Means for protection from pregnancy. Method eleven: contraceptives

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy during intercourse? A very pressing issue that worries many girls and women of childbearing age. Today, there is a wide distribution of all kinds of methods of contraception, including the use of various folk remedies.

Nevertheless, a huge range of modern methods of contraception only exacerbates the situation with the choice of the optimal means. Now girls are overcome by even greater doubts related to the better to protect themselves.

Difficulty in choosing contraceptives

Who should decide how to protect a woman from unwanted pregnancy? Ideally, this should be done by the woman herself, after listening to the opinion of a specialist. It is worth noting that in many countries people's opinions are strongly influenced by cultural norms and traditions. For example, in China, intrauterine devices are used ten times more often than any other type of contraception.

Oddly enough, but most girls and women from the CIS countries often immediately limit themselves in their choice. They tend to ask a very specific question about how to protect themselves from an unplanned pregnancy without pills and spirals. However, the choice of a particular method of contraception should first of all be based on the following principles:

  • Efficiency.
  • Safety.
  • Side effects.
  • Applicability.
  • Availability of additional properties.

In Japan, less than 1% of women of childbearing age use birth control pills, while in Austria the figure is almost 40%.

When choosing the optimal method of contraception, it is necessary, first of all, to consider whether a woman wants to have a child in the future or not.

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy?

To have a complete understanding of how to properly protect yourself from an unplanned pregnancy, every girl and woman should consult a family planning specialist or a gynecologist. In each individual case, the question is whether it is possible to use traditional or modern methods of contraception, or even use folk remedies. Solely for reference, consider the main ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy for women:

  • Birth control pills.
  • Implants and injectable contraceptives.
  • Intrauterine contraceptives.
  • Condoms.
  • Spermicides and barrier contraceptives.
  • Interruption of sexual intercourse.
  • Tracking the menstrual cycle.

Oral contraceptives

Contraceptive pills are considered one of the safest and most effective methods of preventing unplanned pregnancy. According to many clinical studies, the effectiveness of this method of contraception is up to 99%. Paradoxically, the use of birth control pills is safer than pregnancy and childbirth itself. In addition, hormonal pills that prevent conception have a number of non-contraceptive advantages:

  • Reduce menstrual pain.
  • Influence the intensity of menstrual bleeding.
  • Reduce the risk of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Reduce the risk of developing malignant pathology in the ovaries and uterus.
  • There is an increase in breast size.

If you have planned a pregnancy, then taking birth control pills must be completed at least three months before the desired conception.

Along with positive effects, the use of oral contraception does not exclude the possibility of developing quite serious consequences for the body. What kind of side effects from birth control pills can be expected:

  • Cessation of menses.
  • Uterine bleeding in the period between menstrual cycles.
  • Nausea.
  • The appearance of a feeling of soreness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands.
  • Frequent mood swings up to the development of a depressive state.
  • Noticeable weight gain.
  • Changes in skin condition in the form of darkening, erythema, eczema, etc.
  • Decreased sex drive.
  • Having problems with breastfeeding.
  • Increase in blood pressure.

If you want to prevent pregnancy without taking pills, but do not know how to do it correctly, then you should contact a family planner or gynecologist.

If you have chosen an intrauterine device as a way to protect against unwanted pregnancy, then you do not need to additionally protect yourself.

Implantable contraceptives

There are birth control pills that can be injected under the skin. Norplant is a classic example of a group of implantable means for preventing unwanted pregnancy. The main advantage of this type of contraception is that after a single injection of the drug, a continuous contraceptive effect is observed for 5 years.

Norplant, however, is not without flaws. In addition to the fact that implants must be inserted and removed exclusively by a doctor, you can also encounter some side effects. What are the disadvantages of implantable contraception?

  • Cosmetic defect at the injection site.
  • Possible violation of the menstrual cycle.
  • Nausea, loss of appetite, headaches, dermatitis, and weight gain are common.

Norplant can be advised to all healthy women who want to ensure long-term protection against unplanned conception of a child.

Intrauterine contraceptives (IUDs)

The mechanism of action of intrauterine contraceptives (spirals) is quite complicated. Clinical studies have shown that the IUD affects a number of important processes, thereby preventing the development of pregnancy:

  • Reduce the motor activity of spermatozoa.
  • Slow down the process of fertilization of the egg.
  • Contribute to the death of a fertilized egg or prevent its introduction into the wall of the uterus.

According to some reports, about 100 million women worldwide use intrauterine contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Advantages of this method:

  • The effectiveness of the use of the IUD reaches 80%.
  • The spiral can not be changed for 3-5 years.
  • A woman in no way feels the presence of a spiral in the uterine cavity.
  • Rapid return of fertility. It is enough to remove the spiral, and the conception of a child can occur after the first ovulation.
  • The IUD is not an obstacle to taking other medications or performing surgical interventions.
  • The method is relatively inexpensive and quite affordable for most women.

With irregular vaginal bleeding over the past 3 months or suspected precancerous pathology of the endometrium of the uterus, it is not recommended to use this type of contraception as the IUD. What other disadvantages of using an intrauterine device should be noted:

  • Extremely rare, but vaginal bleeding may occur.
  • If the coil is installed incorrectly, pain of varying intensity in the lower abdomen may appear.
  • Traumatization of the uterus up to its rupture during the introduction of the IUD.
  • Prolapse of the IUD from the uterine cavity.
  • The development of inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.
  • The IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The risk of ectopic pregnancy cannot be excluded.

Barrier contraception

To prevent direct entry of spermatozoa into the uterus, a barrier method of contraception is used. You can stop the penetration of male germ cells either chemically or mechanically. Barrier contraceptives are recommended to be used regularly with the simultaneous use of condoms.

Spermicides are chemical agents that inhibit the activity of spermatozoa. The effectiveness of the method is not too high, but it can be combined with other contraceptives. In addition, spermicides significantly reduce the risk of contracting sexually transmitted infections. Mechanical contraception includes:

  • The vaginal diaphragm is a rubber or latex cap with a rather pliable rim resembling a dome. Enter into the vagina until intimacy. Spermicide treat that side of the diaphragm, which will be adjacent to the cervix. Diaphragms are available in several sizes and types, depending on the design of the rim. The diaphragm should remain in the vagina for no more than 24 hours.
  • The contraceptive sponge is a special polyurethane pillow-shaped product impregnated with spermicide. Available in one size. A prescription is not required to purchase this product. They are inserted into the vagina, previously moistened with water. The sponge in the body of a woman remains effective for 24 hours.
  • Cervical cap - a cup-shaped rubber product that is installed on the cervix. Lubricated with spermicide, the cap must be inserted into the vagina half an hour before intimacy. Contraceptive effectiveness lasts up to a day. In the literal sense, this is a miniature version of the vaginal diaphragm, but with an elongated dome. After 24 hours, the cervical cap should be removed from the vagina.

There are no special precautions for using spermicides, female condoms, sponges, or diaphragms. However, there are several factors that may limit the use of barrier contraception:

  • Allergy to the material from which the contraceptive is made, or to spermicide.
  • Anomalies in the development of the vagina, which may interfere with the correct installation of a contraceptive.
  • Frequent infectious processes in the genitourinary system.
  • Inability to learn the correct administration of these funds.
  • Recent abortion, childbirth, or uterine bleeding.
  • There is no access to clean water and personal hygiene products.

It should be noted that in giving birth girls and women, the effectiveness of the contraceptive sponge is significantly inferior to the vaginal diaphragm or cap. For nulliparous, all barrier contraceptives are approximately equally effective.

Natural ways of protection

Many young girls are interested in how to protect themselves from an unplanned pregnancy when they don’t want to take any pills, don’t use spirals or other means? There are two natural ways - this is the interruption of sexual intercourse and the calculation of "safe days" in the menstrual cycle. At the same time, these methods have the lowest efficiency and the highest availability and safety compared to all other types of contraception.

Traditional medicine for unplanned pregnancy

Despite the healthy skepticism among specialists, it is still worth listing some folk remedies for contraception, which are especially popular among different segments of the population. It turns out that to protect against conception at home, you can apply the following:

  • Douching with a weak solution of potassium permanganate immediately after intercourse.
  • Douching with a solution of citric acid. Dilute 5 ml of citric acid per liter of water.
  • After intimacy, drink a glass of beetroot juice or bay leaf infusion.
  • Before sexual intercourse, a man should take a hot bath.

The optimal answer to the question of what is the best way to protect a young girl from an unwanted pregnancy will be given to you only by a qualified medical specialist.

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At least 16.7 million unwanted pregnancies occur worldwide each year. 15 million of them (that is, almost 90%!) could be prevented if women used modern methods of contraception correctly. Surprisingly, inIn the 21st century, millions of people ignore them or misuse them. As shown recently, women are afraid of side effects, have different prejudices, or they simply do not have enough information. MedNews figured out how (and whether) the most popular methods of contraception work.

"Barrier" contraception

Barrier contraception is a male and female condom, a vaginal diaphragm and a uterine cap. All these devices physically block the way for sperm to enter the uterus. The sperm cannot meet the egg and fertilization does not occur.


male condom known to all, but female much less popular. This is a small pouch, usually made of polyurethane, that is inserted into the vagina and held in place by elastic rings. The advantage of both types of condoms is that they not only prevent unwanted pregnancy, but also protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

The effectiveness of condoms is relatively high: according to WHO, when used correctly, the male one prevents unwanted pregnancy in 98% of cases, but the female one only 90%. In addition, you need to take into account that the condom can break.


Uterine cap and vaginal diaphragm - these are latex caps of various shapes that are installed on the cervix. They will no longer protect partners from gonorrhea or syphilis, but they do not allow sperm into the uterus. Their main disadvantages are the complexity of use (not every woman will be able to put on the cap on her own) and allergies, which can occur due to the tight and prolonged contact of the mucosa with latex.

"Natural" contraception

"Natural" refers to methods of protection that do not require mechanical or medical intervention.

Coitus interruptus

One of the most popular and at the same time the least reliable "natural" methods. When used, the partner removes the penis from the woman's vagina moments before ejaculation. The unreliability of this method is determined by two factors. Firstly, a man may not have time to remove the penis in time (it all depends on his ability to self-control). Secondly, during frictions, a small amount of pre-seminal fluid is released, which may contain a certain amount of sperm - and disease-causing agents. The effectiveness of the method, according to WHO, ranges from 73 to 96%, depending on the correct use.

calendar method

Another popular and not always effective method. A woman keeps track of favorable and unfavorable days for conception of her menstrual cycle. Fertilization of the egg can occur only within 48 hours after ovulation, and the life expectancy of the sperm in the cervix is ​​up to a week, but often less. Therefore, a few days before ovulation are considered dangerous for conception (the sperm can remain in the woman's genitals and wait for the mature egg) and a couple of days after ovulation. Adherents of the calendar method argue that it is during this period that a woman should refrain from sexual intercourse if she does not want to become pregnant. The disadvantage of the method is that it is not always possible to accurately calculate exactly when ovulation occurs, especially in women with irregular menstrual cycles.

temperature method

This method just allows you to specify the moment of ovulation. It is not for the lazy: every day, immediately after waking up, you need to measure the basal temperature (by inserting a thermometer into the anus). Before ovulation, the basal temperature drops slightly, and immediately after ovulation it rises by 0.3-0.5 degrees and stays at this level until the end of the cycle. By monitoring the temperature daily, you can determine quite accurately when ovulation occurs, and in accordance with this, refrain from sexual intercourse on fertile days.

cervical method

Another method that helps determine the onset of ovulation is the cervical method, or the Billings method. This Australian doctor noticed that shortly before ovulation, the mucus secreted from the vagina becomes more viscous. In this way, "dangerous" days can be tracked. True, due to fluctuations in hormones, mucus can become viscous even in the absence of ovulation, so the method is inaccurate.

Lactational amenorrhea method

The bottom line is simple: in the first months of breastfeeding, ovulation does not occur, so you can not use protection. But there is a condition: a woman must breastfeed her baby very actively (at least every three hours during the day and every six hours at night), otherwise the production of prolactin and oxytocin hormones decreases, and their “protective” effect disappears. However, frequent feeding is also not a 100% guarantee.


The intrauterine device is a common and fairly simple method of contraception. This device, usually made of copper or silver with plastic, is placed in the uterus by a doctor for several years. Copper or silver has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa, and the spiral itself, if fertilization does occur, prevents the egg from attaching to the wall of the uterus (the embryo thus does not have the opportunity to develop). The method is convenient in that it requires almost no effort on the part of the woman, but has its drawbacks - for example, it increases the risk of developing infections and inflammations.

Hormonal contraception

There are a huge variety of hormonal contraceptives, and they work in different ways. In general, they can be divided into two types: containing estrogen hormones (or rather, their analogues) and not containing them.


The most common method of hormonal contraception. When used correctly, it is considered one of the most reliable. Pills contain two types of hormones: estrogens and progestins. They suppress ovulation, and pregnancy becomes impossible.

It is a paradox, but it is with these means that the most fears are associated. Women are afraid of side effects, for example, blood clots: estrogens contribute to thrombosis and increase the risk of thrombosis. In fact, this danger is much higher, say, with smoking or even pregnancy. So if a woman does not have serious contraindications (a history of thrombosis and among family members, severely elevated blood pressure, etc.), the use of COCs is considered safe. However, women are much more afraid of being overweight than thrombosis: the belief that you can get better from pills is one of the most persistent. In fact, this has not been the case for a long time: modern oral contraceptives contain minimal doses of hormones, which, although they can slightly exacerbate the feeling of hunger (and even then not for everyone), do not in themselves increase weight gain.

vaginal ring

This is another method of hormonal contraception using estrogens. It is similar in composition and principle of action to COCs, but radically differs in the method of application. A flexible ring is inserted directly into the vagina, where it releases hormones in the right doses that help suppress ovulation. The advantage over COCs is that the ring has almost no effect on the liver, the disadvantages are the relative inconvenience of use: it can fall out of the vagina or interfere with the woman.

Hormonal patch

The hormonal patch also contains estrogens, but is glued to the skin and delivers hormones to the body through the blood.

mini pili

Another group of hormonal contraceptives, they do not contain estrogens, only progestogens. Because of this, they do not have estrogen-related side effects and are considered safer, although less effective. This group includes the so-called mini-pills: these are tablets containing the minimum dose of the hormone.

The principle of their action differs from estrogen-containing contraceptives: they do not prevent ovulation, but they cause thickening of cervical mucus (mucus in the cervix), which prevents sperm from entering the uterus itself. In addition, progestogens do not allow the lining of the uterus, or endometrium, to swell (without the use of hormones, this naturally occurs in the second half of the menstrual cycle). Because of this, the embryo cannot attach to the wall of the uterus and continue its development.

Subdermal implants

Particularly desperate women may decide to sew a contraceptive hormonal implant under their skin, which also does not contain estrogen. It is installed for several years and dosed releases the required amount of the hormone progestogen into the body. Like mini-pills, the implant increases the viscosity of the cervical mucus and does not allow the endometrium to swell.

Hormonal intrauterine device

Her principle of action is mixed. It immobilizes spermatozoa and mechanically prevents the embryo from attaching to the wall of the uterus, like a conventional spiral. In addition, just like implants, it releases a minimal amount of the hormone progestogen daily, which prevents the growth of the endometrium and thus prevents the embryo from being fixed.

Chemical contraception

Vaginal suppositories, creams, foams, sponges and tablets that have a spermicidal effect, that is, destroy spermatozoa. Usually, all these funds should be used 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse. Their advantage is that they also protect against sexually transmitted diseases - but not from all and not completely. The disadvantage is much lower efficiency than other methods. Therefore, they are recommended to be used in combination with other means.

Emergency (aka "morning") contraception

If unprotected intercourse has already occurred, but the woman is not planning a child, then not everything is lost: for some time, conception can still be prevented. There are a variety of methods for this - from folk to hormonal.

Folk methods

A slice of lemon, an aspirin tablet, laundry soap and a solution of potassium permanganate - this is not a complete list of remedies that traditional medicine is ready to offer careless lovers. It is understood that citric acid, laundry soap components, potassium permanganate and acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) acidify the environment, and this kills spermatozoa.

Doctors categorically do not recommend using folk remedies for two reasons. The first is their low efficiency: spermatozoa can penetrate the cervical canal within a few seconds after ejaculation, and before that it is hardly possible to introduce a lemon into the vagina. And the second is side effects: aggressive acid or improperly diluted potassium permanganate can “burn out” the mucous membrane and disrupt the vaginal microflora.

Hormonal pills

There is also a more reliable method of postcoital (that is, used after sexual intercourse) contraception. Especially for this case, hormonal pills have been developed. Different drugs are based on different substances, but their mechanism of action is similar: they suppress ovulation, and if conception has already occurred, they prevent the fertilized egg from attaching to the uterine wall. Tablets usually need to be taken in the first few days after unprotected intercourse (the sooner the better), but with each day of delay, their effectiveness will decrease.

It is widely believed that the use of such drugs is extremely harmful, but WHO has repeatedly emphasized that they are safe. This, of course, does not mean that such remedies should be used regularly: they are simply not designed for this.

Emergency coil installation

The same copper or silver coil, which has already been mentioned above, can also be installed urgently - within five days after unprotected intercourse. The principle of its operation is the same: copper or silver has a detrimental effect on spermatozoa and the egg, and the spiral itself prevents the embryo from attaching to the wall of the uterus. After emergency insertion, the coil can be left as a permanent contraceptive.

Karina Nazaretyan

Prevention of pregnancy is one of the important stages in the sexual life of partners who are not yet ready to become parents. In the modern world, there are many effective methods to prevent the conception of a child.

Popular methods of protection

The following methods of contraception are most widely used:

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • barrier contraceptives;
  • interruption of sexual intercourse.

Each of these methods has its own advantages, disadvantages and features.

Hormonal contraception

One of the effective ways to protect a woman is to use hormonal drugs, which have the following varieties:

  • tablets;
  • patch;
  • implants.

Tablets require a long period of administration. Often, after their cancellation, a woman may not become pregnant for a long time. It is very important during the period of hormone therapy to follow the treatment regimen, and not to skip pills, as this is fraught with the onset of pregnancy.

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The patch is designed to stick to the skin. It contains special hormones that are able to penetrate into the bloodstream through protective covers and have a contraceptive effect.

Implants are sewn under the skin and have a long period of action, which can be up to five years.

Birth control pills

In the pharmacy you can find a wide selection of birth control pills that protect against unwanted pregnancy. Preparations of this type are divided into:

  • monophasic;
  • two-vase;
  • three-phase.

Monophasic contraceptives include an equal ratio of estrogen and gestodene. The drugs in this group include Janine, Regulon, Logest, Jess.

Tablets of a two-phase type are produced under the trade names Femoston, Binovum, Neo-Eunomin.

Three-phase contraceptives have a different dosage of hormones, which largely depends on the period of the menstrual cycle. The most popular and affordable drug in this category is Tri-Regol.

There are also contraceptives that belong to the category of mini-pills. They include in their composition only one hormone - progestogen. Preparations of this group are able to have only a local effect on the cervical mucus and its composition. It becomes more viscous, which prevents the advancement of spermatozoa. The mini-pill category includes tablets under such names as Lactinet, Exluton, Microlut.

Self-prescribing tablets for oral administration is highly discouraged. Improper use of contraceptives may not give the desired effect, and cause serious health complications. Before the appointment of certain contraceptives, a woman is assigned a laboratory examination and testing.

It should be remembered that oral contraceptives have a large list of contraindications. Before taking them, you should make sure that they are absent, which will help laboratory examination.

The chance of getting pregnant while taking hormonal pills is very low, but the risk of fertilization cannot be completely ruled out. For this reason, it is recommended to immediately apply several methods of contraception.

Contraceptive patch

Methods of contraception for women by contraception also involve the use of a special patch, produced under the name Evra. For effective impact, it is recommended to stick it on the stomach, shoulder, shoulder blade or buttocks. One patch is worn for one week, after which it is changed to a new one. The period of use is three weeks before the onset of menstruation. After the end of menstruation, continue to use the patch.

This method helps prevent pregnancy nine times out of ten.

With the help of this tool, two hormones are released into the blood in the right dosage - estrogen and progestin. They affect the female ovaries and secreted mucus. This stops the production of eggs. The mucus, which becomes thick and impedes the advancement of spermatozoa, also helps prevent fertilization.

The patch must be used on the first day of the menstrual cycle. Its use eliminates the risk of erosion and ectopic pregnancy.

Contraceptive implants

Some experts argue that the best way to prevent pregnancy is to use a hormonal implant. Its effectiveness is several times higher than the use of tablets and patches.

Parenteral hormonal contraception helps prevent unwanted pregnancies in 95% of cases out of 100. There are several types of implants that have a different period of action, ranging from two to five years.

With a single injection under the skin, no further checks of the level of hormones in the blood are required. Among other advantages, the absence of a negative effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, including the liver, should be highlighted.

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Among other negative effects of implants, we can distinguish a decrease in libido, the occurrence of drowsiness and general malaise.

Implants are produced under two trade names - Norplant and Implanon.

Barrier contraceptives

There are the following ways to prevent pregnancy by the barrier way:

  • inserting spirals;
  • condom use;
  • use of caps.

Each of the methods, like other types of protection, has its pros and cons.


There are several types of spirals that protect against pregnancy. They may differ in shape, stiffness and duration of action.

Spirals according to the material are divided into two large groups - plastic and metal. The first type is able to cause an immune response of the endometrium, and the second one can have a spermicidal effect. The second type of spirals has the greatest efficiency. For metal structures, copper is most often used.

A separate group is hormonal spirals, which not only prevent conception, but also eliminate pain during menstruation.

The advantage of this type of contraception is the direct local effect and the absence of many adverse reactions that cause drugs for oral administration.

Among the disadvantages of this method is the inability to protect against infections that are sexually transmitted.


A woman can prevent pregnancy by using condoms. In this case, it is not necessary that the candon be used by a partner. There are now a wide variety of female condoms that are just as effective. In appearance, they resemble an elastic tube, with two rings at the two ends of the product. One of them remains outside, and the other is inserted into the vagina. The product is securely held inside, so it can be put on in advance of sexual intercourse. The advantage of this type of contraception is the ability to protect against sexually transmitted diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact.


The cervical cap is designed to prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity. The product has several forms, depending on the anatomical features of the structure of the penis, and is intended to be worn on the cervix. This method of contraception is ideal for nulliparous girls.

This method is outdated and does not guarantee that pregnancy will not occur. In addition, most men are against this method of contraception, because it requires constant control from the partner during intercourse. Even if the partner is not against the interruption of sexual intercourse, it is not always possible to completely avoid the entry of sperm into the vagina. Out of 10 in 3 cases, conception still occurs.

Folk methods of protection

Among non-traditional methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy, folk remedies can be distinguished. These include douching with special acidic and alkaline solutions. For these purposes, the most commonly used:

  • lemon juice;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • table vinegar;
  • laundry soap;
  • soda.

The most effective solution is considered to be a remedy made with table vinegar. To prepare it, you will need a liter of boiled, room temperature water and a couple of tablespoons of the main ingredient. It is important that table vinegar is used, and not essence, which can lead to serious burns of the mucous membranes.

The resulting solution is douched immediately after intercourse, using the entire solution at a time. The effectiveness of this method is observed only in half of the cases. It should be remembered that various kinds of douching can lead to serious consequences.

Safe folk methods include the calendar method. Its essence lies in the calculation on which days a woman can not protect herself. It is believed that the onset of pregnancy is impossible in the last two days of menstruation and the next couple of days after they end. This rule applies only to those representatives of the weaker sex who have regular periods. You should not trust this method one hundred percent, as it is extremely unreliable.

Before choosing one or another method of protection, it is imperative to consult a doctor.

Many couples try to avoid untimely pregnancy and avoid abortions, which can cause infertility. Therefore, some of them resort to alternative methods of contraception. So, what is the protection from pregnancy by folk methods, let's see.

Non-traditional birth control methods

There are couples who decide to take advantage of emergency contraception, which is protection against fertilization with the help of folk remedies. But not everyone knows how different folk remedies can be. The most common folk methods of contraception are the following:

Perhaps, if you use several of these methods, you can achieve the desired result, using all this you can harm your health, disrupt the microflora of the vagina and then treat all the diseases that have appeared for a long time. So it is better to use "normal" traditional methods of contraception and medications for protection. And if this is not possible, then just at least abstain from sex on fertile days.

Modern and folk methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy

There are different ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Each couple will be able to choose suitable for themselves. To decide, you need to take into account the number of sexual partners, their health (presence or absence of sexual infections), the regularity of sexual activity. How to choose a method of protection against unwanted pregnancy and what contraceptives can be purchased at the pharmacy? Are there non-drug, "natural" ways to avoid unwanted conception?

1. Barrier contraception. These are condoms for men and uterine caps for women. They are good because they can be used when there is uncertainty about the health of a partner. Barrier contraception will stop most sexually transmitted infections.
If you choose between a condom and a uterine cap, then the first one is more convenient in the sense that you can easily buy it in any supermarket, and you don’t need a doctor’s opinion for selection. But the uterine caps (they are put on the cervix) have different diameters. And only a gynecologist can say which one is right for you after an examination. It is desirable that he also showed you how to properly put on this cap.

What to do if a condom breaks, how to protect yourself from infections and pregnancy? Prevention of infections will be treated with an antiseptic solution - for example, miramistin. And to prevent pregnancy, a woman needs to take emergency contraception as soon as possible.

2. Hormonal pills, ring, Evra patch, implants. Oral contraceptives of the second, third, fourth generation are well tolerated and very effective. It reaches 100% if the woman fully complies with the instructions for taking the drug. You can take hormonal contraceptives for several years, until pregnancy is planned. The choice of the drug is carried out primarily together with the doctor. But for this you do not need to take tests for hormones. After childbirth, you can protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy with the help of mini-pills. They differ in that they contain only the hormonal component of the progestogen. It does not reduce the amount of breast milk and does not affect the baby in any way. And after 40 years, protection from pregnancy is carried out with the help of mini-pills, they give a lower risk of thrombosis.

The hormone ring is inserted into the vagina for 21 days. And it should always stay there. During intercourse for a short period of time, it can be removed if it interferes. Plus in the low content of the hormone, compared with any tablet forms, no effect on the digestive system. Even if a woman vomits or has diarrhea, the ring will not be less effective. The downside is the rather high cost and the risk of provoking vaginal candidiasis.
A hormonal patch and an implant (for insertion under the skin of the forearm) are used by Russian women less frequently. The advantage of an implant is that it is inserted once every few years. But in case of a desire to have a child or contraindications for its use, it can be removed at any time by a doctor. Minus - high cost, about 7000-8000 rubles.
The patch is convenient in that it acts throughout the entire cycle. It is not necessary, as in the case of tablets, to constantly remember to take it.

3. Intrauterine systems (spirals). This method of contraception is ideal for women who have given birth and have a permanent, healthy sexual partner. The spiral is bought independently in a drugstore. What is better to buy the doctor will advise. They come in different forms, contain different metals, including precious ones, so they can have an anti-inflammatory effect. There is also a special hormonal spiral - it is very reliable in terms of contraception and is a good drug for endometriosis, uterine fibroids (does not allow tumor growth).
Spirals are placed for up to 5-7 years. But they can provoke abundant menstrual and intermenstrual flow. And yet, there is a risk of displacement of the spiral and its loss. Which nullifies any contraceptive effect. This is possible in women with strong uterine contractility. But you never know about it beforehand. The doctor can remove the spiral at any time if necessary.

4. Chemical contraception. These are various creams, vaginal suppositories and tablets. Pharmatex, Patentex Oval, Benatex - many couples use them. The advantage of this type of contraception is that it is not hormonal, which means that it cannot negatively affect women's health. Quite convenient, because it begins to act 10 minutes or even less after insertion into the vagina. Many people like their ability to moisturize the vagina, like lubricants.
But there are also disadvantages. They do not reliably protect against genital infections, despite the assurances of manufacturers. Often, because of them, both partners experience discomfort - itching, burning. And with frequent use in women, vaginal candidiasis worsens. Therefore, this contraception is only for healthy people who do not have a regular sexual life. When contraception is needed on a case-by-case basis. And yet, chemical contraception is not very reliable in terms of protection against unwanted pregnancy. The drug must be introduced into the vagina not earlier than the time specified in the instructions. And only then you can start sexual intercourse. The drug should completely envelop the vagina and cervix so that no sperm can enter the uterus. And protection from unwanted pregnancy after sexual intercourse (PA) with the help of this type of contraception is absolutely useless. Surely by the time the drug is injected into the vagina, a certain amount of spermatozoa will already be in the cervical canal. No contraceptive will reach them there.

5. Emergency contraception. If sexual intercourse occurred suddenly, the condom broke, the option remains using this type of contraceptive. They are recommended to be used as little as possible, because due to the high content of hormones, their use often causes intermenstrual bleeding and generally knocks down the menstrual cycle. Many women note that after repeated use of emergency contraception, they have fibroadenomas and cysts in the mammary glands, these neoplasms are hormonally determined.

In pharmacies, you can buy two types of emergency contraceptives with different composition. Containing levonorgestrel or mifepristone. Moreover, there is evidence that the latter have fewer side effects, since Mifepristone simply blocks the action of progesterone, does not “add” a new portion of hormones. Even so, it should not be used regularly.

6. Counting ovulation. Women use the calendar method of contraception from unwanted pregnancy quite often. But for ladies with irregular menstrual cycles, counting ovulation is a rather difficult process. Mistakes are very likely. It is definitely not worth using the calendar method as regular contraception. And it is better to combine it, for example, with the use of chemical contraception. That is, on the supposed dangerous days, refrain from sex. And in the rest, use vaginal suppositories, tablets or creams.

7. Coitus interruptus (PPA). One of the most nerve-wracking ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. There are couples who have been practicing it for several years and there are no misfires. But more often, conception still occurs. And the use of PAP is one of the most common causes of abortions.
To increase efficiency, PPA can be combined with chemical contraception. Then the chance of pregnancy will be lower.

8. Grandma's methods. Despite the abundance of contraceptives in pharmacies, folk remedies for preventing unwanted pregnancy continue to be popular. Many of these techniques are harmful to women's health. For example, there is such a recommendation - after sexual intercourse, douche with water with the addition of lemon juice. The meaning of this is to create an acidic environment in the vagina that is detrimental to spermatozoa. But firstly, this measure is not very effective. Secondly, by the time of douching, some of the sperm will already be in the cervix. And thirdly, there will be a violation of the microflora of the vagina, as a result of which thrush or gardnerellosis may appear.

If you are in doubt about how to prevent conception, which is better and how to prevent unwanted pregnancy which is more suitable for you, consult an experienced gynecologist who is aware of all the new products. Knows their cost, has data on their effectiveness. He will give good advice.

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy | To your health


Currently, there are many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Each of them has its pros and cons.

calendar method

Its essence lies in the fact that from the 11th to the 15th day of the menstrual cycle, a woman has minimal chances of becoming pregnant. But you can use this method only with a stable menstrual cycle lasting 28 days. It is also worth saying that this method does not protect against probable sexual infections at all.


If, after intercourse, the vagina is washed with special solutions, then the spermatozoa will die. But this grandmother's method is rather dubious. Moreover, if this method is used frequently, then not only spermatozoa will die, but also beneficial microflora, resulting in thrush, dysbacteriosis and many other troubles.

Coitus interruptus

Just before ejaculation, the man removes the penis, thereby preventing sperm from entering the vagina. It also has its drawbacks, because before ejaculation, a man releases the so-called natural lubricant or pre-seminal fluid, which includes, among other things, tens of millions of spermatozoa. And not one man is not able to control the release of this fluid. In addition, interruption of sexual intercourse at the most "climax" moment in most cases leads to impotence in men, as well as frigidity in women.

Suppositories, creams, gels with spermicidal action

The protective effect of the funds introduced into the vagina lasts about 40 minutes. If sexual intercourse is infrequent, then this is a fairly effective way to prevent unwanted pregnancy. As a rule, this option is usually supplemented with condoms. Most of these drugs, in addition to contraception, have antimicrobial and antiviral effects and create a lubricating effect. However, this is a rather inconvenient way, requiring the interruption of caresses in order to introduce the remedy. The consequence of the frequent use of chemical contraceptives is a violation of the microflora of the vagina.

Male condoms

A very common and fairly reliable way to protect against pregnancy. If used correctly, this method provides almost 100% protection against sexually transmitted infections and pregnancy.

Female condoms

It is also a fairly effective method of protection against unwanted pregnancy, but extremely inconvenient. The first time you definitely won’t be able to correctly insert the female condom into the vagina.

Hormonal pills

They block the maturation of the egg and prevent it from leaving the ovary. This method is very effective and convenient with the correct selection of the drug by the doctor.

Intrauterine devices

Due to the fact that there is a foreign body in the uterus, the peristalsis of the fallopian tubes increases and the egg, moving quickly, does not have time to connect with the sperm. The disadvantage is the high probability of an ectopic pregnancy.

The last two methods are very effective for couples who live a regular sexual life.

How to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy folk remedies without pills

Interrupted act

If you are interested in how to prevent pregnancy without pills, then this method may suit you. Its technique is that the man must remove the penis from the vagina before ejaculation occurs.

This method is very popular, which is understandable. But it also has a lot of downsides. It is unreliable and does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

In addition, the interruption of the act is not a physiological process, so over time, partners may experience mental discomfort. This can lead to decreased sex drive in women and impotence in men.

calendar method

The principle of operation of this method is based on the fact that conception can occur within a few days after the egg is released from the ovary. Ovulation usually occurs between days 11 and 15 of the cycle. This period is considered "dangerous". Theoretically, conception cannot occur at any other time.

But in practice, things often turn out differently. "On schedule" Ovulation occurs in only 30% of women. Define "approximately" when exactly the egg is released is almost impossible. At least for a year, a woman should track her ovulation using ultrasound and record the data.

After analyzing them, you can understand for what period "dangerous" days. But even in this case, a misfire can occur, because it is impossible to completely control the body.

What does basal body temperature mean?

If you want to avoid taking pills, then this method may be right for you. Before ovulation, the basal temperature always decreases, and after progesterone provokes its increase.

You need to measure it correctly:

  • At the same time, without getting out of bed;
  • You need to measure during menstruation;
  • Use the same thermometer for the entire cycle;
  • The duration of the measurement must be the same.

The difference between the two phases must be at least 0.4 degrees.

Also, do not forget that this method, like the previous ones, does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.


It will be useful for women to know how to protect themselves from pregnancy after the act, when the spermatozoa are already in the vagina. You need to douche with substances that can kill them. These include: Miramistin, "Chlorhexidine" and other chemicals.

The disadvantage of this method is that the spermatozoa are very mobile and can hide in the mucus in the cervical canal. There they become inaccessible to disinfectants, so pregnancy is likely. In addition, chemical components can disrupt the microflora of the vagina.


This is one of the most reliable ways. The condom creates a mechanical barrier so sperm cannot enter the vagina. But the effectiveness of its use is justified only if it is not damaged. The smallest defects are almost impossible to see under normal conditions.

The condom must be put on correctly to avoid damage. You can not roll it before putting it on the penis and apply various lubricants. They reduce its strength, so it can break during the act.


It is the female version of the condom.

The cap is made of the finest latex. But before using it, you should definitely consult with a gynecologist - he will select the size of the diaphragm and explain how to insert it correctly.

The disadvantage of this method is that the cap does not protect against infections. It is also important to install it correctly, otherwise sperm will enter the vagina. The spiral and all hormonal methods of protection can be used only after consultation with a specialist.

Non-traditional ways

Some people prefer to protect themselves with folk remedies.

Among the most common are the following:

  • Douching with acidic water. After the act, it is necessary to rinse the vagina with water with the addition of lemon juice, vinegar or citric acid;
  • Douching with potassium permanganate. For a liter of water, you need to take a teaspoon of potassium permanganate;
  • Washing with urine. Immediately after the completion of the act, you must wash yourself with your own urine. But doctors assure that this method is not only ineffective, but also dangerous, since the decay products again enter the body;
  • Hot bath. It should be taken by a man immediately before sex, the water should be at least 40 degrees. After such a procedure, spermatozoa will lose their activity;
  • Aspirin, laundry soap, lemon. They need to be inserted into the vagina before the act, and aspirin after.

Now you know how to prevent pregnancy with folk remedies. In order not to become parents involuntarily, you need to approach the choice of means of protection with great responsibility.

It is best to apply several methods - then you can enjoy the process without worrying about the consequences.

Related materials

Having sex is somehow connected with the reproductive function, so children are considered the natural result of sexual intercourse. But what can you do to avoid getting pregnant? After all, people do not always have sex in order to procreate. There are many methods of contraception. Which one to use, everyone must decide for themselves.

Method number 1 - is it even possible to get pregnant?

Sometimes a woman makes a lot of efforts to get pregnant, but due to the individual characteristics of the body, conception cannot occur in principle. This happens with the bending of the uterus, obstruction of the tubes, and other diseases. It is not so easy for many girls to get pregnant, and some will not be able to conceive a child at all.

Method number 2 - calculate dangerous days

The method is based on counting the days in which there is an increased risk of conception. During ovulation, which lasts 1-2 days, ideal conditions for conception are created in the body of a woman. The rest of the days are less dangerous. It remains only to find out on which days ovulation will take place. There are several reliable methods for this.

calendar method

Requires regular counting of the menstrual cycle for six months. If the cycle is somewhat stable, this method of protection is suitable for use.

First you need to know the duration of the shortest and longest cycle.

  • Subtract 18 from the duration of the shortest cycle. For example, subtract 18 from 25. Therefore, from the 7th day of the cycle, the probability of conception increases dramatically.
  • Subtract 11 from the duration of the longest cycle. For example, subtract 11 from 30. Therefore, from the 19th day of the cycle, the probability of conception decreases sharply.
  • According to our approximate calculations, from the 7th to the 19th day of the monthly cycle, a high probability of conception remains.

Method for measuring basal temperature

Somewhat more accurate than the calendar method and requires regular measurements and calculations. In this case, it is necessary to measure the basal temperature in the rectum for a long period. This is done in the morning immediately after waking up. It is known that before ovulation, the basal temperature is 36.6-36.9 degrees. At the time of ovulation, it rises by 0.3-0.4 degrees. Starting from the day of ovulation, you should start using barrier methods of contraception.

Intuition Method

Less accurate than the previous two, and based on the objective sensations of the girl, such as pain in the ovaries, increased libido, the appearance of transparent discharge.

Ovulation Tests

In their principle, they are similar to pregnancy tests. The main difference is that tests must be done daily until ovulation occurs, when two strips are clearly displayed on the test.

Method number 3 - interrupted sexual intercourse

The method of interrupting sexual intercourse is one of the most common methods of contraception, which consists in the fact that during intercourse a man removes the penis from the vagina until the moment of ejaculation. The method has its disadvantages: some sperm may be present in the lubricant. In addition, with repeated contact, semen residues can pass from the head or urethra into the vagina.

Method number 4 - douching

It has been proven that spermatozoa die very quickly in an acidic environment. Vaginal douching with lemon juice, vinegar essence and other solutions are also a remedy for unwanted pregnancy. Like other methods of contraception, douching has its drawbacks - there is a risk of burning the vaginal mucosa, and the reliability of the method leaves much to be desired.

Method number 5 - more steam, less risk

According to some reports, overheating of the scrotum leads to a significant decrease in the viability of sperm. Having visited the sauna an hour or two before intimacy, a man's chances of conception are significantly reduced.

Method number 6 - water as a contraceptive

There is a popular belief that conception will not occur during sex in water. This method of contraception is questionable, since water is not a substance that can harm sperm.

Method number 7 - the right choice of pose

It is believed that at the time of ejaculation, a woman should be in an upright position. In this case, a smaller amount of sperm will be able to get to the uterus. Indeed, most of the sperm will drain down, but the first portion of sperm is released under some pressure, so the risk of conception still remains.

Method number 8 - lubricant as a contraceptive

For the thrill of sensations and with a lack of natural lubrication in a girl, some couples successfully use artificial lubricants - lubricants. Lubricants and lubricants in themselves interfere with the normal functioning of spermatozoa, but if a lubricant with a contraceptive effect is used, the likelihood of pregnancy is significantly reduced.

Method number 9 - condom

The condom is the most reliable contraceptive. In addition to contraception, it guarantees effective protection against dangerous sexually transmitted diseases. The only drawback of a condom is a slight decrease in sensations during intimacy. But are the more vivid sensations of contact worth risking health or getting an unwanted pregnancy?

Method number 10 - hormonal contraception

A good alternative to a condom is a hormonal method of contraception, which consists in taking daily pills that block the production of mature eggs. Simply put, ovulation does not occur. After 3-4 weeks after the end of taking the drugs, the reproductive function is restored. Before you start taking it, you need to consult a doctor.

Method number 11 - intrauterine contraceptives

Intrauterine contraceptives (spirals) are inserted into the cervix, which reduces the chance of conception to a minimum. The spiral is introduced for a period of 2 to 5 years, while the probability of avoiding pregnancy is very high. Disadvantages of the method: the likelihood of ectopic pregnancy, the risk of provoking erosion or inflammation.

Method number 12 - emergency interruption of conception

It often happens that a single unprotected contact ends in conception. In this case, it is possible to interrupt conception with the help of special drugs that are guaranteed to cause the menstrual cycle, thereby interrupting conception. You need to use such a “killer” hormonal drug as little as possible.

Method number 13 - hormonal injections

This method of contraception is similar to taking hormonal pills. The main difference is that you do not need to take pills every day, one procedure is enough. The next one is due in a few months. Injections are best suited for women who have already given birth. The method also has a drawback - in order to conceive a child, you will have to wait for the end of the drug's action.

Method number 14 - hormonal implants

The method of implantation of hormonal implants is similar to the method of hormonal injections, it has the same advantages and the same disadvantages. In addition, side effects may occur, which can be eliminated only after the expiration of the drug.

Method number 15 - female condoms

These tools include caps and diaphragms of various shapes and sizes. They are not always convenient to use. Especially if you install and select female condoms on your own, without a gynecologist.

Method number 16 - lubricants, creams, tampons

Lubricants, creams and tampons containing spermicides, substances that stop the viability of spermatozoa, have a high degree of reliability. Means act within 1 hour after they are applied to the walls of the vagina.

Method number 17 - birth control candles

Contraceptive suppositories in their principle of action resemble lubricant creams. The guarantee of funds is 80%, the validity period is 30-40 minutes. Candles are a good alternative to hormonal drugs (if they are intolerant).

Method number 18 - combining several protection methods

For example, the risk of conception is reduced by 99% when using candles, creams, lubricants and caps together.

Method number 19 - a contraceptive patch

The effectiveness of this newfangled remedy is about 99%. The patch that prevents conception is glued to the stomach, buttocks or back. The effect of the patch remains for 1 week, then in the next 2 weeks new patches are glued, and during menstruation, it is no longer necessary to stick a contraceptive.

Method number 20 - abstinence

All the mentioned methods of contraception will not give a 100% guarantee, but there is a method that guarantees this - abstaining from intimacy. Before having unprotected sex, you need to think 10 times how it can end, and is it worth it ...

How to prevent pregnancy during casual sex

The surest, cheapest, and easiest way to protect yourself from pregnancy and other casual sex problems is to use a condom. But if the act was unprotected, you need to use emergency contraception - Postinor or Ginepriston.

If the question “what to do in order not to get pregnant” is still relevant for you, try folk remedies for unwanted pregnancy. These include coitus interruptus, douching, or washing away after intercourse. Creating an unfavorable environment for sperm in the vagina also helps in this regard. For example, after taking a hot sitz bath after making love with the addition of a solution of mustard powder (based on 1 liter of boiling water, 1 spoonful of powder), a woman can be sure that she will not become pregnant. High temperatures are detrimental to spermatozoa.

In conclusion, we give the floor to the doctors. What do they say about ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy?

Folk remedies for pregnancy


To avoid untimely and unwanted pregnancy, it is necessary to use appropriate means of protection. There are a huge number of different contraceptives in the world, but not everyone can afford it, and the use of some of them can affect the body as a whole.

The site 100trav offers you folk remedies. Remember that you use them at your own peril and risk, therefore, before using folk remedies, consult a doctor, especially since you may experience side effects, an allergic reaction, etc.

Folk remedies for contraception

  1. It is necessary to insert a tampon soaked in honey or acacia juice into the vagina before starting sexual intercourse.Loading...
  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. white acacia flowers, add 500 ml of water, boil for 3 minutes, then strain, add water to the original volume and douche.
  2. Take a tampon, soak it in acetic acid and insert it into the vagina (this is a rather ancient method, we could not find any mention of its recent use for contraceptive purposes)
  3. We take 1 teaspoon of crushed ginger root, mix with 250 ml of boiling water, insist and drink 200 ml 2 times a day.
  4. Take a liter of cold water, add 2 tbsp. l. table vinegar, mix. The resulting remedy must be used in the form of douching after intercourse.
  5. After sexual intercourse, wash yourself with your own urine.
  6. Add 1 tsp. 2% solution of potassium permanganate in 1000 ml of boiled water, mix and douche after intercourse.
  7. Take 50 g of crushed dry yellow water lily root, mix with 1000 ml of boiling water, cook for 15 minutes. Then we filter, cool and wash the vagina after sexual intercourse.
  8. After sexual intercourse, a woman needs to take a sitz hot bath.
  9. We use 1 tsp. crushed marjoram, add 250 ml of boiling water, brew and drink 200 ml 2 times a day.

Note that if you protect yourself with folk remedies, this will not give a 100 percent guarantee that you will not get pregnant. It is also worth understanding that everyone’s body is different and folk remedies for unwanted pregnancy will work for one couple, but they won’t help the other. Better yet, use the good old condoms: this is still the most tried and true method of having sex for pleasure, not for procreation.

Be sure to consult your doctor before treating diseases with folk remedies. This will help to take into account individual tolerance, confirm the diagnosis, make sure the treatment is correct and exclude negative drug interactions. If you use prescriptions without consulting a doctor, then it is entirely at your own risk. All recipes are provided for informational purposes only. You are solely responsible for their use.

The birth of a child is a real miracle, but only if it is desired. So that an unplanned pregnancy does not spoil the plans of young people, forcing them to choose between a family and creating a career, one must always remember about contraception.

Many couples do not attach due importance to the choice of method of contraception. Often such negligence leads to unpleasant consequences:

  1. The birth of an unwanted child. In Russia, even now, the most common method of family planning is abortion. Artificial termination of pregnancy can lead to many serious health problems, including infertility and serious illness.
  2. Danger of contracting sexually transmitted infections. Many diseases without proper treatment become chronic and can cause severe complications.

Possession of information on how to protect yourself correctly prevents many problems, allows you to maintain your health and the ability to create a full-fledged family at the time when it is needed.

How contraceptives work

Contraceptives are drugs used to protect against pregnancy. All methods of protection are based on a simple principle - not to allow the egg and sperm to meet, blocking the process of conception (barrier), and not to allow the egg to mature in the body of a woman (hormonal).

Contraceptive methods

Everyone can determine for themselves how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy by studying the features of use and the degree of reliability of the methods of contraception used.

Means Efficiency
Sterilization 99,9-100%
Birth control pills 99-100%
Navy 99%
Contraceptive patch 92-99%
Contraceptive rings 92-99%
Hormonal injections 97%
Diaphragm 92-96%
Condom 85-90%
Symptothermal method 70-75%
Spermicides 65-70%
cervical cap 75%

Contraceptive patch

This method serves as a physical barrier against the penetration of spermatozoa to the uterus. The device looks like an elastic band with a diameter of 50-100 mm with a springy rim. The device is placed on the cervix a few hours before sexual intercourse.

The size of the diaphragm is selected individually after examination by a gynecologist. The advantages of the method are protection against sexually transmitted infections and repeated use.

  • Insufficient efficiency;
  • The need to insert and remove the device and care for it;
  • Not recommended for nulliparous women;
  • Cannot be used during menstruation.

Intrauterine device

The IUD is a 25-35 mm plastic T-shaped device that is placed inside the uterus. It works on the same principle as other physical barriers, preventing the penetration of sperm and further fertilization of the egg. The material from which modern spirals are made significantly increases their reliability compared to other means.

Navy Advantages:

  • Efficiency up to 99%;
  • Long service life (about 10 years);
  • No side effects compared to other hormonal agents;
  • Instant restoration of reproductive function after removal.

Cons of using:

  • The procedure is carried out only by a doctor;
  • Suitable only for women who have given birth;
  • There is a risk of developing inflammation;
  • Lack of protection against sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Pain and increased menstrual bleeding in the first time after installation;
  • In rare cases, the onset of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • High risk of spiral loss, especially on critical days and during active sports.

Symptothermal method

This is a method of natural family planning, which includes calendar, temperature, cervical methods. Based on the calculation of the probable day of ovulation and the most favorable days for conception. To do this, a woman maintains a graph for at least 3 cycles in which she notes the basal temperature data. Usually, before ovulation, its value decreases, and after it increases by 0.4 degrees.

Supplement the study of monitoring the state of the cervical fluid. On dangerous days, the amount of secretions increases, they acquire a liquid, and then a stretchy structure.

The positive side of this approach is absolute accessibility. Weaknesses - time costs, the need for abstinence on dangerous days, insufficient reliability.


The barrier type of protection is based on a chemical effect on spermatozoa in order to prevent it from entering the uterus. This group of drugs includes gels, foams, creams, suppositories, which are inserted into the vagina 15 minutes before intercourse using an applicator.

The reliability of this method is quite low, the number of unplanned pregnancies with this method of protection reaches 35%. Therefore, spermicides are recommended to be used in combination with other barrier methods: condom, diaphragm, cap.

Along with the lack of effectiveness, funds can cause a violation of the microflora of the vagina, causing itching and irritation.

Sterilization operations

Sometimes, when deciding how to prevent unwanted pregnancy, some people resort to a cardinal method - sterilization: vasectomy (in men) or tubal ligation (in women).

A vasectomy is an operation to remove part of the vas deferens to prevent sperm from entering the seminal fluid. Interference can be both reversible and irreversible. With temporary sterilization, only the clamp is installed on the seminal canal without its removal. But it will be possible to return the childbearing function only within 5 years, later it will be impossible.

The advantages of the method are high efficiency, complete preservation of sexual function, no effect on the functioning of the body. But you should know that after this procedure, the chances of becoming a father are minimized. Therefore, the method is recommended for men who already have children. As with any surgical intervention, complications (suppuration, inflammation) are possible after the operation. It is necessary to take into account the fact that the effect occurs only after 1-2 months.

Female sterilization is the creation of artificial obstruction of the fallopian tubes. In this case, the meeting of sperm and egg is impossible. The operation is performed by laparoscopy with minimal incisions. Several types of sterilization are carried out: tubal ligation, cauterization or pinching with special clothespins.

The method has maximum protection against unplanned pregnancy, but in practice there are rare cases of conception with ligated tubes. Sterilization does not affect the menstrual cycle and hormonal functions of the body. The main disadvantage of this method of contraception is its irreversibility. But if you want to have children in the future, assisted reproductive technologies can come to the rescue. With artificial conception, a woman is able to bear and give birth to a child.

The impact of contraception on health

Every adult must know how to protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy. The active use of contraceptives as a method of family planning is an important factor in reducing the number of abortions and the associated health risks.

A great influence on the body of a woman is hormonal contraceptives: pills, injections, patches. The negative consequences of taking these contraceptives are associated with the wrong selection of drugs and the lack of consideration of existing contraindications. The hormones that make up them can adversely affect blood clotting, causing a high risk of blood clots.

Also, experts have established some connection between taking hormonal pills and the development of breast and cervical cancer. However, their use significantly reduces the likelihood of ovarian cancer.

Many modern remedies bring undoubted benefits to healthy women. Drugs can improve the quality of the menstrual cycle, regulating it, preventing pain, mood swings.

Choosing the Right Method

A wide range of methods of protection can confuse a woman. When deciding how to prevent pregnancy, it is worth considering the reliability of the remedy, the likely side effects, and the features of use. Here are some conditions that you should pay attention to, giving preference to the most popular methods:

  • In the absence of a regular sexual life or a permanent partner, it is recommended to use condoms. Along with protection from conception, this is the prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Barrier protective equipment (IUD, caps, diaphragms) can only be used by women who have given birth.
  • The choice of hormonal contraceptives should be done together with a specialist (gynecologist or endocrinologist).

A competent approach to the choice of contraception provides effective protection against accidental pregnancy and the associated negative consequences.
