The first toast of the host at the wedding: what it should be. First and second toast at the wedding table

Any event - weddings, birthdays, holidays and farewells - is accompanied by signs and superstitions. Well, our people love the base for any sneeze.

He did not bypass his attention and traditional Russian (in fairness - and not only Russian) fun - booze. Surely among the "thinking for three" there is such a connoisseur who will closely monitor the observance of drinking etiquette and all the signs known to him, so that vodka pours into the right throat, and the fun does not decrease, and toasts are said in the traditionally routine order. True, sometimes such connoisseurs pretty much spoil the mood of others, less knowledgeable, but in some incomprehensible way they manage to keep peace and quiet at the table, and also help to ensure that cultural drinking does not turn into an uncultured booze and scuffle. Here we will talk about traditions, toasts and superstitions today. And let's also remember the proverbs and sayings about alcohol, which the Russian land is so rich in.

Signs, traditions and superstitions

Each tradition and sign, each superstition has its own history, its own justification. Therefore, if you know this story, then you can safely ignore these very signs and superstitions or, on the contrary, carefully observe them so that the feast brings only positive emotions.

Do not leave empty bottles on the table. It is believed that if there is a girl who has not yet given birth at the table, then she will remain “empty”. True, there are those who believe that an empty bottle on the table is for the dead. Well, that's quite a bit too much. If only in the sense that it is more convenient to grab a bottle from the table in order to shy away on the head of a drinking buddy. By the way, this sign received its new birth in the mid-60s of the last century, when strong alcoholic drinks were not sold in dumplings, snack bars and pie shops and it was forbidden to bring alcohol with you. But this did not stop the lovers of the “little white” - they simply hid empty vodka bottles under the table so as not to “shine”. There is another version that this sign came from the Cossacks who returned from the French embassy, ​​who quickly realized that the local waiters billed by counting the empty bottles standing on the table, and if part of the container was removed under the table - hidden, then you can save a lot.

You can not add beer (renew). It is considered unfortunate. This superstition was born from the culture of drinking beer - fresh beer, added to the already standing, makes the drink, to put it mildly, tasteless.

You can’t change your hand - whoever started bottling must remain “on bottling” until the end of the bottle. It is believed that otherwise drinking will not bring pleasure - either alcohol will not take root, or you will get drunk very quickly, or the drinkers will quarrel. All this will happen in any case, if you do not comply with the measure, which, as you know, everyone has their own.

No matter how much vodka you take, you still have to run twice. This sign needs no comment. Apparently, our government decided to fight against this sign when it forbade the sale of strong alcohol after 22:00. The people quickly changed. And now the sign sounds like this: no matter how much vodka you take, you still run for beer.

Like is treated with like. Do you remember how Bulgakov did it? The sign is true. If you indulged in vodka the day before, but you don’t know how to live on without a hangover, then you should not treat headache beer. It is better to take 50 grams of the same ice-cold vodka and be sure to eat it with spicy and hot food - the hangover will be removed as if by hand. Thick Armenian khash or Russian sour cabbage soup with garlic is good in this regard.

The midge got into the glass - to. Pouring out the drink is not worth it, the midge was pulled out and drink calmly.

Drink on brotherhood - go to "you". Initially, it was believed that this allows you to get close to someone, but in a friendly way, that is, to become friends - brotherhood - in German - brotherhood. It was only later that cunning men began to use brotherhood to kiss the lady they liked. And at first it was quite innocent and was practiced mainly between men, as a sign of trust and an indicator that now "their men are on the board." By the way, this was accepted both among the hussars and in the highest aristocratic circles. The expression “I didn’t drink brotherhood with you” is still in use when someone refers to “you” to an unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar person.

First pour a little for yourself, then for the guests, and again for yourself. A tradition with deep roots. Now they show that there are no pieces of cork in the bottle. And earlier in this way they demonstrated that the wine was not poisoned.

You can't drink alcohol from plastic cups. Modern omen and superstition - it is believed that this is to poverty - there will be no money for good drinks and expensive dishes. True, under this sign there is good reason- low-quality plastic in combination with alcohol emits all sorts of muck and you can get severe poisoning.

A glass not drunk in time is completely ruined previous ones. A long break between doses of alcohol gives time to sober up. Experienced "roosters" are advised not to part, but also not to take long breaks. Again, there is a rational grain in this - I finished drinking, which means I finished, otherwise either the dose will turn out to be lethal, or immediately after the first glass (the first after the break) my head will ache.
Snack degree steals. Another observation of experienced alkonauts. Snack (especially fatty) slows down the absorption of alcohol into the blood, that is, slows down the onset of intoxication. If you have not set yourself the goal of sleeping with your face in a salad, then you must have a bite to eat. But don't drink! It's bad for digestion.

Spilling wine is bad luck. This sign arose in ancient times and goes back to Christian traditions according to which the wine symbolizes the blood of Christ. That is, to shed wine means to shed innocent blood. In the modern feast, everything is not so scary, but unpleasant - spilling wine - ruining your or someone else's clothes, spilling wine - running to the store. That is, in a modern interpretation, this sign can be interpreted as follows: spilling wine - to a quarrel and annoying chores.

You can not drink for the future and for. It is believed that this way you can frighten off Fortune and generally be left without this very future. This superstition originates in those times when it was not safe to express your plans and desires aloud. Silence insured against both evil spirits and sorcerers. In general, it’s very possible to drink for an abstract future, just don’t specify.

Drinking “on the road” is a good way to finish the feast, and so that the guests get home safely. Hence other names: “on the move of the foot”, “stirrup”, “braided” (so that the legs do not braid) - as soon as the last glass is not called. And this tradition came from the Cossacks (stirrup), who, after heavy libations, also had to get home somehow on a horse, and for starters - to get into the stirrup with their foot. And the Russians literally put the cup on top of the staff, poisoning themselves on distant wanderings - the cup did not tip over - the path would be easy.


No party is complete without toast. Why don't people just drink? For space and for the weather, for beautiful ladies and for the "moose", for love, for money, for a neighbor and for his dead cow. In general, as they say, there would be money, but there will be a reason. Meanwhile, there is a well-defined tradition of the order of toasts. So.

We are here to drink, so let's drink to the fact that we are here. The first toast is traditionally raised to the meeting (if not special occasion for drinking - anniversary, wedding, etc.). It is believed that the meeting good reason drink, so that in the future we often and with pleasure meet people who are pleasant to us.

The second toast is for the parents. Is it on a birthday or on. It just so happened that parents are the main people for those who drink to the health of the birthday boy or the young - after all, it was the parents who gave birth to such (or such) wonderful, smart, kind ... During the reign of Stalin, the second toast at any feast was raised to " father of nations." They drank while standing. Probably, this tradition combined the behavior of the Social Revolutionaries, white officers and other supporters of the tsar at the beginning of the 20th century, who drank a second glass for the sovereign, and the perception of Stalin as a parent.

The third toast is for those who are no longer around. The tradition has gone since ancient times, and is a truncated version of the ritual of commemoration of ancestors and fellow tribesmen. Now this tradition is especially revered among the former and current military. They drink without clinking.
The fourth toast is for those who are absent, but now alive. Another one ancient tradition- designed to facilitate the way home for travelers and soldiers. It's like wishing next time these people would already be sitting at this table. They clink loudly so that those who are absent hear the clink of glasses and hurry back.

"Lord, take me for medicine!" "Not for drunkenness, for health." Or: "Let's drink to the health of those who still have it" - variants of the fifth toast. It is traditionally believed that by drinking to health, you can avoid a morning hangover. And the very association of alcohol and medicine has gone since the reign of Ivan the Terrible, when medicinal tinctures were called vodka.

All other toasts, as a rule, are raised to those present and express disdain for those who ignored this honorable meeting:
For those who are overboard. Those who are in the sea will choke themselves.
For you and me, for ... (insert as appropriate) with them.
Per good people! There are so few of us left.

P proverbs and sayings on the topic of alcohol

Our people love to drink, so for centuries of history, starting from Peter the Great and Suvorov and ending with our days, has accumulated great amount proverbs and sayings on this wonderful topic. Here are a few of the most interesting ones for you.

  • A drunken man will oversleep, a fool never.
  • Drink - drink, but understand the matter.
  • Do not drink at the post, drink at the table.
  • If you don't know how to drink, don't torture your liver.
  • The wrong hangover leads to a long binge.
  • Vodka without beer - money down the drain.
  • Alcohol in small doses is useful in any quantity.
  • Between the first and second break is small.
  • As an option: six more fit between the first and second.
  • Something the wind is blowing in the back, isn't it time to go to the store.
  • Something the legs began to feel cold, isn't it time for us to twitch.
  • Something began to get colder, isn't it time for us to succumb.
  • What a sober man has on his mind, a drunk man has on his tongue.
  • What the sober has in mind, the drunk has already done.
  • A drunk woman is not her own mistress.
  • The most important saying that I want to finish this article: drink - drink, but understand the MEASURE!

Nadezhda Popova specially for the site

Toast - a phrase or short speech, pronounced before draining the glass with alcoholic drink. Usually in a toast it is indicated “for what” they drink - for the health of all or any of those present, love, luck, financial success. There may be less straightforward goals, such as "that our desires always coincide with our capabilities." In an informal setting, it is enough to get by with one word - “toast” (in Russia “We will” or “We will start!”, “Cheers” in England, “Prosit” in Germany, etc.).

Etymology. There are several versions of the origin of the word "toast":

  1. From the Turkic word "tostakan" - wooden utensils from which they drink koumiss and other drinks.
  2. From the English "toast", meaning a toasted piece of bread. Perhaps because in ancient Rome on holidays it was customary to distribute warmed buns poured with wine to the poor. Maybe thanks to British tradition put a glass of water and a crispy toast in front of the speaker so that the speaker can refresh himself during a long speech.

The main purpose of the toast is to turn the joint drinking of alcohol into a demonstration of friendship, respect or good intentions. Depending on the country and culture, the ritual can vary from a few formal words, accompanied by a slight raising of a glass towards the hero of the occasion, to flowery and lengthy speeches, which is popular in the Caucasus.

History of appearance

The most popular legend says that the forerunner of toasts was the custom of knocking goblets so that part of the liquid would overflow from one vessel to another. So during the feast they checked if the drink was poisoned. If poisoned, then the one who poured the poison will also suffer. However, this is nothing more than a myth.

Modern researchers believe that the tradition of toasting began with ancient sacred sacrifices. People believed that for spilled wine, the gods would give the petitioner health, wealth, happiness - all that they wish each other in toasts.

The toasts began with ancient offerings to the gods

Features of toasts in different countries

In the post-Soviet space, it is believed that without a toast, at least a formal one, only alcoholics drink. In Europe, this ritual is obligatory for execution only on the most solemn events- weddings, anniversaries, receptions on the occasion of the inauguration of the President or the presentation of a prestigious award. In such cases, the theme of the toasts is obvious - the hero(s) of the occasion.

In Russia, you can drink for anything - from the weather to success at all strangers, for example, the same Hollywood actors. I immediately recall the excitement around Leonardo DiCaprio receiving the Oscar film award - Russians drank hundreds of liters of alcohol, wishing the talented, but so unlucky Leo to win.

For his victory, the Russians raised a lot of glasses, wished him good luck as a native

Until the toaster finishes his speech, you can’t drink. If he says "to the bottom" or "without clinking glasses" - this requirement is mandatory. Sometimes you need to stand up during a toast - for example, if they drink "for those who are not with us" or for a particularly respected person.

Sometimes a toast can be a form of social interaction and a sign of citizenship - for example, if a person defiantly refuses to drink for one of the guests, a country or a political party. In this case, the protesting participant in the feast should deliberately set the glass aside and remain seated when the others stand up. Such behavior is considered defiant and often becomes a reason for a serious conflict that turns into a fight.

Why drink toast

The occasion for a toast can be any solemn event: New Year, wedding, anniversary, farewell to retirement, housewarming, etc. The order of the toasts varies depending on the situation - for example, officers navy Great Britain in the first place always drink for something related to the sea. For what exactly depends on the day of the week. On Monday - for "our ships at sea", on Tuesday - for "our sailors", etc.

As for the order of toasts, there is no strict sequence in Russia. However, the first toast is always raised to the hero of the occasion, the second to his parents. The third toast is already highly dependent on the company - in normal situation they drink for friends or love, but if the military, firefighters or representatives of another dangerous profession gathered at the table, then in the third place they remember the dead comrades. The fourth toast is often proclaimed for men, and then there are no regulations, often the participants in the feast stop counting.

Rules of toast etiquette in Russia

  1. At large events, toasts are pronounced in turn, starting from the owner of the house, toastmaster, or the official manager of the event (at a wedding, this is usually a witness).
  2. A married couple can say one toast "from the family". A woman has the right to skip her turn if she is not in the mood or has nothing to say.
  3. The first toast is pronounced no earlier than 10-15 minutes after the start of the feast.
  4. Solemn toasts begin with a greeting and / or gratitude to all those present.
  5. While the toast is being made, do not eat, drink, talk, play with a smartphone, or be distracted in any other way.

  6. It is not necessary to drink the whole glass, you can only sip alcohol (if the phrase “to the bottom” has not sounded).
  7. In a small company, you need to try to clink glasses with everyone, on official events it is enough to touch the glasses with the neighbors on the table or to omit this part of the ritual altogether.
  8. A good toast should be capacious, memorable and emotional. Humor is appropriate, but sarcasm or irony is not. If you can't invent anything original, use ready template, it will be better than mumbling with a glass in hand.
  9. Clinking glasses with an empty glass or soft drink is considered offensive.

A good host of the celebration is a guaranteed success of the wedding. The host infects with his positive and involves guests in all kinds of competitions and creates an atmosphere of fun. The host's first toast at a wedding is a tradition. The host also comes up with most of the other toasts to promote the holiday.

Without a host, the wedding would not be as dynamic and would be remembered by the guests as a boring event.

The first toast of the host at the wedding should be:

  • colorful;
  • concise;
  • romantic;
  • positive.

Often the host's first toast includes cautionary tale, a legend or saying of a great man, which is worth thinking about. Thus, the toast becomes not only wishes, but also plays the role of advice for the future for the newlyweds and their relatives.

Collection of toasts

Here we have collected small selection the first toasts of the host to the wedding. The first toast of the presenter is always raised for the young.

Toast #1

Two hearts begin to sound in time,

Union fastened the rings tightly.

Now, rushing through life together,

You two will be forever.

We wish you happy days

Fall in love again and again with each other.

To suddenly become warmer

From the words of a beloved spouse.

We raise our glasses higher

We wish you love and peace!

Toast #2

All of us here feel the magical warm light that two young hearts radiate on this solemn day. These are the hearts of (name) and (name)! Let's raise our glasses so that these hearts that burn so brightly today remain as bright and warm towards each other in ten years, and in twenty ... all their lives! So that the union made today will be made in heaven and bring only joy to these wonderful people. And if adversity met on their way, then with the warmth of their hearts and mutual support they could melt the glaciers of problems and become even happier.

Toast #3

Bubbles sparkle in glasses

Young eyes sparkle

Today the wedding tied them up,

Glittering golden rings!

So let them always laugh

May joy visit their home

And two rivers will merge into one

One beautiful wedding day.

Toast #4

One writer once said: "Love is a competition between a man and a woman to bring the other as much happiness as possible." I wish our newlyweds that the only competition between them would be just such! Bitterly!

Toast #5

One poet said: "A woman is an invitation to happiness ...". Today (groom's name) took advantage of this invitation and opened the door to happiness with (bride's name). So let's drink to ensure that the doors to happiness are always open.

Toast #6

Tell me what love is like Maybe a rainbow? No, she'll be gone soon. In the sun? No, it burns. To the wind? No, he's too fickle. To the ocean? No, he is cold, restless and full of dangers. What is love like? - To the sky, it is limitless! Let's raise our glasses to the clear and boundless sky that awaits our newlyweds!

Toast #7

I wish our newlyweds

So that every day they were successful

So that the bride becomes more beautiful every day,

And their house was only a full bowl!

My first toast is for the young!

I wish you great success in life!

Toast #8

The marital chronicle consists of an introduction - honeymoon and chapters of the rest of life. On this significant day, we are gathered here to congratulate beautiful couple, starting its voyage through the prose of life.

“With a sweetheart, paradise and in a hut” - is sung in a song that has long become a folk one, and this line is a proverb. This means that love will make everything around beautiful and the world will seem like a fairy tale next to your loved one. Let's raise our glasses so that your union is always filled with love, support, happiness and mutual understanding! Let each of you take care of the happiness of the other as if it were your own. For your joint family happiness!

Toast #9

Dear newlyweds! My toast will not be long. I wish you only one thing: that in your life there will always be 4 guardian angels. And their name is: Faith, Hope, Love and Wisdom - Sofia. They will lead you to a happy married life. Let's drink to it!

Toast #10

Our life often resembles an obstacle course. There are a great many of them on our map - pits, hills, ravines. But our newlyweds did not leave the race, but continued their way to the finish line, gathering their will and courage into a fist. And yet that day has come. They have reached the coveted finish line. Today we are celebrating a wedding. It can be said that we are washing the receipt of the coveted golden prize. Fans who so desperately cheered for our today's champions, let's raise our glasses to the winners!

Toast #11

Once upon a time there was a bright falcon that despised the earth's surface and soared in the clouds high above the earth for an eternity. But one bright day he cast his eyes on a beautiful dove and fell in love with her. And now, no matter how high he rises, he invariably returns to her on the ground. Let's raise our glasses to the bright falcon and the dove - our bride and groom. Let the threads of love that bind them be strong and, whatever happens between them and around them, their love remains unchanged.

More more than the first toasts of the host at the wedding in the video below:

And small instructional video to help you practice making toast:

There are many toasts, but the truly important toast is to PARENTS. What does a person need to be happy? Seeing my parents happy... So, I want to be happy man and see the joy on my parents' face. I really want to wish my dearest people support, care and warmth. And so that peace and grace reign in your hearts.

I want to raise my glass to those who gave us life. For those whose meaning of life we ​​are. For whom our happiness is more important than their own. For those who will always protect, help, regret and warm with love. For you, Dear Parents! Live long and happily!

Let's drink to the most dear people in our life - for the parents! They brought us up tirelessly, taught goodness and made people out of us. They console, help with advice and rejoice in our happiness. We are dear to these people like no one else! So let's drink and wish them years life and endless happiness!

You always gave me your love
They cared, only sometimes scolded.
Now my time has come
Always be at your hearth.
Take care of you, cherish,
The seed of love can only be sown.
I raise my glass
For me to scream so loud
That I love you very, very much
And I give my beautiful congratulations.

Let me propose this toast to parents. May you be well and your children will never forget you. Let them always remember that in the end, only those letters that are not written do not reach!

I want to wish my parents health a whole tank, happiness - a whole sea, money - a whole bag. May yours be eternal family hearth and joy shone in your eyes. And your youth will last up to a hundred years. And the fulfillment of this toast. For you, my parents!

There are a couple of people in the world who are not more precious. And if their children are happy - this is their happiness secret. Let's drink to the happiness of our parents.

Dear our parents! Let me celebrate in this toast great power your mutual love. This love was not extinguished either by long separations or, even more importantly, by years of intimacy. Even now you value each other, admiring everyone with your tender affection. For your love!

Parents are a priceless gift sent from heaven, even if we don't deserve it. This is a gift that, unfortunately, not everyone gets, that is, just for a couple of minutes ... I want to drink that these two angels, my parents, live happily ever after, as in a magical good fairy tale.

Our parents are the builders of our children's happiness! We were enveloped in love and the roads to the world unraveled everything for us, thank you my relatives, good and dear! We will drink for you now so that we will be happy for a long time!

Traditionally, the first two toasts after the first wedding table the host provides the parents of the young: at first - to the escort party, that is, the parents of the bride; further - to the meeting party, that is, the groom's parents. Moreover, in a preliminary conversation about the conditions of the wedding, the parents of the young must be warned that on the wedding day they will have to say kind and beautiful words to their children entering legal marriage. Therefore, do not worry, but it is better to use the hints or find beautiful toasts so that when they need to be pronounced, the parents of the bride and groom are simply ready.

Sometimes the toastmaster, in order to show off his eloquence, robs parents of the right to say the first and second toast at the wedding table. He (she) believes that it is much better (himself or herself) to say these toasts on their behalf. The presenter will say, probably louder, more beautiful ... But, these will not be heartfelt parental words addressed to the young. In my opinion, this cannot be done! It is better to help parents:

  • pick up a few not long, but sincere toasts;
  • print them in large letters on sheets of paper;
  • give large printed texts to the parents of the bride and the parents of the groom in advance, so that the parents at least have time to look at their toast, and maybe learn it by memory;
  • buy a suitable large greeting card;
  • carefully paste or paste text there ...

“The first toast, according to the established tradition, is said by the escort party, that is, the bride’s parents: (parents are called by name and patronymic).”

After the first toast, it is simply necessary to give guests a little snack. The time between these two toasts is short: from ten to twenty minutes. But, if it, this time, is “a little overexposed”, then the guests will begin to make toasts among themselves and drink “to the health of the young”.

“There is a small gap between the first and second” or "One - to drink, one (one) - to live" or “So that between the first and second - the bullet does not fly”.

And continues:

“The return toast, traditionally, is said by the meeting party, that is, the groom’s parents: (parents are called by name and patronymic).”

Examples of toasts for young parents

The bride's mother and father say at the first table (sample toast):

“Dear children! May your marriage be happy! May your love be joyful! Live in friendship and harmony!

We always want to be happy for a long time. And therefore, we wish you eternal happiness, bright love, faithful friends! So, may your marriage be happy!!!

The mother and father of the groom say at the first table (sample toast):

“We, your parents, bless you for a happy family life! Together you build your happiness, which is why help each other in everything. When creating a family, be sure to wait for this have a nice day when your children will be legally married, like you are today.

And now, dear guests, fill your glasses, and let's drink to the young. May faith, hope, love be with them all their lives!!!

"Bitterly!" our young! "Bitterly!!!".

There are a great many examples. Perhaps in the future, one of the publications will be devoted specifically to the toasts of parents.
