The subject of preschool pedagogy is. Preschool pedagogy as a science: subject, object, research methods, basic concepts

Science is a generalized system of knowledge, views, theories, ideas. Every science has its own theory. Pedagogy, by and large, is the main of the sciences, because. concerns the most important thing - the child, the future of society, and finally, the existence of human civilization on Earth, because this is a consequence of the success of education.

Pedagogy (paidagogike) - translated from Greek - the science of upbringing, education and training of the younger generation, the science of "child-breeding". The first teachers were slaves who took (accompanied) the children of the rich to educational institutions.

Many often consider themselves experts in the field of pedagogy. On the one hand, this is true, because most are parents of their children, but this is an empirical experience family education in a particular family. The success of family education depends on pedagogical literacy, the level of which is different. On the other hand, pedagogy is and should be done by specially trained specialists with basic pedagogical education.

The modern pedagogical dictionary gives the following characteristics of pedagogy: pedagogy- "a science that studies the objective laws of development of a concrete historical process of education, organically related to the laws of development public relations and the formation of a child's personality; the science of educational relations arising in the process of the relationship of upbringing, education and training with self-education, self-education, self-training and aimed at human development”;

pedagogy– “the science of the essence of development human personality and development on this basis of the theory and methodology of education and training as a specially organized process.

The foundations of pedagogy began to take shape with the beginning of human society (primitive communal system) in the form of a generalization of the experience of education.

As a scientific discipline, pedagogy was formed in a slave-owning society, when the first educational institutions appeared. At first, pedagogy was presented in the form of pedagogical thought, individual judgments, statements about the content and tasks of education, more often of a practical plan. We find the origins of theoretical pedagogical thought in the history of philosophy (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Democritus). Pedagogy was finally “born” as a science in the 17th century thanks to the great Czech teacher, humanist Jan Amos Komensky, who was educated at German universities, created his own pedagogical system of education and upbringing from birth to maturity, laid the foundations of pedagogy as an independent field of knowledge, reflecting all this in numerous fundamental pedagogical works. In Russia, the “father of pedagogy” of general and preschool education is K.D. Ushinsky.

Preschool Pedagogy- one of the branches in the system of pedagogical sciences. Like any science, preschool pedagogy has its own subject, scientific methods research, conceptual apparatus, categories.

Subject preschool pedagogy are the problems of development and education of children from 3 to 7 years. This is what preschool pedagogy studies.

A systematic approach to defining the subject of preschool pedagogy has not only a theoretical, but also an important practical value. The central core of this system should be moral and labor education small child, on which, ultimately, the formation of the value orientations of the child's personality and the general direction of its further development. A systematic approach to determining the subject of preschool pedagogy involves the implementation of a systematic analysis of the child's personality in its formation, in its development under the influence of pedagogical influences.

Tasks modern preschool pedagogy:

1. to promote the upbringing and education of children in accordance with public functions preschool education;

2. develop new concepts, technologies, programs for the education and training of preschoolers based on scientific research and advanced pedagogical experience;

3. create a unified comprehensive science of the child preschool age;

4. develop a system pedagogical education parents.

Tasks are modified in connection with the changes taking place in society.

Preschool pedagogy performs the following features:

- epistemological (epistemology - knowledge), i.e. study of pedagogical activity, pedagogical patterns;

– prognostic, i.e. scientific forecast of ways to improve preschool education;

- creative and transformative, i.e. development of new technologies, programs, implementation of scientific research data into practice.

Preschool pedagogy has the following scientific research methods: observation, pedagogical experiment, conversation, study pedagogical documentation, literature analysis, mathematical methods of data processing, study of products of children's activities, modeling, questioning, method expert assessments and others. Methods of pedagogical research are studied in the course "Methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical research."

Sources of preschool pedagogy

1. History of foreign and domestic pedagogy.

2. Folk pedagogy.

3. Modern scientific pedagogical research on the problems of preschool education.

4. Advanced pedagogical experience.

5. Data from other sciences (child psychology, age-related psychology, developmental psychology, etc.).

In the system of pedagogical sciences, preschool pedagogy occupies important place and cannot exist without connection with other sciences. This relationship can be illustrated in the following diagram.

Communication with general pedagogy manifests itself in the fact that preschool pedagogy uses similar scientific methods of research, appeals to the main general pedagogical categories.

Preschool pedagogy is closely connected with the history of pedagogy: modern preschool education is based on the legacy of the pedagogical thought of the past. For example, the use of the M. Montessori system at the present time.

The connection of preschool pedagogy with archeology and ethnography is very important, which give an idea of ​​the development of pedagogy in different regions in different time. Toys and documents found during excavations testify to this.

Preschool pedagogy uses data from psychology about age features mental processes, activities, personality of the child in the development of new technologies of preschool education.

The connection of preschool pedagogy with anatomy and physiology makes it possible to take into account the peculiarities of the anatomical structure of the child's body, physiological mechanisms, hygiene requirements in the organization of preschool education.

When developing the content, technologies for the socio-moral, artistic and aesthetic development of children, the main categories of ethics and aesthetics are used.

Preschool pedagogy is guided by philosophical propositions about the class nature of education, about the role of education in the development of the individual, and the basic philosophical laws (the unity and struggle of opposites, etc.).

Thus, preschool pedagogy is a relatively young science; it is intensively developing, has its own subject, research methods. Thanks to modern scientific research on preschool pedagogy, a strategy for preschool education in our country is being built.

As mentioned above, preschool pedagogy is guided by the philosophy of the class nature of education, the role of education in the development of the individual, the role of teachers in the development of the individual.

When developing new technologies for teaching and educating preschoolers, philosophical laws such as unity and struggle of opposites.

Methodological foundations preschool pedagogy reflect the current level of philosophy of education. The following dialectical categories help to define the meaning of education: measure, negation of negation, form, content and necessity. Measure is the dialectical unity of quantity and quality, or such an interval of quantitative changes, within which the quality of a certain object or phenomenon is preserved. Education, like a measure, characterizes the amount of systematized knowledge, skills, ways of thinking that a child has mastered. Child development combines quantitative and qualitative indicators. The negation of negation is a development that repeats the stages already passed, but in a different way, on a more high level, in a spiral. Form and content are the basic relations of any being and becoming, which form a contradictory unity. Necessity is a way of transforming a possibility into reality, in which there is only one possibility in a certain volume that is realized into reality. In considering, solving the problems of preschool pedagogy, a diverse range of philosophical directions and approaches is used.

T. M. Babunova characterizes the use of philosophical approaches in preschool pedagogy as follows.

Axiological approach allows you to determine the totality of acquired values ​​in education, upbringing, self-development of a person, a child. In relation to preschoolers, such values ​​will be such values ​​as communicative, ethnic, cultural. This approach considers health, culture, play, communication as enduring values ​​in the upbringing of a preschool child.

Cultural approach allows you to take into account all the conditions of the place and time in which the child was born and lives, the immediate environment, the history of the country, city, region. This approach is focused on introducing children to traditions, norms, culture.

Systems approach involves the organization of work with children in accordance with a system of interrelated and interdependent goals, objectives, content, methods, forms, conditions, methods of development, education of children.

Activity approach defines a special place for leading activity that provides opportunities for the realization of the child's basic needs, the child's awareness of himself as a subject and creator. Allows an adult to unlock the potential of each child through the use of leading activities.

Personal approach ensures the development of requests, desires, interests, inclinations of the child, subject to meaningful professional pedagogical activity.

Synergistic approach allows you to consider each participant educational process as a subject of a self-developing system. Each subject has the potential to move from development to self-development.

Theoretical and methodological approaches of preschool pedagogy determine the views, positions, style of the teacher in relation to the personality of the child. A philosophical understanding of the role of an adult in the upbringing and development of children makes it possible to re-emphasize the content of the main categories of preschool pedagogy.

Upbringing(A.A. Rean) - training and education.

Upbringing(S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova) – social phenomenon and the function of society, which is to prepare the younger generation for life.

Upbringing(in the narrow sense) - a specially organized and controlled process of human formation, aimed at the development of personality.

Patterns of education of preschoolers(S.A. Kozlova, T.A. Kulikova):

1. education is possible if the child is active;

2. the child's personality develops only in a situation of success;

3. a great need for preschoolers in love;


1. humanization;

2. cultural conformity;

3. self-development.

Methods of education (according to D. M. Grishin, V. I. Prokopenko)

Basic concepts of preschool pedagogy: education, development, formation, training, educational process of a preschool institution.

Upbringing- the process of preparing the younger generation for life (or specially created conditions that contribute to the development of the child).

The modern teacher S. Tkachev clarifies that the goal of educating preschoolers today is to educate happy personality, i.e. recognition of the child by others, the fullness of the life of children with kindness, honesty, truthfulness. The teacher must see the problems of the child, help to overcome them. Respect for the individual, respect in the child for a person who has the right to privacy.

The educational process of a preschool institution professionally organized interaction between the teacher and children.

Development - process and result of quantitative and qualitative changes in child development.

Education - specially organized process interaction of the educator with children, aimed at the transfer of knowledge, skills, processing and creation new information, upbringing positive attitude to knowledge, the formation of a culture of knowledge

Formation - specially organized management of the entire life of the child, taking into account various factors.

Thus, a modern teacher should know and understand the theoretical and methodological approaches to studying the problems of preschool pedagogy, because this allows at a high professional and scientific level to carry out its pedagogical activity. Use in practice of various scientific approaches helps the teacher to be more objective.



1. What does preschool pedagogy study and what scientific research methods are used in studying the problems of preschool pedagogy.

2. The main philosophical approaches to the study of the problems of preschool pedagogy (axiological, culturological, systemic, activity, personal, synergistic).

Check yourself:

- What does preschool pedagogy study?

What are the functions of preschool pedagogy?

- What are the sciences connected with preschool pedagogy?

- List the methods of pedagogical research.

Education is

- a specially organized and controlled process that contributes to the development of the child's personality;

- re-education, correction negative qualities personality;

- transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to children.

Preschool pedagogy as a science

Almost until the beginning of the 17th century. Pedagogy existed as a system of philosophical knowledge. English philosopher Francis Bacon singled out pedagogy as an independent science. he coined the term "pedagogy"

Preschool pedagogy is the science of the laws of upbringing and education of children from birth to school entry.

An object preschool pedagogy - education of preschool children as a purposeful process. Item- regularities, contradictions of relations, technologies for organizing and implementing the educational process that determine the development of the child's personality.

Basic concepts of preschool pedagogy:

Upbringing - the most basic concept of pedagogy. AT social sense is understood as a social phenomenon, a function of society, which is to prepare the younger generation for life. AT pedagogical In a sense, it is a specially organized and controlled process that contributes to the development of the individual. Education is a historical phenomenon and has a class character.

Education - a specially organized process of interaction between a teacher and students, aimed at mastering a certain amount of knowledge, skills, actions, habits, behavior.

Development - consistent and regular changes in the mental and biological nature that occur in a person. It is a process of movement, change. Transition from old to new.

Formation - these are changes in the development of a person's personality or his individual qualities that occur under the influence of a combination of factors: internal and external; natural and social.

Ped. the process is a consciously organized, purposeful and systematic interaction of the teacher and pupils with the aim of educating and educating the latter.

Ped. interaction - a deliberate contact between a teacher and a pupil, the result of which is a mutual change in their behavior, activities, relationships.

Dosh. ped. like other sciences, it has many many sources: folk pedagogy, data from related sciences, advanced ped. experience.

Tasks of preschool pedagogy.

1. Designed content., method., forms, organization of education-images. process in d.s. taking into account achievements in the field of related sciences.

2. Study, generalization, description. advanced ped. experience

3. Development of methods, forms, content. cooperation d.s. and families in raising children.

4. Determination of ways, forms, interactions, succession of d.s. and schools.

Dosh. ped. how science has 2 main functions:

1. Theoretical (implemented at three levels: descriptive - the main task of studying. advanced experience; Diagnostic; Pognostic.

2. Technological function. has 3 levels:

Projective (associated with the development of appropriate methodological materials)

Transformative (aimed at introducing ped. achievements into practice)

Reflective (involves assessing the impact of the results of scientific research on pedagogical practice).

Nadezhda Prudnikova
Preschool pedagogy as a science

Approaches to the definition of preschool pedagogy

Preschool Pedagogy- a branch of pedagogy aimed at studying the features of designing the education of children before entering school (N.V. Miklyaeva).

Preschool Pedagogy- a branch of pedagogy associated with the development of technology for the education and development of preschoolers in different types activities (A. G. Gogoberidze).

Preschool Pedagogy- a branch of pedagogy that studies the essential features of the education of preschool children (N. N. Sazonova).

It follows from the above that preschool pedagogy is a branch of pedagogy that studies the signs, features and essence of the education of preschool children.

Signs of preschool pedagogy as a science.

Pedagogy is a science that is accompanied by eight features: subject, goals, objectives, methodology, etc.

Preschool pedagogy is still a branch.

The object of science is education at different levels, where knowledge, skills, values ​​and experience of activity are carried out under the development of intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative and physical education to meet the educational needs and interest of children.

The change in the regulatory framework for preschool education has led to a transformation in the areas of education.

In 1989 there was a "Concept preschool education”, where for the first time the directions of education and upbringing of a preschooler were legislatively fixed. Directions assumed physical development, social and personal development, cognitive speech development and artistic and aesthetic development.

In November 2009, "Federal government requirements(FGT) to the general educational regulation of preschool education (GEP DO) No. 665 of 11/23/2009. Within the framework of this document, the directions of development were supplemented by educational areas: physical development (physical culture, health, artistic and aesthetic (music, artistic creativity, cognitive and speech (communication, cognition, reading fiction, social and personal (socialization, safety, labor).

In June 2013, a document was adopted on the “Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education” (FSES DO) - educational areas were revised, where no development directions were identified. Prior to public discussion, the draft GEF DO identified four educational areas. In the adopted Federal State Educational Standard, five educational areas are approved: physical development, cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development and artistic and aesthetic development.

The subject of preschool pedagogy is the features, characteristics and essence of preschool education. The subject of preschool pedagogy has a psychological and pedagogical character. Features of children's education are focused on mental neoplasms preschool childhood, which became the benchmarks in the Federal State Educational Standard. Until 2009, the effectiveness of preschool education was determined through the development of knowledge, skills and abilities by the child, which were subjected to pedagogical diagnostics. From 2009 to 2013, pedagogical monitoring was introduced to assess the formation of integrative qualities: personal, intellectual and physical. Since 2015, federal state standards for preschool education have prohibited pedagogical diagnostics, but within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard, there are certain requirements for the results of preschool education, which are considered as targets and are closely related to mental neoplasms by age. This presupposes an openness to the diverse problematic content of reality, i.e. research activity preschooler; also this creative imagination- the ability to recreate the missing with the help of imagination; orientation to the image of an adult, as the basis of educational cooperation among elementary school student; syncretism, i.e., the fusion of emotional and rational components of activity.

Scientists have proven that education can be carried out according to spontaneous and reactive learning programs. For a preschooler, taking into account age, spontaneous programs are relevant, but taking into account the methods of preschool pedagogy, the skill of a teacher lies in the transition to reactive programs.

Development pedagogical technology preschool education of children involves the following tasks: it is the upbringing of a culture of communication, the control of the cognitive (cognitive) activity of the pupil and the organization of work with parents.

Methodological platform as a science.

This section of preschool pedagogy is changing in connection with the change in the leading pedagogical theories, the legal framework regulating the processes of education.

The main features of the methodological culture of the teacher:

1. Knowledge of various concepts of education;

2. Understanding the procedures assigned to the basic concepts of pedagogy;

3. The need to reproduce the practice of education in the concepts and terms of pedagogy;

4. Critical attitude to the self-evident provisions of pedagogy;

5. Reflection of the results of your own cognitive activity.

The methodology of pedagogy is much broader than the methodology of preschool pedagogy. The basic pedagogical theories of the organization of education are:

1. A systematic approach - relatively independent components are considered not in isolation, but in their interconnection, in development (for example, thematic weeks);

2. Holistic approach - focus on highlighting in pedagogical system and developing personalities of integrative invariant (permanent) connections and relations (FGT - integrative qualities);

3. Dialogue approach - the formation of a communicative unity of the subjects of the pedagogical process, due to which self-development and mutual disclosure occur (methods of game learning);

4. Anthropological approach - education involves taking into account the educational needs and interests of a person, but within the framework of the implemented educational system.

The methodology of preschool pedagogy involves the development of an educational program for a preschool institution, which will include no more than 60% of the materials of the general educational program (GEP) and at least 40% of kindergarten materials.

Theoretical and methodological basis of OOP DO:

1. The culturological approach is based on the relationship of the axiological, technological and personal creative components of education;

2. The activity approach involves special work on the formation of the child's activity about him in the position of the subjects.

3. Personal approach is a pillar

The cultural approach in pedagogy is based on psychological theory KITRVPF ("Cultural-historical theory of the development of higher mental functions» author L. S. Vygotsky).

1 idea. L. S. Vygotsky believed that the biological factor has less effect on the human psyche than the social one: “A child is a social being from birth”;

2 idea. The spontaneous educational program of a preschooler always has a specifically thematic character;

3 idea. L. S. Vygotsky proved the influence of the environment on the development of the child; in preschool pedagogy, this scientific thesis was transformed into the concept of a subject-developing environment; guidelines organization educational environment in preschool groups of kindergartens (six centers);

4 idea. Education determines development, therefore, within the framework of preschool pedagogy, the teacher-master has the education of calendar and thematic planning.

The activity approach is a psychological approach.

Preschool pedagogy involves the formation of skills and abilities in children of eight basic types activities:

1. Physical education- motor activity;

2. Socialization - game activity;

3. Labor - labor activity;

4. Communication - communicative activity;

5. Cognition - cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities;

6. Reading fiction - perception of fiction;

7. Music - musical and artistic activity;

8. Artistic creativity- productive activity.

The form of the game in the educational process of the preschool educational institution is the motivation that is a component of cooperation: game motivation, motivation for communication in the context of helping an adult, and motivation for personal interest.

Methods of preschool pedagogy:

1. Methods for studying pedagogical experience;

2. Methods pedagogical research: observation, experiment, modeling, conversation, questioning.

Pedagogical research - process and result scientific activity to gain new knowledge about the patterns of education.

The law of the holistic educational process is effective interaction teacher with pupil.

Question Object, subject and functions of preschool pedagogy

In the views of researchers on pedagogy, there are three positions. According to the first, pedagogy is an interdisciplinary field of human knowledge. Other scientists assign pedagogy the role of an applied discipline, using knowledge from other sciences, adapting them to the solution of educational and educational tasks. The third position denotes the independent nature of pedagogy, which has its own object and subject of study. Preschool pedagogy, based on the fundamental ideas of pedagogical science, is a field of scientific knowledge, practical activities and art. Preschool pedagogy is the science of the patterns of development, upbringing and education of children from birth to school entry. The range of issues studied by modern preschool pedagogy includes: a) the study of the processes of education and training, their goals, objectives, content, forms of organization, methods, techniques and means of implementation; b) the influence of upbringing and education on the development of the child, the formation of his personality; c) 12 development educational programs, ways of their implementation; d) determination of trends and prospects for the development of the system of preschool education; e) creation of concepts of education, development on their basis educational standards; f) study of the features of the educational process in preschool institutions different type. Defining the object of preschool pedagogy, it is necessary to refer to the pedagogical experience of A.S. Makarenko, who in 1922 formulated the idea of ​​the specifics of the object of pedagogical science. He wrote that most researchers consider the child to be the object of pedagogical science, but this is not true. The object of research in scientific pedagogy is the "pedagogical fact (phenomenon)". However, the child is not excluded from the field of view of the researcher. On the contrary, being one of the sciences about a person, pedagogy studies purposeful activities for the development and formation of his personality. Thus, as an object, preschool pedagogy has those phenomena of the surrounding reality that determine the development and education of a preschooler in the process of the teacher's purposeful activity. Development of the theory and technology of organization, forms and methods of improving the activities of the teacher and various kinds activities of children in a preschool educational institution is the subject of preschool pedagogy. The functions of preschool pedagogy are determined by its object and subject of research: theoretical and technological, which are interconnected. The theoretical function of preschool pedagogy is realized at three levels: descriptive level, which is realized through the study of pedagogical experience in preschool educational institutions; The diagnostic level is aimed at identifying the state of pedagogical phenomena, the effectiveness of the activities of the teacher and his 13 pupils, establishing the cause-and-effect relationships that provide them; The predictive level determines experimental study pedagogical reality and the construction of appropriate models of preschool education. When implementing the theoretical function of preschool pedagogy, the essence of pedagogical phenomena, the degree of their effectiveness and the validity of the proposed changes are revealed. On given level are described theoretical basis upbringing and education of preschoolers, models of preschool education, their conceptuality and scientific viability. The technological function of preschool pedagogy is carried out at the following levels: the projective level is associated with the development of methodically sound materials (innovative educational programs, curricula, educational and methodological and visual aids); · the transformative level is aimed at introducing innovations into the practice of preschool education in order to improve and reconstruct it; · the reflexive level involves understanding the impact of the results of scientific research on the practice of teaching and educating preschool children. The technological function of preschool pedagogy allows preschool teachers educational institutions determine the principles and rules that contribute to the improvement of the educational process.

Almost until the beginning of the XVII century. Pedagogy (including preschool) existed as a system of philosophical knowledge. As an independent science, pedagogy was singled out by the English naturalist and philosopher Francis Bacon. He introduced the term "pedagogy" itself. Following him, pedagogy as an independent science was recognized by the outstanding Czech scientist and philosopher J. A. Komensky, outlining its main postulates in the works "General Council", complete system preschool education and upbringing is presented in his book "Mother's School". In his scientific works, he reflected the goals and objectives, forms and methods of education and training. Among them, the following are especially important: the goal of education is knowledge of the outside world, the ability to own things and oneself, and the development of moral qualities.
Components of education:
- religious;
- moral;
– scientific education;
- awareness of the importance of the unity of the general and the individual, the whole and the particular in education and development, as well as social education;
comprehensive development personality;
- the study of the laws of spiritual life and the correspondence of pedagogical influences to them;
- the unity of education and upbringing;
- observance of the principle of consistency and gradualness, the correspondence of the sources of education to the age of the child;
- awareness of the unity of the three sources of knowledge: faith, feelings and reason.
As pedagogical science developed, its postulates were supplemented by the ideas of scientists and philosophers (John Locke, J. J. Rousseau, Pestalozzi). The founder of Russian pedagogy K. D. Ushinsky became a follower of the ideas of Ya. A. Comenius. He noted the importance of labor education as a leading factor in the development of the individual, the goal of education was the formation of a creative and active personality, the preparation of a child for mental work as highest form human activity. His ideas echo the statements of later teachers (E. I. Ilyina, V. F. Shatalov, S. I. Lysenkov), who claim that the most important task pedagogy is to instill in the child positive attitude to work, people, creativity.
A significant contribution to the development of pedagogical science was made by such prominent Russian scientists as A. N. Dzhurinsky, I. P. Podlasny, F. A. Fradkin, V. V. Kraevsky. Modern educators define preschool pedagogy as the science of the relationship of teaching, education and upbringing, aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual.
Preschool pedagogy is a branch of age-related pedagogy that explores the relationship between the education, development and upbringing of preschool children. The subject of preschool pedagogy is the study of the processes of development and formation of the personality of a preschooler. The object of preschool pedagogy is a person (preschool child), whose development is determined by educational relationships.
To solve the problems facing preschool pedagogy, there are specific methods that can be divided into two groups. The first group includes research methods, allowing to obtain the necessary knowledge for setting goals and solving the planned tasks. The second group includes teaching and upbringing methods that make it possible to manage pedagogical processes.
RESEARCH METHODS help to study and generalize the data of pedagogical practice. These methods include conversations, questioning, observations, experiments, analysis of special literature, works of preschoolers.
TEACHING METHODS are methods of purposeful interrelated activities of a teacher and preschoolers, in which children learn skills, knowledge and skills, their worldview is formed, and inherent abilities develop.
EDUCATIONAL METHODS - the most common ways achievement of educational goals. They can be divided into simpler subsystems of methods of pedagogical influence and education.
From the foregoing, it can be concluded that essential functions preschool pedagogy are education, training and education. Each of them deserves detailed consideration.

Pedagogy: subject, tasks, functions.

At every stage historical development society, pedagogy as a science reflected the state of education, training and upbringing of the younger generation. The development of pedagogy as a science took place in line with philosophy (knowledge about man and society). Only in the 16-17 centuries. Pedagogy becomes an independent science. Within the framework of philosophy, they mainly considered the view of the world and the place of man in it, the relationship of man and society. Pedagogy as a private science focused on the problems of:

personality and society;

upbringing, education, training;

ideals of education;

ideal of the individual in society. Pedagogy becomes the science of education, the process of enlightenment and self-education of the individual.

Science is a sphere of human activity, the result of which is new knowledge.


as a science, it is a body of knowledge that underlies the description, analysis, organization, design and forecasting of ways to improve the pedagogical process, as well as the search for effective pedagogical systems.

the science of educational relations arising in the process of the relationship of upbringing, education and training with self-education, self-education and self-training and aimed at human development.

the science of the essence, laws, principles, methods and forms of training and education of a person.

By origin, the term pedagogy in literal translation is child-guiding.

The object of pedagogy is education in the broadest sense.

The subject of pedagogy is the system of relations that arise in the course of education; education as a consciously organized process that takes place in the family, society, in certain natural, social, economic, spiritual and moral conditions. (V.E. Gmurman)

Pedagogy functions: theoretical: explanation of the process and laws of upbringing and education, education and enlightenment, substantiation of the processes of education and upbringing; practical: arming teachers-practitioners with scientific and theoretical. substantiation of teaching and upbringing methods. applied: in relation to other sciences

Preschool pedagogy is a science that studies the patterns of upbringing, development, training and education of a child from birth to school entry.

The subject is the education and development of preschool children.


Functions of preschool pedagogy:

1. Descriptive - applied. Is in scientific description promising programs, models, technologies of the educational process.

2.Prognostic. It implies a scientific forecast of ways to improve, update and modernize the educational process of DU.

3. Creative - transformative. Assumes accounting scientific research, forecasting when creating design and construction technologies.

Basic concepts of preschool pedagogy.

Education - purposeful pedagogical process organizing and stimulating vigorous activity formed personality to master the totality of social experience.

Development is a process of quantitative and qualitative changes in the inherited and acquired properties of an individual.

Education is a two-way process of transferring and mastering knowledge, skills, abilities, development cognitive activity children.

Formation - the process of personality development under the influence external influences: education, training, social environment generally.

Pedagogy as an independent branch of theoretical knowledge began to take shape in the 17th century. By this time, there was an urgent need for science, designed to improve the existing pedagogical practice, to expand the boundaries and opportunities for upbringing and education.

The formation and development of preschool pedagogy. The emergence of preschool pedagogy is associated with the name of the Czech teacher and philosopher of the 17th century. Ya.A.Komensky (1592-1670), who created the first system of preschool education. He pointed out the need to take into account age and individual features children; developed age periodization, which includes four age period Keywords: childhood, adolescence, youth, maturity. He proposed a knowledge program that prepared the child for systematic schooling, which contained the rudiments of knowledge from all fields of science.

Knowledge and skills were arranged according to the principle of sequential transition from simple to complex, from easy to difficult.

With the scientific works of Ya. A. Comenius, a turbulent period in the development of classical pedagogical theory begins. A brilliant galaxy of subsequent classical teachers (J. Locke, J. J. Rousseau, I. G. Pestalozzi and others) significantly advanced the development theoretical problems education and training.

A worthy contribution to the creation of classical pedagogy was made by our compatriots Belinsky, Herzen, Chernyshevsky, Tolstoy. world fame Russian pedagogy was brought by K.D. Ushinsky. Ushinsky believed that "pedagogy is an art." He created the psychological and pedagogical concept of personality development and, on its basis, the theory of education and training. I saw the purpose of teaching preschoolers in mental development and speech development. His works " Child's world», « native word” have not lost their significance at the present time.

The 19th century, marked by outstanding achievements, primarily in the field of natural science, physics, and mathematics, was also favorable for the development of pedagogical science. During this period, it is intensively developing as an independent scientific discipline, rising from the description of facts and phenomena to comprehending the laws of the process of education and training. Within pedagogy, differentiation of knowledge is observed, its individual parts are singled out and isolated, such as, for example, preschool pedagogy.

20th century with its turbulent socio-political changes in many countries, he posed the problem of educating a person in a new society for pedagogy. It was studied by S.T. Shatsky, P.P. Blonsky. Theoretical works N.K. Krupskaya (1869-1939) cover a wide range pedagogical problems, including those directly related to the upbringing of preschool children. The core of the teachings of A.S. Makarenko (1888-1939) is the theory of the educational team. Makarenko also developed critical issues family education. The humane nature of education and training, careful attitude to the personality - such is the leitmotif of the pedagogical teaching of V.A. Sukhomlinsky (1918-1970).

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  3. 3. Branches of modern pedagogy, the connection of preschool pedagogy with other sciences
  4. Pedagogy in the system of human sciences. Object, subject, functions of pedagogy. Humanistic orientation of modern pedagogy.
