Husband's congratulations on the anniversary of prose. Poems for a beloved husband on the day of the wedding anniversary

Darling! Every year next to you I enjoy life. Still, because I have the most best husband my support and strength. Not just a breadwinner, but the best man in the world! I love you very much and I want to please you for many, many more years! Happy anniversary, dear!

My dear husband, I congratulate you on the next anniversary of our wedding, I want to wish us mutual understanding, love, the ability to please each other every day, to appreciate every moment spent together. May no life's difficulties be able to disturb the harmony of our union!

My dear husband, I congratulate us on our anniversary. Let there be no quarrels and insults, let there be only happiness and joy. Dear, I wish you to remain the same brave, confident, strong, strong, kind and caring man, I wish you to take care of our family and return home every time with great pleasure.

Beloved husband, I congratulate you on our anniversary. I wish our marriage to always remain strong and happy, I wish you to always be proud, courageous, optimistic, and most importantly, happy with me. My dear, one and only, I wish you and me for long years mutual understanding mutual consent, success, joy, harmony and prosperity.

My love, congratulations on your wedding anniversary. Every year I understand that I found real happiness when I agreed to become your wife. You gave me inspiration, freedom in thoughts, actions, deeds and bright hope. I love you very much and I want to wish that the strength of our love does not weaken for a moment, that there is always a holiday and comfort in our house.

Congratulations, my soul mate, on our anniversary! I wish you to continue to carry through the joyful and not very vital moments the flame of love in your heart, which today is reflected in my beloved eyes. Let our union only grow stronger, the house will be warm and cozy, friends faithful and cheerful, life diverse and vibrant! And remember, I love you!

Dear spouse, may our anniversaries always be small celebrations of our love! I love you with all my heart and wish you and I happiness, understanding and harmony! Let everything in our life develop as we wish! May our hearts always beat in unison!

My most native man on the planet, I so appreciate you and everything you do for our family! Thank you for the years of happiness, which I hope will only increase! Let everything turn out the way we want, because love will definitely help us fulfill all our desires together!

Congratulations, my love, on our important day! This year flew by like one day, it was difficult in places, but so happy in general, and all the difficulties next to you are a trifle. May all subsequent years be as bright and filled with love!

Darling, the time spent with you is priceless for me! I am happy that our relationship is getting stronger, we are growing together and moving in the same direction! I love you and am grateful that you are always there and support me!

Beloved husband, congratulations on your wedding anniversary! As on the day of the creation of our family, I love, adore, adore you. I am proud, I enjoy, I breathe, I admire, I am surprised by you. I create, I live, I become better, I smile for you. You are my Everything! Happy holiday!
Darling, the time spent with you is priceless for me! I am happy that our relationship is getting stronger, we are growing together and moving in the same direction! I love you and am grateful that you are always there and support me!

Year lived soul to soul,
Fill up the glass.
Chintz wedding is cooler
Than a centenary!
The first pancake is lumpy for many,
Only it's not about you.
New year of family life
It turned out - in a good hour!

Fate tied us with a knot, I was so happy with you all year! My beloved husband, I congratulate you and wish you joy in life for many years!

Honey, I congratulate you on our wedding anniversary! I hope you are with me, just like I was with you all this year comfortable, cozy, sexy. I always feel your devotion and affection, I'm just happy with you!

Baby I'm like a swan white whole a year flew after you, we were thrown from side to side by troubles and hardships. But we always walked holding hands, and all difficulties were left behind! My love, I am grateful to you for this year of happiness!

Dear husband, let me congratulate you on our wedding anniversary and wish you an ocean of love, a lake of hope, a stream of happiness and a drop of tears! May all our days be cloudless, bright with memories, and may only a beautiful ember of passion glimmer in our souls!

Beloved, dear, happy anniversary! May there be more laughter and happiness in our lives! Let the children grow up healthy, happy and successful. I wish our house to be warm and cozy, so that our love only grows stronger and stronger every year.

I spent a year with you
Ordinary husband, but was a hero!
He promised me stars from the sky
Oh, how divinely you lied!
With this I congratulate
I expect sweets from you for tea.

Replacing festive dresses with chintz
The family grew up for a year,
And as it should be for all one-year-old children,
She got up on her feet and walked away.
And let her go confidently and boldly
Among other diverse families.
And let trust and tenderness help you
One day meet the centenary!

Happy first wedding year
We congratulate you!
Live happily and happily
In love, we wish you!

You have been married for a year.
Congratulations! Let him live
Marriage without cracks and nails,
With a bunch of women's curlers!

We wish you on your wedding day,
To make the kids go faster
And of course, every year the wife is more beautiful,
And so that you are drunk with love!

My beloved, beautiful wife,
This is the year we live with you together,
And every day you discover miracles
Which I did not notice when I was still a bride.
I congratulate you dear
WITH good holiday on our wedding day,
I wish you health, peace and kindness,
Huge, unclouded happiness.

Beloved spouse, today our family has become a year older, and, therefore, several times happier and stronger. I wish you many happy days and nights, the joy of returning home, love and harmony, health and well-being.

On our small anniversary, let me congratulate you! Beloved, I am full of happiness, you are the joy of my life! My dear husband, dear, I wish you from the bottom of my heart that our path will be easy and interesting for you and me! Happy wedding anniversary to you, my sweet!

Darling, do you remember our first date? How tender were the hearts, the hands were sweating, and there were no words to describe the emotions and the fabulous euphoria that hovered in the air above us! All this year I felt something similar! Thank you and congratulations on our wedding anniversary!

To know your dream, I just have to close my eyes! I understand you even from a half-word, I see you in the dark, and I feel tactilely! All because, my dear, I love you more life his! Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and dream of a child!

My Ideal husband my flawless perfection, my flawless conscience, my pure soul, my gold fish in the expanses of the sea of ​​love, my gentle knight and zealous defender! Congratulations on our anniversary and thank you for the happiness of being with you!

I want to present tender declarations of love to you today, on the day of our wedding anniversary! I love you very much, my bright little man. Dear, I want us to become three!

Already whole year like we are a family,
But my heart skips a beat:
My dear wife
Everything is still a mystery to me.
How good it is for me to be with her,
I can be strong, brave with her,
We will always understand each other
Let's celebrate the anniversary together!

It's good that we are with you,
We've been happily living for a year now.
I always cherish you alone
And I believe in our sincere love.
I want to congratulate you on our wedding anniversary,
And wish you, my swan.
Good health, love and happiness,
And so that your cherished dream comes true.

Dear wife!
I congratulate you.
For a fabric gift
Do not scold the prankster.
A piece of lycra or cotton
Let it suddenly turn into a roll
So that in the future the whole year
Do not know trouble with rags!

So a year has already passed
How we are with you, dear, together!
Everyone found a family in him,
There was a groom, there was a bride,
And now a wife and a husband!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
Together we are not afraid of the cold,
We help each other!

Congratulations should be pleasing to the ear, remind the spouses how dear they are to each other, emphasize their strength. Be sure to say that their couple only looks better and more beautiful over the years.

So many years of mutual patience, attention and care were not in vain! You are one whole, and this whole is beautiful! I congratulate you on the fact that you managed to create your own unique, kind, cozy world which we love so much! Happy Anniversary of the creation of this world!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your life path be clean and bright, and your children delight you with their chirping! And most importantly, that you love each other and appreciate every minute spent together.

I congratulate you on the most important step in your life! I want to wish you that you take all further steps in life together, firmly and in step! And let, if one of you stumble, the other will definitely support him! Happiness to you!

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling, like yours, can overcome the years! Congratulations on this touching victory! May your love conquer all the hardships of life again and again! Peace, warmth and happiness!

Once you gave each other an oath of devotion and love, and to this day have remained true to it. May your marriage, like an indestructible fortress, continue to be immune to the storms of life. I wish you prosperity and endless happiness. Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your life path be clean and bright, and your children delight you with their chirping! And most importantly, that you love each other and appreciate every minute spent together.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! We wish you to continue to live as two halves of one whole, to be just as happy and shine with love!

Let happiness, like a bird, fly to the porch of your house and live in it forever. Let time only strengthen your marriage bonds with love. Do not succumb to quarrels, always find a compromise. I wish you absolute understanding. Happy Anniversary!

Here another one lives happy year your life together. I wish your marriage every year to become stronger and more reliable, so that with the same joy after many years you celebrate your golden wedding. Congratulations!

You have an important day today, an exam on living together! Let your family bypass adversity, and love, loyalty and mutual understanding reign in the house!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family long years, prosperity, prosperity and well-being. May your life path be clean and bright, and your children delight you with their chirping! And most importantly, that you love each other and appreciate every minute spent together.

Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of love in your soul and your happy home is full of this love. Live, also together and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

Wish you good health on long years. All the best and good luck on the path of life. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun hot and true love. And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home.

Between two people, as between two electrodes, a certain field is formed. Yours is obviously positive. I want to congratulate you on the anniversary of this wonderful phenomenon! Let no anomalies of life be able to break it!

Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of your love in your soul, and your happy home is full of this love. Live, also together and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

Congratulations on your 4th anniversary of marriage!
Live cheerfully and amicably, love each other in the same way, tenderly and passionately, have everything you need in life. May the fire of holy love last for years, until the golden wedding!

My desires are simple, good health for many years, warmth and tenderness loving hearts. May there always be peace and prosperity in your home. I wish you great happiness and eternal love, let the rains and inclement weather pass you by, and let the nightingales sing to your soul.

It's nice to live life with a good man who understands the meaning of the words: respect, care, patience, attention, justice and love! Happy holiday!

Beloved, today is our wedding anniversary, I want to wish you joy, happiness, prosperity! So that our family does not know troubles and grief, so that bad weather does not touch us! May this solemn day bring you good mood and joy! I love and appreciate you!

Glorious our relatives, good. May your life be happy and ringing, may you live together and have fun, because where there is fun, there is joy, and where there is joy, there is happiness. Be as happy together as you have been in these past 8 years.

I would like to note that you have been together for many decades, but in your eyes we read all the same gentle light of love, like many years ago. And may the years still pass you from all adversity and quarrels, and the family becomes stronger and stronger and the freshness of feelings is always present in you.

Our dear children, here comes another small anniversary your happy married life. How well and amicably you live and with us, your parents, the soul rejoices when we look at you. May your happiness never end, peace and goodness to you.

So many years of mutual patience, attention and care were not in vain! You are one whole, and this whole is wonderful! I congratulate you on the fact that you managed to create your own unique, kind, cozy world that we love so much! Happy Anniversary of the creation of this world!

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling, like yours, can overcome the years! Congratulations on this touching victory! May your love conquer all the hardships of life again and again! Peace, warmth and happiness!

Love is that fiat coin that is now your living wage!
I want to wish you not only prosperity, but also abundance;
not only joy, but also great happiness!

Congratulations on the most important step in your life!
I want to wish you that you take all further steps in life together, firmly and in step! And let, if one of you stumble, the other will definitely support him! Happiness to you!

Every year, on the same day, we face the difficult task of coming up with congratulations to our husband on his wedding anniversary. It seems that you have been living with him for so many years, you know your tastes and preferences, even in the middle of the year you wrote down somewhere on a piece of paper: what could be given as a gift.

Your memory will help you to congratulate your loved one in an original way. A wife quite often has to remember everything for her husband. Remember that he really likes what he would like, but there was always not enough time for it.

How should a congratulation to a man look like:

If earlier you thought that men do not like gentle tender words, then let me disappoint you: they just need them. Accordingly, it is desirable that your words of congratulations to your spouse on their anniversary contain warm and tender words. Whether it be prose or poetry.

If you have good musical ability, you can embody your feelings and words of wishes in a song and gladly perform it to your loved one.

Do not tire your loved one with flattering words for more than 3 minutes, better cook delicious dinner which will be appreciated.

Before you congratulate your spouse on their anniversary, check his comfort, yes, it is him. If he has not smoked, or someone should call from a minute to a minute, then all the thoughts of a loved one will be somewhere far away.

Try to find time to appropriately congratulate your spouse. You are not very pleased when you just opened your eyes, and a bouquet of concentrated aromas is poked into your nose: Happy Holidays, wife!

There is probably no man on this planet who would refuse erotic congratulations his beloved wife! Make your own individual choice: someone likes it sexy lingerie, other wives will saturate dinner with extravagant aphrodisiacs, others will dance a belly dance.

Whichever option you choose - similarly to the previous paragraph, think through everything to the smallest detail, and the absence of children, and the "costumes" of the heroes, paraphernalia. The main thing in this venture of congratulations is the sincere desire of both spouses.

You can turn to telegrams if this service is still working in your city. With what nostalgia he will add missing punctuation marks and conjunctions with a pen! This is the highlight of retrocongratulations. Believe me, he will once again be convinced that he chose the right girl as his wife.

Dive even deeper into school years: on the pavement under the balcony shallow confess your love to your husband!

Dear, beloved, dear!
My clear unearthly dream.
I am happy every moment, every hour.
Only with you, dear!

Let the years pass again
As if the minutes will run away
In sorrow and in joy, night and day.
We will always be together!

Congratulations on our anniversary
I love you, my beloved husband!
I love you the most
If you are near, everything is frozen around.

Let's live together
Many, many more years
Do you remember how then the bridegroom
Made a sacred wedding vow.

We have an anniversary today
And I want to say now:
Proud of you my man
For all actions, every hour!

Wish our hands
Never opened up.
And we take care of each other
Have always been happy!

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After the wedding, the whole year the young family lives like in a fairy tale. After all, they “fly” all year round, they have euphoria. And it lasts until the first wedding anniversary. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary to your husband from your wife in prose will become pleasant surprise for my beloved husband. All congratulations are written from the heart and will help you brightly and beautifully, coolly and cheerfully congratulate your betrothed on the first anniversary of family life.

My dear husband!
They say that the first year of family life is a test. But I myself lived a year in marriage with you and I know for sure - this is not a test! After all, how can life be called a test under the same roof with a loved one? Can it be called a test when two people in love share one bed for two?
This year has flown by for me. After all, it was a year of happiness. Love and just the most best year in my life.
I congratulate you, my beloved husband, on the anniversary of our wedding and life together. And I really hope and want our family to continue to be just as happy and celebrate their golden anniversary!

By the way!
Do you know what to give your beloved husband for your anniversary? And we know, and we will share our secrets with you. And you can see all the secrets of choosing a gift for an anniversary.

So the first year of our family life has passed. For me, this year has become the most important and happiest in my life. And with great pleasure and with great pleasure I will live with you for two, and ten, and a hundred years!
You are not just a husband to me, you are my dear and beloved person. The person with whom I am ready to experience both grief and trouble, and joy and happiness.
Thank you for coming into my life and making it bright and varied!

What can you say on such a day to your beloved husband? Only words of gratitude for the fact that he appeared in my life. After all, he not only became my husband, he became my angel and my happiness. Next to you, I always feel like a woman and the happiest in the world. When you are near, then no one else exists for me. When you are around, then everyone else is just a shadow for me.
I congratulate you on our anniversary and I want us to also celebrate 25 years, 50 years and 100 years of our marriage!

My beloved, dear man! It's been a year since our wedding day. And this year was not just a year of marriage, it was a year of happiness and love.
Maybe someone will say that we are still just beginning, that we have not yet known everyone life situations. But let. After all, I know for sure that no matter what awaits us ahead, we will survive all this together!
Happy anniversary to you, and know that I love you even more, and every day my love for you only grows!

Beloved husband, congratulations on your wedding anniversary! As on the day of the creation of our family, I love, adore, adore you. I am proud, I enjoy, I breathe, I admire, I am surprised by you. I create, I live, I become better, I smile for you. You are my Everything! Happy holiday!

Dear Parents. Today is your birthday - the birthday of your union. And I also celebrate this day with joy, because. If it were not for him, then I would not have seen this light. I congratulate you.

Beloved spouse, today our family has become a year older, and, therefore, several times happier and stronger. I wish you many happy days and nights, the joy of returning home, love and harmony, health and prosperity.

Wifey! Beloved, tender, sweet! I am grateful to you for every day lived in love and care, for Tasty food, for a well-groomed house, for tenderness and affection! I want our family life was calm, prosperous and joyful! I wish you to remain as bright, sweet and loving!

I congratulate you on a linen wedding
You today, my beloved husband!
I wish you all the best
Do not be afraid of the winds, do not be afraid of the cold,
After all, we have family luck,
Which has been keeping us for 4 years,
And everything that means a lot in this life
Let him talk about love today!

My love has no end.
You are the best in the world, gentle husband,
And this is not nonsense at all.
I will love you for a long time
Live very, very much.
And children love, respect,
Yes, what to darken - everyone just loves it.

You were a reliable support and reward,
These four years have been my pleasure.
Let there be our joint years light and clean
Let our family be a rest for the soul.

I would like to congratulate you on the anniversary of this
universe, full of love, kindness and mutual understanding!

I wish you good health for many years to come. All the best and good luck on the path of life. I wish you, like the sea, great happiness, like the sun, hot and true love.

Beloved, dear, happy anniversary! May there be more laughter and happiness in our lives! Let the children grow up healthy, happy and successful. I wish our house to be warm and cozy, so that our love only grows stronger and stronger every year.

Our dear friends, for so many years of living together, you were able to keep the warm light of your love in your soul, and your happy home is full of this love. Live, also together and happily, so that neither trouble nor the elements can destroy your happy home.

I would like to note that you have been together for many decades, but in your eyes we read all the same gentle light of love, like many years ago. And may the years still pass you from all adversity and quarrels, and the family becomes stronger and stronger and the freshness of feelings is always present in you.

The biggest test for love is time. Therefore, only a real feeling, like yours, can overcome the years!
Congratulations on this touching victory!
May your love conquer all the hardships of life again and again!
Peace, warmth and happiness!

So much has changed during this time: manners, customs, fashion, power, and only yours. family hearth still unshakable!
I congratulate you on the anniversary of this hearth!
I want to wish that the fire in it never goes out, and always warms your hearts!

With age, a person changes - one in better side, the other - for the worse. But people's attitudes change over time. Yours, in my opinion, if they change, then only for the better. I wish you to continue this process in the future!
Happy anniversary to you!

And let the nightingales sing in your soul in moments of sadness and sadness. Peace and prosperity to your home.

Darling, the time spent with you is priceless for me! I am happy that our relationship is getting stronger, we are growing together and moving in the same direction! I love you and am grateful that you are always there and support me!

Appreciate what you have and always be happy!
On the anniversary of your wedding, we wish you to divide in half not only happy moments but also all the difficulties of family life.

Congratulations on your wedding day! May every day daily worries and troubles only strengthen your affection for each other. Divide equally and troubles, and victories, and achievements, and defeats, and ups and downs. Prosperity to your family, healthy children, joy and good luck!

Dear spouses! Happy wonderful day of joining your destinies, happy wedding anniversary! Let common hopes be easily realized, happy plans are always in a hurry to come true. And let mutual tender and passionate feelings be compared with their beauty only with the brightest shining star!

Marriage is a serious undertaking. You have decided to link your lives and now you must become a support and support for each other. We wish you to live in prosperity and understanding, give in on trifles and be like-minded in all important issues. Let well-being not leave your home, and love your hearts!

Happy day of making a decision that changed your lives! Having once said to each other a gentle but confident “yes”, you will forever lose loneliness and find caring love, sparkling passion, irreplaceable support! We wish your marriage to remain strong, like granite, and you live in happiness and prosperity!

I wish you health, mutual understanding, respect each other, love each other, because words were spoken for this day; “I declare you husband and wife,” and then there was a repeated: “Bitter!”. Well, let's not break the tradition - to parents: "Bitter!"

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity.
May your life path be clean and bright, and your children delight you with their chirping!
And most importantly, that you love each other and appreciate every minute spent together.

With a Linen wedding,
Beloved spouse!
You are next to me
And happiness all around!

You love and I know
What's ahead of us
Great joy awaits
And bright days!

My beloved and good husband,
You are reliable, loyal and beautiful.
All 4 years lived together,
For me, my good, the happiest.

I congratulate you on the linen wedding,
I wish you great optimism.
May love, luck, always meet you,
And adversity and sadness disappear without a trace.

I am grateful, my dear fate,
For being with you.
4 years we lived with you, like in a fairy tale dream,
In love, harmony and joy together.

My beloved, I want to congratulate you
With our linen wedding.
Wishing you a lot of happiness and health
May God grant us to live until the golden wedding.

Then I gently wake you up.
I will set the table with a linen tablecloth,
And I'll prepare a festive breakfast for you.
We are the anniversary linen wedding we note
And we celebrate family relationships.
I love you very much, strongly,
And won't break off family tree no one and a thread.

You endured my whims
Like an earthly angel!
That's why surprise
My poem will become!

I wish you patience
Good luck and good!
For inspirational surprises
And live to silver!

My dear, you are reliable, calm and sensitive,
I always look forward to counting the minutes
When we are apart from you.
My best in the world and the most dear!

Let me congratulate you on your linen wedding.
wish great success and earthly love
May all the good things happen in your life
And the bad will go far and forever.

My good, my beautiful husband,
Always attentive, caring and kind.
With you, our life path is easy and happy,
And I sing your noble image.

Congratulations on the wedding of flax,
And with all my heart I wish
To live in happiness, in love, and in peace,
My gentle, my dear, beloved.

My only husband
You are the best, you are my support and love.
How proud and proud of you I am
And for everything, I thank fate again and again!

My dear, congratulations on a linen wedding,
And I want to wish with all my heart.
Let there be a place in life for happiness and good luck,
And may they lead you on the right path.

Four years my dear
I was happy with you.
A wonderful husband and family man
You are the only one on earth.

I want to be with you always
Let the years go by day by day.
You are the kindest and dearest.
I am behind a stone wall.

My husband! I wish you
What would be true friends,
What would accompany success,
And you were the happiest!

Congratulations on your anniversary
My dearest husband!
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
To always be mine!
You and I lived together
All divided in half
You have everything you need
And it's so sweet together for us.
I love you so much,
That cannot be described.
Live bright and stable
It remains to wish.

The most gentle, smart, strong,
My devoted husband, my love!
Congratulations on your anniversary
I wish you passion and love
Smile, laugh more often
Don't rely on fortune.
Only for your family.
I love you with all my heart!

You were sent to me by the Lord himself,
Dear beloved husband
I prayed late at night
About the merging of our souls
And now your wife
I am very happy to be.
My heart hurts for you
You and I are one family!
happy anniversary congratulations
Today they sound for you.
I love and without a doubt
I love your gentle look!

Happy Anniversary Husband
Our most long-awaited wedding,
I give you my beloved man,
For which I do not know equal in the world!
Let dreams come true like in a fairy tale
And success never leaves you.
I love, tenderness and affection
I decorate this holiday the best!

We have an anniversary today
And I want to say now:
Proud of you my man
For all actions, every hour!

Wish our hands
Never opened up.
And we take care of each other
Have always been happy!

Husband, my support and hope,
We have no secrets from each other.
Happy anniversary of our serene
Congratulations on being a wife!

our anniversary together
As always, we will celebrate with you.
My dear hubby
How cool I am with you!

I got the one for my husband
Who will not let you down
And it's not the first year
We are happy together, here!

Happy anniversary of our common
And with a solid marriage experience
Congratulations my husband!
You are my beloved and friend,

My helper and support
Hope for tomorrow.
I appreciate you for everything
And I love it like a wedding day!

I put my soul into you
And so today again
I wish my husband
My feel love!

Let her not choke you
It inspires you to live better.
There are a hundred reasons for such a husband
Thank me every day!

I adore you, dear
And thank you for the love
For tenderness and your care.
For being there, thank God!

Husband, they say that we are with you
Same Satan.
And I'm sure you are mine
For all ages and times!

I want that on the anniversary again
You felt it better.
Feel all my love
Warm me in your arms!

You and I found each other
Among hundreds of thousands of people.
You became my family and friend,
My feelings have no boundaries.

I'm almost ready sometimes
Strangle you out of anger
But I understand what
Gods can't do more!

You are still dear to me,
I swore at the altar
Bowing before God's face,
That I will give myself to you.

I want to hug you so much
Whisper in your ear:
Thanks for the love and son
My dearest man!

For so many years that I'm with you
Only stronger is our love.
And life together is only better.
You are like a ray of sunshine to me!

My love, my husband is legal,
Happy wedding anniversary to you
I congratulate you on a special day.
I appreciate you very much!

May today be our holiday
We will be reminded of love.
Impressive marriage experience,
But the fire is still in the blood!

Passion glows a spark
And he doesn't want to fade away.
happy anniversary to you
I will greet you tonight!

Our wedding anniversary
We celebrate with you.
My only man,
Congratulations with all my heart!

You and I did not get along for nothing -
Our couple for life!
And there are a lot of advantages
Our union has

We live in harmony
Dark night and day
Mornings and evenings
We are the best with you!

Husband as a faithful wife
Honor our anniversary.
You are my protection, wall,
Turned my dream into reality.

I live with you for a long time
As in the bosom of Christ.
And love like in a movie
Many years only you!

I did not dream of a better husband -
Treasure has arrived
From generous truly heaven!
You are dear to me, just the way you are!

I hasten to congratulate you
With our mutual holiday.
On your anniversary I'll tell you
That absolutely happy!

From the day of the wedding until now
For me, there is no more expensive and closer.
You are my light and my judgment
I see the future only with you!

I want to say one thing
I'm lucky with you!
Happy anniversary my dear
The best, gold!

I immediately saw in you
One's soul mate.
With you in mind and body
Always now I am in this life!

I wish us many more
Joint joys, victories.
So that our anniversary becomes
Counting down new bright years!

Dear, I am glad that one day I did not lose with the choice of my soulmate. Without you, I will never feel complete and loved, desired and beautiful. Happy our wedding anniversary!

Today we are not shouted bitterly and correctly. Because life with you turned out to be the sweetest and most enjoyable! Our marriage has so many joys, and there are many prospects ahead. Congratulations to you and myself on the right choice!

Happy wedding anniversary, my dear! I hope you consider the years spent near me happy and not in vain. I am sure that they are the best that I had and still have!

With our personal anniversary, with the triumph of our family, beloved! You and I have gone through many difficulties together, but we have not lost our feelings. I want you to wake up happy next to me every morning!

Happy wedding anniversary, my husband, given to me by God and heaven, recognized by law and my heart! Let everything come true and insults will be forgotten.

Today I want to hug you especially warmly and congratulate you on our day. This is only our date and we need to spend it the way we want it. Love and kisses!

I have not been happier since our wedding. Happy anniversary, dear! May every new joint day make us even happier and spiritually richer!

Beloved husband! On our anniversary, I especially want to wish you to feel my love and care among everyday affairs and problems. I am ready to continue to share sorrow and joy with you. Thank you for being you.

You are there and you don't need anything else. Thanks to heaven and God for our common path! Happy wedding anniversary, beloved one!

Once you gave each other an oath of devotion and love, and to this day have remained true to it. May your marriage, like an indestructible fortress, continue to be immune to the storms of life. I wish you prosperity and endless happiness. Happy Anniversary!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! I wish your family many years of prosperity, prosperity and prosperity. May your life path be clean and bright, and your children delight you with their chirping! And most importantly, that you love each other and appreciate every minute spent together.

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary! We wish you to continue to live as two halves of one whole, to be just as happy and shine with love!

Let happiness, like a bird, fly to the porch of your house and live in it forever. Let time only strengthen your marriage bonds with love. Do not succumb to quarrels, always find a compromise. I wish you absolute understanding.

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Congratulations on our wedding anniversary. Today, our eyes also shine with love, and our hearts beat in unison. Over the years we have lived together, we have become perfect couple beautiful and harmonious. And managed to create real family in which our wonderful children grow up. May heaven keep our union. May love and tenderness fill our home with joy, warmth and comfort. Love you! Thanks for all!

The biggest test for love is time.

Therefore, only a real feeling, like ours, is able to overcome the years! Congratulations to you and myself on this touching victory! May our love conquer all the hardships of life again and again! Peace, warmth and happiness!

I wish you good health

good mood and obedient kids. And so that you return home every time with a light heart and a great desire! And I will provide you with a good mood and a delicious dinner! Be happy and always be kind to your loved ones!

My dear husband!

Let me congratulate you and our family on the next anniversary of our wedding on this festive occasion. We've been through together hard way but we have a lot to be proud of! lovely children, cozy house. I love you and every minute of our life together!

Let my congratulations today give you a good mood for the whole day!

I wish you that any business burns in your hands, and your heart always sings with happiness. And so that my heart sings to him in unison! Congratulations on the anniversary of our happiness!

Love is that fiat coin that now makes up your living wage! ..

I want to wish you and myself not only prosperity, but also abundance; not only joy, but also great happiness!

I congratulate you on another anniversary date of our wedding.

Every anniversary is a big holiday, because on this day our family was born. On this day, the union of our hearts was solemnly sealed with signatures. We are happy married couple living in love and harmony long life. Despite all the hardships that we had to endure in this life, we survived, kept love, youth and loyalty to each other, raised wonderful children! We wish us to remain the same cheerful optimists for many years to come! May our house always be warm from smiles and kind words. Health, prosperity, happiness! I love you dear!

And on our wedding day

I, as before, congratulate You on this holiday, which gives many one more reason to confess their love to each other. And, as the heroine of Margarita Tokareva said in one of the old films: "I realized that in order to be loved, you just need to love yourself ...". AND real love disinterested, she does not demand anything. And when you truly love, you can only give. I know it.

On our wedding anniversary!

My hubby! I want to wish you more good friends and lovely girlfriends! But so that you always remember who main woman in your life! Kiss gently and promise to fulfill any desire! Have you already guessed?

Today is our family's birthday.

We have become so accustomed to each other that sometimes it seems that it cannot be otherwise. The words: "we", "together" in relation to us are endowed special meaning. Our union is an indivisible whole that cannot be shaken or split. It's all about boundless love and willingness to accept and understand your loved one by anyone, faith in him. I want to thank fate for you and you for fate!
