How to meet a guy what to write. How to meet a man on the Internet, or where to meet the guy of your dreams

Finding a partner for a relationship on the Internet has long been the norm. Who is stopping you from brightening up your loneliness or finding your soul mate online? Take your chance, let's try together to figure out how not to miss it! Here you will find practical advice, how to meet a guy, including a rich one, where to start, what to write and what precautions to take. You can also familiarize yourself with the rules of correspondence, which will help you create the image of an interesting girl.

You can meet fans on the Internet on dating sites, the most popular of which are Mamba,,, Photostrana and Thanks to a good technical support service, you will not find inadequate personalities and “dead” profiles. In addition to dating sites, you can start communicating with a guy on in social networks– VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook. As for VKontakte communities, it’s worth taking a look at club And You can also offer thematic forums, for example,

Where to start your search

  • year, month and day of birth;
  • name or nickname;
  • country and city of residence;
  • height;
  • bad habits;
  • occupation
  • interests (favorite books, films, sports, hobbies).

To have a better chance of getting acquainted, be sure to upload several photos of yourself High Quality. The face must be clearly visible on them. One photo can be portrait, the other full-length.

The next step is to install filters, select gender, desired age, country, city, purpose of dating, body type and other parameters in the search bar. Then click "search".

Finding a guy on Photostrana

The system will return millions of profiles of handsome guys who also dream of meeting the one with whom they could start a relationship. There's no need to rush. Among the many candidates, you will need to choose the one that is close to your interests. To do this, in the questionnaire, pay attention to the playlist, images, groups in which he is a member, posts on the wall.

If the choice is made, you need to add him as a friend. If your application is accepted, you can rejoice - they are already interested in you.

Precautions when meeting a young man via the Internet

Having received a letter, you should not immediately rush to the embrasure. You need to go to your profile and view the completed questionnaire.

If there is no photo and only column o is filled in sexual preferences- pass by! This guy doesn't count on serious relationship. You don't have to respond to such a letter.

If you see a long “petition” on the page in which a guy praises himself, how good and ideal he is, and then there is a list of the requirements that he makes for his chosen one, you know that he is a perfectionist. God forbid you start a relationship with a narcissist who is more interested in himself than in the girl who will be next to him!

The page of normal guys who really want to meet a girl does not contain anything unnecessary. On it you can find a modest photograph of a guy, a short story about yourself and your occupation, and the minimum requirements that apply to a girl. Such a questionnaire should interest you, and you can answer the letter or write it first.

Also keep in mind that many young people upload photos that are not themselves. They can usually be recognized by their “Hollywood appearance.”

Would you like to receive detailed step by step instructions How to properly meet men on the Internet? We recommend reading free checklist Alexey Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and transform them into happy real ones." You will learn how to create attractive image online, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real world.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the pdf file.

How to start a correspondence with a rich man

Rich people don't reveal themselves in their profiles. They don't shout at every step that they have a lot of money. You can understand this from the uploaded photos. Take a close look at his hobbies.

If you see a hobby in the photo: horse riding, yachting, racing cars or vacation abroad, you should know that such hobbies require a lot of money. Pay attention to age. A boy cannot be a millionaire, but a man who is well over 30 can be.

Having identified your “victim”, start getting to know her: like the photos and posts on the page. If you are a sufficiently interesting and beautiful person, they will write to you themselves. If you don’t get a response, initiate the conversation. Write to him, for example: “Judging by the photo, you relax so much and have so many hobbies that it’s hard to imagine how you have time for work and girls.” The main thing is not a word about money!

And here are the instructions. Here we have collected the most necessary information about manners a real lady, features of virtual communication, perfect phrases and about the beginning of acquaintance.

What is an original thing to write to a guy?

To attract attention, you will need to introduce yourself in an original way. In order not to be mistaken, there is no need to ask whether he is married, whether he has high paying job or a separate living space. Believe me, such questions irritate men.

First questions should be unobtrusive, you can ask about his friends and how he spends his time free time, whether his boss bothers him, what books he likes to read, ask about his favorite movies and TV shows. What follows? Here you will find lists of funny and provocative questions, questions about love, women and hobbies.

If you don’t understand anything about politics, it’s better not to start talking about it, otherwise you can put an end to communication. Sometimes Political Views may not coincide, so you should not impose your opinion on your interlocutor.

After exchanging several messages you need. This article explains what you should pay attention to. Then you can think about conquering and. This is not easy to do, but one of our articles contains methods that actually work.

Etiquette for virtual communication with a man

If you answered a guy’s letter or wrote him first and didn’t hear from him, you don’t need to bombard him with messages. Be patient and wait for him to write himself.

If you receive an email or SMS from a guy, wait a few minutes and take your time to respond. He must learn to wait. It's all about male psychology: The longer he waits for an answer, the more he will think about you.

Yours replies to letters should be twice as long. For example, he sent a text of 10 sentences, try to fit your answer into 5 sentences. This is the kind of game that the male half likes. If you play by his rules, believe me, interest in you will only increase.

At first, the correspondence should be dry, without unnecessary emoticons - intrigue him!

The main thing in letters is to convey your image and be able to interest the guy. If you overwhelm him with your problems, he is unlikely to want to deal with you. A positive situation where he had an image created positive girl who knows how to joke. This will hook him and he will certainly look for a meeting with you.

How to bring your interlocutor into real life

Here are some tips:

  1. From time to time, disappear for a while, for 3-5 days. The excuse is blockages at work and problems at home. If a man is really interested in you, he will want to close the distance.
  2. Gently hint that this is not about you for a long time at the computer that you prefer to communicate live.
  3. Sometimes write that all your friends are busy, that there is no one to even go to the cinema with.
  4. If the guy is from another city or country, mention that you would like to go somewhere for the weekend or on vacation. Perhaps he will offer to go to him.
  5. Mention more often how lonely it is to live without a man (indirectly, of course!). For example, can you imagine, the faucet broke, flooding the neighbors, it’s so difficult without men :(.

How to meet a worthy man on the Internet, watch the video:

Meeting a decent guy on the Internet is very problematic; it may take six months or a year. Some find men there for the evening, while others get married and live happily. In any case, the main thing is not to give up!

N It’s no secret that in the minds of most girls and boys, men and women, the initiative when meeting for the purpose of amorous relationships should come from men. Therefore, it is believed that Pickup is for guys. But not all men are “pick-up artists” and not all guys, using a thousand and one rules of picking, will make acquaintance with you. And you really want to meet the guy you like. But at the same time, not every girl is able to simply approach a stranger to a young guy and just start a conversation. As a rule, this is prevented by pride or shyness. Therefore, many “accidental” ways have been invented for girls to meet guys on the street, in a store, in transport, and so on. Some will require more determination from you, while others you just need to muster up the courage to take the first step.

So, take the initiative into your own hands.

1 . You can try to provoke a man to get acquainted. For example, catch his eye and smile. If a guy is not shy, he will definitely come up and talk. This method is very suitable for cafes, bars and clubs.

2 . Ask him about a mutual acquaintance, friend, if he has one. There are many options, for example, I haven’t seen for a long time, where he is now, and so on. A conversation started and you already know each other.

3 . Dating via the Internet I think the easiest way. Use the site “VKontakte” or ICQ. Write to the guy “Hello! How are you?”, or “Let’s get acquainted, my name is Masha!”
I think that the easiest way to get acquainted is on the Internet.. no obligations required... you can think about the conversation and be more an open person in communication.

4 . Ask for help dragging your suitcase to the subway, home, and so on. For the sake of decency, offer money, he still won’t take it. And this is already a reason to thank, in in a good way, for example, invite you to your home if the poor fellow was dragging your luggage all the way to the entrance...

5 . Performance with a lost phone. Ask him to call your phone (explain this by saying that you can’t find it in the wilds of your bag, maybe it was stolen!!?). By the way, you will still have his number, and he will have yours.

7 . Rainy weather and an umbrella forgotten at home - good wayпознакомиться. Having chosen a nice stranger, ask to be under his umbrella. It's unlikely that the guy will refuse. If he refuses, let it be worse for him.

8 . Ask about his gadget. If a guy has a cool PDA, tablet, and so on, then do the following: with your eyes widened, you approach and ask the guy with sincere curiosity about the merits of his electronic toy. It is advisable to prepare beforehand so that you can ask questions on the topic and not look like a complete fool. This great way get even a man you don’t know into a conversation, because any guy can talk (boast) endlessly about his cool gadget.

9 . Another reason to meet a guy is that you now have a cool gadget. Let's say you have a digital camera with numerous functions and a complex menu, a tablet or just a mobile phone. Pretend to be a blonde from jokes and ask her unknown guy help in operating your “very complex” digital camera. At the very least, the guy will be flattered. You can take a few pictures to check your gadget - any phone or tablet has a digital camera.

10 . And again familiarity with the use of digital technology. Asking to take your photo seems quite natural. Even if there is no landmark or picturesque corner nearby that would be suitable for making your request believable, you can take a photo near the supermarket, on a bench in the yard, or against the backdrop of new buildings. Tell him heartbreaking story associated with this place, then ask him if something similar happened to him.

11. Meeting someone in a clothing store. An interesting young man can provide you with invaluable assistance in choosing a shirt or sweater as a birthday gift for your father or brother. And by the way, “quite by chance” he turned out to be similar in build to the brother for whom you choose the same sweater or shirt. Ask the guy to try on the item you have chosen and ask his opinion and taste preferences.

Even at the grocery store there is always a reason to meet someone. Of course you can ask young man help choose dumplings, but it’s better to get to know the guys in the department alcoholic drinks. You can choose cognac as a gift for your boss, and in order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need the man’s recommendations. You may also be preparing for a party and want to pamper your guests with a delicious drink. In gratitude for the advice, invite the young man to be the guest of honor or simply to taste the purchase.

In a hardware store, ask a young man to help you choose from several models you like, for example, a laptop or a router with WiFi. Just don’t need to show off your knowledge in this or that area.

12 . The “Fake Sociologist” method is a method for bolder girls. Approach the man you like and say: “Could you help me? I was assigned to conduct a sociological study on the topic: “Nine differences between single and married man". I need to compare the male and female point vision." At a minimum, you will recognize whether the object of your attention is single or married.

13 . Ask about music. If you are in a club, cafe and he listens to music that you also hear, ask him if he knows the name of this song that was just played or at least the name of the group that performs it. You can say something like “I really love this song, do you know who sings it?” You can also hum this song along with the artist on the radio. Support your boyfriend eye contact, smile and say “I love this verse” and wait to see what he says. Either way, this is a good way to establish a common understanding.

14 . Trite, but sometimes effective way- ask for directions. It is advisable to resort to little trick. You need to force the guy to take you to the right place. Let’s say you “need” to find house 25 on third street. Builders or Red Square or general store. You walked around and asked all the passers-by, but you couldn’t find this enchanted place. You need to portray a confused look and some helplessness. It is also necessary that the “searched” place be nearby. If a guy starts showing the way, waving his arms - first to the left, then to the right, then you have already been there and don’t understand anything at all. Of course, some acting skills are needed here, but when later this guy is yours, and he is yours, you can reveal to him the small secret of your acquaintance.

15 . The textbook method of dating, seen in numerous melodramas and TV series, is a “random” encounter. To meet a guy on the street, organize this event, preferably not in a very crowded place. Don’t forget to take with you “to get acquainted” some folders with a bunch of papers or a bag with small objects. It is important that the folder opens easily and the bag opens. When collecting items with a stranger, express complete confusion and disappointment. It is advisable that some important item (for example, an old mobile phone) from your purse breaks - you need to break it in advance. The young man will feel discouraged and somewhat guilty, and this is what is needed. By the way, considering that you are now without a cell phone, you can ask him to call from his cell phone. (See method number 5)

16 . Praise his dog. Let's say a guy is walking in the park with his four-legged friend. Admire his dog and ask if you can pet him. This is a great conversation starter because you can keep asking questions about his pet and he will of course participate in the conversation. Ask the animal's age, name, breed, say something good about its behavior and training. If a guy is interested in you, he will be happy to continue the further conversation on a topic that is not necessarily related to his favorite. But if he is indifferent to you, then he will answer your questions and move on in his direction.

17 . The "Teach to Swim" method. Approach the man you have your eye on and ask him to protect you in the water, because you don’t know how to swim, but you really want to learn. This, as a rule, does not cause any suspicion of a dirty trick among men and they easily agree. Moreover, every man likes feeling like a knight next to a woman who cannot swim. Always emphasize that you completely trust him and that you feel calm and confident around him.

18 . A classic of the genre - the “Prevention of Tanning” method. Contact the man you like with a request to apply cream to your back, since it’s uncomfortable to be alone. If you don’t get acquainted the first time, approach him a second time after a while and again ask for help, explaining the reason for your approach to him: he has affectionate, gentle, warm hands and skillful actions.

19 . Volleyball on the beach. As a rule, on the beach most often men play volleyball, gathered in a circle. You, presenting yourself for treatment during the game, ask to be taken into the game (as in childhood). Play all the time for the man you like.

20 . A method for girls with good acting skills. Rush to the object from behind, hug, kiss and... apologize, citing the fact that you confused him with your brother or childhood friend. After which you make excuses for a long time that you are very similar, how awkward it turned out, it’s very awkward for me, although it’s a very funny situation, and what’s your name - maybe your names are the same.

21 . Use this one too feminine cunning. Hide one earring and begin an intensive search for the second one in the place where the man is until he offers his help. In this case, you need to lift your hair and show him the second earring. Joint searches can lead to life together- why not!

22 . Sit next to the guy on the bench, pretend that you are getting ready to go somewhere and forget your thing on the bench. A decent young man will definitely call out to you or catch up with you to give you a forgotten item. If, having moved away to a distance of 10 - 20 meters, you do not see any actions on the part of the guy, then come back for the “loss”, and this goat turns out to be not decent at all.

23 . Another classic way- crossword puzzle. In a cafe, in a park on a bench, or at the institute while solving a crossword puzzle, ask a guy for a pen or pencil and (or) help in solving the crossword puzzle. This method does not oblige you to anything. As the conversation progresses, you can decide whether to make further contact with this intellectual or not.

24 . If you are standing in line at a cafe or sitting in an empty bar, ask him what he should order for his taste and tell him that it looks pretty tasty. If you interest him, he will certainly keep up the conversation, and maybe even treat you to coffee or ice cream.

25 . And finally, the most unattractive and somewhat criminal, but at the same time the most effective way of dating. Unnoticed, steal something from a guy at college, school, or work, and then “accidentally find” it and give it away. Naturally, the guy will be happy and try to thank you in some way. But be very careful - don't get into a criminal story. Therefore, it is better to accidentally find an umbrella, sunglasses, a flash drive or notes from lectures at the University than a good mobile phone.

Previously, the initiative to meet and start a relationship mainly came from men, but nowadays everything is changing, and girls themselves are able to start a conversation with the young man they like. For some, this process goes easily and naturally, but, more often than not, the fair sex needs some hints.

Where can you meet a young man?

Spontaneous acquaintance on the street, in the park, on a walk

As a rule, dating in such places occurs spontaneously. If you show a certain degree of resourcefulness, you can easily strike up a dialogue with the guy you like. For example, you can ask how to get to a particular building. It is advisable that the object you are looking for is not far from you, so that the young man has the opportunity to guide you.

Let's meet on the Internet, in contact, on a dating site

First of all, it is important to understand that a guy will draw conclusions about you based on your page on VK or on a dating site. If you want to attract the attention of a potential lover, then you must have a sufficient number high-quality photos, information about yourself. Don't expect to interest him with fake photos - it's just wasted time for you. In addition, fakes are now quite easy to detect. If we are talking about dating on VK, then try to start with the most banal thing - with likes. Tag photos and posts that you like. But it is important to understand that some guys do not attach any importance to such signs of attention, and sometimes do not notice them at all. The next step is a personal message. Based on the young man's response, you can determine whether you have aroused reciprocal interest. For example, you can write that he has very interesting music on his page, and ask in which groups you can find similar music. You can write directly: “I just liked you. Let’s be friends.” On a dating site, there is absolutely no need for embarrassment. People who find themselves on this site are in the mood for communication and meetings, so if you write to one of the users, you are unlikely to get into trouble. Study his page, determine what kind of girl he is looking for and for what purposes, and start a dialogue. Note that you liked his pictures, ask questions that really interest you. It is important not to delay virtual communication. Many men spend years on dating sites, chatting with other people out of boredom and with no intention of switching to another format of communication. If you suspect that a guy is not interested in meeting you, then don't waste your time on him.

How to meet someone in a club or cafe

You can tell the guy who caught your attention that your phone is dead by asking him to call from his phone. Also, if you know that you will call a taxi in any case, you can ask the guy for the number of a suitable service. However, it will be better if you call from his phone to a well-known number, so that later you will have another opportunity to contact him. If you are in a club with a friend, then ask the young man to take a photo of you. Particularly brave girls can invite the guy they like to take a photo with him.

It’s very easy to make friends in the company of friends, at work or at school.

If you met in the same company, you can simply ask a mutual friend to introduce you to each other. Although, as a rule, this is not required - acquaintance occurs quite naturally without the participation of others. Just laugh at the guy’s jokes, you can say that you most likely saw him, for example, at your university. Such a statement will be a sufficient reason to start a conversation. Meeting a guy at school will also not be a lot of work: ask where this or that office is located; ask to rewrite the assignment from his notebook; Give a fictitious name and find out if this person is studying in his group. Also, while studying, you can show a guy your interest through regular glances - for many young men this is a signal to action. If you like the guy you work with, you can also make acquaintances by asking questions. Say that you are looking for some colleague and find out if he has seen her. After the answer received, you can continue the conversation by asking how long the young man has been working here, whether he has figured everything out and whether he needs any advice. Note that you are glad to meet him, and at subsequent meetings, say hello to him.

If you want to meet a man who may later become your lover, it is important to pay attention to some nuances.

To attract a guy, watch your appearance and behavior

Many girls note that for some reason guys don’t pay attention to them special attention on the street, not understanding what the problem might be. Often the real reason lies in the appearance. It is possible that you look too distant, or you may even get the impression that you are not free. If you prefer strict style in your clothes, then subconsciously guys may get the impression that you are too busy and have no time for dating. It is especially stupid to expect that a man will approach you if you are used to walking briskly- he hasn’t had time to really look at you yet, and you’ve already disappeared around the corner. Girls with a sad expression on their faces, who prefer not to look around so as not to meet anyone’s gaze, don’t really get the attention of guys. Young people think that the girl has Bad mood, and she now clearly does not want to make new friends. Also, most men try to avoid people who may seem too arrogant and arrogant to them. And, paradoxically, very beautiful girls, also often suffer from loneliness - men are sure that even without them she has plenty of admirers.

To meet someone, don’t stay at home

Wanting to meet interesting guy, you need to periodically visit the “right” places. There is a very low chance that you will meet an interesting young man in a cosmetics store, but if you go to a football match, your chances will increase significantly. In fact, in the city you can find many establishments and institutions that offer big chance meet a potential lover. Pay attention to car exhibitions, shooting galleries, billiard rooms, rock concerts, and gyms.

Walk without company - it increases the chance of making acquaintances

It's great to go out with friends, but know that many guys are hesitant to approach girls who are surrounded by other people. If possible, go out alone crowded places– go to the skating rink, to an exhibition, sit in a cozy coffee shop with a book in your hands. Your potential partner will have the opportunity to take a closer look at you and start a casual conversation with you.

How a girl should behave

How to meet a man beautifully

There are many ways to meet a man without seeming intrusive. So, let's look at the simplest of them. 1. Technique “I identified myself”. If you brave girl, then this method will suit you perfectly. Approach the young man you like from behind and cover his eyes with your palms. After a couple of seconds, remove your hands and, embarrassed, admit that you mistook him for your friend. 2. In the store. Choose departments that are predominantly male. A good option would be the “Everything for Fishing” store. Ask the guy you like what he could recommend as a gift for a man who is interested in this type of pastime. Say you want to give a gift close relative. It will be no less natural if you approach a man in the department men's clothing. Say that you want to give a friend a shirt for his birthday, and note that he is about his build, then ask what size you should pay special attention to. 3. Ask for help. It’s rare that a man will refuse to help a woman, especially if he likes her. When you leave the store with your purchases, ask the guy with a smile to help you carry heavy bags to the car or to the entrance. You can also pretend to be very absent-minded by dropping a pile of papers or a pen next to the guy you like. Surely, he will try to help you eliminate the consequences of the “catastrophe”. 4. Rain. During the rain, you can ask a young man to wait out the bad weather with him under his umbrella. True, such a step is suitable only for very determined and resourceful girls. 5. Sit next to each other. Another popular method. Seeing that a handsome young man is bored alone at a table or on a bench, ask him if he would mind if you sit next to him. Pretend that you just liked this place without bothering the guy with conversations. If you pique his interest, he will find a reason to talk to you. 6. Business card. You can give the young man a business card, saying that you were “asked to pass it on.” Surely, he will understand that your number is written on the paper, and if he liked you, now you just have to wait for his call. 7. Dogs. It is also quite easy to start a dialogue with a “dog owner”. If you don’t have a dog yourself, then find out where dog owners in your city mostly walk their pets and go there. Choose a guy without wedding ring on the finger that will cause you the most sympathy, and go to it. Tell him that you are soon planning to get a dog like his and want to know the features of caring for this breed. Surely, he will enthusiastically support the proposed conversation. 8. Mutual friends. If you have mutual friends, then this fact can play into your hands. You can write to a young man on social networks that you cannot contact him. mutual friend, and ask if he knows his phone number (you yourself could, for example, “lose it”). 9. Station. Making acquaintances at train stations or at the airport is also easy. You can ask the guy how to get to the exit, where the right platform is, and the like. 10. Compliment. If a guy smells nice of some perfume, then compliment him and ask him the name of the perfume. Note that you want to give a gift to your brother, and this scent will undoubtedly suit him. You can turn your attention to the young man’s watch, shirt, sneakers, asking where you can buy the item you like. 11. Search for protection. If you are returning home late in the evening and see that you are on the way with nice guy, you can ask him to walk together. Tell him that you usually get home earlier, and you’re a little scared, so you’ll be very glad if he guides you around a little, or you just walk some parts of the way together. Usually young men like to feel protected, and your request will most likely flatter the guy.

Men “love with their eyes” The statement that a man “loves with his eyes” has long been known, and it has not lost its relevance to this day. If you want to be in the center male attention, then you need to look bright and feminine. Realizing that you have any shortcomings, immediately begin to fight them. Stop being lazy and take care of yourself. You should always be ready for the “biggest date of your life.” Most guys like girls with long, flowing hair. Periodically create light curls that will flow over your shoulders and back. Give preference to natural shades of hair. Many girls neglect makeup, being sure that guys now value “natural” beauty. This is true, but no one forces you to apply it to your face." war paint" Not every girl can boast flawless skin, pleasant blush, bright lips and thick long eyelashes. If you don’t have all this, then it wouldn’t hurt to apply light skin tone and blush. Lips can be slightly touched with gloss natural shade or at least chapstick, and apply one layer to the eyelashes quality mascara. Believe me, most girls look better with unobtrusive makeup than complete absence cosmetics. Of course, a potential lover at the first meeting will pay attention to what you are wearing. Avoid untidiness and carelessness in your appearance. Get rid of shapeless trousers and oversized sweaters. Your attire should emphasize your strengths as much as possible. You slender legs? Then don't miss the opportunity to show it off by wearing tight-fitting jeans or a skirt. Thin waist emphasize it with a fitted dress or an original belt. Learn to use clothing to emphasize your best sides and disguise your weak points. Among other things, it would be a good idea to pay attention to the perfume you use. Many women neglect this point, considering it not particularly significant and underestimating its power. In fact, perfume is very important and men often pay attention first to it, and then to the owner of the perfume herself. Self-confidence and calmness Don't confuse self-confidence with arrogance. It is unlikely that a guy will approach you if he notices how you look at someone arrogantly. It's also unlikely that you'll attract a man if you have a pained expression on your face. In general, it is very important to pay attention to what emotions are usually reflected on your face. Take care to appear friendly. Try not to make sudden movements and do not rush if the situation does not require it. When some guy glances at you, do not look away in horror and do not try to speed up your pace. By the way, many girls do this involuntarily, despite the fact that they really want to get to know each other. Meet someone else's gaze calmly. If you like a man, you can smile slightly at him. Kindness is always in fashion When a young man starts a conversation with you, show maximum friendliness if you want your acquaintance to continue. Don’t think that just because you once read that a man should “achieve a woman” that you need to sit back and watch how your new acquaintance manifests himself. Maintain the topic of conversation, express interest in what the interlocutor is telling you, and ask questions yourself. Of course, you shouldn’t “go too far” either, telling a man everything in a row, wanting to keep the conversation going. Just respond to the topics he sets. Smile more often and listen to your interlocutor. Most guys have a positive attitude towards casual acquaintances, and this is not surprising, since it is mainly they who initiate them. Many young people agree that just by looking at a girl, they already know whether they will approach her or not. This is influenced by several factors. Firstly, the girl should not look like she is in a hurry or too passionate about something (, emotional conversation with a friend). Secondly, a potential new acquaintance must be liked in appearance. Usually, assessment of appearance is very subjective, but most often young people like well-groomed and feminine girls, and vulgarly dressed people cause rejection. Also, a man pays attention to how a girl reacts to him - if she doesn’t look away sharply, looks relaxed under his gaze, then more often than not, acquaintance follows. Many men admit that they see nothing wrong with a woman being herself will initiate the acquaintance - on the contrary, as a rule, they are very grateful for this step. Some young people do not dare to approach the girl they like, being sure that she is probably not free or simply fearing rejection on her part, so her initiative, most often, turns out to be very appropriate.

Previously, it was still too new, unknown, it was even scary to think about it. However, already Nowadays many couples meet online and, at the same time, build full-fledged relationships in the future.

Online dating for girls can be very useful. This is just perfect for those who are shy meet guys in person, does not know what to say when meeting, or is simply afraid of being disappointed when he sees his chosen one. IN real life, when we see a person, we may misjudge him at first glance. After all, we do not allocate time for further assessment. On the Internet, it's the opposite. We can learn in a short time not only the outer shell of the person we like, but also his interests and inner qualities.

So, let's talk about how a girl should meet young people online. We are used to the fact that the guy always seems to be the first to take the first step, but you can also wait a very long time for the weather to come by the sea. Therefore we need to act. But, nevertheless, the girl should be tactful and unobtrusive, and everything will go smoothly.

Getting ready to meet

So, the first thing every girl should do is prepare yourself to meet guys. The guy will meet you “by your clothes,” that is, by looking at your photographs, flipping through your albums, as well as the information that you leave on your page. Every little thing can either repel your gentleman or attract him.

So make sure that everything in you're ready to show the world on your page, does not embarrass you in any way or does not bring any unpleasant sensations.

Based on the photographs, it will be possible to form a certain impression about you: where you go, what you love, who your friends are, what your habits are. You may sometimes seem stupid and frivolous, so remove all unnecessary photos from your page, there is no need to create distracting moments. Write on the page about yourself what you love (hobbies, interests, things that you just like). There is no need to invent anything, write as it really is. The most important rule is to be yourself.

Guys don't like me at all girls with bad habits and those who look bad and unkempt. To the girl it's not appropriate to smoke– it’s not fashionable or stylish at all. Drinking is also not encouraged. In the photographs, for example, it will be immediately clear how well-groomed you are and how you take care of yourself. It is not at all necessary to be a written beauty. You just need to take care of yourself - light, unobtrusive makeup, natural hair, soft skin, slim body - all this will attract attention to your page. If you haven't had much time yet get yourself in proper shape– then act!

After all, if you are lucky, and after meeting you have to meet a guy in person, he should not be disappointed when he sees in life something completely different from what is in the photo.

Let's act! Just don't despair!

So, we have put the page in order, everything is fine with ourselves too. top level- Great. It's time to take action.

The first thing we must do– decide who we are looking for. We enter in the search the data that we would like: year of birth (primarily), city of residence. The rest is up to you.

The VKontakte website offers huge selection search queries, because every girl needs something different. You can choose the religious or political views of your chosen one, a page with or without a photo, place of study and work. Please, Everything depends on you.

To make the choice wider, you can remove several search criteria, because not all guys indicate all the necessary information. But it is among these guys that the only one may be.

So, the search criteria have been defined. The system will find thousands and millions of guys who also want to meet beautiful young ladies. Of course, there will be many, many options, so there is no need to rush. It's better to spend a little more time on good selection and choose those guys who you liked the most.

So, we chose the guys we liked. Let's start by choosing a few young people. If anything happens, you can always start again. We look through their pages, photos and decide who we like the most.

Now is the time for decisive action. We gather our thoughts and write to the guy, or add him as a friend. If he accepted the application, then you can already be a little happy - it means that he is interested in you. Then you can start even with the simplest phrases. We write everything we have the courage to write.

“Hello” I liked you. Let's get acquainted"

“I see you play tennis. Me too. It would be interesting to chat with you.”

IN modern world The laws that were applicable before have no longer been in effect for a long time. Nowadays guys pay a lot of attention to girls who are the first to take the initiative.

There's no shame in this. Why not? Even if you are very shy and worried, It's OK. Get together and write to him. What if you miss out on your happiness?! This is the Internet, and they don’t punish you for demand anywhere.

If one guy didn’t respond to your message, it’s okay, another, a third, a tenth will answer. You can also leave enticing graffiti on his wall (for example, soccer ball if he loves football; headphones if he likes music). Browse the playlist, there may be songs there, which you also like.

“And I noticed a song on your page... Could you explain what it’s about? I don’t think I quite understood.” “That’s so interesting, but I thought this song was by another artist. Can you tell me about him?”

“It’s cool, our tastes in music completely coincide. It's interesting to find a like-minded person. By the way, my name is Katya.”

So the conversation began. If the guy doesn’t make contact (he answers confusingly, incomprehensibly, in monosyllabic sentences), then drop the matter. Ease of communication will be felt from the first minutes if you have really found “that” person. Starting a conversation with standard phrases, like “You’re cool, let’s get acquainted” and “What kind of girls do you like? I’m just like that, that’s how lucky it is,” you can go much further. As a result, you will sit for hours in front of the computer, busy communicating.

But there is no need to impose. If the guy did not reciprocate - nothing. Do not write anything back to him, do not be sarcastic or swear. Firstly, this is of no use, and there is no need to waste your nerves. And secondly, it’s not his fault that he didn’t like you. Everyone is free to choose for themselves.

One more trick- is to disappear for a while. You can write something interesting to your guy every day to interest him. And then one day they disappeared for a day. Just know when to stop. There is no need to run away for a week and behave incomprehensibly. Create interest in yourself.

So, finally, you have achieved the result. You met a guy. Now you need to somehow not lose his attention and keep him. How to achieve this? Yes, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is don’t get lost. Periodically write to him first. The guy also gets tired when nothing is important or heard from you. He will also think that he is imposing himself on you. But don’t impose yourself either. You don’t need to write meaningless messages every hour in order to attract all his attention. Keep the middle ground.

Ask him questions, be interested in his hobbies and his life. This will prepare the ground for the real meeting. Show your imagination You are a girl, you have to be a little cunning. Casually throw in some phrase like “Oh, it’s raining today, but I wanted to go play basketball with the guys.” Now the conversation will begin. This is just one of the topics. And you can come up with everything that your imagination is capable of.

Well, here we go time is running, it's getting close to the meeting. First, think about whether you need it or not. If you are truly interested in a person, then you need to act. If you are just bored, then it is better not to injure the guy. Maybe he really likes you and is already making plans for you. If a guy still doesn't ask you out, then maybe he's just shy or thinks he doesn't like you enough. So take the first step yourself! Invite him!

If it makes it easier for you, you can first prepare the ground for real meeting. For example, offer to chat on Skype, maybe this will speed up the desire to meet. Well, if this doesn’t help, pull yourself together and offer it yourself. Surely nothing will happen because you are refused? I'll refuse once, twice. And they will agree to the third, and this option will be even better! For example, “Why are we bothering here, let’s go outside and let’s stretch our bones.” Why not?!

Let's sum it up

So, we have already identified the main points that we need to work on in order to meet a guy online.

  • We look after and take care of ourselves, create beautiful image, which will not disappoint the chosen one in the future.
  • Next, we select “victims” and write to them first. We are not timid. Confident girls will always achieve their goals!
  • We don’t impose ourselves on the guy when communicating, but we also don’t disappear for a month. Let's keep the limits.
  • We are not afraid to write what we want, to be inventive and witty. Guys love active and interesting girls. You can withstand one or two refusals. The best option will not leave you!
  • And finally, we meet! If you are not offered a meeting, then you offer it yourself.

Our main motto is Don’t be afraid of difficulties and be confident! Your energy can be felt everywhere, so go ahead!

Even if you want the man to take the initiative, he can be gently pushed to do so. Use following tips to increase the likelihood of dating.

You can get acquainted under a variety of circumstances, and not just while languidly sipping a cocktail at a bar. First, try to understand what kind of partner you need, and, based on this, choose a location. Do you want to meet an intellectual? Go to an exhibition or lecture. Do you dream of being an athlete? Take a closer look at those who visit your gym and whom you often meet while jogging.

In general, pay attention to the places where you often visit. Most likely, there are men there with whom you have common interests.

It's a good idea to think about the skills you've been wanting to learn for a long time. There are also plenty of suitable candidates in language schools or DJ courses.

Another option is to look for places with a large concentration of men, where you will stand out. For example, visit sports competition, a car show or just the tool department in a hypermarket. You are unlikely to remain there without attention.

2. Become a regular

Still, you shouldn’t forget about bars and cafes. But instead of visiting a new establishment every time, try choosing one and visiting it regularly. In the usual comfortable environment It's easier to meet new people. And the wild rejoicing of the bartenders over your appearance will definitely turn all eyes in your direction.

3. Be alone more often

Don’t scare off strangers with the sight of your laughing girlfriends, and especially your male friends. Practice walking (or even traveling), hiking cultural events or in a cafe.

Just don’t try to replace a temporary lack of communication by listening to music on headphones or constantly checking your smartphone. Let others know that you are alone and are not waiting for a belated boyfriend to appear.

If you want to meet someone, forget about the mask of coldness and indifference. She repels rather than attracts. It’s also not worth using all the possibilities of facial expressions. In order to show your interest, a glance and a slight smile are usually enough.

5. Take care of your appearance

This does not mean that you need to urgently take out everything short and shiny from your wardrobe. Screaming sexuality rather speaks of the desperation of the girl and her bad taste than about readiness for a normal relationship.

It is better to bet on simple, but stylish solutions in clothes (the main ideas can be gleaned from the article) and choose correct makeup and hairstyle (and an article to help).

And is it worth saying that you need to look good whenever possible everywhere and always? Well-groomed and neat appearance- at least a sign of politeness towards yourself and others.

Active methods

The time of complete patriarchy has already passed, but total feminism has not yet arrived. However, a woman who takes the initiative in a relationship is now unlikely to be stoned. The list below contains ideas for the first step that any girl can safely implement.

1. Use a trick

It is not necessary to openly express your interest. You can get acquainted using various kinds tricks. For example, approach a man in a cafe and say that you lost an argument with a friend and, according to the terms of the bet, you must take his phone number. Or say a joke out loud, then turn around and apologize, saying that you thought you were talking to someone you know.

Of course, this method requires certain acting skills. But a slight adrenaline rush is guaranteed.

2. Ask for help

You can attract a man's attention in the most innocent way. Alternatively, ask for directions, get something from the top shelf in the store, or simply hold the door.

The main thing is not to become a problem woman who constantly needs help. strong man. Not everyone likes the role of father-savior.

3. Ask a question

Men love attention no less than women. Especially if this attention flatters their outlook and intelligence. Take advantage of this little weakness to win over an unfamiliar guy. For example, ask a nice colleague with a professional question or ask a stranger from a language course to explain a grammar rule.

4. Give a compliment

Everyone enjoys being praised. Men are no exception. At the same time, singing praises of their appearance or masculinity is not at all necessary. You can compliment a stranger's performance at a conference or open mic event. Or approach a cute dog owner in the park and compliment his four-legged friend.

Getting your own dog is also not a bad idea: animals tend to easily bring strangers together.

5. Be open about your interest.

Tired of playing role-playing games and wait by the sea for weather? Just tell the person you like that you are interested in him. Another option is to approach a stranger in a cafe and ask if you can sit at their table.

Someone will say that a man wants to be a hunter and he doesn’t need “ easy prey" Someone - that such behavior can frighten and repel. But the question is: do you want to be the prey and be around a man who has female initiative?

The truth is that men, like women, are different and want different things. But men, like women, are often similar: they are also afraid of being rejected and also dream of having someone new in their life. interesting person. It’s great if the desire of two lonely people coincides, and it doesn’t really matter who was the first to take a step towards.
