How to clean pearl beads at home. How to clean pearls at home: useful tips

Every woman loves and enjoys wearing pearl jewelry. These perfectly round stones are made by nature in the watery expanses of the seas. The decoration is worn both by people of the highest circles and by everyone who can afford it. Let us recall that today there is not only natural, but also artificial pearls. Despite its beauty, it requires careful attitude. Especially when it comes to cleansing, you need to know how to clean amber beads. Trying to wash it normally detergent may end fatally and the product can simply be thrown away. Let's figure out how to clean pearls at home?

What should you not clean pearls with?

Due to their fastidiousness, pearls must be handled with care and not every cleaning method is suitable for them. If we take into account the fact that the composition contains only 2% water, then it is not difficult to guess that high temperatures will cause irreparable harm. At the same time, with strong humidity, darkening occurs, the decoration fades and loses its beauty forever. All this must be taken into account to successfully clean pearls at home.

The outer coating is easily damaged, so do not use hard cloths or brushes. If you do not want to get a red color on the surface, it is better to avoid contact of pearls with perfume and eau de toilette. In general, you should not use:

  • hot water;
  • bleaches;
  • hard brushes, sponges, graters;
  • aggressive acids;
  • homemade cleaning products;
  • soda, peroxide, ammonia, vinegar;
  • perfume and eau de toilette.

Watch a video on cleaning natural and cultured pearls:

How to clean pearls at home

It’s not so important how to clean, what’s more important is what. An incorrectly chosen method can easily ruin such a valuable piece of jewelry. It would not be amiss to add that pearls must be cleaned regularly. Below are some of the most effective and safe ways to clean pearl beads.

Special jewelry paste

The first and most important means is a special jewelry paste. It will not harm the products and is designed specifically for particularly valuable items. To clean you need to take soft cloth and apply the paste on it, now rub the surface with light movements. Apply it evenly over the entire pebble and polish using a lint-free cloth.

The method is effective, but has its drawbacks. Firstly, it is not recommended to use it often. The product contains active cleaning agents that gradually reduce the service life, although they quickly restore shine and freshness.

Well, secondly, finding such a paste can be a problem. It is not sold in every jewelry store.

Soap solution

You can clean pearls at home without chemicals or harm to their service life. To do this, use one of the most gentle means - soap solution.

Dilute soap shavings in water to form a concentrated solution. It's better if it's delicate or baby soap. Immerse the decoration and leave it for a while. For preventative cleaning, 5 minutes are enough, with heavy pollution leave longer. The thread can be rubbed cotton pad soaked in solution. Now wipe each bead with a soft damp cloth, thus washing away all traces of dirt and soap. Leave until completely dry.

Olive oil

Taking advantage olive oil high-quality cleaning, you can restore the shine of pearls. To do this, you will need a cotton pad on which you need to apply a few drops of oil. Wipe each bead thoroughly and remove any residue with a soft cloth or napkin. You can wipe it with a damp cloth before doing this.

Potato starch

There is an affordable way to clean pearls. Let's use potato starch. A little powder is poured onto a velvet cloth and the beads are wrapped in it. Wipe until the dirt is completely gone. When doing this, it is important to be careful not to scratch the surface. We remove the remains with a soft cloth.


It doesn’t matter what you have, rings, earrings, amber, pearl beads or other pearl jewelry, fine salt will help clean them all. The main thing is to be careful and not overdo it.

Take a soft piece of flax and a little salt, put the right thing and wrap it in cloth. Rinse in water until the last salt is completely dissolved. It is important that there is water room temperature. Now wipe with a cloth and dry.

Care and maintenance

Now that it is clear how to clean pearl beads, let's learn how to keep them in order. To do this, just follow simple rules:

  1. It is recommended to separate the beads from each other in knots and change the thread regularly.
  2. High temperatures and humidity damage pearls; protect them from them. When it’s hot, it’s best not to leave your jewelry in the sun.
  3. Beads should be kept separately from other jewelry and wrapped in suede.
  4. Upon contact with skin, oil particles are transferred, so after wearing, for prevention, wipe with a damp cloth.
  5. In order to remove the necklace, it has a special metal lock, so you will not have to pick up the beads again.

As you can see, cleaning pearls at home does not take much time. Take care of pearls, they are a miracle of nature. Remember, this pebble is organic and needs oxygen to maintain its appearance. Therefore, wear, care for, clean and enjoy a true miracle of nature in your own pocket.

Pearls have long been valued by people not only as rare and beautiful decoration, but also as a symbol of tenderness and purity. However, jewelry made from these natural beads does not tolerate dust and other contaminants and is difficult to care for at home. You need to clean your beads or necklace regularly, but you should not forget about some rules so as not to damage the fragile pearls.

Methods and means of cleaning

Pearls, called living stones, are very sensitive to dirt and moisture. At the same time, pearl jewelry should neither be over-dried nor over-wetted so that it maintains its integrity, original color and a beautiful pearlescent shine. Clean beads or necklaces from of this mineral possible in the following ways:

  • The easiest and most affordable way is to clean a necklace or beads with soap foam. Suitable for its preparation mild shampoo or gentle soap with a low amount of alkali. The pearls are wiped with a small amount of this product applied to a cotton pad.
  • You can clean such jewelry at home using potato starch. The beads are rolled in this powder and then carefully wiped with a velvet cloth. This will help get rid of dust and greasy marks on your favorite jewelry.
  • Heavy dirt and yellowness can be removed from such a necklace or beads using a strong saline solution. This ancient remedy, which helps clean pearls without extra effort at home. However, you need to be careful and use the finest salt so as not to scratch the delicate living stones with its crystals. At the end of the procedure, the necklace should also be wiped with soft suede or velvet.
  • To restore shine to dull beads and remove dust deposits, use Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It is applied to a soft cloth or cotton pad and carefully processed on the necklace.
The above methods of cleaning pearls are very simple and accessible to everyone. Conduct similar procedure need to be regularly removed from excess contamination and sebum did not accumulate on the product. However, one must remember the delicacy of natural and artificial material, which you are dealing with, so you need to be extremely careful.

Jewelry professionals name a number of very common mistakes encountered when cleaning pearl beads at home. As a rule, errors are associated with care products and storage techniques.

Natural pearls do not tolerate exposure to bright sunlight very well. In addition, this material does not like excessive dryness, since this causes it to crack, but it also does not tolerate excessive moisture.

Large amounts of water make pearls cloudy. In this regard, such products should be stored in a dry and dark place.

During cleaning similar decorations Do not use substances containing acid or alkali. In addition, cleaning products with abrasive particles scratch the delicate surface of the beads. For the same reason, brushes and hard sponges are not used in caring for pearl jewelry.

In addition, the use of hot water causes a change in the color of the pearls and also deprives them of their natural pearlescent luster.

Eau de toilette or perfume with essential oils are also capable of ruining the appearance of such beads.

Thus, caring for and cleaning pearl beads does not entail any particular difficulties, but it requires compliance with a number of rules and restrictions. If you follow them, then such products will delight both young brides and mature ladies who are passionate about the Chanel style.

Pearl jewelry is popular among women and has remained so for many years. These round stones from the seabed are perfect in their beauty, but to maintain it you definitely need to take care of your jewelry. In this article we will talk about how to clean pearl jewelry at home, consider the most effective and simple techniques, let's talk about storing such things.

A girl wearing a stunningly beautiful necklace

A few words about pearls

Even during the times of Ancient civilizations, jewelry served not only as body jewelry. They acted as a monetary equivalent, a means of exchanging goods. Pearls are the most expensive representative precious materials, because long before they learned how to process it, various magical properties. Pearl jewelry is still considered a symbol of wealth, prosperity, and durability.

Pearl catchers in myths and fairy tales were seen as such romantics, capable of conquering any woman's heart. This is due to the indescribable beauty natural mineral(to be precise, pearls are not a mineral, but they do contain aragonite, which is one).

Pearls are round-shaped formations that develop in the shells of some mollusks when grains of sand or small organisms get inside. If foreign body inserted into the shell purposefully, the resulting pearl is considered cultured. IN jewelry Both natural and cultured pearls are used.

Jewels from the depths of the sea

Cleaning pearl jewelry, like other jewelry, is necessary for several reasons:

  • Hides deposits of dust, dirt or grease true beauty products.
  • Aggressive influences environment have a destructive effect on pearls. As a result, it may lose its unique pearlescent luster.
  • Violations of storage conditions cause the formation of cracks and chips on the beads.
  • Untimely cleaning and care measures can lead to complete damage to the product.

Cleaning Features

After describing the negative consequences, it is necessary to console the happy owners of pearl products. To the question of how to clean pearls at home? – there are several possible answers. But before moving on to the algorithm of cleaning procedures, we should separately highlight negative factors, which “does not like” the given unique creation from the depths of the water element.

Negative factors

  • Human sweat and fat secretions contain a number of chemically active substances. Body jewelry (beads, earrings, bracelets) are constantly exposed to their effects.
  • Pearls are picky about the level of humidity in the surrounding air. A climate with excessively low humidity will lead to cracking of the coating, and a climate with high humidity will cause it to become cloudy.
  • Contact of cosmetics with gloss is unacceptable. Meanwhile, this is the main reason for damage to pearls, since many women prefer to quickly put on jewelry and only then apply makeup.
  • Despite its strength, the surface of the pearl is sensitive to mechanical damage and scratches. Even elementary dust can destroy the top layer if you attempt dry cleaning without using cleaning products.

Original jewelry for a lovely lady

Required funds

If you have everything you need from the list provided at home, then you can safely move on to the procedure for restoring the shine and at the same time protecting your jewelry.

  • Soap or shampoo, preferably colorless. Usually these are products for small children.
  • Warm water. It is important not to overdo it here, as hot water can adversely affect the condition of the surface.
  • Potato starch. It is present in almost every kitchen.
  • Olive oil. This is important because removing other oils from pearls after cleaning will be a very difficult task.
  • Finely ground salt. It is also always present in the kitchen.

Soft fabrics with a high degree of hygroscopicity (flannel, cotton, suede, cotton wool) are suitable as tools.

Proven methods

Now it's time to answer the question, how to clean pearls? All means do not need to be used at the same time. Each of them represents one of the ways:

  1. Needs to be prepared concentrated solution from soap or shampoo. For two glasses of water there is a tablespoon of shampoo, liquid or grated soap. The method of applying the product and cleaning depends on the shape of the jewelry. You can treat the surface with a cotton swab dipped in the solution, or immerse the products in the solution, wait a couple of minutes, and then wipe dry with a cloth.
  2. Salt (necessarily finely ground to avoid scratches) should be poured into a piece of cloth that allows water to pass through well. Pearls should be completely immersed in salt. The closed flap in the form of a bag is held under running warm water until the salt is completely dissolved. It is important not to undertake any manipulations (do not massage, do not stir, just keep under water).
  3. Potato starch will help remove stains. It is poured in small quantities onto soft matter. The placed product is wiped with starch and then with a clean soft cloth. There is no need to worry about the integrity of mother-of-pearl, since starch will not harm it.
  4. Olive oil not only has a cleaning effect, but is also easily removed with a regular napkin. Therefore, you can apply a few drops of oil to the surface to be cleaned and work with a cotton pad to achieve the desired result. Then all that remains is to get rid of the oil.

The deep beauty of a real pearl

Jewelry is not made of just one specific material. Combination products are often found. An example is gold earrings with pearl peas inserted, and bracelets with pearls often also contain silver.

These metals are cleaned chemicals, which are harmful to mother-of-pearl surfaces. If it is not possible to carry out targeted cleaning (pearls separately, and metal separately), then you should not take risks and entrust the jewelry to professional jewelers.

Each and every one is constantly surrounded by advisers who will tell you a way out of any situation. The problem of cleaning pearl products is no exception. In order not to think about whether this is good advice or the dirty trick of an envious neighbor, you should clearly understand what you definitely cannot do with pearls.

  • Use abrasive substances as a cleaning agent.
  • Use chemically active substances (acids, soda).
  • Apply aggressive means(ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol and liquids containing alcohol).
  • Use hot water.
  • Use brushes, coarse sponges, graters as tools.

Jewelry for social events

In the process of cleaning jewelry, the thread on which the pearls are strung may be damaged. The way out of this situation is simple - do not immerse the product in water, but use other available methods. But do not forget that frequent wearing of beads also reduces the life of the threads. Therefore, you should learn how to re-thread beads yourself.

It turns out that violating the rules for storing pearls can lead to various negative consequences. Every woman should know some tips on how to store pearls.

Jewelry from the depths of the sea deserves a separate storage place. This is not just speculation, there is a grain of rationality here. To avoid damage from other metal products, it is recommended to store pearls wrapped in soft cloth in a separate, sealed box. Air access is very important to maintain the shine and color of peas, as they contain an organic component.

It is advisable to wipe down your jewelry after every public appearance. Even short-term use leads to the fact that the surface becomes covered with a layer of dust and grease. But at the same time, paradoxically, long-term storage also has a negative effect. As a result, you should wear the products as often as possible, wiping them every time.

Even with harmful effect exposure to sunlight, it is recommended that the products be periodically sunbathing" This leads to normalization of the moisture level in the crystal, which extends its shelf life.

When changing the thread on beads, it is worth learning how to tie knots between the peas. They will prevent dirt from penetrating into the thread holes.

We hope that the techniques indicated in this article will help you keep your jewelry in the clean and clean condition you deserve. neat appearance. Store your jewelry correctly, take care of it, and then it will give you the opportunity to be truly magnificent.

Pearls, like nothing else, emphasize our femininity. But caring for it must be timely and competent. I want to tell you about my proven methods that will teach you how to care for exquisite stone with your own hands.

Precautionary measures: 7 prohibitions

To begin with, it is worth remembering that natural pearls- very gentle precious decoration. Before you clean your pearl beads, you need to learn a number of rules. Simple precautions will help you prevent cracking, delamination, discoloration and deterioration of the stone.

You should not experiment and use cleaning methods that are not in the best possible way affect the stone, otherwise the mineral will be irrevocably damaged:

Image Description
Ban 1

Do not use hard sponges, graters, or brushes.

Ban 2

You cannot clean pearls with soda or other powdery products - you will scratch the peas.

Ban 3

Hydrogen peroxide has a detrimental effect on mother-of-pearl stones.

Ban 4
Ban 5

Acetic acid corrodes the pearlescent shine of pearls.

Ban 6

Pearl jewelry should not be allowed to come into contact with splashes of perfume or eau de toilette.

Ban 7

Hot water will irrevocably ruin the pearl peas.

Cleaning pearls at home

Cleaning capricious pearls at home is easy if you handle them with the utmost care. If you store the mineral correctly, it will only be enough to renew it and return it to its former luster.

Method 1: soap solution

First, let's look at the simplest way- cleaning in soapy water. We will need natural shampoo, baby or liquid soap.

Do the following:

  1. Prepare a weak soap solution.
  2. Gently wipe each bead with a swab dipped in soapy water. If you are cleaning a brooch, ring or earrings, soak the items in soapy water for a few minutes.
  3. Gently wipe the peas dry, removing any soap residue on the surface.

Available materials: 3 effective means

Is your jewelry attacked not only by dust, but also by other dirt? I am ready to tell you how to clean pearls at home, remove difficult spots using improvised means:

Image Recommendations

Method 1: Olive oil

Use fresh, high-quality oil:

  1. Apply the oil to a cotton pad (literally a few drops).
  2. Rub the jewelry gently.
  3. Remove any remaining olive oil using a soft paper towel.

Do not use other oils - they will not only not clean the stone, but will also provide it with an indelible greasy coating.

Method 2: Fine table salt
  1. Take a soft cloth prepared in advance for cleaning pearls.
  2. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on it.
  3. Wrap the decoration in fabric.
  4. Rinse off the salt with warm water until it dissolves.

Do not wash off the salt under a large stream of water - this can damage the structure of the pearls.

  1. Dry the decoration.

Method 3. Potato starch

My personal experience confirms that this particular product will rid pearl beads of even the most stubborn stains:

  1. Pour the powder onto a prepared soft cloth.
  2. Wrap the pearls in it and carefully treat each stone.
  3. Wipe the beads to remove any excess starch.

Jewelry pastes: 2 best products

I also have a method in my arsenal for the most stubborn stains. Cleaning pearls will become easier if you have the opportunity to purchase a special jewelry paste:

  1. Apply a small amount to a clean, soft cloth.
  2. Gently rub the peas.
  3. Polish the pearls until they shine.
  4. Wrap in a soft cloth in which to store the beads until next use.

Before using the product, carefully read the “instructions” section - the active substance of the paste in increased doses can harm the pearls.

Image Means

Price: from 180 rubles


  • gently dissolves dirt;
  • returns shine;
  • thanks to the caring components included in the product, it prolongs the life of pearls and mother-of-pearl;
  • protects beads from drying out and delamination.

Price: from 800 rubles


  • carefully cleans the surface of the stone;
  • removes internal contamination from the structure of soft stones;
  • returns the original shine and depth of color to the product;
  • is completely washed off without any residue after cleaning pearl jewelry;
  • prevents further fading of peas;
  • acts quickly and gently.


If you haven’t fully figured out how to clean pearl beads at home, watch the video in this article, where a diamond salon consultant clearly presented all the secrets of caring for and cleaning pearls. I look forward to your questions and suggestions in the comments.

Pearls have always been considered an attribute of wealth and luxury. Jewelry with these stones is a godsend for women of any age. They are able to complement the image of a young girl, giving it purity and tenderness.

Pearl beads or earrings will add style and chic to the look of a more mature lady. It is not surprising that this stone is so popular. And it is quite logical that many women are interested in how to clean pearls without leaving home.

Caring for pearls is a multi-step process that includes not only proper cleaning, but careful handling and storage.

First of all, it is worth mentioning that pearls contain only 2% water, and therefore the stone’s relationship with it is extremely complex. Dry air can lead to the formation of cracks on the surface of the beads, and excess moisture leads to clouding of the stones.

Bright sunlight is no less dangerous for pearls. Due to prolonged exposure to the sun, stones can lose their shine and radiance and even turn yellow.

Dust is also harmful to pearls; its particles lead to the appearance of microscopic cracks in the enamel.

As mentioned earlier, pearls are a very finicky stone. Therefore it is important to comply basic rules for its storage.

  1. Pearl products must be stored separately from other jewelry.
  2. The best place for storage would be a box upholstered in velvet.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the climate in the room where pearl jewelry is stored. The air temperature should not be too low or too high. If the air in the room is dry, it is recommended to place a glass of water next to the pearl accessories.

Like most luxury items, pearls require delicate handling. An incorrectly selected product can ruin the stone forever.

Therefore, first of all, it is worth remembering that when cleaning pearls, you should not use abrasive brushes, cleaning powders, aggressive acids and bleaches (such as vinegar, ammonia, hydrogen peroxide). Hot water can also ruin pearl beads.

Pearls are a rather capricious stone and require regular cleaning. Below are the main ways to carefully cleaning pearls at home.

1. The best way for cleaning pearls specialized jewelry paste. The product must be applied to a soft cloth and gently wipe each bead. Next, the product is polished with a dry, clean, lint-free cloth. Inconvenience this method is that the paste is not sold in regular hardware stores and is not so easy to find. The second disadvantage is that this method not suitable for frequent use. Regular care using this paste will return the shine and shine to the pearls, but will reduce their service life due to the active cleaning agents it contains.

2. Soap solution is a more gentle and simple means for caring for pearls. When cleaning pearl earrings or rings, place the item in the solution for a few minutes and then wipe it dry.

When working with a pearl thread, each pearl must be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in the solution. The beads are then treated with a clean, damp cloth to remove any remaining soap.

After such cleaning, you need to leave the jewelry to dry on a horizontal surface, laying it out on a soft cloth.

3. A similar cleaning method is using a pair of old elastic tights and soapy water. The decoration must be placed in a kind of bag made of tights and carefully rinsed in a bowl with soap solution. This method will remove dirt from the beads themselves, as well as from the silk thread. After removing the pearls, excess moisture must be removed with a clean cloth and left to dry.

Drying pearl beads in vertical position, as this leads to stretching of the thread.

If the methods described above failed to restore the product to its former shine, you can try bleaching pearls at home using potato starch. The beads must be wiped with a piece of velvet cloth with starch applied. This will help remove all dirt and excess moisture that harms the pearls.

Despite the fact that long-term stay under direct sun rays is detrimental to pearls; sunbathing for several hours can whiten them. This method may require several sessions. It is important not to expose the product to the sun and wrap it in cloth after each procedure.

Over time, a pearl product can not only get dirty, but also fade. To add shine, pearls can be rubbed with olive oil. This is the only oil that will not harm the jewelry. After the procedure, residues must be removed with a paper napkin.

As you know, frequent washing does not make things better.

Therefore, we offer to your attention some tips, which will help avoid unnecessary cleaning and preserve the appearance of pearls for a long time.

  • Put on pearl jewelry last, when your makeup and other preparations are complete. The point is that different chemical substances, such as perfumes and hairspray, have a detrimental effect on appearance pearls
  • For the same reason, when returning home, you need to take off your pearls first. At the same time, when removing a necklace or choker, you should hold on to the metal lock, and not to the stones.
  • Wipe your pearls with a damp cotton pad after each use to remove any remaining oil.
  • Since the pearl thread is also susceptible to contamination, it is recommended to change it every 1-3 years.

Follow these simple rules, and pearl jewelry will delight you for many years!
