A combination of purple and brown. What goes with purple in women's clothing

Violet is a deep, rich color. The color of the unknown and unknown. It's quite complex. Many girls avoid it in their wardrobe, because they don’t know what to combine things with purple tones with.

Violet, if pure, consists of equal amounts of blue and red. And its shades will differ to the extent that the percentage of primary colors in the composition of purple will prevail. Its range is wide - from burgundy and purple tones, to dark blue-violet.

Despite all its versatility and inconsistency, purple is not as difficult to combine with other colors as it seems at first glance. All neutral base tones - white, black, beige and gray - perfectly suit it. An excellent pair of purple is yellow. It creates a contrast of additional tones with it. Such images will be very bright and memorable. And, of course, purple can be combined with the colors of which it consists - red and blue.

Today we will look at several sets in which we will try to combine shades of purple with blue.

Such images can look quite bright. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that both of these colors are saturated, and together they can look somewhat gloomy. In order not to become ink blot, stands in similar images introduce a third, lighter color or neutral shade.

Amazing in blue-violet colors Looks sporty set. Dark blue jeans and purple sneakers support the color gradient on the hoodie. The black backpack echoes the print. Silicone bracelets various shades blue as if repeating the gradient.

A great everyday set comes out when you combine a simple blue sweater with trousers in a bright purple hue. So that the eye does not get tired of saturated tones, a sheepskin coat or jacket should be chosen light. Neutral beige will do the job well.

Shoes are better to match outerwear. But the bag here can be either a calmer color - beige, brown, cream, or dark, to match the main clothes. In our set, it supports a blue sweater, but you can also choose purple.

Both blue and purplegreat choice for a business suit. Only in this case, you should not choose too bright, "flashy" shades. And, of course, add neutral tones to the ensemble.

For a strict look of a white blouse and light blue trousers, a purple jacket will become an accent. We select pumps in the color of trousers, thereby visually lengthening the legs. White bag makes the image even more contrasting. The silver-colored decoration supports the same accessories on the bag. In general, the set is bright and, at the same time, quite calm.

But the second image looks more feminine and elegant, thanks to the styles of the blouse and skirt. Here, the dark tones of blue and purple are diluted with accessories. cream color. This makes the ensemble even more sophisticated.

Now let's try to play with shades.

An interesting feminine and romantic image will turn out if you combine more delicate, light shades with rich ones. A blue laconic sheath dress looks less strict in combination with a soft coat magenta. A grape-colored clutch echoes the tone of the coat, while shoes and accessories with bows add a playful vibe to the ensemble.

Dress with openwork inserts muted dark purple color harmonizes well with accessories in gray-blue tones. The image is gentle and slightly mysterious.

When combined with blue and purple colors, rich evening looks are obtained.

A blue-violet dress is perfectly complemented by dark blue shoes. Their color is similar to floral print on fabric. Matching earrings and a golden clutch perfectly complement the rich ensemble.

If the event you are going to attend is not so formal and does not require a strict dress code, you can choose a more playful outfit.

A blue 50s-style dress with a draped hem is interesting to pair with a couple. purple shoes, decorated with stylized airplanes and the same clutch. To complete the immersion in the era, hair accessories will help - invisible hairpins in the form of leaves. The same leaves will be on the fingers in the form of a ring. Surely, in this image you will not go unnoticed.

Selection colors- quite a responsible job. The combination of colors in design has always been one of the main tasks. Be sure to attach importance to color combinations, this is important!

The color scheme should not strain or unnerve you in any way, but, on the contrary, return the harmony spent during the day. Choosing a color scheme starts with deciding what you really want from a color design. This is the only way you can choose optimal combination colors.

The hottest color is orange. The coldest is blue, always associated with cool water and ice. Going from blue through green and yellow tones, colors are warming, holding " high temperature on red, burgundy, brown and some shades of pink and purple, and then descend back to the cold through lilac and blue. However, the presented gradation is very conditional, since the boundaries between cold and warm are barely perceptible. For example, lime is more related to yellow shades, but is a cold color. Conversely, deep, rich purple can be both warm and cold, depending on whether it is dominated by red or blue.

And yet it is warm or cold palette capable of transforming a room. So, for example, in order to expand the walls of a small room, it is advisable to use not just light, but light cold tones.

And vice versa, to make a room too spacious and therefore an empty room more comfortable will help warm shades. They will also add a little sunny mood if it lacks natural light, and fluorescent lamps are used. While the richly lit hall with big windows you can "dress up" in cold colors.

The colors of the interior of the kitchens are distinguished by a special breadth. If you are designing a kitchen, keep in mind that juicy warm colors- orange, grass green, egg yellow - increase appetite, and blue and white help to keep yourself within limits and eat food in moderation.

The bedroom - whether it's a corner to relax from the harsh everyday life or the very embodiment of romance - also requires special approach. In the first case, it is better to paint it in cool colors that take away from the problems that need to be solved. In the second, of course, the first roles belong to red and its various shades, or any other color that you like and belongs to the warm range. This color will allow you to quickly restore strength, as if transferring your energy and warmth to you. Color combination rules

Of course there are fashion combinations flowers in every season. But when you select color combinations, you should still be based on the color combination table and own feelings.
There is no right combination of colors, there is only good combination colors.

In order to choose color combinations, there are several approaches. The first type is monophonic

The color scheme varies within the main color, it only becomes darker or lighter. For example, dark blue, blue, blue. However, a room designed in this way can be slightly diluted with “blotches” of a different color that does not attract too much attention. For example, a room in blue and blue tones can be complemented by white and light sand. The second type is harmonious

If you want variety, but not so radical as to talk about contrasts, "paint" the room in a harmonious combination of colors. The most winning examples of color combinations that can be safely combined with each other:

  • For red: pink - purple and orange - egg yellow
  • For orange: red - pink and egg yellow - yellow
  • For yellow: orange - egg yellow and lime - light green
  • For green: lime - light green and color sea ​​wave- blue
  • For blue: green - the color of the sea wave and lilac - purple
  • For purple: blue - lilac and pink - red

The third type is a game of contrasts

For lovers of original and bright design - a game of contrasts. Each color on the palette has its own "antipode":

  • Red Green
  • Orange - the color of the sea wave
  • Egg yellow - blue
  • Yellow - lilac
  • lime - purple
  • Light green - pink

Even if it seems to you that you do not react to color in any way (you absolutely do not care what color the objects around you are), your eye catches its slightest shades (up to one and a half million!), And your subconscious and genetic memory capture all color "messages".

As a result, staying in a certain color range of rooms invisibly guides your emotions and actions.

"Unfavorable" colors and color combinations
Red - creates nervous tension(may even cause hypertension).

Black (and also purple) - "eats" the space.

Brown (including woodgrain finishes) - causes melancholy, can lead to depression.

Gray - sadness and despondency.
Blue - a feeling of cold and uncomfortable. Favorable color scheme

  • Shades from yellow to green - a calm and optimistic range, relieves fatigue.
  • Pastel shades from yellow to beige are “reconciling” and comfortable colors.
  • Turquoise - gives a feeling of freshness (suitable for the bathroom).
  • Light blue - calms, causes drowsiness - ideal for bedrooms and rest rooms, but in offices and work areas it is contraindicated.
  • Dark blue - "cools" space and ardor (for example, at the negotiating table), is considered a serious and business color.
  • Yellow and orange - stimulates and tones (not suitable for a bedroom), suitable for a room facing north.
  • White - can cause a feeling of cold and discomfort, on the other hand - " Blank sheet» - the perfect backdrop for any design decisions. Red or terracotta in the form of accents - invigorates, uplifting.
  • Black in the form of accents - gives the interior a graphic and special style.
  • Light gray in a "mix" with other colors - a business environment.

Combinations related- contrasting colors represent the most extensive type of color harmonies. In the color wheel system, related-contrasting colors are located in adjacent quarters. These are: warm (yellow-red and yellow-green colors) and cold (blue-green and blue-red colors).

Combinations of colors that are located in color wheel at opposite ends from each other. This is due to the fact that between such pairs of related-contrasting colors there is double bond: They consist of an equal amount of a unifying main color and an equal amount of contrasting colors. In practice, one rarely encounters compositions that contain only two colors. The simplest harmonious combination of two related-contrasting colors is significantly enriched by adding a color from the tone range of the same colors, bleached or darkened.

Also, color harmony can be formed by a combination of colors located at the vertices of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the color wheel. By turning such a triangle inside a circle, you can get any combination of colors, while it will be necessarily harmonious. A successful combination of colors and colors in the interior is a guarantee of comfort in the house.

Color combinations in clothes are very important point when choosing a wardrobe, designing a new model when knitting. Harmonious means well-matched in combination.

  1. The harmony of colors in clothes is based on the principle of a combination of related or contrasting colors. In clothes, you can talk about harmonious combinations, based on shades of the same color, then this is one-color harmony.
  2. Harmony can be built on a combination of similar colors, i.e. adjacent colors of the color wheel, for example, yellow and yellow-orange, orange and red-orange.
  3. Harmony can be built on contrasting colors. This means that colors are selected from adjacent sectors of the color wheel. The best way colors that are located at an angle of 90 ° in adjacent sectors are combined with each other. Another kind of contrasting harmony are combinations of colors that are to each other in the color wheel at an angle of 180 °.

The main colors are considered to be 4 pure colors: yellow, red, blue, green. All others are considered intermediate (yellow-red, yellow-green, green-blue, blue-red).
Pairs of "yellow-blue", "red-green" are considered additional, contrasting combinations. Colors can be arranged in the form of a circle with axes: “yellow-blue”, “red-green”.
There are 3 types of color combinations: related, related-contrasting, contrasting.
Contrasting - these are combinations of opposite quarters of a circle (the angle between them is 180 °), a total of 44 combinations.
Related-contrasting - these are combinations of colors from two adjacent quarters of a circle (the angle between them is less than 180 °), a total of 36 combinations.
- these are the intervals from this color to the next main one. Related are yellow and any in-between yellow-red (but not pure red).
Color harmony is understood as color balance in harmonizing colors of quantities of primary colors (pure yellow, blue, red and green).
will be harmonious related colors with equal lightness and saturation, if they achieve the same number of primary colors.
Harmonious in related-contrasting color tones there will be all pairs of colors located at the ends of chords parallel to the layers connecting the primary colors (since they contain an equal number of primary and additional colors).
Based on these harmonic pairs, more complex multicolor harmonies can be built. In this case, three rules must be observed:
1. A third can be added to two harmonizing related-contrasting colors - main color, their related, weakened saturation. For example, yellowish red, yellowish green, and yellowish white can all be balanced with the same yellowness.
2. To two harmonizing related-contrasting colors, you can add a third and fourth, balanced with them. For example, a harmonious combination of orange and yellow-green can be complemented by purple and blue.
3. You can create harmonies of related and complementary colors. For example, the harmony of yellowish white and leafy green can be complemented by purple.

Unfavorable combination of colors in the interior

Black and purple tones make the space compressed, depressing.

Brown color causes a depressive mood, melancholy.

The red background is unnerving and can increase blood pressure.

Gray coloring brings despondency, depression, sadness into the atmosphere.

Blue color irritates with a feeling of cold.

The colors in the decoration are the main thing, if you understand correctly psychological features household: lifestyle, habits and needs. People choose their habitat according to their color tastes, not fashion trends. It speaks of a growing culture modern man. Any color combination in the interior should be beautiful, comfortable and of high quality - and all this in equally. And most importantly, it is intended for a specific family.

Suppose a person has visited Bali, looked at how people live there, gained new color impressions, returned - and wanted to remake everything into a “lurid jungle”. And tomorrow he went, say, to America - and again he wants to change everything into a fashionable psychedelic scale. This can go on ad infinitum. However color project like a picture: sometimes you can’t “improve”, you can only spoil it.

The magical combination of colors in the interior

In the palette of colors, each paint has its own pole, thanks to which the interior becomes bright, fantastic or unusually stylish. Helps create contrast color combination in the interior table antipodes:

Orange and marengo.

Blue and yellow (yolk).

Purple (indigo) and lime.

Pink (flamingo) and light green.

Delicate yellow and lilac.

Green and fiery red.

If you are a fan of futuristic diversity, but want to avoid sharp contrasts, saturate the interior with an elegant atmosphere, then choose color harmony from classic combinations.

Gray - with blue, blue, yellow, green, black, red, pink.

Violet - with yellow, light green, golden, orange.

Lilac - with chestnut, gray, light purple.

Pink - with burgundy, brown, gray.

Green - with black, gray, red, orange, burgundy, yellow.

Brown - with pink, yellow, golden, beige, gray.

Blue - with gray, red, golden, burgundy.

Blue - with orange, red, light purple and blue.

Color mimicry

Exquisite color composition is an integral part of our life - its colors, rhythm, dance. Created according to the laws of cosmic beauty color combination in the interior transfers its energy to a person. Communication with color calms, helps to relax, forget about troubles.

Coloring is just like people: it can saturate the house with feelings, has a temperament, inspires sympathy and antipathy, imitates the owner. At the same time, the truth of harmony lies precisely in the concept, a favorable fusion of colors.

White and sandy background, stones and marble create a welcome coolness.

Bamboo-colored furniture will be held in high esteem when using the patio-style design.

Rooms, abodes of red hues and striped blue-white nuances, enclose the world inside the house and catch bright lighting with all walls.

Do not go out of fashion in clothing and interior design. Some experts even say that this color can become a real symbol of the 21st century. What is the reason for such popularity? In the complexity and special expressiveness of purple. It can be discreet, bright, mysterious, sexy. But what goes with purple? The answer to this question is not always simple, this color requires coloristic flair and courage in decisions. Let's talk about how to combine purple in the interior and clothes and how to find unusual combinations.

Violet color features

To understand what is combined with, you need to decide on its specifics. It belongs to complex colors, depending on the shade, it can belong to a group of colors of the second or third order. Purple is made by mixing red and blue. To obtain a dark intense tone, a drop of black can be added, which complicates the color to the third level. Violet is a non-spectral hue and is the shortest monochromatic cure.

All this makes it difficult to select harmonious combinations and complexity of perception by the human eye. Violet, depending on the prevailing tone, may approach red or blue, but in any case it is considered to belong to the cold color group. This complexity of color leads not only to difficulties in combining, but also to problems with naming shades and with their perception by a person. Often, people who are not associated with coloring have difficulty distinguishing the nuances of shades of this color.

Names and shades of purple

The question of which color goes with dark purple or light purple has different answers. Since this color has many variations. IN English language There are two words for this palette: purple and violet. In Russian, there are also several traditional names for different shades of purple. Artists believe that this color is different from the purple and lilac range, but ordinary ideas often do not fix coloristic nuances, we call it all purple.

In an attempt to designate the difference in violet tones, such names as amaranth, violet, eggplant, plum, fuchsia, magenta, orchid, lavender, lilac, heliotrope, amethyst were introduced. As well as gradations such as light and blue-violet. All this verbal diversity still cannot capture the infinite variety of nuances of this color.

Combination principles

Often people wonder what colors are combined with purple in the interior. To answer this question, you need to understand that there are combinations according to the principle of direct contrast, there are adjacent pairs, there are complementary combinations (i.e., indirect contrast). Also, to compile a color pair, you need to take into account the intensity and warmth of the shades. In addition, there are also accent-type combinations, when one color, for example, purple, is only a bright detail on a neutral background, and monochrome compositions, when tones of one palette of different intensity and saturation are combined.

Symbolism of purple

This complex color has an equally complex symbolism. In European culture, for many centuries purple has been a symbol catholic church. It was also the color of sorrow, mourning and widowhood. This was due to the fact that deep mystical experiences were attributed to the purple color. It is associated with mystery, self-knowledge, depth of sensations. IN contemporary culture purple is a symbol of creativity, harmony and balance. It has a dual effect on the human psyche: it excites and calms at the same time. Purple today is considered a symbol of freedom, sexuality, inspiration.

Purple color in the interior

The townsfolk believe that purple is too heavy and expressive for the interior. But designers answer that it's all about proportions and shades. For a sunny room, it is quite possible to decide on decorating the walls with this color, and in other cases, this color scheme can be applied only in detail. So what colors go well with purple in the interior? First of all, white. This pair creates a graphic dress combination that is suitable for both the living room and the kitchen.

The second harmonious "partner" of purple is gray. Such combinations look very soft, the main thing is to find a balance in warmth and intensity. Brighter and more unbanal combinations of expressive violet with pistachio, light turquoise or lemon are suitable for decorating bedrooms, dining rooms, and public areas. In such pairs, it is important that one color is whitened, pastel, so that there is no big load on the eyes.

Purple color in clothes

Fashionistas often wonder what purple is combined with in clothes. This expressive color requires careful selection of "companions", their choice is determined by the tasks of the set. If there is a need to stand out, then you can safely combine violet with yellow, orange, turquoise. If you want to look neutral, then you should look at blue, gray, beige, as basic colors, and purple to make accessories or one item of the kit. For example, sand pants and a top will be perfectly complemented by a purple jacket. A bright blouse or scarf will be a great addition to jeans. But purple total bows are the choice of only the most daring ladies, as well as dramatic combinations of purple with black or red.

Bright combinations

If you decide to assemble a bright set for a room or clothes, you should think about what purple is combined with. By contrast and complementary to it will be yellow and green. When creating pairs, you need to balance the shades well in terms of warmth so that a clean combination comes out. Also, white color will give brightness and expressiveness to purple. Looks great violet with turquoise and bright emerald.

Harmony and restraint

When the task of creating a neutral set arises, the question of what purple is combined with becomes even more difficult. Shades such as camel, mustard, denim color will help muffle the brightness of purple, but not reduce its expressiveness to nothing. A pair of violet and steel-gray has already become a classic. Black looks very strict purple details. Strictly and festively looks white with amethyst accents.

Unexpected decisions

In search unusual combinations it is worth remembering the rules of balance in terms of warmth and intensity of "companion" colors. In addition to the already mentioned, familiar coloristic "partners", shades of purple are combined with colors such as coral, warm yellow-orange, apple green, blue. There are many options, purple gives a lot of room for experimentation. It is relatively easy to assemble paired combinations, but it is incredibly difficult to assemble a palette of three or four shades into harmony. Since in this case you need to take into account many nuances. For example, a lilac background in a room can be skillfully diluted with white or gray and made brighter with green or yellow details.

Most often, only empirically, you can answer the question of what the purple color is combined with. The recommendations of the designers are mainly related to the measure. You should not abuse this color, as it causes enough powerful emotions. Experts do not advise combining purple with brown, as it turns out to be too depressing a combination. Care should be taken to combine red and purple, as such a straightforward contrast can look rough and defiant. But in any case, this is a matter of taste and sense of proportion.

Purple color in clothes is very unusual and mysterious. With it, you can create interesting sets or dilute ready-made outfits. In addition, today it is quite versatile and suitable for both everyday use and for a festive evening.

We will talk further about how to choose the right combination of purple in clothes and on what elements of the wardrobe it looks best.

Fashion show details

This season's trend

Undoubtedly, purple is a hit of the current season, this is what the photos from the shows indicate fashion designers. Simplifying the gamma selection scheme for a combination, we can distinguish in this case two directions. Let's consider them further in more detail to find out what colors purple is combined with.

Basic combinations

Light options

Purple goes well with light. You can safely dilute it or supplement it in this way. To create a bow in this range, it is recommended to take purple as a base, and a light shade as an addition.

White. It is the undoubted base and foundation of the foundations. It is characterized by romantic, sometimes strict business images.

    In duet with white

Pastel pink and blue. They are perfect as accessories or additions.

Yellow gamma. Very bright and expressive. Do not add it in excessive amounts, because you can easily ruin everything. It is better to give preference to small accessories - a belt, bracelet, ring or headband.

Light beige. Absolute neutrality, which will help soften the brightness of purple and add a calm direction to it.

Dark tones

Dark ones can themselves be the base, or they can go as an addition to it.

The main difficulty in this case lies in the ratio between the content of one or another shade in the onion. It is from him that the direction of your appearance depends in the future.

Black. An absolute base, like white, which will give an interesting combination with purple. For example, you can pick Evening Dress purple and complement it with a black jacket - or vice versa.

Saturated blue. They are ideal for girls with dark hair, make the image deeper and more feminine. Also here can be attributed the shade of the sea wave and turquoise.

Coffee brown. Full, warm colors that are just right for the autumn period.

As an experiment, you can process a photo with these colors and evaluate from the outside how competent the combination turned out.

Learn the rules for the interaction of colors in clothes using scales in the photo, which can be found on the Internet.

Colors in clothes

When choosing a purple color in clothes, you need not only to correctly determine the base tone, but also to clearly know for what occasion a certain bow is being prepared. Let's consider a few examples with it both as a base and as an addition.


Most often in this coloring there is an evening dress to the floor or just below the knee from a soft flowing material. It is worth noting that for this image our base in the dress will be quite enough, you can dilute it with other tones. To do this, you need to know what the purple color is combined with.
Another important rule, for a dress it is better to choose accessories and additions from the same range - for example, exclusively light or exclusively dark. Only the use of light decorations for the image in dark colors is allowed.

If we are not talking about an evening dress, but about everyday, then you can add more game with color. Feel free to combine, but do not forget about the rules of combination. Take photos with bows in different tones and colors, compare them with each other and choose the most suitable options.
Also, when discussing the dress, it is worth mentioning tunics. Being an independent element of a holistic appearance, it can also include other colors besides purple. Regardless of what colors it will be, it is best to choose only black leggings in this case, they will not look vulgar or defiant. Check it out for yourself by doing different photos with black leggings and other color leggings.

On the red carpet

On the catwalks

Design solutions


Leaving the topic of the dress, we will also discuss trousers, which can often be found in a purple hue. It is recommended to choose blouses for them light shades, and if desired, complement the bow with jackets in dark options. If it's about everyday wear, then you can take t-shirts, sweatshirts or sweatshirts as an addition. Remember that since purple is enough bright shade, with the help of the top it needs to be smoothed out, so more neutral tones should be preferred.

In this article, you will learn about the most the best combinations purple with other colors.

Purple color - a combination with other colors in clothes: rules, color chart

Violet the color is very popular in women's wardrobe . This happened not only because he is now at the peak of his popularity, but also because he is liked female half humanity for its tenderness, mystery and softness.

An interesting fact is that the purple color is chosen for themselves by those individuals who want to emphasize in your image a certain mysticism or mystery. Purple should not be too much in clothes that should be worn to the office or to the first job interview, but if you want leave on someone indelible impression then purple is your color!

INTERESTING: This color is also associated with fun, besides, it is very feminine and that is why it is rarely present in the wardrobe of men.

The peculiarity of violet is precisely the fact that it is inherently a symbiosis, i.e. a combination of two other colors: cold blue and warm red. In other words, incompatible opposites are literally found in purple. You should also choose purple in your wardrobe, based on its richness. so deep and dark shades will cause a serious and soothing mood, but light lilac and purple - to amuse and excite the nervous system.

An interesting fact is that in most cases purple is chosen by those people who have a vulnerable and very sensitive soul. On the other hand, purple can be a symbol of a serious mood, some kind of deceit, or secret meaning as well as inspiration.

Fashion designers and fashion designers are probably faced with the problem of combining purple with other shades and colors. The fact is that purple is a very insidious color and you should choose it for yourself, focusing on the color type of appearance. Dark-haired women can no doubt choose any shade of purple for themselves, while blondes should try to find just one light or very deep dark that will be expressive.

IMPORTANT: When choosing a purple color in clothes, it is important to remember that an incorrectly chosen shade can both transform you, adding freshness, and age you, adding about 10 years. Properly selected purple hue should be correctly combined with other colors in the wardrobe so that the image is harmonious and spectacular, but not overly bright and funny.

Purple combinations:

The most beneficial combinations of purple

The combination of purple and green in clothes: ideas, photos

The combination of purple and green in clothes

Find the perfect color combination for purple is difficult, but quite possible. One of the most interesting combinations- these are purple and green (any shades). Here you should also focus on the saturation of colors.

Here, for example, a deep emerald color (having a blue tint) is able to fit any purple hue, be it light or dark. Such a combination of colors will be very bright and spectacular, it is only important to decide which color will be the leading and main one (which means it will be the most).

A wardrobe made up of purple and green is, of course, very bright, but at the same time, it looks harmonious. Even small accents in the image, such as, for example, a green scarf or a handbag for a purple suit, will add freshness to the image.

You should know that lilac shades of purple or pastel shades suitable for young girls. They can be very successfully combined with warm light green shades of green, but for ladies in adulthood still, it is necessary to give preference to deep dark tones of purple or lavender, in combination with emerald or jade.

The combination of purple and light green in clothes: ideas, photos

The combination of dark, deep purple with light green looks very fresh and elegant. This is a very organic combination of colors that is associated with blooming violets and therefore does not cause dissonance. You can also combine light purple, pastel shades with light green.

The combination of rich and deep shades with light

The combination of purple and yellow in clothes: ideas, photos

The combination of purple and yellow color V different shades. This combination, like purple and yellow, is often found in nature and therefore does not cause negative emotions. It is interesting that you can combine with each other, both light and dark tones, warm and cold.

Depending on what kind of image you are making (day or evening), one of the colors should be preferred. The image complemented by accessories of these colors looks very elegant and beautiful, for example, a yellow necklace on a purple dress or a purple handbag with a lemon suit.

The combination of purple and gray in clothes: ideas, photos

At first glance, the combination of purple and gray may seem rather boring, but this is just the first impression. Any shade of purple perfectly dilutes light or dark gray, adding bright accent"nondescript" clothing.

Accessories, jewelry and shoes look festive and elegant in combination with gray clothes (both business and casual). Pay attention to bright scarves, necklaces or earrings with purple gems, straps.

The combination of purple and red: colors in clothes ideas, photos

The combination of such bright colors may seem too provocative. But in their combination it is important to know the measure and combine purple with red of "similar" warm or cold shades. These colors together can look too depressing, so it is important to add some more neutral shade to the image: beige, gray, black.

The combination of purple and blue in clothes: ideas, photos

As already mentioned, purple is a symbiosis of red and blue. Depending on the hue, purple can be "more red" or "bluer". It is from this characteristic that one should build on when choosing Blue colour to pair with purple.

Blue and purple are “related” colors, which means that their combination looks very organic and calm (after all, they are in the same color scale). If you doubt the harmony of the image, try to dilute it with one of some neutral color, for example, white, grey, beige or black.

With "cold" purple, any shade of blue or blue looks good. This combination is suitable for drawing up everyday, business and festive images.

Image in blue with the addition of " purple elements»

The combination of purple and beige in clothes: ideas, photos

The combination of beige and purple is one of the most successful combinations for creating a business, casual or festive look. The fact is that beige perfectly sets off rich purple, making it the highlight of the image.

When choosing clothes, it is important to correctly combine warm and cold shades of purple and beige. In addition, if you want to look festive, you can add bright purple accessories and elements to beige look or, on the contrary, to an elegant and bright lavender dress, powdery pumps and a handbag.

The combination of purple and pink in clothes: ideas, photos

Purple is a color that originated from blue and red. That is why pink (light red) can be considered the “related” color of purple, which means that the colors are quite compatible. The only condition that should be adhered to is harmony.

The fact is that such light colors, and especially their combination, are suitable only for young girls. mature women will look very ridiculous in these shades. In addition, a similar color scheme is relevant in warm time year and is completely unacceptable in winter.

The combination of purple and white in clothes: ideas, photos

White can rightfully be called "universal", as it goes well with any shade from the color range of each color. White goes perfectly with purple. It becomes a kind of "pure white" canvas on which the artist paints with purple paints.

Any other color can be added to white and purple to make it a bright element and highlight of the image. Pink will do, orange, yellow, blue or green.

The combination of purple and turquoise in clothes: ideas, photos

Since violet is "related" to blue, it goes well with its derivatives: blue and turquoise. The main thing is to choose the right shade so that your wardrobe does not become too bright, defiant and funny. It is best to combine the bed tones of these colors and complement them. rich colors accessories and additional element image: handbag, shoes, jewelry.

The combination of purple and brown in clothes: ideas, photos

Purple and brown are seemingly completely incompatible colors. However, this is far from being the case, because against the background of a “boring” brown, purple will act as an unusually bright, saturated and interesting feature wardrobe.

You can choose to combine both light and dark shades. You can add bright elements to such an image, but only “related” tones to purple and brown: purple, pink, orange, and so on.

IMPORTANT: This combination of colors (especially brown) looks very organic in the autumn season, as it is combined with the surrounding tones of trees, earth, houses, but purple, on the contrary, attracts maximum attention.

The combination of purple and black in clothes: ideas, photos

Black, like white, is neutral and goes well with any shade of any color. Depending on how much black you have in your wardrobe, you can make it accentuate the saturation of purple or make it stand out, making it a highlight of the image.

The same rule applies to accessories, if a black handbag looks rather boring against the background of a purple dress, then a purple clutch against a black background elegant dress will look very impressive and stylish. You can also add another shade to this color combination to diversify the overall look.

Modern "youthful" combination of purple and black in the image

The combination of purple and burgundy in clothes: ideas, photos

Burgundy (rich and dark red) goes well with deep purple hues. This combination is suitable for composing business and festive images, because they themselves convey good mood and the status of women.

To ensure that the image does not cause a dubious impression, it is important to complement it with accessories or wardrobe elements in neutral tones, such as gray or black.

The combination of purple and blue in clothes: ideas, photos

A muted, pastel or sky shade of blue pairs beautifully with light, bright and saturated colors. deep shades purple. This combination looks great in the hot and cool seasons.

The combination of purple and gold in clothes: ideas, photos

You can add elegance to the image and make it more festive with the help of a golden “color”. These two colors go very well together, because gold is essentially yellow with sparkles, and yellow looks great with any shade of purple.

Gold can be present everywhere, as a fabric (skirt, jacket, trousers), accessories (handbags, belts), jewelry or shoes.

Are red-violet and blue-green combined in clothes?

Red-violet is a mixture of two colors resulting in one saturated shade. It goes well with such a derivative color as blue-green. Together they give a completely harmonious composition, which is associated with luxury, high status and exquisite taste. It is best to shade the combination with some neutral color: gray, white, black.

Video: “What to combine purple with?”
