Project theme: “Winter, winter fun.” For the older group. Increasing children's speech activity

Volosnikova Anna Vladimirovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "DS No. 10 of Chelyabinsk"
Locality: Chelyabinsk
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject: Project activities on the formation of the winter section "Winter Fun"
Publication date: 07.03.2017
Chapter: preschool education


on project activities

"Winter Fun"

MBDOU "kindergarten No. 10"



Volosnikova A.V.

Konnova T.V.

Relevance of the project

Preschool age is the age of formation

personality, character, it is at this age that intensively

the child’s horizons expand, his interest in

to the surrounding world. During walks, children do not just

running aimlessly, as it might seem at first glance. IN

this time the teacher organizes various

physical exercise, mobile and didactic

games, nature observations, work.

Direct physical development occurs

upbringing careful attitude to nature,

develops the ability to observe

see beauty in the most ordinary

Project passport

1. The customer of the project is the administration of MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 10”


2. Project name “Winter Fun”

3. Name of the competition nomination “Best Design

walking area"

4. Type of project: medium-term, social, creative

5. Project participants:
group teachers Volosnikova A.V. and Konnova T.V.;
parents of pupils;

6. Project implementation period 01/20/2016-02/10/2016

7. Abstract of the project The project was developed in accordance with the regulations

about the competition for the best winter section"Winter fun on

territory of MBDO No. 10 of Chelyabinsk", the purpose of which is

Strengthening the image of the preschool educational institution; Creation favorable conditions For

educational process with children on a walk in

winter period; stimulation professional growth teachers.

Objective of the project:

Improve the nursery playground in winter,

creation of conditions for the organization of motor

development environment, stimulate understanding and correct

the use of prepositions and verbs in the speech of children with SLI.


1.Create maximum conditions for educational and

educational work with children outdoors in winter.

2. Improve equipment and decoration


3. Help strengthen the connection between the preschool educational institution and the family.

4. Develop children's imagination, enhance motor skills

children's activities preschool age on walking

areas in winter time.

5. Strengthen children's health.

Project implementation

In our children we observe not only severe speech

disturbances but also a decrease in motor activity.

The greatest difficulty for children is to fulfill

movements according to verbal instructions.

To the backlog physical development and physical

preparedness, problems of social and

Psycho-emotional nature.

Therefore, our project includes, in addition to physical

and social aspects of development work

psycho-emotional sphere of pupils,

because maintaining and strengthening the health of children with STD,

formation of their habits and needs for healthy

lifestyle is impossible without mental and psychological


Project result
Landscaping of the site with various snow

buildings with the help of parents.

The use of these buildings during

daily walks with children, for physical development,

aesthetic and labor education.

Strengthening connections with family.

Strengthening the health of pupils.

Promotion speech activity children.

Like ours at the gate

Rooster grains

pecking, Rooster

pecks grains, K

calls himself chickens. .

A snowflake fell on me


I'll warm her up with my breath a little.

Snowflake, you decided to play hide and seek


I can’t see you on my palm.

Along the path, along the path

Someone's legs ran by

Someone's hands took something,

Someone's heels flashed.

You and I are going,

let's go

We carry different balls:

Green yellow,

Red Blue…

We threw everything into


We are made of snow

we are building a fortress -

We started it all with


There were few of us -


And now - at least

more than enough.

Oh, and the mountain!

And fun on it!

Rushes at once

Ten sleighs each.

They say it's for kids

There is no more fun game

Than skating with


Icy, steep mountain!

But we want


It's more fun to build a slide!

I'm walking in the snow

I'm happy about the snow today.

I'm walking through the snow on my own,

I will hold on and not fall.

Light white snow

So similar to cottage cheese!

I just won’t eat it,

After all, snowflakes are a miracle!

With clubs facing each other

are worth

In team red and blue


Wearing helmets like knights, but not


The fight here is training - they are playing


Thank you for your attention!

thanks for

Organization: MBDOU No. 6 “Smile”

Locality: Rostov region, Proletarsk

Under blue skies

Magnificent carpets,

Glistening in the sun, the snow lies;

The transparent forest alone turns black,

And the spruce turns green through the frost,

And the river glitters under the ice.

A.S. Pushkin

Problem: Lack of parental awareness of the importance physical education, children move little, do little different types of winter sports: skiing, sledding, skating.

Project topic:"Winter Fun"

Relevance: The winter period makes it possible to stimulate the interest of children and adults in joint activities (games, fun, experiments, etc.) and allows one to establish causally investigative connections. Currently, the problem of the health and physical development of preschool children is of particular relevance. Preserving and strengthening the health of the younger generation is now becoming a priority social problem. Over the past decades, the health status of preschool children has deteriorated sharply. Problems children's health need new approaches, trusting partnerships preschool employees with parents. The daily routine is filled with active activities of children, independent games, sports entertainment.

Target: Enriching children's knowledge about winter and winter fun, introducing children and parents to healthy image life through winter fun, entertainment, and games.

Project objectives:

Introduce children to winter sports;

To form in children exploratory and cognitive interest to experiments, experiments;

Teach children skiing and sledding.

Develop children's creative imagination in the process productive activity, memory, attention, thinking;

To promote the development of spatial orientation, speed, strength, and dexterity in children.

To develop in children motor skills and abilities that promote health, increase the body’s resistance to unfavorable factors internal and external environment;

Through winter activities, fun, and games, introduce children and parents to a healthy lifestyle.

To foster children's interest in winter fun, entertainment and games;

To foster in children independence, organization, and initiative in actions during events;

To develop in children the ability to interact with each other.

The novelty of the project lies in the expansion of the interactive field of interaction with parents, providing information to parents about the project by email.

The period of the project within the framework of long-term thematic planning block “Snow Book” topic of the week “ Winter fun» (01/25/2016 -01/29/2016)

Material and technical equipment:

Selection of artistic, illustrated, game material, card files of conversations, didactic, finger, outdoor games. Comprehensive perspective-thematic planning of organized educational activities in middle group for 2015 - 2016 academic year. laptop.

Project participants:

1. Children and parents of the middle group (4 -5 years old)

2. Educators: Baburova. S. V. Shilonosova. S.I.

3. Musical director Afanasyev. A.S.

Project type:

Group, short-term (01/25/2016 -01/29/2016)

Project type:

Role-playing - game, information-practice-oriented.

visual, playful, practical, verbal, interactive.

Situational dialogue.

An introductory conversation with parents and children to create a psychologically comfortable environment designed for a differentiated approach to each child during the implementation of the project;

Conducting GCD in this area;

Reading poems, stories on the topic

Creative workshop on art activities;

Didactic games;

Carrying out relaxation breaks using musical means during regime moments;

Exhibitions of children's works;

Consultations for parents;


Cultural and leisure program “Zimushka – winter”

Presentation of the project "Winter Fun"


(GCD, cultural and leisure activities, conversations, reading, etc., but necessarily integrated.

1. Situational dialogue " Winter sport» - Introduce winter sports. Form ideas about safe behavior of people in winter. To develop research and educational interest while experimenting with water and ice,

Conversations: “Winter - winter”, “Winter and children”, “Winter in the forest”,

2. Creative workshop “Snowman” - Practice cutting round shapes from square and oval from rectangle by rounding corners, using this image technique in the appliqué of vegetables, fruits, berries, flowers, etc.

“Snowman” - Continue to consolidate and enrich children’s ideas about the colors and shades of surrounding objects and natural objects. Add new ones to already known colors and shades (brown, orange, light green); form an idea of ​​how these colors can be obtained. Develop the ability to mix colors. Strengthen the ability to hold a pencil correctly and use them when creating an image

3. GCD “Why did the Snowman melt?” - Expand children's understanding of the properties of water, snow and ice. Learn to establish basic cause-and-effect relationships: snow melts in warmth and turns into water; In the cold, water freezes and turns into ice.

4. Reading fiction: Reading Russian fairy tales: “Winter quarters of animals”, “Rukavichka”, “Zayushkina’s hut”. Reading and memorizing poems: M. Rodina “Snowflakes”, V. Egorova “Snowman”, V. Orlova “Why does the bear sleep in winter?” Reading stories by Yu. Kozlova “Winter”, “Holiday”; V. Bianchi “Forest in Winter”. Folklore (riddles, winter-themed nursery rhymes)

5. D/I “Snowman Postman”, “When does this happen?”, “Fold the snowman”, “Call it affectionately” board and printed games: “Find extra fun”. Name it and say: Why is it superfluous? (For example, children make a Snowman, skate, swim in the river) “Collect a cut-out picture and name the athlete (hockey player, skier, figure skater, etc.) Game “Sports Atelier”, “Dress the Athlete” (selection of paper clothes for a figure skater, biathlete, etc.) etc.)

Outdoor games: “Through snowballs in a circle”, “Ride snowball", "Hit the hoop (or ball)."

6. Examination of illustrations and paintings: “Winter fun”, “Winter holidays”, “Animals in winter”, “Artists about winter”.

7. Musical works (listening): “ Winter's Tale", "If there were no winter", "Grandfather", "Christmas tree", "Song of candies", "Wrappers", "About New Year».

Musical game: "Santa Claus".

8. Experiments and experiments: “What kind of snow is there?”, “Snow - water - ice”, “How deep is a snowdrift?”

9. Exhibition of joint creative works with parents “Winter fun” - creating conditions for development creative potential teachers, children and their parents within the cultural and educational space of the institution.

10. Consultation with parents, moving folders, consultations:

Individual conversations. Topic: “Hardening is one of the forms of prevention colds children."

Consultation for parents “How to make winter walk pleasant and helpful with your baby? "

Questionnaire “The place of sport in your family.”

11. Competition “Winter Fun”

12. Cultural and leisure program “Winter - Winter”

During the implementation of the project "Winter Fun"

The expected results were achieved: Establishment of parent-child relationships through entertainment, fun, and games. Enriching knowledge about winter and winter fun; Formation of motor skills; Introducing children to a healthy lifestyle; Formation of children’s skills to interact in a team and with parents. Formation of interest in entertainment, fun, physical culture and sports; Development of friendly relationships in the family.

Conclusions: This project, carried out in the middle group kindergarten, was carried out successfully, because work was carried out with parents, which contributed to the establishment of positive relationships between parents and children, and the partnership between parents and educators was strengthened, parents actively participated in the life of the group.


  1. “Work program for the secondary group of MBDOU No. 6 of the city of Proletarsk, Proletarsky district Rostov region, designed in accordance with Educational program institutions for 2015-2016." teacher Baburova. S.V., first qualification category.
  2. G. V. Davydova “Games, counting rhymes, riddles, poems for speech development.”
  3. N. F. Gubanova “Development of gaming activities.” System of work in the second junior group.
  4. Dybina O.B. Classes on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2010.
  5. Solomennikova O.A. Lessons on the formation of elementary ecological ideas in the middle group of kindergarten. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010.

Svetlana Pognerybko
Project “Winter Fun” (for older group)

Passport project.

View project: practice-oriented, creative.

Duration: short-term

the date of the: 2nd week of January (12.01.15 – 16.01.15)

Participants: children senior group, educators, parents, music director

Relevance: All children love winter, but not everyone thinks about what would happen if there was no snow in winter. Give children the opportunity to work on one topic for a week to get answers to their questions. Supporting children's aspirations for creativity, project will help children enrich their existing knowledge and skills, give them the opportunity to use them, experience the joy of discovery, victory and success. Based on the needs, interests and preferences of children, work on project will allow each child to move forward and ensure that everyone achieves their best high level. Project« Winter fun» provides great opportunities for creativity, develops activity, independence, work in a team, involves children and parents in joint activities, ensures close cooperation between teachers and the music director.

Target: To introduce children to folk traditions and customs, to expand their understanding of winter folk holidays(Christmas, old New Year, Epiphany, oh winter fun.

Continue to introduce winter sports

Continue to introduce folk songs, dancing, games

Organize all types of children's activities (play, communication, work, cognitive-research, productive, musical and artistic, reading) around the theme « Winter fun»

Enrich children's knowledge about safe behavior in winter

Expected result:

Introduce children and attract parents to historical and cultural heritage native land;

Consolidating children's knowledge and ideas about winter species sports;

interest and Active participation parents in educational process kindergarten;

Development creative imagination, creative thinking

Formation of prerequisites search activity, intellectual initiative.

Preparatory stage

Develop an implementation plan project« Winter fun» ;

Selection of material for five educational areas ( , "Physical development", « Cognitive development» , « Speech development» , "Artistically - aesthetic development» ) for implementation project;

Selection of material on interaction with parents and society;

Photo newspaper design « Winter fun» .

Implementation plan for working with children project« Winter fun» :

Direct educational activities "Socially - communication development» "Physical development" "Cognitive Development"

Formation complete picture peace

Subject: "Christmas Carols"

Target: Talk about the holidays that are celebrated during winter holidays ; expand your horizons; create interest in Russians folk traditions; to cultivate citizenship and love for the Motherland.

Source: Chebak A. Ya. p. 83.

Design / Manual labor

Subject: "Ice House"

Target: Creating an expressive image of the ice house, creative application different types buildings

Source: Kutsakova L.V. p128.

Reading fiction literature:

Subject: Reading a story by N. Nosov "On the Hill"

Target: To develop in children the ability to feel and understand the nature of images works of art, assimilate the sequence of plot development, notice expressive and visual means that help reveal the content; enrich speech with phraseological units; learn to understand the figurative meaning of some phrases and sentences.

Source: Ushakova O. S. from 28.

Drawing: Subject: “I’m happily rolling downhill into a snowdrift”

Target: Learn to convey the plot using accessible graphic means. Show plot image means (semantic) Communication between objects: highlighting the main and secondary, transferring interaction, changing the form due to the nature of the movement (arms raised, bent, torso tilted, etc.). Expand the possibilities of using the cut-off appliqué technique. Develop compositional skills (draw across an entire sheet of paper, drawing a horizon line, convey proportional and spatial relationships between objects).

Source: Lykova I. A. s. 116.

Modeling / Applique:

Subject: "Snowmen in hats and scarves"

Target: Arouse interest in winter And New Year theme. Learn to create an expressive image of a snowman, as accurately as possible conveying the shape and proportional relationship of its parts. Continue to master the rational method of cutting a circle from a square by folding it in half and rounding the paired corners. Encourage to decorative design created image (hats and scarves with stripes or polka dots). Teach children to understand and convey spatial relationships when creating a composition (above, below, right, left, side). Develop an eye, a sense of shape and proportions.

Source: Lykova I. A. p. 90.

Speech development: Compiling a story based on a picture « Reindeer» Tasks: Related speech: learn to compose plot story from the picture using your knowledge about the appearance and life of animals; Dictionary and grammar: learn to select the most precise definitions when describing the appearance of animals; activate antonyms in speech; practice forming names of baby animals with diminutive suffixes; Sound culture speeches: clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of the sounds [h] and [ts]; learn to distinguish these sounds, clearly and distinctly pronounce words with the sounds [ch`] and [ts`]. Source: Ushakova O. S. “Speech development of children 5-7 years old” p 76 Learning carols. Theatrical game "Snow flakes are circling" Situational conversations: What do I like in Winter? Why is Winter needed? How can I help birds in winter? Why can't you scream loudly outside in winter? What do they play in winter? D\games and educational games:“What happens in winter?”, "What's for what", "Say kindly", “Choose the words - relatives”,“What about yesterday?”, “Where is the bullfinch?”, “Who needs what?”. Labor activity on area: check the feeders, feed the birds. Labor instructions: sprinkle the paths with sand Work assignments in the corner nature: digging up soil in pots, watering plants Labor instructions: shovel snow to the roots of trees. Conversation "Caution - winter" Conversations on life safety "Rules of behavior on the slide", "Rules of behavior on slippery slopes" Morning exercises by L. I. Penzulaeva "Recreational gymnastics" complex No. 9 village 68 Gymnastics of awakening T. E. Kharchenko "An invigorating anthem." "My toys" (49) Breathing exercises "Snowfall" Gymnastics for the eyes "Far and Near Snowflake" Physical education minute "Snowflakes are falling from the sky" Conversation "Where the vitamins live" P. g. "Bullfinches" "Oh frost, frost" "Friendship" Outdoor game "Two Frosts", "Entertainers", "Hit the target", “Whose team will score more goals”, "Ice, wind and frost", "Hit the Gate" "Jumpers", "Father Frost", "Fast Sled", "Don't Drop the Snowballs". Relay race "Counter" Sledging

Presentation « Winter fun» Conversation “How I spent my Christmas holidays”. Conversation “Famous Russian athletes from. 60 "We are Russians". Looking at posters and paintings depicting winter fun(sledding, skiing, skating) Conversation “Fauna and flora of the Arctic and Antarctic” Conversation « Winter fun of Don Cossacks» With. 227 Chumicheva Conversation with viewing of a presentation using computer technology "Children about winter games» Experimental - experimental activity: bubble in the cold

Regional component

Evening of mysteries "In the kuren" Examination of illustrations depicting Cossack buildings. Di "Find out whose clothes". Target: learn to determine who the clothes belong to, highlighting the Cossack ones.

"Speech development" Artistic and aesthetic development" Interaction with parents and society

Creative storytelling story pictures “How the children went for a walk in the winter...” « Winter fun» with memorizing poems. Speech exercise "Snowflakes" Memorizing verse. R. Kudashova Winter song» Guessing and inventing riddles about the inhabitants of northern latitudes (deer, polar bear, walrus, seal). Exercise "Name the action"(with "snowball") Compilation descriptive story on topic: "Winter". Reading nursery rhyme “Like in the snow, in a blizzard...” Reading N. Sladkov "In the Ice", "Bird Bazaar", G. Snegirev "Penguin Beach", A. Chlenov “How Alyosha lived in the North”, N. Emelyanova “Oksya is a hard worker”, L. Charskaya "Winter"

Looking at the painting "Winter" Teamwork"Our winter fun"Muz\ a game: "Guess the song"- practice guessing familiar songs about winter. Hearing: “Like thin ice”, “You are frost, frost, frost...”, children's winter songs. Entertainment "Christmas time - carols".

Invite parents to participate in the fun "Christmas time - carols". Together with parents, prepare a card index of poems about winter, proverbs, sayings, photo newspaper: « Winter fun»

Product project activities:

Family photos « Winter fun» ;

Album with riddles and poems "Winter";

Visiting village institutions with concert program "Carols".

Presentation project:

Photo newspaper « Winter fun» .

results project activities:

Expanding the knowledge of children and parents about native land, its customs, culture, the formation on this basis of a spiritual, environmental, moral and personal attitude to reality;

Extension connections preschool educational institution with society;

In the process of working on project, children's self-esteem has increased;

It was possible to activate 65% of parents (they took part in the production of a photo newspaper, organized visits to village institutions for entertainment "Christmas time - carols").

Winner of the All-Russian competition « Most requested article of the month » JANUARY 2018

Preparatory group Teacher Kazakova L.I.


  • Expand children's understanding of winter fun and entertainment.
  • Form ideas about safe behavior of people in winter.
  • Reinforce knowledge about the properties of snow and ice.
  • To cultivate a love for our native nature, for the Russian winter.

Final event: Construction of a snow slide on the site.

Day of the week Direct educational activities Educational activities V regime moments Organization of a development environment for independent activity children (activity centers, all group rooms) Interaction with parents/social partners

Monday 1.OO (the world, ecology) "Winter. Winter fun" Goal: to continue monitoring the further decrease in day length, frosts, snowfalls, freezing of water bodies, to clarify children’s ideas about winter fun. (I. A. Morozova, p. 121.)

2. OO (modeling) "Skiers" Purpose: to sculpt a human figure in motion, to convey the shape of the body, structure, shape of parts, proportions. (Complex classes, page 223)

3. OO "Motor activity" (according to the physical instructor’s plan)

Morning exercises

Conversation "Winter is full of wonders and fun" Purpose: to give an idea of ​​the meaning physical activity for human health, to form in children the need for a healthy lifestyle.

Didactic game “Collect a picture” (cut postcards) Goal: to consolidate knowledge of color, shape, the ability to assemble a whole according to a model, to activate the vocabulary.

Didactic game “Name the plant with the right sound” Goal: to develop in children phonemic awareness, quick thinking.

Making riddles about winter games Goal: to develop children's thinking and speech.

Round dance “Burn, burn clearly” Purpose: to consolidate the movements of the round dance, to develop imagination and rhythm.

Observation in a corner of nature. Goal: to develop the ability to take care of plants (watering, loosening the soil, the ability to write a description of plants.

Walk 1.

Observing the wind Goal: to develop observation skills, interest in phenomena inanimate nature, their features in the winter season, activate the vocabulary.

Outdoor game “Polar bears” Purpose: to practice running in different directions, develop agility, speed, courage

Outdoor game “Snowflakes and the Wind” Purpose: to develop the ability to act on a signal, to practice circling.

Outdoor game “Two Frosts” Purpose: to develop dexterity, learn to distribute roles.

Individual work

Throwing objects at a target. Goal: to develop hand strength and eye.

Labor assignments: clearing paths.

Goal: to instill in children a positive attitude towards work and to finish what they start.

Conversation « Winter Games» Purpose: to introduce winter sports, winter fun, and entertainment.

Reading fiction I. Surikov "Winter" Goal: to expressively read a poem by heart, conveying intonation an admiration of winter nature, to feel, understand and reproduce the figurative language of the poem.

Plot- role-playing game "Trip around the world" Goal: expand children's horizons, consolidate knowledge about parts of the world, different countries, cultivate a desire to travel, create friendships, expand children's vocabulary: "captain" , "Traveling across the world" , "Asia" , "India" , "Europe" , "Pacific Ocean" .

Equipment: a ship made from building material, steering wheel, binoculars, world map.

Didactic game "Safety rules in winter" Goal: know winter safety rules; be able to identify a dangerous situation from pictures.

Didactic game "Broken phone" .

Goal: development auditory attention.

Ecological game "Seasons"

Goal: develop logical thinking and enrich children’s horizons with the concept of seasonal changes in nature.

Experimentation "Ice-strongman"

Purpose: to draw children's attention to a tightly closed plastic bottle filled to the brim with water, invite them to make a proposal about what will happen to the water if it freezes. Offer to conduct an experiment.

Walk 2.

Observations of trees in winter, tell how to protect them from severe frosts. Goal: to promote knowledge about preserving trees during the cold season.

Outdoor game “Fairy-tale figure, freeze” Purpose: to develop imagination and creativity in inventing fairy-tale figures.

Outdoor game “Hares, Christmas trees, stumps.” Goal: to practice running in different directions, the ability to act on a signal, to develop attention and agility.

Outdoor game "The Kite and the Mother Hen" . Goals: to consolidate the ability to act together; develop speed and agility.

Individual work

Development of movements. Goal: develop an eye for throwing snowballs (balls) at the target, achieving active movement of the hand when throwing.

Offer children markers and colored pencils “Draw your loved one” fairy tale hero"Goal: to develop imagination, Creative skills, visual skills, speech; activate the dictionary.

Making pinwheels for observing the wind. Goal: to develop the ability to work together and creatively.

Individual consultations: "Children's clothing in the group" .

Invite parents to help decorate the kindergarten area with snow buildings, garlands and toys made with their own hands from waste material.

Tuesday 1.OO « Cognitive activity» FEMP No. 15

"I'm counting to 20"

(E.V. Kolesnikova, p. 30) workbook.

2. OO "Artistic and aesthetic activity"

3. OO « Speech activity» (fiction) Telling a fairy tale by V. I. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich" (O. S. Ushakova, p. 180) Morning

Morning exercises

Conversation "On the Hill in Winter"

Purpose: to teach children to obey the rules of behavior when sliding downhill; develop endurance and patience - the ability to wait your turn; develop a desire to avoid traumatic situations.

Reading and retelling by N. Nosov "On the Hill" Goal: to teach to feel and understand the nature of images, to assimilate sequence, and to retell based on a plan.

Didactic game "Who by whom (how) will?"

Goal: consolidate the sequence of events.

Didactic game “When does this happen?” Goal: to consolidate winter signs.

Finger game "Herringbone" .

Goal: develop fine motor skills hands

Canteen duty. Goal: education of CGN, culture of behavior and self-service skills: to consolidate skills of culture of behavior at the table.


Observing snow Purpose: to consolidate knowledge of the properties of snow; teach how to measure its thickness, consider the components of snow.

Outdoor game “ Brave guys“Goal: to practice walking and running in different directions, jumping from snow banks, to develop courage and dexterity.

Outdoor game “Oh, you, sleigh, my sleigh” Purpose: to practice sledding in different directions, to create a positive emotional mood.

Outdoor game "Penguins with a ball" . Goal: to make jumping on two legs more difficult by moving forward with an object clamped with your feet.

Individual work

Development of movements. Goal: to strengthen the ability to throw the ball at a target.

With snow, sledding, sculpting figures from snow.

Conversation “How the curious tongue was punished”

Objectives: to give children knowledge that iron objects are very dangerous in winter, that they should not be touched with the tongue, lips or bare hands;

teach how to take care of your safety and prevent accidents.

Reading fiction G. Skrebitsky “How a squirrel spends the winter” Purpose: answer questions about the content of the listened text; learn to retell the text of a story; instill love for animals and care for them.

Plot-role-playing game “On the roads of the city” Purpose: to consolidate children’s knowledge about the rules traffic, introduce a new role - a traffic controller, cultivate self-control, patience, and attention on the road.

Equipment: toy cars, traffic controller flags - red and green.

Didactic game "Edible - inedible" (with a ball).

Goal: formation of attention, development of the ability to highlight the main, essential features items.

Didactic game "Find your match" Purpose: to consolidate geometric shapes.

Game-situation "In our orchestra" Goal: to introduce children to Russian folk traditions; activate auditory attention and promote playing musical instruments.

In the book corner, invite children to look at the illustrations "Winter Landscapes" Goal: to evoke positive emotions in children.

Independent play activity Goal: To develop the ability to independently choose games, negotiate with peers about interaction, and select attributes.

Walk 2.

Watching the tracks "Funny drawings in the snow"

Goal: to improve the ability to think about whose footprints remain in the snow.

Hanging feeders on the site. Goal: to promote caring for birds in the winter season.

Outdoor game "Don't get caught" . Goal: practice running in different directions.

Outdoor game "Blizzard" Goal: perform movements according to the content of the game.

Outdoor game "The Owl and the Birds" .

Goal: practice running in all directions.

Ind. physical education work: exercise in walking "trail after trail"

Goal: practice balance.

Independent activities of children

Board games - traveling with cubes and chips Purpose: to develop imagination, perception, thinking, improve counting, teach children to practice joint activities, taking into account the interests and opinions of other children.

Dramatization game by S. Marshak "Twelve months" .

Goal: to encourage children to improvise, to develop the ability to feel free in a role. Offer children the opportunity to perform in front of their peers.

Consultation "Flu. Prevention measures. Symptoms of this disease"

Oral conversation “Gallery worms are one of the measures to prevent viral infections” .

Consultation: topic: “Parents to avoid payment arrears”

Consultation for parents “How to dress a child in winter” .

Invite parents to make bottle skis as a group.

Wednesday 1.OO "Speech activity" (speech development) Compiling a story based on a picture “We are not afraid of frost” Objectives: - coherent speech: learn to tell stories from a picture without repeating each other’s stories; use figurative words and expressions to describe winter; - dictionary and grammar: learn to identify essential features when comparing phenomena, give tasks to select definitions and synonyms; introduce the polysemy of words; - sound culture speech: teach correct pronunciation of sounds (With)(With,) (h)(z,), differentiate them by ear, select words with these sounds, change the strength of the voice, the pace of speech.

2. OO "Artistic and aesthetic activity" (construction), (manual labor) "Snowman" Goal: to consolidate the ability to make products from waste material. (Comprehensive Lessons, p. 169)

3. OO "Motor activity" (according to the physical instructor’s plan)

Morning exercises

Conversation “What I liked most about skiing” Goal: systematize children’s knowledge, activate memory.

Lotto "Equip an Athlete" .

Goal: select appropriate equipment and equipment for athletes.

Didactic game "Who can name more actions" Goal: activate verbs, form various verb forms (infinitive, third person).

Didactic game "Four Seasons" Goal: to know the signs that characterize each season.

Reading a story by V. Suteev "Yolki" .

Purpose: to introduce children to the work and invite them to express their opinion about the story.

Finger gymnastics "Snowball"

Canteen duty. Goal: To promote children’s ability to perform the duties of dining room attendants and to set the table correctly and consistently.

Walk 1.

Comparative observation of a sparrow and a tit. Objectives: using the example of comparing a sparrow with a tit, introduce the features of their structure and way of life; bring up friendly attitude to our smaller brothers.

Pour food into bird feeders. Goal: to promote a desire to care for birds.

Research activities

Suggest compacting the snow in a small area and using a stick to sketch the bird tracks you see.

Labor activity

Collecting snow to build a snow town. Goals: to develop the ability to work in a team; plan work.

Individual work "Walk with caution" . Goal: learn to walk "snake" between objects without knocking them over.

Independent activities of children

Russian storytelling folk tale "Snow Maiden"

Goal: to develop in children the ability to holistically perceive a fairy tale in the unity of its content and artistic form.

Didactic game “Help Ole choose clothes and shoes” (etiquette)

Goal: using pictures to clarify and activate the names of clothes and shoes in children’s speech (mittens - gloves, shoes - boots); give each child the opportunity to express themselves in choosing outfits for the doll

Didactic game “Which team will line up faster” Goal: consolidate counting and numbers within 10, orientation in space.

Didactic game "Name the action" Goal: know winter phenomena; be able to complete the teacher’s sentence, choosing the appropriate verb according to its meaning.

Thematic role-playing game "At a car service station" Purpose: to expand the topic construction games, develop constructive skills, show creativity, find good place for the game, introduce them to a new role - a car repairman.

Equipment: building material for building a garage, plumbing tools for car repair, equipment for washing and painting cars.

A game low mobility “Find what I’ll describe” .

Goal: improve the ability to find an object by description, practice orientation in a group, develop attention.

Experimental activities “What color is the snow?” Purpose: to give an idea that snow collected in different places (near the roadway and in the kindergarten area) different in color. Why?

Walk 2.

Observing frosty patterns Purpose: observe on the window Frost patterns.

Labor activity: clean the path leading to the veranda.

Goal: improve the ability to work with a shovel correctly and throw snow in the right direction.

Outdoor game "Red, yellow, green" .

Goal: act on a signal, reinforce the rules of behavior on the street.

Outdoor game "Running on a Winding Path"

Purpose: to exercise the ability to maintain direction

Outdoor game "Run to the flag"

Goal: to develop dexterity, speed, spatial orientation.

Games with portable equipment. Goal: development of skills in joint gaming activities

Offer books to children "Do it yourself" (cut and paste): “Here, the New Year is approaching” .

Purpose: to promote the development of creative abilities, safety when working with scissors.

Invite the children to build a “Castle for Snow Queen“Goal: to develop children’s constructive skills, the ability to construct plot structures by demonstration, to enjoy the results, to consolidate the names of details and verb forms in speech, and to develop motor skills.

Conversation: "Future First-Grade Mode"

Consultation “How to spend a day off with a child?” .

Bring winter sports coloring books

Thu Wer 1.OO "Cognitive activity" FEMP No. 14 "I solve arithmetic problems" (E. V Kolesnikova) workbook.

2. OO "Motor activity" (according to the physical instructor’s plan)

(on air)

Subject: "Winter roads"

Goal: to expand children’s knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street and the road in winter.

Give children knowledge that in winter the roads are slippery and drivers cannot move quickly.

stop the vehicle. On slippery roads, cars and buses even

After braking, they slide forward for some time. Cultivate the ability to restrain

yourself, be careful, don’t play on the road.

Didactic game "Say it differently" Goal: to teach children to select a synonym - a word that is close in meaning.

Didactic game “Pick a pictogram” .

Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about Olympic winter sports.

It is necessary to select a pictogram for the corresponding sport and name it.

Reading p. n. fairy tales "Morozko" .

Goal: to continue to introduce children to oral works folk art, learn to evaluate the actions of heroes, express your attitude towards them. Conversation on content.

Finger game "Feeder" Goal: Development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Walk 1.

Observation "Bird tracks in the snow" Goal: to strengthen the ability to recognize bird tracks in the snow.

Work assignments: feeding birds.

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to pour pre-prepared food into feeders, instill a love for birds, and encourage the desire to take care of them.

Outdoor games "Find the trail" , "Trace after trace" . Goal: practice jumping with forward movement, achieving naturalness, ease and accuracy of the movement.

Individual work

Practicing jumping on two legs, moving forward at a distance of 2-3 m. Purpose: to improve coordination of movements.

Telling a tale "Moroz Ivanovich"

Goal: to teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, to lead to an understanding of the idea of ​​the work, to connect it with the meaning of the proverb.

Didactic game "Make no mistake" Goals: develop quick thinking; consolidate children's knowledge of what they do in different time days.

Didactic game “What’s in Santa Claus’s bag?” Goal: to teach children to recognize objects by characteristic features; intensify the use in speech of the names of objects, their parts, and the materials from which they are made.

Story-based role-playing game "Guests"

Goal: strengthening cultural skills, imparting to the children some knowledge of home economics (room cleaning, table setting).

Game material. Doll dishes, imaginary treats, substitute objects; tables with tablecloths, tea sets, vases, tea, pies.

Reinforce the rules for safe movement indoors: carefully go up and down the stairs; hold on to the railing; open and close the door while holding the door handle.

Walk 2.

Observation. Draw children's attention to what is happening seasonal changes, practice using epithets when describing them. To instill in children sensitivity to the poetic word.

Memorization: "Snowflake" K. Balmont, to form an idea of ​​the properties of snow, interest in inanimate objects of nature; consolidate knowledge about the seasonal phenomenon - snowfall; develop a sense of beauty.

Development of movements. Goal: practice running "snake" , running around objects placed in a row.

Construction of a snow slide. Goal: to cultivate a love of work and friendly relationships. Building a slide for dolls, slamming the snow with a shovel, teaching how to work together, getting joy from the work done and its result.

Outdoor game "The deer has a big house" . Goal: to consolidate the ability to correlate movement with text.

Outdoor game "Aircraft" Goal: to develop the ability to quickly act on a signal, speed of attention.

Outdoor game “Hit the target with a ball of snow” .

Goal: to develop eye and throwing power.

Offer to draw "Frost patterns" Goal: to promote children's ability to draw frosty patterns. Create conditions for experimenting with paints to obtain different shades blue color.

Free activities for children in creativity centers, books.

Goal: to teach children to independently find something they like.

Consultation “Preparing a preschooler’s hand for writing” .

Individual conversations "Teaching Memorization"

Consultation “Daily routine is the key to health and academic success”

Bring pictures, newspaper clippings, winter sports magazines (possibly Olympic themed), about winter fun in Rus' and in modern times (for the design of a wall newspaper)

Friday 1.OO "Artistic and aesthetic activity" (according to the music director's plan)

2. OO "Artistic and aesthetic activity" (drawing) "Snow Maiden near the Christmas tree" Goal: teach transmission fairy tale image Snow Maiden through her outfit: a long fur coat with snow patterns with fur trim; choose cool colors: blue, blue, purple or lilac for her clothes; train children in using different pencil pressures: light for evenly painting a fur coat, strong for drawing an outline, details, patterns; learn to draw Christmas tree needles with continuous oblique strokes; learn to depict fur with strokes. (G.S. Shvaiko, p. 84 "Classes on visual arts» ) Conversation "Who feels good in winter" Goal: to engage children in casual conversation about winter fun and activities.

Didactic game "The Fourth Wheel"

Purpose: name and distinguish between winter and summer sports.

Didactic game “It’s similar - it’s not similar” Goal: teach to compare objects; find signs of difference in them; similarities, recognize objects by description.

Didactic game “Guess it!” Goal: to develop the ability to describe an object without looking at it, to identify essential features in it, to recognize an object by description.

Articulatory and finger gymnastics “Hello to all friends - physical education” Goal: improve fine motor skills

Round dance “Whoever walks there wanders”

Goal: to consolidate the movements of the round dance, to develop imagination and rhythm.

Walk 1.

Observation of a crow and a magpie Purpose: to teach to compare a magpie and a crow, to find features .

Individual work Development of movements. Goal: to strengthen the ability to throw the ball at a target.

Research activity Observe where the snow melts faster - on the mitten or on the hand. Why? What is formed from snow?

Labor activity

Construction of a labyrinth.

Goals: to teach to finish things; develop the ability to act together.

Outdoor games "Penguins with a ball" "Don't step on it!" .

Goal: to make jumping on two legs more difficult by moving forward with an object clamped with your feet.

Outdoor game "Birds and Cats" Goal: develop speed and attention.

Reading a fairy tale by S. Marshak "Twelve months"

Goal: to teach to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale.

Didactic game “When does this happen?” Goal: to clarify and deepen knowledge about the seasons.

Didactic game “Name the bird with the right sound” Goal: to develop phonemic hearing and quick thinking.

Thematic role-playing game "Toys at the doctor"

Goal: caring for the sick and using medical instruments, cultivating attentiveness and sensitivity in children, expanding vocabulary: introducing concepts "hospital" , "sick" , "treatment" , "medicines" , "temperature" , "hospital" .

Equipment: dolls, toy animals, medical instruments: thermometer, syringe, pills, spoon, phonendoscope, cotton wool, jars of medicine, bandage, robe and doctor’s cap.

Didactic game "What it is?" Goal: to develop logical thinking, memory, ingenuity.

Walk 2.

Watching Hooded and Carrion Crows

Objectives: teach to compare the gray and black crow;

find distinctive features (appearance, voice, habits).

Labor activity

Clearing the area of ​​snow.

Goal: to cultivate a desire to work in a team.

Individual work

"Find the object" .

Goals: to consolidate the ability to navigate the kindergarten area; find an item by description.

Outdoor game

“One, two, three - run!” .

Goal: to develop running speed, agility, attention.

Outdoor games "Frost - red nose" "We are funny guys" . Goals: learn to speak clearly in the game; follow the rules of the game

Role-playing game at the request of children Goal: to continue to form relationships of cooperation and mutual assistance; cultivate friendliness.

Art activities at the request of children "New Year through the eyes of children" Goal: to promote the development of creativity in children, teach how to place a drawing on a sheet of paper, and how to do the work accurately.

Offer children “Puzzles”, “Mosaics” Goal: to develop spatial thinking, fine motor skills Memo to parents: « Safe behavior children on the road"

Invite parents to take part in a competition for making Christmas tree decorations.

Individual consultation “Formation of independence in children aged 6–7 years for successful learning At school" .

Type of project: practical Duration: from year to year (short-term) Project participants: teacher, speech therapist, children, preschool teachers, parents. Presentation form: slide presentation Group 11 (compensatory focus for children with speech impairment) Project passport

The need to create this project was that the climatic conditions of the region in which our village is located: long winter, high humidity, strong winds combined with low temperatures create certain difficulties for walking with children at this time of year. The “Winter Fun” project will help you organize your walks so that they are interesting and useful.

In our children we observe not only severe speech disorders but also a decrease in physical activity. The greatest difficulty for children is performing movements following verbal instructions. In addition to the lag in physical development and physical fitness, problems of a social and psycho-emotional nature are added. Therefore, our project, in addition to the physical and social aspects, includes work on the development of the psycho-emotional sphere of pupils, because Preserving and strengthening the health of children with special needs, developing their habits and the need for a healthy lifestyle is impossible without mental and psychological well-being.

To form in children the habit of a healthy lifestyle and the need for a variety of independent motor activities in the air. Develop in children physical qualities: agility, speed, endurance during outdoor games, competitions, entertainment; creativity in sketching, making and decorating snow structures. To educate children in moral and volitional qualities, communication skills and hard work during collective activities.

Goal: setting motivation, goals, objectives for the organization theme week“Winter fun” Time frame: one day Contents: Create motivation for working on the project; To make a plan joint events with kids; Pick up poems, riddles, proverbs, music. repertoire; Choose verbal, finger, sedentary games; Create a complex of morning exercises; Moving folders for parents.

Goal: consolidation and expansion of ideas and knowledge about winter fun. Objectives: Expanding children's understanding of the norms and rules that allow them to maintain health while playing; Expand parents' knowledge about winter fun outside. Development of auditory attention, auditory memory and phonemic awareness. Activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Winter” Exercise and consolidate motor skills in accordance with the program content

Goal: to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about winter fun. Objectives: Consolidating children's knowledge about the culture of hygiene; formation positive attitude to a healthy lifestyle. To cultivate a feeling of love for native nature, winter holidays; Stimulate independent motor activity of children; Develop articulatory motor skills, speech breathing Develop the ability to work and play in a team.

Children will master a sufficient level of motor activity according to their age. Pupils will become familiar with a variety of new games and exercises in the air using structures made of snow and ice. Guys preparatory age will master the technique of skiing, playing with a stick and puck. The acquired skills will help you become more self-sufficient and independent. The motor experience gained will help you avoid accidents. Motor independence and overall endurance will increase, and the incidence of illness in children will decrease.

Main forms of project implementation: 1. Game activities; 2. Work with parents; 3. Work with educational literature; 4. Compiling an album; 5.Drawing; 6. Making mock-ups; 7. Compilation of stories, essays; 8. Multimedia presentation- as a result.
