How to enlarge nails at home. How to speed up nail growth: alternative methods

1. Warm baths with salt and iodine. Add 2 tbsp. spoons table salt in 0.5 liters of warm water, then pour 10 drops of iodine into the bath. Soak your hands in the solution for about 15 minutes. The bath helps to strengthen the nails and accelerate their growth.

2. Lemon juice also has a beneficial effect on the growth of nails, strengthens their structure. Lubricate your nails with lemon juice, or soak in the pulp of a lemon for a couple of minutes. After the procedure, you need to lubricate the nails with a nourishing cream.

3. Sea salt is an excellent tool for strengthening and growing nails. To prepare a bath, dilute 15-20 g of salt in two glasses of warm water, you can also add a couple of drops of iodine. Soak your hands in the solution for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week.

4. soda baths for nails: add a tablespoon of soda to a glass of warm water, if desired, you can add a few drops of iodine. Soak your hands in the bath for 10-15 minutes, then lubricate with cream or olive oil. Baths can be done several times a week.

5. Oil baths for nail growth: warm vegetable oil(olive, almond, castor or any other) add a few drops of iodine and glycerin. Dip your fingertips into oil solution for 20 minutes, then pat your hands dry with a tissue. Nails will become strong, shiny, their growth will accelerate.

6. Regular massage of the nails in the cuticle area will improve the blood circulation of the nail plate, as a result, the nails will grow faster and stop exfoliating. During the massage, it is recommended to use olive oil or almond oil, or nutritious cream. Your nails will receive a full massage with regular typing, playing the piano, and grow faster as a result.

7. High-quality nutrition affects the condition of the nails, so make sure that your diet contains foods rich in calcium, iron, vitamins - cottage cheese, cheese, nuts. Eating foods containing gelatin will help speed up nail growth a lot. Convenient to buy at the pharmacy mineral complex rich in calcium.

8. Excellent tool nail strengthening is " Smart enamel". This medical varnish to strengthen and grow nails, which can be purchased at a pharmacy or cosmetics store. Use it regularly, as a result you will get strong long nails.

9. effective method to accelerate the growth of nails is paraffin therapy. In the process of its implementation, melted wax or cosmetic paraffin. Its action is similar to massage - blood circulation improves and oxygen flow to the nail plate is stimulated.

10. The use of ointment for nail growth helps tremendously. To prepare it, you need to take 40 ml of calendula oil, 5 g of beeswax and 1 boiled egg yolk. The wax is heated in a water bath and then oil and yolk are added to it. Next, the mixture is heated with constant stirring and brought to the density of sour cream, after which it is carefully applied to the nails and the cuticle area.

11. You can also use beeswax to speed up nail growth. pure form bought from beekeepers in the market. The procedure should be carried out before going to bed. The wax must be heated to a liquid consistency and lower the nails there for a few seconds. Then let the wax on the nails cool down, put gloves on the resulting masks and leave overnight. Remove the gloves in the morning. The recommended course of the procedure is 10 sessions.

12. Very useful for accelerating the growth of nails regularly do baths with lemon. To do this, take 1 lemon and cut it in half. One half is used for nails on right hand, the other - for the nails on the left hand. Dip clean, well-washed nails into the pulp of a lemon and hold them for 2-3 minutes. You can squeeze 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and add 5-7 drops of iodine to it. Such a bath should be done daily for 15-20 minutes and your nails will be irresistible.

13. Excellent herbal bath for nail growth. To prepare it, you need to add 2 tablespoons of a mixture of chamomile, St. John's wort and burdock root to a glass of boiling water. Mix everything well and let it brew for half an hour. Then dip your fingers into the broth for 15-20 minutes. The frequency of the procedure is 2 times a week.

14. Promotes the growth of nails regular application of olive oil on their surface. Although it is quite expensive, it contains a large number of useful vitamins and minerals for healthy nails. Therefore, 1-2 times a week, apply to the nails and skin of the hands. olive oil wear cotton gloves and leave overnight. It can also be used to nourish and grow nails. liquid vitamin E, which is sold in pharmacies.

15. The hot manicure procedure perfectly nourishes and heals the nails, helps to accelerate their growth. In a small tub hot water add a tablespoon nourishing oil(olive, castor, almond, wheat germ, etc.). Dip your fingers in the resulting solution for 15 minutes. It is useful to do such a manicure once a week, your nails will become strong and shiny, burrs will disappear, the skin of your fingers will smooth out.

1. If you constantly wear colored polish on your nails, you need to periodically give your nails a rest, at least for 2 weeks several times a year. Your nails need to breathe oxygen too!

2. Use a nourishing hand cream daily, do not forget to apply it to your nails.

3. Choose a gentle nail polish remover that does not contain acetone.

4. By doing homework use rubber gloves.

5. Protect your hands from the sultry wind and frost with warm gloves (for long manicure buy gloves a size larger so that your nails do not break).

Long nails with amazing manicure are an integral part stylish look modern woman. However, the hasty rhythm of life, bad habits, health problems or a banal lack of time for hand care, often prevents you from saving neat appearance nails. Therefore, we will tell you how to accelerate the growth of marigolds.

How to accelerate the growth of nails - professional cosmetics

If you need to grow nails in the shortest possible time, it is better to use by special means nail care. They are not cheap, but in a week you will get an excellent result.

All cosmetical tools, which affect the growth activity of the nail plates, are divided into three categories:

  • Creams for hands and nails, enriched vitamin complex. They carefully care for the skin of the hands and stimulate the growth of nails.
  • Smart enamels for weak nails. You need to apply them on the nail under the varnish, while they will nourish the nail plate, promote its accelerated growth, and protect it from aggressive impact varnish.
  • Therapeutic series of varnishes for nail growth. Such varnishes are also called "breathable". They contain calcium and various vitamins, which allows you to accelerate growth and strengthen nails for a long time.

How to accelerate the growth of nails - nourishing masks

Despite the undeniable effectiveness professional tools, they have worthy competitors, namely homemade masks. There are a lot of recipes for such masks, so we will give only the most popular:

  • A lemon mask is the easiest option as nothing needs to be cooked. Cut a lemon in half, and soak your nails in the citrus pulp for 5-7 minutes. After that, apply any nourishing cream. This will not easily accelerate the growth of nails, but will also give them beautiful colour and healthy shine.
  • Mask with essential oils - you need to lubricate daily nail plates a mixture of essential oils. Peach, almond, and jojoba oils are suitable for this purpose. If you need to strengthen your nails, you can add a liquid solution of vitamin E.
  • Beeswax mask - melt the wax for a couple, dip your fingers into it so that the wax completely covers the nails. After 3 minutes, stretch your arms, and when the wax hardens, put on warm mittens and go to bed. Wash off the wax with warm water in the morning.
  • Pepper mask - red pepper strongly stimulates blood circulation and cell growth, so in our case it will also come in handy. Mix 10 g baby cream, ½ tsp ground red pepper and a few drops of warm water. Mix the mask and spread on the nails and the skin around them.

To give masks desired result, you need to do them daily for 5-10 minutes.

How to accelerate the growth of nails - mineral baths

Another effective nail growth activator are baths with fragrant herbs, sea salt and other useful components:

  • Iodine-glycerin bath - heat almond oil in a water bath, add 5 drops of iodine and glycerin to it. Then in warm bath put your hands down for 10-20 minutes.
  • Herbal bath - mix part of St. John's wort, part of burdock root, part of chamomile. Pour boiling water over the mixture (about 1 cup per 2 tablespoons of raw materials) for half an hour. Add to the infusion 3 tbsp. l. white wine and dip your fingers into it.
  • Soda bath - dissolve 1 tbsp. l. soda in 200 ml of warm water, dip your hands in the solution for 10 minutes. After the procedure, moisturize your hands with cream, as soda dries the skin very much.
  • Salt bath - simple and affordable way grow long nails. For every 100 ml of water, add 10 g of sea salt.

Take advantage of the proposed procedures, and you will no longer have the question of how to accelerate the growth of nails.

The beauty of a manicure directly depends on the condition of the nails, unless, of course, we are talking about gel extensions. In recent decades, due to the deteriorating ecology and the inability to eat healthy food All more women suffering from brittleness and slow growth nails. There are also cases when the nails exfoliate or go in waves, and this problem has nothing to do with fungal diseases. In this article, you will learn about the most effective means for the growth and strengthening of nails at home.

4 main rules for protecting hands and nails

Get rid of excess stress in the following ways:

  • If the condition of the nails leaves much to be desired, do not abuse varnishes and various coatings to strengthen the nails. Majority similar procedures V nail salons help not to solve the problem, but only to hide it external manifestations. Wavy and ribbed nails it makes no sense to grind, since removing the top layer of the nail plate will only aggravate the situation;
  • Contact with dishwashing detergent and various household chemicals is also undesirable, since it affects not only the condition of the nails, but also leads to premature aging hand skin. You can protect yourself from such troubles with the help of rubber gloves;
  • IN winter time it is necessary to protect hands from the cold so as not to slow down the growth of nails and prevent the formation of cracks on chapped palms;
  • An unhealthy appearance of the nails is often associated with a lack of vitamins. To solve this problem, include in your diet dairy products(kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese, etc.), as well as vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C (bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, parsley and dill, spinach, kiwi, oranges, strawberries, etc.).

5 best nail masks

Pepper mask

Nail Growth Mask

Mix 0.5 teaspoon of olive oil with the same amount of red pepper, and heat slightly in a water bath. Apply to the nail plate, starting from the cuticle, for 20-25 minutes. Rinse with warm water and soap (preferably baby soap), then lubricate your hands and nails with a nourishing cream.

Do not perform this procedure more than once a month.

Wax mask

Mask for strengthening and growth of nails

Melt the required amount of beeswax in a water bath, and let it cool slightly. Apply to nails starting at the cuticle. The duration of the procedure has no restrictions and depends on your capabilities. It is best to wax your nails before going to bed, protecting the applied mask with cotton gloves.

It is advisable to do a wax mask once a week.

Mask with lemon and iodine

Firming mask

Mix 1 teaspoon of olive oil with lemon juice and 4 drops of iodine. Lightly heat the resulting mass, and rub it into the nails starting from the cuticle. After 10-15 minutes, you can wash your hands.

Castor mask

Growth & Color Enhancement Mask

Lubricate your nails with castor oil, or dip your hands into a small bowl of this product. To enhance the effect, you can mix Castor oil with 2 drops of bergamot essential oil.

Apply the mask preferably 1 time in 5-7 days.

Vegetable mask

Firming mask with vegetables

Grate on a fine grater, or chop in a blender, 1 cabbage leaf medium size and 1 small potato. TO vegetable puree add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of natural sour cream. Apply the mask on the nails for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it off and lubricate your hands with a nourishing cream.

Baths for nails

Baths for strengthening and growing nails are good because they take care of the skin of the hands, making it soft and supple.

Sea salt

Sea salt bath

Dissolve in 2 cups of warm water 2 tbsp. spoons of sea salt and 3-4 drops of iodine. Dip your hands in the resulting solution for 15-20 minutes, then wash off the remaining salt from them and use a nourishing hand and nail cream.

Repeat the procedure every 5-7 days.


Bath with baking soda

Dissolve in 2 cups of warm water 2 tbsp. spoons baking soda. Optionally, you can add 2-3 drops of lemon essential oil. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes, after which the hands should be lubricated with nourishing or baby cream.

Soda baths for nail growth can be used 3-4 times a month.


Salt bath

In 0.5 liters of water, dissolve 2 tbsp. tablespoons of table salt and 5 drops of iodine. Dip your hands in a container with a solution for 15-20 minutes, then rinse off the remaining salt and use a baby cream.

It is advisable to carry out the procedure once a week.

Olive oil

Baths with sea salt will accelerate the growth of nails, if they are used 1 time in 5-7 days.


lemon bath

Grate, or chop with a blender, 1 medium-sized lemon. Mix the resulting mass with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil and 100 gr. warm water. Dip your fingertips into the bowl with this mixture for 10-15 minutes. Wash your hands, then use a nourishing cream.

Beautiful hands are a sign of a well-groomed woman. But many factors affect the health of the nails: nutrition, exposure environment and detergents chemicals, the degree of proper care and sometimes even the profession. Therefore, the question of how to strengthen nails and accelerate their growth at home worries many who care about their health and appearance.

Fortunately, strengthening nails at home is a completely solvable problem, you just need to carry out some simple procedures regularly, and improvised tools and products that are quite accessible to everyone are suitable for this.

Nail strengthening

To strengthen the nails of the hands at home, you can use simple recipes baths, masks or homemade healing ointments. You can carry out the procedures in one of the selected ways or combine them to speed up and enhance desired effect.

Baths for nails

As you know, nails need fat, water and calcium most acutely (it’s better not to overdo it with the latter: if you fanatically gnaw chalk and take calcium preparations without measure, you can get the opposite effect: the nail plates will dry out and become no less brittle than before). It is enough just to eat right and resort to pills only in extreme cases, and only as prescribed by the doctor and strictly observing the dosage.

How to quickly strengthen nails at home? To do this, you can use the recipes for pleasant and useful baths:

  1. Sea salt (not colored) - 1 table. l. dissolves in half a liter of warm water. Soak your fingers in the solution for 20 minutes. Such a bath will allow the nails to absorb moisture and sea minerals, which will significantly help strengthen the plates. After the end of the procedure, apply and rub a greasy cream into your fingers.
  2. Bath with cream and water. Apply a thick layer of hand cream (or better - hand and nail cream) on the upper phalanges of the fingers, dip them in warm water and hold until the liquid cools. This is a wonderful water-fat "gift" to the nails, perfectly strengthening them, and you can do the procedure at least every day. Such a bath can also be used during a manicure for soaking hands in water before removing the cuticle.
  3. The next option for those who have probably heard something about how to strengthen nails at home with iodine. There is different ways: in a glass of warm boiling water, drip a few drops of iodine and pour 1 table. l. salt, mix everything and keep your fingers in this solution for 15-29 minutes. Or you can simply lubricate the plates with iodine at night (by morning the element will be absorbed and they will already return to the nails). natural color).
  4. Another bath, but already including several useful components: and honey (1:1) heat in a water bath, remove from the burner and pour in 1 beaten egg. Mix everything evenly. Dip your fingers in the resulting substance for 15 minutes, then rinse. If desired, you can enrich the bath with your favorite essential oils.

Among the listed recipes, there is not a single one that would cause difficulties in preparation or use, therefore strengthening baths for nails at home are one of simple ways strengthen the plate and prevent its delamination.

Less lightweight and available method helping to make nails strong and strong:

  1. Honey "thimbles": you just need to coat the phalanges with a thick one and wait 30-40 minutes. If desired, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to honey, so that the effect will not only strengthen, but also whiten your nails.
  2. Before going to bed, it will be useful to take warm olive oil with a few drops of lemon juice, spread it on your fingers, put on thin fabric gloves and wash everything off only in the morning. It is not necessary to do it every day, 1-2 times a week is enough.
  3. Melt a piece of paraffin to a liquid state, dip the phalanxes smeared with cream into it (if desired, you can use the whole brush), put on plastic gloves (or wrap your hands in cling film and put on rag gloves on top) for 20 minutes. This procedure will strengthen the nails and make the skin very soft.
  4. Paraffin (wax) "thimbles": dip the phalanges in (wax), hold for 20 minutes.

These strengthening masks for nails at home do not require special skills and a lot of time, but the effect of them will be noticeable very soon.

Homemade ointments

How to strengthen exfoliating nails at home and make the plates strong and healthy, simple and useful ointments will prompt own cooking:

  1. Beeswax(4 g) melt for a couple, mix with mashed steep egg yolk and basic peach oil. You should get a thick consistency that you need to rub into the nail plates every evening.
  2. Favorite essential oils(a few drops) mixed with 100 g of any base oil. Rub this remedy into the nails and the skin around them.
  3. Essential oil or lemon (both can be used) is introduced into the oily cream for hands and nails, the mixture is rubbed into the plates. If desired, such a tool can be used for the skin of the hands, carry out the procedure every evening, and the esters can be changed for a change at your discretion.

Of course, you can not focus on independent creation various means, but go to the salon and watch how to strengthen nails with gel at home. This procedure is now very popular and not too expensive, and if you do it yourself, you just need to purchase everything you need and then do everything at home. At the same time, the nails will be firm and well-groomed in appearance, but here you need to consider 2 important moments:

  • nails tend to grow back, therefore, in order to maintain the gel on the plates for a long time, correction will be required from time to time (adding gel to the area at the root and leveling the “steps” resulting from the regrowth of the plate);
  • the plate is hard while the gel is on it, but at the same time it does not enrich it with beneficial substances that help strengthen, and after removing the gel, the nails will become brittle again.

Therefore, the essence of recovery still boils down to the fact that you need to strengthen and nourish the plate itself, and all sorts of newfangled artificial tricks will never give such an effect.

Acceleration of nail growth

Many people really care not only how to strengthen, but also how to accelerate the growth of nails at home. For this, too, there are some simple recipes:

  1. Cut a lemon in half, dip the phalanges into its pulp and hold for a few minutes. Then rinse everything off with water. Lemon juice will strengthen nails, whiten them and accelerate growth, but it is important that there are no wounds or scratches on the skin at the time of the procedure.
  2. Take 1 tsp. ground red pepper, the same amount of oily hand cream + 10 drops of water (boiled). The resulting mixture is slightly heated to a slightly warm temperature and lubricate the nail plates for 20 minutes. During this time, thanks to the pepper, the blood will warm up and flow to the nails, which will accelerate their growth. But it is not recommended to do this procedure often, 1 time in 4 weeks is enough.
  3. or E open, squeeze out the oily contents and rub into the plates. You can use both vitamins at once or alternate them.

These elementary procedures guarantee accelerated growth nails, and everything is done here as simply as with self-strengthening plates. The ingredients included in all these recipes will always be found in almost any home, and if you need to purchase them, then the costs will be minimal.

In order not to have to bother with the restoration of nails, they would remain strong and grow quickly, the following recommendations will help:

  • eat foods containing vitamins A, B, E, D and calcium;
  • more contact with water (does not mean washing and cleaning with chemical detergents);
  • rub more often oily creams or oils (this will prevent dry nails, and hence their fragility and delamination);
  • do without extensions (this is no longer fashionable, and “kills” the nail plate);
  • work with the file carefully, and what is especially important - do it not “back and forth”, but in one direction and only on dry nails!
  • try to avoid contact with chemicals (use rubber gloves);
  • (uneven free edge may begin to exfoliate);
  • do not use low-quality varnishes (this will deplete the nails and generally harm them);
  • under bright varnishes apply a protective base or colorless varnish(so that the coloring components are not absorbed into the plate and do not make it yellow);
  • do not smoke (this dries the nails and gives them a dirty tint).

And, of course, you need to follow general condition organism. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that nails are a mirror of health: irregularities (pits, transverse or longitudinal stripes, bumps) on the plates, as well as their increased fragility and changed color, can indicate any internal diseases.

Therefore, no matter how trite it may sound, but first of all you need to eat right, avoid harmful contact with aggressive substances and monitor your health.

Read more about which essential oils are best suited for strengthening and growing nails and how to use them correctly.

Be healthy!

Strong and healthy nail plates will always look very attractive with proper care at home, even if you do not like to experiment with different options for fashionable nail design, but are limited to a concise French manicure with an oval or almond-shaped free edge. Unfortunately, not every modern woman boasts an impeccable appearance of its marigolds, as over time they can become brittle, exfoliating, very dull and even slightly yellowish.

Comprehensive nail strengthening will help restore health to your nail plates and stop their further destruction. In this article, we have collected for you the most effective ways restoring the structure of problematic nail plates, as well as procedures for rapid improvement their strength under gel polish. You will learn how to gradually strengthen your nails with home baths, therapeutic masks and oils simple gel and biogel, acrylic powder and modern hardeners such as smart gel or diamond polish.

- on the picture: appearance nails before and after the course of application of the strengthening biogel

- in the photo: the condition of the nails before and after regular use of healing baths and masks

First of all, we need to eliminate all the causes that, day by day, worsen the condition even very healthy nails. For example, the composition of modern dishwashing detergents, washing powders, cleaning gels includes a lot of chemical substances, which can cause delamination and thinning of the nail plates. Be sure to wear special household gloves before using hard tap water and working with detergents. If the condition of the skin of the hands and nail plates has noticeably worsened after constant household chores, we highly recommend doing paraffin therapy at home weekly, which helps strengthen and grow nails, improves blood microcirculation, and restores velvety and elasticity to the skin of the hands.

But not only external factors negatively affect the condition of the nail plates. Insufficient supply of nutrients to the root of the nail or lack individual elements, involved in the formation of onychoblast cells, can cause a violation in the development of the stratum corneum. For example, a lack of the amino acid cysteine ​​reduces the density of the structural protein keratin and the nails lose their elasticity and become brittle. Insufficient amounts of zinc, calcium, phosphorus, selenium, or copper can also make nails softer, as well as brittle and flaky. What foods should we add to the diet to restore the balance of substances that affect the formation of keratin protein? High content cysteine ​​and other substances useful for strengthening nails are present in foods such as Brussels sprouts, broccoli, garlic, sweet peppers, sunflower seeds. It is useful to take L-cysteine ​​capsules every day to quickly strengthen weak nails.

The appearance of white spots on the nails indicates that the body lacks calcium, magnesium, and sodium. So that the nail plates do not become dull, brittle and grow well, add foods such as beans, pumpkin, raisins, dried apricots to the diet, Walnut, germinated wheat seeds, wheat bran, lettuce, spinach, parsley.


We want to note right away that this method does not have a therapeutic or restorative effect on weak nail plates. Strengthening with a gel will help align long hairs that are slightly bunched into a tube. thin nails and make them more rigid for applying layers of gel polish. If you have a thin enough, but even nail plate, it is enough to apply protective layer base coat for gel polish and polymerize with a UV lamp. After the procedure, your manicure will be sufficiently resistant to chips, cracks and other mechanical damage.


Unlike gel, biogel not only protects natural nail plates from mechanical damage, but also improves the condition of brittle, weakened nails after gel or acrylic extension procedures (often removing extended nails, we gradually break the structure of natural ones). Biogel perfectly levels and strengthens the nail, nourishes the plate with useful substances that make up its composition, and also moisturizes the cuticle. Under the biogel layer, the nails freely develop a natural protective layer and "breathe".

- click on the photo and expand step by step instructions


IN Lately acrylic reinforcement brittle, thin nail plates gradually displaces the gel coating to protect against external influence. acrylic powder can be sprayed in a thin layer on the base coat under the gel polish or directly on the last coat of the gel polish, followed by the application of the top coat. Especially well this fine polymer powder strengthens the nail plate in tandem with shellac after polymerization in a UV lamp, while not increasing the thickness of the nail.

- click on the photo and expand the step by step instructions


And now let's move on from methods of mechanical strengthening of nails to directly medical procedures with a long-term effect to improve their condition. Using at home baths with nourishing, moisturizing, restoring the horny plate of the marigold components will help you achieve noticeable results in about a month. It is important that the temperature of the water in the bath with the components dissolved in it is kept at about 40 ° C, so that the active substances penetrate faster into the nail root and the plate. The most effective components for therapeutic baths include: sea ​​salt, lemon juice, dried chamomile flowers, olive oil, iodine. After the procedure, do not forget to apply on hands massage movements nutritious cream. It is enough to perform the procedure several times a week.

- click on the photo and expand best recipes bath products


The composition of the masks includes many active ingredients that quickly penetrate into the periungual skin and plate, strengthening the structure and accelerating the growth of strong, elastic nails. It is useful to combine the use of home masks with therapeutic baths, the recipes of which we have posted above. The consistency of masks for strengthening and growing nails is such that they are not quickly absorbed and you can rub the mass for 15-20 minutes (for example, while watching TV).

- click on the photo and expand mask recipes


The composition of essential oils includes active substances with an increased ability to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and horny plates. Essential oils can be used as an effective supplement to most different procedures to strengthen nails. In addition, these components not only improve the condition of the nail plates, but also restore rough skin of the hands, return skin tone and elasticity. Add essential oils to therapeutic baths, compresses for hands and nails, night and day creams, include in the composition of home lotions and masks. to the most effective cosmetic oils include ylang-ylang, bergamot, rosemary, tea tree, grapefruit, eucalyptus, myrrh.

- click on the photo and expand the recipes for nail strengthening products with oils in the composition


Even if your nails do not break or peel, but look dull, thin and weak, then surely your body is not getting enough useful substances along with meals. Add vegetables, fruits, herbs to your diet and the condition of your nails will noticeably improve within a few months. Your nails will not only become strong and even, but also.

- click on the photo and expand the list of vitamins for the growth and strengthening of the nail plates


Many famous brands, issuing cosmetic products offer innovative nail strengthening products. For example, "Smart Gel" restores the natural elasticity and strength of nails, improves their healthy growth during a 4-week course. A balanced combination of such components of "Smart Gel" as collagen, vitamin B5, silk protein has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the structure of weakened nail plates and helps to improve their protective functions.

Another well-established product is diamond nail hardener. It contains microscopic diamond particles that enhance the strength of nails. Structural microfibers of the reinforcer make the plates smoother and denser. If you have very weak and thin nail plates that are prone to delamination and brittleness, then try using diamond polish for a month according to the instructions.

- click on the photo and expand tips on choosing nail hardeners

