Phases of the moon February haircuts. February haircut lunar calendar

Every girl or woman wants to be beautiful and look attractive, regardless of the season or weather, so they visit salons and hairdressers, where they not only fix their faces or nails, but also make a beautiful hairstyle. But when is the best time to cut or color your hair? The lunar calendar of haircuts for February 2017 is ready to answer this question, where the phases of the moon are detailed, and in what sign of the Zodiac they are.

Also in this article you can find out which days for changing the image will be favorable, and which, on the contrary, will bring sadness and disappointment.

What days are positive for a haircut

The haircut horoscope in February will show you the most suitable dates on which you need to visit a hairdresser in order to be satisfied not only with a new hairstyle, but also with your appearance in general.

It is these favorable days that are February 3-5, 13-14, 19 and 24, when the night luminary will stay in the constellations of Taurus, Sagittarius, Virgo, as well as Gemini and Libra. More unsuccessful days on which it is better to cancel a trip to the hairdresser are those days when the month will be in the sign of Aries, Cancer, Scorpio and Capricorn, namely the 1st, 2nd, 7th, 17th, 22nd, 26th and 28th.

The lunar hair cutting calendar will become a real helper and adviser for you, but do not forget about attentiveness, because if you make a mistake with this or that date, you risk stocking up on negative energy or hiding a failed hairstyle for a long time.

Detailed description of each day of the lunar calendar

If you do not know when to cut your hair in February 2017, then you should carefully study the phases of the moon, and the sign of the Zodiac, which will help you choose the right day for a haircut.


02/01/17 - the month is growing in the sign of Aries, this sign will not improve the condition of your strands in any way, so cutting your hair today is highly not recommended if you do not want to get split ends, as well as face brittleness and loss.

Advice: if you decide today to tint or dye the strands in a different color, this procedure will go as well as possible. Also, do not forget about the procedures for nutrition and hair strengthening, if such services are provided at the hairdresser, feel free to use them.

02/02/17 - the growing month is in the sign of Aries, if you cut your hair today, it will sharpen your intuition, and the density of the strands will also increase. As for coloring, it will give you attractiveness and sexuality.

Style your hair today or pull your hair up into a high bun with some playful curls around your temples. When styling, use cosmetics with wax and collagen.


02/03/17 - the Earth's satellite is growing in the sign of Taurus, so if you do not know if it is possible to cut your hair today, we boldly declare - yes, and as soon as possible. It is during this period that all procedures with hair have a positive effect on their health and condition, strands gain strength, energy and healthy shine.

Make a nourishing mask at home based on chamomile, calendula, kefir or egg yolks, natural ingredients will help thicken and fix the ends so that they do not split and look healthy.

02/04/17 - the moon is growing in the sign of Taurus. Today is a great day to cut your hair, because the influence of the moon during this period is positive and favorable. By changing your hairstyle or hair color, you will feel a surge of strength, self-confidence, as well as piercing glances of the opposite sex.

By cutting your hair on this day, you will get rid of certain diseases, you will be able to get out of depression or a bad mood, so you should not delay the procedure for later. An excellent result will bring painting, as well as procedures for general strengthening of the hair.


02/05/17 - the growing moon in the sign of Gemini. Today, any haircut for long, medium or short hair will succeed, feel free to experiment with style, everyone will appreciate the change in your image.

Make airy and light styling, do not weigh down the strands with elastic bands and hairpins, let your scalp relax a bit and enjoy freedom. Want to get a perm for a long time, but do not know when you can cut your hair and curl it? Today is that happy day when everything works out in the best way!

02/06/17 - the moon is growing in the sign of Gemini. The moon today is absolutely not located for cutting hair, this can be badly displayed not only on your mood, but also on health. As for painting, today is a good day for coloring with henna and other products based on natural ingredients.

If you want your management to praise you for your work today, dye your hair a few shades lighter, and make a high ponytail at the back of your head, which can be twisted a little with a curling iron or with curlers.


02/07/17 - the growing month in the sign of Cancer will negatively affect the result of the haircut, therefore it is not recommended to cut your hair today, it is better to postpone the procedure for tomorrow if you do not want your strands to disobey you and fit poorly. But today, those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who want to reduce close attention and guardianship from relatives and friends can shorten their hair, this will help make the relationship warm and trusting.

If you have dry, thin and weakened strands with split ends, heal them. You can carry out keratin straightening, which will give health and shine, or use lamination services. In addition, homemade decoctions of herbs for rinsing will be no less useful.

02/08/17 - the night luminary is growing in the sign of Cancer. This lunar day will favorably affect the acquisition of financial gain and enrichment, therefore, if you want to attract the energy of money, immediately go to the hairdresser and get a haircut!

Tip: make an unusual, bright and attractive hairstyle that will allow you to become the center of attention not only among men, but also among women. It can be a high ponytail, an attractive and delicate weaving, or a sexy bun at the back of the head.

02/09/17 - the month is growing in the sign of Cancer. After looking at the haircuts according to the lunar calendar, you can be sure that today is a great time to improve your strands, increase your intuition and self-confidence, and also complete some financial matters, maybe even pay off a loan or debts.

Do not dye your hair during this period of time, nothing good will come of it. Give preference to a natural hairstyle or styling in order to attract more positive and favorable energy into your life, both at home and at work.

a lion

02/10/17 - the month is growing under the sign of Leo. This is an auspicious day for cutting hair, after which they will become thick and accelerate their growth. Having visited the hairdresser today, you will successfully do any procedure - haircut, coloring, styling, highlighting or coloring.

As for the perm, you should wait a bit with it, this procedure will not have a very good effect on the general condition of the strands, they will begin to split and will not fit normally. In addition, the curls themselves will not keep their normal shape for a long time, and the hairstyle will fall apart in a month.

February 11, 2017 Full Moon in Leo. A haircut today will do nothing good for their health, brilliance and radiance. To hide from problems and troubles, dye your hair a few shades darker, this will improve your mood.

Tip: in order to gain peace of mind and be enriched with positive energy, the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity should straighten their curls, if they have them, and walk around with long hair for a while.


02/12/17 - even though today the month is decreasing in the sign of Virgo, nevertheless, this will not affect the state of your strands in any way. Today is an auspicious day for cutting and styling, the hair will begin to grow much faster and gain an attractive density. Perm can also be done at will, it is worth noting that the shape of the curls will last for a long period of time, and you will enjoy it.

If you decide to dye your hair, feel free to go to the hairdresser, because today is a great day for this. Do not forget about wellness procedures that can be carried out both in the salon with the help of a good specialist, and at home. But be sure to consider the type of scalp and hair when creating a mask.

02/13/17 is a waning month in the sign of Virgo. If you are wondering if it is possible to cut your hair today, then yes, this is a good time to trim your bangs or split ends. But you should not radically change your hairstyle, as changing it will not give you the opportunity to realize your plans.

Tip: if colleagues at work do not notice you, dyeing the strands in bright red or sandy color will help to increase their importance in the team or among relatives, just make sure that the product is made from natural ingredients and without ammonia, it is better to opt for henna.


02/14/17 is a waning month in the sign of Libra. The astrological forecast for today is positive, you can safely go to the hairdresser, get a haircut, dye or curl your hair, as any procedure with hair will bring you a positive mood, increase your intuition, give you vitality and energy.

Tip: if you wear bangs, then make a hairstyle where the bangs will be its main accent. The ideal option would be a high “Malvinka”, Fishtail, or a high bun at the back of the head. The hairstyle will not only bring you pleasure, but also make you pay close attention to the male representatives.

02/15/17 - the moon today is in the waning phase in the sign of Libra. Today is not the best time to shorten the length, it can adversely affect your physical condition and your health. It is best to color the strands with vegetable dyes or products that do not contain ammonia.

Tip: comb your hair today exactly as many times as you are currently full years old, this will add vitality, energy and health to you. If you want your hair to become thicker and grow faster, make a nourishing mask with natural ingredients.


02/16/17 - if you are wondering whether it is possible to cut your hair today or not during the waning moon in the sign of Scorpio, then it is worth noting that it is advisable to shorten your hair only for those women who have dull, weak and very thin strands. It is on these lunar days that this type of hair will become thicker, acquire vitality, shine, and their growth will accelerate.

Scorpio is a very unstable sign, if you ignore the advice and cut your hair, then your relationship with the opposite sex will deteriorate much, therefore, before taking such a step, think carefully whether the game is worth the candle. You can choose any other day, for this, carefully look at the haircut schedule.

02/17/17 - the month is waning in the sign of Scorpio. If you want to get rid of the ailments that bother you, go for a haircut, but don’t change it too drastically, just cut the tips a couple of centimeters, make a bang or a short flight of stairs. Coloring in light shades will favorably affect your personal life and business at work.

If you want to attract cosmic energy to help you in your new endeavors, style your hair with metal bobby pins, bobby pins, hairpins, or combs. After washing your hair, be sure to rinse the strands with freshly prepared herbal decoction, this will help the skin to relax, which will affect the rapid growth of hair.

02/18/17 - the waning moon in Scorpio. If you don't want your new hairstyle to grow out quickly, then the February 2017 hairstyle horoscope recommends today for a haircut. If you decide to change your hair color at home, then entrust the work to a relative or close person who understands this, so you can attract mutual understanding and support in new affairs or at a new job.

Advice: those of the fair sex who are in a bad mood and do not have a mood can be lifted by perm, or temporary wrapping on curlers or with the help of a styler.


02/19/17 is a waning month in the sign of Sagittarius. If you are interested in what haircut for the days of the week during this period will turn out to be ideal, then you need to know - none. This sign of the zodiac is as unpredictable as Scorpio, so after a haircut, the hair will grow back quickly, and you will not be able to enjoy the perfect shape for a long time, in addition, the hair will become naughty and will not be well settled.

Tip: you should not do a perm today, as it will not please you for a long time, the strands will grow very quickly, which will negatively affect the shape and structure of the curls.

02/20/17 is a waning month in the sign of Sagittarius. Today, cutting your hair means acquiring positive energy and vitality, so if you have not signed up for a hairdresser yet, call and make an appointment with the master.

Tip: Dye your hair chocolate brown if you are looking for a new job, so you will not only find what you are looking for, but also draw the attention of management to your person.


02/21/17 - the waning moon in the sign of Capricorn. Wondering what the moon is for a haircut? Bad! It will negatively affect relationships with relatives, friends and colleagues, so the procedure should be canceled today and rescheduled for a favorable day.

Tip: make a nourishing mask for hair, or rinse your head after washing with herbal decoctions based on natural ingredients.

February 22, 2017 is a waning month in the sign of Capricorn. Haircut today should be postponed if you do not want to fall into depression and sadness. But today is a positive time for dyeing hair in natural light shades.

Tip: you should not do a perm today, as it will please you with a beautiful shape of curls for a very short time.

02/23/17 - the waning moon in Capricorn. Today, a haircut by the moon will help you gain charm and charisma, you will become more successful and noticed among colleagues, your boss will praise you for a job well done.

Tip: you have been dreaming of a radical change in color for a long time, then today is the day when you should do it. The new color will bring prosperity and financial gain into your life.


02/24/17 - the waning moon in the sign of Aquarius. Today you can both cut your hair and radically change your image. Don't be afraid to experiment with new hair lengths, shapes, or colors.

Tip: if you are planning toning, highlighting or coloring, then it will be very successful and will delight you with the result.

02/25/17 is a waning month in the sign of Aquarius. Today, shortening the length of the hair is necessary for internal affirmation and gaining self-confidence. But today you shouldn’t put on makeup if you don’t want to become a debtor and get money problems.


February 26, 2017 New Moon in Pisces. This phase of the moon after a haircut can provoke problems with the scalp, we are talking about dandruff and itching. Curling will not bring anything good, as the hair will quickly straighten and lose its attractive shape.

Tip: do not do any hair treatments at the hairdresser today, it is better to wash them at home, pamper them with a nourishing mask or herbal decoctions.

02/27/17 is a growing month in the sign of Pisces. If you cut the strands today, they will grow faster and become much thicker. As for coloring, for this it is better to opt for those products that do not contain ammonia.

Tip: on this day, you can experiment with shape or length, as well as shades that are unusual for you. If you have been wanting to dye a few bright locks on your hair for a long time - red, plum, pomegranate, purple or other shades, then feel free to go to your dream, the result will please you.


02/28/17 - the growing month in the sign of Aries. Today you can cut your hair for those who want to get rich financially, but for this you should not cut off a couple of centimeters, but significantly change the length. The length of the hair will grow quickly, because the lunar phase will contribute to this.

Tip: let your hair rest, leave it in its natural form - do not curl, straighten or twist into buns.

Money haircuts for February 2017

Many women do not specifically cut their hair, but are waiting for cash haircuts, because they believe that shortening the length during this period will help them improve their well-being and increase their financial situation.


In our article, you can find out not only what days you can promote hair growth or increase their density, but also get acquainted with money haircuts in February 2017. So, you can get rich with the help of a new hairstyle on such days of February - the 3rd, 9th, 17th, 18th and 28th.

We hope our article was useful for you and gave you answers to your questions about haircuts, dyeing, curling or toning. Be beautiful no matter what day of the month it is!

The lunar calendar will tell you the most favorable days for a haircut and a haircut. His recommendations will help not only make hair healthier, but also strengthen energy.

Changes in life for the better depend on many factors, including hairstyles. The recommendations of Natalia Pravdina will help to attract good luck with the help of various hair manipulations. In order for the haircut and image change to be positive, use the recommendations of the lunar calendar. Thanks to his advice, you can attract the attention of the right people, achieve success and gain confidence in yourself and your abilities.

3 and 4 February: one of the most successful days for going to the salon. The influence of Taurus and the energy of the growing Moon allow you to carry out any manipulations with hair. A new image will bring a lot of positive emotions, and compliments and admiration for your image will have a positive effect on energy. A haircut will restore lost strength to your hair and accelerate its growth, and a new hairstyle will emphasize your attractiveness and self-confidence.

February 5 and 6: on this day, the influence of Gemini favorably affects the change of hairstyle. Hair on this day is obedient, so you can even decide on a radical update. Voluminous and extravagant hairstyles will emphasize your individuality and give you strength for decisive actions in working moments. Unusual weaving and French braids will also attract good luck. February 6 is suitable for experiments and waving. Curls will soften and rejuvenate facial features, allowing you to tune in to a romantic mood.

February 8: a visit to the hairdresser is possible if the meeting has been scheduled in advance. Hair will become stronger and healthier, but the result of the hairstyle may not satisfy you. On this day, it is better to limit yourself to a small medical haircut, shortening the tips. Manipulation will prevent hair loss and prevent their cross section.

February 9 and 10: a visit to the hairdresser will satisfy the most demanding customers. On this day, a change of hairstyle will attract the attention of the opposite sex and help develop new or existing relationships. Your beauty and new image will not leave anyone indifferent. The work of a hairdresser will bring a lot of pleasant moments, and the result will exceed expectations.

February 11 and 12: these days are best suited for healing procedures. Useful masks and balms on the Full Moon will gain additional strength, and the effect of them will be long-term. On February 12, you can try the hair lamination procedure to give them a healthy and well-groomed look.

February 15 and 16: these days are favorable for a new hairstyle, but hair after a haircut will slow down its growth. If you are satisfied with this state of affairs, feel free to go to the hairdresser and trust his experience. A hairstyle made on February 15 will emphasize your beauty, as well as help get rid of doubts and overcome stress.

February 19 and 20: The Moon in Sagittarius will help you achieve success at work, as well as rapid career growth. On this day, a radical change of hairstyle will bring moral satisfaction and will be the key to financial success. On February 20, your new look will emphasize your business spirit and help you solve important problems.

February 21, 22 and 23: hairdressing services are possible, but a radical change in hairstyle and hair length is undesirable. The waning Moon in Capricorn slows down hair growth, but gives them strength and makes them obedient. Choose a hairstyle that will bring you good luck.

24 February: the influence of Aquarius will give optimism and good mood. On this day, any manipulation of the hair will bring the desired result. An asymmetrical haircut or hair milling will help to increase the tone.

To decide on the color of your hair and become even more attractive, recommendations on the Zodiac Sign will help you. The lunar calendar wishes you to always remain beautiful and spectacular. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

26.01.2017 05:07

Beautiful hair not only decorates and gives the fair sex femininity, but also attracts happiness...

Every woman gets her hair cut, dyed, or styled at least once a month or two, so it's important to pick the right day to do your hair. After all, it is no secret that the course of life situations, fateful events and even our mood and health depend on the location of the stars and planets. We are ready to reveal favorable and unfavorable days for hair in this article.

Haircut for 2017 February is a month according to the lunar calendar:

01.02.2017 On this day, it is undesirable to do haircuts and dye your hair. Hair manipulations can characterize the appearance of financial difficulties and unpleasant emotional experiences.

02.02.2017 Again not the best day for a haircut. Haircut procedures can affect well-being and health. Immunity may decrease.

03.02.2017 A good day to work on hair, care for them. On this day, the process of improving the image will bear fruit, a little financial success awaits you. Coloring will also have a beneficial effect on mood and character. You will feel a little more confident.

04.02.2017 It is quite an auspicious day for creating a stylish haircut. The hair after such a procedure will become healthy and shiny.

05.02.2017 You can cut and dye your hair, an auspicious day after which you will gain confidence and good luck.

06.02.2017 An excellent day for hair manipulations, coloring - all procedures will successfully affect your affairs, the nervous system will be restored.

07.02.2017 On this day, you should not cut your hair and color, otherwise you can invite unpleasant situations into the house. It is desirable to carry out cleansing procedures using soft components.

08.02.2017 Attractiveness, sociability and sex appeal will definitely appear if you sign up for a beauty salon on this day. A good day for a variety of hair services.

09.02.2017 Not a bad day for haircuts, luck will turn to you if she has not been favorable to you recently.

10.02.2017 You should not trust the hairdresser today, as pressure drops are possible, as well as exacerbation of phobias.

11.02.2017 You should not experiment with hair color and haircuts today. Not exactly a good time, the stars can open the way to unpleasant situations.

12.02.2017 17 LD (lunar day), a neutral day for a haircut. If you decide to go to a beauty salon, then there is a chance to increase the level of the immune system.

13.02.2017 Bad day for hair coloring, haircuts and. You may not like the result, the condition of the hair will worsen.

14.02.2017 Neutral day for hair manipulation.

15.02.2017 A harmonious day to create a stylish hairstyle and haircut. Things will go up if you trust the hairdresser that day.

16.02.2017 Not a very positive day for hair treatment. It is better to wait until February 17, 2017, when the auspicious day comes.

17.02.2017 A great day for haircuts, coloring and image change. Become a seductress on this day.

18.02.2017 If you visit a beauty salon on this day, you can get good luck, a bright and eventful life.

19.02.2017 An unfavorable day for hair manipulation, do not take risks, do not tempt fate.

20.02.2017 Hold off with haircuts, better make a hair mask and treat them. After the winter, the hair lost its silkiness, became brittle and lifeless, it is necessary to restore their structure.

21.02.2017 Auspicious day for a change of image and haircut. Get a haircut on this day and attract good luck and career growth. Creating beautiful hairstyles and braids will favorably affect the course of future events.

22.02.2017 Do not cut your hair on this day, your health and well-being may deteriorate.

23.02.2017 An ideal day for hair manipulation, you can not only cut your hair, but also dye it. Any experiments with hair will benefit.

24.02.2017 Creating a new image will lead to an improvement in the condition of the hair, they will become obedient. You can only paint in light shades.

25.02.2017 A good day to change haircuts, hairstyles. You can leave the old hairstyle, but slightly update the bangs and trim the ends of the hair. A good time to take care of your hair - lifting and lamination will benefit.

26.02.2017 Unlucky day, it is better to leave the idea of ​​​​a visit to the beauty salon today and reschedule the appointment to a more positive time.

27.02.2017 Take care of other things on February 27, just not cutting and dyeing your hair.

28.02.2017 Neutral day, it all depends on your timing. Going to the salon will not affect the fate and mood in any way. You can dye your hair, preferably in a dark color.

Adhering to the lunar calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for hair cutting in February 2017, you can attract good luck, prosperity, wealth, health and love.

The right time for coloring will help your hair gain strength and become more manageable. Using the tips of the lunar calendar, you can easily attract good luck by changing your image.

By caring for your hair in accordance with the lunar phases, you not only add attractiveness to yourself, but also strengthen your energy. The coloring calendar will tell you the best time to visit a hairdresser or home treatments, among which the application of firming masks and balms is especially effective.

February 1-3: visiting a salon these days and lightening your hair to a light blonde will bring good luck and help in attracting finances. To enhance the effect, you can highlight with lighter tones or dye your hair using the ombre or shatush technique. These styles are especially suitable for dark-haired beauties.

February 4-5: the growing Moon in Gemini allows you to experiment with your appearance. A change of color will bring a good mood, as well as positive charge for the whole month. During this period, it is better to dye your hair 1-2 tones darker or lighter. A great mood will help you choose the best color for your charming look.

February 6: one of the best days for drastic changes. Gemini affects the structure of the hair and gives them additional strength. At this time, the hair is not afraid of chemical exposure, so dyeing, highlighting and waving will give you real pleasure.

February 7: under the influence of Cancer and the growing Moon, you should pay attention to lightening. Colors of all shades of blond will bring balance to life and stabilize the emotional background. Blondes are going to be all the rage this month, so be brave and pick your style.

February 8: this day should be illuminated with therapeutic staining with natural paints. Henna and basma will give the hair vitality and strengthen it. For those whose hair needs extra care, healing masks will be extremely useful.

February 9-11: This time is favorable for attracting financial flows. Consult with a stylist and choose a golden shade that is in harmony with your image. It will attract good luck and help you achieve your goals.

12th of February: The waning Moon in Virgo favors a radical change in image. Bright colors will attract everyone's attention and make you irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex. All shades of red and rich chestnut colors will help you focus on your inner world and decide on the choice of a partner.

February 13-16: dyeing should be treated with caution: aggressive chemical compounds can greatly damage the health and beauty of the hair. Give preference to paint made from natural ingredients.

February 17: The Moon in Scorpio allows you to resort to coloring. Positive energy and a great mood will help you decide on the color of your hair and the shape of your future hairstyle. The stars are advised to cast aside doubts and fulfill an old dream. If you are not afraid of bold decisions, then even a bright blue hair color will not scare away good luck, but, on the contrary, will attract positive changes to your life.

February 18-19: these two days are good for returning to your color. Light highlighting will also have a positive effect on energy and bring stability to life.

February 20-22: the influence of Sagittarius and Capricorn in the best way affect the painting and changing hairstyles. These days, light colors are preferable - they will attract kind and sincere people into your life. Light brown shades will help to achieve significant success in work.

February 23-25: the lunar calendar recommends planning a trip to the stylist on these dates - they are favorable even for cardinal changes. An unusual haircut and dyeing will emphasize the natural beauty, and personal charm will allow you to achieve unprecedented heights.

February 26-28: the action of Aries allows you to resort to experiments and prepare for the meeting of the first spring month. Warm light colors will help to cheer up and wake up from hibernation. Coloring in colors close to your natural shade will bring harmony and tranquility to your life.

To choose the most favorable day to change your image and create a spectacular and harmonious look, take a look at the haircut lunar calendar. Do not forget that the mood also affects the appearance, and do not let negative emotions overwhelm you. Smile more often, be irresistible and do not forget to press the buttons and

26.01.2017 06:06

Hair cutting is not only a way to get rid of split ends, but also an opportunity to attract...

Recommendations and tips for the Lunar calendar for cutting, curling, coloring, depilation and hair removal in February 2017

Tips and advice for cutting, curling, depilating, epilating and coloring your hair

When visiting a hairdresser, have you noticed that haircut, made by the same master, is ideal and does not require styling, but can cause a lot of inconvenience. Sometimes, after a haircut, the hair lies well, and sometimes it is not possible to cope with it. Sometimes they grow quickly, and sometimes they grow very slowly. To be satisfied with the haircut, visit the hairdresser on days when Moon is in Leo or Virgo. haircut these days it's good to do like on the growing, and on the waning moon, but better - on a growing one. If you cut your hair in the days of Leo, the hair will look thick. If a to get a haircut in the days of Virgo, they will grow back faster and will keep their shape perfectly. You can get a haircut on other days of the growing moon, with the exception of the signs of Pisces and Cancer. Haircut on the waning moon keeps the hair in good condition, but they will grow slowly.

Bad for hair waning moon haircut in Capricorn, as well as a haircut on the days of Cancer and Pisces in any phase. If you make a haircut on a bad day, the hair will lie badly, grow for a long time, may begin to fall out, dandruff may appear in them, they split faster and become thinner. It is very harmful to cut hair on the waning Moon in Aries - they will fall out quickly and strongly! It is also harmful to have a haircut on the days of Gemini.

hair waving successfully passes at any phase in the days of Virgo. Any days of any phase are also suitable, except for the days of Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. If you curl your hair during Leo days, the curl will be too strong, because these days the hair curls itself. In the days of Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio, Aquarius, in any phase, you should not curl your hair, as it will look lifeless, dull, and will begin to split and break.

Hair coloring better to do with the growing moon, the paint will last longer. If you dye your hair on a waning moon, the color will wash off faster. If you want to check whether this or that color really suits you, use a coloring shampoo instead of paint. It will wash off after a few times, and you will see if the color suits you or not.

Depilation and epilation

There are many ways to remove hair and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Laser and photoepilation, hot wax is an effective method but painful, a razor has more advantages. When choosing a method for hair removal, keep in mind that hair removed on the growing moon grows faster. You can shave them off in the morning, and by the evening they will have grown back quite a bit. If you remove them on the growing Moon in Leo or Virgo, they will not only grow back faster, but also become even thicker and thicker. It is best to remove hair on the waning moon in Capricorn. And also on any other days of the waning moon, except for the signs of Virgo and Leo.

We bring to your attention:

Conception calendar (pregnancy). The conception calendar will help calculate the probability of conception, the nature of the pregnancy and the predicted gender of the unborn child, depending on the date and time of proximity.

Wedding calendar (marriage). Personal wedding calendar - the reliability and durability of the marriage union, well-being and psychological climate in the family largely depend on the date of the wedding. In marriage, the initial astrological situation affects the further course of life. Therefore, use the wedding calendar and choose the most suitable date and time for this. Regardless of the position of the Moon in the Signs of the Zodiac and the auspiciousness of the lunar day, marriage is unacceptable during all fasts, on the eve or during church holidays, Christmas time, Shrovetide, etc.
