How to organize a bachelor party before the wedding. Ideas for a bachelor party: how to say goodbye to single life in a fun way

Every bride thinks in advance about where to hold her bachelorette party in Moscow. Of the pre-wedding preparations, this is perhaps one of the most awaited moments. Our selection will help you find the best establishments where you can have an unforgettable bachelorette party. Clubs, bars and restaurants in Moscow offer a wide variety of entertainment for a pre-wedding party: from quests and master classes, to karaoke and, of course, striptease. When choosing where to have an inexpensive bachelorette party in Moscow, pay attention to establishments that offer additional discounts and bonuses to future newlyweds. Having done right choice, you have the opportunity to relax with your friends in a really fun way.

Bars for stag parties in Moscow

A bachelor party not in Vegas can also be made as colorful as possible. There are many restaurants in Moscow high level, where they offer to celebrate a bachelor party. If you want to really rock the party, pay attention to places with parties, dance floors with light and sound equipment, or strip clubs. For a more relaxed bachelor party, you should look for restaurants with hearty meat cuisine and an intimate atmosphere. In some establishments you can rent the entire billiard room or an individual karaoke room for a bachelor party.

Restaurants for a bachelorette party in Moscow

Before you decide on a specific restaurant, you need to decide which holiday format suits you. A relaxing bachelorette party in a restaurant with friends or an incendiary party by the sea bright emotions? Moscow provides various options:

  • cozy gatherings with a large selection of food and wine;
  • party at unusual style(eg Caribbean Islands);
  • a chamber atmosphere and private rooms where you can completely relax and spend a bachelorette party in Moscow only with your closest ones;
  • common room with stage and dance floor;
  • live music in the background or karaoke equipment for you and friends.
  • Most establishments carefully approach the organization of a bachelorette party in a restaurant. They will offer you a memorable atmosphere, a custom-made cake with an individual design, and signature cocktails that are not on the main menu.

    Where to celebrate a bachelor party: bars and restaurants

    On our website you will find full list restaurants where you can have a hen and stag party. To search for an establishment with certain features, use the filter by parameters. You can choose bars for a bachelorette party in Moscow near a convenient metro station, with your favorite cuisine and a suitable average bill.

And at this very moment of heightened passions, in order to avoid excessive expression of emotions, you can put into action such a wonderful European tradition as holding “ bachelor party" And " bachelorette party." Today, she has taken a fairly strong place in our lives, and, of course, more than one bride or groom will not miss the official opportunity to “take a walk,” so to speak. Speaking of what a bachelor party is European tradition, I don’t want to say that we don’t have one, and never have.

In fact, in our country it had a very peculiar, from today’s view, appearance. The groom was supposed to invite friends to his home for his bachelor party, after a while guests from the bride’s side came to him with gifts, everyone treated themselves, drank, and in the evening, when everyone left, the groom went alone to the bathhouse and took a steam bath. This had a very symbolic meaning of purification before marriage, that’s all. Nowadays, morals are different and the time is not the same, and therefore the European tradition of celebrating a bachelor party came to our court, that is, cheerfully, noisily and with enthusiasm, so that later, as they say, there would be something to remember and tell about to descendants.

Previously, the bachelor party was held on the eve of the wedding, but now most young people understand that directly at the wedding they need to look and feel their best, and not minus twenty. That you should still live this wedding day, and not finally live to see its end, barely breathing and looking at the bride with eyes that are not at all what she would really like to see on this day. Today, the bachelor party is held a few days before the celebration, usually a week.

Nowadays, a “bachelor party” is essentially something like a “dinner” that the groom gives in honor of close friends to celebrate his upcoming wedding and farewell to his bachelor life. At such a “dinner”, of course, all the invited young people usually express their “condolences”, give advice, often without any personal experience in these matters, tell him “ horror stories”, citing as an example the “slice of life” of some of his acquaintances.

In fact, the functions of a bachelor party should not be underestimated, because it is not only a friendly party.

Firstly, no matter how much the invitees “sympathize” with the groom, no matter how much they laugh at him, all this is not done out of malice and not because they really think so, but simply want to test the groom’s “moral stability.” Usually such gatherings, whatever it may be, if the groom has quite consciously decided to get married, only help to lift his spirit. Such friendly get-togethers once again provide an opportunity to distract and relax both the tired brain and the body.

Secondly, in this kind of informal setting, in one way or another it is possible to discuss or clarify some points regarding the invitees. Or, in the end, simply inform about the plan for the wedding, for example, the time of the ransom, the plan for traveling around the city and the like. So that you don’t “hang” on the phone for hours explaining to everyone what? Where? and when?

There is one more positive point: you can invite to the bachelor party those whom you, for some reason, do not invite directly to the wedding celebration.

The choice of time and place remains, of course, up to the groom, but the implementation of the plan must be mandatory to deal with the witness, since the groom often has a hard time as it is, while every day from morning to evening he runs around organizing the wedding, clarifying and deciding some points.

Women from the groom’s side, and especially from the bride’s side, should not be invited to the bachelor party, otherwise you risk that everyone can find out in detail about your “festival of body and soul”, but first of all the bride, usually not quite in that light , in which the celebration actually took place. And I think so for you unnecessary problems before the wedding are not needed in any way.

Before the bachelor party, you should have an “explanatory conversation” with the bride, in which you calmly explain where and with whom you are going to go, of course, specifying the address so that she does not have the slightest doubt about the place of your celebration. Tell her that if she really wants to, she can come. Believe me, understanding that you are sincere in front of her, her eyes will not become bloodshot at the word bachelor party and, of course, she is unlikely to be going to visit your “den”. If you hide absolutely all information from her, then because of her purely feminine nature she will get you out of the ground and will definitely come to you, thereby staging an “enchanting show”, after which both you and she will be ashamed in front of your friends, especially if her fears are not confirmed. About such an incident in the life of one of my friends, or on own experience, many young people know.

The location of the bachelor party is chosen depending on the capabilities, desires and interests of the groom, as well as the time of year. By the way, I would like to note that if the groom has limited financial opportunities, it is considered quite decent if he finances only part of the event, and the rest is taken over by the invitees, it will be a kind of collective gift. Believe me, with more likely, they will be offended at the groom if he does not arrange a holiday at all, rather than if he asks his friends to help financially. I have a friend who did exactly this. He provided a place in the form of a dacha, “signed up”, and the rest of the expenses, including his own travel, were paid by his friends. And you know, no one had even a shadow of embarrassment about this, since everyone understood that a lot of money had already been spent on the wedding, and they just really wanted to party about it upcoming wedding.

Bachelor party venues :

Club. Often many young people personify holding this event with the presence of music, a place where they can lose excess energy, striptease and “doping”. The club occupies a rather advantageous place in this regard, as it meets all the requirements. However, you should not forget that you are at least not alone here. It will be quite problematic for you to communicate in those conditions, since you will have to constantly shout over each other. In addition, as usually happens, someone from the company will definitely get lost somewhere and you, of course, will have to look for him, or in general this “Mr. X” may cause some kind of scandal, which seems to me to violate your festive mood. But if this is exactly how you imagine a bachelor party, then go ahead!

True, I would like to advise in this case start the celebration first at home, where you can calmly communicate with each other, discuss everything you need, and only then go to the club in a crowd and “have a blast” to the fullest. In addition, since you are planning to go out to such an establishment, you should not only reserve a table in advance, but also find out about the club’s program so that its implementation and your bachelor party coincide.

There is one more point regarding money. Since if you have chosen a club as the venue for your bachelor party, then you will certainly have to fork out and spend quite a tidy sum on the club, whether you like it or not. By the way, the club, as a venue for a bachelor party, can serve at all times of the year.

Sauna, bathhouse. Saunas and baths have long ceased to be just steam rooms with a swimming pool; now they are multifunctional complexes with health and entertainment areas, here you have billiards, music, karaoke, etc. Therefore, the sauna is an equally delightful place for a bachelor party, somewhat similar to a club, but with its own
excellent advantages, which consist, for starters, in the absence huge amount people who are constantly pushing, and sometimes even trying to get into your company.

In a sauna or bathhouse, you can calmly communicate with each other, lying comfortably on the sofa in clothes that do not restrict your movements at all. You can do whatever you want. You can “scream” songs, and even, excuse me, run around naked, and no one will say anything to you, because there will be no one here except those invited.

In addition, the saunas have billiards, which everyone present will not fail to play a game of. You can even have a competition. Lots of fun and charge positive energy provided for you. In addition, regarding weather conditions, as you understand, a bathhouse and sauna can be chosen as a location for a bachelor party both in winter and in summer. There is one more positive aspect related to finance. It lies in the fact that you can choose a sauna according to your wealth and you can bring with you everything you want to eat and drink, which significantly reduces the cost of holding a celebration.

Trip to nature, recreation center. If you are terribly tired of the bustle of city life, to which, on top of everything else, has been added preparation for a wedding, and in order to relax, you simply need fresh air, water, forest and an integral component of going out into nature - barbecue, then you just need spend your bachelor party in the lap of nature. In this case there may be several options.

It could be like departure with tents to the “water” to swim, sunbathe, and barbecue.
Tents are needed so that you can not “rush” home as soon as it gets dark, but spend the night peacefully, because the festivities usually last until night.

You can organize a specific trip to nature with the purpose spend time hunting or fishing. True, organizing such trips requires careful preparation from all its participants.

There is another option for holding a bachelor party in nature; on the one hand, it will make “your life” in nature easier, and on the other hand, it will still meet the specified requirements - this, of course , recreation center. Typically, a recreation center provides its clients with a “bungalow” in which they can freely stay, relax, and sleep. Places for cooking, barbecue, you don’t even have to bring coal with you, you can easily buy it on the spot. There's always drinking water and many more small advantages. Among other things, a base near the water necessarily has “entertainment equipment” in the form of boats, both simple and motorized, catamarans, and “bananas”. Roughly speaking, if you are going to the “base”, then you need to bring yourself and food there. However, all these benefits cost money, and at the same time there are bases different levels, so you can easily choose the one that’s right for you.

True, there is another important point about holding a bachelor party in nature, this is weather. In winter you can’t go to the shore with a tent, but you can go to special “ski resorts”, which, in principle, provide the same benefits as summer ones, but with an emphasis on the time of year, respectively, the “bungalows” are warmer, and the entertainment is all winter.

Sports complex. For those who love to lead enough active image life, and not necessarily related to physical activity, and gatherings in a bar, or going out into nature may not suit them. Such people need to relieve themselves of all tension by actively doing something. For a bachelor party of this kind, a sports complex can be great, on the basis of which you can play a friendly match in football, basketball, swim in the pool, after which, most likely, you can order a sauna in the same complex, in which you can relax and unwind, as they say, soul and body.

For those men who love tougher male competitions and have a strong spirit of the “primitive hunter”, you can have your bachelor party in "paintball club" here the adrenaline rush is guaranteed to you one hundred percent. True, you shouldn’t be particularly zealous in this kind of entertainment, otherwise it can lead to some troubles. I heard one story about how the groom had such a good rest that he broke his leg, and came to the registry office with a cane, however, needless to say, the bride also distinguished herself by walking at a bachelorette party and managed to break her arm. So, looking at them in the registry office from the outside, it was immediately clear that this was an ideal couple.

Another option is to go to bowling. In such establishments, in addition to the main game, there is a whole range of quite entertaining games for every taste, and there is also a bar with tables where you can chat both during the game and after. At the end of the game, you can continue the celebration in the sauna or in the club. In all cases, there is nothing to worry about regarding the weather, since all these events are held both in winter and in summer time of the year. The only point that can be questioned is that not all participants in the celebration may like such a bachelor party scenario, but here it seems to me that since you are friends, then no special complaints should arise.

Bar. Considered a classic bachelor party venue. To hold it, you need to choose the most suitable bar specifically for you, so that the price is not particularly high and, perhaps, there is a cultural program, and, accordingly, book a table in advance. If it’s difficult to find a bar with a cultural program, then you can easily organize it yourself if you choose not just a bar, but for example karaoke bar, sports bar, and in both cases, you may well throw out your fatigue by “yelling enough.” No one will object to you, unlike in an ordinary bar, in which after a certain amount of time, tired of just sitting, you still want something else, you don’t know what, and here a number of problems can follow, since in an ordinary bar there are no unnecessary “body movements” in the form of pestering other tables or waitresses are not allowed.

At home. If a small number of people should be present at the bachelor party, then it may well be suitable for the bachelor party home furnishings. In addition, this is a very economical option, in all respects. However, there is a small problem: your wonderfully started celebration may rightfully be interrupted by your neighbors at 11:00 p.m. You want to celebrate saying goodbye to your single life, and your neighbors usually don’t want to say goodbye to their sleep in any way.

In addition, if you do not organize a cultural program with some kind of entertainment, your celebration threatens to turn into ordinary get-togethers with friends, with the now classic words “do you respect me?”, which are unlikely to be remembered by both you and your friends. But they may be remembered by your parents, who will see how “Mamai” walked around their apartment, and their son, judging by his face, fought him off as best he could. So think about whether you have the right company that can help you create a good and fun holiday even from home gatherings. Usually, home gatherings are made the starting point for further celebrations.

In the end, if you have neither the time nor the desire to organize a bachelor party and, in addition, there is no one to help you, then this moment There are many companies that specialize in holding and organizing all kinds of holidays, the so-called “holiday agencies.” They can offer you a variety of bachelor party scenarios, as well as help in their implementation. But the only thing that matters here is your financial capabilities.

No matter how you want to spend your bachelor party, no matter what option you like, remember, the main thing is that this evening should be truly eventful, and positive ones at that. And I would like to advise you to combine the above options with each other in various combinations so that your holiday is as varied as possible and thus more fun. You can come up with a great variety of such combinations and some of them, the most convenient, in my opinion, I have already given above, and decide for yourself which scenario you want to spend your holiday, but do it wisely, so that later you won’t be offended by wasted time."

Create, accomplish, implement! Irina Kravchuk.

This holiday Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova gives the following definition: “A farewell party with friends in the groom’s house before the wedding, as well as in general men's party, feast." Bachelor parties, like hen parties, remain an integral part of modern pre-wedding rituals. Modern young people strive to capture in their memory the last bachelor days of their lives. Of course, this ritual has practically lost its original meaning. The principles of celebration are different now, but the fact that this holiday is still celebrated suggests that modern youth do not want to lose their roots and traditions. Every groom strives to celebrate this event in the best way possible and in such a way that this day remains in the memory of each of his friends. Therefore, there are a wide variety of ways to conduct such evenings, the main thing is that they should be unforgettable.

How to have a fun bachelor party

A bachelor party is a wonderful occasion for the groom to gather all his friends whom he may not have seen for ages. Indeed, remember when you last time were they all getting together? A bachelor party will allow you to relax well on the eve of your wedding, because, according to numerous studies, the stress that young people experience before the wedding is comparable to continuous and intense work for two months.

As is the case with, where only female persons should be present, you must come to the bachelor party without the bride, otherwise your friends will not understand you. This will allow you to completely relax and unwind before the wedding. You should not invite the bride's relatives - believe me, this can lead to irreversible consequences, and why would you want to warm up the “spy”. To your future family happiness is not under threat - have fun only with your friends. If your future wife person is unpredictable, then you will have to protect yourself and your friends from her possible sudden appearance in order to expose you. After all, a curious bride can confuse your friends with her appearance - and the holiday will be ruined. Usually men prefer to have a big bachelor party. In this case, it would be appropriate to invite a toastmaster who will organize the guests and conduct the fun professionally.

Well, what if financial situation does not allow you to invite a host to your holiday, and it is hot summer and warm nights outside, the only way out is to move the bachelor party to the bosom of nature. Thus, you and your friends can go hunting or fishing, having previously stocked up on the necessary attributes (not just gear).

You can hold the party at home, asking your mother, sister or favorite aunt to do the preparations for it. However, if you still don’t want to bother your family, then a restaurant could be an ideal option, where you can have a pleasant time, having fun and not thinking about mountains of dirty dishes and tired relatives.

If you are a supporter of calm, cozy holidays, then it is best to organize a bachelor party in a sauna or bathhouse, where you will have billiards, treats, and professional massage therapists who will help you and your friends relax and forget about the stress of the past and upcoming days.

Of course, the methods and methods of celebrating a bachelor party can be completely different. First of all, it depends on the capabilities and desires of the groom. However, you should not go beyond what is permitted, otherwise you will be painfully ashamed of what you did in front of your future wife.

When is the best time to have a bachelor party?

Many smart people It is advised to hold a bachelor party a few days before the wedding. You will be able to calmly relax and completely surrender to the fun, and secondly, during the wedding you will feel invigorated. After all, if you hold a bachelor party the day before the wedding, it may happen that at your most important celebration in life you will feel bad and think only about how to survive until the night. And the night should also be extraordinary. With such behavior, of course, you will spoil the celebration not only for yourself, but also for your beloved, and such an insult is unlikely to be forgotten - it will remain for the rest of your life. Do you really need this?

It is best to spend a bachelor party in two or three days, perfect option- on the weekend before the wedding. Then you can go anywhere and have fun with your friends. In addition, on weekends you can find more entertainment than on weekdays.

Whatever bachelor party idea you choose, the main thing is that it is full of positive events and cheerful mood. Moreover, possible options can be perfectly combined with each other.

The key to a great bachelor party is funny company, a well-thought-out interesting program, a correctly chosen venue, as well as good mood the groom and his friends. Traditionally, such a party should be held on the eve of the wedding. However, given that the fun often drags on past midnight, and alcohol and partying are not in the best possible way affect the groom’s well-being, it is better to hold the bachelor party in advance, for example, a week before the upcoming wedding.

Before the bachelor party: important points

To avoid quarrels and insults on the part of the bride, it is worth discussing the evening program with her in advance. Explain with whom and where you are going to spend your bachelor party. Such sincerity will earn her trust and affection.

It is advisable to choose the location of the party in accordance with the capabilities, desires, interests of the groom, taking into account the time of year. Regarding financial expenses for entertainment, it would not be amiss to note that today it is quite acceptable that the groom pays only part of the planned event, and the invited friends take on the rest of the expenses themselves.

Party options and locations: let your imagination run wild

1. Bachelor party in sports style

. Sports complex

If the company loves new experiences and leisure, a party can be organized on site sports complex. Such entertainment will bring a lot of positive emotions, and at the same time it will be a great vacation for real men. As a rule, the complex provides the opportunity to swim in the pool, play football, basketball, bowling, and other sports. In such large sports institutions there are big choice games for all tastes. After a friendly match, you can relax your body and soul in the sauna. In addition, there is always a bar where you can sit and chat during the game or after it. The advantage of this bachelor party option is also that you don’t have to worry about the weather and time of year.

. Paintball

For young people who prefer tougher competitions, great option- going to a paintball club. Also, a “make-believe” war, safe but exciting, can be laser tag, the essence of which is similar to paintball, but instead of hitting opponents with paint balls, laser beams are used. After running, shooting, feeling like super heroes, you can continue the holiday with more relaxing entertainment.

. For extreme sports enthusiasts

If there is a parachute club in your city, on this day it is quite possible to fulfill your old dream - to jump with a parachute. In this case, it is important to take into account the wishes of all invitees: some friends will want to join the groom, others will refuse the jump for health reasons, others will just want to watch from the sidelines and film the jump on a video camera. Extreme entertainment also includes motorbike riding, quad biking, and go-karting. After these entertainments, everyone can go together to continue the party, for example, to a bar or club.

. Bicycle and horseback riding

For those who like to walk in the fresh air, cycling or horseback riding are suitable. If bicycle competitions are not so difficult to organize, then horseback riding can only be done if there is an equestrian club in your city that offers such a service. These bachelor party options are well suited for the warm season, especially since you can periodically relax and snack on something tasty, like on a picnic. It is important to note that alcohol should not be present during horseback riding, since a wayward horse may not like the smell of it.

2. Visiting the bathhouse and sauna: an opportunity to relax and have a heart-to-heart talk

A bathhouse or sauna is considered popular places holding a bachelor party, because often they are not just a steam room, but a complex that includes a swimming pool, billiards, bar, karaoke, and other entertainment. In addition, you can organize a party here at any time of the year. The standard steam room program can be supplemented with a men's SPA, which will not only allow you to relax and enjoy the procedures, but also get well-groomed appearance, which will not hurt any man.

3. Going to a club, bar, restaurant - all the conditions for fun

It’s not surprising that they often choose night club. After all, in such establishments all conditions have been created for maximum pleasure. At any time of the year, here you can enjoy delicious drinks, dance, lose excess energy while playing billiards and bowling, see a colorful show, striptease, etc. Quite often, going to a club is a continuation of more relaxed options for a bachelor party, for example, home gatherings.

If you are planning to go out to a bar, restaurant or nightclub, you should reserve a table in advance, get acquainted with entertainment program. You can give preference to a karaoke bar, a sports bar, or bars that organize certain kinds of parties with show programs, competitions, and entertainment.

The restaurant option is also considered quite common. However, in this case it is worth considering that it is better to give preference to original, unusual establishments, different from the one in which the wedding celebration will take place.

4. Trip to the countryside: take into account weather conditions

A bachelor party organized in nature will allow you to take a break from the bustle of the city and wedding preparations, breathe fresh air and enjoy barbecue, fishing and hunting. There can be many options for a bachelor party outside the city, the main thing when choosing them is to take into account the peculiarities of the season and weather conditions.

. During the cold season

In winter, it is better to go to ski resorts, which provide warm accommodation and various entertainment appropriate for the season. Also, during the cold season, you can go to the dacha, where you can organize competitions with prizes on the street, build a fortress, have snowball fights, go ice skating and skiing. After that, go to a warm house to warm up with mulled wine, have a snack and chat in a cozy atmosphere.

. IN warm time of the year

By organizing a trip to a pond with tents, you can swim to your heart’s content, sunbathe, barbecue, cook fish soup, and sing songs around the fire with a guitar. Fans of fishing or hunting will be able to enjoy doing what they love. Camping in tents will require preparation, so if you want to get rid of unnecessary hassle, you can choose a recreation center that has a barbecue, drinking water, and places for cooking and comfortable overnight accommodation. You can choose a base that provides the opportunity to play billiards, golf, go boating, and select other interesting entertainment.

5. A fun bachelor party at home

A cozy home environment may be suitable for a bachelor party. Only in this case, you need to take into account that the neighbors may not like a noisy late celebration. Therefore, you can try to finish too fun party until 23:00, then move to a nightclub or think about how to celebrate farewell to single life so as not to disturb the neighbors. Cultural program should be such that the evening will be remembered by your friends not for the amount of drink, but in terms of fun and entertainment.

. An evening of games and memories

You can have a game night: come up with fun competitions, conduct comic lotteries, play Twister, Board games"Monopoly" and "Mafia", compete in playing cards, computer games. After the games you can chat and discuss important points upcoming wedding, look at photos, films. It’s good if one of the groom’s friends prepares in advance a presentation of photos that will beautifully reflect the most interesting points his life. Beer, dried fish, chips, nuts, pizza will be a great addition to a men's evening.

. Unconventional ideas- the highlight of the evening

A non-standard solution for home party will be holding a master class, for example, on preparing cocktails, pizza, sushi, etc. This will not only fun entertainment for real men, but also an opportunity to surprise your bride with your culinary skills.

Costuming can be a lot of fun theme party: in Latin rhythms, cowboy party, super-men's evening, alien gathering, beer party, etc. The attributes of such a holiday will be costumes, as well as appropriate decoration, decorations, music, cocktails, and competitions. Incredible fun will be caused by the proposal in this form to go for a walk along the street or visit a bar or club.

It would not be amiss to remind you that you should always have fun wisely. Organizing a bachelor party will be a waste of time and turn into an ordinary tiresome drunken feast if you do not think through the scenario in advance and provide entertainment options. Holding such a party often involves a dance show or striptease. However, if the groom is against explicit dancing, it is worth warning friends about this in advance so that the surprise does not become an unpleasant surprise.


Everyone has their own opinion about what a bachelor party is. Some believe that this is a crazy breakaway with all the ensuing consequences. Others perceive this event as a statement of the fact of “transition to another world,” in which only restrictions, responsibilities, worries and other difficulties await them. family life. But one thing can be said with confidence: a bachelor party is not a farewell to freedom and life in general, it simply precedes the beginning of a new stage, the psychological maturation of a person.

Regardless of the opinion of what this event means in the life of the future groom, it should be fun and interesting. The bachelor party should be celebrated in such a way that decades later it will remain Nice memories, which were happily discussed when meeting with friends who took part in this celebration. There is no place for conventions and prejudices at this holiday; this territory is without prohibitions. But in order not to regret some moments later, you should still adhere to basic standards of decency.

When planning a bachelor party, you should remember that it is followed by one of the most important days in a man's life - marriage. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to clearly distinguish between the concepts of cheerful and limitless. A rash act that goes beyond the bounds of moral decency can later turn into pangs of conscience and become an insurmountable barrier to family happiness.

Ideas for a bachelor party

Any event begins with planning and the help of friends will be very helpful in this. Since the groom is the king of the celebration, the witness along with the rest should take on most of the organizational issues true friends. The main idea will still have to be voiced by the hero of the occasion, so that the organizers can choose the right direction in preparing surprises and the program as a whole. This is important because not everyone likes shocking gifts, and the groom should be satisfied with the celebration, and not remember it with difficulty holding back negative emotions.

Like many other events in life, a bachelor party is a special day, so the approach to its celebration should be special. Boring gatherings in a cafe or restaurant (not to mention at home) are an everyday occurrence that is extremely difficult to make bright and memorable. Here we are talking about separation, and the situation in such institutions is not at all conducive to this. Great place there will be a celebration Vacation home or a summer house where there is a bathhouse, a sauna, and conditions for cooking over a fire. A bachelor party in a sauna is an informal, relaxing atmosphere, plus the opportunity to have fun without attracting the attention of strangers, which is not a great option for a bachelor party. And if the organizers of the event do not let you down with the program, the success of the holiday is guaranteed.

Ritual of farewell to single life

To carry out such a ceremony you will need the following items: the groom's socks, a glass of vodka, toothpicks, dirty dishes (plastic can be used), a porn magazine and dumplings. The essence of the ritual is saying goodbye to just such a bachelor life (eating semi-finished products, dirty laundry and other “delights”). You will also need a fire, into which the groom will send all the listed items one by one. While he gets rid of the trappings of a bachelor's life, friends comment on his actions in in a comic form. For example:

  • Don't look at a magazine with naked beauties anymore (they tear it up and throw it into the fire);
  • No more eating from dirty/disposable dishes;
  • Do not throw socks in secluded places;
  • Don’t walk around with a toothpick in your mouth and don’t throw it anywhere;
  • You should no longer party until the morning and drink until you pass out (throw away the glass of vodka) and so on.

Here you can experiment with the text as you like, the set of “inventory” can also be changed (remove or add something). There are no restrictions, the main thing is that the ceremony is fun and accompanied by funny comments.

Extreme bachelor party

Young people who are fans of extreme entertainment will definitely appreciate a bachelor party organized taking into account their hobbies. Perhaps someone has long been hesitant to jump with a parachute or commit another bold act. The last day of single life is a great moment to make an old dream come true.


Finding a parachute club today is not a problem, so there will be no difficulties in organizing such a surprise for the groom. This is not only a big step, but also an expensive pleasure that is worth every ruble spent on it. If the king of the celebration has doubts, and his friends are absolutely sure that this is his long-standing dream, it is worth helping him decide on this bold act. Such impressions will definitely not be forgotten over the years!

Bike break

Cycling fans can be won over by including a real cycling break in the bachelor party program. This is not just cycling, but real competitions with the presence of cheerleaders, awarding the winner and so on. Fans of this sport will absolutely appreciate this program.

Horse ride

Finding a good equestrian club now is a matter of a few minutes. If future groom loves horseback riding or even professionally engages in this sport, he will like such a surprise. You can organize a walk with stops and a picnic, the main thing is not to overdo it with alcohol, since we are talking about wayward animals. If you wish, you can put in a little more effort and organize a polo match.

Holiday in nature

Take a break from the bustle of the city and the usual noisy places of recreation (clubs, bars, etc.) in silence in the lap of nature - a good option for a bachelor party. This kind of rest before the wedding will be useful. Can choose a nice place with a natural body of water (lake, river) and add swimming and sunbathing. A group of close friends tasty food, cooked over a fire, birds singing - what else do you need for a great holiday? If the groom is an ardent fisherman or hunter, you can organize a holiday taking into account his hobbies. In summer, boat trips and catamarans are also available. In winter, ski resorts offer their services. Here the choice depends on the preferences of the hero of the occasion - the groom. Vacations do not have to be active if one is a fan of quiet time with close friends and surrounded by picturesque nature.

Having a bachelor party on the eve of the wedding is not The best decision for obvious reasons. Regardless of the intensity of the program for this event, the next day it will be extremely difficult to endure a multi-hour wedding program, which most often is also full of all kinds of entertainment. Before the celebration, you need to fully relax, at least get enough sleep. Therefore, it is better to celebrate your bachelor party one or two weeks before the wedding. Also, in this case, it will be possible to allocate more time for it, for example, not one, but two days. A few more tips:

  • All organizational matters and it’s better to entrust preparations for the bachelor party to a close friend, witness;
  • the program should be discussed with the groom in advance to avoid unpleasant situations;
  • to celebrate this event, it is not recommended to choose a place where there are many strangers;
  • small memorable gifts to everyone present at the bachelor party (T-shirts, cups, badges with funny inscriptions, and so on).
