What an effective cream for skin aging. Vitamin D for beauty and youthful skin

Anti-wrinkle face masks have a moisturizing, nourishing, regenerating, rejuvenating effect.

For wrinkle masks, well-known home remedies are used. They were also used by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. They are called - folk remedies.

The best face masks for wrinkles are recipes with gelatin, aloe, seaweed, fruits and berries.

So let's talk about how to prevent the appearance of wrinkles on the face and look 15 or even 20 years younger than your passport age.

After all, it is not uncommon for an elderly, 60-year-old woman to look beautiful and she can easily be given 40-45 years. And the point here is not at all plastic surgery or other cosmetic procedures. This is who got hooked on them, in that one, consider way back no. And I believe that a woman can have a youthful face at any age, without resorting to any artificial influences.

To do this, first of all, you need to identify all the causes of wrinkles and, if possible, try to remove them from your life.

Let's look at the causes of wrinkles:

1. The very first, already in the 20s summer age mimic wrinkles appear around the eyes. The skin here is very thin, delicate, there is no muscle layer. But we simply cannot express our emotions without the participation of the eyes (laugh, be upset, be surprised, etc.). Therefore, if you want it, you don’t want it, but age will take its toll.

2. But then, how many nearsighted people who do not like to wear glasses or contact lenses! They squint all the time! So wrinkles around the eyes appear at an accelerated pace. Therefore, if your vision has deteriorated, urgently see a doctor for the selection of glasses. I don’t like wearing glasses, contact lenses are at your service, and laser vision correction is suitable for someone!

3. Do all girls wear Sunglasses into the bright sunny days spring, summer? Not all and not always. In winter, there are also sunny days, it is especially hard to look at white-white snow, the eyes are squinting.

4. Tell me, how do you like to sleep? Among the girls there are many lovers of sleeping on their stomachs and pressing their cheeks against the pillow. At the same time, wrinkles around the eyes and nasolabial folds are sharply marked. As long as the skin turgor is high, wrinkles are easily smoothed out. And then they become permanent.

5. More! There are almost no such women at any age who would be satisfied with theirs. Everyone strives to become thin. They put incredible efforts to this and completely forget that after weight loss, skin turgor decreases, goes away. muscle mass and there are many wrinkles. And not only on the face, but also on the body. Therefore, losing weight, be sure to eat protein foods and drink plenty of water.

6. And what importance It has correct application cosmetics! Decorative cosmetics, natural creams and tonics should be only of high quality. Otherwise, after a few years of using them, you simply will not recognize your face.

7. Be sure to monitor Chronic diseases, foci of infection (chronic tonsillitis, carious teeth, intestinal dysbacteriosis, urinary infections) are most detrimental to our appearance.

8. If you smoke and drink alcohol a lot, quit before it's too late. Smoker's face drinking woman you will not confuse with anything. What is it like business card who says that a woman has bad habits.

Dear my friends! See how vulnerable the skin of the face is! Correct all your mistakes in time, stay healthy and this will most gratefully affect your appearance.

And now let's talk about folk remedies and ways to prevent the formation of wrinkles. Skin aging is accompanied by the appearance of excessive dryness of the skin. The amount of hyaluronic acid, elastin and collagen proteins decreases and, ultimately, skin turgor is lost.

Today I will give you some recipes that prevent the formation of wrinkles. I use some of them myself and really like them. Other recipes were told to me by familiar women and colleagues at work. I read something on the internet.

Gelatin masks for wrinkles

Gelatin is a sticky substance that is formed during prolonged cooking of the connective tissue of animals (joints, cartilage, ligaments). Gelatin consists of collagen fibers, which are rich in proteins, amino acids, and mineral compounds. Especially a lot of calcium and phosphorus in gelatin. For masks, ready-made gelatin powder is usually used, which is sold in bags in any grocery department of the supermarket.

First you need to prepare the base for the mask. To do this, take a teaspoon of gelatin and 2 tablespoons of water. Mix in a small glass container and leave to swell. Then we put this container in water bath and heat the mass to a liquid state, stirring all the time. Let's chill a little. The basis for the masks is ready. Now you can add various ingredients that will enhance the nutritional properties of the masks. For example, oat flour, peach oil, kefir or sour cream, vitamins A and E, aloe juice, etc.

The mask is usually applied in a thick layer on clean face using a disc or brush. When it dries, the skin on the face tightens and this is not entirely pleasant. Therefore, during the procedure, it is best to lie down calmly, relax and try not to strain the facial muscles. Keep the mask on your face for 20 minutes

The effect is amazing! Everything is smoothed out small wrinkles. Deep wrinkles become less noticeable. The skin becomes elastic, has a beautiful, healthy look.

Rejuvenating mask with biostimulated aloe juice.

To prepare the mask, we need an adult plant - (lat.) Aloe. Not younger than three years old. For starters, we won't water it for two weeks. Then we cut a few large leaves, pack them in plastic bag and keep in the refrigerator for two weeks. Under these conditions, the leaves accumulate the most valuable enzymes, growth stimulants and cell renewal in our body.

Now grind the leaves into a pulp using a blender. And we have the base for the masks ready. Moreover, it does not lose its nutritional properties in the freezer. Therefore, we will prepare small cubes from it in 1-2 ml molds and store them in the freezer.

With such a cube, you can wipe your entire face, or you can prepare masks and do them three times a week. You can prepare a biostimulated aloe mask with the addition of 1 egg yolk, as well as a teaspoon of flower honey or olive oil.

In any case, after several procedures, your face will not be recognized. It will shine and all small and medium wrinkles will be smoothed out. Get younger by dropping a good ten years.

Seaweed rejuvenation mask.

Now in any pharmacy you can buy dry seaweed. They are called kelp or seaweed. Laminaria has the richest composition: almost all amino acids, a huge set of macro- and microelements, vitamins, enzymes and other useful biologically active ingredients.

All of them perfectly rejuvenate the face, improve blood circulation in the vessels of the skin, increase metabolism, renew skin cells, increase the elasticity of collagen fibers.

We take 3 teaspoons of dry kelp, add two tablespoons of hot water, stir in a container and let it brew for ten minutes. If desired, you can add honey to the kelp. And for the density of the mixture (if necessary) - a teaspoon of oatmeal flour.

In addition, if the skin is oily, you can add a little squeezed lemon juice or, if the skin is dry, any unrefined vegetable oil: olive, linen, sesame. We apply the mask on the face and hold for 25 minutes. Wash off with water.

Refreshing strawberry mask.

Everyone knows the useful, vitamin properties and taste of strawberries. Now is just the time for the ripening of these wonderful berries and you must definitely use this moment to saturate the skin with vitamins.

First, prepare ice cubes from the juice or mint of strawberries and wipe your face with them every morning, leaving this mixture on your face for 15 minutes. Very well tones the skin!

Mashed strawberries can be mixed with a teaspoon rice flour and a tablespoon of fatty yogurt. Apply this mass on the face, and after 20 minutes rinse and lubricate the skin with the usual cream.

Thoroughly mix a few mashed, ripe strawberries and a whole tablespoon of cottage cheese and a teaspoon peach oil. Apply this mass on the face also for 20-25 minutes, then rinse. The mask perfectly nourishes, moisturizes and tones the skin.

It is very good to mix mashed strawberries with sour cream and honey. Also apply on the skin of the face for 20 - 25 minutes and then rinse with water. The skin of the face is refreshed, moisturized, fine wrinkles are smoothed out.

Dear women! We will repeatedly return to the topic of facial care and find out the composition of so many masks. And, of course, we will stop at exercise and facial muscle massage, without which it is simply impossible to have beautiful, youthful skin!

Love yourself, take care of your health and appearance! Be sure to use folk methods to take care of your appearance!

Age cosmetics, as a rule, are more expensive than usual. And in a crisis, it is not always possible to fight wrinkles with the help of creams and serums. famous brands. Do not despair! There is a way out - your first aid kit.

1. Remedies for hemorrhoids - for rejuvenation and freshness of the skin

This is the "star" secret: Hollywood beauties and top models know how to refresh and smooth the skin of the face after a stormy sleepless night. Kate Moss loves to use hemorrhoid ointment, putting it on bruises under her eyes and swollen eyelids. “It works instantly!” she claims, demonstrating smooth, fresh skin on her face. Remedies for hemorrhoids get to the deepest wrinkles and effectively smooth them out. The effect is achieved thanks to the shark fat that is part of the ointments and suppositories. It, along with other active ingredients, promotes tissue compaction and regeneration and eliminates their swelling.

How to use: apply ointment or melted to a creamy state (for example, in a water bath) candles from hemorrhoids in an even layer on problem areas - the skin around the eyes, forehead, neck, décolleté - and leave until completely absorbed.

2. Aspirin scrub mask

Acetylsalicylic acid, or aspirin, is not only suitable for oral administration. Aspirin perfectly eliminates redness and irritation, cleanses pores and evens out the skin.

How to use: dilute 4 aspirin tablets in 20-30 g of water, add 1 tsp. honey, apply the mixture problem areas(face, neck, décolleté) and leave for 10 minutes. Then massage the skin with aspirin mixture as a scrub and rinse. Result on the face!

3. Retinoic ointment- from wrinkles

Retinoic ointment successfully fights not only with acne, but also, as practice shows, with wrinkles. Retinol - synthetic analogue vitamin A, a leader in the fight against aging. Retinoic acid and its derivatives in the ointment stimulate collagen production and cell regeneration processes. As a result, the skin is smoothed and renewed.

How to use: Apply to pre-cleansed skin with massage movements. moderate amount ointments.

4. Licorice (licorice) root for age spots

Licorice (licorice) for bronchitis and colds - a taste from childhood. However, adults can also benefit from licorice. Licorice root extract regulates the production of melanin in the body and helps to get rid of age spots, evens out skin tone and tightens the contour of the face.

How to use: you can make a decoction by pouring boiling water over the licorice root. With the cooled infusion, wipe the face. Another option: pour olive oil over licorice roots so that the oil completely covers them, and simmer in a water bath over very low heat for 10 hours. Apply the resulting licorice oil on your face morning and evening.

5. Solcoseryl from deep wrinkles

Miraculous ointment for ladies aged. Solcoseryl promotes the production of collagen, significantly improves blood circulation and restores damaged skin tissues. Fans of this ointment note a significant reduction in even very deep wrinkles with regular use.

How to use: Apply to the face, neck and décolleté in place of a night cream before bed once every two days. You can also apply Solcoseryl ointment to the skin around the eyes with gentle movements in a thin layer.

6. Vietnamese "Asterisk" for face skin tightening

This burning ointment is a storehouse natural oils, acids and extracts. It quickly (almost instantly!) and effectively removes bags under the eyes, reduces swelling, refreshes the skin.

How to use: gently apply the ointment little by little to the very bottom of the circles under the eyes. Avoid the area directly around the eyes!

7. Smoothing zinc ointment

Zinc is part of baby diaper creams, protecting the skin from chafing and redness, as well as in remedies for acne and blackheads. Its particles perfectly reflect ultraviolet, which provokes skin aging, and also fight against inflammatory processes. Cosmetologists use zinc ointment to eliminate wrinkles. The result is noticeable after the first few days of use.

How to use: Apply an even thin layer of ointment to all problem areas of the skin. Be sure to combine zinc ointment with good moisturizers, as it dries out the skin and can cause flaking and dehydration.

8. Hydrocortisone - the tamer of "crow's feet"

If the grid mimic wrinkles becomes more and more noticeable, you can use hydrocortisone ointment as emergency assistance. it hormonal agent from allergies and skin inflammation retains moisture well, that is, it actually creates swelling that straightens wrinkles. Botox effect on the face!

How to use: Apply to fine lines around the eyes and lips. Before applying, test on a small area of ​​​​skin - whether the ointment will cause an allergic reaction.

9. Vitamins A and E for youthful skin

Cosmetics manufacturers add vitamins A and E to many anti-wrinkle products. So why not take advantage of vitamins in pure form? So they are better absorbed by the skin and do not clog pores. Vitamins A and E are sold in capsules and have a liquid consistency, so they can be used in the same way as skin oil. A and E are the main anti-aging vitamins.

How to use: Prick a vitamin capsule with a needle and apply the oily liquid directly to the wrinkles. Let it soak in and after half an hour blot the rest of the product with a napkin. Add a few drops of vitamins to face masks.

Every woman, no matter what age she is, wants to attract the admiring and greedy glances of men. He wants the powerful female charms to work as before. I want to be as young and beautiful as before.

But for some reason, most women point blank do not notice that today, more than ever, the world offers them in abundance all kinds of remedies for aging skin of the face and body, diets, workouts and much more - and all in order for a woman to feel as long as possible yourself young, healthy and beautiful.

I think you have probably met women who, in their 40s, seem to have not been touched by all the delights of aging: on their face of wrinkles only “ crow's feet”, emphasizing only the cheerfulness and gaiety of their nature, the skin is even, clean - not a hint of pigmentation. She seems to glow from within. Even such women usually have enviable hair: long, shining and Thick hair, which they did not once cut off under the burden of worries, but kept to the envy of their friends and in addition to their charming image. And, of course, the figure. She, as a rule, is not thin, but so fit that it is not a shame to walk along the beach in a bathing suit. And without a pareo!

But there are other women...

And the main difference between these two types is the presence of desire. Not in someone's investments or huge personal expenses, but in a great desire to live a brightly beautiful and healthy life. With such motivation, not only willpower will appear, but also time and opportunities. And more, in fact, nothing is needed.

If you feel that a seed of desire is being born, then go ahead! It's never too late to start.

Below is a selection of tips - remedies for aging skin of the face and body. After carefully studying it, you will notice that by following these recommendations, you will be able to improve not only the condition of the skin of the face and body, hair and nails, but you will also be able to improve your health and correct your figure. Moreover, you will notice the first results in 2-3 weeks.

or how to save facial skin from aging without serious investments

Proper nutrition

In order for the face to be beautiful, in order to restore its freshness and healthy appearance, start not with masks, but with dietary adjustments. Switch to a proper and healthy diet. Forever give up fast food, mayonnaise, ketchup, "universal" seasonings, fried and spicy foods. Allow yourself sweets as little as possible, salt your food less (salt retains fluid in the body and this causes swelling).

Start roasting and stewing your usual meat. Fill up your diet fresh fruit, berries, nuts and vegetables - they contain an incredible amount of vitamins and useful elements, which will very soon put your face in order. By the way, eat as much seafood as possible, because they contain natural collagen. From skin aging, in particular, oysters, mussels, crabs, shrimp and seaweed will be extremely useful.

Take vitamins
Make it a rule to take vitamins regularly and vitamin complexes in tablets.

From the aging of the skin of the face and body, it is extremely important to regularly consume vitamin E. It promotes the synthesis of substances that accelerate the processes of cell regeneration, i.e. its renewal, which is especially important for smoothing the surface of the epidermis and restoring its elasticity. Vitamins of groups A, B, C and D are also useful here. By the way, these same vitamins will help you improve the condition of your hair and nails.

Give up smoking and alcohol

These habits have a strong influence on the acceleration of skin aging. Smoking constricts blood vessels, and as a result, the cells do not receive the right amount of oxygen and nutrients. Because of this, the person becomes earthy tone or covered with pigmentation. Alcohol, on the other hand, disrupts metabolic processes throughout the body, which is indicative of the state of the face.

Take advantage of quality and natural cosmetics

Use base oils and essential oils. Some of them are even capable of smoothing deep wrinkles due to their content huge amount vitamins and elements necessary for nourishing and moisturizing the skin. You can apply oil on your face both in pure form and as part of homemade creams and masks, which will be exclusively natural origin, without adding questionable elements, as is often the case in dermatocosmetics.

Discover Herbs

Chamomile, calendula, hops, linden, mint are extremely effective against skin aging. Cosmetic ice prepared on the basis of herbal decoction is considered one of the most effective means from skin aging. Besides, herbal decoctions used as the main component of homemade lotions and creams.

As for cosmetics, when choosing it, pay attention to the labeling.
It is important that it matches the type and stage of aging of your skin.

If you are over forty, then choose creams containing antioxidants (vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q-10), as they effectively remove harmful substances and protect the skin from free radicals. But in the later stages of aging, use creams that include copper-containing peptides. These substances help to activate the natural processes of skin renewal, which helps to smooth out even deep wrinkles and partially restore elasticity.

Drink plenty of water

In order to speed up metabolic processes, be sure to moisturize it not only from the outside, but also from the inside. A woman should drink at least 1.5 liters of water every day. And not liquids, which are teas, coffee, juices and drinks, namely water. From now on, start your morning with a glass or two of water.

Go in for sports

Sport - is life. Those who go in for sports not only have a toned body and fresh face, but their medical card is much thinner than that of those who categorically do not let sports into their lives.

home cosmetic s face anti aging remedies

Nourishing Anti-Wrinkle Mask Recipe
Take 1 tablespoon of honey, 2 tablespoons of aloe juice, 1 egg yolk and add 3 tablespoons of powdered milk. Mix all the ingredients well and apply the mask for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Mask for aging skin

1 tablespoon cosmetic vaseline or lanolin mixed with 2 tablespoons of aloe juice. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Boil 1 jacket potato, then peel and mash it. In the potato mass, add 1 tablespoon of milk and sour cream and a teaspoon of glycerin and olive oil. Mix well and apply the mixture for 20 minutes. Wash off with warm water.

Take 1 teaspoon of blue clay powder, honey, lemon juice and sour cream. Stir until smooth and apply the mask on the face and neck for 10-15 minutes. Rinse everything off with warm water.

Aloe is the most effective home remedy for skin aging

Aloe juice has always been in service with the most prominent beauties in history. That's why, tested for thousands of years, it is still the 1st remedy to combat any signs of aging.

Lubricate your face with aloe juice at least 2-3 times a week, replacing your night cream. You will notice the results after two weeks of this practice. In order to make juice, you will need a few leaves of 3-year-old aloe. Put them in the refrigerator for 2 weeks, because it is at a low temperature that aloe becomes most useful. Take the leaves out of the refrigerator and rinse them thoroughly. boiled water, and then with a knife or something sharp, remove all the pulp and squeeze it through several layers of gauze. The resulting juice must still be boiled for 3 minutes.

Peeling is an effective remedy for facial aging

Peeling is one of the most effective means in the fight against skin aging. This procedure helps to exfoliate layers of dead cells, accelerates the processes of cell regeneration and the production of collagen and elastin fibers. In other words, peeling restores skin elasticity, helps to smooth out even deep wrinkles, and improves tone.

Peel Recipe: Take 1 teaspoon ground coffee (pre-brewed) and some of your cleanser. Massage your face with the mixture for a minute. Then rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream. Do peeling at least once a week and then after a month you will notice the results.

A century ago, women and girls did not think about such problems as fading facial skin, but along with the development of cosmetology, this issue began to be raised more and more often. When it is possible to take care of yourself, do not delay until the age of 35+, because at this time the epithelium undergoes aging processes that are invisible at first glance. Whether you are in your 20s, 30s, or 50s, homemade anti-aging face masks are something that will make things a lot better! Want to start skin care right from today?

Reasons for aging

No matter how old you are, you need to start on the warpath with wrinkles as early as possible. Fading flabby skin of the face in early age- a consequence of improper and untimely care. Wrinkles in your 20s are almost invisible, especially if you live at a frantic pace. The aging skin of your face as a whole reflects the aging of the body. Mimic, static (decreased tone) and gravitational wrinkles appear.

The general condition depends not only on care, but also on genetic material. In medicine, natural and premature aging are distinguished. The first type is manifested due to changes in biological processes in the body. When cells divide, disturbances can develop that lead to a decrease in the barrier layer. Water loss increases and fibroblasts stop producing required amount collagen and elastin. Premature aging of the skin occurs for the following reasons:

How to stay young after 30

Structure and appearance skin changes with aging. This is a natural process of the body, when the synthesis and exchange of nutrients between cells slows down. The epidermis becomes more vulnerable to external and internal factors. Even the oval and outline of the face changes, because the fading skin at this time becomes flabby, hanging, dehydrated. What care products are needed to delay the aging process after 35 years?

Anti-aging facial treatments in the form of creams and masks are what you need. You should have 3 main products in your skin care: cleansers, toners and moisturizers cosmetics. Exfoliate your skin several times a month. After this procedure, do not forget to use a "soft" care product, for example, a mask to soothe and smooth the surface of the epidermis. Contact professional cosmetologists for peeling, because after it the skin becomes cleansed, saturated with oxygen.

Premature aging really avoid if you do not allow dehydration of the epidermis. Mandatory Care includes the following components: a night cream with regenerating properties, an eye contour serum, a moisturizer for the décolleté, neck, and hands. Procedures that will help rejuvenate the face: masks for aging skin, massages to tone up, essential oils- everything you need. Don't miss the details and care days!

Mask Recipes

Homemade cosmetics are better than store-bought cosmetics, but an excellent effect comes with full comprehensive care. If there free time, then you will definitely like rejuvenating with the help of improvised products, because then you will be sure that there is no chemistry in the recipe and harmful components. Home masks for youthful skin are made at least once a week, the frequency depends on the composition. The main thing in care is systematic. Here are recipes for ages 30+.

  1. Glycerin mask"Youth" with orange. Rejuvenating and toning effect will be provided to you! If the skin type is normal or dry, then 1 crushed orange will suffice. With oily epidermis, it is recommended to use lemon for the base of the mask. Send this slurry into a glass vessel, pour cold water(200 ml), keep in the refrigerator for about a week. After that, filter the infusion, add 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Apply the product to the skin with massaging movements.
  2. Nourishing mask for the face with aloe. There is a rejuvenating, toning effect for the skin. Prepare the aloe ahead of time: refrigerate for 2 weeks. You will need 1 tablespoon of the pressed juice from these leaves, the same amount of olive oil, 1 teaspoon of moisturizing or nourishing cream for the skin. The mixture should be warm, not hot, so warm it up a little in a water bath or in the microwave. Apply the mask around the eyes for 20 minutes, rinse with water. This tool care should be used every evening after washing.

Wrinkle Cream

It will be about professional creams care products designed the best dermatologists peace. Each lifting product that has an anti-aging effect includes collagen, retinol (vitamin A), moisturizing additives, sun filters and hyaluronic acid. The main action of professional cosmetic creams: reduce wrinkle depth. TOP 5 recognized effective means to care for and prolong the youth of your face:

  1. Prescriptives Intensive Rebuilding Moisturizer ($85 for 50ml). Country of manufacture: USA, New York.
  2. Future Perfect Anti-Wrinkle Radiance Cream SPF 15 by Estee Lauder ($50 for 50 ml). Country of manufacture: USA, New York.
  3. Regenerist by Olay ($25 for 50 ml). Country of manufacture: South Africa.
  4. Lancome Resolution D-Contraxol Cream ($45 for 50 ml). Country of manufacture: France, Paris.
  5. Healthy Skin Anti-Wrinkle Cream by Neutrogena ($10 for 30 ml). Country of manufacture: USA, California.

Care after 40 years

Comprehensive three-stage care after 45 years is not all that will provide the desired effect. the main task– to prolong youth without operations. Smooth out wrinkles, restore elasticity with the help of deep peeling, radiofrequency lifting. Both procedures are aimed at additional collagen production, but it is not necessary to do them often. Once every few months is enough for the skin to be tightened.


Properties that your face cream should have: deep nutrition and moisturizing reliable protection from bright sun rays, improving elasticity due to additional substances in the composition, restoration, which will help regenerate cells and tissues, restore after inflammation or irritation. Lifting effect, antioxidant features of the product will help you look younger than you really are.

Lifting masks

facelift folk remedies is also possible. Alternate with cosmetic care and then the effect will please you. Lifting face masks have lifting properties. Popular and effective masks are applied for 10-15 minutes, then gently washed off with water, the face is wiped with a cotton swab. Here's a couple simple recipes:

  1. Protein-oat mixture. Mix 1 beaten protein and a couple of tablespoons of chopped oatmeal. Apply the composition on the face, doing massage movements.
  2. Gelatin and milk. You need to melt the first ingredient according to the instructions. Add 2 times more milk to it.
  3. Potatoes, sour cream and olive oil. It is necessary to boil the vegetable in its uniform, peel, mash with a fork. Add a little olive oil and 20 g of sour cream (a tablespoon) to the potatoes.

Care after 50 years

If you do not want to go into plastic, then your cosmetic bag should have: a moisturizing morning and night cream, which will contain retinol, vitamin E and C, hyaluronic acid, oils, mineral salts, biostimulants. Loose skin the neck should not be left unattended. Ask your beautician which clay and herbs are right for you. home remedy care. The aging skin of the eyelids is also not left without attention; a not too oily, smoothing cream is applied to this area.

Anti-aging face masks at home

Masks for aging skin do not have to be bought in expensive salons. You will need regular food products to provide care: tighten, moisturize, give radiance to your face. A simple mask for every day are fresh cucumbers crushed in a blender. Aloe juice is added to them and for density - wheat flour. Moisturizing effect guaranteed!

The recipe for a moisturizing mask is suitable for any type of epidermis. You will need Art. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. olive oil. Mix the mixture, put for a while in hot water. Warm composition should be applied to the face, after 10-15 minutes, rinse with water. After do light massage fingertips. If your skin begins to fade before your eyes, then this mask with honey in the morning will help you!


The higher the age, the better and more expensive cosmetics should be and always from a professional line. Do not save on trips to beauticians. Top creams praised by dermatologists: Vichy Cellebiotic 60+, Hyalurides Expert, Dr. Sante Argan Oil, Clinians Intense A with Retinol and Carnosine, Dermacol Hyaluron Therapy 3D, Sesderma Retises 0.5%.


Whatever age you are, this information will be extremely useful. Find out the causes of aging of the skin area under the eyes, the increase in the number of wrinkles, methods for reducing them on the face. You need not just to engage in prevention, but to boldly minimize the slightest appearance, because it is unrealistic to completely eliminate wrinkles. With the help of care, it is easy to influence the depth of the wrinkle. To do this, you will need serums, creams, fillers, "reducers" and other means of proven cosmetic brand.

The skin begins to age not only because of age, often the dermis fades ahead of time due to a lack of vitamins. unwanted wrinkles and "crow's feet" around the eyes make the face sad, "not fresh". To avoid this and prevent early aging of the dermis, a woman should take additional supplements. What vitamins to drink from skin aging? Not all nutrients can be obtained from food, some have to be taken additionally.

Ascorbic acid is needed by the body not only for strong immunity. If it is not enough, skin aging begins ahead of time, the dermis becomes flabby, covered age spots. Another interesting fact- Vitamin C strengthens blood vessels. Some women notice that bruises appear on their skin very quickly - this indicates a lack of ascorbic acid.

Grocery list:

  • parsley
  • citrus
  • rose hip
  • apples
  • cabbage
  • spinach.

Important! If a woman is often nervous, there is an acute shortage of vitamin C in her body. In this case, only the ascorbic acid that comes with food will not be enough. You need to buy vitamin C at the pharmacy and drink it additionally (2 times a day, 2 things).

Vitamin E - the source of youth

The beneficial properties of vitamin E for the skin have been known for a long time. It helps slow down the aging process of the skin, protect the face from negative impact ultraviolet rays, accelerate cell regeneration. Vitamin E is great for wrinkles under the eyes. If it is not enough in the body, other vitamins will be absorbed worse. As a result, worsening general state human health, skin aging begins earlier than it could.

Grocery list:

  • germinated wheat grains
  • seeds
  • sea ​​fish.

Vitamin A anti aging skin

A person receives most of it with food. With a lack of vitamin A, the skin becomes dry, the process of its early aging starts, the dermis lacks moisture. Such problems may be faced by those people who eat mainly processed foods.

Grocery list

  • tomatoes
  • cabbage
  • zucchini
  • peaches
  • lettuce
  • sour cream and cottage cheese
  • butter.

Vitamin F against aging of the dermis

Vitamin F is a complex complex that includes many polyunsaturated fatty acids. It enters the body with food, restores the cells of the dermis, makes the face elastic and elastic.

Grocery list:

  • vegetable oils (peanut, sunflower, linseed oils are especially recommended);
  • ordinary seeds (preferably without salt);
  • Brown rice
  • nuts
  • oatmeal.

The daily norm is 12 teaspoons of seeds.

Vitamin K anti aging skin

In order for the face to remain young and beautiful, it is very important. Vitamin K normalizes blood clotting, fights pigmentation, prevents early aging dermis, relieves swelling (bruises and bags under the eyes).

Grocery list:

  • green leafy vegetables
  • Rowan
  • green pea
  • soybean oil
  • fish fat.

B vitamins against skin aging

There are a lot of them in nature. You need to eat a variety of foods so that the body receives them. These substances can slow down the aging process of the skin and improve the general condition of the face, smooth out unwanted.

Grocery list:

  • oatmeal and buckwheat porridge
  • bran
  • chicken liver and eggs
  • Brown rice
  • red meat
  • green vegetables.

Vitamin D for beauty and youthful skin

It is formed under the influence of the sun. Vitamin D is very important for the dermis - it slows down its aging, increases protective functions, accelerates the regeneration of damaged cells.

Grocery list:

  • fish fat
  • sea ​​kale
  • butter.

In order for the skin to remain young and beautiful for as long as possible, it is necessary to give it all the nutrients - this is the only way the aging process of the dermis slows down. Unfortunately, the modern rhythm of life does not always give a person the opportunity to eat right. It is sometimes recommended to drink multivitamin complexes, which are sold in pharmacies.

It is important to pay attention to those drugs, which also contain amino acids. You need to drink such complexes 2-3 times a year for 30 days. When the body will have enough useful substances, skin aging will not bother a person ahead of time, in addition, his general health will improve.
