How to give your hair a natural golden color. Golden hue using traditional methods

Rarely is a woman happy with her natural color hair. You always want to correct, or even radically change, what nature has given. And the modern beauty industry provides such an opportunity. Permanent paints for hair can quickly give it beautiful shade, turning you from, say, a brunette to a radiant blonde. The only problem is that even the best dyes are harmful to hair because they contain aggressive chemical components. " Good alternative permanent paints— tint products that do not penetrate deep into the hair shaft, but only envelop it, remaining on the scales and under them, says Irina Arkhagova, master stylist of a beauty salon “ Golden ratio" — Hydrogen peroxide is not used in such preparations, therefore natural pigment does not wash out of hair. You can strengthen your natural shade or make it a few shades darker. But, unfortunately, such products cannot radically lighten hair. They can only give any light nuance already bleached hair.”

Toning products also help care for curls: they contain vitamins, natural oils and plant extracts. Tint products are available in the form of paints, balms, tonics, masks and shampoos. Be careful with the latter: shampoos have alkaline environment and with frequent, and even more so incorrect use, you can dry out your hair. “It is recommended to do tinting once a month or 2 weeks after using permanent paint if you need to refresh the color,” says Irina Arkhagova. — If you notice that your colored hair has become drier and duller, add intensely moisturizing balms and masks to your care. And here nutrients Don’t get carried away - they wash out the coloring pigments from the hair.”

Natural dyes

You can give your hair a beautiful shade using vegetable dyes. They not only change color, but also make hair healthier and accelerate growth. Natural products are suitable for curls in any condition; they are not capable of harming the hair. They are also distinguished by their durability and naturalness of shades.

* Golden tone Common hops, fallen birch leaves, calendula or juniper berries will add hair to your hair.

* Straw color curls can be obtained using yarrow and barley sprouts.

* Chestnut palette will provide dyes from the shell walnut, buckthorn bark, nettle, sea buckthorn.

* Red-golden shades will be given to the hair by chamomile, onion peel and cranberry.

But there is one more important nuance. « Natural dyes It’s better to use if you don’t use industrial ones,” says Irina Arkhagova. - Any dyed hair is damaged to one degree or another and can settle on the scales. If you use permanent or tinted products again, there is a high risk that the resulting color will be far from the desired one, because... particles vegetable paint will slow down or even completely change the chemical reaction.”

Recipes natural dyes for hair

- Buckthorn bark decoction

Gives hair a dark brown tint.

1 tbsp. buckthorn bark, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes until the composition acquires a reddish-brown color. Strain it and cool it. Then apply to clean, dried hair and rinse with water after 30 minutes.

- Nettle decoction

Gives hair a chestnut tint.

Pour 400 g of dry crushed nettle into 2.5 liters of warm water and put on fire for 4 hours. After the water has boiled away, the volume of paint should be approximately 2 liters. Cool the resulting mixture and strain. Before tinting, mix one part of the dye with 1/4 part table vinegar. Apply the composition to dry hair and do not rinse until completely dry. Nettle dye can be used daily until the shade of the desired intensity is obtained.

- A decoction of fallen birch leaves

Prepare a composition for dyeing according to the recipe for dry nettle dye. Apply the resulting product to clean, dried hair for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

- Decoction of onion peel

Gives hair a golden hue.

Pour 100 g of onion peel into 1 liter hot water and boil for 30 minutes. Then let it brew for half an hour and strain. Moisten clean, dried hair with the prepared mixture, leave for half an hour and rinse the curls.

- Rhubarb decoction

Gives hair a light brown tint.

Pour 150 g of rhubarb into 0.5 liters of water and boil to half volume. Strain the resulting mixture and cool. Apply to clean, dried hair for 20-30 minutes and rinse.

- Decoction of acorn shells

Gives hair a black tint.

Pour 1 liter of acorn shells from 1 kg cold water, bring to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes. Then strain and cool. Apply the resulting composition to your hair until the desired shade is obtained.

Dye your hair with tinted or natural tinting compounds, and your curls will be healthy and beautiful.

Hair coloring with folk remedies:
Considering the importance of the allergic problem when using cosmetics associated with the use of chemical paints, it is useful to Once again remember what nature gives us.

Vegetable dyes are absolutely harmless; in addition, when used correctly, they strengthen hair, improve its texture and growth, and eliminate dandruff. However, vegetable dyes are not capable of lightening hair; they can only give it a “living” shine, coloring it from light brown to black, depending on the type of dye.
If anyone doesn't know, give your hair desired shade you can use henna, basma, rhubarb, chamomile, onion peels, green walnut peel juice, coffee powder.

Henna dyeing:
Henna is an environmentally friendly herbal product (consists entirely of crushed young leaves of the medicinal subtropical plant Lawsonia inermis).
It has remarkable properties: improves the structure and prevents hair loss, strengthens hair roots, eliminates dandruff and itching. Smoothes hair and makes it easier to comb. Especially recommended for hypersensitivity to chemical components regular paints for hair.
Natural henna is the ideal remedy for coloring, stimulating growth, conditioning and adding shine to hair. You can also use colorless henna, directly to strengthen hair.

Preparation: Place 25-50 g of henna (depending on the length of the hair) in a convenient earthenware or plastic bowl and, gradually adding hot water (90-100 degrees), knead until a homogeneous mass (mush) is obtained. Apply the slightly cooled mixture evenly with a brush onto pre-washed and towel-dried hair and put on an insulating cap. After the dyeing time selected from the table has expired, rinse your hair well with warm water.
The use of soap and shampoo for washing your hair is recommended 3 days after coloring.

Original color
Dyeing time
Expected color
Light brown
5-30 minutes
To light chestnut
Light brown
20-30 minutes
Until chestnut
Dark blond
30-50 minutes
To copper
Dark brown
50-60 minutes
To dark chestnut
The proposed table is approximate; the resulting color depends on the structure, thickness and original color of the hair. When dyeing with henna, the palette of shades obtained is varied: from reddish to dark brown. To obtain a darker color (dark chestnut or black), henna is recommended to be used in a mixture with basma.

Henna dyeing in combination with basma:
Basma is an environmentally friendly plant product containing biologically active substances and natural vitamins (consists entirely of crushed young leaves of the medicinal subtropical plant Indigofera Argentea).
Basma natural is ideal natural remedy for hair coloring dark colors(from light chestnut to black). Used in combination with henna.
Has wonderful cosmetic properties: stimulates growth and gives natural shine hair, improves its structure and strengthens the roots, eliminates dandruff. Smoothes hair and makes it easier to comb.
Especially recommended if you are hypersensitive to the chemical components of conventional hair dyes.

If you take equal parts of henna and basma, you will get a chestnut tone. A 1:2 ratio of henna and basma will give a darker, almost black color. A bronze shade can be achieved by mixing 2 parts of henna and 1 part of basma.

Henna and basma powder are brewed hot water until it reaches the consistency of a paste and stir thoroughly so that there are no lumps. You will get a beautiful shade if you use an infusion instead of water. natural coffee. When warm, the paste is applied to the hair, dividing it into partings. To avoid staining the skin of your hands, first put on latex gloves.

Before applying henna, it is better to wash oily hair with shampoo; dry hair can be washed without shampoo after dyeing. The mixture of henna and basma is kept for 1 to 1.5-2 hours, depending on what color you want to get. For coloring gray hair, the time should be increased to 2.5-3 hours.
However, women are so accustomed to using overseas henna that they have forgotten about other hair coloring products.

Hair lightening:
For light hair, take 100 grams of dried chamomile flowers, for dark hair - 200. Brew it in 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Leave in a sealed container for about an hour, then strain. A little wet hair(immediately after washing your hair) moisten generously with the resulting infusion. Don't wipe. Let your hair dry. Wet them like this every day for two weeks. Until you get the desired shade.
Get a beautiful golden hue blonde hair, if you rinse them with chamomile infusion with glycerin: brew 100 g of chamomile flowers with ½ liter of boiling water, leave for about an hour, filter and add 3 g of glycerin.

I recommend several more complex hair lightening recipes, which also include chamomile:
Recipe 1: you will need 200 g of chamomile, 100 g Iranian henna, 400 g of vodka and 300 water.
Chamomile needs to be infused in vodka for a week. Dilute henna with hot water and leave for 1-1.5 hours. Then pour the cooled solution into the unstrained chamomile tincture and leave for another 1.5-2 weeks. Ready mixture strain, squeezing out the remainder. Moisten pre-washed hair with the mixture and leave for 30-40 minutes.
Recipe 2: you will need 10 g of long tea, 50 g of chamomile, 40 g of Iranian henna, 2 glasses of vodka and 1 glass of water.
Pour water into a saucepan and heat it to boiling temperature. Add tea, chamomile, henna in the required quantities and boil for 5 minutes. Then cool. Add vodka and leave for 2-3 days. Strain and squeeze out the rest. Application is similar to the above in the 1st recipe.
Recipe 3: Infuse 150 g of chamomile in 0.5 liters of vodka for 2 weeks. Then strain and add 50 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The method of application is the same.
Recipe 4: (for dark hair): take 100 g of chamomile and pour 1.5 cups of boiling water. Leave for 40-60 minutes, then strain. Add 50 ml of 30% hydrogen peroxide to the infusion. Use as in recipe 1.

Hair coloring with onion peel decoction:
If your hair is dyed with onion scales, it becomes brighter. golden tone. To do this, boil the peels of 2-3 onions in 200-250 g of water for 20-25 minutes, then strain the broth.
Every day, use a cotton swab to lubricate your hair with the infusion until the desired shade is obtained. At the same time, even White hair. For more intense staining, this procedure should be carried out for a long time.

To tint light gray hair, another way to use a decoction of onion peels is recommended: pour 25 g of onion peels into a glass of water and boil for 15 minutes, filter, add 10 g of glycerin and lubricate the hair daily.

Hair coloring with white willow:
People call it willow grass. Take 10-20 grams of dry willow bark. Chop it finely and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil under a tightly closed lid for 30 minutes over low heat. Then strain. Wet your hair (without drying it with a towel) for 2-3 weeks until the desired golden color is achieved.

Hair coloring with linden:
Linden will help give blonde hair a wonderful brown tint. Prepare a decoction of linden twigs and leaves. For this, 5 tbsp. Boil tablespoons of finely chopped twigs and leaves of the plant in 1.5 cups of water until 1 cup of liquid remains. Wet your hair generously with a cotton swab or brush until the desired color appears.

Walnut hair dye:
Anyone who has collected walnuts knows that their shells are “wrapped” in a green peel, after removing which it is very difficult to wash your hands off. brown spots. But few people know that a tincture from this peel can give light brown and dark brown hair a magnificent chestnut hue.

There are several recipes to choose from:
1. Pour 15 g of crushed peel into 50 g of water, add 25 g of burnt alum and 75 g olive oil. Stir well and let the mixture brew over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Rinse your washed hair with the tincture and let it dry.

2. Boil the green walnut peel with 1 liter of water (over low heat) until 2/3 of the original volume remains. Use the same as in the previous recipe.

3. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of juice squeezed from green walnut peels and mix with 100 ml of alcohol. Lubricate your hair with the resulting mixture. Especially suitable for oily hair.

4. Pour water (1-1.5 l) over the green walnut skins and boil for 3-4 hours until a dark brown liquid is obtained. Then strain the resulting mixture and evaporate it until a thick extract is formed. Add oils to it (in a ratio of 1:2) and, stirring, simmer over low heat until the water evaporates. Cool and store in a cool place.

5. There's another one good recipe using green walnut juice. You need to make a tincture from them: take 50 g of water, 75 g butter, 25 g of alum and 10-15 g of crushed green nut shells.
You can lubricate your hair with nut tincture with a brush and leave the mixture for 40 minutes, then rinse your hair thoroughly with warm water and rinse it with water with the addition of vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of warm water).
Typically, this remedy is successfully used for graying hair.

6. The recipe is easier to follow: finely chop the green walnut peel using a meat grinder (or grater), dilute it with water to a paste consistency and apply to hair for 15-20 minutes. If you work with your hands, it is better to use latex gloves to protect the skin of your hands.

7. 150 g walnuts, 4 tbsp. l. olive oil, 50 ml water.
Chop the nuts, add olive oil, stir and add water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and continue heating over low heat for 20 minutes. Wait until coloring composition cool and distribute evenly throughout hair, starting from the roots. Comb your hair first with a fine comb, then with a sparse one. You shouldn't cover your head. After 20-30 minutes, rinse your hair with plenty of warm water.
To obtain a dark chestnut color, you can use an infusion of leaves or green walnut shell. The intensity of the shade depends on the proportions - the more water, the weaker the color.

Hair coloring using tea leaves:
Can change hair color and also improve it appearance and black long tea. Science has long known its tonic and healing properties.
If you regularly moisten your fair hair and dark blond hair strongly brewed tea infusion, they will acquire a reddish-brown tint. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of tea into a glass of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Let it brew. Rinse your hair with this decoction.

Gray hair will be well dyed brown or chestnut if you do the following: prepare strong brewed tea (infuse 1 teaspoon of tea leaves for 30-40 minutes under a lid in 1/4 cup of boiling water and then strain).
Mix with the same volume of cocoa powder or instant coffee, stir thoroughly and immediately apply the fresh mixture to your hair. Place a cellophane cosmetic cap on your head and wrap it up terry towel. After 1-1.5 hours, you need to rinse your hair with acidified water.

This coloring is short-lived, but will allow you to well camouflage gray hair for several days.

Nettle - gray hair is wonderfully dark:
Pour 100 g of nettle into 1 liter of water and leave for a day. Rub the resulting infusion with the herb into the scalp. Do not wash off for 2-2.5 hours, then rinse your hair with warm water without shampoo. After 1.5 months of daily rubbing, you will see hair growing at the roots with almost no gray hair, dark ash color.

Do you think in the old days women had nothing to dye their hair with? I was very surprised...

They had natural dyes - henna, basma, rhubarb, chamomile, tea, green walnut shells, nut kernels, onion peels, black poplar buds and leaves, linden flowers...

When talking about natural hair coloring, where should you start? First of all, from the fact that hair coloring with vegetable dyes is harmless.

Using these dyes you can get various shades hair. But it should just be noted that natural dyes can act differently depending on your natural hair color, its thickness and individual susceptibility.

So, where do we start?


Chamomile is especially good for lightening hair. It will make your hair manageable and shiny. Chamomile is best used for oily hair, as well as for coloring gray hair.

Gray hair

It is enough to brew 1 glass of dried chamomile flowers with 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, then add 3 tablespoons of glycerin. Next, apply the composition to your hair, put a plastic cap on your head and wrap it with a towel for insulation. After an hour, wash off. Gray hair will have a golden tint.

How to lighten hair with chamomile?

To do this, pour 150g of dried flowers into 0.5l of vodka, leave for 2 weeks, strain and squeeze. To enhance the lightening, you can add 50g of hydrogen peroxide to the composition (as you can see, there is some chemical involved). Apply the composition to the hair and leave for 30 - 40 minutes, then rinse with water and shampoo. The hair will turn golden.

If your hair is blond,

Use chamomile as a rinse after every hair wash. Your hair will also turn golden.

What if the hair is dark?

Then brew 1 cup of dried flowers with 1.5 cups of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain, then add 50g of hydrogen peroxide. Now apply the composition to clean, dry hair, leave for 30-40 minutes and rinse with water and shampoo. Your dark hair will lighten.

You can dye your hair with a mixture of chamomile, henna and tea.

Heat 400g of water to a boil and add 10g of black tea, 50g of chamomile, 40g of henna. Boil for 5 minutes, then let cool, add 200g of vodka, leave for 2 - 3 days. Then strain the mixture and squeeze out the rest. Moisten your hair with this mixture and leave without drying for 30 - 40 minutes, then wash with shampoo.

Onion peels for hair coloring

Onion peel useful remedy for hair, with which you can not only color, but also strengthen your hair and get rid of dandruff. A special compound was found in onion skins - quercetin, which colors hair in orange-reddish shades. You can simply rinse your hair with its decoction.

Blonde hair

You can dye it a dark chestnut shade if you wipe your hair every day with a strong decoction of onion peels.

If you want your blond hair to become bright golden, wipe it every day with a weak decoction of onion peels.

Gray hair on dark hair.

Use a strong decoction of onion peels. Pour half a glass of husk with a glass of boiling water, boil for 20 minutes, strain, add 2 teaspoons of glycerin. You need to wipe your hair with this mixture every day until you see the result.

Tea for hair coloring

Tea leaves contain the same compound, quercetin, as onion skins. The tea gives a reddish-brown hue.

To prepare the paint, just boil 2-3 tablespoons of tea in 200 grams of water for 15-20 minutes and let it brew. And then use it in the same way as onion peels, that is, the resulting tincture can either rinse your hair or apply it to your hair, leave it for some time, then rinse with warm water.

Gray hair

You need to brew 4 teaspoons of black tea in 1/4 glass of water. Boil this tea leaves for another 40 minutes over low heat, strain and add 4 teaspoons of cocoa or instant coffee. Stir the mixture until smooth. Apply to hair with a brush, then put a plastic cap on your head and wrap your head in a towel for insulation. Leave the mixture on your hair for one hour, then rinse with warm water.

Gray hair will turn straw-yellow if you rinse it with strong brewed black tea after each wash!

Hair coloring with rhubarb is a fairly ancient method.

This plant contains orange-yellow chrysophanic acid, which will give your hair golden tones. Depending on the color of your hair, you may end up with straw-yellow or light brown shades. Rhubarb roots no less three years old dig up in the spring, chop and dry in the shade. If this is very difficult, buy a ready-made one at the pharmacy.

For short hair you will need 10g, for long ones - 20g,

for very long ones - 30g of dry rhubarb.

Pour the crushed root into 200g of cold water, boil for 15 - 20 minutes, stirring all the time so as not to burn. A thick mass is formed. It needs to be cooled and allowed to brew a little. Sometimes a pinch of baking soda is added to give it a dark brown tint. Rhubarb infusion is added to pure henna to bright color, inherent in henna, has become more subdued. In this case, the proportions are observed - 30g of rhubarb powder and 70g of henna powder.

If you have blond hair,

and you want light brown with a golden or copper tint, then after washing your hair, rinse your hair with the following mixture: pour 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed rhubarb roots with 1 glass of cold water, put on fire and boil for 15-20 minutes with constant stirring, then cool and strain.

If you want to dye your blond hair light brown, then add a little dry white wine or apple cider vinegar(100 g of wine or vinegar per 0.5 liter of water). The entire composition is brought to a boil, then kept over low heat until half the solution is obtained. Only clean hair should be rinsed after washing.

For normal or oily hair.

For getting light brown You can use another recipe: crush 200 g of rhubarb (leaves and roots) and boil in 0.5 liters of white grape wine until half the original volume is obtained.

Gray hair.

If you use rhubarb to color gray hair, you will get a light brown tint.


Walnut has long been used for hair coloring. In this case, you can get different chestnut shades. To do this, collect green walnut peel; it can be used either fresh or dried.

To make your hair brown,

mix 0.5 cups olive oil, 1 tbsp. spoon of alum and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped walnut peel. The entire composition is poured with 1/4 cup of boiling water and placed on low heat for 15 minutes, after which it is cooled and wrung out. Apply to hair for 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water. You must apply it with a brush, otherwise your fingers will become stained.

And this recipe gives the most lasting results.

2 tablespoons of green walnut peel per 100 g of alcohol. We get chestnut color. It should be kept on the hair for 10 - 30 minutes.

Another paint option:

Boil 100 g of green walnut peel in 1 liter of water to 2/3 of the original volume, then apply to hair and keep for about 20-40 minutes.


They dyed their hair with linden back in Ancient Rus'. This coloring not only colors but also strengthens the hair. Linden colors hair chestnut or brown.

Let's look at a few recipes.

Pour 1.5 tablespoons of linden flowers into 1.5 glasses of water, put on low heat and stir constantly until 100 ml of water evaporates. There should be about 1 cup of broth left. Then cool the broth and strain. Apply the resulting liquid to your hair and leave until the desired shade is obtained.

You can make a decoction from linden twigs and leaves. Prepare the mixture and use it in the same way as in the first recipe. Get brown.


Coffee contains many coloring compounds, so it can also be used to color hair.

The easiest way

Brew strong coffee and rinse your hair after washing your hair, after which you do not need to rinse with water. Your hair will take on a new shade.

If your hair is brown,

you can get a rich chestnut color.

To do this, take 4 teaspoons of ground coffee, add 1 glass of water and boil for 5 minutes. After the coffee has cooled a little, add 1 packet of henna into it. Mix everything and apply to hair along the entire length. Now put on a plastic cap and an insulating towel on top. Depending on the desired shade, hold the mixture for 10 to 40 minutes.

Which natural remedies can it still be used?


Take 3 - 4 tablespoons of cocoa, mix with 25g of henna and brew according to the technology indicated on the henna bag. Apply to clean hair for 20 - 30 minutes. This way you can get a mahogany shade on dark hair.

Blackberry juice

will give your hair a reddish-brown tint. This is the easiest coloring method - apply the juice to clean, dry hair and leave for at least 1 hour. Be careful, blackberry juice may remain on your hands and clothes.

Spruce bark will dye your hair black.

To do this, grind the spruce bark into powder, brew it with boiling water and apply it to your hair. It must be kept for at least 1 hour.

Sage decoction

4 tbsp. Brew spoons of dry sage with a glass of water. If you apply the infusion to the roots of your hair every day, even gray hair will be colored. Sage dyes hair dark.

Lemon juice

You can lighten your hair with this. To do this, press lemon juice, mix it in a 50:50 ratio with vodka, apply to damp, clean hair, then dry your hair in the sun, as the ancient Romans did. Afterwards, wash your hair with warm water. This method should not be used by those with dry hair.

As for such remedies as henna and basma, this is a separate topic that should be discussed further.))

Look here at the shades -

Adalind Koss

The golden hue of curls is still relevant. All women like these shimmers. You can get the desired shade at home without spending a lot of money going to the salon.

It is worth noting that the variety of shades of gold is great. They come in both dark and light curls. For brown-haired women, this color is amber and golden chestnut, a shade hazelnut, mocha. For fair-haired girls - light brown and beige. Each paint like this has golden notes. They give curls a healthy glow and freshness.

Golden hue using traditional methods

Get the golden hue you want at home traditional ways not difficult. Modern cosmetology produces a lot of paints. Just buy it in the store suitable shade. But remember that you won’t be able to get golden blonde from black hair in one go. Several steps will be required and the process will take 3 months. First it is required, and after 2 weeks use paint. You will get an intermediate shade. After another 2 weeks, painting is done again. If the desired tone is not achieved, then you need to dye your hair again. You must wait at least 2 weeks between manipulations, otherwise your hair will suffer.

The simplest option is to dye your hair with chemical dye with the desired shade. If similar method unacceptable, turn to folk remedies.

If taken radical measures undesirable, but you want to give your curls a golden shine, then use tinted tonics. They are sold in stores and are available for all hair colors. This shampoo should not differ from your shade by more than 2 tones. Otherwise, the result will be invisible. The shampoo is used as follows:

Using regular shampoo;
apply tint;
let the product act on the curls for the time specified in the instructions;
wash off the tint.

This effect lasts for 1.5-2 weeks, it all depends on the frequency of hair washing. If the tone fades, use the tint again.

The most annoying thing after lightening your hair is that your hair looks like straw. For getting delicate shade gold and maintaining healthy curls, use following tips for blondes.

To begin, choose the tone of the lightening paint. Not worth taking warm colors type of rose or peach tree. Home use such paint will result in a reddish tint. Ash shadethe best choice. But if your skin is too pale, this tone will give it a ghostly tint.

When starting the dyeing process, do not forget that the skin generates heat. Because of this, the roots are dyed faster, so you should start from the ends, lubricating the curls from the middle. This time-consuming technique will help achieve an even tone. After dyeing in any shade, the hair acquires a porous structure; it easily absorbs fat and dirt. To preserve the shade, you need to close the hair pores with sprays and balms. So, how to get gold color on your hair:

golden blonde is obtained after gentle bleaching or applying golden tonic to naturally light curls;
Bleached hair sometimes takes on a reddish tint. It can be eliminated with an acidic composition, but it is not recommended to do this on your own;
hair with a tint of nut or light brown will receive a shade of gold if you add gold pigment to the product when dyeing;
using chamomile infusion for rinsing is a proven way to give your curls a golden glow;
various ready-made products for fair-haired people they contain special components to preserve the shade.

Variety of shades

Let's look at how to achieve the full variety of shades yourself:

Reddish, brown and chestnut.

These tones are created by applying beet juice. It needs to be combined with water and lubricated the curls (it is important not to get it on the skin along the hairline). Allow the composition to absorb for a third of an hour. Afterwards, rinse your hair thoroughly.

Don't forget about. This natural paint. But it should be used with caution, to a minimum. Otherwise you will get a bright red color.

Berry tea will give dark hair an attractive golden tint. Prepare a concentrated decoction, apply to your hair and let it act for 30 minutes. Do not add hibiscus, it changes the tone to blue-gray.

Cinnamon will help enhance the natural red tone of your hair. In 1 tbsp. add 2 tsp of heated water. chopped cinnamon. The cooled product is left on the curls for half an hour.

Light brown and gold tones.

For getting beautiful tone It's worth trying soda. It copes well with the role of chemical detergents and makes the shade lighter. Apply baking soda evenly and massage a little. But patience is required, the effect does not appear after the first use.

Black tea, surprisingly, gives a light golden hue. Brew a mug of strong black tea and wet your curls. Let it work for half an hour. Rinse your hair.

It is considered a good way. It will not only improve the health of your curls, but also give you the required tone. Mix honey and filtered water. Apply to your curls for at least half an hour.

Another way is vinegar. It makes the hair tone lighter. It's better to use apple juice. Regular rinsing over a month will lighten the color.

Ascorbic acid, known as vitamin C, will help lighten your strands. To do this, combine the crushed tablet with the base. As a basis water will do, detergent or protein. Lubricate hair, massage and rinse.

Natural ingredients are great for changing hair color. The main thing is to follow the proportions and instructions.

Other excellent remedy– . It will strengthen and nourish the curls. But be careful with the quantity. Lubricate your hair for half an hour and then rinse thoroughly. The result will become noticeable even after one application.

Bright shade of gold.

Light shades are obtained through the use of lemon juice. It dries out your hair, so add oil to the composition. The composition is left on the curls for a third of an hour, rinsed. But don't use the mask too often.

Another way is dried calendula flowers. Mix 1 part apple cider vinegar, water and marigold flowers. Boil the mixture, then filter and leave to cool. Gently wet your curls, massage and let the product work for 20 minutes.

Complete this task with rhubarb root. But it is suitable only for dark hair, because... will make light ones darker. Prepare a decoction and apply to your hair.

Another paradox is hair lightening light brown using coffee. Brew a large mug of coffee from natural beans and let it cool. Moisten your curls thoroughly and evenly for half an hour. A radical change in shade will not work, but a pleasant golden tone will be added.

Herbal decoction for golden color

Get golden color hair can be used herbal decoction. To carry out these manipulations you will need:

enamel bowl;
1 tbsp. dry chamomile color;
1 tbsp. dry nettle roots or sage leaves;
half a liter of water;
polyethylene film;
chamomile essence;

So let's get started. Boil water in a bowl. Let it simmer for a quarter of an hour. This water needs to be poured over dry nettle roots and chamomile. The broth needs to stand for a third of an hour under tight lid made of polyethylene. The infusion should then sit for another half hour. Now the composition needs to be filtered.

Wash your hair and dry it slightly; hair does not need to be completely dry. Rinse your curls with the broth, put on a cap. You will need to leave your hair in this state for about 60 minutes.

Now wash them and dry them. At this time, chamomile essence should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1 to 1. Apply the liquid to the curls. After an hour, rinse your hair with the broth again.

Chamomile - known method obtaining a golden hue. For fair-haired girls, it is enough to use a decoction for rinsing.

Important point! In order to avoid getting an ashy, reddish or greenish tint, this dyeing method should be tested on one strand. In addition, do not forget that the result depends on your shade. On dark brown hair You won't be able to get a shiny gold color.

To increase the richness of the tone, take 2 tablespoons of chamomile flowers, juice from ½ lemon and oil. You should rinse your hair with this decoction every 2 days. If you want to hide gray hair, add 3 tablespoons of glycerin to the product.

WITH gray strands A mixture of rhubarb and chamomile also works. This decoction should be rubbed into the roots after washing.

22 April 2014, 14:02

It's a rare woman who is happy with her natural hair color. You always want to correct, or even radically change, what nature has given. And the modern beauty industry provides such an opportunity. Permanent hair dyes can quickly give your hair a beautiful shade, turning you from, say, a brunette to a radiant blonde. The only problem is that even the best dyes are harmful to hair because they contain aggressive chemical components. “A good alternative to permanent dyes are tint products that do not penetrate deep into the hair shaft, but only envelop it, remaining on and under the scales,” says Irina Arkhagova, master stylist at the Golden Section beauty salon. — Hydrogen peroxide is not used in such preparations, so the natural pigment is not washed out of the hair. You can enhance your natural shade or make it several shades darker. But, unfortunately, such products cannot radically lighten hair. They can only add any light nuance to already bleached hair.”

Tinting products also help care for curls: they contain vitamins, natural oils and plant extracts. Tint products are available in the form of paints, balms, tonics, masks and shampoos. Be careful with the latter: shampoos have an alkaline environment and with frequent, and even more so incorrect use, you can dry out your hair. “It is recommended to do tinting once a month or 2 weeks after using permanent paint if you need to refresh the color,” says Irina Arkhagova. — If you notice that your colored hair has become drier and duller, add intensely moisturizing balms and masks to your care. But don’t get carried away with nutritional products - they wash out the coloring pigments from the hair.”

Natural dyes

You can also give your hair a beautiful shade using vegetable dyes. They not only change color, but also make hair healthier and accelerate growth. Natural products are suitable for curls in any condition; they are not capable of harming the hair. They are also distinguished by their durability and naturalness of shades.

*Golden tone Common hops, fallen birch leaves, calendula or juniper berries will add hair to your hair.

* Straw color curls can be obtained using yarrow and barley sprouts.

* Chestnut palette will provide dyes from walnut shells, buckthorn bark, nettles, and sea buckthorn.

* Red-golden shades will be given to the hair by chamomile, onion peel and cranberry.

But there is one more important nuance. “It is better to use natural dyes if you do not use industrial ones,” says Irina Arkhagova. - Any dyed hair is damaged to one degree or another and can settle on the scales. If you use permanent or tinted products again, there is a high risk that the resulting color will be far from the desired one, because... particles of vegetable dye will slow down, or even completely change the chemical reaction.”

Recipes for natural hair dyes

- Buckthorn bark decoction

Gives hair a dark brown tint.

1 tbsp. buckthorn bark, pour 200 ml of boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes until the composition acquires a reddish-brown color. Strain it and cool it. Then apply to clean, dried hair and rinse with water after 30 minutes.

- Nettle decoction

Gives hair a chestnut tint.

Pour 400 g of dry crushed nettle into 2.5 liters of warm water and put on fire for 4 hours. After the water has boiled away, the volume of paint should be approximately 2 liters. Cool the resulting mixture and strain. Before tinting, mix one part of the dye with 1/4 part of table vinegar. Apply the composition to dry hair and do not rinse until completely dry. Nettle dye can be used daily until the shade of the desired intensity is obtained.

- A decoction of fallen birch leaves

Prepare a composition for dyeing according to the recipe for dry nettle dye. Apply the resulting product to clean, dried hair for 20-30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

- Decoction of onion peels

Gives hair a golden hue.

Pour 100 g of onion peel into 1 liter of hot water and boil for 30 minutes. Then let it brew for half an hour and strain. Moisten clean, dried hair with the prepared mixture, leave for half an hour and rinse the curls.

- Rhubarb decoction

Gives hair a light brown tint.

Pour 150 g of rhubarb into 0.5 liters of water and boil to half volume. Strain the resulting mixture and cool. Apply to clean, dried hair for 20-30 minutes and rinse.

- Decoction of acorn shells

Gives hair a black tint.

Pour 1 liter of cold water over 1 kg of acorn shells, bring to a boil and cook for another 15 minutes. Then strain and cool. Apply the resulting composition to your hair until the desired shade is obtained.

Dye your hair with tinted or natural tinting compounds, and your curls will be healthy and beautiful.
