Happy new year greetings to colleagues with meaning. Gentle words for lovers and spouses

If you have excellent relations with colleagues at work and in the team it is customary to congratulate each other on the New Year, then the coming 2015 will be very fertile for this! After all, this is the year of the Goat (Sheep). And if some are afraid of the coming year, then for real professionals this is the year of new opportunities, new rapid breakthroughs. Therefore, congratulate your colleagues on the coming 2015 sincerely and from the bottom of my heart!

And you can do this both in poetry and in prose. A whole selection of New Year greetings for colleagues is at your service. You can choose something universal, or you can use cool and funny congratulations. And even use the service of sending New Year's greetings to your phone.

The choice of congratulations is limited only by your imagination. For example, audio greetings for the New Year 2018 to colleagues can be made memorable if they sound from celebrities. The advantage of audio congratulations from a regular call is also that the recorded congratulations can be repeatedly listened to by yourself or given to a friend to listen to.

New Year greetings for colleagues

New Year's greetings to colleagues, New Year's greetings 2018 for colleagues, New Year's greetings for work colleagues, including New Year's greetings for teachers' colleagues, New Year's greetings for medical colleagues.

New Year's greetings for colleagues in verse

I want to wish you Happy New Year!
And wish you happiness
To work smoothly
To make you happy
So that the family does not know worries
They did not know sorrows and evil
To a beautiful bride
I went down the aisle with you

I want to congratulate my colleagues!
Happy holiday - New Year!
Let luck accompany
Now the time has come! Twelve strikes!
What a joyful time
When gifts from the heart
When you don't need to rush
And we are not in a hurry.

What a New Year's Eve!
He will gather all his colleagues!
Santa Claus will bring gifts
And pour champagne.

We congratulate each other
We wish you happiness, joy
When the champagne is open
All bad things are forgotten.

Colleagues, I wish you good luck in life,
Let any task be possible
Enough money to run
In the office, so that you work honestly!

Pay - decent, fate - excellent,
Health - Siberian, life - decent!
I wish you more career...
All the best to you in general!

New Year's greetings for colleagues in prose

Dear employees, colleagues! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of the New Year. I wish each of you fortune in business, fun in the family and happiness in the soul. Let only sincere smiles frame you for a whole year, and let the number of friends only increase. Let all the shortcomings at work and in your own life remain in the outgoing year, and the coming New Year will bring only positive.

On the eve of the New Year, everyone wants to finish the work they have begun, so that they can easily meet the next year in their souls. I wish you a bright pre-holiday mood, like Christmas tree lights, pure, sparkling ideas, like December snow, and in the same spirit of magical reincarnations that will change your life for the better!

Dear Colleagues! The most beautiful holiday is approaching, which brings with it hope for the best. May it be 100% justified - from success in our common work to comfort and family happiness! I wish each of you to acquire harmony in the soul and in life! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to you, colleagues, with the most cheerful, clear and joyful holiday! I wish you happiness, kindness, great success, victories, achievement of goals and fulfillment of desires. The most sincere comrades to you, faith in a clear future, a bright bright promising life and a calm fate, without worries and interference! May this year be sweet and flattering in every way!

They say that if you wish for the New Year, it will definitely come true! So let all your dreams and hopes come true with a wave of a magic wand! I wish you self-confidence, great success and achievements in business, domestic prosperity and happiness. Even in the inhuman frost your souls bloom like a spring garden!

New Year SMS greetings for colleagues

Short New Year greetings for colleagues

May good luck await this year
And what you dream about will come true
May you be lucky in life
Learn what you don't know

Happy New Year dear colleague
With this new holiday of winter
I wish you success
So that dreams can come true

Happy New Year! Always remain a valuable employee of our beloved company, a ringleader at festive events and just a good person in life!

Favorite employee! Cast off your worries
Let winter sparkle on a bright day!
Let your troubles go away
Let there be only spring in your soul!

Let all the dreams come true
On holiday - New Year.
Everything in life turns out
All the best will happen.

What are you dreaming about now?
Is my colleague dear?
Believe - wishes come true
You and only open the way!

New Year greetings for colleagues 2018

Happy New Year 2018!
Let it begin with a new rise
To the best heights of life
And a good bank account.
Let him bring agreement in business,
In personal life - a lot of happiness,
And in love - great returns
(This is also good luck!).
May he give the joy of meeting
On a frosty New Year's Eve
And let it last for many years
Light lit in our souls...
With new happiness to you, Happy New Year!
And with a new turn in life!

Dear colleagues, friends, 2017 is coming to an end, on the eve of the New Year 2018! Let it not bring you grief and trouble, let it be successful! Let all grievances, feelings, quarrels, omissions be forgotten! Let the New Year begin with joyful meetings and pleasant feasts! Let songs, jokes, happy laughter of children sound in your homes! May couples not lose their ardent passion and love for each other! Let health allow you to lead an active lifestyle! Let your wallets be constantly filled with banknotes! In general, let the New Year's Dog bring happiness to each of you!

New Year of the Dog 2018
Envelop us with frost, give the chimes a chime
New Year's Eve over the city
Bustle and fireworks from all sides.

Let the magic continue
Let the holiday circle over the earth.
What is meant to happen, let it happen.
He will help, he is our good companion.

Bring the New Year to us good luck,
Magic waiting in it.
And unbridled joy
May it envelop each of our homes.

The 2017 working year has ended, and on the threshold of the New Year 2018, I wish you only positive changes, confidence and support from colleagues and employees, your family and friends! Trust, reliability in all respects! Let dreams come true, wishes come true, and harmony in your hearts will be the guarantor of family happiness! Happy New Year to you!

Cool New Year's greetings for colleagues

Funny and comic New Year's greetings for colleagues

Colleague! I dreamed today that you won a lot of money in the lottery, you were promoted at work, and the most gorgeous woman on the planet fell in love with you! I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and wish my dream to be prophetic!

I love waking up every morning, I go to work like it's a holiday, and I can't stand weekends because these days I don't meet the kindest, smartest and most wonderful colleagues in the world! With all my heart I wish you happiness, success and more sincere friends in the New Year.

Happy New Year, Santa Claus, Snegurochka and of course the president congratulates. But if you want to personally congratulate your colleagues on the New Year, then our author's and original New Year's greetings to colleagues. For you and your colleagues, beautiful and funny congratulations in verse and prose. We hope that each of you will find the congratulation that suits your colleague.


Back to work and worries,
A year has passed unnoticed.
All latest reports
And we will start the new year.

But colleagues, first of all,
I also want to tell you
Our superiors ordered:
"Everyone rest today!"

We spend the year, take a walk,
Gather thoughts together
Thinking about the future
Let's start with new strength!

Happy New Year,
For my colleagues I wish
So that work like clockwork,
And so that life is beautiful!

And the boss is Santa Claus,
I brought you all an award!
In the year of the Pig
Helped you achieve everything!

Hooray, colleagues! Happy New Year!
Let him give us new clients.
In a furry hat Santa Claus
Let him bring gifts.

And in families everything will be OK.
Happy wives and children.
I wish you happiness and luck.
And a lot of money in the year of the dog.

Colleagues, dear, Happy New Year,
Let the carefree, kind laughter flow.
May the weather always be pleasant,
Let you live the most charming of all.

Let the salary increase quickly
And let the weekends get longer.
Adversity will all disappear in an instant somewhere,
And let sadness pass by.

Let the authorities treat with love,
Let the eyes sparkle with joy.
Let the holiday prepare only joy,
And in the New Year, miracles happen.

Colleagues! Happy New Year! Happiness to you!
The Christmas tree shines with beads, balls.
I wish all your dreams come true
May good luck be with you all year long!

Let our team be like a family,
Where there is no strife and misunderstanding,
I wish you bright success
And fulfillment of all your desires!

Colleagues, Happy New Year to you!
Thank you for your common work
who befriended us all.
Let the money come to you
Success in business will always come
Profit and happiness will increase
And life will be fine
Let a miracle happen in her!

Here come the corporate parties
And New Year's fuss
Moments, they are happy
You and I have been waiting for them for a long time.

We all love to work hard
Problems are difficult to solve
But stop a little
Now you and me are a match...

Slow down, and with your
Relatives, close to stay,
And enjoy the weekend
Feel the moments of happiness!

My dear colleagues,
The New Year is already at the door,
We have walked the path with you
It's time for me to point out
What I wish you creativity
And a good team.
Let everything change
We are at one with you
We wish you success and growth and strength.
For life to continue to love us.
So that our team was close-knit.
This means he is invincible!

All, all congratulations
I Happy New Year!
Let happiness circle
Round dance around you
Let life be like a poem
always melodious,
Sorrows pass,
You won't be bored
Let them intertwine in stanzas
Not lines, but people
May fate bring
Good luck on your plate!
Let every business
Recognition, success
May the joys in the world
Enough for everyone!

I want to wish you a New Year
Salary such to fulfill a dream.
More health, less problems
Good friends and life without loss.

May the holiday bring warmth and comfort,
The path at work is respected and honored,
I wish you all the best,
May your life of adventure be full.

You will find the best New Year 2019 greetings for your work colleagues right here. In the new collection, we have included official short prose texts dedicated to the coming of the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig, cool, funny poems and beautiful lines with playful holiday greetings. They perfectly convey the New Year's atmosphere, cheer up and charge with positive. In such a pleasant way, you can congratulate employees of any structures, enterprises and organizations on the upcoming year of the Boar. It is quite appropriate to recite a welcoming speech in person during a festive meeting or corporate party. An equally good option is to write kind phrases on themed postcards with New Year's pictures and present a present to each employee. This cute gesture will be very pleasant and will be remembered for a long time for its sincerity and sincerity.

You will find the best words for the holiday on such topics:

  • Happy New Year of the Pig to colleagues in prose - official
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues at work - cool
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues at work - in prose
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues at work - with humor
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words
  • Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in verse
  • Congratulations on the New Year to colleagues - cool at a corporate party

Optimistic official congratulations on the New Year of the Pig to colleagues in prose

The most optimistic official congratulations on the New Year of the Pig to colleagues in prose can be conveyed by the director, representatives of the management team and the employees themselves. It is appropriate to make such a pleasant speech at the final meeting, where the whole team will come together to sum up the year. If many people work at the enterprise, but they cannot get together at the same time due to the specifics of the production process, it is quite acceptable to print congratulatory phrases on thematic postcards and pass them on to all employees. Such a nice gift will create a festive atmosphere around and give everyone a lot of bright emotions.

Several beautiful official congratulations in prose to colleagues for the New Year of the Pig

I wish you, colleagues, to experience a storm of positive emotions and a hurricane of happy moments on this fabulous New Year's Eve. Let a cheerful round dance of smiles, pleasant surprises, miracles swirl you. May the coming year bring you friendly support, the favor of your superiors, the successful solution of all kinds of problems and cover you with a snowfall of banknotes.

May the next year bring prosperity and success to each of us, give new brilliant ideas and help bring them to life. May peace and mutual understanding reign in our families, and the love of loved ones with an unchanging hot flame will warm at any moment. We wish each other professional growth, optimism and self-confidence!

Dear colleagues! I congratulate you on the long-awaited holiday - New Year. I wish to remember all the pleasant things that happened last year under the chime of the clock and thank him. And in the coming year, take with you good luck, prosperity and love. Let everything be fine at work and at home!

Dear and dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year. I want to wish you a smooth and prosperous road to success, clear goals and long-term plans, unquenchable strength and friendship of the team, family happiness and true prosperity, high prosperity and unchanging good luck. May the New Year's Eve fulfill the desire of each of you and give everyone a wonderful mood.

Dear colleagues! Great luck to be with you in one friendly team and, daily, jointly and amicably solve new, even difficult, tasks! In the New Year, I want to wish health to you and those who are dear to you, so that success accompanies everything planned, and the most secret dreams come true in an incredibly magical, unthinkable way!

Short funny New Year greetings to colleagues in verse

Funny, short and funny congratulations on the New Year to colleagues in verse are a great way to defuse the work environment on the eve of the holidays and create a joyful, pleasant atmosphere around. To say funny couplets out loud, you do not need to choose a special time or place. Funny, humorous lines will sound appropriate at any moment and set the team in an optimistic mood.

Examples of short funny congratulations in verse for work colleagues for the New Year

New Year's greetings to everyone

I am happy to send to my colleagues!

Let there be no problems at work

Yes, and at home, so that everything is “ok”, I wish!

Happy New Year!

May there be a lot of luck

Let the bad not disturb

Let good things come.

Let the year be wonderful

Wonderful, kind, very cool.

We plan to fulfill our plans

Let the New Year give

And give us patience

If things are unfinished.

Let, colleagues, work for you

Will bear fruit:

Income will increase

May the holiday be joyful

Let a hurricane of happiness come!

And various gifts

We will give a New Year's storm!

Colleagues - health and good luck to you,

The salary is higher, more often, in addition!

For colleagues, my words are the best,

My mighty congratulations!

Let the New Year not be a hindrance to you

Achieve great success in your career!

Sincere congratulations on the New Year in prose to colleagues at work

Sincere and sincere congratulations on the New Year in prose to colleagues at work are best conveyed personally. This can be done on the eve of the holiday on the last day before the official weekend. Kind phrases, supplemented with wishes for well-being, career growth, financial stability, health and family happiness, will please even the most strict and restrained workers who do not like to show sentimental feelings in public. Employees who are on a business trip before the holidays can send good words via the Internet or by phone. They will be very pleased to know that the team remembers them and wish them all the best on the eve of wonderful festive days.

Options for sincere congratulations in prose for the New Year for colleagues from work

Dear, close and dear people of mine - colleagues! May each of you fulfill your cherished dream and achieve your desired goals this New Year. Love to you - strong and tender, friendship - strong and faithful. Salaries - big, health - indestructible. Hooray!

Happy New Year my dear colleagues. I want to wish you vivacity and strength, confidence and enthusiasm. May the new year be full of prospects, may each day be eventful and fruitful, may great achievements and victories await you in life, may there be comfort and grace in your families.

Let the old year be remembered with a smile, and the new one will bring many pleasant moments. Let difficulties be rare, and life goes well and easily. Let the work in the new year be a joy, and unite our team even more. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, colleagues. I wish everyone to have their own Santa Claus who will fulfill your desires, I wish the new year to give everyone happiness and joy in huge quantities. Be successful in the new year, loved and inspired by a beautiful dream. All the best and, most importantly, good health!

Congratulations on the New Year, dear and dear colleagues. I wish each of you great success and income, great happiness and kindness, sincere love and joy, good luck and hope, cheerful mood and well-being.

Short congratulations with humor for the New Year for work colleagues - texts in prose

Funny, short congratulations with humor for the New Year for work colleagues must be prepared in advance. If the team is small, you can choose a small individual text for each. When there are a lot of employees, it is worth contacting everyone at once with a cheerful, cheerful text and adding a few sincere wishes for good, happiness and prosperity to the funny phrases. No matter how familiar and ordinary these words may seem, they always sound appropriate and touch the most delicate spiritual strings. Strict leaders, constantly hurrying managers, office workers and handymen equally sincerely rejoice at them. Simple speeches filled with good humor, good mood and joyful, pleasant emotions do not leave anyone indifferent.

A collection of short humorous congratulations on the New Year in prose for work colleagues

Happy New Year 2019 to you, dear colleagues! Thank you for your brilliant work for the benefit of our common cause. May this year give us all a sea of ​​​​career successes and achievements, but with all the zeal to work, I wish you not to forget about your loved ones!

Dear colleagues, the New Year is coming, and I would like to wish you great success in the labor field, fabulous financial achievements and excellent bosses with always good spirits on this amazing holiday. Let your skills become more valuable than any treasures in the world. But if someone suddenly decides to buy them - bargain to the end!

I would like to wish a Happy New Year to everyone with whom, side by side on every working day, I share both joy and sorrow - this is our friendly team. I wish that they received much more money, and much less labor was spent on them.

Dear colleague! I had an amazing dream today: in it you win a huge amount of cash in the lottery, your boss gives you his place, and the most famous director gives you the lead role in his film. I sincerely congratulate you on the New Year and wish that the dream turns out to be prophetic

I love every weekday morning - I get up and go to work as if it were a holiday, and I absolutely hate weekends, because these days I don’t see the most pleasant, intellectual and sincere colleagues in the whole world! With all my heart I wish you well-being, success and sincere comrades like me in the New Year.

Happy New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words

Good and good New Year greetings to colleagues in your own words can be pronounced on the last working day before leaving for a long winter weekend. If you want to dedicate a holiday greeting to the whole team, it is better to choose the right moment when the workers gather in one room and are ready to hear sincere phrases coming from the heart.

The closest of colleagues, with whom not formally working, but warm and friendly relations have long been associated, should convey congratulations personally, supplementing them with pleasant wishes of great luck in the coming year of the Earth Pig, successful and productive career growth, good health, love, happiness and mutual understanding. These words always sound appropriate and make the most beautiful impression.

How to wish colleagues a Happy New Year in your own words

Dear and respected colleagues! I wish you to reach your old goals and find new ones! I wish the implementation of the most daring ideas and the realization of all plans, and I also wish you strength, energy and impeccable health to accomplish all this! Happy New Year!

Dear colleague and friend! May the New Year be the year of five peaks for you! The first peak that will submit to you this year will be love, which will give life a new meaning and fill it with the most vivid impressions. The second peak will be FRIENDSHIP. After all, if you have real friends, then life is a success! The third will be the peak VOCATION. From here, the path to success and the fulfillment of your cherished dream will open for you! The fourth peak is WELL-BEING. From the moment your foot touches this peak, all obstacles ahead will disappear. In the end, you will find yourself on the last, fifth peak, from which all the others will be visible, and once on it, you will understand that the fifth peak is HAPPINESS!

Dear colleagues and colleagues! Let only good and pleasant memories of the old year remain in our memory, and this will allow us to boldly and joyfully look into the future.

Colleagues, Happy Holidays! Achieve new heights, boldly go forward - you are on the right track! Leave everything unnecessary in the outgoing year, because in the new year you will find amazing, wonderful events that will surely bring joy, energy, optimism and faith in your happy destiny!

I congratulate you, colleagues, on the New Year. We always associate this holiday with the smell of spruce, the taste of tangerines, the explosion of crackers and a great mood! But the main thing is that it is associated with new plans, ideas and undertakings. I wish that everything you wish for will surely come true in the New Year. Happy holiday to you!

Funny congratulations to colleagues for the New Year - comic texts in verse

Funny, funny congratulations to colleagues for the New Year are comic texts in verse, humorously playing up some funny working moments and all sorts of funny situations that are inevitable in any team. There is always a lot of joy, optimism and positive in light, funny rhymes. They can be memorized by heart, and then on the eve of the holiday, recite out loud during a corporate party or a cozy get-together over tea and cake. A bright, original performance is sure to please and will be met with standing ovations and applause. So why not please your colleagues with a few playful verses dedicated to a wonderful holiday?!

A selection of comic, funny texts in verse for congratulating colleagues on the New Year

Colleagues, dear, we want to congratulate you!

May the New Year 2019 fulfill everything that we are silent about.

May your families be happy, friendly,

We can overcome everything together, of course.

Let the times come at our work,

That life will become a cup that is full.

On the day of joy - an advance, as well as on the day of salary,

Potato sacks so we need to cook.

Otherwise, so that the salary does not enter the pockets,

And the plastic card is crazy to go!

Let us be lucky everywhere, in the lotto and the casino,

And fought so that the dishes for happiness at the same time!

Let's celebrate the New Year beautifully -

With olive oil and cognac,

And he is to all of us, as a miracle,

Bring gifts to the house.

What, admit it, who needs

That will get you right away!

Happiness, profit and joy,

Tenderness, affection and ecstasy

The world is good, warm, healthy,

Security and success

And, of course, with love,

New Year will come for everyone!

I wish you in your personal life

Everything to be on "okay"

Great, great!

I love my friends!

So let's burn the tags

Obsolete now

Happy New Year, colleagues!

With everything new, friends, you!

To work, like a holiday,

We rush from year to year.

A bunch of things, big and important,

And a crowd of customers is waiting.

I wish everyone success

And diligence in work,

To avoid interference

To be lucky always, everywhere.

To increase wages

The family was strong enough.

Happy New Year

Our entire team!

We are sitting in the new year in the company of a sweet,

And dumplings and beer warm our souls.

Colleagues are all dancing and the tree is on fire,

The head of all is more beautiful, but looks askance.

He looks angrily, forgot to pour,

Let's not ruin our careers!

Let's dance to the authorities, sing about the Christmas tree,

Colleagues, rejoice! We are all looking forward to the holidays!

We have a team, and there are enough women,

I would like more, what perishing to dissemble.

What beauties, milady and miss,

You look clearly, and every whim.

Today we will fulfill all the dishes for you,

And we say toasts to you, because women are class!

In short, colleagues, let's leave aside,

We lyric this, but just congratulate.

Each other today, to the full pouring!

Hooray, Happy New Year! Family team!

Again winter, and on the fallen snow

Fresh track, and paths nearby.

The New Year is very close, colleagues,

We are all happy about this holiday.

We are all different, but certainly

Together we are not without reason in the team,

For only common labor is the basis

For success, and in the future

Lots of activities and events

Many good big undertakings,

Trial, error, huge discoveries,

Petty sadness and bold daring ...

Congratulations, friends, Happy New Year!

How wonderful - you are next to me!

Let good luck go in a round dance,

And sadness will pass by!

Original, funny texts of congratulations for the New Year to colleagues at a corporate party

It is advisable to prepare creative and original, cool texts for New Year's greetings to colleagues at a corporate party in advance. This is a responsible task that requires a competent approach. Words for a festive greeting are suitable both in poetry and in prose. The most important thing is a positive style, sincerity and bravura. It is better to recite congratulatory lines from the stage through a microphone. Then every employee in the room will hear them. If the format of the event does not involve a lot of time for congratulations, you can write kind words on postcards and hand them to everyone during the holiday. Such a sign of attention will complement the solemn atmosphere, and none of those present will feel forgotten on the most magical night of the year.

A collection of cool congratulations in verse and prose for the New Year to colleagues

Our fun, friendly team

Again gathered for a corporate party.

Let's celebrate the New Year

Saying goodbye to the old year with a smile.

May the New Year bring us

Pleasant and simple troubles.

Let everyone's income grow.

Work makes me happy all year round.

Let our holiday be cheerful

So that the mood is not heavy.

Everyone smile, don't be sad

Dance, rejoice and have fun.

Behind a difficult year

Well, what is the right word.

Coming to visit us soon

The long-awaited new one.

Hurry to meet him

It is impossible otherwise.

We should be happy to note

It's a celebration, friends.

So that in our team

There was happiness more than snow

Every day is positive.

Happy New Year, colleagues!

New Year's feasts are never complete without wishes and praises to friends and relatives. Sometimes even guests arrange tacit competitions in eloquence! Do you want to impress your hosts with your witty jokes? Words chosen from the heart, but with meaning, kindness and a share of humor, those present will definitely appreciate. In order not to re-read wishes in postcards and not waste time searching the Internet, we have made a selection of original and funny New Year greetings for you - we welcome 2019 Year of the Pig with humor and a smile.

I want to wish Santa Claus in the New Year health for those whom I love. And wealth is for those who love me!

New Year's Eve has arrived! Now everyone is happy, everyone is full, a little drunk and overly satisfied ... But no one can sleep: look more cheerful and cheerful! We welcome the coming year, close the old one. I wish you everything in the new year. If only within the law!

In the Year of the Pig I wish you
Move to attack any.
Let everything be in your teeth,
And troubles pass.

Let the family be healthy
Luck accompanies business.
Anxiety, let the cargo disappear
Finances never cry!

I wish you to get wet in the dollar rain next year, and let the fall of good luck fall into your hands all next year. Let happiness fall on our (your) house in any season of the year, as if New Year's snowfall. I wish you enjoy every minute of the coming year.

I wish everyone in 2019 stumble, fall and cry....
But they stumbled - about money, fell - into their arms, cried - from happiness!

Our festive New Year's table is bursting with all sorts of treats. I want all the guests at such a table in the New Year not to have a single reason for sour smiles and bitter disappointment. And there were plenty of sweet moments and thrills! Live with taste in the New Year and every subsequent day!

Every time on New Year's Eve, we wish each other new happiness. But many have heard the expression: "There is no happy life, there are only happy days." So I wish you all 365 happy days in the coming 2019.

Cool New Year's greetings to a friend-friend

It's the Year of the Pig, my friend.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
May success find you
Happiness will hurry to your house.

Let everything be smooth in the family,
Your dreams will come to life.
And problems without looking back
Let them run away from you!

In the coming New Year, I want to wish you to be happy. Tasty life, dear: bread and salt and caviar, reserves of gold, pleasant weekends, and everyday life such that the bosses only carried on their hands! I wish you to fall in love, but at the same time maintain independence and smile endlessly!

Friend! So we lived to see the fateful and best New Year! In the coming year, eat sweetly, sleep in fluff, count the profits and walk in silks! Remember who sets the ball in your life and graciously accept all the good things! Do what you have long dreamed of, and do not forget to love until you lose your head and smile!

We have a lot of worries for the New Year holidays. You need to try all the treats, have time to drag the cat away, do not forget to make a wish and freeze for a long time on the street while everyone starts fireworks! In a word, the holiday goes on as usual, so the time has come to wish you endurance! May your happiness be lush and highly personal.

Let's hug, friends, and adequately meet an elderly red-nosed man, his relative and a crowd of deer - the New Year is coming to us!

Comic New Year greetings for a friend

You always be loved
I wish you vigor and strength,
And so that in the new year
The Lord gave good luck!

Girlfriend! Happy New Year! May new adventures come to you in the New Year... no, not just in one place! New meetings to you, promising acquaintances, clear victories, vivid impressions, sincere accomplishments! Oh, I almost forgot - huge new stores with huge sales! And so that you don’t rack your brains on how to buy everything you want, and how to bring it all!

Cheerful congratulations to colleagues

Colleagues, on the eve of the New Year, I want to wish you fabulous salaries, magical working conditions and bosses who will always be in a wonderful mood! Let your experience and knowledge become more valuable than any riches. But if someone decides to buy them - bargain to the last!

Colleagues! I don’t know how old the Snow Maiden is, but Santa Claus is definitely getting old! But, nevertheless, he is cheerful, cheerful and still able to present gifts!

Let the old man bring you modern surprises and entertainment from which you will be so wildly delighted that you will forget to go to work! This will help you get fired and find a new job! Giving a new job in the new year! With new happiness!

Colleagues! Well, another year has passed when we all worked hard together!
I wish that in the New Year we not only work nicely, but also get nice money! Let them be exactly as many as each of us wants! Then we'll see which of us is the most greedy. Happy New Year!

For the upcoming New Year
Colleagues it's time to wish
Less hard work
More pleasant salaries!

Let customers get smarter
The staff will be nice
Let the authorities praise, cherish,
And work will become easier than play!

Not only working success
Let Santa Claus drag in a bag,
And humor, joy, laughter
And only the salary in earnest!

Happy New Year to those with whom I share joys and sorrows throughout the working week - our close-knit work team! Let there be many times more joys, I also wish that in the New Year the salary becomes much higher, and less labor is spent on it.

We spend half our lives at work
And now the team is almost family.
We share both sorrows and worries,
Deciding everything together during the day.

And day by day the weeks go by
And here we are on the threshold of the New Year.
Colleagues, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
I wish you only joyful efforts!

So that the year that comes is generous to you,
In work - harmony, and in the house so that - comfort,
Good luck to be a fair wind
Income keeps growing.

Simple human happiness
Without sorrows, sorrows and worries.
Let love cover with an avalanche of passion,
And miracles happen in the New Year!

May the New Year bring you
prosperity and income.
May success accompany
To know no interference in anything.

May health be strong
The mind is enlightened, tenacious,
In the world - peace, and in families - harmony.
All wage increases.

Lots of strength and optimism
Travel and Tourism,
In the showers - sunny weather.
All colleagues, Happy New Year!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on the New Year. May this year be productive, successful and promising. I wish everyone happiness and kindness in the house, health and success to you and your loved ones. More creativity and confidence in our common affairs. Happy holiday everyone!

Colleagues, this New Year,
I wish you great heights
More profitable ideas
Less sad news.

Let the salary grow steadily
To row her with a shovel,
Corporate events were more
And life was kinder and sweeter!

Let it be what you need
Success accompanies business,
So that our team lives together
And so that the boss praised us!

Happy New Year to all our friendly team.
May good luck accompany you, the positive will not leave.
So that work can be argued, so that families have comfort!
Lest you forget: you are welcome here in the morning.
All success and health, light, joy, kindness.
New Year's fun. Happy New Year to all. Hooray!

I wish you a Happy New Year
Happy life without worries
Easy work without barriers,
Huge bonuses and salaries.

So that Monday does not scare
The chief did not scold much,
And to work, like a holiday,
So that everyone runs with joy!

New Year is a good time!
New start and new achievements!
To all colleagues - joy, kindness,
Strength, health, vivacity, luck!

May comfort always reign in the house,
And the soul knows no grief!
New Year's holiday fireworks
Let's raise the bar!

Working hard for a year
It's time to rest.
Happy New Year, colleagues!
Postpone everything.

I wish you a salary -
To carry away with bags,
Next door to MP
A house to be able to buy.

Leadership to praise
For career growth.
To not scold too much,
If you forgot something.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
We are one family with you.
I wish you happiness, joy
And good luck to you, friends!

We plan to fulfill our plans
Let the New Year give
And give us patience
If things are unfinished.

Let, colleagues, work for you
Will bear fruit:
Income will increase
And dreams will come true!

We wish so much
What can not be counted:
Peace, blue skies
Do everything and take everything into account.

New Year's Eve with crispy snow
Knocked softly on the door
May it be easy for you
No damage or loss.

Happiness, good health
He will bring you with him.
Only good surprises
Let fate bring.

Happy New Year
And we want to tell you:
It's a pleasure to work with you
And it's nice to relax!

We can mix up our affairs,
To be on the carpet at the authorities,
At work, as if drinking in the forest:
They gave a tree - you cut it, and that's it!
We are the most important workers here,
And at lunch, during the break, we rest.
That's what it means - colleagues. And we are not expected
Lonely weekdays with cold tea.
The team is strength, and in the New Year
I am glad to congratulate you all. Let it bring you
Respect, happiness, good luck this fresh New Year.
