Urine therapy - why drink urine, what does it treat? An unconventional way of rejuvenation is urine therapy.

Urine therapy - truth and lies

Periodically, on the pages of our site, we review with you the methods of treatment of alternative medicine, discuss their advantages and disadvantages ..., herbal medicine ... However, today we want to talk with you about the area of ​​\u200b\u200balternative medicine in which the liquid that the human body produces acts as a medicine . No, we are not talking about blood, but about ... urine.

About the treatment with urine and about all the secrets of urine therapy, about the benefits and harms of this direction in alternative medicine and about who and why it is strictly forbidden to be treated with urine- about all this on the pages of our article ...

What is urine therapy

Urinotherapy is one of the methods of alternative medicine, the essence of which is the internal or external use of urine (urine) as a remedy. In order for you to understand that what is written above is absolutely serious, here are some facts. So, for example,

in Russia, in 1930, the institute of urogravidanotherapy was opened - however, it was closed very quickly, since the studies conducted in it of urine as a medicine showed a complete lack of clinical effect from this liquid.

All this could be called the fruit of a sick fantasy of scientists, if it were not for information that people were fond of treating urine in ancient India, by the way, it was from there that urine therapy came to us as a field of alternative medicine.

As we wrote above, the only cure for almost all diseases in urine therapy is considered to be urine itself or urine, which is evaporated in a special way. Moreover, the followers of this direction firmly believe that only thanks to this “golden” liquid they live on earth.

Before passing our verdict on what actually is urine treatment - another way for charlatans to extract money from gullible people or, perhaps, an innovative and universal method of treatment, we suggest understanding what human urine is . What is so special about it that can make it a medicine ...

Human urine as a cure for diseases

Blood plasma, which is formed in the process of passing through the kidneys, is a complex solution of catabolites and metabolites and foreign substances that cannot be in our body. This is our urine or urine. So,

in one day, up to 1500 liters of blood circulate through the vessels of our kidneys, and at the same time the kidneys filter all this blood mass. The result of such filtration is primary urine - it is produced up to 180 liters.

Its composition is very similar to that of blood plasma. Moving along the renal tubules, valuable substances and water from it are absorbed back into our blood, but toxic substances that are dissolved in water form secondary urine, which our body naturally removes to the outside. Therefore, it is not surprising that urea, ammonia, uric acid, creatinine can be found in the urine of even the healthiest person, and if we are talking about the urine of a sick person, then pathogenic bacteria, salts of heavy metals, acetone and other pathological impurities can be found there.

Composition of urine

Types of urine therapy

Properties of urine therapy

So that we can finally reach our verdict - is urine treatment useful or does it only harm the human body, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with some of the properties of urine therapy. So, in particular, today it is used by many traditional healers as an effective method of cleansing the body and for the treatment of many diseases. Moreover, in recent times, more and more folk cosmetologists say that you do not need to use any anti-aging creams and serums, it will be enough just to use urine as a cosmetic product that cleanses the skin and cares for it.

But what about science? Someone might ask. Does she stand aside? Not at all, recent research suggests that

human urine contains metabolites of steroid hormones, which allows us to conclude that hormone therapy and urine therapy are two sisters that have a lot in common in their method of influencing the body.

Moreover, when a person consumes the amount of urine that his body excreted per day, it provides him with an average medicinal dose of the hormones he needs, and the need for additional intake of hormonal drugs by itself disappears.

And now we invite you to figure out which of all this is the real truth and which is not.

The benefits of urine

In some scientific and pseudo-scientific circles, there is an opinion that all the water that is in the human body, including urine (as a form of liquid), is distinguished by its special structure, and its molecules are ordered in a certain way. In order for the ordinary water that we drink with you (find out,) to acquire such a structure, our body needs to spend a lot of energy in order to convert it. But, if you drink urine, then your body will not need to convert water, which means you will save its strength, it will wear out more slowly, respectively, you can live a long and happy life.

Doubt? But, experts say that in the composition of urine you can find 200 different substances that can cleanse our body and even become an alternative to drugs and dietary supplements. Moreover, diseases such as disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, colds and infections, fungal infections, eye diseases - all this can be treated with urine.

However, we would still like to remind you that today there is still not a single pharmacological or folk medicine that could help get rid of all diseases at once. Therefore, it would be very bold to consider urine as such a panacea. Yes,

this specific fluid has an effect on the body, similar to the effect of hormonal drugs, and can temporarily relieve pain, but not a single specialist will undertake to predict the further course of the disease if such treatment is chosen, since to date the effectiveness of urine therapy has not been scientifically substantiated and not proven, and those cases when urine still helps - they are more likely to be attributed to the placebo effect and self-hypnosis, or to a favorable combination of circumstances.

No side effects with urine therapy

Many drugs, despite their effectiveness, have an impressive list of side effects that can scare away even the most desperate. Urine is no exception. Moreover, experts say that Urine treatment has a whole list of possible complications, and this despite the fact that it contains steroid hormones that have a pronounced antibacterial effect. And, the most serious complication is the high probability that with prolonged treatment with urine (which is an analogue of hormones), your hormonal system may stop working normally, or even turn off completely. As a result of a seemingly harmless treatment, you can become disabled.

Urine - natural hormones

Followers of urine therapy firmly believe that the hormones that it produces itself cannot harm the human body. But it is not so. The amount of hormones in the human body controls the pituitary and hypothalamus, but only until they are in the blood. As soon as the hormones are processed and excreted along with the urine, they are thrown off balance. But, if you continue to drink your urine or rub it into the skin, then your body receives a portion of unaccounted for hormones that disrupt all the processes of hormonal secretion of the body, which is fraught with serious disorders and failures. You can find out more about the symptoms of hormonal disorders in the body.

>>> Various ways of using urine therapy and their effectiveness

Is urine different? It turns out it happens. More on this in our article. What are the types of urine?

Depending on the age of the person whose urine is, it can be the urine of a newborn, a child, an adult, and also the urine of the elderly. Different urine in men and women. Quite different urine in pregnant women.

Depending on how long ago the urine was collected, it can be freshly collected, old, very old. According to the method of processing, urine can be stripped off, enriched, activated and cooled.

By the time of collection, urine is night, morning, day, evening. Each disease is treated with a certain type of urine. Its composition depends even on the time of year.

1. Urine of a newborn sharply acidic. It contains a lot of urea. This urine carries the energy of life and growth. Such urine is good for curing fermentation and putrefaction in the intestines. One of the signs of such fermentation is the smell emanating from the elderly. Urine of newborns is used orally, in the form of enemas. If your wound does not heal well, make a compress with such urine. The urine of newborns is a wonderful diuretic, it activates the work of the kidneys and digestive tract, thins the blood, kills microbes.

2. Baby's urine. It refers to the urine of children from one month from birth to thirteen years. There are many immune components in this urine. The urine of a child can improve the functioning of the immune system and the condition of the organs that are responsible for immunity in the body - lymph nodes, bone marrow and thymus gland. If you suffer from infections, neoplasms, viral diseases, you should take just this type of urine. But only the use of children's urine will not be able to help if you do not cleanse the body. Urine should be consumed during a hunger strike.

3. Urine of adults- collected from people from eighteen to thirty years. Such urine is good for people who are from thirty-five to sixty years old. In this case, it is necessary to be treated only with your own urine. If you want to use someone else's urine, find a person who does not suffer from any disease and leads a healthy lifestyle. This person must be of the same gender as you. You must have mutual sympathy. It is preferable to use someone else's urine externally.

4. Urine of the elderly. The urine of old people is a practically useless liquid. You can only take it on your own. It has neither hormones nor a strong immune principle. It is possible to use the senile urine of another person only in emergency situations, for example, when urine stagnates to remove it.

5. Urine male and female urine. They differ primarily in the composition of hormones. In addition, male urine carries male energy, and female, respectively, female energy. It is undesirable to use the urine of a person of the opposite sex. This can only be done in rare cases. In children under ten years of age, there are almost no hormones in the body, so urine does not have such a pronounced sexual character. The urine of the child can be used by people of the opposite sex for no longer than three months.

6. Urine of pregnant women is a unique urine. In addition to the interesting chemical composition, the urine of pregnant women is unique in the information that it carries. The urine of pregnant women has a higher content of amino acids, glucose and vitamins. There are five times more amino acids in it than in the urine of an ordinary woman. There is a lot of the hormone cortisol in the urine of pregnant women, three times more folic acid, vitamin C, B vitamins. This composition makes the urine of pregnant women a very useful tool for removing excess water from the body, preventing cancer, and improving blood production.

7. Freshly collected urine used for healing and healing most often. Apply it immediately after collection. It can be used both as a therapeutic and as a prophylactic. As soon as it cools, many of its properties change.

8 Old Urine- this is urine that has already cooled down, there is already a slight smell of ammonia in it. Over time, urine no longer glows, it very actively draws energy from the body. Therefore, such urine must be used skillfully.

9. Urine reduced to one-fourth of its original volume. The healing properties of such urine are mentioned in ancient Indian scriptures. It is very easy to do it, in any non-metallic dish, four hundred grams of any urine is evaporated to a volume of one hundred grams. Such evaporated urine, according to yogis, has healing properties, cures all diseases.

Maybe, having tried to be treated with urine, you will put your favorite jars of medicines on the far shelf and pull out dietary supplements (biologically active additives).

Read more:

In pursuit of beauty and youth, people spend huge amounts of money buying the latest developments in the field of cosmetology. However, if you are not a squeamish person, an invaluable means of rejuvenation, literally and figuratively, is available to you. We are talking about urine therapy for the skin of the face. The method is controversial, causing a lot of indignation among many, but it exists and has long established itself as effective. The choice is yours anyway. In the publication, we will tell you in detail what an amazing and effective remedy urine is for the face, and we will talk about how urine can be used for cosmetic purposes.

The composition of urine and its beneficial properties

Urine is a complex chemical compound, which includes a large number of elements. Currently, science has discovered about 150 components of urine. The main composition of urine is:

  • water, moreover, structured in a strict order, due to which it is able to cleanse well;
  • ammonia, which helps soften the pores, and therefore deeper penetration of oxygen and other beneficial substances into the skin;
  • salts of calcium, potassium, sodium and magnesium, which have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • hormones and enzymes, the natural property of which is rejuvenation;
  • vitamins that nourish the body and give it strength for regeneration.

A very good feature of urine is its acidity, which completely coincides with the PH level of our skin, so when using urine, the skin does not get irritated.

To date, urine therapy is not recognized by official medicine either as a means of healing the body, or as a cosmetic product. But traditional medicine has long used urine to treat a variety of diseases, and also successfully uses it in cosmetology, for example, urine helps with acne on the face, pigmentation, wrinkles, and has a general rejuvenating effect.

It is important to know that you need to use only fresh or evaporated urine; during storage, urine quickly loses its healing properties.

For a qualitative result, urine must be “clean”. How to achieve this? First of all, review your diet:

Smoking, sedentary lifestyle, stress also have a negative impact on the composition of urine. Therefore, before you do urine therapy, pay attention to your lifestyle and adjust it if necessary.

Urine therapy and health

The list of ailments with which urine therapy can cope is almost endless. People using this method note the following results:

  • relieves any inflammation;
  • quickly heals wounds and other skin damage;
  • normalizes the work of the heart, kidneys, liver;
  • successfully treats rheumatoid diseases;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • heals joints and cartilage, indispensable for bruises;
  • helps to overcome food allergies;
  • treats sinusitis, tonsillitis;
  • well restores the skin after burns;
  • heals cracks in hemorrhoids;
  • helps to restore the skin with eczema and psoriasis;
  • stops hair loss, stimulates their growth;
  • effectively fights wrinkles, scars and skin pigmentation.

The use of urine cleanses the body of toxins and other accumulated harmful substances that poison us and cause various inflammations and defects. Our appearance always depends on the internal state of the organism and is its reflection. When the body is "slagged", acne and wrinkles appear, the color of the skin becomes gray, dull, flabbiness of the skin occurs, the hair becomes thin and hair falls out.

Just one week is enough to cleanse the colon of toxins. Stages of the procedure:

For a qualitative result, the procedure should be carried out regularly throughout the week, it is better to use morning or baby urine. The method is safe, has no side effects, cleanses and heals the body well. The result will certainly affect the condition of the skin: they will become elastic, toned, inflammation will disappear, the skin will shine.

For more information about the procedure for cleansing the intestines with urine, see the following video:

The use of urine in cosmetology

In cosmetology, urine therapy has been used for a long time and allows you to achieve excellent results even in the most advanced cases. Especially popular is the use of urine for wrinkles and acne. Urine is also able to rid the skin of excessive pigmentation, scarring, peeling, manifestations of skin diseases and other defects.

Urine therapy for facial skin is method of external use of urine.

Washing the face with urine

The most common way to apply urine to the face is by washing. This will require morning urine. This method perfectly cleanses and moisturizes the skin of the face, and also enriches the cells of the dermis with useful minerals. After washing with urine, the face should be rinsed with clean water or herbal decoction and apply your favorite cream.

Using urine for facial skin, you can achieve the following results:

  • the skin becomes elastic and smooth;
  • the turgor of the skin increases;
  • the complexion is normalized;
  • wrinkles and pimples disappear;
  • the fat content of the skin decreases with increased secretion of subcutaneous fat;
  • pigmented areas are lightened;
  • scars are smoothed out.

It is important to know that with regular use of urine, the skin is slightly lightened.

Use of lotions with urine

In addition to washing, you can use lotions. First, the skin of the face is wiped with a cotton pad soaked in urine, thus cleansing the dermis from impurities and sebum. Then gauze or a terry towel soaked in urine is applied to problem areas or to the entire face (except for the eye area). After 15 minutes, rinse your face with water. Cream in this case is not necessary. The procedure must be performed daily or at least 3 times a week until improvement occurs.

For cosmetic purposes, you can use the urine of only a healthy person, preferably your own or a child. The urine of a sick person, like an old one, is not used in traditional medicine. The urine collected at about 4 o'clock in the morning, as well as the urine of pregnant women (3rd trimester), is the richest in useful substances.

Urine compresses - amazing results

Urinotherapy for the face can solve the problem of acne, boils and other inflammations. Urinary compresses are used to treat these problems:

Compresses with urine will help to cope even with eczema and manifestations of psoriasis on the face. You need to do them every day until you see improvement.

Good results are obtained by the use of compresses with urine for the neck and décolleté area, because the skin there is thin and early gives out the real age of a woman with wrinkles. To enhance the result, it is recommended to use evaporated urine, because. substances useful for the skin in this embodiment will be in an increased concentration. As a result, the skin becomes smoother, more elastic and toned.

Facial skin massage and urine therapy

If you use urine during the usual, the effect will exceed all expectations. Just apply a small amount of urine on your fingers and massage your face as usual, not forgetting the massage lines. After the procedure, wash your face with herbal decoction and apply cream on the skin.

When using evaporated urine, you can get the effect of light scrubbing. A high-quality peeling is provided to you in any case.


The results of urine therapy for facial skin from wrinkles and acne often outperform the effect of using expensive cosmetics. And the rejuvenating properties of urine therapy are comparable to some salon procedures.

Numerous positive reviews of people using urinotherapy for cosmetic purposes speak for themselves. Of course, the method is peculiar and not suitable for everyone, but it works great, has no side effects and has long been time-tested. If you do not have insurmountable prejudices, this method can become for you a real discovery of a new means of rejuvenation and salvation from many skin problems. All health and unfading youth!

Urine therapy is a treatment method that came to us from India, but has not received official status, so it belongs to alternative medicine. Modern scientists and doctors have not been able to give a single answer to the question "How useful is urine therapy?". Therefore, today we decided to tell you about this folk method of treatment in more detail.

Urinotherapy: composition of urine

Urine is a waste product of the human body. Its main component is water, and everything is dissolved in it metabolic products, toxic substances, trace elements and hormones that have already completed their service life. And speaking in general, the urine contains those substances that, for one reason or another, are no longer needed by the human body.

In the presence of pathological conditions, urine may contain appropriate inclusions. For example, in diabetes mellitus, sugar can be detected in the urine , with kidney pathology - proteins, with hormonal disorders, many macro and microelements are excreted in the urine , with malnutrition, urine is formed uric acids (oxalates, urates, carbotanes, phosphates, etc.).

Urine treatment - for which diseases is it effective?

Today, urine is used, as, for the treatment of various diseases, for cosmetic purposes. Adherents of this method of treatment give a lot of arguments confirming its effectiveness.

  • For example, there is an opinion that all water in the human body, including urine, has a special structure. Its molecules are ordered in a certain way. In order for water to acquire the desired structure, the human body spends a huge amount of energy on its transformation. If you drink urine the body does not have to convert water , which means that it wears out less, respectively, a person will live much longer.

Urine has a very complex structure. Its composition includes over 200 different components. Thanks to this, its use allows you to cleanse the body of toxins. It can also successfully replace many drugs and dietary supplements.

To date, urine therapy has been successfully used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, infectious and colds, fungal skin lesions, and eye diseases.

Harm of urine therapy: the biggest misconceptions in urine therapy

Admirers of urine therapy, being under the influence of myths, consider it a natural way of treatment. However, this is actually not the case. Now we will tell you about what misconceptions about urine therapy can lead to serious consequences and harm your health.

  • Myth 1: Urine therapy is effective in treating all diseases.
    Remember, today there is no medicine (either folk or pharmacological) that helps get rid of all diseases. And urine therapy is also not a panacea. It acts like hormonal drugs and can temporarily alleviate the suffering of the patient, but no one can predict the consequences of such treatment. To date, the effectiveness of urine therapy has not been scientifically proven. And those cases when a cure does happen is nothing more than a placebo effect.
  • Myth 2: Urine therapy has no side effects.
    The real situation is radically opposite. Treatment with urine has a lot of side effects. Scientists argue that the effectiveness of urine treatment is ensured by the presence of steroid hormones in it, which have pronounced antibacterial properties. However, you will not find a mention of this in any book on urine therapy, since society is very wary of hormonal treatment. In addition, prolonged use of urine, like other hormonal drugs, can cause your own hormonal system to stop working normally, and then turn off completely. Experts say that this process can become irreversible and a person will become disabled for life.
  • Myth 3: Pharmacological drugs are artificial hormones, and urine is natural
    In any book on urine therapy, you can find such a statement that the body will not be harmed by those hormones that it itself produces. But in reality this is absolutely not the case. The amount of hormones in our body is strictly controlled by the pituitary and hypothalamus, but only as long as it is in the blood. Once they are processed and excreted in the urine, they are no longer counted. Therefore, if you drink or rub urine, then you saturate your body with “unaccounted for” hormones that break down all hormonal secretion to the body.
  • Myth 4: Urine therapy has no contraindications
    As mentioned above, urine therapy is harmful to humans. But it is especially dangerous in the presence of sexually transmitted diseases, inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, diseases of the kidneys, liver and pancreas. The result of such self-medication can be infection of the blood or internal organs. It is also categorically contraindicated for people with problems of the gastrointestinal tract, since urine will contribute to the development of ulcers, colitis and enterocolitis.
  • Myth 5: Urine can be used to prevent disease
    Where did you hear about hormonal prophylaxis? And urine therapy also refers to hormonal treatments. The consequences of such prevention will be unpredictable, starting with a stomach ulcer and ending with infection of the blood and respiratory tract.

Urinotherapy - pros and cons: an authoritative opinion of doctors about folk treatment with urine

An unequivocal answer to the question "Is urine therapy effective or not?" it is very difficult to give, since in scientific circles there are active disputes on this topic to this day. After talking with doctors, we learned their opinions on this issue:

  • Svetlana Nemirova (surgeon, candidate of medical sciences):
    For me, the word "urinotherapy" is almost a dirty word. I am sad to see how people ruin their health, considering this method of treatment as a panacea for all diseases. In my practice, there were cases when, after using urine therapy, a patient was brought to me by ambulance in a terrible condition. It all started with a small spot between the fingers, which was mistaken for a corn. Of course, no one went to the doctor, but took up self-medication, urinotherapy. As a result of such irresponsibility, he was already brought to us with terrible pain in his leg, tissue necrosis. To save a man's life, we had to amputate his leg.
  • Andrey Kovalev (physician):
    All substances that enter the human body, and, accordingly, into the blood, are carefully filtered through the kidneys. And then all the excess fluid, along with toxins, as well as excesses of other substances, is excreted along with the urine. Our body worked, spent energy to remove all unnecessary substances, and then the person peed in a jar and drank it. What could be the use of this.
  • Marina Nesterova (traumatologist):
    I will not dispute, urine does have excellent antiseptic properties. Therefore, for any cuts, bruises and other injuries of a similar nature, its use can be effective. Urine compresses will help relieve swelling and prevent microbes from getting into the wound. However, the internal use of urine is out of the question, especially for a long time. You will ruin your own health!

Although representatives of traditional medicine have a negative attitude towards urine therapy , many famous personalities do not hide the fact that they use this method of treatment in practice. For example, the famous actor Nikita Dzhigurda not only does not hide the fact that he uses this method of treatment, but also openly urged others to do the same. Famous TV presenter Andrey Malakhov also speaks positively about urine therapy.

The key to a large harvest is top dressing or fertilizer seedlings. Macro- and microelements are very important for the harmonious development of plants. Nitrogen and phosphorus belong to the main party in the correct growth of all crops. Not the last role is played by calcium and potassium. A competent combination of all useful substances, timely saturation with them is the main task of a gardener or gardener.

For lovers of everything natural, there is a natural product that can saturate plants with all the necessary substances and get a big harvest. This product is human urine.

Urine is one of the end products of metabolism in the human body. For 98% it consists of water, but it contains nitrogen and phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium. These elements are necessary for green spaces for active growth.

Arguments for fertilizing plants with urine

Farmers who have used urine for their gardens and orchards unanimously claim that this method works one hundred percent. Still, there are skeptics who do not dare to use a natural and at the same time a little dubious fertilizer. What evidence is given in favor of the use of urine?

  • Availability. You can't argue with that. Such a source of nutrients for seedlings, like urine, one might say, is always with you. There is no need to search in the store or order online. The human body produces about two liters of liquid waste per day, so availability is an indisputable fact.
  • Absolute free. It is extremely difficult to find a similar fertilizer according to this criterion. Urine is not yet sold in stores, and there is no need. This is a product of our own production.
  • Ease of use. You can fertilize it almost immediately after receiving it. So simplicity is a fact beyond doubt.
  • Safety. Unlike chemicals that are offered by suppliers of all kinds of fertilizers, urine is absolutely safe for the soil.
How to improve productivity?

We are constantly getting letters in which amateur gardeners are worried that due to the cold summer this year, a poor harvest of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year we published TIPS about this. But unfortunately, many did not listen, but some still applied. Here is a report from our reader, we want to advise plant growth biostimulantswhich will help increase the yield by up to 50-70%.


Wary attitude factors

Despite the all-natural rave reviews, there are real reasons for the somewhat tense attitude towards increasing urine yields.

  1. 1. Uncertainty factor: advice on the use of urine exists at the level of recommendations. They are, of course, supported by personal experience, but the application depends on the specific case (natural and weather conditions, type of soil, etc.).
  2. 2. The odor factor: You can’t argue with this - urine has a specific smell. So much so that in some it can cause a gag reflex. But I am glad that the urine in a diluted form loses this property. In addition, every gardener and gardener should be accustomed to different flavors. Chemical, organic and mineral supplements are not always endowed with fragrance.
  3. 3. Hygiene factor: urine is a derivative of the human body, in which bacteria, microorganisms, viruses live. Anyone will have a question about the degree of its purity. The answer is simple: inside a person, urine is sterile. Even if at the exit it was enriched with bacteria or pathogens, then it is simply not capable of infecting a plant or a person through the absorption of the fetus. In the process of growth and development, various chemical reactions take place in the seedling, and not a single substance that enters it remains in its original form.

Caution is never excessive, but in the case of such a source of nutrients as urine, risk factors are not justified.

How to collect urine for fertilizer

As a top dressing for plants, fresh and fermented (or homogenized) urine is used.

Fresh urine is collected in a specially designated container with a tight lid. Used one day after collection. During this time, any microbes and bacteria that may be contained in urine will die.

The use of prepared or fermented urine has more positive aspects. First, during storage, unnecessary salts precipitate as a precipitate. Settled urine is more useful. Secondly, during storage, urea decomposes into ammonites, which are more suitable for soil nutrition.

A prerequisite for the collection and storage of urine: the use of a container with a tightly screwed lid. Otherwise, it loses one of the main nutrients - ammonia.

How to fertilize plants with urine

Using undiluted urine is dangerous - it can burn the delicate foliage, stem and roots of plants.

The most harmless proportions are 1:10. That is, for 1 liter of urine, you need to take 10 liters of water. Young seedlings are best fed with a solution of urine and water in a ratio of 1:20 or 1:30.

The best time to apply is early morning or evening when there is no direct sunlight.

In the open air, ammonia is actively excreted from the urine. The main task of the amateur gardener is to minimize the loss of this component. It will help to follow these simple guidelines:

  • Loosening the soil after watering with urine.
  • Plant beds should be watered close to the soil.
  • Spilling the ridges with clean water immediately after feeding.

It is necessary to fertilize the soil at a distance of about 10 centimeters from the stem or butt of plants.

It is not necessary to feed the plants with such bait with each watering. If the level of soil acidity is sufficient, it is rich in nitrogen, then urine can be used as a top dressing several times (three to four) per season. If the need for nitrogen in the soil is higher, then you need to feed the plants after two or three waterings.

Fertilizer should be stopped a month before harvest. Experts advise using urine only until July 15. Timely suspension of feeding will affect the improvement of the taste properties of vegetables. In addition, the abuse of urine as a source of nutrients will affect the shelf life of the crop.

The use of urine is nothing new. This organic nourishment was not invented by our grandmothers at all. For this source of macro- and microelements, a special term has even been created - the phraseology “night gold”, which clearly conveys the value of such a fertilizer as human urine.

In Athens, a huge sewage tank was arranged, which was used as additional food for the plantations. In India and England, special people were appointed to collect specific nourishment, and in Japan, the waste of wealthy people was sold at a higher price.

Picture 3.

Various fertilizers for flowers

And a little about the secrets of the Author

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunch, clicking not of their own free will;
  • pain during or after exercise;
