The art of seducing your own husband.

After 18 years of marriage, my husband and I lived almost like brother and sister. The rarely occurring performance of marital duties not only did not bring us closer, but rather pushed us even further away. And you know, I didn't pay much attention to it.
I was comfortable living my life and no one touched me. But like any story, it happened unexpectedly.
I suddenly find out that my husband is courting another woman. That when he tells me stories about delays at work, in fact he courts that other one, and leads to cafe-restaurants.
I was lucky in one thing, I quickly found out about it. There are still compassionate people in the world.
You know, it hit me in the head, of course, thoroughly, as I woke up. I came home, sat down in the kitchen, looking at my husband. He drinks tea and reads the newspaper. Didn't come out to meet me, didn't offer tea.
And such evil dismantled me. Yes, in the end, I think, because he loved me. We loved each other! And how they loved it! Am I going to give it all away?
And then I drew up a devious plan "How to seduce own husband". Of course, the implementation cost me a pretty penny, but it was worth it.
I took a couple of days off from work and went shopping.
I bought new clothes, bright, in a completely different style, not the same as I wear, and at the same time relieved stress. I took a wig from a friend, black long hair. Rented a hotel room. Ordered a champagne dinner. And the next day I went to put on a show!
First of all, I went to the salon in the morning, gave myself a manicure and pedicure, extended my nails, did a massage so that courage appeared. Dressed at home new clothes, a wig, a mole above the lip painted, makeup changed. In general, I tried to create the image of such a vamp woman. I took a taxi and went to my husband's work, at the end of the working day, so as not to give him the opportunity to meet with her.
Imagine the picture: among other employees, my husband comes out, there is a taxi in front of the building, I sit in the back seat, opening the car door and temptingly putting slender legs in high boots.
None of the men, of course, can not pass quietly by. Everyone goes and stares.
My husband passes by the car, and I beckon him with my finger: "Cowboy! Wait a minute!"
Of course, I speak in a languid low voice. In surprise, he even stopped and looked around, like if they were addressing him?
And I defiantly moved to make room for him and patted the hand next to me. He gets into the car in a complete coma and still doesn't recognize me! Let's go.
I lift up my skirt a little and pull out a flat flask of cognac from under the elastic of my stocking. I hand it to him. He obediently takes a sip. I take the flask from his hands and slowly lick the neck of the flask with my tongue, looking directly into his eyes.
I see that my husband's roof is moving out very quickly, but the most important thing is that he will not recognize me!
Okay, let's get on with the show! I warmly press my chest against him and whisper in his ear: "Hello, dear"
I see that my husband even began to tremble with impatience. My smell (naturally new perfume), cognac on an empty stomach and adrenaline from an unusual situation did their job together.
He looks at me with stunned eyes and asks in a barely audible voice: "Who are you?"
And I laughed a low, chesty laugh, took a sip from the flask and handed it to him. And then he, I did not even expect, looks into my eyes and also licks his neck with his tongue. I then moved closer to him, pressed my hip to my hip and said quietly: "A little bit left!" He just squeezed my knee in response.
So we got to the hotel. Silently they went up to the room. As soon as the door closed behind us, I pounced on him.
Actually, not only did he not protest, but rather actively responded, so it was not clear whose initiative it was. I rip off his clothes, kiss him furiously, and scratch with my nails.
He, too, quickly undresses me and only constantly repeats between kisses: "Who are you? Where have you been before?" And at the moment when he took off my bra, I can see in the face that it suddenly starts to dawn on him that I am me ... his wife!
What a face it was. Here honestly, all my efforts, all experiences were rewarded by this expression on my face.
At first it was such a bewilderment of awareness, this fact comes to him very slowly. He pulled away from me, carefully looked into my eyes, ran his hand over his cheek, as if he was convinced of his guesses.
I also froze, what will happen next? And suddenly such delight appears in his eyes and he says in disbelief: "Oh God! My Margot!"
It seems to me that we have so much tenderness and love even in Honeymoon were not to each other. Needless to say, all other women ceased to exist for him.
It was my triumph!
But you know what? As it turned out later, I had another triumph.
When he and his colleagues went fishing for the weekend and there, drinking vodka, close company, one of them asked: "So what did this funny brunette meet you? When did you get lucky to pick up such a sultry beauty?"
To which my husband proudly replied: "Yes, not so long ago, only 18 years ago. It was my wife!"
And here, as it is sung in the song, a silent scene was built as it is.

If only all women were so inventive and fought for their husbands like that!

1. Take a bath or shower, and don't wear a nightgown or pajamas. Wrap yourself up in a fashionable dressing gown, it is better not to dry yourself, “shining” with drops of water on your skin, and so that the dressing gown is not fastened tightly, but swings open when walking, revealing the tidbits of the body to the husband’s gaze. No matter how familiar it is to him, he likes to peep, even if he is very tired during the day.

2. Practice at home with the "evening" walk to make it as sexy as possible. It should be with a slight swaying of the hip and be "free from the hip", while the buttocks should be relaxed. You can spy on how fashion models walk along the catwalk: when they put their feet on. Try to keep the body straight, this makes the chest look seductive.

3. Come up with a nickname for yourself. Something like “sweet”, “doll”, “pussy”, a man does not need to know about the existence of this nickname. Mental such a frivolous appeal to yourself contributes to the increased production of pheromones, will set you in a sexual mood. Is this strange to hear? But it works.

4. Don't waste money on sexy lingerie. It is better to let it be silk, and not just lace. You don't need to show your lingerie to your partner, but the thought that it is delicate and beautiful can put you in a certain mood. And if you would like to roam in earnest, try to rummage through his shorts. Choose the most free. And for a moment imagine how you take off your robe, and you are wearing this sexy lingerie, but he just goes crazy with passion.

5. Stick to a man, on your own initiative. When he does not suspect anything and peacefully walks around the apartment, pinch his buttocks. Or, unexpectedly for your husband, crawl under his shirt with your hand. There is such ancient way stroke his leg with your foot, or the leg under the table. The more people at the table, except for the two of you, the more interesting it will be.

6. For two evenings a week, remove flip-flops, tracksuit, home bathrobe and dress in a tank top and tight pants worn over your naked body. Let your husband understand, as if by chance, how great it is to walk around the house without underwear, and why you did not think about it before. Do not go too far and do not dine in a silk peignoir, do not confuse love with food.

7. Come up with your plan for sudden seduction. There are no men who would remain indifferent to a woman who slides her hand along intimate places body while he unlaces his shoes. But if it’s not customary in your relationship to behave this way, then it’s better to start with a sensual kiss, instead of a peck on the cheek.

8. When you last time stare into his eyes, even for a minute? A direct "shameless" look is a woman's strong weapon. No man will leave him unattended. He immediately asks: “What? "And you will answer him:" I can imagine how you will do ... ", continue the phrase, guided only by your own imagination. The most important thing is that all this does not go astray in a household way, you do not need to ask him to take out the trash or nail.

9. Erotic dances are good for any woman. And they are good for a man. Enough to mess around in the kitchen and dance to the music. And for this it is not necessary to turn on his favorite music in the living room. It is enough to turn on the radio in the kitchen so as not to arouse unnecessary suspicion.

10. Try to master laziness in movements. You've seen how seductresses move in Hollywood movies. They slowly move around the room and lazily drink a tiny sip of wine from a large glass, languid turns of the head, with a minimum of haste. Such behavior concentrates attention on you, makes you tremble in anticipation. But what? It's up to you to decide.

11. Be a very "strict lady", especially if you for a long time were in a passive role. Take the lead. And excuses like “no time, wait”, punish with action. Without thinking about what the consequences will be, throw your own husband on a sofa or carpet, saddle him and strangle him a little. Do with very serious expression faces. Believe me: power and strength are an excellent aphrodisiac.

12. Flirt and flirt constantly. Don't start suddenly. Need to save your nerves loved one. Behave as in the very first days of your acquaintance with him: anxiously lower your eyes, constantly touch him with your hands, giggling and purring over every word of your husband. Is it hard to remember how it was? The reward for this will be a night of love, just like your first night.

13. Sleep naked. IN dressed we spend most of our lives. And just being in the same bed with a man, you will feel real woman.

Now we know how to seduce our own spouse. Read these tips and you will understand how to do it.

How to charm a man? How to be attractive to your lover? How to develop romantic relationship? Perhaps most of these questions modern girls already know the answer. And this is by no means from books on psychology or Internet instructions for seduction. Lessons in seduction have nothing to do with it.

The art of temptation is inherent in a woman genetically. Gestures, body movements, facial expressions ... Mind, character, impregnability ... A man is used to conquering and achieving. And the woman, in turn, should play along with him. Coquetry, showing interest in the affairs of a partner, the ability to listen and admire - the best thing that can "seduce" a man.

The relationship between a woman and a man is a kind of game. However, it ends when everyday life and duties come into life.

In such living conditions, the main thing for a husband and wife is not to completely forget about what they once “hooked” on each other, so that their attraction is not “eaten up” by everyday life.

Remember, even the most enchanting and vivid feelings, sooner or later lose their sharpness. Habit and everyday life, the loss of romanticism and passion can destroy your union very quickly.

I also want to say that problems in a couple are not only the fault of a woman. So, ladies, don't beat yourself up in advance. A man should not forget about his "duties" either. But now we will consider the topic "How to seduce a partner" With feminine hand. If you are having relationship problems, your spouse may also read something similar to "Five ways to seduce your wife at home". For now, let's talk about female tricks. Go!

Reasons for cooling a husband to his wife

You are a prosperous family, you live separately, your children are growing up ... Everything would seem perfect, but you and your husband have not held hands for a long time, he calls less and less often and stays at work more often, you have sex "on schedule" and "for show". What is this? Problems in the office? Family fatigue? Seducing someone else? If you do not find out the cause of this behavior in time and do not eliminate it, anything can happen!

There are several main factors due to which a husband may lose interest in his legal wife:

  • resentment, disagreement and irritation;
  • habit and monotony in relationships;
  • dissatisfaction with the appearance of his wife.

How to get your own husband back?

There is a saying: "A man loves with his eyes, a woman with her ears". One way or another, desires are born in the head. How will your marital relations: spiritual, sexual and everyday, depends solely on your mutual desire, imagination and manifestation of fantasies.

So, in order not to seduce soon, luring back, the former, but still dearly beloved husband, do not waste a minute. Start with yourself, and he, as they say, will “pull himself up”. Remembering the contemplative communication style of a man, first change your ordinary appearance. Remember what you were like when you met, what he paid the most attention to.

Start with a "classic" resuscitation technique sexual relations- from the purchase of erotic lingerie, and then proceed to other effective female features to seduce:

  • change hair color or haircut;
  • go to a beautician or even get a tattoo;
  • change your dressing gown or sports suit on Nice dress and slippers on shoes;
  • update your bedroom decor. Change, for example, bed linen to silk and light candles;
  • go out more often together with your husband: conversations, holding hands, good music or a movie will bring your feelings to life!

Change stereotypes in behavior.

Yes, men love to be listened to, but they are not averse to listening. You can whisper something flattering or obscene in your ear, you can do something adventurous and reckless together, like in your youth. The main thing is that it incites both.

Plan outings with your husband. Home is work, work is home. Here is another pest love relationship. Spend more time with each other. Family, children - of course, you should not forget about them. But find time for each other: just walk, go to visit theaters and cinema.

Think carefully about your image, which can seduce. With the help of clothes, accessories, makeup and perfume, you can set the right mood for the evening. Your husband will burst with pride that such a beauty is next to him. And when he returns home, he will certainly, without reminder and coercion, conquer not only your soul, but also your body.

Sometimes a woman also begins to forget that her husband is a man. Notice his sexuality, and not just in bed. Flirt, touch him more often, send romantic and slightly obscene texts or emails. And on vacation, you can generally misbehave: have sex in the sea or in the mountains - no one knows you there early.

But don't overdo it. Sometimes you need to be unapproachable. Your husband must win you all the time. Otherwise, your sexual persistence will cause the opposite effect: instead of seducing your loved one, you will drive him away from you for a long time.

In order to seduce your own husband, you should learn:

  • speak kindly to your husband;
  • be gentle and feminine;
  • monitor your appearance, gait, posture;
  • act sexy in bed;
  • get rid of bad habits;
  • create comfort in the house, and sometimes a romantic and intimate atmosphere;
  • do not look for "adventures" on the side;
  • stop quarreling with your husband and sort things out in vain.

And the most important thing. Respect yourself. Be happy and smile more often. To effectively seduce your own husband, you need to become a happy wife.

Adults, smart, beautiful and married for fifteen years - this is my husband and I. That's just sex ... has become insipid and boring. I know everything in advance. And I don’t want to go “to the left” at all, because in spirit we are close. What now, to disappear in the prime of life or still try to stir up a loved one?

Experienced people (those who have lived in happy marriage more than fifteen years) and sexologists say that it is still possible ... Firstly, to correct, secondly, simply start over, and thirdly, to continue with pleasure what was started ...

Work tirelessly!

Photobank Lori

First you need to take one serious decision- work on family sex, and not let it take its course. Any relationship that lives on its own, uncontrollably, including sexual (and perhaps primarily sexual), is doomed to failure.

If you don't use good cream and the services of a cosmetologist, wrinkles will appear several years earlier. If you do not take care of your wardrobe, turn into a faceless aunt of indeterminate age. If you don't work on your sex, you will become an indifferent and joyless IT. Perhaps everything is logical.

So accept for yourself: "sex is an exciting activity that I will enjoy."

Get out the old pajamas!

Throw away old nightgowns and pajamas without regret. You don’t even need to send them to the dacha - they won’t help you anywhere. While you are young, at night you need to seduce a lot and sleep a little. Even if you are deadly tired, then you need to fall into bed in a sexy shirt in a seductive pose, and let your loved one salivate until the morning or, unable to stand it, wake you up in the middle of the night. At such a moment, by the way, it is very convenient to destroy the old family-sexual stereotypes and use new tricks, peeped at the movies, in a book or ... no matter where.

So, buy new nightgowns, but do not overdo it with frankness. If you've been sleeping in or sporting "tenth grade pajamas" for the past ten years, a deep-slit, blood-red silk chemise might make your husband chuckle. And this is unacceptable. Such a friendly reaction destroys the sexual mood. So choose the finest jersey with cute lace and allowable slits. Don't worry, this is enough for the first time. And don't buy sexy clothes by eye - be sure to try them on. You need to know exactly what impression you make in this outfit.

Medicines out!

If you have managed to acquire diseases over the years of marriage: chronic runny nose, pressure, migraines, thrush and other "nasty things of life", then most likely you keep medicines for them at hand - near the bed. Put them in the first aid kit. Urgently!

Medicines create a retirement atmosphere in the house, despite the fact that the vials are small and seemingly inconspicuous. Instead of drugs, “forget” a bottle of your perfume and a sexy magazine on your bedside table. You can without vulgarity - just a man's.

The scent of a sexy woman

Be sure to buy yourself a new perfume, but not for going out or at work. You are not going to establish working relationships, but family-sexual ones. Perfume for the bed. They are always slightly sweeter, but not stuffy, and their smell is often described as "powdery". They act on men frankly exciting - just like a pheromone. But they must be used carefully: a drop or two - no more. Once I tested a similar perfume in a large mall and looked into the computer store. Elle got out of there. Male sellers vying with each other offered me discounts, ran to the warehouse for a laptop suitable color, were in no hurry to close, although it had already struck. And gave a few business cards with their mobile numbers so that tomorrow "to discuss with me the parameters of a future purchase in more detail." Can you imagine what will happen to your husband?

matrimonial bed

Check your bed for sex. It should be comfortable for intimate pleasures, strong and not creaky.

Important note

Do all the preparations for the renewal of family sex very carefully, without showing them to your husband. Remember: it should not detect changes suddenly and not all at once. Buy new bed linen, made of fabric that is pleasant to the touch. Choose not only according to this principle - it should also please the eye or ... surprise. New underwear of a pleasant color, easily sliding along the body, will create the necessary new sensations not only in the head, but also in your body.

Go visit

Going to visit is a great moment to break the routine in family sex.

  • On such an evening, you are both a little more beautiful than usual, especially the woman - combed, put on make-up, on and in stockings.
  • You are more relaxed and cheerful than on a weekday after work. You are heated by pleasant conversation with friends and good alcohol.
  • You can slowly pester your husband while you are sitting at the table, you can inflame him when you dance. So be sure to dance and flirt with him. Be sure to dance with other men too.
  • Ask your husband to treat you to ice cream and a cake with a spoon, an olive or ...
  • And don't wait until everything starts to disperse. If you feel that the degree of your sexual mood is already high enough - go home by taxi. On back seat the car can already go to the prelude ...

On the way to bliss

If your family sex one of the evenings starts like this, you will not be disappointed. The body will relax and begin to do things that you could not even dream of, or, on the contrary, you only dreamed about all the time. And if not ... During the foreplay, whisper to your husband that you have long wanted to find your G-points, yours and his, and achieve a state of not just bliss, but heavenly bliss. While alive, while young, while ... there is time.

As mass surveys of the adult population show, only a few are familiar with the indicated point in practice. In theory, only half of humanity knows about its existence, but it is terribly interesting to everyone. This is the point of super-pleasure - a completely win-win start of a new direction of family sex.

If you have never searched before, but just had sex, then you will not find it the first time. This is good! It will take a lot of time and effort to find the G-spot, and you will find many other pleasant points with yourself and with him.

You will have other favorite tricks and poses. In general, everything will be very interesting! You are guaranteed a stunning foreplay and a lot of other things that you will have time to do to each other while you are looking for her.

Intimate details

Your G-spot

To find it, let your loved one insert a finger into your vagina about five centimeters deep. It should move along the outer wall of the vagina and look for a small textured bulge. If he successfully does this when you are half aroused, you may be in luck. You will experience what is commonly referred to as the G-spot orgasm.

Although many question the existence of this point, those women who find it experience deeper, more intense and longer orgasms.

Good and effective method G-spot stimulation - have sex on the table. Lie on your back with your back fully extended. Throw your legs on your beloved's shoulders. Let him pull your hips towards him as he enters. With the beginning of active progressive movements, your G-spot will be simply memorably stimulated.

His G-spot

In order to get to it, it is necessary, as it were, to “touch” his prostate gland. Imagine where to put your finger! Not many people dare to do this... But who does not take risks, he lives too boringly...

Often in married couples the problem of losing sexual interest to each other, and sometimes it's just fatigue after a busy day or elementary laziness. But this side of life should not be left without the attention of the spouses, and excuses for fatigue and lack of time are not accepted! After all, during candy-bouquet period there was no fatigue, but there was enough time - and this should be remembered. So we do not stop looking at our husband with the same burning and passionate eyes. After all intimate life not only pleasant, but also beneficial for the health of both spouses.

Is it possible to seduce a beloved husband?

Many women will say that seducing their own husband is almost impossible, everything has already been experienced and predictable. The answer question arises: why is everything so predictable and boring? Maybe add some variety? Why does a husband not perceive his wife as the most desirable goal of his day and why during the day he thinks about coming home and eating borscht with donuts, and not about the fact that the super seductive woman he loves will meet him at the door? Ready-made answers to questions can not always be found. And women should think about these questions. After all, there would be a desire, as they say.

It is worth looking at life together from the outside, evaluating your appearance - has anything changed? Marriage does not mean that all dresses with cutouts, blouses with necklines, high stilettos and tight skirts should be hidden in the closet, attributing to them the status of the past. A woman should always look spectacular and luxurious under any circumstances, that's why it is the art of being a woman.

You can only seduce your own husband by staying true woman, fraught with mystery and many questions. A light veil of mystery and romance should always be present. This is achieved thanks to such little secrets: sometimes whisper in your ear, sometimes when talking, lower your voice to a whisper, sometimes when talking, smile with a corner of your lips and look into your husband’s eyes for a long time, sometimes embarrassed, lower your gaze in front of him, say that today even your head is from his kiss spun.

Intrigue your husband...

They say that a woman loves with her ears and a man loves with her eyes. But there is one small subtlety .... A man also loves words, but only those words that, albeit hidden, promise him something. What is meant by this very "something" is clear. So, to excite a man with words is not so difficult and very interesting, a kind of game for two. Intrigue him by hinting at an unusual evening, and his beloved husband will spend the whole day in an unbearable desire for the evening to come. Give him a surprise, for example, a candlelit dinner, light slip-on robes - and, believe me, all the ensuing consequences will not be long in coming. For your husband, you will again become an unsolved mystery. Whisper in his ear public place something exciting, his interest in your person will not fade away. Keeping a man in constant interest and in a state of reticence is fascinating. Thus, you can plunge into the sea of ​​romance and passion together.

About proximity...

Do not forget about beautiful underwear, peignoirs and bed linen. Lace, silk, satin and no painted insects with fruit. It's all a nocturnal setting, and it's supposed to seduce...every night. Cozy and funny pajamas, shapeless dressing gowns and socks with animals simply cannot excite a man. At night, a woman should be queen. But it’s not enough to put on a peignoir or seductive underwear once, and then get into your usual pajamas with the thought - let him remember how beautiful I was that Thursday. Surround the bed with candles light fragrance, the reflections of fire evoke passion and a sense of nature, which means wildness.

You can fool around, not to be in bed exemplary wife Let's leave that for the next day. The husband will appreciate the variety of images and will be proud of how chaste and liberated his wife can be at the same time. He will definitely think about how lucky he is that such a woman is next to him. The seduction of a beloved husband is a constant nice job above oneself. No laziness or excuses! It's yours family relationships and they require special attention.

In a word, to seduce your own husband - you just need to want this and remember that being sexy and luxurious woman fabulous. You will find that it is possible to be a desirable wife even after thirty years life together. And one more piece of advice... turn your husband's head!
