Do castor oil smear eyelashes. Does castor oil help eyelash growth? Reviews

Being a type of hair, eyelashes have a similar structure, structure and phases. life cycle. The difference is in the function and life span (for eyelashes, it does not exceed 120 days). Each cilium has a stem, root and follicle.

The shaft is the visible part of the eyelash, formed by keratinizing (dying) cells. It consists of the medulla, cortex and cuticle.

The medulla is the "core" of the eyelash. This is a porous formation filled with air, thanks to which the hair retains heat. The intermediate (and main) layer of the eyelash is the cortex. It consists of keratin, melanin and water, providing the eyelash with strength, elasticity and color. And finally, the outer layer - the cuticle - consists of several layers of keratin scales that protect the hair from external influences.

The eyelash root is located under the skin, at a depth of about 2 mm, and contains living dividing hair cells. The beauty of our eyelashes directly depends on the health of the roots.

The follicle is the sac that contains the root of the eyelash. It protects and gives the cells everything they need to live. Muscles are "brought" to the follicle, blood vessels, nerve fibers, sebaceous and sweat gland.

Why Castor Oil Helps Eyelashes

Unique composition. Castor oil contains a complex of fatty acids, from which the cells of integumentary tissues, including eyelashes, are built. Other oils are also rich in fatty acids, but most of them (especially PUFAs) quickly oxidize and polymerize into normal conditions. Castor oil, on the other hand, consists of 80-90% ricinoleic acid, which does not easily react and prevents the oxidation of other fatty acids contained in the oil (linoleic, oleic, etc.).

High penetrating power. The molecular size of castor oil is relatively small, so it penetrates deeper than other oils and is better absorbed.

The effect of castor oil on eyelashes

According to users, Castor oil:

  • strengthens eyelashes, prevents loss;
  • improves their structure and appearance;
  • accelerates the growth of eyelashes;
  • thickens hairs;
  • makes eyelashes thicker;
  • lengthens;
  • makes lashes darker.

Is it true? In what cases can you expect results? Let's consider everything in order.

Strengthening eyelashes with castor oil is due to its excellent nutritional properties, which were discussed above. To reduce the loss of eyelashes, you need to use oil regularly for 3-4 weeks. Application will speed up the result by about 2 times.

Improving the structure and appearance. This effect appears faster than the others. Castor oil is viscous and viscous, it “glues” protruding cuticle scales well. Due to this, the eyelashes become smoother, as if combed. They seem to grow more evenly.

Acceleration of eyelash growth. With a long regular use eyelashes grow a little faster - due to nutritional action castor oil. The effect is long term.

Thickening. From position common sense eyelashes, thin by nature, cannot become thicker. However, fans of castor oil often describe this effect. It is apparently due to the fact that the hairs soaked in castor oil retain moisture better and due to this slightly thicken.

Increasing the density of eyelashes. Since the number of hair follicles is laid down by nature, castor oil is not able to increase their number and, consequently, the number of cilia. Often the "thickness effect" appears due to the thickening of the hairs and giving the eyelashes a neat appearance.

But if the absence of eyelashes is associated with diseases of the skin of the eyelids, castor oil can really help. The oil relieves irritation, regenerates, restores the functional activity of the skin of the eyelids, and therefore the hair follicles.

Eyelash extension. First of all you will notice visual effect- the tips of the eyelashes darken and seem to lengthen. With prolonged use of castor oil, the visual effect will turn into a real one - the eyelashes are longer in the growth phase and grow to the maximum possible length.

Color change. If you have light eyelashes, after a month you will notice that they have darkened slightly. Why? The color of eyelashes depends on the ratio of two types of melanin, one of which gives the eyelashes a brown color, and the other yellow. In blondes, the second type predominates. The ratio of both types of melanin is determined by genes and cannot change under the influence of castor oil. However, due to the thinnest non-drying oil film natural color eyelashes become brighter. Blonde eyelashes will not become burning black, but will only get more deep shade fair-haired.

Strengthening eyelashes with castor oil

If you are satisfied with the quality of your eyelashes in general, but you want to give them gloss, lubricate them with a small amount of oil daily or every other day. To achieve the result, it is important to observe the following rules.

Use oil regularly at least 2 times a week. Improvement will come in 1-1.5 months. After the desired result is achieved, you can take a break, and then return to the use of castor (or other nutritious) oil.

Don't use oil and mascara at the same time- the result will be negative both in terms of benefits (eyelashes are saturated not with oil, but with an incomprehensible mixture) and beauty (mascara, even waterproof, will spread under the influence of oil).

For routine care take some oil. Castor oil is dense and thick: one drop contains more substance than other oils. At the same time, it is very fluid - it is quickly distributed over surfaces, penetrating into the smallest cracks. Average consumption: 0.5-1 drop per lash line.

For ease of use, it is better to pour the oil into a thoroughly washed mascara bottle and apply with a brush. For application, a sponge, an eyeshadow brush and a regular cotton swab are suitable.

The easiest way is to use castor emulsion. The emulsion has a more liquid consistency, is packaged in bottles with an applicator, when applied it is easier to dose.

How to smear eyelashes with castor oil

You can smear eyelashes with castor oil in different ways - depending on the problem and the desired result. For normal care, application up to half the length is sufficient. It is not necessary to touch the eyelids - the oil itself will penetrate the root along the hair. This the way is fine those who have hypersensitivity eyelid and eye.

If you want to re-grow eyelashes, restore them after extension or eyelid disease, activate the nutrition of the roots by applying oil along the growth line. The main thing is not to overdo it with the quantity. It is best to apply castor oil by gently touching the skin with a cotton swab. Be sure to remove excess oil with a napkin.

Eyelash treatment with castor oil

  • with increased loss of eyelashes;
  • after extension;
  • with diseases of the eyelids, as well as dryness and irritation of the skin.

Treatment is a deeper effect on the roots of the eyelashes and the skin of the eyelids. Main method- applications (mini-compresses with castor oil). We take cotton flagella, soak with oil and apply along the lash line for 10-15 minutes. We repeat 2-3 times a week. Course duration - from 2 months to six months. The use of castor emulsion speeds up the process by half. When desired result reached, do maintenance procedures for some time (every 7-10 days).

Eyelash masks with castor oil

They exist great amount. I will give only the simplest and most effective. It is better to alternate masks periodically.

Vitamin mask. Mix vitamins A and E (or the drug "Aevit") with castor oil at the rate of 3 to 1. Shake well. Saturate thin cotton flagella with the composition and put on the eyelids along the lash line. Avoid contact with eyes. Keep 5-15 minutes. Thoroughly pat leftovers cotton pad. A few hours later, you can apply mascara.

Oil mask. Take in equal proportions castor, burdock and almond oil, mix well. Apply with a thoroughly rinsed mascara brush or as a compress. Hold for 5-15 minutes, thoroughly blot the remnants with a cotton pad.

An aloe mask is especially good if one of the causes of eyelash loss is irritated eyelid skin. Mix 1 part aloe juice well with 2 parts castor oil. Apply to the eyelids before going to bed in the form of mini compresses. Keep aloe leaves in the refrigerator before preparing the mask. dark place 7-10 days. Store the mask in the refrigerator, shake well before use.

Herbal mask. Take castor oil, chamomile oil extract and calendula oil extract in equal proportions, mix thoroughly. Store in a dry dark place. You can apply the mask with a brush, in the form of compresses, or simply lubricate the eyelids with a thin layer at night. Instead of oil extracts you can take a decoction (2-3 parts of decoction to 1 part of oil), in this case the mixture is used immediately after preparation.

Castor oil for eyelashes. Reviews

Advantages of active castor oil "Riciniol" for eyelashes

  • liquid consistency;
  • high penetrating power;
  • fast digestibility;
  • ease of application (bottle with applicator);
  • the result is twice as fast.

It's amazing how sometimes nature plays with man. One plant can harm irreparably and bring extraordinary benefits.

Any part of the castor bean, the plant from which the oil is extracted, is poisonous. for the human and animal body. Enough 0.5 milligrams to die or permanently lose health. At the same time, people "tamed" castor bean oil and found both internal and external use for it.

Can you use castor oil on your face? It's strange that anyone else has this question. It is possible and necessary! The main thing to remember about safety rules and recommendations of cosmetologists and dermatologists.

In this article:

The Most Important Rule

Any oil, vegetable or essential, be sure to test for an allergic reaction before use.

Apply a small amount of oil to inner part elbow or wrist. Apart from the face, these are the most tender and sensitive areas on the body.

If in 2-3 hours there is no burning sensation or other unpleasant feeling See how your skin reacts. Rash, redness and other unnatural metamorphoses say that this remedy is not suitable for you.. Do not persuade yourself, the body can not be deceived!

The recipe for applying "clean" castor oil on the face

  1. Thoroughly clean your face from dirt, sweat, cosmetics.
  2. Cover your face with a hot towel to open your pores.
  3. Pour a few drops of castor oil into a container.
  4. Wet your fingers and massage lightly onto the skin.
  5. If your face is prone to swelling, wash off the oil after 15 minutes.

Three main "don'ts"

  1. Apply to wet skin;
  2. Allow contact with open or bleeding wounds, pimples, scratches;
  3. Increase dosage for better/faster results.

Castor oil without additional ingredients can be used in case of cleansing or whitening the face.

Pure castor bean oil is desirable to use in extreme cases when without aggressive impact not enough. For example, you need to get rid of a wart or skin growth.

Freckles and other age spots should be treated pointwise. Periodic lubrication will make them almost invisible.

What are the benefits of castor oil for the face

IN pure form or added to a cream or lotion, castor oil is productive:

  • nourishes;
  • moisturizes;
  • cleanses;
  • whitens;
  • protects the skin from exposure low temperatures in the autumn-winter period;
  • restores the protective abilities of the epidermis;
  • normalizes the metabolic process;

Castor bean oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

Castor oil will help those with skin:

  • dry;
  • oily;
  • mature;
  • problematic;
  • haggard;
  • fading;
  • prone to pimples and acne.

The composition of the oil includes vitamins A and E, which synthesize collagen and elastin, which affects the firmness and elasticity of the skin. palmitic fatty acid helps other active substances to penetrate into the lower layers of the skin.

It also effectively fights with the following "misunderstandings":

  • age spots (freckles and age spots);
  • black dots;
  • wrinkles and folds (facial and age-related);
  • clogged pores;
  • and peeling.

To enhance the benefits of castor oil when used on the face, before combining with other components, heat it in a water bath to 35 - 40 ° C. Due to this, castor oil is absorbed faster, and chemical reactions at the cellular level are accelerated.

However, if you need to add an egg, heating will have to be abandoned, as the protein in the hot liquid will curdle.

The same applies to essential oils, - under influence high temperatures they lose the ability to produce the desired result.

Reviews of users and cosmetologists


“I use castor oil in summer and winter. My skin is normal additional care does not require. But in winter - sometimes cold and snow, sometimes wind and rain.

Like that skin does not clog, no oily sheen, the film does not tighten. I put it on in the morning and it lasts all day.

In the summer I save myself from freckles and spots. Castor oil noticeably whitens them, the skin becomes one color.


“I use castor oil all the time. Since I met him 8 years ago, I never leave. I just take breaks sometimes. I am delighted with it! Pigmentation is gone, small wrinkles around the eyes, pimples are noticeably smoothed out on the cheeks, as soon as they announce their imminent appearance, they immediately attack ruthlessly and quickly retreat. The face itself looks young, healthy, pleasant to the touch, smooth and velvety.

Here is my recipe:

I take 1 part, castor, or olive (I change them) oil. I mix, heat it in a water bath and drive it into wrinkles for 5-7 minutes. I carry out the procedure in the morning and in the evening for a month, then 2 weeks - a break.


You will need:

  • 5 ml castor oil
  • 5 g alcohol solution of calendula;
  • 1 egg white;
  • 1 aspirin.

Mix oil, calendula and protein. Grind the tablet to a powder and add to the mask. Mix well so that there are no sticky lumps of the tablet left.

We clean the face, I use micellar water, and steam it with a warm towel. Apply 3-4 thin layers on the face and wash off with warm water after 5 minutes.


“I have had very dry skin since birth. Salvation was found only in a mask of castor oil. After one month of use, the skin does not peel off, it becomes soft, smooth, the feeling that it is constantly tightening is gone. I used the classic recipe without additions.


“At first I did not believe in the omnipotence of this oil, but after my mother’s “rays” around the eyes almost completely disappeared, and the wrinkles on her forehead noticeably smoothed out, I changed my mind. I was convinced that the reviews about castor oil for the face from wrinkles did not lie.

After the first few uses pure oil I noticed that my skin became lighter and gained healthy look. Now, together with my mother, we are saved from age spots and freckles on the face with such a recipe.

  • 1 teaspoon of castor oil;
  • 1 st. l. juice or semi-liquid mass of an additional ingredient;
  • 1 st. l. honey or kefir.

We combine everything, mix well and spread on the face. Wash off with warm water after 15 minutes.


“I save myself from wrinkles in this way:

1. In a teaspoon of eye cream, I add 3 drops of castor oil. I mix with a toothpick, a skewer will also work. I dip my fingers and apply to the skin with patting movements. I do this every day of the month, then a pause - 2 weeks.

Elena Vladimirovna, dermatologist

“To overcome acne, boils or minor inflammation, add a little sea buckthorn oil to castor bean oil. The latter has anti-inflammatory properties and is effective in combating different kind ulcers, abscesses and other inflammatory processes.

To remove age spots, it is enough to rub castor oil into them in the morning and evening for 20 minutes. It's also easy to get rid of warts."


Face mask with castor oil and glycerin

You will need a glycerin-vitamin mixture (at the rate of 30 ml per 10 ampoules).

  • Glycerin + Vitamin E (1 tsp);
  • Common chamomile (1 tbsp. L);
  • Castor oil (1 tsp);
  • Camphor oil (1 tsp).

In a mixture of glycerin and vitamin E, add a decoction of chamomile, prepared according to the recipe on the package, and oils. Mix thoroughly.

Apply to clean skin faces 2 hours before bedtime. Rinse is not necessary, but excess after 15 minutes can be removed with a napkin.

Mask for dry aging skin with honey

It will take

  • castor oil (10 ml);
  • milk;
  • oatmeal (30 g);
  • natural honey (40 g);

Priority of actions

  1. Boil the flakes in milk and wait until they cool to a temperature slightly above room temperature.
  2. Add oil.
  3. Lightly heat the honey and add to the cereal with butter.
  4. Mix and apply thickly on the skin.
  5. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.

If the mask contains only oils, they can be heated in a water bath in one container, the main thing is to stir the mixture thoroughly.

When cooking cosmetic masks use ceramic or glassware.

Metal utensils can cause oxidation of certain ingredients.

For oily skin

You will need the following oils:

  • castor beans;
  • linen;
  • hemp;
  • olive.

Mix, heat over low heat. Rub into the skin in a circular motion until lumps form under the fingers.

Vegetable oils are wonderful natural remedies. Use them only do not forget to pay attention to the manufacturer, expiration date and the place where it is sold.

If you have your own secrets for using castor oil for facial skin, please do not be greedy and share.

Perhaps it is your recipe or advice that will save someone's face.

Useful video

A few more recipes.

In contact with

We have all been familiar with castor oil since childhood. Personally, we always had this oil at home. It is suitable for both outdoor and indoor use.

Castor oil obtained from castor bean - an African plant, which botanists refer to euphorbia. This bush, or tree, grows in the northeast of the African continent; can live 10 years and reach a height of 10 m, but in the northern regions this plant is not so tall - it is a shrub, a little over 2 m, and people often consider castor beans an ornamental plant, not having a clue about its benefits and medicinal properties.

I have only used it before cosmetic purposes- mainly for the growth of eyelashes.

Surprisingly, the effect of the oil was quick and noticeable. Because it has a very thick and nutritious texture. Literally in a week, the cilia were denser and longer.

Now I use this oil for other purposes, for example, I took it orally as a bowel cleanse. I'll tell you more about this below. ▼▼▼

Where do I use castor oil?

Be sure to heat up the oil. I immediately warmed up in jars (put them in hot water), and then poured them into a ceramic container.

Castor oil is true universal remedy. It can be used both externally and internally. But not all castor oil that is sold is so good, they differ markedly in quality from each other. How better quality, the better the effect.

I don’t know how it is in other cities, but in Krasnodar and Penza this oil has increased dramatically in price (from 11 rubles to 70 rubles per 30 ml), which does not make me very happy. Probably cut a chip. what is good and useful

Castor oil (lat. Oleum Ricini) - castor bean oil - "castor oil" - vegetable oil extracted from the fruits of the castor bean plant ( Ricinus communis L.), is a mixture of glycerides of ricinoleic, linoleic and oleic acids.


properties of castor oil

Castor oil is a pale yellow liquid with a mild odor and a specific, somewhat unpleasant taste. Oil High Quality obtained by cold pressing, the method of hot pressing and solvent extraction is used to obtain oil of lower quality.

The boiling point of castor oil is 313 degrees Celsius or 595 Fahrenheit, with a density of 961 kilograms per cubic meter. We can confidently assume that castor oil has the highest density among others. vegetable oils and has a high viscosity. Castor oil does not form a film and does not dry out.

This oil can be mixed with chloroform, absolute alcohol, ether and acetic acid. The oil is soluble in ethanol, does not oxidize in air, solidifies at a temperature of 16 degrees Celsius, forming a pasty whitish mass.

Castor oil is resistant to rancidity, shelf life, subject to storage rules, up to two years. Storage conditions are the same as for others natural oils: in a closed container, in a cool, dark place. After opening the container, store in the refrigerator.

Castor oil is 85% ricinoleic acid, making it a valuable chemical raw material. Oleic acid (2%), linoleic acid (1%), linolenic, stearic and palmitic acids (0.5% each), other acids (0.5%).

Castor seed contains ricin, which is toxic. Therefore, the picking of castor beans is not without risk to the health of the pickers, who often suffer from harmful side effects. These health issues contribute to the search alternative sources receiving essential acids. In addition, some researchers have attempted to genetically modify castor beans to prevent ricin synthesis.

The main producers of castor beans and castor oil are India, Brazil and China. The United States is the main industrial consumer of these products.

To the most valuable properties castor oil, which are actively used in cosmetology, include the following:

  • softening and nourishing the skin, including dry and sensitive; the use of oil helps to reduce peeling and excessive dryness of the skin;
  • skin whitening; oil helps to reduce the manifestations of age spots, can make, visually, freckles less noticeable;
  • with constant use of oil, you can even out skin tone, smooth out its irregularities;
  • castor oil can have a rejuvenating effect on the skin and eliminate shallow wrinkles;
  • castor oil is used to strengthen and grow hair, eyelashes and eyebrows;
  • to a lesser extent, castor oil, is used to eliminate cracks in the skin, minor scars and skin growths, warts; used to remove calluses and corns on the legs.

Castor oil application

Castor oil and its derivatives are used in various fields:

  1. Manufacture of industrial products: synthetic resins and fibers, paints and dyes, coatings, cold-resistant plastics, hydraulic and brake fluids, waxes and polishes, nylon.
  2. Perfumery industry: soaps and lubricants, hair oil.
  3. Food industry: additives and flavors.
  4. Pharmaceutical industry: as a component for the manufacture of medicines.
  5. Castor oil is widely used medicinally to treat conditions such as: arthritis, muscle pain, leg pain, insomnia, skin infections, menstrual cramps, yeast infections, infections Bladder, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, hair loss.
  6. In cosmetology: for the manufacture of masks from castor oil for hair and skin; use of oil for hair growth, eyelashes and eyebrows.

Castor oil for hair

Castor oil is extremely effective for treating dry, brittle and damaged hair. The use of oil can help restore hair as the oil provides a moisturizing effect on the hair and scalp. This moisture easily penetrates deep into the pores, down to the roots of the hair, which guarantees long-term, thorough moisturizing of the hair and scalp.

Applying oil to the ends of your hair will help prevent split ends.

Castor oil hair mask

You will need: castor oil, towel, plastic sheet, hair shampoo.

Your actions: apply oil to the roots and scalp with your fingers. Make sure you spread the oil evenly on your skin. After applying to the scalp, cover the hair with a plastic sheet and wrap it in a towel. Let the oil stay on the hair roots for 15 minutes. Wash your hair with shampoo to remove castor oil residue. Do this castor oil mask once a week for 6-8 weeks to see results.

In the alternative medicine environment, castor oil for hair growth has been around for a long time.

Jamaican Black Castor Oil has received rave reviews from people around the world for its natural ability to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss. Black castor oil is produced by roasting. black color and strong smell Jamaican black castor oil is associated with a roasting process that produces chemical changes in the oil itself.

The use of this form of oil stimulates the production of keratin, which promotes hair growth. However, this only partially explains the effectiveness of black castor oil in the treatment of hair loss, the exact mechanism of its action is not known.

People who use Jamaican Black Castor Oil for a few months usually see increased hair growth and volume.

Hair is visually healthy and attractive.

Jamaican Black Castor Oil Hair Mask

Action: Apply Jamaican black castor oil directly to hair and scalp for 15 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and mild shampoo. This mask twice a week will give noticeable results within a few weeks.

Caution: Some people experience itching and discomfort when using pure oil due to its concentrated state.

If this phenomenon is typical for you, mix the oil with shampoo.

Regular use of castor oil on the hair roots and scalp helps:

  1. Enhance hair growth.
  2. Reduce and prevent hair damage.
  3. Make hair thicker and shinier.
  4. Prevent dry scalp.
  5. Deeply moisturize hair and scalp.
  6. Boost general state hair health.

Applying oil to your hair is just one of the strategies designed to stimulate hair growth. Having a healthy diet (using foods that contain essential vitamins for hair), healthy sleep and regular physical exercise will help improve hair health.

According to the Handbook of Dermatology: Practical guide", castor oil has many uses, including in promoting more rapid growth eyebrows. Just a few minutes, once or twice a day, is needed to treat the eyebrows with the oil mixture, for optimal results.

  1. Thoroughly clean the eyebrows and the skin around them with baby shampoo. Choice in favor baby shampoo due to the fact that it is quite soft detergent in case of contact with eyes.
  2. Soak a cotton swab with caste oil and apply it in a thin layer to one of your eyebrows. Repeat this procedure on the other eyebrow using a clean cotton swab.
  3. In the morning, rinse eyes and eyebrows with warm water, then cool water.

Castor oil is an ingredient in many traditional means used for eyelash care. Although there is some controversy regarding the use this oil for eyelash growth, we can say that there are many positive feedback after applying the oil to resolve this issue.

  1. Remove the brush from the old mascara bottle and clean it completely. Make sure there are no traces of makeup on the brush before using it to apply castor oil.
  2. Wash your face and remove all traces of makeup from your eyelashes and eyebrows. Dip the brush in castor oil, press the brush against the sides of the container to remove excess oil. It is important to apply only a thin layer of oil on the eyelashes.
  3. Apply the oil to your lashes the way you would apply mascara, from root to tip. Be careful not to get oil in your eyes.
  4. Leave castor oil overnight. Rinse your eyelashes in the morning before applying makeup.

Precautions: Do not use the oil if you are allergic to it. In some cases, the oil can contribute to conjunctivitis.

Castor oil for face

Castor oil is effective tool to fight bacteria and fungi, causing infections on the face. In addition to eliminating harmful bacteria, oil is a natural emollient that can effectively retain moisture in the skin, reduce dehydration, and keep the skin fresh and radiant. Finally, the oil is rich in antioxidants that help prevent premature aging skin.

Castor oil for acne treatment

Treatment begins with the process of opening the pores. Take a large pot of boiled hot water and place it on a stable surface so that it does not tip over, but you can comfortably stand over it. The water should float, but the steam should not burn.

Place a towel over your head and let the steam rise to your face. The steam will open the pores and make the castor oil treatment more effective.

After that, wipe your face with a clean towel. Apply a small amount of oil to a natural fiber cloth and using the cloth, apply the oil all over the face in a circular motion. Make sure you include all problem areas of the skin.

After a few hours, remove any remaining oil from your face. For this procedure, use clean towel, which moisten in warm water and apply to the face, then moisten again in warm water and apply again to the face. Do not rub or stretch the skin and make sure all oil has been removed. Then rinse your face with cool water to close the pores.

Precautions A: In most cases, this treatment works well. However, those who have very sensitive skin and there is a possibility of allergy, try this treatment on a small area of ​​skin and observe possible reactions. If after applying the oil the skin condition worsens, it is necessary to stop the treatment and visit a dermatologist.

castor oil for removal of warts and papillomas

Warts can be removed by the following manipulations: castor oil, very carefully so as not to injure the neoplasm, rub in massaging movements for about ten minutes. The procedure is carried out up to five times a day for a month.

Pigmented spots on the skin can be made less noticeable or until they are completely removed by carrying out the same manipulations, but twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.

Castor oil will help remove the manifestation of papillomas on the body as follows: rub the oil in the morning and evening on the papillomas (very gently, without injuring them physically). The result can be observed only after a month of using this treatment.

Castor oil in folk medicine

The use of castor oil (or castor oil) in home medicine dates back to ancient times. This remedy, as a healer, was applied to almost all diseases, ranging from skin and genital diseases to all colds. Actively used to stimulate labor and treat problems gastrointestinal tract. It was used, as a rule, by ingestion and as compresses.

It is impossible to say for sure whether castor oil really helped from all ailments, or whether the placebo effect worked, or whether other means that were used in parallel helped. However, to this day there have been many old recipes use of castor oil as a panacea. Follow the instructions of such recipes, you must be very careful. Each person must remember that unauthorized treatment, through ignorance, can lead to irreversible consequences.

It is now well known that the use of castor oil can stimulate tribal activity and its use during pregnancy may cause premature birth. Therefore, pregnant women should not use castor oil.

Reception and use of castor oil can take place only on the recommendation of a doctor, since when prescribing the drug, the specialist must be sure that you have no contraindications to this remedy.

Warnings and Precautions

  1. Not all types of castor oil on the market are intended for internal use.
  2. Some manufacturers sell a fake version of Jamaican black castor oil by adding a dye to the regular oil. The genuine version has a distinct, ashy smell.
  3. Castor oil is not recommended for pregnant women without the consent of a healthcare professional.
  4. The first signs of an overdose, with the internal use of oil inside, are nausea, abdominal pain, colic.
  5. In case of poisoning with other fat-soluble compounds, such as benzene, phosphorus, or extracts (extracts) of other plants, for example, male fern extract, you should stop taking castor oil and preparations based on it. Further resumption of taking castor oil or its combinations with the consent of the attending physician.
It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting any medications or procedures using castor oil.

Medicine and cosmetology widely use various oils in practice. Some of them help get rid of bacteria, others help to heal the skin. In this article we will talk about a remedy called "Castor Oil". What it is used for, you will find out below. Separately, it is worth mentioning the benefits and harms of this drug.

Castor oil

What is used for this remedy? Currently, it is widely used in medicine for the treatment of certain diseases. Beauticians also use castor oil. It's no secret that the drug can treat

Get a remedy from castor beans. This fast growing plant produces fruits in the form of seeds. They are used to prepare the composition. It is worth noting that castor oil can be prepared by cold pressing or hot pressing. In this case, the choice of one or another means depends entirely on the method of its use. Some types of castor oil should not be taken orally. This may lead to poisoning. That is why before using the drug you need to carefully read the instructions or get the advice of a specialist.

Benefit of the remedy

You can buy castor oil at the pharmacy without a prescription. This tool has a wide spectrum of action. Many experts recommend that women and men use the drug in medicinal purposes. What is the use of this composition?

Castor oil is great for the skin. It is able to rejuvenate, enhance collagen production and tighten sagging areas. Also, the drug and promotes the healing of inflamed areas. In addition, castor oil can whiten and eliminate warts and papillomas.

This oil is used for hair. Perhaps, this way application is the most common. Castor oil activates the work of hair follicles, due to which enhanced hair growth occurs. Also, the tool can affect eyelashes and eyebrows in a similar way. This is especially true for the weaker sex.

Many people do cleansing with castor oil. The tool activates the work of the stomach and intestines. After taking the oil, peristalsis and muscle contractility increase. Many women who are waiting for the birth of a baby use the drug to bring the date of birth closer. However, this should only be done as directed by a doctor.

If you purchased castor oil in a pharmacy, then you can safely use it for treatment. The tool is an analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating composition.

Harm of castor oil

Treatment with castor oil is not allowed for everyone. If your skin is prone to allergic reaction, then such an impact can lead to unexpected consequences.

With improper use of the drug inside, nausea and diarrhea occur. Often such poisoning requires urgent medical care and gastric lavage.

When applied to the eye area (eyelashes and eyebrows), swelling may occur. This is caused by improper application of the composition.

what is used?

As you already know, the drug has a beneficial effect on the skin of the body, face, hair and internal organs. Many women use this composition to lose weight. For men, the tool helps during active training and building. muscle mass. Castor oil can be used in a variety of ways. It all depends on your end goal. Consider the basic recipes and methods for using this tool.

For hair

Most often, the tool is used to restore and enhance hair growth. At the same time, burdock and castor oil are mixed. Before and after the procedure, the hair looks completely different. The photo posted above will help to make sure of this.

If you want to receive thick hair, which will radiate health, then proceed as follows. Mix 20 grams of castor oil and then heat the composition in a water bath or microwave. Twice a week, apply the composition to the hair roots. To do this, dip your fingertips in the composition and rub the preparation into the scalp with massaging movements. Next, cover the hair with a plastic cap and wrap terry towel. In this state, you need to be about two hours. After that, you need to wash off the oil from the head with a regular shampoo. Remember that the composition is quite difficult to remove from the hair. That is why washing should consist of two or three stages.

To enhance the growth of eyebrows or eyelashes, the drug should be used in its pure form. The best way to apply the product is with an old mascara brush. To do this, thoroughly wash the inside of the case and the brasmatik itself. After that, place a few grams of castor oil in the package and shake thoroughly. Brush your eyebrows and eyelashes daily with this brush. Remember that you should not use the composition before bedtime and during makeup.

For skin and face

What else is castor oil used for? Cosmetologists actively use the composition to restore the dermis. It is worth noting that the oil is suitable for almost all skin types. However, it needs to be used differently in each case.

For dry skin

To restore the dermis and give it elasticity, it is necessary to make masks with castor oil. To do this, take one egg yolk and beat it up. Add a spoonful of honey and 5 grams of castor oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply the composition on the face. Hold the mask for 20 minutes, then rinse off.

For oily and problem skin

Castor oil has a regenerating effect. It is able to eliminate acne and heal inflamed areas. For oily skin better make lotion. mix lemon juice in the amount of 100 milliliters with grated cucumber. Add a few drops of castor oil to this and stir. Wipe the composition of the face skin daily. If desired, you can freeze the solution in ice and use in the morning as a tonic.

For normal skin

Castor oil helps prevent aging and get rid of mimic wrinkles. For such an effect, simply add a few drops of the drug to your usual face cream and mix it thoroughly. Use the product as usual or as needed.

To get rid of warts and papillomas

Castor oil can get rid of skin growths. However, you must always remember that self-medication can lead to unexpected consequences. So, with oncological formations, it is strictly forbidden to use such a technique.

For and warts, apply a drop pure composition for education. After that, seal the skin area with a plaster or apply a bandage. Do this every day before bed. After a few days, you will notice that the growth has become smaller. Over time, it will completely disappear.

During pregnancy

Often expectant mothers are faced with the problem of discharge stool. This is caused by squeezing the intestines and inhibiting its peristalsis. For treatment, physicians prescribe medications which may adversely affect the development of the fetus.

Gynecologists say that it is better to use castor oil in capsules. However, it can be taken only in the third trimester and only as directed by a doctor. Do not exceed the dosage yourself, as this can cause premature contractions.

Over time, expectant mothers can use the so-called birth cocktail. It promotes contraction of the uterus and shortening of the cervix. Remember that only your gynecologist should make such an appointment.

To cleanse the body

Castor oil is able to cleanse the vessels and intestines of a person. To do this, it must be consumed regularly. used in the amount of one teaspoon. At the same time, you can drink the drug on an empty stomach for more fast action or add to salads and other foods.

For the treatment of arthritis

The tool can relieve pain and relieve inflammation. So, you can use it to treat arthritis, inflammation of the ligaments and joints. In this case, you need to make sure that there is no fracture in the diseased area.

Take it and roll it up in several layers. After that, soak the material with pure castor oil and heat it up slightly. Put a bandage on sore spot and leave for about one hour. After the specified time, remove the compress and rub the affected area with the oil remaining on the body.


So, you now know the pros and cons of castor oil. You have also found out the main ways to use this tool. As you can see, the drug has a wide spectrum of action. This substance should always be present in the home first aid kit. You can buy it in any pharmacy chain. average cost one vial liquid composition is in the range from 30 to 70 rubles.

Use only safe and proven products. Before using for a particular purpose, you should consult with a specialist and test for the possibility of an allergic reaction. Health to you!
