How to make a smooth face at home. Cleansing and mattifying

Clean, beautiful skin, with invisible pores and healthy color- every girl's dream. To achieve this, you need to know a few simple rules how to make your face perfect. To do this, it is important to follow certain nutritional principles and take proper care of yourself.

Three rules for perfect skin

The condition of the epidermis depends on the impact external factors and hormonal changes.

Therefore, in order to achieve an ideal epidermis, it is important to follow three rules:


Clean skin is healthy, this is the first thing you need to remember on the way to an ideal face.

The cleanser is selected depending on the type of epidermis:

In addition to washing, the cleansing process includes periodic scrubbing of the epidermis. High-quality peeling will help make your face perfectly clean and smooth, without acne, roughness and other problems. This procedure allows you to remove dead cells from the surface of the skin, cleanse pores, normalize blood circulation and remove remnants of cosmetic products.

Most store-bought scrubs can be easily made at home. For this you will need base oil(you can choose any available, but it would be best to stick with coconut or shea butter) and hard ingredients.

Let's consider what components can be used for peeling:

  • Sea salt. Perfect home remedy for cleansing the pores of combination and problem skin. Hypoallergenic, but highly abrasive. Helps get rid of scars and acne marks, has a slight lightening property;
  • Sugar. It dissolves faster than salt in water, so it is recommended to use it for oily skin so as not to scratch already sensitive areas. Helps even out color and normalize work sebaceous glands, make the epidermis soft and velvety to the touch;
  • Coffee. Perfectly massages and cleanses problematic and mature epidermis. It has a strong antioxidant effect, leaving a lifting effect after use. Like salt, it is characterized by high abrasiveness and is absolutely insoluble in water. Therefore, for peeling it is better to use finely ground coffee, as for a coffee machine.

To make it accessible and effective scrub, you need to combine 10 grams of any of the listed products and a little oil (at your own discretion). Apply the mixture to a moistened face, it is better to slightly steam it. For 5 minutes you need to actively rub the skin over massage lines, then rinse the mixture with water. After scrubbing, apply cream. Repeat at least once a week.

Video: My daily care behind the face

Nutrition and hydration

At this stage, it is important to understand that before you can make your facial skin perfect on the outside, you need to take care of the internal processes occurring in the tissues. To ensure cell saturation useful substances, have to do nourishing masks and use creams.

Care is selected depending on the type of epidermis. To simplify this process, we have compiled a table for different types epidermis with suitable procedures.

Skin type Masks Creams
Oily skin Masks with blue clay and honey will help normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Excellent anti-inflammatory products that contain: essential oil tea tree. After cleansing and caring procedures, a light nourishing cream should be applied to it. It is recommended to purchase products from air structure: foams, vibes.
Dry For intense food will do mask with natural yoghurt and banana. It will not only improve hydration, but also saturate the cells with vitamins and mineral compounds. To feed it, it is most convenient to use dense formulations. Priority is given to products whose ingredients contain hyaluronic acid.
Combined Needs to special care, therefore it is recommended to make masks from kaolin, milk or herbal decoctions. To reduce discharge, it is recommended to wipe your face with cucumber lotion. To nourish it, you can use the same fluid creams or mousses as for oily skin.
Problematic Remedies made from honey, clay mixtures, egg whites and yeast will help relieve inflammation and reduce redness. To cleanse pores, a mask of oatmeal and kefir is recommended. To further strengthen the fibers of the epidermis, as well as nutrition, it is important to use light moisturizing compositions. These can be serums or mousses. It is better not to experiment with thick creams.
Normal This type doesn't need specialized care, it is important to simply maintain its condition. For this, all kinds of fruit and vegetable products, recipes with clays and other restorative masks are used. Any cream with a nutritional base is suitable. IN warm time year, it is better to give preference to moisturizing products with vitamin supplements.

A working way to restore skin in a week:

  1. Wash your face regularly antibacterial soap which will eliminate foci of inflammation and relieve redness;
  2. Every other day, in the morning, scrub with soft abrasives (for intense peeling, use coarse ones);
  3. Stop using cosmetics and let your skin breathe. Instead of a classic foundation, it is better to use a regular cream. Or any available batter;
  4. The cream should only be washed off with products intended for this purpose. In the morning, it is better to simply wipe the epidermis with micellar water or an ice cube;
  5. Make cleansing masks with nourishing ingredients twice a week. The best option– this is clay with aloe or honey;
  6. Do not expose your face aggressive influence external environment. Protect your face from wind, scorching sun and snow;
  7. In nutrition, focus on fresh fruits and vegetables, minimize the amount of salty and smoked foods. It is advisable to completely exclude sweets, fried foods and fast food from your diet.


If you urgently need to get yourself in order, but clean pores and even color are still far away, then you can use cosmetics.

Step-by-step instruction how to do perfect face at home using makeup:

  1. Before application foundation, it is important to moisturize the epidermis with cream or foundation. This will not only protect the skin, but will also greatly simplify the distribution of the product;
  2. At problem skin Corrector should be applied to all red and inflamed areas. It will hide pimples and dark circles, and even out the skin color around the nostrils and on the eyelids;
  3. The foundation must be applied with a sponge. Use light tapping movements to blot the skin of your face and neck. This will hide roughness and dry areas and also guarantee a natural color distribution. This will especially help hide problem skin;
  4. To make the oval of the face look natural, you need to decorate it with blush and powder. The most preferable are products containing mineral particles - they absorb excess fat and do not clog pores;
  5. Under no circumstances should you wear multiple layers of makeup. If you need to fix the tone, use thermal water in a spray. But you can’t re-smear it - she will instantly react to this appearance of subcutaneous skin and comedones.

Once again, please note that this method is emergency. Reviews claim that only when integrated approach You can achieve real results in literally 7 days. Each use of tinting products moves you away from your dream of becoming the owner of an ideal face.

At birth, our skin, especially on the face, is smooth, soft and flawless, like silk, but smooth skin every year of life more and more remains in the past. Smooth, smooth facial skin depends on many factors: poor nutrition, stress, summer heat, cold winter air, cosmetics, pollution environment, which make a smooth face unattractive. If you, like many people, are worried that your skin is no longer as smooth as it was when you were young, know that there are a few simple things you can do at home to keep your face clear and smooth.

How to make your facial skin smooth

In this article we will not talk about hardware methods for facial skin rejuvenation and other expensive cosmetic procedures. Nature itself allows you to make your facial skin smooth at home without any special financial costs.

Masks for a smooth face: lemon, honey and olive oil

Honey works as both a skin cleanser and an anti-inflammatory agent: honey combats facial skin imperfections, and its antioxidants reduce the signs of aging. Lemon contains a large number of vitamin C, as well as other nutrients that can help get rid of skin problems. In addition, lemon is beneficial for the skin because it adds shine to the skin, reduces dark spots and brightens the skin tone. Women began to use olive oil for their skin back in ancient times. Olive oil improves skin elasticity and complexion.

In order to make a mask for a smooth face, you need to take an equal amount olive oil, honey and lemon, mix the ingredients, and then apply the mixture to your face using a cotton swab. The honey, lemon and olive oil smooth face mask should work for about 20 minutes, then wash it off with warm water or leave it on overnight - but don't forget to wash it off in the morning.

Smooth facial skin requires hydration

Moisturizer helps the top layer of skin retain moisture, which in turn allows the skin to remain smooth. Best time To use a moisturizer - immediately after a shower, this will preserve residual moisture after the water procedure. Additionally, face moisturizer should be used in cold weather before going outside. By the way, don’t forget to use moisturizer on your hands after washing dishes or doing other housework.

If you have normal skin face (not too oily or too dry), try a moisturizer on water based. If your facial skin is dry, you need to use a moisturizer based on glycerin, oil or wax, which does not evaporate so quickly. People with oily skin individuals should also choose a water-based moisturizer.

Video: Home remedies to moisturize your skin

The face becomes smooth after removing blemishes

If you are suffering from age spots on your face or acne marks, you can remove them with a few simple procedures. Products based salicylic acid Naturally exfoliate the skin, remove acne and prevent the formation of pimples. Read an article on our portal about 30 ways to remove acne marks. Benzoyl peroxide is another effective means for the treatment of moderate to severe acne. You can also use the pore cleansers or homemade face masks mentioned above.

Many people - both women and men - suffer from dark spots on their face. The medical term for this problem is melasma. Details on how to remove dark spots on the face, read this article on the Moscow Medicine Portal.

Video: Home Remedies for Face Spots

Get rid of wrinkles for even, smooth facial skin

Wrinkles appear not just because we age, but because our skin loses its elasticity and begins to weaken. Wrinkles can be unsightly and can make smooth skin look unsightly. The good news is that there are various creams that can get rid of wrinkles, as well as various natural remedies.

Two great examples of homemade masks for facial wrinkles are milk with honey and one lemon juice with sugar. detailed information how to deal with wrinkles on the face at home in this article about facial massage

Smooth facial skin means cleansing and exfoliating!

One of the most important things to do to keep your facial skin smooth is to cleanse it regularly. Ideally, you should use a facial cleanser twice a day as this will get rid of dirt and oil on the skin and in turn will restore its radiance and make it look smoother.

Additionally, if you want smooth facial skin, it is very important to remove any makeup before going to bed. Every woman knows he should do it, but most feel too sleepy or just too lazy to actually do it. The problem is that if you leave your makeup on overnight, your skin will become dull and you increase the chances of developing wrinkles.

You should also exfoliate your skin regularly to remove dead cells that have accumulated on it.

Protect yourself from the sun to keep your face clear and smooth

The sun is the biggest source of skin damage, so you should always protect it to avoid symptoms of sun exposure such as rough or dry skin, freckles, wrinkles, age spots and skin cancer. The best way To always have a smooth face is to avoid the sun when it is at its strongest, usually between 12 and 16 hours. If you must go outside at this time, always wear a hat with wide brim. You should also use sunscreen with SPF of at least 15; always make sure it is waterproof.

Proper nutrition for smooth facial skin

Everyone has heard the expression “you are what you eat”, and when it comes to your skin, it's very accurate! If you want your skin to remain smooth for a long time, you must eat foods that have high content vitamins A, B1, B6, C and D. Vitamin A and vitamin C play especially big role in keeping the skin smooth and clean, preventing the appearance of blemishes and pimples on the skin. It's also important to consume plenty of antioxidants and omega-3s to keep your skin smooth. fatty acids- their fruits, vegetables and green tea - these substances protect your skin from infections and keep it smooth.

The most important part healthy diet for your skin, however, is plain water. Keep in mind that most human body is made up of water and you must maintain the proper balance to keep your skin hydrated.

How to get a smooth face with a healthy lifestyle

Of course, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is good for your overall health, but few people realize that healthy image life can also help you have a smooth face for a long time. When you do various physical exercises, your blood circulation increases, which in turn allows your skin to receive more nutrients. Exercise and sports can even help minimize wrinkles by increasing your body's production of collagen.

Smoking, on the other hand, can be harmful to the skin; smoking gives the skin a yellowish or brownish tint. Alcohol can also cause skin problems, since constant or heavy consumption of alcohol leads to problems in the liver, which in turn causes unhealthy yellowish tint skin.

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article is about how to make your facial skin smooth , is intended to inform the reader only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

Ideal skin is clean pores, absence of flaking and inflammation, healthy and even tone faces. Even girls who don't care about the latest in fashion or hairdressing, wish to become the happy owners of a beautiful face. No wonder, dark circles under the eyes and expression wrinkles reveal their true age, and pigment spots and pimples spoil the aesthetic appearance. For these reasons, it is important to learn how to care for your skin yourself, without resorting to the help of cosmetologists.

20 steps towards perfect facial skin

Step #1. Moisturize your skin regularly. To achieve something beautiful pink shade you need to drink enough fluid per day (at least 2.8 liters). Give preference to freshly squeezed juices with parsley or celery, homemade compotes without sugar, mineral water still, green and herbal tea. Lean on clean water, it removes toxins and rids the body of toxins, giving the face freshness. Moisturizing skin Regular consumption also helps fresh vegetables and fruits.

Step #2. Wipe your skin cosmetic ice. To prepare it, you need to mix 35 grams into one composition. linden, 15 gr. geranium, 30 gr. burdock root and 45 gr. birch bark. After this, sprinkle the herbs with filtered hot water and leave for 3 hours. Strain the mixture and add 3 ml. thyme or tea tree ether, pour into molds. Place in the freezer and wipe your face 3 times a day for 5 minutes. Do not stay at one point for more than 3 seconds.

Step #3. Choose cosmetics correctly. Concerning decorative cosmetics, give preference professional series with natural additives. Such products enrich cells with oxygen, preventing premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Reduce the use of foundation and powder; these cosmetics clog pores and complicate the self-cleaning process.

Step #4. Use thermal water. Get into the habit of wearing handbag thermal water. It can be used as clean skin, and when updating makeup. The remedy is considered particularly relevant in summer period, since the epidermis suffers from a lack of moisture. If you work in an office, purchase a compact air humidifier; it does the job perfectly and replaces thermal water.

Step #5. Don't neglect creams. This is a necessity, not a whim, especially in the summer. Give preference to serums and hydrogels that enrich the skin with moisture. They should contain retinol, liquid protein and medicinal herbs. In cold weather, use protective anti-frost creams; they prevent the appearance of cracks and inflammation. Always remove makeup before going to bed, if possible, do this 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Step #6. Don't touch your face with your hands. Don't constantly try to fix your makeup or remove sweat with your hands. For these purposes, use matting or paper napkins. Blot your face with it as needed, then spray your skin with thermal water. Otherwise, you risk becoming the owner of ulcers that leave behind purple spots.

Step #7. Follow the work and rest schedule. Sleep at least 7 hours a day, preferably on a low pillow. It should not be too soft or, on the contrary, hard. Choose an optimal height of no more than 10 cm. If you often work at a computer for a long time, wear special glasses designed for this purpose. They can be purchased at an optical shop or pharmacy.

Step #8. Do not squeeze out blackheads. If you do not have experience in conducting similar procedures, do not try to squeeze out pimples or blackheads. Such actions lead to damage to the skin, inflammation, redness and unpleasant painful sensations. Worse than that, if actions become a habit, you risk losing perfect skin forever. Choose the optimal series of care products for yourself or use traditional methods cleansing, they are no less effective.

Step #9. Apply your makeup correctly. Before direct use For decorative cosmetics, use serum, gel or primer; they form a protective film. Take a closer look at the VOV company; the cosmetics from this manufacturer have a natural and hypoallergenic composition. They also sell an excellent base for makeup.

Step #10. Watch your daily diet. Balance optimal quantity proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Focus on foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and don’t forget about Omega acids. Completely give up homemade canned food and pickles, do not eat sausages and sausages, and do not abuse fast food. Eat small meals 5-6 times a day, with one serving not exceeding 350 grams. Eat lean fish at least once a week, and eat chicken, beef or turkey every day. Steam or steam food own juice, fatty foods accelerate the production of subcutaneous sebum and form plugs in the pores.

Step #11. Protect your skin from UV rays. When visiting a solarium or taking sunbathing use face cream with maximum protection. If you don’t want your complexion to differ from your body tone, sunbathe in safe time when the sun is less active. Wear glasses, a cap or wide-brimmed hat, do not frown so as not to cause premature wrinkles.

Step #12. Maintain good hygiene. Change bed sheets, in particular, pillowcases at least 2 times a week. Divide Bath towels to those intended for the face and body. Make sure you always have cleansing wipes for your hands and face in your handbag.

Step #13. Play sports. Physical activity accelerates metabolic processes, normalizes blood flow, tightens the muscles of the body and face. It is not necessary to sign up for a gym and run on the track for hours; for the first time, regular walking or dancing classes will suffice. Choose the direction you like and take action!

Step #14. Avoid negative factors. Learn to cope with stress short time, do not allow prolonged depression or general fatigue to occur. Practice meditation, distract yourself by watching your favorite TV series or reading interesting book. As for physical stress, this includes alcohol and tobacco. If you really want to drink, give preference to semi-dry or dry wine. Quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes.

Step #15. Nourish your skin. A caring mask made from available ingredients is perfect for these purposes. Pass half a banana through a meat grinder, chop a quarter of a cucumber. Combine the two compositions, add 30 ml to them. olive oil and 25 gr. flax porridge. Stir, make a mask, leave for 1 hour. Apply the composition 3-4 times a week.

Step #16. Wash your hair regularly. Dirty hair contains products from the sebaceous glands, which are transferred to the skin upon contact. If you wear bangs, pin them up whenever possible to prevent the pores on your forehead from becoming clogged. When carrying out cleansing procedures, pay attention to the area behind the ears and temples; it is in these areas that most acne and inflammation accumulate.

Step #17. Prepare homemade lotion for face. To properly cleanse your skin, you need to use it as often as possible. natural compositions. To prepare tonic at home you will need 30 ml. vodka, 10 gr. sage, 15 gr. oak bark, 20 gr. chamomile flowers. Brew herbs in 75 ml. boiling water, leave for 3 days. After the expiration date, strain and pour in vodka. Wipe your skin every morning and evening. Store the composition in a dark place.

Step #18. Get rid of age spots. You can whiten your face yourself using lemon or parsley. In the first case, squeeze the juice from the citrus and soak a cosmetic swab in it, then wipe off the spots or freckles. To use the second recipe, chop fresh parsley, mix it with sour cream, make a mask and leave for half an hour.

Step #19. Take care of the area around your eyes. These areas contain a small amount of muscle, collagen and elastin fibers, which is why they are most susceptible to the appearance of wrinkles. Buy professional product, which will saturate the skin with moisture and oxygen. Apply the cream with tapping movements along the tangent of the orbital bone, smoothly moving onto the dark circles. Don't smear upper eyelid, it is not so susceptible to dehydration and the formation of defects.

Step #20. Get rid of dead skin cells. Use gentle peelings or scrubs, suitable as store-bought ones natural remedies, and products home production. To prepare the composition you will need 5 walnuts, 70 ml. freshly brewed coffee, 50 gr. grounds, 20 gr. sour cream, 45 gr. gelatin. Grind the nut kernels in a coffee grinder or crush between two spoons, add sour cream and grounds. In a separate bowl, pour gelatin and coffee, wait for swelling. Massage your face for 10 minutes, then leave the mixture for another quarter of an hour. Carry out the procedure 2 times a week.

To achieve perfect skin You need to make every effort, especially at first. Regularly nourish and moisturize the epidermis, get rid of age spots and dead particles. Play sports, watch your diet, relax on a low pillow. Use thermal water and homemade masks, do not squeeze pimples.

Video: secrets of perfect facial skin

Today we will tell you how to make your face beautiful. The crazy pace of the modern city sometimes does not allow for a healthy lifestyle: snacking on the go instead of a full meal, non-compliance with the work and rest schedule, lack of proper care - all this affects health. The skin is the first to suffer. And while clothes help hide the signs of aging skin on the body, the face remains constantly visible. Women concerned about this problem often wonder how to make their face beautiful at home if they don’t have time to visit a beauty salon.

In this article we will look at some of the features of each skin type, the problems that arise, give recommendations and offer time-tested beauty recipes.

Features of skin types

There are five main types of skin, each with its own characteristics:

You can be beautiful without using makeup. First you need to know how to get beautiful colour faces. After all, this is precisely the first step towards the beginning of improvement. This will help plain water or green tea - drink two liters daily.

This will start improving metabolic processes in the body, promote the elimination of toxins and, accordingly, improve and normalize complexion. And in order to avoid the opposite effect, give up any energy drinks, including coffee and black tea. To avoid morning puffiness, drink liquid two to three hours before bed.

Making a clean face

How to make your face clean and beautiful? Many women are accustomed to using cosmetics as a panacea for all ills. However, in some cases this does not bring the expected result, and sometimes it is even harmful - dry skin or inflammation appears.

You don't have to spend a ton of money cosmetics, if you can adjust your lifestyle a little. Where to start and how to make your facial skin beautiful? It will help you:

  • cold and hot shower;
  • mandatory makeup removal at night;
  • proper rest and, of course, sleep;
  • absence of bad habits;
  • a balanced diet (all vitamins must be present);
  • using basic care products suitable for your skin type;
  • staying in the fresh air.

As soon as you make it a rule simple tips, you will immediately see amazing changes in your face.

Continuing the theme of natural beauty, we bring to your attention proven facial skin care products that can be used at home.

Clean and beautiful skin on the face. What do we have to do?

How can I do it? Beautiful face? Use the following:

  1. A decoction from bay leaf in proportions of 20 g per 100 ml of water. It needs to be boiled, cooled and wiped on the face.
  2. Honey and lemon will solve the problem of blackheads. How to make such a remedy? Apply a few drops of honey to a piece of lemon. Then the resulting product should be applied to the area where there are acne. After five minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water.
  3. Acne mask. It's easy to prepare. You need to grate the cucumbers on a fine grater to make three tablespoons, pour a glass of boiling water over them and leave for exactly three hours. Next, you need to strain the mixture and add one teaspoon of honey to the liquid. After washing your face, use this solution and you will get rid of acne and inflammation.
  4. If you have viburnum, also use it to eliminate rashes. Use a swab dipped in juice to wipe the pimples three times a day.

Facial skin toning

How to get a beautiful complexion? To improve your complexion and moisturize it, you can use cucumber tonic. To prepare it you need a cucumber, cut into cubes with peel. It is poured with a glass of milk and boiled for three to five minutes. After straining, you can add a spoonful of honey and wipe your face with the product.

Those with oily skin will benefit from a green tea toner recipe. A glass of brewed tea is cooled. Then strain and add two spoons (teaspoons) lemon juice. Wipe your face, but do not leave the resulting mixture on the skin for a long time to avoid staining it.

Skin hydration

Steam two tablespoons of oatmeal with a glass of boiling water or milk. Leave for about fifteen minutes and drain the liquid that remains there. Add a little honey, lemon juice (you can also use aloe leaf) and apply the mask for twenty minutes. This option perfectly restores water balance skin. Here's how to make your face beautiful in just 20 minutes.

Mask with cottage cheese and remedy with apple

Very popular curd mask. To prepare it, you need to mix fat cottage cheese and honey in proportions 2:1. The effect of the mask is thirty minutes. This product not only nourishes the skin, but also tones it and also helps remove irritation.

How to make your face beautiful? Now let's look at another recipe for moisturizer. Grate the apple on a fine grater, add a spoon butter and beaten yolk. If desired, you can add honey. Leave for twenty minutes, then rinse. Excellent hydration is guaranteed!

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make your face beautiful. Taking proper care of your skin is quite simple. It needs to be nourished and cleansed. Then your skin will become your pride. Love yourself and your happy eyes will shine, making your face flawless even without makeup!

One of the most important rules for facial skin care is morning and evening. water treatments(washing). Throughout the day, dust, harmful bacteria, germs and toxins settle on the face. All this is mixed with cosmetics. The result is completely clogged facial pores and further inflammation in the form of acne. To minimize this risk, you need to wash your face with a mild cleanser, such as a gel or foam. You should only wipe your face with a clean or disposable towel.

There is no need to squeeze out pimples on your face. It is important to know that every squeezed pimple can leave a scar or scar. Naturally, it will not be possible to make the skin beautiful and smooth using such methods.

It is useful to wipe your face with a cosmetic product in the morning and evening. cotton pad, moistened with a special lotion selected for the appropriate skin type. But in this case you can resort to using folk remedies, preparing the cucumber-milk mixture. For this, cut into pieces fresh cucumber pour a glass of warm milk, then leave for half an hour, and then strain. Cucumber juice is a natural lotion that gently cleanses and tightens pores on the face. This the product will do for cleansing dry and normal skin.

Using various scrubs, you can effectively cleanse your facial skin of dead skin cells. This cleansing will speed up the process of its regeneration and make the skin smoother. The most common cleansing agent is the so-called coffee scrub. Coffee grounds diluted with a small amount of olive oil and massage movements applied to the face. The duration of the procedure is five minutes. After this, the mixture is washed off and a moisturizer is applied to the face. Using a scrub more than once a week is not advisable.

For beautiful skin, you need to drink about nine glasses of purified water every day. It is best to do this in the morning. This will help maintain the water balance in the skin cells, making it attractive.

To make your facial skin smoother and more velvety, you can use various masks, such as banana and milk masks. The puree prepared using these ingredients is evenly applied to the face and left in this form for half an hour. A mask made from honey and egg white. Beyond Smoothness protein-honey mask It can also even out skin color.

It will help people with oily skin to achieve smoothness. special mask from lemon, grapes and egg yolk. Lemon juice will cleanse and whiten the skin, the yolk will nourish it, and grape juice– will make it softer. For people with dry skin, a mask of olive oil, lemon and honey will help achieve a smooth effect. These mixtures are kept on the face for ten minutes, after which they are washed off cold water. All of the above masks can be done several times a week.

If there are scars or scars on your face, you can try to remove them using finely ground raw potatoes. For this procedure, the potato pulp should be kept on the face for a quarter of an hour, after which it should be washed off with cold water.

Proper nutrition is also important for the beauty of the skin. Food should be rich in vitamins, microelements and antioxidants. In addition, when caring for your facial skin, you need to resort to one or another physical exercise: Constant muscle activity helps remove harmful toxins from the body, saturating it with oxygen.
