The difference between Veo and German. East European Shepherd Dog: breed description, character and owner reviews

Before making a choice between the two breeds, it is necessary to understand how the East European Shepherd Dog differs from the German. In spite of a large number of common features, dogs have significant differences that may be key.

What is the difference between a German Shepherd and an Eastern European in appearance

Male East European Shepherds weigh 35–60 kg and females 30–50 kg.

The breeds differ in the following external features:

  • Eastern European is noticeably larger and weighs 7–10 kg more.
  • In a German Shepherd, the back is at an angle of 20 degrees, while in another breed it is almost even.
  • Rib cage in Eastern European individuals it is wider.
  • In a German Shepherd, the front legs are longer than the hind legs and are more apart than in the second breed.
  • Eastern European dogs have a medium-sized coat, in the "Germans" it can be longer.
  • The main color of shepherd dogs of German origin is black-and-red (from light yellow to red), gray with black is possible. Color palette the other species is much poorer. It is presented in pure black or with an admixture of black-backed, there are also shades from gray to fawn.

Both breeds prefer to trot, but the German Shepherd does it more smoothly. Eastern European runs with sharp sweeping movements.

Endurance is better in the German Shepherd, but in the sprint it is inferior to the Eastern European


More adventurous German Shepherds are easier to train

Sheepdogs have a lot in common in character, but there are also differences. german dogs more emotional and quick-tempered. They love attention and are always happy to talk to people. The "Germans" also have low independence and are more guided by the host's commands. Dogs of this species are easier to digest new information. For them, there is no single authoritative person; dogs equally obey the whole family, including children. During games, the dog often loses control of himself and can go beyond what is permitted.

East European Shepherds are calm and balanced, it is more difficult to make contact with people and do not like large crowds of people, which makes them nervous. They are more willful and stubborn. Dogs choose one master and obey only him. The intelligence of the two species is about the same.

Which breed is better

Both dogs are equally good, and the choice between them should be made based on the goals and character of the future owner. For active people better fit german breed, Eastern European will be an ideal companion for calm and balanced breeders.

From the point of view of development and features, breeding in Germany and Russia are two intra-breed types, different from each other. Eastern European The shepherd dog has a wonderful balanced character and excellent working qualities. Her gaze radiates deep and intelligence. Grace, strength and self-esteem are emphasized in her movements, which make even the indifferent draw attention to themselves.

The East European Shepherd Dog is unusually sociable, obedient and understanding. She doesn't have to repeat the same thing over and over again. Being at home, she gladly takes part in your affairs, and is ready for anything that her master, whom she adores, does not wish. On the street, she will not let you stand just like that, because one of her favorite pastimes is playing with sticks.

Sheepdog is loyal and loves children very much. FROM great concern takes them under his protection. Bad temper is not peculiar to dogs of this breed, more often it is the result of bad upbringing. A shepherd dog suffering from idleness can cause a lot of trouble to you and others. Therefore, it requires classes, games, long walks. The East European Shepherd is a large, strong-boned dog, correct proportions, with good limbs. The topline is smooth, sloping, with well-defined withers. Height at the withers 65-70 cm. These exterior data distinguish VEO from her sister- German Shepherd, which is of medium height, black and red, with a slightly arched topline.

The first German Shepherds brought from Germany to Russia had a common ancestor - Horand von Grafrath. Subsequently, as you know, a type of German Shepherd was formed in Russia, which outwardly is very different from the Western one. Its name is influenced historical events: war, struggle with foreign names, and today the well-known "East European Shepherd Dog" is firmly entrenched.

The founders of the modern German Shepherd line in Russia were Dewet von Furtensteg and Edi von Blumenduft, Ingul (owner Golovanov), Degai (owner Sasonov). Taishet (owner Sveshnikova), Dick (owner Nutsubidze), Mine (owner Kazakov) and others became those sires whose distant 414 FF descendants now shine at exhibitions.

In the eighties, the export of German Shepherds from abroad increased. Many shepherd lovers became interested in the western type, more fashionable, which gradually began to supplant the national type. As you know, the breed standard is influenced by the country that legislates the breed. This led to the fact that it became inappropriate to judge dogs belonging to two different types in one ring. Very often, East European Shepherds lost to more correctly built, although not the best, representatives of the German Shepherd.

The first all-Union exhibition in 1989 almost became the last for the East European Shepherd Dog. The reports rightly pointed out the shortcomings of the exterior and behavior, but the recommendations for further breeding of this breed were very categorical. Still a few years ago, and we probably could have known about this type only from the remaining photographs.

Many clubs, especially in Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, and a little later in Moscow and Leningrad and some other regions, completely reoriented breeding, using imported producers on their breeding stock, so to speak, of the national type. From the first matings of the "Easterners" with the Germans, dogs were obtained with an improved structure of the body and limbs, a stronger top. But by the type of such shepherd dogs could not be attributed to German.

In the military and border areas, East European Shepherd Dogs are still preferred. But less and less "Easterners" can be seen at major exhibitions, so many people get the impression that there are no more East European shepherd dogs. However, a group of these dogs in the early 90s remained in the Moscow City Service Dog Breeding Club. Being under the attention of the Central Club of Service Dog Breeding, the breeding of the breed could not but affect the drawing up of plans. Pairs were very often selected from a German male and an East European Shepherd female. Due to the fact that such selection was carried out without taking into account the individuality of producers, many breeders with their puppies went to amateur clubs. But among the received half-breeds (half-breeds for convenience are called those shepherd dogs whose parents belong to different types) excellent dogs were bred in the MGKSS. From the best female MGKSS Dei-Dan (ow. Zuev) were obtained in combination with a male VEO by origin, the winner of exhibitions named Ars-Chin, beautiful dogs: Dick-Day, and Darkley-Day. Later this bitch was bred with various German males. She gave birth to such well-known show and breeding dogs as Yanysh-Day, Zarting-Day and many others. The highest titles of her puppies brought her well-deserved fame as a breeding bitch-producer. From such a breeder as Ivaita-Vil (owner Trifonova) in combination with Irk-Garmoniya ("German" by origin) we got a classy male Ingara-Irsey and a female Ivetta-Irsey. Their children firmly inherited the maternal type and improved anatomical structure from their father. And the grandchildren compete with the best Moscow dogs, being bright representatives of the East European Shepherd type.

Formation East European Shepherd began in the 20-30s of the last century, when several German shepherds were brought to Russia from Germany. A shepherd dog suffering from idleness can cause a lot of trouble to you and others.

Many Soviet and Russian dog lovers for a long time were mistaken, considering the East European and German Shepherds to be dogs of the same breed. The most ridiculous rumors include " classified information» about the fact that German shepherds in Germany were crossed with hyenas - hence the low croup and powerful grip of the jaws.

Perhaps the reason for this is that Russia joined the FCI much later than Germany. The German Shepherd, as an independent breed, is not so many years old. The first representative, male Greif, was shown in 1882 at an exhibition in Hannover. In the more severe climatic conditions of the USSR, shepherd dogs became larger, more massive, temperament and exterior changed somewhat.

The table clearly shows that the VEO is much larger and heavier than the German Shepherd, this is one of the most noticeable differences. That is, over long distances and more high speeds VEO will easily bypass the German, but with long work on the trail, the German Shepherd can give odds to the Eastern European. Differences in the structure and setting of the limbs also explain the lower susceptibility to dysplasia. hip joints East European Shepherds.

The German Shepherd is noisier, more mobile, representatives of this breed are often choleric. It should also be noted that more late ripening East European Shepherd compared to German. Both of these breeds have been invariably popular for many years, due to the excellent character of the dogs, their lively mind, excellent training ability and versatility of use.

They took a ready-made, already bred breed and appropriated it, changing the name - nothing to say, well done! The Vostochnik is a breed of strong bones, it is difficult for her to go a long distance, but on the other hand she will crush the intruder under herself so that he cannot even move.

Differences in temperament

VEO, on the contrary, remained in the same dimensions as it was originally intended. Thus it turns out that VEO forms its own type, which does not improve or worsen the breed. VEO is a separate, national breed. I dare to say one "terrible" thing - in the roots of the German Shepherd breed is .... white shepherd! A bit of history: The history of the American-Canadian White Shepherd is inextricably linked with the history of the well-known German Shepherd.

Origin of breeds

It is this name that stands at number 1 in the pedigree book of German shepherds. But where does the American-Canadian white shepherds? BEO is a "dumb" and slow dog! In disputes about working qualities, some people argue that BEO is usually calmer and slower, it is easier to work out endurance with them.

I guess, yes. However, this is rather a manifestation of passion and play, which are inherent in the genotype of the breed. These differences in working qualities have developed as a result of morphological features breeds, and thanks to different approaches to breeding. But is it necessary in Everyday life? It is much better if the spouse is wiser, calmer and more reasonable.

In the military and border units, East European Shepherd Dogs are still preferred to this day.

And there is absolutely no need for a manifestation of a storm of emotions at the same time, since the conditions of service imply many factors, including endurance and secrecy. Thus, it turns out that BUT react more sharply to commands, they are more mobile, and, unlike VEO, they will go crazy if they do not find a use for themselves.

Pairs were very often selected from a German male and an East European Shepherd female

When cultivating the East European Shepherd Dog in the DOSAAF service dog breeding clubs during training, the “violator” took the dog on a soft sleeve, no blows were made with a stack. Oriental puppies in most cases are bought only because they are passed off as German Shepherd puppies. Well, this stupidity can not be refuted. P / s At the moment - 2005-2006, the picture is bred East European Shepherd changed a lot and thank God - for the better.

In addition, the German Shepherd is a ‘profile’ dog

A bad character is not characteristic of dogs of this breed, more often it is the result of poor education. The East European Shepherd is a large, strong-boned dog of good proportions with good limbs. Subsequently, as you know, a type of German Shepherd was formed in Russia, which outwardly is very different from the Western one. Its name was influenced by historical events: the war, the struggle with foreign names, and today the well-known "East European Shepherd Dog" is firmly entrenched.

Compare the requirements of the Standard for the growth of HO and WEO. In the East European Shepherd breed, there are females whose height is decently taller than German Shepherd males

The first all-Union exhibition in 1989 almost became the last for the East European Shepherd Dog. The reports rightly pointed out the shortcomings of the exterior and behavior, but the recommendations for further breeding of this breed were very categorical. Still a few years ago, and we probably could have known about this type only from the remaining photographs.

But among the received half-breeds (for convenience, those shepherd dogs whose parents belong to different types are called half-breeds), excellent dogs were bred in the MGKSS.

It is the breed - with its own inherent character and complete predictability of behavior. But it was not the air of Russia that was so high in calories that German Shepherds suddenly “grew” to the size of the Middle Caucasus. In the North and in the middle lane, Caucasians and large Laikas were added to the Germans, and in the South - Central Asians.

But by the type of such shepherds could not be attributed to the German

These dogs have a wonderful character, loyal and loving heart. Vostochnik perfectly captures the mood of the owner - he can accompany him on walks with pleasure, be a tireless partner in games, and a reliable partner in work. At the same time, it can become completely quiet and invisible if the owner is in this moment unwilling to communicate.

She doesn't have to repeat the same thing over and over again. Being at home, she gladly takes part in your affairs, and is ready for anything that her master, whom she adores, does not wish.

I will list the similarities that exist between them - color, character, ability to train, official purpose and indicate how to distinguish: exterior, temperament and who is better in training.

The German Shepherd is bred from herding dogs that live in Germany. The purpose of the selection was to get a dog that, in addition to grazing, would be able to perform other tasks. The new breed had to actively interact with humans, be able to manage animals and protect them.

Initially, it was planned to use shepherd dogs only as shepherds, but over time, the number of pastures decreased, and the dogs were not in demand.

In search of a new direction for their use, it was decided to offer the most promising dogs power structures. This decision determined further fate breeds. Dogs were perfect for the needs of the army and police thanks to physical strength, good ability to train and obedience.

Often German and East European Shepherds are considered subspecies of the same breed.

The first shepherd dogs were brought to Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. But purposeful selection work began only after the First World War.

The state needed a large number of animals suitable for patrol and guard duty.

By that time, these dogs had already served in all branches of the military, worked in the police, carried out border guards, guarded prisons and camps.

This specific need set the general direction for the development of German in Russia. Large, strong dogs with a stable psyche were selected for breeding. Under such conditions, a domestic type of German was formed, which is very different from the world standard - high and broad-boned. Later, for patriotic reasons, he received the name East European and the shepherd population of the USSR overnight turned from Germans into Easterners.

The main differences between the German Shepherd and the East European

Despite the fact that dogs belong to the same breed group and have a similar appearance, there are a number of differences between them. First of all, this applies to animal physiology.

Exterior and paint

Anatomical differences between breeds are noticeable even to a non-specialist.

These are parameters such as:

  1. Back line. The German croup has a pronounced sloping, smoothly turning into the base of the tail. Eastern European is different straight line back (the difference between the height at the withers and the height at the sacrum is 2 cm).
  2. Hind legs. The veo's hind legs in a natural stance are slightly pulled back, in the German they are far set aside, squat.
  3. Wool cover. In Germans, it varies from medium to long, while in Easterners only medium length is allowed.
  4. The size. Veo is larger and heavier than HO.
  5. Wool coloring. The main color of the Germans is black-black with red (from red to light yellow), in addition, a zonal color is allowed - gray with a mask and black. In Easterners, black black-black is allowed against a background of a clearly contrasting main color and pure black. Palette from light gray to fawn.

German Shepherd
East European Shepherd

Character and ability to train

Please note: the main character traits of these two breeds are identical. Sheepdogs are well-controlled dogs, with a balanced psyche, distrustful of strangers. The ability to learn is extremely high. With a properly built system of motivation, even a novice dog breeder will cope with raising a puppy.

They can be involved in any of the services, engage sports activities training, train as rescuers and guides, or use as pets.


With a general similarity of characters, Veo and Germans differ significantly in temperament. Germans are mostly choleric: they are easily excitable, they like to express emotions with loud barking. Orientals are sanguine - they are slower and more balanced.

It is worth noting that Germans brilliantly participate in almost all types of sports training, largely due to their bright temperament.

The East European Shepherd is known for its calmness and endurance.
The German is very mobile and hardy, can keep track for a long time and run long distances.

The potential of VEO in this regard is somewhat weaker. Due to less excitement and larger dimensions than other shepherd dogs, they lose in entertainment and speed to the same Germans, not to mention the rapidly gaining popularity of the Malinois.

The position of the rocks

The East European Shepherd breed is listed only on the territory of the Russian Federation and the former Soviet republics.

She did not receive recognition outside of our country. The FCI considers it a side line of the German ones, bred in the USSR.

Price per puppy

The price of a puppy is made up of many factors, among them the fame of the kennel, its reputation and the title of the producers.

The cost of a German Shepherd puppy starts from 6 thousand rubles - without a pedigree and a guarantee of the breed of the dog. A dog with a pedigree costs from 15 to 30 thousand depending on the exhibition prospects.

Buying a VEO puppy will cost 6 thousand rubles. For this amount, you can buy a puppy without a pedigree or a purebred animal of the pet class. The cost of promising puppies starts from 15 thousand and reaches 35 thousand rubles.

It is incorrect to say that one shepherd is better or smarter than another.

The purpose and potential of both breeds is the same.

It's just that some people love hyperactive Germans with their strongly bent hind legs, others prefer large, unflappable Easterners.

They say dogs look like their owners. Some in character, some outwardly. And if you choose a dog according to this principle, then you are unlikely to want to be compared with some mongrel or a nervous, endlessly barking lapdog. Whether it’s a shepherd’s business ... One look at these calm, self-respecting dogs, and you already understand that best friend and cannot be desired. The most popular among shepherds are German and Eastern European. Outwardly, they are easy to confuse, but still we will try to figure out the differences between these two breeds.

The history of the breed

German Shepherd- a young breed that appeared only at the end of the nineteenth century. Captain M. von Stephanitz was carried away by the idea of ​​creating a new service breed. And at one of the exhibitions he found suitable dog, which met all the needs - strong, smart, energetic, restrained. Stephanitz devoted his whole life to breeding the ideal German Shepherd, was engaged in the description of the breed standard and advertised his offspring in every possible way. And, soon, the German Shepherd began to be regarded not so much as suitable for grazing, but rather for service.

FROM East European Shepherd everything is a little more complicated. Many consider it a variety of German Shepherds. The International Cynological Association did not accept this breed as an independent one, although cynologists of the USSR insisted on its individuality. History says that the breed dates back to the 30s of the last century, when German shepherds were brought to the USSR. It was on the basis of this breed that Soviet cynologists bred a new one, which was called the East European Shepherd Dog. The first breed standard was approved in the sixties, at the same time the name "East European Shepherd Dog" was established.


The appearance of the German Shepherd is impressive strong dog who is always alert. The growth of dogs does not exceed 65 centimeters, and the weight is about 40 kilograms. The dogs of this breed are strong and muscular, with a wedge-shaped head and erect ears. The eyes of German Shepherds are dark, almond-shaped. Color - most often tan, black or gray. The coat is thick, hard and straight. The most conspicuous part of the body, which gives the dog a specific, tense look, is the back, which goes strongly at an angle. It seems that she is always ready to rush into battle. Thanks to this posture, the German Shepherd moves at a creeping trot.

German Shepherd

The East European Shepherd is slightly taller than the German. The maximum height is about 75 centimeters, weight is about 50 kilograms. The back is not as sloping as in German Shepherds, the withers are slightly higher than the sacrum. These dogs also trot, but due to a slightly different body structure, these movements are sweeping, with a strong push. The chest of these dogs is very wide, much wider than that of German Shepherds.

East European Shepherd


Initially, the German Shepherd was a shepherd and watchman. And only then a companion and a service dog. Appointment, of course, influenced temperament. These dogs are active and somewhat choleric. They need movement, and if you like sports, you can easily find mutual language with a German Shepherd. These dogs are ideal for long walks. Distinctive feature of this breed the ability to “follow the trail” for a long time.

But to protect your home and property, it is better to choose an East European Shepherd Dog. These dogs are less playful, perhaps due to selection. Plus, they are larger. The severity of temper does not affect the attitude towards the owner. These dogs are infinitely loyal. But with outsiders, especially those showing aggression towards the owner, these dogs are merciless.

Findings site

  1. The German Shepherd, as a breed, appeared earlier than the Eastern European.
  2. Outwardly, East European Shepherds are larger than German Shepherds, have a not so sloping back line, a slightly different color, they have a wider chest.
  3. German Shepherds move in a creeping trot, while East Europeans in a sweeping trot, with a strong drive.
  4. By temperament, German shepherds are choleric, Eastern European ones are more severe and calm.
  5. German Shepherds are more suitable as a companion and working dog, while Eastern Europeans are more suitable as guard dogs.
