Alpha capsule contraindications. Spa-cups

Contrary to the common misconception that the word capsule has one and direct meaning, especially in the “SPA capsule” bundle, this is not some kind of miracle pill or healing drug. Everything is completely different. A term such as "SPA capsule" means special kind cosmetic procedures. They are held in special chambers (otherwise called capsules), externally and internally more similar to installations. horizontal type solariums.

The effects of rejuvenation and other favorable for the body as a whole, which can result in a series of procedures in such capsules, will really impress any skeptic. These effects are achieved due to the special effects exerted by various capsules on the person who is in them. The SPA-capsule nourishes the cells of the body and activates the metabolic processes in the external and inner layers skin.

Such capsules, according to the conclusion narrow circle specialists are able not only to rejuvenate, but also to remove toxins and other undesirable elements from the human body. In addition, procedures in such unique chambers will be an excellent way to lose weight.

SPA-capsule and the effect of the procedure

All the beneficial effects exerted by the capsule on the person in it can be reduced to a list unified for all varieties:

  • Excellent effect on cellulite deposits;
  • Fight against obesity problems;
  • Improving the elasticity of the breast;
  • Assistance in recovery in the postpartum period;
  • Improvement of the skin;
  • Cleansing the body;
  • General relaxation;
  • Saturation of the skin with nutrients;
  • Accelerated recovery from injury;
  • Getting rid of mental and neurological disorders;
  • Rehabilitation after debilitating complications.

In addition, the use of SPA capsules has a positive effect on blood circulation, on the regulation of sweating, increases muscle tone. Often, sessions in SPA capsules are purely recreational in nature and are used as massage sessions.

Before deciding exactly whether to carry out the procedure and whether to use the services of clinics offering therapy in SPA capsules, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the contraindications.


Procedures in a special chamber are prohibited for:

  • People suffering from heart disease;
  • People suffering from exacerbations of certain diseases;
  • Infected with weeping dermatitis.

In addition to the listed contraindications, in the process of preliminary examination and preparation for the procedures, a specialist may identify individual contraindications.

More about SPA

The abundance of various capsules and their names is reduced to a simple minimum:

  • Alpha capsule;
  • Capsule OXY SPA;
  • Capsule SPA JET.

hydrofusion variety

There are hydrofusion chambers. They allow you to carry out a number of activities to take care of the skin and the body as a whole. At the same time, the basic principles of temperature exposure are applied to achieve the maximum cosmetic effect. When exposed to infrared radiation, the entire body is heated, a vapor coating is formed that envelops all parts of the body. Steam can be mixed with fragrant oils or oils on algae to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.

Since the patient's body is heated to a depth of 4 cm, there is an acceleration of processes that stimulate the cellular transformation of fat and contribute to the removal of harmful substances.

Sessions can be supplemented (the functionality of some capsules includes additional elements):

  • Music therapy with a variety of sound signals of all frequencies;
  • Therapy with exposure to air saturated with ions;
  • Oxygenation, that is, nutrition with oxygen elements;
  • Vibromassage. Some cameras are equipped with special massagers;
  • Thermotherapy when exposed high temperatures up to 75 degrees (sometimes 80).

Dry spa chambers

Such devices are distinguished by the fact that the effect occurs through deep heating with dry air masses. At the same time, it creates a special microclimate inside the chamber, and all actions are carried out with dry hot air. These are inhalation, massage, chromo therapy and sound therapy. Perhaps you are interested in rejuvenation. At the same time, these SPA capsules are programmed for the required number of actions and the intensity of their impact. Let us consider in more detail the most common version of the cameras - Alpha SPA.

Alpha capsules

These devices are multifunctional devices, in which, as already noted, a variety of procedures for rejuvenation, treatment and relaxation of the patient are carried out. The chamber itself is a physiotherapeutic health complex, which in recent times in connection with the growing popularity, an increasing number of salons and cosmetology clinics are being equipped.

A feature of the alpha-SPA capsule is its versatility in relation to other types of capsules. It allows you to relax at the cellular level and relieve tension. Staying in such a cell will be especially useful for tense people and those suffering from excess weight.

The principle of operation of the Alpha capsule

The device is equipped with various nodes, making it possible to simultaneously provide many types of effects on the patient. It:

  • Influence of air masses. In this case, the oxygen concentration reaches its maximum value. This method of exposure favorably affects the processes of regeneration of skin cells and significantly rejuvenates the body;
  • Thermotherapy, which allows effective cleansing skin;
  • Vibrotherapy. This is a kind of massage procedure. This effect relaxes the patient in the capsule and increases general well-being for the better.

Also, the advantages of staying in such a chamber are the adjustable heating and blowing of the entire surface of the body and the bactericidal effect of lamp light. Sessions in Alpha in the SPA-capsule are prescribed for:

  • Pathologies and dependence on drugs;
  • Headaches, migraines of various origins;
  • Acute stressful condition;
  • Intoxications;
  • Decrease in indicators immune system;
  • General fatigue of muscle tissue;
  • Injuries and chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Disorders of the nerves and psyche;
  • Any type of dermatitis;
  • cellulite;
  • Detoxification.

The procedure is carried out as follows: after the patient takes a bath or shower, he is placed in medical capsule pre-programmed for a particular procedure or set of procedures. When placed in a capsule, human body exposed to oxygenated space under conditions of high humidity. Toxins are removed, the condition of the body as a whole increases, the skin becomes healthier and noticeably rejuvenated. With a long complex of sessions, you can noticeably cope with excess body fat, get rid of depressive states and obsessive stress.

The procedure usually does not take more than half an hour. AT rare cases when drawing up an individual program and the required approach to the procedures, it may be necessary to reduce or increase the amount of time that the patient spends at one time in the capsule. At the same time, a one-time set of influences, selected for each specific case, will also affect the time.

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Capsule Alpha Oxy SPA System

Production Sibaritik (USA).

The main features of the SPA capsule "Alpha Oxy SPA":

OxyThermie ™ (Oxythermia) - the creation of a therapeutic environment by a combination of oxygen of high concentration and variable temperature.

Oxygen/Aroma Inhalation (Inhalation with pure oxygen/Aromatherapy) - the ability to use pure oxygen and aroma oils for inhalation.

Oxy-Spray ™ (Oxy-spray) - application to local areas of the skin of targeted cosmetic or medical preparations (oxyaerosols) using a jet of pure oxygen.

The built-in concentrator/compressor of oxygen - productivity is 6 l/min.
- Dry sauna - temperature up to 82°C.
- Shirodhara system - an additional opportunity to care for hairy part heads.
- Ergonomic contoured bed heated up to 50°C.
- Adjustable vibration massage function.
- Stereo system with CD player.
- Ionic shower - face blowing with ionized cool air.
- 18 built-in programs-methods.
- An exclusive cosmeceutical line of oxygenated skin care products for the face and body, created specifically for the Alpha OxySpa™ capsule.
OxyThermie™ - Oxythermy
It's perfect new technique complex and combination therapy, which is possible only in the Alpha OxySpa™ capsule.
The basis of Oxythermia is a combination of pure oxygen (up to 99%) and variable temperature. Oxygen is supplied to the capsule from its own oxygen concentrator WITHOUT PRESSURE, which is the fundamental difference between the Alpha OxySpa™ oxygen capsule and the pressure chamber. This avoids the main contraindications for oxygen therapy procedures and technical problems associated with the operation of oxygen stations or pressurized cylinders.

In cosmetology, this method is indispensable both for ensuring the rapid and deep percutaneous administration of cosmetic preparations, and for a complex therapeutic effect on the entire body as a whole.
The desired therapeutic effect of "Oxythermia" is achieved by a combination of oxygen of a certain concentration, variable temperature, and specialized preparations for application to the skin. Reduced oxygen content in the blood, tissues, is one of the primary factors in the aging process. In the skin, as well as in the circulatory and lymphatic systems, in a state of hypoxia, the synthesis of proteins, including collagen, elastin, etc., slows down. As a rule, in youth, the oxygenation of the body is sufficient for the full function of the cells. However, additional oxygenation is necessary to compensate for degenerative processes in the body. Increasing the level of oxygen in the tissues reduces the recovery time of the skin, including after such aggressive cosmetic procedures as laser resurfacing, chemical peels and microdermabrasion.

The use of the Oxythermia procedure accelerates the processes of metabolism and regeneration, gives a good cardiovascular response, enhances cellular activity and has an antiseptic effect. Oxythermia (OxyTherm™) promotes the rapid penetration of oxygen and active substances applied on the surface of the skin in the form of local applications into the deep layers of the dermis, the lymphatic and circulatory systems. With Oxythermia, the circulation of blood enriched with oxygen is enhanced, which contributes to detoxification, purification and improvement of regenerative organ functions, and a complex effect on the lymphatic system stimulates the immune system.
Oxygen/Aroma Inhalation - Pure oxygen inhalation/aromatherapy.
The device is equipped with an oxygen mask, which allows inhalation with pure oxygen during the procedure. Oxygen inhalations are part of the procedure, but they can also be used as an additional refreshing application during procedures. cosmetic care. By adding a few drops of essential oil during inhalation, you can qualitatively diversify the procedure, relax and get an unforgettable experience. The flow of oxygen can vary from 0.5 to 6 liters per minute.

Oxy-Spray™ - Oxy-Spray
The unique Oxy-Spray™ applicator is designed to apply targeted cosmetic or medical preparations to local skin areas using a stream of pure oxygen. This allows you to simultaneously oxygenate the skin, provide an antiseptic barrier and soft application of active substances. This is most relevant in the treatment of acne, and is also indispensable for reducing the recovery period after aggressive cosmetic procedures such as laser resurfacing, chemical peeling, plastic surgery, procedures for invasive facial mesotherapy, etc. The oxygen flow is adjustable from 0.5 to 6 liters per minute.

The main factors of "Oxythermia"
It is well known what high level oxygen in the tissues is the "secret" of youth and freshness. Rejuvenation with the help of oxygenation stimulates the healing of the cellular composition of the tissues of the WHOLE body, since oxygen activates the regenerative properties of tissues at the cellular level. Through this, “clarity of thought”, increased efficiency and stimulation of the immune system, neutralization and elimination of free radicals, antibacterial and mediated antiviral effects are achieved.
Oxythermy is an independent, complete method of detoxification, since the elimination of toxins occurs physiologically, without the use of pharmacological preparations.
Additional factors"Oxythermy":
Improves mood and increases concentration;
Reduces emotional stress;
Increases efficiency, physical endurance;
Stops migraine;
is the prevention of headaches of various etiologies;
Raises barrier functions skin;
Restores healthy sleep with various forms of insomnia;
Oxygen therapy is indicated to prevent the development of infections in the postoperative period. Smoothes mimic wrinkles and refreshes the complexion. Normalizes pH-balance, helps to restore metabolic processes in the skin. Prevents the appearance of age-related hyperpigmentations and contributes to their clarification. Provides the skin with additional, pure oxygen. Restores the skin after excessive insolation. Restores damaged skin after chemical peels, laser resurfacing and other radical care procedures.
Alpha OxySpa™ is ideal for most spa treatments. The therapeutic possibilities of Alpha OxySpa ™ are practically unlimited, since numerous possibilities, techniques and a specially developed line of cosmeceutical preparations allow for up to several dozen protocols for health rehabilitation and cosmetic correction. One of key features SPA capsules are the possibility of carrying out procedures in a home SPA without the participation of medical personnel.

Warranty period - 12 months

Installation of the capsule does not require special preparation of the premises.

Capsule Alpha Oxy SPA System is a unique spa equipment that helps to attract the attention of both new and regular customers spas, as well as improving efficiency classical procedures body care. Installation and commissioning, instruction and training in operator functions are included in the price and are carried out on site by our technical specialists. Comprehensive training and setting of methods is carried out on the basis of a permanent school in the city of Moscow. The number of specialists for training - no more than two people. The training period is two days. Travel and accommodation of specialists from the regions - at the expense of the CUSTOMER. When delivering to the regions, it is necessary to agree on the method of delivery. Payment for the delivery of the capsule to the regions and payment for a two-day business trip of a company specialist for installation, adjustment, instruction and training in operator functions is carried out separately and is not included in the price.

Characteristics Capsules Alpha Oxy SPA System

The weight 193 kg.
Dimensions 2260x990x890 mm 2260x1200x890 mm (closed), 2260x2420x890 mm (open), 2620x1170x970 mm (packed)
Power supply 220-240 V, 50-60 Hz, 15A 220 V, 3.3 kW
Built-in programs 18 built-in programs-methods
Ability to create individual programs There is a possibility individual selection mode by changing the adjustable parameters
dry sauna Dry sauna with air temperature up to 82°C with stabilization plus or minus 1°C
Vibromassage Three types. Adjustable vibration massage function. A patented system is built into the bed of the capsule, which allows for continuous and pulsating vibration massage of the body.
Bed Ergonomic contoured bed heated up to 50°C
Stereo system Built-in 150W stereo system with waterproof CD player
Ionic shower Blowing the face with ionized cool air that improves the activity of the respiratory system
Chromotherapy Monochrome therapy (6 colors), full spectrum chromotherapy (sunlight), alpha-theta therapy (pulsating red light stroboscopic device) is provided
Calorie burn counter The calorie burn counter built into the capsule allows you to control your weight loss regimen
Stoboscopic lamp 4-12 Hz.
Control Panel 5.6" LCD liquid crystal display with touch buttons
Oxythermy Provides a therapeutic environment with a combination of high concentration oxygen and variable temperature
Inhalations The capsule is completed with an oxygen mask that allows inhalation with pure oxygen, as well as with the addition of essential oils. Oxygen supply rate varies from 0.5 to 6 l/min
Shirodhara system Additional possibility of caring for the scalp
Spray system It is possible to apply targeted cosmetic or medical preparations (oxyaerosols) to local skin areas using a jet of pure oxygen
aromatherapy A 4-channel system for spraying aromatic oils inside the capsule is provided
Food 220-240V, 50-60Hz, 15A

Oxygen Concentrator

Power supply 220 volts, 450 watts

Productivity - from 0.5 to 6 liters per minute

Dimensions - 36.8*40*72.4 cm

Today, the SPA capsule is becoming more and more popular in the world. official medicine and modern cosmetology. It's relative new procedure, which allows you to restore your health as soon as possible after a previous illness.
For example, this effective remedy to strengthen a weakened immune system, real help with cardiac and gynecological problems, as well as in case of impaired metabolism and impaired functioning of the central nervous system.

Despite the fact that many position the SPA capsule with the most better side, describing the multifaceted therapeutic effect and sustainable therapeutic effect, there is and back side medals that reminds everyone existing restrictions and prohibitions on use.

There are indeed contraindications, and their considerable list only indicates that such a method of healing a weakened body is not as safe as it might initially seem. Doctors advise avoiding such innovative novelties for hypertensive patients and other patients with chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system (tachycardia, ischemia, arrhythmia, angina pectoris), as well as in the presence of dermatological diseases and inflammatory processes in the acute stage. In addition, the SPA-capsule is excluded during pregnancy and lactation, as well as in the stage of recurrence of all chronic diseases of the body. There are also age restrictions that become an obstacle to the implementation of this progressive procedure.

If a person decides to try what a SPA capsule is, contraindications should be a kind of signal for him that he needs to consult with his doctor. The expediency of such a consultation is obvious, since superficial self-treatment can only worsen the general condition of a weakened organism and lead to irreversible consequences.

Myth one.
Doctors are sure that the SPA capsule provides a therapeutic and cosmetic effect, and just one procedure is enough to look 3-5 years younger. In fact, one cannot expect significant changes in appearance from one time, but modern cosmetologists do not exclude that after a few sessions wrinkles, skin irregularities and signs of pigmentation disappear imperceptibly, and the skin becomes clean, elastic and smooth.

Myth two.
Many women, after the first spa capsule, got rid of the signs of cellulite and stretch marks that appeared after childbirth or were the result of weight changes. In fact, such an effect is indeed possible, since the effect of infrared rays on loose skin gives it firmness and elasticity. However, one procedure will not be enough to restore the skin to its former beauty and impeccable condition.

Myth three.
The level of radioactive impact on the patient's skin and body exceeds the safe norm. In fact, these are just "horror stories", and the SPA capsule correct use strictly according to indications, it has a beneficial effect on the human resource. The action of infrared rays is therapeutic, but it certainly does not harm health.

Summing up, we can conclude that the effect of this cosmetic and medical procedure will be, however, for its sensation and, moreover, holding one session is not enough. If you complete the full course, you can personally verify how effective the SPA capsule is.
Contraindications for use must also be discussed with the attending physician and only on his recommendation to agree to the first session. The results are inspiring!

In cosmetology, there great amount procedures aimed at improving certain functions of the body. These are procedures that improve physical state person, and procedures designed to improve external state skin, figures, etc.

Application features and action

For a long time, attempts have been made to develop a procedure that simultaneously affects the maximum a large number of departments of the body and having a pronounced positive effect both for health and appearance patient.

One of such unique developments is a spa-capsule or a spa-capsule (both types of writing are equal). This is not only a certain set of procedures performed using unique equipment, but also a whole area of ​​cosmetology, which has a huge number of admirers around the world. The direction is an innovative technique that combines several cosmetic and therapeutic procedures carried out in a special capsule.

The spa capsule is also called a health capsule, because it solves not only cosmetic problems, but is also used for medical purposes to treat enough serious illnesses. Outwardly, such a capsule resembles a horizontal solarium.

The spa capsule helps to get rid of many health problems, improve the overall condition of the skin and figure. it great way fight and overweight and problems of the nervous system.

Such results are achieved due to the various possibilities of the spa capsule, namely:

Indications and contraindications

The range of indications for procedures in the spa capsule is very wide:

Few contraindications However, they do exist and you should pay attention to them:

Varieties of spa capsules

There are three main types of spa capsules., differing from each other in the principles of influence on the body:

  1. dry;
  2. hydrofusion;
  3. alpha capsule.

It is a method, the operating mechanism of which is warming up the body with the help of warm and ionized air. The desired temperature and time regime can be programmed depending on the nature of the procedure. This kind thermal effect favorable for some cosmetic and massage treatments as well as inhalations. Compared to other types of capsules, the range of services provided here is less.

Hydrofusion technique.

This variety has a hydroelectric unit, which allows you to influence the body not only with infrared radiation, but also with steam, as well as carry out various types water massage. The body warms up to a depth of about 4 cm, which leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes, and, accordingly, to weight loss.

The impact of steam contributes full disclosure pores on the skin, making subsequent cosmetic procedures the most efficient. When steam exposure is often used essential oils or medicinal algae for a pronounced therapeutic effect. It also actively removes toxins from the skin.

Possibility of application various kinds water massage helps to eliminate " orange peel”, “breaking up” body fat, improving blood microcirculation, accelerating systemic blood flow, as a result of which tissues are saturated with vitamins and oxygen.

The procedure in such a spa capsule has a pronounced cosmetic effect, noticeable after just one visit and lasting for long time. The functionality varies depending on the model, in addition to the above, the patient may be offered additional options.

Alpha capsule and its range of effects.

It is the most versatile compared to other types and is rather a full-fledged physiotherapy complex. It affects the patient at the cellular level, relieves stress and improves well-being. This type is especially recommended for people suffering from overweight, and patients whose main tasks are stress relief and deep relaxation.

The device has a wide range of effects on the patient, namely:


Before visiting the spa capsule in medicinal purposes consultation with a supervising physician is desirable. The number of sessions required in the spa capsule depends on the initial condition of the patient and desired results. So, for example, for the treatment of cellulite or the solution of any skin problems appoint a course consisting of a combination of various procedures and several sessions.

The deeper the problem, the more sessions may be required. For improvement general condition with overwork and stress, one procedure may be quite enough, which can and should be repeated as needed.

The procedure in any type of spa capsule is carried out as follows: the patient takes a bath or shower, after which he is placed in a capsule pre-programmed for necessary procedure(time and ways of influence are programmed).

Most often, the duration of the procedure does not exceed 30 minutes, however, with individually selected specialized programs, the time may increase. Accordingly, the spectrum of the impact and the drugs used also increases. The procedure is developed individually, taking into account the wishes, goals, general physical and psychological state patient.

Types of programs

Clients are offered the following types of programs in spa capsules:

Spa treatment complex.

It is possible to carry out both a full spa procedure and its individual stages. It depends both on the desire of the patient and on the capabilities of the capsule.

Complex of rehabilitation procedures.

Spa capsules are used not only in beauty salons, but also in medical, as well as sports centers, where they are aimed at restoring the body after injuries, to help in the fight against drug and alcohol addiction, in complex therapy various diseases.

Complex of anti-cellulite and weight loss procedures.

They include procedures aimed at losing weight (massage, wraps, etc.) and procedures that have a cosmetic effect (disappearance of cellulite, stretch marks caused by weight loss). Also, if additional features of the capsule are used to help relax and relieve tension, this has a positive effect on eating behavior, and this, in turn, helps to maintain harmony.

Complex of Ayurvedic programs.

For such procedures, capsules with technical specifications special extra option.

Complexes of wellness procedures for the scalp and hair.

Such procedures are mainly aimed at improving the condition of the skin, improving blood microcirculation, which helps to solve such problems as hair loss, dandruff, weak, brittle, split ends. The procedures provoke active hair growth and lead to strengthening of the hair along the entire length.

Session cost

The cost of treatments in spa capsules also varies greatly, as it depends on the time, on the required number of treatments, on excipients (such as aroma oils and cosmetics) used in procedures. On the number of additional options chosen by the patient, as well as on the level of popularity of the institution, the quality of the equipment. Sometimes even on the professionalism and level of demand of the specialist conducting the procedure.

Sessions in a spa capsule are gaining more and more popularity, because they help to quickly and pleasantly bring the body into good shape, improve health, cheer up.

Alpha-capsule is a multifunctional device that creates a special microclimate, which allows for procedures with a wide range of therapeutic effects. With its help, you can carry out a wide range of wellness procedures. The device is a physiotherapeutic rehabilitation and health-improving apparatus complex, which in last years appeared in almost every modern SPA-center. The capsule is used for relaxing rest, cosmetic correction and endoecological restoration of the body.

The alpha capsule allows you to relieve tension at the level of nerve endings, as a result of which the patient relaxes, his vitality, tone increases, general well-being improves. SPA procedures in the alpha capsule are recommended for people who are in stressful situations, feel nervous tension are suffering from excess weight.

How does the alpha capsule work?

The alpha-capsule is equipped with equipment that can have several types of effects on the body.

  1. Exposure through the air, or oxythermia. The therapeutic capsule creates an air environment with a high concentration of oxygen and an acceptable temperature for relaxation. With the help of this technique, beneficial vaporous substances penetrate the skin, as a result, the tissues are saturated with oxygen. As you know, it is the lack of O2 that leads to premature aging organism.
  2. Dry air bath procedures- thermotherapy.
  3. Massage procedures - vibrotherapy. The bed, which is inside the capsule, continuously vibrates. Thanks to massage vibrations, nerve endings relax and a person's well-being improves.
  4. Aeroionotherapy. There is an adjustable airflow to the body.
  5. Bactericidal lamp radiation. The rays disinfect the skin and ensure complete hygienic cleanliness of all procedures inside the alpha capsule.

Indications for use of the alpha capsule

  • Pathological and psychological addictions from drugs, alcohol, smoking;
  • headaches of various origins;
  • chronic and acute stress;
  • endogenous intoxication;
  • exogenous intoxication;
  • decreased immunity;
  • fatigue of the muscular system;
  • injury and chronic diseases musculoskeletal system;
  • nervous and mental disorders;
  • postoperative condition;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • all types of dermatitis, especially psoriasis;
  • dystonia;
  • cellulite;
  • violation of the biorhythm;
  • detoxification.

How is the wellness procedure in the alpha capsule

After taking a shower, the patient is placed in a capsule, which is pre-programmed for wellness procedure. Inside the capsule, the human body is in an oxygenated air space with high humidity. The procedure helps to remove toxins from the body, improve the condition of the skin, correct weight, stop depression and stress. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 30 minutes.
