How to develop leadership qualities in a child. advice for parents


Chapter 1. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of developing leadership qualities of adolescent children through theatrical and play activities

1.1 The problem of leadership in psychological and pedagogical literature

1.2 Features of the development of leadership qualities in adolescent children

1.3 Theatrical and gaming activities as a means of developing leadership qualities in adolescent children

Chapter 2. Empirical research on the problem of developing leadership qualities in adolescent children

1 Determining the initial level of development of leadership qualities in adolescent children

2.2 Theatrical and gaming activities as a means of developing leadership qualities in adolescent children

2.3 Determining the effectiveness of the formative stage of the experiment

Conclusions from the empirical chapter of the study





What happened in our country at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries. political and socio-economic changes have had a serious impact on all sides current state society. They led to a change in the value orientations of the entire society, but, above all, of adolescents and young people, to the deformation of previously existing beliefs and views, the displacement of spiritual needs, the weakening of the educational function of the family, and the self-exclusion of most parents from raising their children.

As a result, an alarming situation has developed in society when negatively oriented leaders are involving an increasing number of teenagers in antisocial youth groups. The relevance of the stated topic determines one of the main tasks of society: to resist the rampant immorality in teenage environment by developing positively oriented leaders.

Such leaders must be confident in themselves, in their creative capabilities, abilities and views, people who can understand and take into account the opinions and feelings of others, who can manage their own destiny and achieve certain positive results in study, work, family life capable of leading others. The task of developing and creating conditions for educating such a highly effective leader is becoming one of the most important pedagogical tasks today.

IN modern Russia The problem of leadership is one of the most important problems in finding ways out of the current crisis. Therefore, one of the priority areas of the “Program for the development of education in the Russian education system” is the direction “Leader”.

Adolescence is a time of rapid and largely contradictory development. Therefore, we believe that it is at this age that children need to develop the desire to succeed in life and be successful. It is believed that leadership qualities, so necessary for every person today, are laid down and initially nurtured in the family and school. This actualizes the problem of studying the educational potential of the family and school in the formation of the personality of a child leader, since the family and school are institutions interested in nurturing leadership qualities in a teenager and are able to implement this; it is their actions and role that will largely determine the personal qualities of the future leader.

Based on this, the task of teachers and parents is to create a special field of joint activities with a teenager, constructive relationships with him, relationships united by a common goal. Thus, the increasing relevance of the problem of developing leadership qualities in adolescents, its theoretical and practical significance, as well as insufficient development, determined the choice of the research problem: will theatrical and play activities influence the development of leadership qualities in adolescent children.

The purpose of this study:theoretically substantiate and empirically prove the effectiveness of using theatrical and gaming activities as a means of developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children.

Object of study:leadership qualities of adolescent children.

Subject of study:theatrical and gaming activities as a means of developing leadership qualities in adolescent children.

Based on the identified research problem, we determined hypothesis: theatrical and gaming activities will be an effective means of developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children, provided:

  • the principle of “here and now”;
  • trust in communication;

In accordance with the goal put forward by the hypothesis, we have identified the following conceive:

Analyze psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem.

Select and test a series of extracurricular activities aimed at developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children.

To identify the effectiveness of a selected series of extracurricular activities aimed at developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children.

To solve the problems, the following were used research methods:

  1. Theoretical: analysis and synthesis of literature.
  2. Empirical: observation, test, sociometry.

Research base: PMK "Enthusiast"

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical substantiation of the problem of developing leadership qualities in adolescent children

1.1 The problem of leadership in psychological and pedagogical literature

The issue of leadership has attracted attention for centuries. Today, scientists - educators, psychologists, sociologists and philosophers, studying the desire for leadership as a manifestation of a person’s “creative instinct”, rely on the typology of authority developed by M. Weber, who puts forward in the development of the individual as an urgent task of nurturing high moral qualities along with mental development and physical perfection.

In modern foreign science, the problem of leadership is translated into the plan of empirical research in small groups, identifying the psychological and socio-psychological aspects of leadership (K. Levin, H. Jainott, K. Fiedler, J. Moreno and others).

Among the existing theoretical approaches to developing leadership qualities, the three most famous stand out: R.L. Krichevsky, E.M. Dubovskaya, R.D. Mubinova distinguishes the “trait theory”, trying to determine a set of psychological traits inherent in a leader. Among the leader's personality traits are his communication and organizational skills, activity, moderate emotional expansiveness, active adaptability and innovation, as well as high business and moral qualities.

“Situational theory” states that leadership is a product of the situation, i.e. properties, traits or qualities of a leader turn out to be relative (A. Meneghetti, F. Cardell, R. Dilts).

"Systems theory" of leadership examines the process of organizing interpersonal relationships in the group, and the leader as the subject of managing this process (M. Houston).

Most domestic leadership researchers typically consider the phenomenon of leadership in the context of joint group activity, when the focus is not just on “situations”, but also on specific tasks of group activity, during which certain group members can demonstrate their ability to organize the entire group to solve these problems . From this point of view, the leader is the “member social group, put forward as a result of the relationships of its members in a leadership situation and contributing to the organization of the group to achieve the goal set for the group" (R.L. Krichevsky, B.D. Parygin, O.Yu. Bandurovich, L. Ershov, K. Korsak, E V. Osipova, A. Kuzibetsky, N. I. Shevandrin, A. S. Chernyshev, L. A. Belyaeva, etc.). A number of authors focus on the correspondence of individual values ​​to group values ​​as the most important condition her promotion to a leadership position. N.S. Zherebova writes about this: “In order to small group the leader began to act, his ideas about norms and values ​​should coincide with similar ideas of the majority of the group.”

M.R. Bityanova believes that a leader is generated not so much by personal qualities or their special combination, but by the structure of relationships in a given specific group. This system of interpersonal connections is formed and determined by the goals of the group, the value norms that have formed within it. And it is on the basis of these values ​​and goals that a specific group leader is nominated. The leader, as it were, personifies the system of goals and values ​​preferred by the group, is their bearer, an active guide to life. B.D. Parygin defines the typology of leadership on three grounds:

combining all these functions);

c) by the nature of the activity (the leader can be universal and situational).

This classification is supplemented by N.P. Anikeev according to intra-collective functions: a) instrumental (or functional) leader, contributing to the achievement of a group goal, focusing on the business side of the team’s life; b) an emotional leader who contributes to the creation of a favorable psychological climate, focused on organizing favorable relationships;

c) a mixed type of leader, capable of implementing both of the above functions.

In terms of relationships:

a) a formal (or official) leader, elected or appointed to leadership positions: headman, Komsomol organizer, team captain, etc., officially responsible for the activities of this team;

b) an informal (or unofficial) leader who has generally recognized authority, although he does not occupy formal leadership positions;

c) a leader who is both formal and informal at the same time.

Personal development appears to us as the process and result of a child’s entry into the pedagogically organized environment of family, school, society and integration with it.

Taking into account the most important role of the family in educating a leader, the authors of many studies consider various aspects of relationships within the family, its influence on the development of a teenager’s personality, emphasizing that the family is a reflection of the linguistic and sociocultural traditions of society. It is the family that carries out the basic socialization of the child, shaping his mental and spiritual aspirations, his character and sense of his place in society. In this aspect, teachers emphasize vital role folk pedagogy (Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, V.G. Belinsky, N.G. Chernyshevsky, A.N. Dobrolyubov, L.N. Tolstoy, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky , G.N. Volkov and others).

In order to more deeply study the possibilities of the family in the process of raising a teenage leader, researchers (G.N. Volkov, G.K. Mamedov, N. Klimanovich) used the three-level classification of families proposed by scientists and teachers:

) with a high level of educational opportunities;

) with an average level of educational opportunities;

) pedagogically weak families with a low level of educational opportunities. At the same time, their psychological and pedagogical culture and psychological and pedagogical preparedness were taken into account as interrelated and interdependent aspects.

Analyzing the school as the most important factor in the implementation of pedagogical influences in the education of a leader, scientists consider its capabilities in this area of ​​activity. Based on the concepts of I.G. Pestalozzi, J.-J. Russo, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky, L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Rozanova, O.S. Gazman, D.M. Mallaeva, S.D. Abdurakhmanov and other modern teachers draw conclusions about the need to use in educating a leader the ideas of humanism, personal freedom and its individualization, the idea of ​​equal interaction between a teacher and a teenager, as well as the idea of ​​a close relationship between family and school. The focus of the study remains the children's team, which develops the most important skills for a child's entry into society.

Thus, having analyzed the psychological and pedagogical literature, we came to the conclusion that the diversity of coverage of the issue of leadership is explained by the fact that it can be considered from different points perspective: as a process of organizing a group, as a result of communication, etc. When defining the concept of leadership, psychologists focus on one or more aspects of this problem, while taking others into account. However, from whatever angle the concept of leadership and the leader of a small group is considered in science, what is common in their characteristics is the influence of the leader. A leader is accepted and considered to be one whose attitudes and orientations become the initial standards for all or most members of the group in their assessment of significant aspects of the group’s life. The leader is recognized as having the right to take the most responsible decisions that affect the interests and determine the direction and nature of the activities of the entire group.

1.2 Features of the development of leadership qualities in adolescent children

To note the personality traits of a leader that are characteristic of obtaining his status, one must first answer the question: “Who is a leader?” and “What is leadership?” That is, define these words.

Leader (in a group) - a member of a social group whose authority, power or powers are unconditionally recognized by the other members of this group and to whom they voluntarily submit, being under direct or indirect control psychological influence.

A leader is a group member who is identified with the most complete set of group values, has the greatest influence and is promoted during interactions (R.L. Krichevsky).

A leader is a member of a group, to whom all other members of the group recognize the right to make the most responsible decisions that affect the interests of the entire group and determine the directions of activity of the entire group (L.I. Umansky).

A leader is a member of a group who emerges as a result of the interaction of its members or organizes them around himself, in accordance with his norms and value orientations with the group, and contributes to the organization and management of this group in solving group goals.

A leader is a member of a group who has the necessary organizational skills, occupies a central position in the structure of interpersonal relationships of group members and contributes by example, organization and management of the group to the achievement of the group’s goals the best way(A.A. Ershov).

Of the many definitions of leadership, one of the most successful definitions should be noted - the definition of A.S. Chernyshova: leadership is the degree of leading influence of the personality of a group member on the group as a whole in the direction of optimizing the solution of a group-wide problem.

Leadership is one of the ways of differentiating a group as a result of the activities, communication and interaction of its members. Having emerged as a result of communication and interaction of individuals within a group, leadership becomes a complex socio-psychological phenomenon in which, in a certain way, the most important characteristics of group development are focused and manifested, having not only a psychological or emotional-psychological, but primarily a social and class nature. and essence. Attempts to take leadership out of pure psychological relationships between members of small groups and contrast it with leadership as a process that is exclusively social and political in nature, are characteristic of modern American social psychology, which considers small groups mainly as an emotional and psychological community of people.

Organizations distinguish between “formal” and “informal” leadership. “Formal” leadership is associated with established rules for appointing a leader and implies a functional relationship. “Informal” leadership arises from the personal relationships of the participants. This is the so-called character of leadership. Therefore in school classes an official leader holding a leadership position is not always the most authoritative person in the team. Sometimes it is put forward not so much by the children themselves as by the adults; That’s why the class teacher must either know his students very well, or give them the opportunity to choose the class leader themselves. If the headman is not at the same time an “informal” leader, then the person who enjoys great authority among the students will corrupt the team and the effectiveness of the organization and the effectiveness of the activity itself will fall. It may well happen that a conflict arises between the formal and informal leaders. Therefore, it is very important that teachers have an idea of ​​who the class leader is.

Today, one of the favorable areas for developing leadership qualities in adolescents is a children's public association. Involving teenagers in specially organized activities is aimed at acquiring leadership experience, and when using social design technology in the activities of a children's public association, each teenager is given the opportunity to realize various positions of members of the association (from performer to organizer).

Let us note that not every activity develops leadership qualities, but only those that place the teenager in a certain relationship to a group of people. It is the diverse activities aimed at acquiring leadership experience that contribute to the development of leadership qualities. If the activities of adolescents are one-sided, for example, reduced primarily to solving intellectual problems, then the opportunities for developing leadership qualities will be limited. In a children's public association, teenagers receive certain knowledge and develop leadership skills in various types the activities they propose. Mastering a certain social position or the role of a member of a particular association is associated with mastering certain knowledge and skills. This or that position of a teenager in a children's public association - dezkom (duty commissioner), business commissioner, MIG commissioner (micro-initiative group), economic platoon - contributes to the formation of certain personality traits through the implementation of relevant activities. A teenager can consciously choose and occupy the position where the realization of his capabilities and the development of leadership qualities will most fully occur. As noted by G.K. Ashina and A.V. Petrovsky, performing the functions of a leader forms or contributes to the formation of certain qualities of a leader: if a person performs this role for a long time, then internalization (assignment) of the normative requirements of the role occurs, and this leads to the consolidation of personality traits necessary for effective leadership.

The main content of adolescence is its transition from childhood to adulthood. All aspects of development undergo a qualitative restructuring, new psychological formations arise and are formed. This transformation process determines all the main personality characteristics of adolescent children, and, consequently, the specifics of working with them

If the leading activity of a younger schoolchild was academic, and significant changes in mental development were associated with it, then for a teenager the main role belongs to the established system of relationships with others. It is the system of relationships with the social environment that determines the direction of its mental development.

Adolescence is traditionally considered the most difficult educational period. The largest number of children with the so-called “school maladaptation”, i.e., who are unable to adapt to school (which can manifest itself in low academic performance, poor discipline, disordered relationships with adults and peers, the appearance of negative traits in personality and behavior, negative subjective experiences and etc.), falls on the middle classes.

So, according to V.V. Grokhovsky, confirmed by other researchers, if in the lower grades school maladjustment occurs in 5-8% of cases, then in adolescents in 18-20%. In high school, the situation once again stabilizes somewhat, if only because many “difficult” children leave school.

The development of a teenager’s personality occurs in the changing conditions of group development (subject teachers, joint work activity, friendly company, etc.), puberty, significant restructuring of the body.

Puberty is determined by the psychological characteristics of age: increased excitability and relative instability of the nervous system, inflated claims turning into arrogance, overestimation of capabilities, self-confidence, etc.

The sexual development of a child is inseparable from his general development and occurs continuously, starting from birth. Puberty is not only a biological phenomenon, but also a social one. The process of puberty itself influences a teenager’s behavior indirectly, through the social conditions of his existence, for example, through the teenager’s status in a group of peers, his relationships with adults, etc.

Affirming their belonging to the masculine and female, the teenager becomes a human man, a human woman. This implies broader and deeper spiritual and social maturation. And it is possible to influence a teenager’s behavior only through transformation social conditions.

If in early adolescence the number of negative actions sharply increases: disobedience, stubbornness, flaunting one’s shortcomings, pugnacity, then in older adolescence their number decreases. Teenagers become more balanced, their well-being improves.

If a younger teenager needs a gentle regime (to prevent sudden overloads, he violates discipline, because he gets tired quickly and easily becomes irritable), then an older teenager needs proper organization his activities. Discipline is violated by excess energy that does not find the right way out.

Previous methods of self-affirmation, like “a child in general,” are lost, and new ones related to gender are acquired. Approved as teenage boys/girls. In this regard, changes are planned in the assessment of oneself and others (they see differently). They are interested in their appearance, because... it becomes a factor of self-affirmation. They are very sensitive even to good-natured remarks about their appearance. If a teenager attaches great importance to his appearance, shyness may develop.

The feeling of one’s own adulthood and the need for its recognition gives rise to a new, for a growing child, problem of the rights of an adult and a teenager in relations with each other. A teenager, laying claim to new rights, tries to expand his own and limit them in adults; having a heightened sense of self-esteem, he recognizes himself as a person who cannot be suppressed or humiliated. He actively resists demands that limit his independence; resists guardianship, control; claims to respect his personality and human dignity, to trust and provide independence. He actively seeks equality with adults. And if the adult himself takes the initiative, then the transition to a new type of relationship proceeds well, especially since the development of a teenager’s social adulthood is socially necessary in preparation for future life. Relationships between an adult and a teenager should be built on the basis of friendship, cooperation, respect, trust and help. The main thing in their relationship should be a community of interests and cooperation in different types of activities. Moreover, the adult should act as a model and friend, and the teenager in the position of an equal assistant.

By the beginning of adolescence, two communication systems develop: the child’s relationships with peers, on the one hand, and with adults, on the other. The position of a teenager in these communication systems is different: unequal (with adults) and equal (with peers). An equal position in relation to peers brings satisfaction to the adolescent and is a source of cooperation with peers in various activities.

A teenager’s relationships with friends, peers, and classmates are more complex, more diverse, and more meaningful than those of a younger schoolchild. Communication with adults no longer solves all the teenager’s issues, and their intervention causes resentment and protest. Communication with friends becomes of great value for a teenager, and often learning is relegated to the background. On the one hand, a teenager clearly shows a need for communication, joint activities, collective life, friendship, and on the other - the desire to be accepted, recognized, respected, approved by comrades. Changes occur in the content of communication. If the younger teenager was interested in issues of learning and behavior, then the older teenager is interested in issues of personal communication and individual development.

If the position of a junior schoolchild in a team depended on his academic performance, behavior and social activities, then for a teenager the personal qualities of a comrade and friend, intelligence and knowledge, courage, and the ability to control oneself become the most important. For popularity and recognition, respect and approval, it is important to be good friend. The core of the Code of Teenagers' Partnership is the basic requirements - respect for the individual and human dignity.

A peer, in contrast to an adult, is a special kind of example, as a yardstick for assessing oneself at the level of real capabilities:

  • a peer is closer, clearer, more accessible.
  • it is easier to focus on him, because his qualities are manifested in situations close to him.
  • It’s easier to compare yourself with your peers.
  • It is easier to recognize and evaluate your own shortcomings and successes.

A peer is not only a model, but also an assistant and participant in his activities. In the development of a teenager’s socio-moral adulthood, relationships with a close comrade or friend play an important role. They are the subject of special thoughts for a teenager. He tries to understand himself and his friend. Compares his attitude towards himself and his attitude towards him, tries to understand the reasons for his actions. As a result of reflection, activity arises aimed at correcting not only one’s own shortcomings, but also the shortcomings of a friend. Each of the friends, presenting a system of certain requirements to the other, educates each other. Mastering the norms of friendship is the most important acquisition of a child in adolescence.

Teaching takes great place in the lives of teenagers. Teenagers are ready to be selective with increased sensitivity (sensitivity) to certain aspects of learning. They are especially ready for the types of learning that make them adults in their own eyes.

The organization of classes should be different than in the lower grades. When organizing educational work with teenagers, it is necessary to take into account that their behavior and activities are significantly influenced by the opinions of their comrades. In all their actions and deeds, they are guided, first of all, by this opinion.

A teacher for teenagers is not such an indisputable authority as for junior schoolchildren. Teenagers place high demands on the activities, behavior and personality of the teacher. They constantly evaluate the teacher and build their attitude towards him on the basis of value judgments. It is very important that the opinion of comrades, the team, and the opinion of the teenager himself coincides or is similar to the opinion of teachers and parents. Only in this case can the emerging contradictions be resolved and thereby create favorable conditions For normal development teenager

The constant interaction of a teenager with his friends gives rise to his desire to take a worthy place in the team. This is one of the dominant motives of behavior and activity of a teenager. The need for self-affirmation is so strong at this age that, in the name of recognition from his comrades, a teenager is ready to do a lot: he can even sacrifice his views and beliefs, commit actions that are at odds with his moral principles.

The need for self-affirmation can also explain many facts of violation of norms and rules of behavior by so-called difficult teenagers. Losing authority in the eyes of comrades, losing one's honor and dignity is the greatest tragedy for a teenager. This is why a teenager reacts violently to tactless remarks that a teacher makes to him in the presence of his comrades. He considers such a remark as a humiliation of his personality (similar phenomena are observed in the reactions of adolescents to comments from comrades and parents). On this basis, conflicts often arise between the teenager and the teacher, and the teenager becomes “difficult.” Only tactful treatment of a teenager, only providing for him emotional well-being It is in the school community that they create psychologically favorable soil for effective influence for a teenager.

Educational activity is considered formed if it is prompted by direct motives, and a teenager can independently determine educational tasks, choose rational techniques and methods for solving problems, monitor and evaluate his work. In this case, the teenager’s need for self-affirmation is realized. If students are not fully formed in their educational activities, “withdrawal from school” is possible. The need for self-affirmation is not realized.

The effectiveness of adolescent education increases the purposeful formation of motives. The teacher must form a teenager’s conviction in the need to be an educated, cultured person.

The formation of learning motives is directly related to the satisfaction of the dominant needs of age. One of these needs of a teenager is a cognitive need. When it is satisfied, stable interests are formed.

Along with cognitive interest, the importance of knowledge for a teenager is of great importance. It is important to realize and comprehend the importance of knowledge both for personal development and for life. The formed beliefs of a teenager and his interests contribute to an increase in emotional tone and activity in learning.

A teenager’s attitude towards learning is largely determined by the skill of the teacher and his attitude towards students. The teacher, according to teenagers, must be demanding, fair and sensitive.

As psychological studies by M.A. show. Alemaskin, 92% of “difficult” teenagers were among isolated schoolchildren. This suggests that such adolescents do not have strong connections with classmates, and their relationships are dysfunctional. In turn, isolated “difficulties” not only communicate with each other, but also form a small group at school with their leaders and common interests. The presence of such groups within the classroom creates significant difficulties both for the adolescents themselves and for educational work with them. Therefore, another task of the teacher is to manage the process of forming relationships between teenagers within the class, to help each of them take their rightful place among their classmates.

Thus, adolescence is the most favorable period for developing leadership qualities in a child, where it is optimal to include him in joint activities with teachers and parents, stimulating the development of leadership qualities in adolescents: self-awareness, self-education, and self-esteem.

1.3 Theatrically - gaming activity as a means of developing leadership qualities in adolescent children

The challenges facing schools today are undoubtedly different than they were ten years ago. And those who solve these problems have become different. At the same time, the school, as always, performs the main social function - the development and education of a person. And this function is one of the most difficult. For centuries, society has been dissatisfied with the development and education of youth. Times have changed, but the task of educating the younger generation has always remained relevant, and its solution has always been controversial.

For school as social institution the problem of organizing the educational process becomes the most significant, the pedagogical values ​​of which are focused, first of all, on the interests of the student, concern for his present and future.

Theater is one of the most democratic and accessible forms of art for children, allowing you to solve many problems. actual problems pedagogy and psychology related to artistic and moral education, the development of imagination, initiative, and emancipation. Theatrical and play activity is a rather complex phenomenon of human activity. It is of great importance for the development of personality not only because individual mental processes are exercised in it, but also because these processes rise to a higher level of development due to the fact that the game develops the entire personality of the teenager, his consciousness. The teenager becomes aware of himself, learns to desire and subordinate his fleeting affective aspirations to desire; learns to act, subordinating his actions to a certain pattern, rule of behavior, learns to live, living the lives of his heroes, loving or not loving them, analyzing and trying to understand the essence and reasons for their actions and learning from their mistakes.

Theatrical activity is integrative, and activity and creativity are manifested in three aspects.

Firstly, in creating dramatic content, i.e. in the interpretation, rethinking of the plot given by the literary text or the composition of a variable or one’s own plot.

Secondly, in the fulfillment of one’s own plan, i.e. in the ability to adequately embody an artistic image using various means of expressiveness: intonation, facial expressions, pantomime, movement, chanting.

Thirdly, in the design of the performance - in the creation (selection, production, non-standard use) of scenery, costumes, musical accompaniment, posters, programs.

Because of these features of theatrical activity, the term “theatrical play activity” is more often used in relation to it. Tolchenov O., leading specialist of the Department of Education and Additional Education of Children and Youth of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, defined theatrical play forms as follows:

a play theatrical performance is a stage pop-theatrical action united by a single author's concept, in which various types and genres of literature and art are fused during the editing process;

a play play is a play that includes games or play episodes with spectators;

improvisational and playful theatricalization. Such theatrical performances are created using a special technique. Its essence lies in the fact that the performance is created as if right now by the spectators themselves, and the presenters only outline the contours of the plot;

Story game evening (matinee). Cultural organizers often use theatrical forms in the practice of holding game evenings and matinees, in which the dramatic basis is either completely absent or barely visible;

Quiz is a game of answering questions. Quizzes are used in theatrical and gaming activities mainly in the exposition part.

The themes and content of theatrical games have a moral orientation. Favorite heroes become role models. The child begins to identify himself with his favorite image. The ability for such identification allows one to influence children through the images of theatrical play. With pleasure, transforming into a favorite image, the teenager voluntarily accepts and appropriates his characteristic features. Independent role-playing by children allows them to develop the experience of moral behavior and the ability to act in accordance with moral standards. This is the influence of both positive and negative images on adolescents. Since positive qualities are encouraged and negative ones are condemned, children in most cases want to imitate kind, honest characters. But many themes and plots involve struggle, the opposition of good and evil through the emotional characterization of positive and negative characters. Children, along with positive characters, can also imitate negative ones, which happens quite often. In theatrical games, the problem of the influence of a negative character is more complicated than in ordinary reading of a literary work.

The large and diverse influence of theatrical games on a child’s personality allows them to be used as a strong, but pedagogical tool, since the teenager himself experiences pleasure and joy. The educational possibilities of theatrical games are enhanced by the fact that their topics are practically unlimited. It can satisfy the varied interests of children.

The tasteful design of the performance has an aesthetic impact on children. The active participation of children in the preparation of attributes and decorations develops their taste and fosters a sense of beauty. The aesthetic influence of theatrical games can be even deeper: admiration for the beautiful and aversion to the negative evoke moral and aesthetic experiences, which, in turn, create a corresponding mood, emotional uplift, and increase vitality Guys. In this sense, theatrical games are equated to outdoor games, since children in them are not so much spectators as active participants. The main requirements for theatrical games are:

  • content and variety of topics;
  • constant, daily inclusion of theatrical games in all forms of organization of the pedagogical process, which makes them as necessary for children as role-playing games;
  • maximum activity of children at all stages of preparation and conduct of games;
  • cooperation of children with each other and with adults at all stages of organizing a theatrical game.

The sequence and complexity of the content of the themes and plots chosen for the games are determined by the requirements of the program for raising adolescents. Creative development topics begins with preparing a game script based on the plot of a literary work: a fairy tale, a story, a poem. Next, children are expected to improvise on a given or chosen topic.

The independence of adolescents largely depends on whether they know the content of a fairy tale or script. It is very important to preserve the original text in its entirety at the stage of listening to it by children. Do not distort it under any circumstances. But you shouldn’t learn the text with the guys before the game starts. Such preparation would take away time intended for other equally important matters and activities. Moreover, the result will be a performance.


Having studied and analyzed the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, we found that:

in order for today's teenagers - the future leaders of the 21st century, who will take the helm of government of the country at different levels, master a democratic culture, be able to communicate with different categories of people, be able to work in a team, motivate others, correspond to the status of a socially active individual, it is necessary to create such psychological and pedagogical conditions under which the child can open up and find a path to self-realization;

a meaningful, consistent educational process will provide an opportunity to cultivate a leader, develop his organizational abilities and, as a result, to educate a socially active personality. Today, one of the favorable areas for achieving these goals is a children's public association. It is during adolescence that a child has an objective need for attention from teachers, and especially peers; there is a desire to stand out in some way, to feel important, to gain authority, to prove oneself as a leader;

By participating in theatrical games, teenagers get to know the world around them through images, colors, and sounds. The great and diverse influence of theatrical games on the development of leadership qualities of a teenager’s personality allows them to be used as a strong but pedagogical tool, because the teenager feels relaxed and free during the game.

The theoretical research carried out made it possible to identify a number of areas that allow the development of a child’s leadership abilities. Adolescence is the most sensitive period for the formation and development of a child’s positive-oriented leadership qualities. Today, one of the favorable areas for developing leadership qualities in adolescents is various events using theatrical activities.

Chapter 2. Empirical research on the problem of developing leadership qualities in adolescent children

.1 Determining the initial level of development of leadership qualities in adolescent children

The hypothesis will be changed!!

At the beginning of the study, we put forward the following hypothesis: theatrical games will be a means of effectively developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children under the following conditions:

1.non-violent communication;

2.positive nature of feedback;

.non-competitive nature of communication;

.the principle of “here and now”;

.trust in communication;

.ensuring the diversity of activities in which the child is involved: every activity has its own leader, and such organization of the life activities of a temporary children’s team allows almost every child to realize their leadership potential.

1. To identify the initial level of development of leadership qualities of adolescent children.

Select and test scenarios for theatrical games aimed at developing the leadership qualities of teenage children.

To identify the effectiveness of selected events of theatrical games aimed at developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children.

The research work was carried out at the Enthusiast MPC with teenage children. The number of subjects is 16 people. The empirical study was organized in accordance with the objectives and the planned stages of work. The timing is different!! Your formative stage lasted three days!!

The ascertaining stage took place from 03/21/11 to 03/22/11

The formative stage took place from 03/23/11 to 03/24/11

The control stage took place from 03/24/11 to 03/25/11

During the ascertaining experiment, we used the following methods of empirical research: observation, self-assessment methods: the “I am a leader” test (E.I. Tikhomirova), sociometry (J. Moreno).

The purpose of the first ascertaining stage is to identify the initial level of development of leadership qualities of adolescent children.

  • Observation
  • During the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we used observation, which was carried out in natural conditions, for 3 days and was of a non-involved nature. We noted manifestations of leadership qualities in teenage children in the classroom. The results of the study were recorded in protocols that reflected individual indicators of the development of leadership qualities of adolescent children. The data are summarized in the study protocols (Appendix 1, 2). To determine the level of development of leadership qualities in adolescent children, we used the criteria and indicators proposed by E.I. Tikhomirova.
  • During the data processing procedure, according to observation protocols, a qualitative indicator of the development of leadership qualities of adolescent children, as well as a quantitative one, was determined.
  • Table 1
  • Criteria and indicators of leadership qualities

Criteria for leadership qualities Indicators Qualitative indicators Quantitative indicators Sociability Has many friends - peers, enjoys communicating with them Has many friends 3 Has few friends 2 Has no friends 1 Participates in the affairs of the class, school; loves group games Actively participates 3 Participates depending on the situation 2 Rarely participates 1 Communicates easily with adults Communicates easily with adults 3 Communicates with adults depending on the situation 2 Experiences difficulty 1 Creative potential Likes to look for and try new things Likes to look for and try new things 3 Looks for and tries with the help of adults 2 Does not like to look for and try new things 1 Ready to put forward ideas, proposals Ready to put forward ideas, proposals3 Puts forward ideas and suggestions with the help of adults2Not ready1Knows how to generate ideasKnows how to generate ideas independently3Generates ideas with the help of adults2Not able1ActivityAbility to act energeticallyActs energetically3Acts energetically depending on the situation2Passive1Knows how to overcome difficultiesKnows how to overcome difficulties3Overcomes difficulties depending on the situation2Doesn’t know1Shows persistence in solving a problemShows persistence in solving a problem3Partially shows persistence in decision problems2Does not show1Organizational abilitiesOrganizes events independentlyCan organize events independently3Organizes events with the help of adults2Doesn’t know how1Stimulates the work of his comradesAlways stimulates the work of his comrades3Stimulates the work of his comrades depending on the situation2Doesn’t know how1Tactfully exercises control over the activities of his comradesAlways tactfully exercises control over the activities of his comrades3Does not always tactfully exercise control over the activities of his comrades2Does not exercise1

  • Having summed up the number of manifestations of leadership qualities, we established the following levels of development of leadership qualities in adolescent children: low level (LL), average level (ML) and high level (HL).

High level - qualitative indicator: sociable - has many friends, participates in class and school activities, loves group games, communicates easily with adults; creative potential - likes to search and try new things, is ready to put forward new ideas and proposals, knows how to independently generate ideas; active - acts energetically, knows how to overcome difficulties, shows persistence in solving problems; organizational skills - knows how to independently organize an event, stimulates the work of his comrades, tactfully monitors the activities of his comrades; quantitative indicator more than 25 times.

The average level is a qualitative indicator: has few friends, participates in class activities depending on the situation, communicates with adults depending on the situation; creativity - seeks and tries new things with the help of adults, puts forward ideas and proposals with the help of adults, generate ideas depending on the situation; activity - acts energetically depending on the situation, overcomes difficulties depending on the situation, partially shows persistence in solving a problem; organizational skills - can organize an event with the help of adults, stimulates the work of his comrades depending on the situation, does not always tactfully monitor the activities of his comrades; quantitative indicator 14 - 24 times.

  • Low level - sociability - has no friends, rarely participates in class activities, has difficulty communicating with adults; creative potential - does not like to search and try new things, is not ready to put forward new ideas and proposals, is not able to generate ideas; activity - passive in activity, does not know how to overcome difficulties, does not show persistence in solving problems; organizational skills - does not know how to organize events, does not know how to stimulate the work of his comrades, does not know how to monitor the activities of his comrades, the quantitative indicator is less than 13 times.
  • Based on the results of the observation, we obtained the following results in the group.
  • For the purity of the empirical study, we also used other methods.
  • self-assessment method. Test “I am a leader” (Tikhomirova E.I.), (Appendix 3).
  • The goal is to determine the development of leadership qualities in adolescent children. The test was conducted in a group of teenagers. The subjects received a form consisting of questions and a table for answers, after filling which they needed to calculate the sum of points in each column. If the sum in the column is more than 10, then this quality is highly developed, i.e. high level (HL). If the sum in column 6 is 9, then this quality is moderately developed, i.e. intermediate level (UL). If the sum in the column is 0 - 5, then this quality is poorly developed, i.e. low level (UL) and to improve this quality you need to work. The test results were recorded in protocols (Appendices 4, 5).
  • After testing the children, we received the following results.
  • The group is dominated by an average level of leadership development - 10 people, which is 62%, with a high level - 3 people, which is 19%, with a low level - 3 people, which is 19%.
  • The data obtained made it possible to determine the presence or absence of leadership qualities in adolescent children, as well as the level of development of leadership qualities in individual adolescents.
  • For the purity of empirical research, we used sociometry.
  • sociometry (J. Moreno)

The goal is to identify among adolescents who have the social status of leader (the largest number of positive choices in the group). Sociometry was carried out in a group of adolescents. The subjects received a form consisting of the questions: “Who would you like to invite to your birthday?” (3 people) and “Who would you like to invite to your birthday?” (3 persons). After filling out the matrix, we found that children who scored a high quantitative indicator of leadership qualities are leaders.

The group is dominated by an average level of leadership development - 10 people, which is 62%, with a high level - 3 people, which is 19%, with a low level - 3 people, which is 19%.

Based on the three methods used, the following results were obtained (Appendix 6, 7).

Thus, during the ascertaining stage of our research work, using the following methods: observation of the level of development of leadership qualities of adolescent children, the “I am a leader” test, sociometry (J. Moreno), we found that the children of the group have an average level of leadership development qualities For the formative stage of the study, we designated the group as experimental.

All of the above allows us to talk about the insufficient development of leadership qualities of adolescent children and determine the further course of our research, which involves the use of theatrical games at the stage of a formative experiment in the development of leadership qualities of adolescent children.

2.2 Theatrical and gaming activities as a means of developing leadership qualities in adolescent children

The goal of the formative stage of empirical research is the selection of activities using theatrical and play activities aimed at developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children.

Theatrical and play activities were carried out under the following conditions: non-violent communication, positive feedback, non-competitive nature of communication, the principle of “here and now”, trust in communication, ensuring diversity of activities in which the child is involved: in any activity a leader is nominated, and such an organization the vital activity of a temporary children's team allows almost every child to realize their leadership potential.

At the formative stage of the experiment, a plan was drawn up that included the following activities:

All events were carried out in the afternoon according to a certain scheme, in three stages:

  • Preparatory
  • Practical
  • Generalizing

All children actively took part in the proposed activities. Below are examples of the activities carried out:

  • "Karabas"

The goal is to develop leadership skills, attention and speed of reaction.

To conduct the game, the children were seated in a circle, a counselor sat with them, who suggested the conditions of the game: “Guys, you all know the fairy tale about Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now you are all dolls. I will say the word “KA-RA-BAS” and show a certain number of fingers on my outstretched arms. And you will have to, without agreeing, get up from your chairs, and as many people as I show fingers. This game develops attention and reaction speed.”

This game test involved two executives. The task of one is to play the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the players.

The game aroused great interest, the children took Active participation. In the game, the initiative was taken by children who were more sociable and strived for leadership. Less determined children joined in the game towards the end. There were also those who first stood up and then sat down. They constituted the “happy” group. The detachment did not turn out to be a lack of initiative group that did not get up at all. Thus, we developed leadership qualities in children, and qualities such as attention and speed of reaction.

"Big Family Photo"

The goal is to identify new leaders and develop leadership qualities, including revealing the system of likes and dislikes in the group.

The children were asked to imagine that they were all - big family and everyone needs to take a photo together for the family album. You must select a “photographer”. He had the whole family available for photography. The “grandfather” was the first to be chosen from the family. He also participated in the placement of the “family” members. The children were not given any more instructions; they decided for themselves who should be who and where to stand. The counselor just watched this entertaining picture. All members of the group took on the role of “photographer” and “grandfathers”. After assigning roles and arranging the “family members,” the “photographer” counted to three. On the count of three! Everyone unanimously and very loudly shouted the word “cheese” and clapped their hands at the same time.

Analysis of the event

Elements of leadership were assumed by all group members. It was very interesting to observe the distribution of roles and the activity in choosing a location. This game revealed new leaders to us and revealed the system of likes and dislikes in the group.

  • Collective creative work “Qualities of a leader”
  • The goal is to discover and realize your creative and leadership potential.
  • Necessary materials for each group: markers, felt-tip pens and 1 sheet of A3 paper, 4 sheets of A4.
  • Using colored cards, participants were divided into the required number of groups, preferably 3-4 groups of 5 people.
  • Leading. The international leadership community, the most elite, prestigious and respected in the world, has decided to expand its ranks and include a new team of leaders. Right now there is a competition in which anyone can take part - future or current leaders. The organizers have come up with a number of tasks in which they actually want to look at the contestants and choose the best ones who will make it to the finals.
  • The best of the best will be able to become full members of the International Leadership Community, their opinions will be taken into account in decision-making, and they will have many opportunities. And most importantly, they will be able to truly discover and realize their creative and leadership potential. The number of vacant places is limited! This team is invited to come to the headquarters, which is located in secret place, and take part in the most interesting master classes from the most successful people in the world.
  • First task: come up with a name for your teams and an emblem symbolizing the group (5 min.).
  • Presentation: 4 min.
  • Second task: we came up with a motto, a slogan that represented each participant and team. Everyone shouted it together.
  • Presentation: 3 min.
  • Third task: creative abilities were tested.
  • The leader named each group his own fairy-tale object:
  • - self-assembled tablecloth,
  • - flower - seven flowers,
  • - the sword is a treasure trove,
  • - magic mirror.
  • They came up with as many original - both magical and non-magical - ways to use these items as possible. Both quality and quantity were taken into account; it was necessary to explain why it could be used in this way (7 min.).
  • Presentation: 5-7 min.
  • A representative from each group in turn read out a list of new methods and named their number. Participants asked questions if they did not understand how the item was suggested to be used. Then the presenter summed up.
  • Leading. Now the International Leadership Community has been able to appreciate your creativity. And the jury members would like to know more about you, about what you are like - they want to select the most interesting leadership team. So far, the Leadership Community is finding it difficult to answer who will make it to the finals. They liked the representatives of all teams, and it is difficult for them to choose someone. They prepared the next task.
  • The presenter distributed to each group: one egg, two plastic cups, one scissors, ten straws, tape.
  • Fourth task.
  • Leading. Your task, using these available materials, is to make sure that the egg, falling and hitting the floor, does not break. You need to throw the egg from a height of human height: the person will stand on the table and hold the egg at arm's length, parallel to the floor.
  • Presentation: 5 min.
  • A representative from each group stood on the table, extended his hand and threw the egg (the structure they had built to protect it, along with the egg) onto the floor. If the egg does not break - thunderous applause.
  • Then the presenter summed up the results: how many eggs remained intact and how many were broken.
  • Note. It is absolutely possible to make a structure from scrap materials that will protect the egg. There are different methods. There was no need to tell the groups; they found the solution themselves.
  • Fifth task.
  • Each group was given approximately the same amount of newsprint: 40-50 A4 sheets.
  • Leading. Your task is to build a bridge over the chair so that it is stable and does not rest on the chair.
  • First option: without scissors and tape.
  • Second option: you can use scissors and tape.
  • Presentation: 3 min.
  • Each group showed their bridge. The presenter checked how firmly it stood and whether its height was sufficient.
  • Sixth task
  • Leading. The international leadership community observed all the teams as they performed creatively in a variety of tasks. And it decided that for the first time it could not make a choice and did not want to miss a single successful leader. In this regard, it decided to increase the number of places in the community and invites all teams to join their ranks - to come to the headquarters and participate in master classes.
  • You can get there only by car, which must be created by you, the group members. Now you need to unite and all together (this required condition) create a machine out of yourself, and then imagine how it functions (that is, show its components).
  • Presentation: 2 min.
  • Then, when the participant's machine was built, one representative explained what was in the machine and how it functioned.
  • Completion
  • Leading. And now, with such a wonderful car and such a cool team, you can go to the most creative and interesting place in the world!
  • Analysis of the event
  • For of this event We have drawn up a work plan:
  • Preliminary work. Together with the guys, we established the location of the KTD. Determined specific educational tasks, found out the various options that were offered to the children, and thought through ways to carry out their plans. At the same time, we did not impose it on the children, but thought together with the students.
  • Collective planning. The children themselves acted. We looked for answers to the questions posed in small groups. The search ended with the selection of a case council.
  • Collective preparation of the case. We fleshed out the plan for preparing and conducting the CTD, encouraging the initiative of each participant. Preparations for the event were carried out in groups.
  • Carrying out technical design work, summing up the results of preparation. At this stage, a specific plan was implemented, taking into account what the groups had developed. No one was afraid of deviations from plans or mistakes made by the participants. We helped guide the children and regulate their mood.
  • Collective summing up of the CTD. The whole team was assembled. Everyone expressed their opinion. The positive and negative aspects of preparing and conducting CTD were discussed.
  • Thus, at the stage of the formative experiment, we carried out theatrical and play activities to develop such leadership qualities of adolescent children as activity, creativity, communication and organizational skills, which allowed us to move on to the next stage of our research - control and establish the effectiveness of the work done.
  • 2.3 Determining the effectiveness of the formative stage of the experiment
  • The control stage was carried out from 03/27/11 to 04/29/11
  • The purpose of the control stage of the empirical study is to identify the effectiveness of the formative stage of the experiment, namely, the use of theatrical games in the development of leadership qualities in adolescent children.
  • The composition of the participants remained the same. The research methods we used, the criteria and indicators of the level of development remained the same, which, in our opinion, made it possible to most objectively evaluate the results obtained. After the study, we established the changes that occurred with the children.
  • Observation.
  • The observation was carried out in natural conditions, for 3 days and was non-participant. We noted manifestations of leadership qualities in teenage children in the classroom after the formative stage of the experiment. The results of the study were recorded in protocols that reflected individual indicators of the development of leadership qualities of adolescent children. The data are summarized in the study protocols (Appendix 8, 9). To determine the level of development of leadership qualities in adolescent children, we used the criteria and indicators proposed by E.I. Tikhomirova.
  • During the data processing procedure, according to observation protocols, a qualitative indicator of the development of leadership qualities of adolescent children, as well as a quantitative one, was determined.
  • Based on the results of observation at the control stage, we obtained the following results in the group.
  • The average level prevails in the group - 12 people, which is 75%; with a high level - 3 people, which is 19%; with a low level - 1 person, which is 6%.
  • For the purity of the empirical stage of the study, we also used other methods.
  • self-assessment method. Test “I am a leader” (Tikhomirova E.I.).

The goal is to determine the development of leadership qualities of adolescent children in the group after the formative stage of the experiment. The test was conducted in a group of teenagers. The subjects received a form consisting of questions and a table for answers, after filling which they calculated the sum of points in each column. If the sum in the column is more than 10, then this quality is highly developed, i.e. high level (HL). If the sum in column 6 is 9, then this quality is moderately developed, i.e. intermediate level (UL). If the sum in the column is 0 - 5, then this quality is poorly developed, i.e. low level (UL) and to improve this quality you need to work. The test results were recorded in the protocols (Appendices 10, 11).

After testing the children, we received the following results.

The data obtained made it possible to determine the presence or absence of leadership qualities in adolescent children, as well as the level of development of leadership qualities in individual adolescents after the formative stage of the experiment.

For the purity of the empirical stage of the study, we used sociometry.

  • sociometry (J. Moreno)

The goal is to identify among adolescents who have the social status of leader (the largest number of positive choices in the group) after the formative stage of the experiment. Sociometry was carried out in a group of adolescents. The subjects received a form consisting of the questions: “Who would you like to invite to your birthday?” (3 people) and “Who would you like to invite to your birthday?” (3 persons). After filling it out, we examined the data and determined whether the results of previously conducted methods for identifying the leadership qualities of adolescent children were confirmed. After filling out the matrix, we found that the number of child leaders remained the same.

Based on the results of observation and testing of children, we obtained the following results.

The average level prevails in the group - 12 people, which is 75%; with a high level - 3 people, which is 19%; with a low level - 1 person, which is 6%.

Based on the three methods used, the following results were obtained (Appendix 12, 13).

table 2

Levels of development of leadership qualities of adolescents in the experimental group at the ascertaining and control stages of the experiment

Ascertaining stage Control stage High level - 3 people - 19% Average level - 10 people - 62% Low level - 3 people - 19% High level - 3 people - 19% Average level - 12 people - 75% Low level - 1 person - 6%

Having analyzed the results of the experimental group at the ascertaining and control stages, we found that the number of children with an average level of development of leadership qualities increased from 10 people, which is 62%, to 12 people, which is 75%; the number of children with a low level of leadership development decreased by 2 people, from 3 people, which is 19%, to 1 person, which is 6%.

Rice. 2. Dynamics of development of leadership qualities of adolescents in the experimental group at the ascertaining and control stages.

Thus, the hypothesis we put forward at the beginning of the study, namely: theatrical and play activities will be an effective means of developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children, provided: non-violent communication; positive nature of feedback; non-competitive nature of communication; the principle of “here and now”; trust in communication; ensuring the diversity of activities in which the child is involved: in any activity a leader emerges, and such organization of the life activities of a temporary children's team allows almost every child to realize their leadership potential has been confirmed.

Conclusions from the empirical chapter of the study

An empirical study on the problem of developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children through theatrical and play activities was carried out on the basis of the Enthusiast PMC in the Soviet administrative district of Omsk. Number of subjects: 16 people.

During the ascertaining and control experiment, we used the following methods: observation, “I am a leader” test, sociometry. At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we obtained results that indicate that there are more children with an average level of development of leadership qualities than with a high one.

At the stage of the formative experiment, we conducted theatrical and play events of various themes, various forms and types for the development of leadership qualities of adolescent children.

During the control stage of the experiment, we studied the level of development of leadership qualities of adolescent children after the formative stage of the study. Children have experienced significant changes in the level of development of leadership qualities - the number of children with an average level of development of leadership qualities has increased from 10 people, which is 62%, to 12 people, which is 75%; the number of children with a low level of leadership development decreased by 2 people, from 3 people, which is 19%, to 1 person, which is 6%; the number of children with a high level of development of leadership qualities remained the same - 3 people, which is 20%.

Consequently, the hypothesis we posed at the beginning of the study, namely: theatrical and play activities will be an effective means of developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children, provided: non-violent communication; positive nature of feedback; non-competitive nature of communication; the principle of “here and now”; trust in communication; ensuring the diversity of activities in which the child is involved: in any activity a leader emerges, and such organization of the life activities of a temporary children's team allows almost every child to realize their leadership potential has been confirmed.

teen leadership theatrical play


Having studied and analyzed the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of developing leadership qualities in adolescent children, we found that:

The diversity of coverage of the issue of leadership is explained by the fact that it can be viewed from different points of view: as a process of organizing a group, as a result of communication, etc. When defining the concept of leadership, psychologists focus on one or more aspects of this problem, while taking others into account. However, from whatever angle the concept of leadership and the leader of a small group is considered in science, what is common in their characteristics is the influence of the leader. A leader is accepted and considered to be one whose attitudes and orientations become the initial standards for all or most members of the group in their assessment of significant aspects of the group’s life. The leader is recognized as having the right to take the most responsible decisions that affect the interests and determine the direction and nature of the activities of the entire group;

Adolescence is the most favorable period for developing leadership qualities in a child, where it is optimal to include him in joint activities with teachers and parents, stimulating the development of leadership qualities of self-awareness, self-education, and self-esteem in adolescents;

Theatrical and play events take place outside the school day in schools and other educational institutions. A variety of forms are used, which are voluntary for students and are designed to satisfy their various cognitive and creative needs. They differ from compulsory lessons in their novelty, greater depth of content, and the creation of a psychological mindset in students exclusively for creative, productive assimilation and development. Each student can prove himself both as a performer and as an organizer. Abilities are developed, creativity and initiative are formed, interpersonal connections are strengthened, natural needs for communication are satisfied, favorable conditions are created for the development of a friendly team and the development of leadership qualities of adolescent children.

Thus, the theoretical research carried out made it possible to identify a number of areas that allow the development of a child’s leadership abilities. Today, one of the favorable areas for developing leadership qualities in adolescents is extracurricular activities.

For the empirical stage of the study, we set the following tasks:

To identify the initial level of development of leadership qualities of adolescent children.

Select and test theatrical and play activities aimed at developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children.

To identify the effectiveness of selected theatrical and play activities aimed at developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children.

As part of our research, it was necessary to select and test theatrical and play activities aimed at developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children.

Our work included three stages: ascertaining, formative and control. We solved the problems using a number of methods: observation, “I am a leader” test, sociometry. At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we obtained results that indicate an average level of development of children's leadership qualities.

At the stage of the formative experiment, we conducted theatrical and play events of various themes, various forms and types for the development of leadership qualities in adolescent children.

During the control stage of the experiment, we studied the level of development of leadership qualities of adolescent children after the formative stage of the study. The children in the experimental group experienced significant changes in the level of development of leadership qualities - the number of children with an average level of development of leadership qualities increased from 10 people, which is 62%, to 12 people, which is 75%; the number of children with a low level of leadership development decreased by 2 people, from 3 people, which is 19%, to 1 person, which is 6%; the number of children with a high level of development of leadership qualities remained the same - 3 people, which is 19%.

Thus, systematic work using theatrical and gaming activities allowed the experimental group to increase the level of development of leadership qualities, which allows us to conclude that the use of theatrical and gaming activities is effective as a means of developing the leadership qualities of adolescent children.


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Tags: Theatrical and gaming activities as a means of developing leadership qualities in adolescent children Diploma

In order to be successful and achieve what you want, you must be able to take responsibility not only for your own life, but also the life of the team, the group of people in which you are this moment you are and are trying to realize yourself. And you can’t do without this, so today I will tell you about how to cultivate leadership qualities in yourself so that your every goal is achieved.

A little information

What does it mean to be a leader, and what qualities distinguish a person who is able to take responsibility from someone who cannot handle it? First, let's determine exactly where a person can show his character in order to understand where to start and in which direction to move:

  • To myself. This is when a person is responsible for his actions, he is disciplined, knows how to manage his time effectively, understands himself and is able to make choices without fear of responsibility and freedom. They say that leaders are not born, they become leaders throughout life, so this is the first step with which you need to start, otherwise, if you are not able to be responsible for yourself, how can you lead other people and motivate them?
  • In a situation. Are you familiar with cases when, for example, someone became ill on a train and people cannot find a doctor? Then some person is called in who has no medical education, but is trying to do something to help. After all, often at such moments thoughts arise that “this doesn’t concern me,” that “what if I do something wrong, and then it will be even worse,” etc. So, the next step is to learn to act, and not stop yourself, and to show your abilities in difficult situations. You may not know how to do artificial respiration, but you have excellent organizational skills and you will be able to stop the panic of others who will help you find a specialist.
  • A team. This step is more difficult, but also real. You need to be able to win the trust and respect of your employees. To do this, there is no need to run and shout to everyone so that only you listen, since you know what to do. No, you just need to become efficient. Again, take responsibility for the workflow and consequences.
  • In a team. This is already primacy at the macro level, when a person is able not only to inspire trust, but also, thanks to his ambition, to lead.

Top ways to develop leadership qualities

Qualities inherent in a leader and which should be emphasized in the development process.

1.Ability to set goals

Yes, it is the one who knows what he wants and how to achieve it who is able to lead a team. Have you ever met a leader of a pack who does not know what goal he is pursuing? When you don’t know where you’re going, you don’t end up where you would like. And satisfaction arises when you get what you want, and not just like that. So take into account the correct goal setting.


Do you think all people who know how to set goals become leaders? No, it is also important to be purposeful in order to overcome the obstacles and difficulties that arise on the way to what you want without going astray. Absolutely everyone faces problems, it is only important to be able to rise after a blow of fate and move on, then you will be able to conquer the world.


You need to be not only reliable, but also efficient, so you must have the flexibility to adapt to new conditions. So learn to listen to other people and change your mind and plans if this will ensure the survival of not only you, but also the entire system.


Agree, it is unlikely that people will listen to you if you cannot string two words together or are afraid to speak to them. Develop sociability, it will help you achieve success and create close relationships, both family and friends. Look at the recommendations in the article on.

5. Confidence

Confidence can be seen not only in a firm voice and calm gaze, but also in gait and gestures; it is read on a subconscious level. And if you lack it, check out the book by the famous psychologist Dale Carnegie, How to Build Confidence and Influence People by Speaking in Public.


Yes, a lazy leader will not last long in his post, he simply must be half a step ahead of competitors, consumers, and so on.

7. Self-control

You must have restraint and control. Otherwise, if you periodically lash out at your colleagues, scream, cry, you will not be perceived as a reasonable person who is able to take care of the interests and future of others. If you understand that stress makes itself felt and pulls the rug out from under your feet, subscribe to updates. You can learn how to put your nervous system in order.


Why do you think people become leaders? But because such people have high ambitions, they are able to offer something new, they plan to change the world, and, of course, they want recognition and power.

9. Ability to refuse

You should not be afraid of losing someone's favor if you refuse a favor. Sacrificing your time and energy, “being fooled” by manipulation will not get you very far, so stop limiting yourself and act as you see fit, and not because you are being pressured.

10. Justice

You will lead the team if they are confident in your fairness, that you will not begin to cover up and push relatives or “favorites” forward, that your decisions will be balanced and honest.

11.Ability to inspire

Leaders also become those people who can inspire accomplishments and actions. If you manage to motivate those around you to act, moreover, jointly and harmoniously, there will be no price for you. And for this, humanity and compassion, attentiveness and good intuition. Do you know why? To understand how to reward your employees and how to improve their working conditions. Feeling cared for and with perspective, they will give it their all.

12.Be confident

It is important to overcome your fears, or at least not to give in to them, hiding from your experiences. How will others perceive you if you nervously huddle in a corner before every speech? You should project confidence and energy, not fear and anxiety. Read about the fight against fears.

  1. Be sure to read the book "How to become leaders", which Warren Bennis wrote with Robert Thomas. They studied leaders from different generations, for example, those who grew up witnessing war firsthand and those who fought against opponents in computer games. So, together they found out what exactly influences the formation of leadership qualities. A very interesting publication that will be useful for both managers, executives, and all those who just want to get a championship.
  2. To cope with enormous responsibility and stress, you must be in excellent health. So take care of yourself, get rid of bad habits, sleep the number of hours necessary for your body, drink purified water, review your diet and exercise. You are a role model, so teach others to lead a healthy lifestyle.
  3. Another one interesting book, worthy of attention“The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership,” written by John Maxwell. On simple examples, life stories other people, with a successful outcome and not so much, he talks in detail about each law, which will help you delve into the very philosophy of primacy and take the first steps towards it.
  4. Write a list of reasons why you have not yet won the championship. Think about what was stopping you? And is it possible to transform them into an advantage, your personal feature? Be honest with yourself; at the very least, you can burn this leaf.
  5. And make another list of 15 sentences, starting with “I am responsible for...”. Write everything that comes to mind. This exercise will show you how you sometimes underestimate yourself, considering yourself unable to be responsible for various processes.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! I hope the above methods will help you gain primacy, recognition and success. Once you were born, you already won the competition against millions, so you have the experience of winning, remember this.

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.


I think the article did not reveal at all “so how can one become a leader”!
Most of the article describes the author's opinion on whether to be a leader or not and who a leader is.
And how to cultivate these qualities in a child, only a couple of paragraphs are devoted to this. Unfortunately.

06/24/2018 17:33:33, Svetlana

"There's nothing wrong with a child aspiring to be a librarian or a park ranger."

The author's position is strange. Very often, quiet and thinking children grow up to be successful engineers, architects, writers, programmers, etc. And those who started the crowd more often than others then work as watchmen all their lives.
Eat different types leadership. There are intellectual leaders, social leaders, etc. And leadership abilities are not always evident from childhood. For example, as a child I was a very shy child. I was afraid to play active games with my peers. But in puzzles I had no equal. Now I'm 20 and I have a lot of friends and I consider myself a leader. They follow me, I can organize and manage. Apparently, unspent energy has awakened)) At the same time, I have always been involved in martial arts and have never been a botanist.

05/18/2015 23:40:17, Anastasia700

In this article, I no longer saw the education of a leader, but normal communication with a child. Children are self-sufficient and if they have problems, then this is a clear projection of problems in their parents or other adults with whom they most often communicate.

10/16/2007 15:43:21, Antonina

I liked the article, it’s very useful. And I don’t behave correctly in a situation when a child doesn’t succeed - I demand that he try again, and if he refuses, then I say that he’s a nurse and not a man. I’m probably too cruel with a 5 year old child?

09.19.2007 00:14:41, Victoria

I don’t think the desire to lead is really hardwired into everyone. And I don’t think twice that it needs to be developed in everyone. After all, by definition, EVERYONE cannot BE a leader, since a leader is relative to others. And you can be quite successful, accomplished and fulfilled in life in a variety of qualities.

why the leader is rich and famous, and not the leader-librarian, I think these are cliches. If a child does not succumb to the herd instinct, he has a better chance of achieving success in life.

An informative and excellent article:)) I will send it to friends and acquaintances.

Comment on the article "How to Raise a Leader"

Therefore, even the regional leaders of these sects are very nervous when our parents have seditious thoughts of raising a spiritual leader, their own messiah...


The Waldorf method is good for raising young ladies, IMHO. I started with Mantessori, it is a very good start. In addition, it develops motor skills well (which, accordingly, develops the brain), reveals individual abilities and complexes.

The topic is very relevant, I really support it - on an unexpected note, I just prepared a report on the study of totalitarian sects... I've been stuck, in general, since last time. I discovered that the strongest resistance when trying to educate their leaders comes from... totalitarian sects. They are required to convince the people that the “president”, the messiah, will soon come - from there, from the USA, that is. Therefore, even the regional leaders of these sects are very nervous when our parents have seditious thoughts of raising a spiritual leader, their own messiah...
And here we are, suddenly, on you! -they started preparing their own presidents... Well done, Alex! Wonderful, Musik!
Now we need, IMHO, to urgently educate the future leaders of our own “totalitarian sects” and urgently send them to the USA in order to send there now our presidents, “messiahs”!
I suggest a topic thesis for students of pedagogical universities: "Organization of Russian churches and totalitarian sects in the USA, for the future employment of our young presidents"

11/24/2004 06:16:44, Vitaly

And, of course, I will try to raise him in such a way as not to stifle my son’s passion for knowledge and not replace it with a passion for acquisition.


I myself came from a wealthy family, and I know from experience that a child must be taught to work and respect the work of others. My brother and I dug my grandmother’s garden, watered it, pulled out weeds and harvested crops, at home we went to the store, cleaned the apartment, made crafts for our parents’ birthdays, sculpted sculptures, glued models, went to our parents’ work at their invitation, and even carried out some of their instructions... There is no need to shower them with gifts, the main thing is more communication with a child... I have friends the same age from wealthy families. This is the pattern: if they see and understand how hard it is to earn money for their parents, the more they have to help them with at least something, the desire to learn, to get back on their feet faster... Let your wealth benefit you: play sports together, travel, play construction and educational games... Stay away from overdressed children who say “I have...”.

Talk to your dad, maybe it’s better to save money for the same university for your son when he grows up, and not thoughtlessly shower him with gifts.
In our family, we practically don’t give toys to my husband, because he is inundated with gifts from our friends and relatives, and here we have to control this flow, because it still leads to a careless attitude towards what you have.
In any case, you just need to have a serious conversation with your husband and determine an educational strategy in this issue. Tell him about your concerns.

Today's children are tomorrow's leaders, and as we know, leaders are not born, leaders are raised. There are several simple but effective ways to instill leadership qualities in your child. naturally, the right word or your own example at the right moment will do more than moralizing on this topic at an older age, like, “you must be stronger, you must make a decision, it will depend on you,” etc...
1 || Showcase your example. In the eyes of a child, you are the leader, so think responsibly about your decisions and actions. As you do, most likely the child will do the same in similar situations.
2 || Encourage teamwork. This applies not only to joint family affairs, but also to events in which a group of children will participate: a trip with the class, team sport, theatrical performance etc.
3 || Teach children to cope with failure. This is a very important skill for any successful person - to survive failure and move on. Losing in sports, disappointment from a low grade, resentment from the fact that he was not chosen as the head of the class... Yes, there are many such cases when a child should be able to treat losses, grievances and disappointments reasonably, accepting that they are inevitable, and not dwell on them .
4 || Develop your negotiation skills. Do not put pressure on your child with your authority if you see that your decision causes him discomfort (“you will do as I said”). Teach him to argue with you and reach a compromise. Yes Yes! It is with you, the parents, who know better what and how to do for the child. Teach him to defend his point of view through negotiations and arguments with reasonable arguments. And you, in turn, do not forget to respect his opinion.
5 || Teach your child to make informed decisions. Not momentary, impulsive, but balanced. The sooner children learn to make the right decisions, the more confident they will be in doing so. adult life. To teach this, do not immediately offer your child the entire range of options to choose from; limit it to a few to make it easier to compare. For example, on the weekend a child wants to go to the cinema, mom suggests inviting relatives to visit, and dad suggests going to a ski resort. Invite your child to make a choice on how to spend the weekend, weighing the pros and cons. And this is just one situation, and a non-conflict one. When a child does not want to go to school, and one day he decides not to go, invite him to first think carefully and take responsibility for his decision.
6 || Show your child that their decisions are truly respected and that you trust them. For example, when we go to a restaurant, we usually order dishes for children ourselves. Allow the child to make his own choice from the proposed menu (of course, there are reasonable “no” to very expensive dishes, alcohol, dishes that can cause allergies, for example). Or as for clothes: let the child decide on his own what he will wear to school (he still has a limited choice in this matter) or on a visit. Seeing trust and respect on your part for his decisions, the child will trust you more, which will only strengthen your relationship, especially in adolescence.
7 || Encourage your child's decision to get a part-time job. When children are in high school, during the summer holidays there are often opportunities to find a part-time job that will bring in a small personal income, which will allow the teenager to feel more self-sufficient and independent. If the work does not cause you suspicion, if the child can cope with it, do not resist his decision. Some may walk dogs, some may deliver newspapers, some may work as promoters, some may write notes for the local newspaper. This gives you self-confidence, teaches you to be responsible for the quality of your work, and all this undoubtedly contributes to the development of leadership skills in the future.
8 || Host family board game nights. IN board games for all participants equal rights, they teach strategic thinking, playing by the rules, and playing as a team.
9 || Develop planning skills in children. Every family probably has a lot of planned activities - from vacation options to monthly trips to visit relatives or friends. Involve children in planning trips and hikes, family entertainment. Let them, together with you, think through the schedule, the route, who will be responsible for what tasks during these trips. For example, a mother prepares sandwiches for the trip, and the children check the list to see if everything is complete. necessary items taken. At the same time, children will learn to delegate responsibilities, understanding that this helps them keep up with everything and not rush into anything.
10 || Use magnetic or cork boards to visualize goal setting. For example, a child wants to become one of the best violinists in the city this year. Place his photo at the top surrounded by photos of famous violinists around the world. Below, place a calendar of all city competitions and performances of young violinists, as well as a schedule of music classes. Gradually, photographs of the child from such performances, his diplomas, his notes and thoughts will appear on the board... Such visualization will help the dream not lose its power, and energize the child for a new breakthrough, even after failure.
11 || Encourage reading. Research consistently confirms that a child who reads a lot is always more confident than a child of the same age who does not pay attention to reading. Even if this is a frivolous reading, it still helps to broaden your horizons, see options for actions based on the example of the characters, analyze the situations that happened in the book and the actions of the characters that led to this.
12 || Encourage optimistic thinking. Optimism is closely related to success. Develop in your child the ability to treat himself with humor, to be able to joke kindly at the right moment, and to look at the situation with optimism. People who know how to do this and fill others with confidence always become leaders.

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The desire for positive dominance is one of the determinants of leadership status in older preschool age.

The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time it focused on the individual personality traits of senior leaders preschool age. The most important fact is that the work analyzes the relationship between individual characteristics and personality traits and status in children of senior preschool age. The role and significance of these parameters in the process of differentiation of children's groups and in the child's achievement of the status of a leader or sociometric star are revealed. Relatively stable factors have been identified that are directly related to the personal activity of members preschool group, are among the most important personality characteristics of children.

It has been established that the most important personal qualities that ensure the successful implementation of the desire for leadership are high adequate self-esteem and a high level of aspirations.

By psychological and pedagogical readiness of leaders, we understand the possibility of realizing one’s own leadership potential; the knowledge and skills necessary for this, leadership experience, which serve as the foundation for motivating a leadership position.

By the age of five or six, the sphere of achievements, merging with the sphere of attitude towards oneself, contributes to the emergence of children's pride - a powerful incentive for self-development and self-improvement. Children begin to be very jealous of the successes of their peers and are very reluctant to admit their superiority in anything.

It is generally accepted that the most typical form of behavior for children is play. When one child plays with another, he always strives to win. A.I. Rozov, watching children play, noticed this paradoxical fact: the lion's share of playing time is not spent on the game itself (muscle development, implementation potential opportunities, joining social norms etc., as popular claims psychological theories games), but to disputes over who is “fairly” considered the winner, the “legitimacy” of a goal scored or points awarded. In the game, on the one hand, the child wants to be “like everyone else,” and on the other, “better than everyone else.” The desire to be “like everyone else” to a certain extent stimulates the child’s development and brings him up to the general average level. A.I. Rozov notes that it is no coincidence that children shy away from games in which they do not achieve success, that is, which do not provide grounds for a feeling of superiority.

The desire for leadership is nothing more than the realization of one’s potential, the desire for superiority over people in one’s usual environment. It is noteworthy that the problem of leadership disappears only in the case of loneliness (there is no one to achieve it over), and since a person grows and develops in interaction with people from early childhood, the desire to surpass others pursues him throughout his life. This desire undoubtedly acts as a stimulating factor that awakens energy; it activates the personality and gives it perseverance and perseverance in overcoming difficulties.

Leadership initially presupposes competition, so conflicts are possible between children. Here, teachers and parents can choose one of two behavior strategies: an active judge (an adult anticipates the possibility of a conflict and neutralizes it in time) or non-interference (giving children the opportunity to resolve their own problems). conflict situations, counting on the fact that in this way child leaders will gain experience in solving problems by interacting with equal opponents).

Based on attachment theory, the founders of which are J. Bowlby and M. Ainsworth, the experience of relationships with mother gained in early childhood, largely determines the child’s future social life. According to this theory, if the primary attachment figure (mother) provides the child with security, reliability and confidence in his security, in the future he will easily establish secondary attachments with other people.

In early childhood, a baby’s key self-characteristic is determined by how the object of my affection, who is most often the mother, perceives me (“I am the one who is hugged, looked at, smiled at, responded to quickly when I cry,” etc.). Thus, for unloved, offended children, the Self appears as an object undeserving of the love and attention of others, and the object of affection (mother) as demanding, forbidding and cruel. The less reliable the connection with the mother is, the bigger baby tends to suppress his desire for others social contacts. Optimal relationships and “self-image” develop in children whose parents take care of them, provide emotional support and at the same time allow and support the child’s independent activity and autonomy.

Predominant for older children and junior groups is a general positive (or negative) assessment of a peer (“he is good” or “he is bad”). Children often point out that their comrades have success in various activities (“draws well,” “is on duty well,” “dances well,” “gets dressed quickly, buttons and ties everything himself”), and the appearance features of their peers. In some groups where the teacher devotes Special attention behavior of children at lunch, children note - “he eats well.”

Ya. L. Kolominsky was one of the first to find out that children primarily recognize and evaluate those qualities and characteristics of the behavior of peers that are most often assessed by the teacher and on which, therefore, their position in the group depends.

At the age of six or seven, self-esteem begins to form. The criteria used by a child for self-assessment largely depend on the teacher and parents, who, unfortunately, are not always objective. The main reason for the developing low self-esteem of a child is the desire of parents and teachers to draw general negative conclusions about the child’s personality as a whole based on the child’s individual actions and misdeeds. The reason for inflated self-esteem is that parents immediately attribute the slightest success of a child to the outstanding qualities of his personality.

Thus, a child with low self-esteem usually has increased self-criticism, he does not believe in himself, and therefore does not make due diligence and effort to achieve success, including peer recognition. A child with high self-esteem, on the contrary, overestimates his capabilities and also does not try very hard. Children with high self-esteem feel more confident, they are bolder, more actively express their interests and abilities, and set higher goals for themselves than those who, other things being equal, have low self-esteem.

The nature of the emotional connection develops very early and is very stable. With age, the model of relationships established in infancy and, as a consequence, the individual’s attitude towards himself becomes more and more habitual, stable and practically beyond conscious control.

1.3 The role of the teacher in the formation of leadership qualities of older preschoolers in the conditions of FGT

FGT to the structure of the basic general education program preschool education developed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, according to which the Russian Ministry of Education and Science establishes federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education and the conditions for its implementation (clause 6.2 of Article 9 of the Law). This norm was introduced into the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” in connection with the understanding of the importance of preschool education for the further successful development, education of every person, and the availability for every citizen - no matter where he lives in our huge country - of quality education. In order to provide each child with that same equal start that will allow him to successfully study at school, it is necessary to standardize the content of preschool education in a certain way, no matter in which educational institution (or family) the child receives it. This is precisely why the introduction of federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education is connected.

FGTs are designed to solve problems related to improving the quality of education. The main attention is focused on providing appropriate conditions for the development of the personality of preschoolers and enhancing innovative aspects of activity. Federal state requirements make the choice in favor of the child.

When developing the leadership qualities of children in the context of the introduction of FGT of senior preschool age, the teacher must: - take into account the individual age and psychological characteristics of children;

- to develop communication skills in an environment of different ages and among peers; support for children's associations;

- monitoring the capabilities and abilities of pupils, identifying and supporting gifted children and children with disabilities;

- implementation of a competency-based approach;

When the teacher fulfills these conditions, the formation of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age will be most effective.

In the context of the implementation of FGT in the activities of teachers of preschool educational institutions, the following problems arise:

1. Insufficient awareness of teachers of educational institutions in matters of updating the content and organizing psychological and pedagogical support for children’s development in accordance with the requirements of FGT.

2. Lack of a systematic approach to monitoring the mental and personal development of students.

3. Lack of a single bank (set) of psychodiagnostic tools for determining the level of development of leadership qualities of older preschoolers.

Despite the existing problems, the teacher must clearly understand the work with children aimed at developing the leadership qualities of older preschoolers.

The role of the teacher in shaping the leadership qualities of older preschoolers is very important, because the knowledge and skills acquired in kindergarten determine how the child will subsequently communicate with his peers, whether he will be able to perceive the world around him with an open mind or will become withdrawn. It happens that the baby is initially withdrawn and uncommunicative, prefers to be on the sidelines, and avoids communication. In this case, the teacher’s task is to create a favorable atmosphere for the child, where he will feel needed and protected, will no longer be afraid of communicating with peers, and could even become a leader among his peers. Everyday work with children, knowledge of their abilities and interests, the ability to bring joy from new creative discoveries - this is the main role of the teacher in developing the leadership qualities of an older preschooler.

We can identify a group of personal qualities of a leader that are in demand by children's groups: sociability, responsiveness, kindness, fairness, friendliness. Leadership qualities can be developed in various types of activities: gaming (role-playing, moving, didactic, games-competitions on walks), work, cognitive. Children's activity is a condition for the development of leadership qualities: organizational skills, responsibility, success in cognitive activity, perseverance, the ability to negotiate, the desire to be first everywhere, the ability to set the rules of the game.

Characteristic traits include independence, curiosity, activity, mobility, confidence, determination, courage, emotionality, dissatisfaction with one’s failures.

Children leaders are respected not only among their peers, but also among teachers. Leaders have a need for communication and recognition that they strive to satisfy. They are distinguished by high initiative, wealth and variety of influences on their partner and sociability. To conquer positive attitude Among peers, it is not enough for a child to possess only a few qualities. The development of a group requires an extensive set of personal characteristics to describe its leader.

To develop leadership qualities, a teacher needs to:

- support every child’s success, even the smallest;

- praise for a specific deed, deed, action;

- praise publicly, but criticize privately;

- complicate activities when previous tasks have been successfully completed;

- create situations of success, but in such a way that the child is confident that he owes his success to himself, and not at the suggestion of an adult;

- when praising, use the following statements: “You are doing everything right!”, “I know that you will succeed!”, “Well done! How well are you doing!”

- believe in the child. A child should not see and feel the fear and doubts of an adult, since only optimism and faith on the part of parents and teachers give children a sense of security, increase self-esteem, and instill confidence in their abilities;

- types of activities must be selected in such a way that each child can realize his or her claim to recognition;

- cultivate persistence in completing tasks to the end, daily develop children’s communication skills;

- daily develop children's communication skills.

One of the most important factors in the formation of leadership qualities of children of senior preschool age is communication, because only in emotional contact With adults, the child learns the vital rules of behavior as much as possible. The future of a child largely depends on the conditions in which his childhood takes place. Very important are such points as intra-family relationships between parents and how qualified the teachers of the kindergarten in which the child is located are.

There is no one closer to a child than his mother, who plays with him, gives him positive emotions and will always calm him down if such a need suddenly arises. We can say that a teacher for a child is the first person, after the mother, who plays a colossal role in the initial formation of the child’s leadership qualities. Therefore, the main role of the teacher in the development of the child is reliable protection from the negativity of the surrounding world, the ability to instill positive qualities in a preschooler, to determine his abilities. A good qualified teacher should know how best to communicate with a particular child. So that it is not difficult for the teacher to find mutual language with a child, he needs to be able to constantly be in the world of childhood, fantasy and fairy tales.

Mutual understanding and contact between the teacher and children largely determine the successful outcome in developing the leadership qualities of older preschoolers.

Thus, the secret to developing leadership qualities lies in the success of children, their sense of growth and movement forward. The teacher must find every opportunity to praise the child and support him - this is the first condition for ensuring success.

One of the professional functions pedagogical activity Gnostic kindergarten teacher. This function assumes that the teacher is able to recognize the individual, age and personality characteristics of children, which is necessary for the teacher to provide an individual approach to children. The need for an individual approach in education has been repeatedly emphasized by teachers and psychologists (Arkin E.A., Basov M.Ya., Kovalchuk Ya.I., Sukhomlinsky V.A., Usova A.P., etc.). Based on knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child, it acquires special significance for the implementation of a person-oriented model of interaction between an adult and children. This approach assumes that the teacher has the skills to observe, record, analyze, and compare psychological facts. The kindergarten teacher observes the child for quite a long time, for several years. Day after day, he carries out all household processes with him, organizes his activities, reads books to him, and takes him for walks. Gradually, he accumulates knowledge about the progress of the baby’s mental development. That is, while raising and teaching a child, the teacher simultaneously studies him, and such study is included in the context of educational work and is inseparable from it. By organizing a retelling of a fairy tale, the teacher simultaneously examines the level of development of coherent speech, and by examining their drawings with the children, he finds out manifestations of creativity. It was precisely this kind of organization of work for a kindergarten teacher that M.Ya. spoke about. Basov: “There cannot be such a situation that first there is only research, and then only pedagogical work. The whole meaning and importance of the question lies in the fact that research should be entirely included in pedagogical work, and the latter in the former, merging into one organic whole.”

The study of children by a kindergarten teacher is to understand the reasons for their behavior, notice their inclinations and create conditions for their development, correctly select methods and techniques for influencing children and check their effectiveness, timely notice deviations in the course of mental development, its shortcomings, design further psychological development pupils, taking into account their present, past and future. And in the end, the teacher will be able to help the child realize his potential, ensure the normal course of mental development and the formation of formations in him that allow him to move to a new age level, ensure the formation of his individuality. Thus, the special research attitude of the teacher is the basis and condition of pedagogical creativity and the pedagogical process, which go to the goal in the shortest way with the least expenditure of effort and the greatest results.

It is very important for the educator: Firstly, to have a clear understanding of the central lines of the child’s mental development in preschool childhood, such as personality development, the formation of activities and cognitive processes, directions, patterns, dynamics, relationships, central new formations.

Secondly, it is important for the educator to see the relationships in the development of all central lines and properties of the psyche.

Thirdly, it is important for the educator to imagine continuity in the development of the psyche of children of early and preschool age in order to set certain educational tasks related to the development of voluntary behavior, attentional properties, or mental operations.

Having studied and analyzed the psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem, we found that:

In order for today's senior preschoolers - the future leaders of the 21st century, who will take the helm of governing the country at different levels, to master a democratic culture, be able to communicate with different categories of people, be able to work in a team, motivate others, and correspond to the status of a socially active individual, it is necessary create such psychological and pedagogical conditions under which the child can open up and find a path to self-realization;

A meaningful, consistent educational process will provide an opportunity to cultivate a leader, develop his organizational abilities and, as a result, to educate a socially active personality. Today, one of the favorable areas for achieving these goals is a children's public association. It is in preschool age that a child has an objective need for attention from teachers, and especially peers, a desire to stand out in some way, to feel important, to gain authority, to prove himself as a leader;

By participating in various games (theatrical, active, role-playing), teenagers get acquainted with the world around them through images, colors, and sounds. The great and diverse influence of games on the formation of leadership qualities of a teenager’s personality allows them to be used as a strong but pedagogical tool, because the teenager feels relaxed and free while playing.

The theoretical research carried out made it possible to identify a number of areas that allow the formation of a child’s leadership qualities. Preschool age is the most sensitive period for the formation and development of a child’s positive-oriented leadership qualities. Today, one of the favorable areas for developing leadership qualities in older preschoolers is gaming activities.

The teacher plays a big role in shaping the leadership qualities of a preschooler. When studying children, the teacher must understand the reasons for their behavior, notice their inclinations and create conditions for their development, select the right methods and techniques for influencing children and check their effectiveness, notice deviations in the course of mental development and its shortcomings in time, design further psychologist-oriented pedagogical work on the formation of leadership qualities of older preschoolers, taking into account their present, past and future. And in the end, the teacher will be able to help the child realize his potential, ensure the normal course of mental development and the formation of leadership qualities in him, allowing him to move to a new age level, to ensure the formation of his individuality.

Chapter 2. Experimental study of the formation of leadership qualities in older preschoolers

2.1 Identification of leaders in the children's team

For the empirical stage of the study, we set the following tasks:

1. Identify the initial level of leadership qualities in preschool children.

2. Develop a system of activities for developing leadership qualities.

3. To test experimentally the effectiveness of the system of measures to develop the leadership qualities of older preschoolers.

The research work was carried out at the Vorontsov kindergarten with children of senior preschool age. The number of subjects is 16 people. The empirical study was organized in accordance with the objectives and the planned stages of work.

The ascertaining stage took place from 03/21/13 to 04/22/13

The formative stage took place from 04/23/13 to 06/24/13

The control stage took place from 06/24/13 to 07/25/13

During the ascertaining experiment, we used the following methods of empirical research: observation, self-assessment technique: test “Communicative and organizational aptitudes” by V.V. Sinyavsky, V.A. Fedoroshin (KOS 2) (adapted), the method of “features of the development of a child’s private self-esteem.”

· observation

The purpose of the first ascertaining stage is to identify the initial level of formation of leadership qualities of older preschoolers.

During the ascertaining stage of the experiment, we used observation that was carried out in natural conditions for one week and was not included in nature. We noted manifestations of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age both in the joint activities of adults and children, and in the independent activities of children. The results of the study were recorded in protocols, which reflected individual indicators of the development of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age. The data are summarized in the study protocols (Appendix 1, 2). To determine the level of formation of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age, we used the criteria and indicators proposed by E.I. Tikhomirova.

Table 1. Criteria and indicators of leadership qualities

Leadership Qualities Criteria


Qualitative indicators

Quantitative indicators

Communication skills

Has many friends - peers, enjoys communicating with them

Has many friends

Has few friends

Has no friends

Participates in the affairs of the group; loves group games

Actively participates

Participates depending on the situation

Rarely participates

Communicates easily with adults

Communicates easily with adults

Communicates with an adult depending on the situation

Having trouble

Creative potential

Likes to search and try new things

Searches and tries with the help of adults

Doesn't like to search and try new things

Ready to put forward ideas and proposals

Puts forward ideas and suggestions with the help of adults

Able to generate ideas

Able to generate ideas independently

Generates ideas with the help of adults

Not able to


Ability to act energetically

Acts energetically

Acts energetically depending on the situation


Knows how to overcome difficulties

Overcomes difficulties depending on the situation

Shows persistence when solving problems

Partially shows persistence in solving a problem

Doesn't show

Organizational skills

Organizes the game independently

Able to independently organize games

Organizes play with the help of adults

Stimulates the work of his comrades

Always encourages the work of his comrades

Stimulates the work of his comrades depending on the situation

Tactfully monitors the activities of his comrades

Always tactfully monitors the activities of his comrades

Doesn’t always tactfully monitor the activities of his comrades

Does not implement

During the data processing procedure, according to observation protocols, a qualitative indicator of the formation of leadership qualities of children of senior preschool age, as well as a quantitative one, was determined.

Having summed up the number of manifestations of leadership qualities, we established the following levels of formation of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age: low level (LL), average level (ML) and high level (HL).

A high level is a qualitative indicator: sociable - has many friends, participates in group activities, loves group games, communicates easily with adults; creative potential - likes to search and try new things, is ready to put forward new ideas and proposals, knows how to independently generate ideas; active - acts energetically, knows how to overcome difficulties, shows persistence in solving problems; organizational skills - knows how to independently organize an event, stimulates the work of his comrades, tactfully monitors the activities of his comrades; quantitative indicator more than 25 times.

The average level is a qualitative indicator: has few friends, participates in group activities depending on the situation, communicates with adults depending on the situation; creativity - seeks and tries new things with the help of adults, puts forward ideas and proposals with the help of adults, generate ideas depending on the situation; activity - acts energetically depending on the situation, overcomes difficulties depending on the situation, partially shows persistence in solving a problem; organizational skills - can organize an event with the help of adults, stimulates the work of his comrades depending on the situation, does not always tactfully monitor the activities of his comrades; quantitative indicator 14 - 24 times.

Low level - sociability - has no friends, rarely participates in group activities, has difficulty communicating with adults; creative potential - does not like to search and try new things, is not ready to put forward new ideas and proposals, is not able to generate ideas; activity - passive in activity, does not know how to overcome difficulties, does not show persistence in solving problems; organizational skills - does not know how to organize events, does not know how to stimulate the work of his comrades, does not know how to monitor the activities of his comrades, the quantitative indicator is less than 13 times.

Based on the results of the observation, we obtained the following results in the group.

The data obtained made it possible to determine the presence or absence of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age, as well as the level of formation of leadership qualities in individual senior preschool children.

For the purity of the empirical study, we also used other methods.

*self-assessment method. Test - questionnaire KOS 2, (Appendix 3).

The goal is to determine the degree of formation of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age. The test was conducted in a group of preschoolers. The subjects were asked questions from the table, and the ready-made answers were entered into the table, after filling which, the number of answers matching the key was counted for each section of the methodology, then the evaluation coefficients were calculated separately for communication and organizational skills using the formula:

K = 0.05.C, (1)

where: K - the value of the evaluation coefficient

C - the number of answers matching the key.

The rating coefficient can vary from 0 to 1. Indicators close to 1 indicate a high level of communication and organizational skills, close to 0 - a low level. Primary indicators of communication and organizational abilities can be presented in the form of assessments indicating different levels of the abilities being studied. Skill scores are presented in the tables below.

Table 2 Communication skills:


I - low

II - below average

III - medium

IV - high

V - very high

Table 3 Organizational skills:


I - low

II - below average

III - medium

IV - high

V - very high

Analysis of the results obtained

Subjects who received a score of 1 are characterized by a low level of manifestation of communicative and organizational inclinations.

Subjects who received a score of 2 have below-average communication and organizational skills. They do not strive to communicate, they feel constrained in a new company or team; prefer to spend time alone with themselves, limit their acquaintances; have difficulty connecting with people and speaking in front of an audience; poorly oriented in an unfamiliar situation; do not defend their opinions, take grievances seriously; the manifestation of initiative in social activities is extremely reduced; in many matters they prefer to avoid making independent decisions.

Test subjects who received a rating of 3 are characterized by an average level of manifestation of communicative and organizational inclinations. They strive to make contact with people, do not limit the circle of their acquaintances, defend their opinions, plan their work, but the potential of their inclinations is not highly stable. Communication and organizational skills need to be developed and improved.

Subjects who received a score of 4 belong to a group with a high level of manifestation of communicative and organizational inclinations. They don't get lost in new environment, quickly find friends, constantly strive to expand the circle of their acquaintances, engage in social activities, and help loved ones. Friends, they show initiative in communication, take part in organizing social events with pleasure, and are able to make independent decisions in a difficult situation. They do all this not under compulsion, but according to inner aspirations.

Subjects who received the highest score - 5 - have a very high level of communication and organizational skills. They feel the need for communication and organizational skills and actively strive for it, quickly navigate difficult situations, behave at ease in a new team, take initiative, prefer to make independent decisions in an important matter or in a difficult situation, defend their opinion and strive for it to be accepted by comrades, they can bring life to an unfamiliar company, they like to organize different games, Events. They are persistent in activities that attract them. They themselves are looking for things to do that would satisfy their need for communication and organizational activity.

The test results were recorded in protocols (Appendices 4, 5).

After testing the children, we received the following results.

The group is dominated by an average level of leadership qualities - 9 children, which is 59%, with a high level - 4 children, which is 21%, with a low level - 3 children, which is 19%.

The data obtained made it possible to determine the presence or absence of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age, as well as the level of formation of leadership qualities in individual preschoolers.

For the purity of the empirical research, we used the “features of the development of a child’s private self-esteem” method.

*methodology “features of development of a child’s private self-esteem”

Target. Identify the level of self-esteem and the nature of its differentiation.

This technique is based on the semantic differential method, modified and adapted by us in relation to children (starting from senior preschool) age.

Organization. The child is presented with the T.V. Dembo-S.Ya. Rubinstein scale, consisting of 12 horizontal lines with verbal indices at the beginning and end of each of them, by which he will evaluate himself (indicate his place on a specific line).

The presented scales conventionally reflect the 12 most important traits - characteristics of various aspects of the “I” of an individual. Each personality quality offered to a child as a support for self-esteem requires the presence of an inverse definition. Moreover, the groups of lines on the questionnaire respectively reflect the qualities related to the physical “I” (the first three lines), the social “I” (the second three of words), the mental “I” (the third three), and the emotional “I” (the fourth three). The indices on the left on each line indicate the lowest ratings of a particular quality (properties, characteristics) of a person, the indices on the right indicate the highest.

Instructions. “Imagine that on each of these stripes are located all the people now living on earth. People, of course, are different. Among them there are good, and evil, and beautiful, and ugly - in a word, with many different features. For example, on the first strip there are people from the sickest to the healthiest. On the left (the hand indicates the direction of the rise in quality) are the sickest people, on the right - the healthiest, in the middle - both not sick and not healthy - the average. Where are you among all these people? Mark your place with a cross or a dot.” And so on for each of the qualities.

Processing of the results of the child’s self-assessment profile is carried out in two directions:

a profile graph is drawn reflecting private self-esteem;

a cumulative score is determined, reflecting the generalized level of self-esteem.

To identify the self-esteem profile, the points on the strips marked by the child are connected to each other by straight lines (Fig...). The resulting graph indicates the degree of differentiation of self-esteem both for each of the assessed qualities separately and for a group of qualities related to various aspects of the self-image.

The second stage of processing test results is assessing the profile in points. To do this, on the questionnaire, a vertical line is drawn down from each of the six crosses located above the stripes. The resulting segments are assigned points from 1 to 6. Each mark on each strip is assessed depending on its proximity to a certain division of the scale with an accuracy of 0.5 points. Finally, the total points are calculated.

The resulting sum of points is correlated with age indicators (table...).

Interpretation of the results obtained. The profile curve located slightly to the right of the middle and corresponding to a high level of self-esteem is considered optimal for children aged 6-7 years. For children 5-6 years old, the curve should normally be located between the fifth and sixth crosses. Obviously overestimated (the line runs along the edge to the right) or underestimated (the extreme left line in Fig...) self-esteem can be the result of various reasons. Based on inflated self-esteem, an individual develops an idealized idea of ​​his personality and his capabilities. Such a child often ignores his failures in order to preserve his usual self-esteem, his affairs and actions. Any failure seems to him to be a consequence of an unfavorable attitude towards him. He doesn't want to admit his own mistakes. Obviously low self-esteem indicates a child’s lack of self-confidence and inability to realize his inclinations and abilities. Such children do not set difficult-to-achieve goals and are too self-critical of themselves.

The nature of the graph reflects the degree of differentiation of self-esteem both in general and in relation to various aspects of the child’s self-image. Thus, infantilism in the development of private self-esteem is indicated by a graph in the form of a straight line (in Fig... it is marked with the letter “B”). The formation of private self-esteem (the beginnings of differentiation as normative indicators for children of 5 years of age) is evidenced by the presence of rare breaks in the profile curve (graph “B”). The broken curve (the norm for 6-7 year old children) reflects a sufficient degree of differentiation of self-esteem (graph “A”).

By the age of 5, the child should generally have formed a positive feeling own body. By the age of 6, the intellectualization of emotions occurs (I am the one who feels, experiences emotions and knows that they express specific experiences), the formation of a social and intellectual image of the “I” (I am the one who acts, plays, thinks, etc.). Consequently, by the end of preschool childhood, high indicators should be expressed in graphics for all components of the child’s “I” image.

At primary school age, the profile curve is normally located in the high-level range and corresponds to graph “A”, in which the characteristics of the intellectual and social image of the “I” should occupy a fairly high position.

Sample questionnaire

Table 4. Age indicators of the level distribution of self-esteem

Level of self-esteem

Age groups



Using this method, we determined how much the child evaluates himself in the world around him. What is the level of his self-esteem and development of leadership qualities.

Based on the three methods used, the following results were obtained (Appendix 6, 7).

The group is dominated by an average level of development of leadership qualities - 10 people, which is 62%, with a high level - 3 people, which is 19%, with a low level - 3 people, which is 19%.

Thus, during the ascertaining stage of our research work, using the following methods: observation of the level of formation of leadership qualities of older preschoolers, test - the KOS 2 questionnaire (adapted), the technique “Features of breaking down a child’s private self-esteem”, we found out that the children of the group have average level of development of leadership qualities. For the formative stage of the study, we designated the group as experimental.

All of the above allows us to talk about the insufficient development of leadership qualities in older preschoolers and determine the further course of our research, which involves the use of outdoor games, imitation and theatrical games at the stage of a formative experiment in the formation of leadership qualities of older preschoolers.

2.2 Development of a set of activities to develop leadership qualities

Having analyzed various technologies for developing leadership qualities in older preschoolers, such as theatrical play activities, imitation, outdoor games, we chose the technology of theater play activities, since play is the leading activity of preschoolers.

Thus, we defined the goal of the formative stage of the empirical study as the selection of activities using theatrical and play activities aimed at developing the leadership qualities of children of senior preschool age.

Theatrical and play activities were carried out under the following conditions: non-violent communication, positive feedback, non-competitive nature of communication, the principle of “here and now”, trust in communication, ensuring diversity of activities in which the child is involved: in any activity a leader is nominated, and such an organization the vital activity of a temporary children's team allows almost every child to realize their leadership potential.

At the formative stage of the experiment, a plan was drawn up that included the following activities:


*"Large family photo"

All events were carried out in the afternoon according to a certain scheme, in three stages:




All children actively took part in the proposed activities. Below are examples of the activities carried out:


The goal is to develop leadership qualities, attention and speed of reaction.

To conduct the game, the children were seated in a circle, a counselor sat with them, who suggested the conditions of the game: “Guys, you all know the fairy tale about Pinocchio and remember the bearded Karabas-Barabas, who had a theater. Now you are all dolls. I will say the word “KA-RA-BAS” and show a certain number of fingers on my outstretched arms. And you will have to, without agreeing, get up from your chairs, and as many people as I show fingers. This game develops attention and reaction speed.”

This game test involved two executives. The task of one is to play the game, the second is to carefully observe the behavior of the players.

The game aroused great interest, children took an active part. In the game, the initiative was taken by children who were more sociable and strived for leadership. Less determined children joined in the game towards the end. There were also those who first stood up and then sat down. They constituted the “happy” group. The detachment did not turn out to be a lack of initiative group that did not get up at all. Thus, we developed leadership qualities in children, and qualities such as attention and speed of reaction.

"Big Family Photo"

The goal is to identify new leaders and develop leadership qualities, including revealing the system of likes and dislikes in the group.

The children were asked to imagine that they were all a big family and that they all needed to take a photo together for a family album. You must select a “photographer”. He had the whole family available for photography. The “grandfather” was the first to be chosen from the family. He also participated in the placement of the “family” members. The children were not given any more instructions; they decided for themselves who should be who and where to stand. The counselor just watched this entertaining picture. All members of the group took on the role of “photographer” and “grandfathers”. After assigning roles and arranging the “family members,” the “photographer” counted to three. On the count of three! Everyone unanimously and very loudly shouted the word “cheese” and clapped their hands at the same time.

Analysis of the event

Elements of leadership were assumed by all group members. It was very interesting to observe the distribution of roles and the activity in choosing a location. This game revealed new leaders to us and revealed the system of likes and dislikes in the group.

*Collective creative work “Qualities of a Leader”

The goal is to discover and realize your creative and leadership potential.

Necessary materials for each group: markers, felt-tip pens and 1 sheet of A3 paper, 4 sheets of A4.

Using colored cards, participants were divided into the required number of groups, preferably 3-4 groups of 5 people.

Leading. The international leadership community, the most elite, prestigious and respected in the world, has decided to expand its ranks and include a new team of leaders. Right now there is a competition in which anyone can take part - future or current leaders. The organizers have come up with a number of tasks in which they actually want to look at the contestants and choose the best ones who will make it to the finals.

The best of the best will be able to become full members of the International Leadership Community, their opinions will be taken into account in decision-making, and they will have many opportunities. And most importantly, they will be able to truly reveal and realize their creative and leadership potential. The number of vacant places is limited! This team is invited to come to the headquarters, which is located in a secret location, and take part in the most interesting master classes from the most successful people in the world.

First task: come up with a name for your teams and an emblem symbolizing the group (5 min.).

Presentation: 4 min.

Second task: we came up with a motto, a slogan that represented each participant and team. Everyone shouted it together.

Presentation: 3 min.

Third task: creative abilities were tested.

The leader named each group his own fairy-tale object:

- self-assembled tablecloth,

- flower - seven flowers,

- the sword is a treasure trove,

- magic mirror.

They came up with as many original - both magical and non-magical - ways to use these items as possible. Both quality and quantity were taken into account; it was necessary to explain why it could be used in this way (7 min.).

Presentation: 5-7 min.

A representative from each group in turn read out a list of new methods and named their number. Participants asked questions if they did not understand how the item was suggested to be used. Then the presenter summed up.

Leading. Now the International Leadership Community has been able to appreciate your creativity. And the jury members would like to know more about you, about what you are like - they want to select the most interesting leadership team. So far, the Leadership Community is finding it difficult to answer who will make it to the finals. They liked the representatives of all teams, and it is difficult for them to choose someone. They prepared the next task.

The presenter gave each group: one egg, two plastic cups, one scissors, ten straws, and tape.

Fourth task.

Leading. Your task, using these available materials, is to make sure that the egg, falling and hitting the floor, does not break. You need to throw the egg from a height of human height: the person will stand on the table and hold the egg at arm's length, parallel to the floor.

Presentation: 5 min.

A representative from each group stood on the table, extended his hand and threw the egg (the structure they had built to protect it, along with the egg) onto the floor. If the egg does not break - thunderous applause.

Then the presenter summed up the results: how many eggs remained intact and how many were broken.

Note. It is absolutely possible to make a structure from scrap materials that will protect the egg. There are different methods. There was no need to tell the groups; they found the solution themselves.

Fifth task.

Each group was given approximately the same amount of newsprint: 40-50 A4 sheets.

Leading. Your task is to build a bridge over the chair so that it is stable and does not rest on the chair.

First option: without scissors and tape.

Second option: you can use scissors and tape.

Presentation: 3 min.

Each group showed their bridge. The presenter checked how firmly it stood and whether its height was sufficient.

Sixth task

Leading. The international leadership community observed all the teams as they performed creatively in a variety of tasks. And it decided that for the first time it could not make a choice and did not want to miss a single successful leader. In this regard, it decided to increase the number of places in the community and invites all teams to join their ranks - to come to the headquarters and participate in master classes.

You can get there only by car, which must be created by you, the group members. Now you need to unite and all together (this is a prerequisite) create a machine out of yourself, and then imagine how it functions (that is, show its component parts).

Presentation: 2 min.

Then, when the participant's machine was built, one representative explained what was in the machine and how it functioned.


Leading. And now, with such a wonderful car and such a cool team, you can go to the most creative and interesting place in the world!

Analysis of the event

To carry out this event, we have drawn up a work plan:

*Preliminary work. Together with the guys, we established the location of the KTD. They identified specific educational tasks, found out the various options that were offered to the children, and thought through ways to carry out their plans. At the same time, we did not impose it on the children, but thought together with the students.

*Collective planning. The children themselves acted. We looked for answers to the questions posed in small groups. The search ended with the selection of a case council.

*Collective preparation of the case. We fleshed out the plan for preparing and conducting the CTD, encouraging the initiative of each participant. Preparations for the event were carried out in groups.

*Carrying out technical design work, summing up the results of preparation. At this stage, a specific plan was implemented, taking into account what the groups had developed. No one was afraid of deviations from plans or mistakes made by the participants. We helped guide the children and regulate their mood.

*Collective summing up of the results of the KTD. The whole team was assembled. Everyone expressed their opinion. The positive and negative aspects of preparing and conducting CTD were discussed.

Thus, at the stage of the formative experiment, we carried out theatrical and play activities to develop such leadership qualities of children of senior preschool age as activity, creativity, communication and organizational skills, which allowed us to move on to the next stage of our research - control and establish the effectiveness of the work done work.

2.3 Checking the effectiveness of activities to develop the leadership qualities of older preschoolers

The control stage was carried out from 06/27/11 to 07/29/11

The purpose of the control stage of the empirical study is to identify the effectiveness of the formative stage of the experiment, namely, the use of theatrical games in the formation of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age.

The composition of the participants remained the same. The research methods we used, the criteria and indicators of the level of formation remained the same, which, in our opinion, made it possible to most objectively evaluate the results obtained. After the study, we established the changes that occurred with the children.


The observation was carried out in natural conditions, for 3 days and was non-participant. We noted manifestations of leadership qualities in older preschoolers in children’s joint and independent activities after the formative stage of the experiment. The results of the study were recorded in protocols, which reflected individual indicators of the development of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age. The data are summarized in the study protocols (Appendix 8, 9). To determine the level of formation of leadership qualities in children of senior preschool age, we used the criteria and indicators proposed by E.I. Tikhomirova.

During the data processing procedure, according to observation protocols, a qualitative indicator of the formation of leadership qualities of older preschoolers, as well as a quantitative one, was determined.

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