseen circumstances.

Consequences of Rh conflict during pregnancy

Rh conflict is a response of the mother's body at the immune level to the invasion of foreign agents. This is a kind of struggle between bodies from the mother’s body and the child’s blood antigens.

When the first pregnancy occurs, the bloodstreams of the mother and fetus function separately without mixing, but during childbirth, miscarriages or abortions, their blood has the opportunity to mix. As a result, antibodies to the child's antigen are produced in the mother's blood before the onset of a new pregnancy.

During this struggle, destruction of red blood cells or hemolysis occurs, which leads to the development of intrauterine anemia of the embryo. The mother feels absolutely normal, not even suspecting a threat to the health and life of the fetus.

If parents have a conflict of Rh factors?

According to the laws of genetics, during conception and subsequent development, a child takes in approximately equal shares of the DNA of both parents, accordingly the following development of situations is possible:

  • Both future parents have an Rh factor either positive or negative. There is nothing to worry about in this case; pregnancy and childbirth will pass without complications.
  • Mom is a carrier of negative Rh factor, and dad is positive. In this case, during pregnancy, anemia, jaundice, hypoxia and fetal hydrops may develop. Strict medical supervision is necessary throughout the entire period of pregnancy.
  • If only the father has a negative Rh factor, the situation develops positively. Even if the expectant mother has positive Rh antigens, despite the possibility that if the baby inherited Rh negative from the dad, the body will not fight against the fetus. In fact, the mother’s body does not see unfamiliar red blood cells and has nothing to fight with.

What to do if the situation is unfavorable?

When planning a pregnancy, expectant parents should contact specialists who will explain the importance of Rh factors and tell them how to proceed. Don’t worry, medicine has already come so far that there are solutions.

Currently, even for women who have a negative Rh factor, supervision of the entire period of pregnancy by specialists will allow them to become a mother and give birth to a healthy baby without any problems. Doctors correct the functioning of the maternal immune system with the help of medications.

The procedure for couples with different Rh factors is:

  1. visiting a therapist to receive a referral for tests;
  2. visiting a gynecologist and recommended specialists;
  3. in taking and obtaining the results of tests necessary to establish the degree of health of the couple and determine the blood type and Rh factors;
  4. in carrying out vaccination measures necessary for the mother and unborn child.

So, since it so happens that the mother’s Rh factor is positive and the father’s is negative, this complicates the course of pregnancy, but does not put an end to your dream of having a child. Be optimistic, enlist the help of specialists and you will definitely succeed. Take care of yourself. 😉
