Methodological development on the topic: Scenario of sports entertainment with the participation of parents “The Adventures of Healthy People” for preschool children. Physical education scenario for the middle group “It’s fun to walk together!” with the participation of parents

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 14 of the city of Kirovsk"

Scenario physical education

For middle group

“It’s fun to walk together!”

with the participation of parents

Compiled by: senior teacher

Golovkina Olga Valerievna

Kirovsk 2015

Equipment: tape recorder, audio recordings, 12 balls, 6 flying saucers, 3 stands, 3 squeaky toys, 40 dummies of mushrooms, 2 baskets (or bags), 2 gymnastic sticks 80 cm long, hoops with a diameter of 60 cm, balls with a diameter of 20 cm, prizes ( Stuffed Toys) – according to the number of children, 3 benches 2 m long, 40 flags.

Leisure activities

To the song “It's Fun to Walk Together” (music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by M. Matusovsky), children in a column one by one enter the hall and line up in a line.

Leading. Today we are spending our leisure time “It’s fun to walk together!” We'll start it with a warm-up.

    Warm-up with flags (“Kukukh”, music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by V. Malynshchuk; 2 min. 10 s.)


I.p. - o.s.

1 – flags to the sides.

2 – flags up.

3 – flags to the sides.

4 – i. P.

5 – 8 – the same, flags forward.

Repeat 3 times.

"Knock Knock"

I.p. – flags in front of the face.

1 – 4 – perform four “springs”, knocking the shaft against the shaft.

5 – 8 – flags to the sides, elbows pressed to the belt, slight bends to the sides.


I.p. – sitting, legs together, flags up

1 -2 – bend forward, lie on your feet.

3 – 4 – i.p., wave the flags: one forward, the other back.

Repeat 3 times.


I.p. - o.s.

1 – right leg toe to the right, right flag to the right.

2 – i.p.

3 – 4 – the same forward

Repeat 3 times.

Repeat the exercise “Knock-knock”


I.p. - o.s.

1 – 2 – jump legs apart, flags to the sides.

3 – 4 – jump into IP.

Repeat 5 times.

Leading. We've warmed up, and now let's see how fast and dexterous our children are. We will hold competitions.

(All competitions are repeated so that all children participate in them).

    Competition for children

"Move the balls"

Flying saucers are placed on the opposite side of the hall. Some contain four small balls, others are empty. Children stand up to empty plates and, at a signal, transfer balls into them two at a time, taking them with their right and left hands. Whoever completes the task raises his hand up.


Opposite the children, at a distance of 3 m, there are stands with squeaky toys. At a signal, children jump on two legs, take the toy, lift it up and squeak to see who is faster.

Leading. Our children are great! And now we invite parents to participate in competitions with their children.

(Competitions can be repeated 2 times).

    Competitions for children and parents

"Walking Together"

Mothers place their children on their feet facing the audience. At the signal, the pairs walk 5 meters to the finish line, walking together to see who is faster.


Dummy mushrooms are laid out around the hall. Two mothers with children are given a basket (package). At a signal, they collect mushrooms - whoever has more.

"Jump through the hoops"

Two mothers and two children stand on one side of the hall. Along the path of their run, three hoops are laid out at a distance of 1 m from one another. At the signal, the couples run up to the first hoop, the adults stand in the hoop, and the children lift them so that their parents can fit through them. Moms put the hoops on the floor. Then they climb through the second and third hoops in the same way - who is faster.

"Frogs - travelers"

Two teams are formed in each - two mothers and two children. Mothers take gymnastic sticks by the ends. At a signal, one child grabs the middle of the stick with both hands and hangs on it with his legs bent. Mothers carry him to the other side of the hall, then, returning for another child, carry him too - whoever is faster.

Leading . Let our parents get some rest. Musical pause!

    Musical pause

"What are children"

(“What are children”, L. Shakhova, A. Rambolsky; 2 min. 20 s.)

"Adult Children"

I. p. – stand with legs apart, arms to the sides.

1 – 3 hands up, clap your hands twice.

4 – i.p.

5 – 7 – hands down behind your back, clap your hands twice.

8 – i.p.

Repeat 3 times.

"Let's Spin Around"

I. p. - the same hands on the belt.

1 – 3 – turn around to the right, step on your toes.

4 – i.p.

5 – 8 – the same to the left.

Repeat 2 times.

"Boy Thumb"

I. p. - the same.

1 – 2 – sit down.

3 -4 – i.p.

Repeat 5 times.

"Let's clap"

I.p. – legs together, hands joined with palms in front of the chest.

1 – 8 – “springs” with clapping of hands in front of the chest.

9 -16 – the same with clapping at the right and left shoulders with slight tilts to the sides.


I.p. – stand with legs apart, hands down.

1 – 2 – lean forward, touch the slippers with your hands.

3 -4 – i.p.

Repeat 5 times.

Repeat the “Let’s Spin” exercise.


I.p. - the same, hands on the belt.

1 – right foot forward on the toe.

2 – i.p.

3 – 4 the same with the left foot.

Place 5 – 8 legs alternately forward on the heels.

Repeat 2 times.


I.p. - the same, arms to the sides - down, fingers apart.

1 – 2 – arms through the sides up.

3 – 4 – arms through the sides, return to IP.

Repeat 5 times.

Repeat the “Clap” exercise.

Leading. Finally the time has come - the long-awaited game!

    Games with parents

“Catch it and throw it, don’t let it fall!”

An adult and a child throw a ball to each other from below with both hands. If the child catches the ball well, then the distance between the players gradually increases. The child should not hold the ball close to him. The ball must not fall.

"Mistresses and Kittens"

Mothers are “housewives”, and children – “kittens” - sit on their laps. To the music, the “kittens” run around the hall, and the “mistresses” move to other places. At a signal, the “kittens” run, look for their “owners” and sit on their laps. Repeat 2 times.


The child – the “taxi driver” – stands in the hoop from the front, and the adult – the “passenger” – takes the hoop from behind. The “taxi driver” carries the “passenger” to the music, changing directions. Then the players change roles.

Variant of the game: all taxis are divided into two teams, and each “drives” towards each other, adhering to right-hand traffic.

Leading. Our leisure time is coming to an end, and according to tradition, we will perform the “Ladushki” dance together.

    Final dance with parents “Ladushka”

(“Happy Dance”, M. Nardi; 1 min. 45 s.)

An adult takes a child right hand, everyone is built in a circle.

First movement - walking in a circle to the right.

"Okay" - partners turn their faces, clap their chests and clap each other’s hands.

Second movement - walking in a circle to the left.

Third movement - everyone turns to face the circle, walks to the center and back.

Repeat the “Ladushka” movement.

Fourth movement – clasped hands to the sides, circling to the right and left. Repeat the “Ladushka” movement.

Leading . Today you saw how your children have grown up, become agile and fast. Continue to exercise and play together. And the guys are awarded prizes for their successes.

Children are given soft toys. The guys turn to the right, walk around the hall, wave to their parents and go to the group.

Fedyainova Valentina Nikolaevna – Instructor physical culture MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 16" combined type» Efremov, Tula region
Date of submission of work to the competition: 02/06/2017.

Sports entertainment scenario for older children preschool age in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

Subject: “We know how to live together”

Educational area: physical development .

Age group: school preparatory group.

Form of conduct : sports festival.

Target:Promoting a healthy lifestyle among children and their parents, creating an emotional positive attitude when completing tasks and game exercises and in the process of communicating with each other.


To form ideas about a healthy lifestyle through games - relay races that promote the development physical qualities: endurance, agility, speed.

To develop children’s ability to creatively use knowledge and skills on healthy lifestyle issues, their motor experience in practical situations. To help strengthen children’s sense of pride in their family, respect and love for its members.

Foster participation, compassion, responsiveness and cooperation. To promote the desire and desire of every family to restore and maintain health with the help of health-saving technologies. To consolidate knowledge about the benefits of medicinal plants and their use in folk medicine and recipes.

Create a fun, friendly atmosphere among children and parents.

Priority educational field: physical development.

Integration of educational areas :

physical development (develop motor skills and abilities, learn to solve problem situations);

socially – communication development (promote children’s psychological comfort and positive contact with each other and with adults);

cognitive development (development through motor tasks, games and relay races mathematical representations, as well as mental processes: logic, memory, attention, observation; formation of a value-based attitude towards one’s own health);

speech development (expansion and activation of children’s vocabulary);

artistically - aesthetic development (games and exercises for poetry tests, music, singing, drawing).

Types of children's activities: motor, play, visual, communicative, perception fiction, musical.

Methods and techniques:

Gaming: sudden appearance of an object, creation game situation, introducing elements of competition, making and guessing riddles.

Practical: exercises.

Visual: showing methods of action, demonstrating visual aids.

Verbal: conversation, instructions, poems, proverbs, questions, riddles, explanations, pedagogical assessment.

Form of organization: individual, group.

Preliminary work:

1. Drawing up a holiday script.

1.Formation of theses and statements about human health.

2.Learning poems and sayings with children.

Interaction with parents:

Discussion with parents about the preparation and conduct of a sporting event.

Preparing a recipe from traditional medicine.

Each family makes a homemade exercise machine - a mat from various materials.

Decoration of the hall for a sports festival.

Materials and equipment:

two gymnastic benches, a music center, two ropes, 10 flat hoops, 10 balls with a diameter of 8 cm, 2 baskets, a bicycle, inflatable balls, 2 easels, colored crayons, 4 large hoops, 4 buttons, needles and threads, 4 towels, clothespins, nails , hammer.

Progress of the sports festival

Leading:Good evening! Dear parents and children, today we have gathered in one big good company, which I would like to call “a big friendly family” and hold a sports festival “We know how to live together”, in which the most friendly families of our kindergarten will participate. And, as usual, in a good family there is always something to talk about. Even the wise Socrates said: “Health is not everything, but without health there is nothing.” And you can hardly find parents who would not want their children to grow up healthy. In your opinion, what is a healthy child like?

Statements from children and parents.

Leading:A healthy child is cheerful and active, treats others kindly, is fast enough, agile and strong. And in order to raise such a child, you need to develop skills and habits of a healthy lifestyle. And physical education and sports will help us with this.

Sports, guys, are very necessary.

We are close friends with sports.

Sport is a helper! Sport – health!

Sport is a game! "Physical training!"

Children appear along with the march; they line up in a semicircle facing the audience.

1 child: Parents are people like this:

They rush to make excuses for being busy

But we know that they are wrong

Everyone needs to play sports.

2nd child:And to break all records

And forget about everyone’s illnesses,

Sports issues with adults

Today we want to decide!

Parents appear along with the march, mothers and fathers stand in pairs behind their children.

Leading:Today these friendly, cheerful, resourceful families will take part in the competition. Family teams will receive ranks and titles instead of points. But since they are expected to compete, there must be a jury, strict and fair.

Presentation of the jury members.

Leading: The jury's word.

Jury member: Exercising is very useful, and doubly fun. Every minute devoted to sports extends a person’s life by an hour, and fun sports by two. Don't believe me? See for yourself! So, good luck!

Leading:I propose to consider our fun family competitions open. I would like to wish all the teams success. The first competition is “Let's get to know each other.”

Participating teams (children and parents) take turns talking about themselves in unusual shape(poems, ditties, songs, etc.). Children and parents prepare for this competition in advance.

Leading:A popular proverb says: “If you start the day with exercise, then everything will be fine”! They also say: “Movement + movement = life.” And now we will show you how our day begins in kindergarten.

Rhythmic gymnastics “Radiant Sun”

Leading:And now there is a competition for the most dexterous team - the “Grasshoppers Jumping” relay race. The child, standing behind the starting line, does a standing long jump, pushing off with both legs. Landing - the position of the heels - is fixed. Mom jumps from this place, followed by dad. Whoever has the longest chain of jumps is the winner.

The jury announces the winner.

Presenter: I offer a warm-up for the audience.

Sports riddles:

1. He doesn’t want to lie down at all.

If you throw it, it will jump.

You throw it again, it rushes at a gallop,

Guess what it is (ball)?

2. I can barely lift it

Two heavy...(dumbbells)

3. We are happy to overtake each other,

Look my friend, don't fall!

They are good, soft

Speed ​​skates...(skates)

4. There are two stripes on the snow,

Two foxes were surprised

One came closer:

Somebody was running here... (skis)

5. On a clear morning, along the road

Dew glistens on the grass.

Feet are moving along the road

And two wheels run.

The riddle has an answer.

This is my...(bicycle).

Leading:The next competition is “Volleyball with balloons”. A rope is pulled between two posts. There are balloons on both sides of the rope. Families, on command, throw their balls to the opponent’s side. The team with the fewest balls left wins.

The jury announces the winner.

Leading:The next task is for the most savvy team: “Wisdom - wisdom.”

The presenter does not have time to finish: the postman Pechkin appears on a bicycle to the music.

Pechkin:This kindergarten? I have an important message for you: tasks for the teams participating in the competition for ingenuity. Please receive and sign.

Teams sort out envelopes with tasks - questions like:

1) Under which bush does the hare sit in the rain? (under wet)

2) What is lighter than a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of nails? (they weigh the same)

3) The mother has six sons, each son Native sister. How many children are there in the family? (7).

Pechkin:Oh, I'm so tired! I’ll sit down and rest, because I have to go further.

Leading:The teams complete tasks, and children - spectators - will take part in the competition “Who can get to the handkerchief faster”. Four hoops and one handkerchief are placed on the floor. Toys are placed in two hoops (five pieces each). Two children stand next to them. Music sounds - children bring toys to other hoops one by one. Whoever carries all the toys first runs to the handkerchief and raises it high. The competition is held three to four times, and the winners are awarded prizes.

Pechkin:How smart you are! Did a great job! And I need to go further. Goodbye!

Leading:Announces the “Colored Pencils” competition. I will read the poem, and you will complete tasks (draw) in accordance with the text. Mothers begin to draw, children continue, and fathers finish.

Draw a big circle (moms draw)

On top there is a small one,

There are two ears on the top of the head - this will be the head,

(children draw) Let’s draw a mustache to make it look more voluminous.

(dads draw) Here beautiful tail ready - you are the most beautiful of all cats.

Leading:The next task is the “Plant and Harvest Potatoes” relay race.

The child runs first, he lays out the hoops - “holes”, runs, passing the baton back to his mother. She runs with a bucket of potatoes and puts them in the holes, runs around them and passes the baton to dad. He collects potatoes in a bucket, runs around the holes and returns to his place.

The jury sums up the results.

Leading:Now we will find out which team we have is the most musical. Participants in the “Friendly Notes” competition perform songs that contain names (children and their parents sing pre-learned songs).

Leading:Now the teams will rest, and we will hold a competition for the audience “Slim Waist”, who can hold the hoop longer.

Leading:reads a poem.

Everything blooms in spring, and rejoices, and plays.

Here the breeze dances, the first petal dances,

The drops swirl in the dance, barely keeping up.

How can we stand here? You also need to dance.

A dance competition is being held.

Leading:The competition “Dance with a Ball” is held. Adults, holding balls between their foreheads, dance in pairs “rock and roll.”

Children - spectators also dance.

Toffee runs in: Oh! Did you make it? Is the holiday not over yet? I met the postman Pechkin, he told me how fun and interesting it is here, competitions are held and prizes are given out. I also want to take part in the competition.

Leading:Iriska, hello!

Toffee:Oh, hello, hello, hello! Well, can I become a participant in the competition?

Leading:No, Iriska, you cannot be a participant. We already have teams. They applied for participation in advance and went through competitions and relay races.

Toffee:What a pity, what a pity! I really want to take part in the celebration.

Leading:You Toffee better look at our wonderful families and how they compete. The next competition is “Nimble Fingers”.

Dad runs first from the start, unscrews the caps on the cones - tablets (4-5 pieces) and comes back. Then mom comes into the fight, she runs to the cones and puts flowers cut out of paper on them, matching the color of the cork. The child completes the relay race by twisting all the corks back without mixing up the color.

Jury:Announces the winner.

Leading:Butterscotch, you went to the ABVGDEYKI school. You know a lot interesting games, competitions! We can entrust you with carrying out interesting competition"Fairytale Lotto" Agree?

Toffee:(joyfully) Of course I agree! Teams, attention! I will say the first part of the name or title, and you will continue.

Toffee addresses each team in turn with the following task:

"The Little Humpbacked Horse". "Swan geese". "Little Red Riding Hood". "Moroz-Ivanovich." "The Scarlet Flower". "The Bremen Town Musicians". "Zayushkin's hut." "Ugly duck". “Little little thing.” "Flower-flower." "Dr. Aibolit". "Boy-thumb." "Princess Frog". " Puss in Boots" "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs".

Toffee:Everyone knows fairy tales well! You've worked hard: it's time to rest. Musical pause. Happy music is playing and everyone is dancing.

Toffee:Oh, I feel so good with you that I completely forgot. So you can be late for school. Goodbye!

Leading:And we have the next competition for the most economic team " Skillful hands don’t know boredom”: dads sew buttons, moms hammer nails, a child hangs a towel using clothespins on a rope held by parents.

Leading: The jury's word.

The jury members celebrate the winners.

Leading:Our family teams today showed their strength, agility, ability to run fast, jump, and work with their hands. Well done! But I know that every family has its own secret. And this secret is its own recipe from traditional medicine, which is used for treatment. Parents tell and demonstrate their traditional medicine recipes.

Leading:Oh, I have riddles for you about medicinal plants. Try to guess them, but according to this rule: children solve the riddle, and parents fill in where and what this plant is used for.


“Don’t touch the plant – it burns painfully, like fire” (nettle)

“A thin stem near the path, at the end of its catkin. There are leaves on the ground - small burdocks" (plantain grass)

“White basket, golden bottom” (daisy)

Name herbaceous shrubs and plants that can be used to cure colds (viburnum, currants, coltsfoot).

Leading:And now I will introduce you to some exercises that help preserve your health!

Game self-massage - necessary for Have a good mood, a conscious desire to be healthy and for the prevention of acute respiratory infections. Children show point exercises, and parents repeat.

Finger gymnastics – this is the basis for development fine motor skills fingers, movement coordination. Finger gymnastics has positive impact for educational mental processes: memory, thinking, attention, imagination, etc. Children show finger gymnastics « Friendly family", and the parents repeat.

Breathing exercises restores impaired nasal breathing, cleanses the lungs and improves them, supplying them with oxygen. These exercises are very useful for the prevention of acute respiratory infections. Breathing exercises “Let’s blow on the shoulder.”

Music therapy,Sit back, close your eyes and enjoy the music.

Health-prophylactic exercises for foot correction: children demonstrate walking barefoot: on a ribbed board, following footprints on paths; on simulators - individual homemade mats made of different material. Parents demonstrate attributes for physical exercise made with your own hands.

The jury sums up the results of the competitions and presents prizes and awards to the participants.

Presenter:Well done everyone today! Everyone is a daredevil today!

You fought together today

And the victory was friendship.

I'm very happy today

And I will give this advice -

Play sports together

In the mornings and evenings!

And here's to our happy holiday.

I thank you all.

Join the group together

I'll treat you to tea.

Abstract: It is no secret that the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and interest in physical education and sports are laid in the family. That’s why I bring to your attention a summary of physical education and recreational entertainment shared with adults. This summary is addressed to physical education instructors, teachers working with children of primary preschool age in conditions of the preschool educational institution and the system of additional education.

Scenario of sports entertainment for children of primary preschool age with their parents “Sports family”.

Target: Formation of motivation for physical education and sports.
healthy image life, responsibility for their health and the health of their children.
1. To form in parents an interest in a healthy lifestyle, responsibility for their health and the health of their children.
2. Develop cooperation skills between children and parents; promote their emotional rapprochement.
3. Evoke a positive emotional response in children joint activities with an adult.
Equipment: sports equipment - hoops, balls, dumbbells, jump ropes, boxing gloves, swimming circles, fins, etc., multimedia board (projector and screen), emblems.
Preliminary work: making emblems, learning musical warm-ups with children.
Children and parents are given emblems in advance. The team captain is an adult and receives a motto.
Instructor: Hello, dear parents! Hello - simple, but true kind word. Hello - we wish each other health! Agree to feel pleasant, healthy, vigorous and cheerful. No wonder they say: “In healthy body - healthy mind!”, and health is based on movement, I invite you to go towards health together with your children.
To the hall under musical accompaniment children enter.
Instructor: Hello guys! Today we will go with you to a meeting to health together with your families, dads and moms. Sport will help us find health.
1 Child:
Adults and children know
What is most important in the world -
Mom, dad, you and me -
Together a friendly family.
2 Child:
Family is joy, warmth and comfort,
Family is a home where you are always welcome.
If there is peace and friendship in the family,
Everyone will be proud of you.
Instructor: Exercising is beneficial, and fun physical activity is doubly beneficial. So, good luck!
Let's walk happily together Walking
We raise our legs higher.
Get up on your toes, Walking on toes
And get down on your heels. Walking on your heels
Let's walk like kittens Crawling on all fours
Well, if you get tired.
Then we'll rise higher Crawling with support on palms and feet
How bears go into the forest.
We'll cross the bridge Walking sideways
Carefully and sideways.
The leg moves to the side,
And the other one is catching up.
We'll gallop along the path Jumping
Let's train our legs.
They ran after each other Run
We are not at all tired!
We raise our hands up
Inhale through your nose and exhale through your nose. Exercise to restore breathing.
Children stand in a circle, the adult stands behind the child.
Instructor: To play sports, we need to train! Early in the morning, in order - get ready to exercise!
Musical warm-up “Exercise” (Kukutiki)
Interactive warm-up for showing characters on a multimedia board.
The instructor sets up two stands with emblems.
Instructor: Teams take their places according to their logos.
Team greetings
Instructor: Two teams will participate in our competition:
Captain of the "Sun" team:
Our motto:
We sport family- dad, mommy and me!
We never lose heart and we always win!
Captain of the “Friendship” team: Our motto:
Dad, mom, I are our friendly family!
We live together in harmony.
And we dance and sing!
We are strong for each other - don’t stand in our way!
Instructor: Today there will be a strict but fair jury to evaluate sports training, agility and dexterity!
1 relay race “It’s fun to walk together”
Instructor: We don't care about barriers
If we go together!
Children stand with their feet on their parent’s feet, if one child has two parents, then the child stands with one foot on his mother’s foot, the other on his father’s foot. At a signal, participants walk to a landmark and return back.
2nd relay race “Sports family portrait”
The path to health achievements
Needs a lot of inspiration!
On family signal standing first they run to the sports equipment (dumbbells, pom-poms, skis, fins, balls, etc.) laid out in a hoop, select any objects and pose with them for the “photographer” - teachers.
3rd relay race “Riddles”
There are many types of sports,
You can’t even count everything.
Let's play now
Name sports equipment.
Reads riddles to the teams in turn.
1. Sonorous, loud and bouncy
Flies away beyond the clouds
And to the delight of the children
(The ball) jumps loudly in the yard.
2. I twist it with my hand,
And on the neck and leg,
And I twist it at the waist,
And I don’t want to drop (the hoop).
3.Two wooden horses
They carry me down the mountain.
I hold two sticks in my hands,
But I don’t beat horses, I feel sorry for them.
And to speed up the run
I touch the snow (skis) with my poles.
4. Who will catch up with me on the ice?
We are running a race.
And it’s not the horses that carry me,
And shiny... (skates).
5. I took two oak blocks,
two iron skids.
I filled the bars with planks
Give me snow. Ready... (sleigh).
6. I see - the champion has
A quarter ton barbell.
I want to become the same
To protect my sister!
I'll be in the apartment now
Lift big...(weights).
7. On a clear morning along the road
Dew glistens on the grass.
Feet are moving along the road
And two wheels run.
The riddle has an answer.
This is my... (bicycle).
8. Take me in your hands,
Start jumping quickly.
One jump and two jumps,
Guess who I am, buddy? (jump rope)
4 relay race "Jump rope"
Instructor: They did a great job with the relay races.
Running fast is common to everyone.
Now, let's jump, friends,
Let's find out who is our most jumping team?
At the signal, one participant from each team performs jumping rope.
5th relay race “Crossing”
Instructor: Come on, daddies, don't yawn!
Don't lag behind your mothers!
The first couple in the team is two dads, holding hands (if there are more dads in the team, then they form several pairs and carry the children and mothers in turn). At a signal, the child (then the mother) climbs into their arms. Participants are transferred to the opposite side of the hall.
Instructor: Our competition has come to an end, and the jury gives the floor!
Teams are formed to sum up the results. The jury announces the results of the competition. The teams are awarded.
Instructor: And in conclusion, I really want to tell you:
Athletes - faithful friends both summer and winter.
Let every family be a sports family!

Sports entertainment with parents for older children:

"Inseparable friends - adults and children"

Target: create conditions that encourage children and parents to motor activity, and an atmosphere of joyful mood.


1. To develop children’s ability to jump on two legs; exercise in walking, running and squatting.

2.Develop the ability to navigate in space and act on the teacher’s signal.

3.Arouse children's interest and emotional positive attitude for entertainment and cooperative games with adults.

4. Cultivate friendliness and the ability to play together.

To the music “I, you, he, she...” the children walk like a snake and stand in a semicircle. Parents sit in the audience seat.

Educator : Hello children! Hello, dear fathers and mothers! We have gathered here to compete in strength and agility, speed and endurance. We also gathered to see what our children can do and what their parents can do. And it doesn’t matter who wins this competition, the main thing is that we feel the holiday atmosphere. Let the motto of our meeting today be simple words: “Inseparable friends - adults and children! "

Roll call:

1st child: Look, next to dad,

Look, mom is nearby.

Dads Dumped by Diva

Moms threw pans

And they put on the suits.

2nd child: Everybody wants to compete

Make a joke and laugh

Show strength and agility

And prove your skill!

3rd child: We are all happy about this meeting,

We did not gather for a reward.

We need to meet more often ,

So that we all live together.

Educator: And our competitions today are unusual. Together with the children, their fathers and mothers, grandparents, sisters and brothers will come to the starting line. I call on the teams to fight fairly. I wish you all success. And may the best man win!

Now it's time to introduce our teams.

So today we will have two teams competing:

Team "Fireflies" And

Team "Goldfish".

Well, who gets into which team will be determined by our magic chips.

The game "Magic Chips" is played.

The teacher throws the chips up, each of the children takes one chip and looks at what number is inside the chip. Children with number 1 become the Fireflies team. Children with number 2 become the Goldfish team.

Educator: Dear parents, we simply need your skill. I ask you to join our teams.

Parents put on their badges and sit down with their teams.

Educator : Family teams, let's greet each other.

Team " fireflies» Physical education - hello!

Team " Goldfish» Physical education - hello!

Educator: The jury members will evaluate our results...

(The jury reads the rules)

Educator: Let the jury decide the entire course of the battle

He will follow it without fail.

Who will be friendlier?

He will win in battle!

Teams, are you ready to fight?


- I announce a fun warm-up.

(To music "It's fun to walk together")

March in a column one at a time.

1st verse:

Walking with tasks:

1-hands forward;

2- hands up;

3- arms to the sides;

4-hands down.

Repeat 4 times.


Jump in a circle.

Verse 2:

Walking with a clap under the knee for every step. Raise your arms to the sides and do not lean forward.


Side canter hands to shoulders.

3rd verse:

Walking in a half-squat, hands on the belt. Keep your back straight, do not lower your chin.


Walking while clapping overhead.

(Teams take their seats)

Educator : To grow and harden,

Let's play sports!

So that you do not know fatigue,

We will bring you a lot of joy!

Well, I’m announcing the 1st competition

1st competition "Who is faster". (attributes: giant's slippers)

It is necessary to run in the giant's slippers to the counter and go around it and go back, passing the baton to the next participant.

2nd competition “Wand - Lifesaver”.(attributes: magic stick 2 pcs., balloons 2 pcs.)

It is necessary to bring it with a stick - a lifesaver balloon IR to the counter, take the ball in your hands and, returning back in a straight line, pass the baton to the next participant. Adults are first and last in teams.

Educator: Well done to our teams,

Strong, skillful,

Friendly, cheerful,

Fast and brave!

Educator : Well, now the floor is given to the jury members.

(The jury evaluates 2 competitions held).

Educator: Never be discouraged!

Give sports a hand!

Attention! Attention!

Let's continue the competition!

And our next competition is unusual. We'll have to work with our nimble legs.

3- competition “Collect pearls” (prevention of flat feet, without socks)

(attributes: “multi-colored pearls”, large hoops 2 pcs.)

Children from 2 teams participate.

At a signal, the children take off their socks and run to the center of the hall, where the pearls are scattered. The children's task is to pick up as many pearls as possible with their toes and transfer them to the hoops. Whose team can get the most pearls will win.

Educator : Well done! Well done!

All the guys are daredevils!

Let's give our guys a round of applause! How hard they tried!

How cleverly they handled all the pearls!

But I see our dads and moms are completely bored. They were probably jealous. They also wanted to play. Don't worry, dear parents.

The next competition: “Who is the most dexterous”, I prepared especially for you.

And the rules are as follows: here are the balloons, tie one on your left leg. Are you all tied up? We stand opposite each other. When the music starts, your task is to crush (burst) your opponent’s balls as much as possible. Get ready! One, two, three - start!

4th competition “Who is the most dexterous”.

(attributes: balloons, strings on the leg)

Educator: The floor is given to the members of the jury.

Educator : Our children are preschoolers

Very friendly guys

And doubly so with parents.

Hurry up to all stand in a row,

You can already give a start.

5th competition "Crossing"

2 adults and 4 children per team participate.

(attributes: 2 logs, 2 large hoops) .

On command, 2 adults run with a log to the hoop, go around it, then return in a straight line, pick up the first child and transport him to the other side (into the hoop, then take the second child, etc., at the end of the relay, the adults also stand in the hoop.

6th competition “Friendly”.

(attributes: snakes - 2 pcs. stoics - 2 pcs.)

Father, mother and child from the team are invited. It is necessary, with the help of the “Snake,” to quickly reach the counter, use the snake as a jump rope, and back dad, mom and child run back, holding onto the snake.

Educator : The jury gives the floor:

Players from the entire team (children) participate.

7. competition: “Fishing” (Whose team will catch a lot of fish)

8. competition: “Tunnel” (Who gets into the tunnel faster).

Educator : Our family competition is over.

And even if it's all just a game,

But we wanted to say with it:

A great miracle is family!

Keep it, take care of it!

There is nothing more important in life than a goal!

Educator: Before I say goodbye to you

We would like to wish you:

Good health,

Smile more often

And never lose heart!

Together: Goodbye! Until next time

Scenario for entertainment in physical education, dedicated to the Day Cosmonautics. Subject: " Space trip with parents"
(for older children)

- to develop physical, moral and volitional qualities in children (speed, agility, endurance, perseverance, organization, discipline).
- develop interest in sports events among adults and children.
- expand and consolidate the volume of knowledge about space, children’s ability to add basic form"missiles".
-bring up patriotic feelings, love for the Motherland and respect for the astronaut profession.
Equipment: hoops - 4 pieces; hoops on stands - 4 pcs; landmark-2pcs; balls - 2 pcs; cut-out painted rockets - 2 sets; tubes with “food” - one tube for each; tennis rackets - 2 pcs; inflatable ball - 2 pcs; plastic bottles - 4 pcs; baskets-4pcs;. newspaper balls, shoe covers for each participant.
The hall is decorated with joint drawings about space by children and parents. multi-colored stars, inflatable balls.
Two teams of children and parents march into the gym. They are met by a presenter dressed as an astronaut.
The progress of the holiday
Presenter: Hello, dear guys, mothers, and dear guests! Today, April 12, our country celebrates Cosmonautics Day. 50 years ago, the first man on our planet, Yuri Gagarin, flew into space.
1 child: B space rocket with the name "East"
He was the first on the planet to rise to the stars!
Child 2: Sings songs about it spring drops,
Gagarin and April will be with us forever.
Child 3: The day will come when we grow up.
Let's boldly launch rockets into space!
4 child: Children are ready to be brave and persistent,
We will be astronauts - we give you this word!
Presenter: In the high celestial distances, spacecraft dockings are taking place. For months at a time space stations Astronauts live and work, automatic stations go to other planets. Guys, are you ready to fly into space? And parents? Then we need to practice well on the ground and prepare properly for the flight. And so, we begin training of 2 teams.
First task
“Fast guys” (show strength, agility, resourcefulness).
(jumping from hoop to hoop, crawling into a tunnel, running to a landmark, passing the baton back in a straight line to the next player).
Second task
“Friendly guys” (together with parents).
(stand in pairs of each other, on - opposite each other, hands on each other’s shoulders. A balloon is sandwiched between them, you need to run at a side gallop to the landmark and back - pass the baton to the next pair).
Presenter: And so, we carried out a strict selection for the flight into space. But in order to fly into space we need to build a rocket.

Third task for teams.
"Build a Rocket"
(assemble the rocket from parts of a cut-out picture depicting a rocket).
Presenter: The rocket was built. Now we need to prepare food for the entire flight.
Fourth task
"Preparing food for space"
(near the landmark there are tubes of “food” labeled in a hoop (borscht, jelly, compote, bread, ice cream...) Children and their parents take turns running to the landmark, each taking a tube, returning to the team passing the baton to the next player.
Presenter: The crew is ready, the rocket is at the launch, food has been taken. Let's go to meet the stars! GO! We have arrived on an unknown planet, adventure awaits us here. But we took with us resourcefulness, dexterity, speed, and mutual assistance. After all, supporting each other is great! Before we descend to the planet of the unknown, we will put on special “space” shoes - (shoe covers).
First test on the planet: “Ballball”
(team members line up in two columns. Each team is given a tennis racket and a balloon. The first player runs forward holding the ball on the racket, runs around the landmark, returns to his team and passes the baton to the next player).
Second test: “Ball Roll”
(each team is given a ball and a hoop. Roll the ball with the hoop, moving backwards to the landmark, run back to the team, passing the baton to the next player)
Third test: "Gravitonics"
(team members line up in columns, two for each team plastic bottles, rope loops are attached to the bottles so that they can be put on your feet. The first player puts a bottle on each leg and runs to the landmark, runs around and returns to the team, passing the baton to the next player).
Fourth test: "Newspaper"
(each team receives a basket filled with crumpled newspaper balls; opposite each team there are empty baskets into which the participants throw newspaper balls one by one. The number of balls thrown into the basket is taken into account).
Presenter: Guys, it’s time for us to return home to Earth. Take your seats in the rocket! (children line up one after another and, placing their arms to the sides together with their parents, imitate flight). Here we are at home. Well done, you all tried your best. And I know for sure that if you want, all of you will fly into space without a doubt! I want to quote the words of the great cosmonaut Gagarin: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.” Let's fulfill the behest of the first cosmonaut! See you again in outer space!
