A strange celestial phenomenon. Mysterious angel hair

Many servants and nobles gathered in the courtyard, all of them looking at the sky in amazement. A slight excited hubbub ran through the crowd, many pointed with their hands in the direction of the pyramids.

The pharaoh raised his head, and his hands tightened their grip on the balcony parapet so that his fingers turned white. A large disk was slowly flying over the desert, like a round shiny shield of a warrior, the rays of the sun shimmered on its surface, and the disk itself emitted a bright light.

“Did Ra himself give me a sign? thought Thutmose with trepidation, reflecting on the coming battle. “The priests correctly saw the future, we are lucky!”

The subjects, noticing the pharaoh, calmly looking at the amazing celestial phenomenon, enthusiastically greeted him. The first fear from the unusual vision had passed, and now they were following with interest the bright disk, which continued its unhurried movement towards the horizon...

A few days later, the army of Thutmose, when crossing the desert, again saw these strange discs, now there were a lot of them. They seemed to see off the pharaoh, predicting victory. Having flown several times over the army, sparkling in the rays of the sun like golden dishes, the heavenly chariots disappeared into the sky. A few minutes later, long translucent threads, similar to curls, began to descend on people. The soldiers tried to catch them with their hands, but the "curls" quickly melted on the palms, evaporating without a trace. Thutmose ordered his chroniclers to record what they saw on the scrolls ...

A record of these strange events is kept in the collection of the director of the Egyptian department of the Vatican Museum:

“In the twenty-second year, in the third month of winter, at 6 o'clock in the afternoon, the scribes of the House of Life saw a moving circle of fire in the sky. Its dimensions were a cubit in length and a cubit in breadth. They fell on their faces and reported to the pharaoh, and he thought about this event. After a few days, these objects in the sky became numerous and shone brighter than the sun. And Pharaoh, with his army, beheld them. By evening, the fiery circles rose higher and moved towards the south... A volatile substance fell from the sky... This has not happened since the foundation of the Earth... And the pharaoh burnt incense to the gods and ordered that what happened be recorded in the annals of the House of Life.

Perhaps this is the very first mention of a strange phenomenon, which later became known as “angel hair”. An unusual fibrous substance falling from the sky after the passage of air chariots, luminous disks, vimanas, and later UFOs, was later observed more than once by residents of different countries, continents and eras. In our time, "angel hair" began to be noticed in connection with chemtrails, but more on that later.

Unable to explain the appearance of these transparent fibers in rational ways, people of the Middle Ages believed that angels flying through the sky lose their curls and hair. Hence the name - angel hair.

In 1741, in several cities in England, numerous eyewitnesses recorded the fall of flakes or patches about one inch wide and about five to six inches long. November 16, 1857 in Charleston (USA) instead of rain, a mass of a strange bristly substance with an unpleasant odor fell. This phenomenon was accompanied by the appearance of mysterious luminous objects of enormous size in the night sky.

One of the most unusual and large-scale observations occurred in 1881 in Milwaukee. Amazed observers spoke of how the sky was covered with whole sheets of angel hair. The aftermath of this event appeared in Scientific American: “In late October, people in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and neighboring cities were very surprised when cobwebs fell on them from the sky. She seemed to be falling from a great height.

In Greenbay the same thing happened, and the web was carried from the side of the bay, only its size ranged from 18 meters long to small fragments, and as far as the eye could see, it was visible in the air. Such a fall of the web was also observed in Wesburg and Fort Howard, Sheboygan and Osauki. In some places, the web fell so tightly that it irritated the eyes. In all cases it was white and solid. Strangely, none of the reports sent to us said anything about the presence of spiders in the web.

On September 20, 1892, entomologist George Marks personally observed in Gainesville (Florida) the loss of a huge amount of angel hair, as he later wrote in a report: “The web was first noticed in the morning. She floated in the air or fell from the clouds. I know people who live at least 16 kilometers apart and they all saw the same thing. It sometimes fell in long strips, like a web, up to 3000 meters long, folding into heaps ... people saw huge flying sheets, they were brought by rain, and they looked like a large, pure white cobweb, sometimes up to 50 meters long. In many places, the trees were wrapped entirely. Next to a small stream, about 100 meters from the house, a huge web stretched out, in other places it twisted into balls.

A West Virginia housewife named Rusty, who lives near Romney, reported that this mysterious substance fell from above on her farm.

“Last evening, September 19, around 7 pm, I heard a loud humming sound, like a large plane was flying by. I went out to see what was flying, but I could not see anything. The humming continued for about an hour. The next morning - September 20 - when I went out, my yard was littered with this substance, resembling a web. I do not know how to describe it more precisely, but the substance looked like threads of a cobweb, it was not. I immediately grabbed my camera and took a dozen pictures. Then I sent my husband to town to buy rubber gloves so we could take samples. On the way, he saw several patches in this substance, but nowhere was it as thick as in my yard ... I went to the city, to the "Photo in an hour", and the pictures were developed for me. I've been living here near Romney for six years now, but I've never seen anything like it."

On February 10, 1978, sticky threads fell for two hours near the city of Oamaru on the coast of New Zealand. They were "considerably thinner than cobwebs", but, nevertheless, clearly visible in the rays of the sun against a clear blue sky.

“I came from Falmouth to Richmond, where my brother lives,” said David Schroeder. “My brother said that he saw an extremely strange group of clouds in the sky over southern Vermont, between South Pond and West Guildford. It was about noon, between 12 and 2 o'clock in the afternoon. He said the clouds were about 30 miles from where he was. With the naked eye, he saw strange, as it were, flaming threads falling out of three separate clouds. It was unlike anything he had seen before. There was a layer of fog, above it a clear sky; the clouds were right on its far edge. He was greatly impressed by the phenomenon and regretted that he did not have a camera to capture it all. Strange flame-like threads fell for only a few minutes.

As the British UFO Society reported in August 1998, a mysterious "spider web" fell to the ground after observing unidentified flying objects in north Wales. Eunice Stanfield, 60, and daughter-in-law Doreen Mozelik saw "about twenty silvery things in the sky" before that.

In an interview with the Vesti.Az portal, journalist Hamid Hamidov asked the head of the Cosmopoisk International Research Association, Russian writer, cosmonautics specialist Vadim Chernobrov about the unusual finds made by the Cosmopoisk association in Azerbaijan. Vadim Aleksandrovich replied:

“Among the unique finds in Azerbaijan, I can note the so-called “angel hair”. They were found in your country in the 90s. These are microscopic products that consist of rare earth metals. Outwardly, they resemble very thin aluminum wires. When you look at them under a microscope, you can see that they are several times thinner than a human hair. Hence the name - hair. Why angel hair? This is a historical name. Most likely the "angel hair" is the result of a UFO landing. So people in ancient times saw how aliens visit the earth, but mistook them for angels. At places visited by UFOs, people then found these same hairs. They are very difficult to see because they are very thin. But sometimes people still noticed them and found them. In Azerbaijan, shepherds from the settlement of Maraza gave us a pinch of hair.

When analyzing these hairs, many interesting questions. We've taken them through numerous labs and the general verdict is that the technology behind these hairs is years ahead of ours. I emphasize that the hairs came to us back in the 90s of the last century, when the word "nanotechnology" did not exist. Yes, and now nanotechnological products in in large numbers we don't have yet. So, in the 90s of the last century, thanks to the Marazin shepherds, we had nanotechnological products in our hands. Then the technologists to whom we showed these hairs shrugged and said that they did not know the technology by which this could be done.

The first analysis of an unusual substance was made in 1954. On October 27, 1954, Gennaro Luchetti and Pieto Lastrucci noticed two flying "glowing spindles" over St. Mark's Square in Venice, which left a fiery trail behind them. The objects proceeded in the direction of Florence. At that time, there was a football match in one of the stadiums. But it had to be interrupted when more than 10,000 spectators, football players, referees, police noticed these unusual objects in the sky. In nine minutes, this pair of UFOs flew over the city three times, and then unusual hair-like fibers descended onto the football field. The substance melted in the hands, but one of the eyewitnesses, student Alfredo Jacopozzi, guessed to put it in a sealed bag. Soon the substance was transferred for analysis to Professor of the University of Florence Giovanni Canerri. The analysis showed that “... this is a fibrous material that has significant resistance to stretching and twisting. When exposed to heat, it darkens and volatilizes, leaving a melting clear precipitate. Analysis of the sediment also showed the content of boron, silicon, calcium and magnesium in it. Hypothetically, this substance could be something like boron-silicon glass.

Most of the research was strictly classified, but one thing can be told. In 1967 in Soviet Union from New Zealand brought samples of angel hair with a volume of less than one tenth of a cubic centimeter. However, physico-radiometrist Leonid Kirichensko managed to perform the analysis, he came to the conclusion that the provided substance “detects a fine-fibred substance with a thickness of individual fibers less than 0.1 micron. The bulk of the fibers are entangled into lumps or separate "threads" 20 microns thick. fibers white color, translucent. The analyzed material is not an analogue of any known formation.

Academician Petryanov-Sokolov, summing up the results of the study, said: "The sample is of interest as a very fine-fibre substance and is unlikely to be a natural compound."

Jana Lukash, one of the Internet forum participants discussing the topic of angel hair, believes that this phenomenon is associated with ordinary natural phenomena: “Another zoological explanation for the origin of angel hair may be a web-like mass produced by the larvae of certain moths. I have a recorded example from Perthshire, Scotland, where ermine moth larvae covered the foliage of many trees with their webs. However, analysis of some samples of angel hair showed that they are not of biological origin. In such cases, it has been suggested that these are long strands of dust particles electrostatically bound, something that can only happen on warm days. It is worth remembering that some witnesses of this phenomenon say that when they tried to touch the angel hair, they felt an electrical discharge. It is also possible that the origin of angel hair is due to the phenomenon of plasma, which, as stated in recent times, participates in the formation of ball lightning.

Anomaly researcher Karl Shukur is more careful in his statements and the cobweb version of the appearance of angel hair: “Their appearance is usually associated with sharp seasonal temperature fluctuations and happens most often in the fall. This usually happens in dry weather, which has replaced mud and slush. The most memorable incident took place in 1881 in Milwaukee and Green Bay, Wisconsin, where the sky was covered with whole sheets of angel hair, which was later described by Scientific American magazine in the article "Rain from the cobwebs." In late October, people in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and neighboring cities were terribly surprised when cobwebs rained down on them from the sky. She seemed to be falling from a great height. In Green Bay, the same thing happened, and the web was carried from the side of the bay, only its size ranged from 18 meters long to small fragments, and as far as the eye could see, it was visible in the air. Such a fall of the web was also observed in Wesburg and Fort Howard, Sheboygan and Osauki. In some places, the web fell so tightly that it irritated the eyes. In all cases, the web was white and strong. Strangely, none of the reports sent to us said anything about the presence of spiders in the web.

Surprisingly, there is a clear connection between chemtrails and angel hair. In 2001, I received an e-mail from Zhirnovsk from an eyewitness who identified himself as Vasily:

“On September 12, 2001, I observed such phenomena. From morning until 2-3 pm east side an airplane flew over the sky and after a short period of time a white trail appeared behind it, which gradually expanded and for a long time did not disappear. The plane turned around and flew in the opposite direction, leaving behind exactly the same non-disappearing trail. These traces accumulated and turned into stratus clouds. I wondered why the contrail from an airplane stays in the sky for so long (I saw white, stratus clouds on the eastern side of the sky for almost the entire day before dark), even though the flights stopped after lunch.

It never occurred to me that the plane was spraying something. This was the day after the terrorist attack on the United States and all services, as announced by radio and TV, were on high alert. I live in the north of the Volgograd region in the city of Zhirnovsk, and it's not too far from us to Chechnya. That's why I thought that these flights are connected with increased vigilance. After about 2-3 days, a web of an unusual appearance appeared. The fibers are very thick and long. This web was noticed by many, since there are a lot of it, it is found literally everywhere, in fields, in forests, in settlements. I also joked with friends about a web of this size: “Judging by the web, the spider was about my height and my build!”

I wish you all the best!
Sincerely, Vasily.

The full version of the article "Angel's Hair" will be published in the near future in the new book by N. Subbotin "The Threat from Heaven".

“Angel hair” is the conventional name for some unusual cobweb-like gelatinous substance with streaks inside, it falls to the ground after the appearance of a UFO in this area.

In Italy, it is called "the hair of the Virgin Mary" or "silicon wool", and in France - "the gift of the Madonna". Germans and Americans adhere to the generally accepted term angel hair. In general, more often this unusual gelatinous creature falls on the heads of the French, Italians, Americans, and residents of New Zealand and ... the territory of the post-Soviet space.

It is believed that this phenomenon was typical of the 50s - 60s of the XX century, when it was noticed for the first time. It should be noted that at that time this substance was almost the only evidence of the existence of unidentified flying objects.

To begin with, let's turn to the book, which has already become a classic in this matter - the work of F. Siegel "UFO Observations in the Soviet Union". The author points out that “angel hair” - the thinnest threads of unknown origin, silvery in color, very thin and light, and there are also luminous ones - as a rule, cover the ground in the area where the UFO appears in a fairly dense layer. True, a couple of hours after the disappearance of the UFO, an unusual substance also disappears without a trace.

If you touch the “angel hair” with your hand, then they immediately change their appearance, turning into lumps of mucus with a rather unpleasant odor, moreover, slightly radioactive. And the hands will itch nasty for a long time, and hard-to-wash spots will remain on the skin. At one time, Academician I. Petryanov-Sokolov, who carefully studied the hair of an angel, said: this is a very fine-fibrous substance and, most likely, it is not a natural compound ...

Although it is believed that the hair of an angel is a kind of " business card» 1950s - 60s, these threads fell to the ground earlier (although much less often). For example, on October 1, 679, part of the Japanese city of Osaka was covered with strange fluffy fibers.

A similar rain of cosmic magic fluff also fell in Japan on September 27, 1477. (Before that, a luminous object swept across the sky.) On September 21, 1741, a “snowfall” of threads fell on the English Selborne twice, most of all resembling tangled sheep's wool. And in 1898, residents of the city of Montgomery (USA) saw unusual "cobwebs". Witnesses stated that the angel's hair resembled thin fibers of asbestos and was slightly phosphorescent.

One of the most famous cases of the phenomenon of "angel hair" was on October 27, 1954. Then two people - Gennaro Luchetti and Pietro Lastrucci, who were standing on the terrace of a hotel in St. Mark's Square in Venice - saw two flying "luminous spindles" in the sky, which leaving behind a fiery white trail. Both objects were at a short distance from each other, walking at great speed, clearly heading towards Florence.

It seems that the UFOs were not alien to sports excitement, because as it turned out, they proceeded straight to the local stadium, where the match was taking place with the participation of the Italian football club Fiorentina. At first, they simply hovered in the air, as if watching what was happening, and then they began to perform some zigzag maneuvers, interrupting the game.

10 thousand spectators were stunned to watch how for 9 minutes (from 14.20 to 14.29) this “ sweet couple' misbehaved in the sky. Then the "plates" disappeared, and an unusual kind of snow fell on the field, which most of all resembled shiny and slightly dirty disheveled cotton wool. The people present at this strange phenomenon, naturally, tried to catch the falling threads with their hands, but they immediately melted, turning into fetid mucus.

And only one of the fans, student Alfredo Jacopozzi, having made several unsuccessful attempts to catch the angel's hair, thought of winding the "heavenly threads" on a stick and placing them in a sealed sterile test tube (why this container was with him at the stadium, the enterprising student did not was able to explain; most likely, he simply forgot to put the test tube out of his pocket).

Then the mysterious substance was sent to the chemical laboratory of the local university. There, the "hair" fell into the hands of Professor Giovanni Canneri. He instructed his colleague, Professor Danilo Gozzi, to deal with the strange substance. The analysis revealed that the filaments were composed of a strange combination of calcium, silicon, magnesium and boron. At the same time, the investigated fibrous material, as it turned out, demonstrated "significant resistance to stretching and twisting." Being subjected to high-temperature treatment, such a "hair" darkened and volatilized, after which only a transparent melting precipitate remained.

Experts were cautious about the fact that this substance could hypothetically turn out to be “something like boron-silicon glass.” 1962 - unidentified flying objects again honored the game of Fiorentina with their attention: 5 "plates", which appeared in the sky right during the match, literally covered the field with a gelatinous substance. True, this time the “hair” was in no hurry to melt, for several days “pleasing” the townspeople with an unimaginable stench that spread from the stadium. 2003 - in Italy, in Vercellese, the mysterious "snow" fell again; this phenomenon was preceded by the so-called "skyquake". In the same year, "angel hair" covered the ground several times in various parts of the United States.

In the USSR, the mysterious substance was transferred in 1967 for study from New Zealand. Then the writer B. Lyapunov received from the New Zealand researchers of "plates" a sealed test tube with several strange threads with a volume of less than 0.1 cm3. Eight authoritative institutions alternately fought over the riddle, obligingly palmed off to mankind by the sky, and to no avail. The Institute of Forensic Science under the USSR Prosecutor's Office was the last to solve the puzzle of the Universe. But its employees failed to overtake their colleagues from other research institutes.

The only result of all research was the decomposition of "angel hair" into its constituent chemical elements. Physicist-radiometrist L. Kirichenko, summing up long work, wrote that he was able to more or less reliably establish: “Under a microscope (at a magnification of 500 times in reflected light), the presented substance reveals a fine-fiber structure with a thickness of the individual fibers that make up the bulk of the fibers less than 0.1 micron. The bulk of the fibers are entangled into lumps or separate "threads" 20 microns thick. The fibers are white, translucent. The analyzed material is not an analogue of some well-known formation.

After 6 years, in October 1973, a similar study was conducted by specialists from America, who initially assumed that they were dealing with hairs dropped from aircraft to interfere with enemy radars. But the latter, as it turned out, never stick together, much less evaporate, leaving behind either a sad memory or a fetid goo. 1978, February 10 - on the coast of New Zealand (near the city of Samara), "hairs" fell on the heads of local residents from an absolutely clear sky for two hours.

At the same time, not a single UFO was recorded in this area. Some of the threads looked like balls the size of a tennis ball, which slowly unwound in the air. Other sticky threads drifted in clumps like an airplane plume, shimmering silver in the sunlight. A representative of the New Zealand Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, who urgently arrived at the site of the mysterious "precipitation", honestly admitted that he had never even heard of anything like that.

Unfortunately, during a series of experiments, the entire mass of the unique substance turned out to be consumed. As it turned out, it is not easy for scientists to replenish the reserves of “angel hair”, despite the fact that “heavenly snow” is by no means a unique phenomenon and appears not only in exotic countries.

1990, July 20 - in Ivanovo, only the lazy could not observe the mysterious balls flying in the sky at high speed, which maneuvered like real aces. At the same time, a white “web” fell to the ground, melting when touched. It is noteworthy that the pigeons, having fallen into the strip of this substance, suddenly turned over and began to fly ... upside down!

1992 - strange threads that fell in the Krasnodar Territory and the Vologda Region were delivered to Moscow for research. Then a mass spectrometric study showed that the "celestial threads" consist of the most complex alloy of rare earth metals. It is noteworthy that several "hairs" were preserved and are kept in hermetic packaging to this day.

Pretty "inherited" unidentified flying objects also in August 1998 in north Wales: over 20 dozen UFOs, having carried out their ghostly "teachings" over the heads of the stunned British, disappeared without a trace, leaving a slowly melting "celestial web" as a memory, which densely covered the surroundings.

Meanwhile, reports of “angel hair” falling out continued and continue to come from various countries peace. 2004 - a similar substance was found in the north of New South Wales (Australia), where the day before, local residents were surprised to watch the "parade" of 20 "plates". Most of the “angel hair” fell out in the small town of Curindy (70 km southeast of Tamworth), while people initially mistook the shiny threads for a luxurious cobweb.

Naturally, ufology could not stay away from the study of such a curious phenomenon. Sensational assumptions rained down, as if from a leaky bag. Several became the most common among them: the American Charles Manny, for example, stated that the “celestial web” is an excess of “materialized energy” that arises during the materialization of a UFO, and after dissolution “returns back to its dimension or another space-time continuum »; and the English ufologist Brinsley Le Poer Trench defends his version, according to which the unknown substance is nothing more than ectoplasm, similar to the one that appears from time to time.

Other popular versions of the origin of the gelatinous evaporating substance one way or another connect the appearance of "angel hair" with propulsion system unidentified flying objects. And recently it has been said that this substance is comparable to ... caterpillar silk, that is, it is a source of proteins in pure form. So, perhaps we should be talking about an ordinary food product? Or about an attempt to genetically modify proteins for an as yet unknown purpose?

However, to this day, no one can claim to have uncovered the secret of "angel hair." It is noteworthy that the method of preserving translucent threads, accidentally discovered by a Fiorentina fan, is still the most optimal to this day. When “heavenly snow” is found, it is wound on a stick and quickly sealed in sealed packaging, or the mucus will have to be examined ...

AT last years Americans began to peer more often at everything that appears above their heads. It was then that it turned out that not all the white stripes in the sky are the result of the passage of aircraft. "Angel hair" does not stop falling on people's heads, causing ... a sharp aggravation chronic diseases! According to media reports, when examining the strange fibers that fell out, it was found that they contain dangerous biological agents used by the military to create viruses. In particular, they contain rare form influenza V2, which to this day has existed only in secret laboratories.

Now researchers often use a new term for celestial footprints - "chemtrails". It should be noted that in those areas where "hair" falls out most often, epidemics break out more often. This happened, in particular, in North Texas, where "angel hair" fell from the sky for 10 days.

The situation suddenly led scientists to doubt the "otherworldly" (or "otherworldly") origin of the strange substance. Much more often now there are suggestions that the appearance of "chemo-trails" is to blame ... we are with you. Or rather, the military. So, in April 1999, Canadian researcher William Thomas and journalist Cassini reported that a certain flying object, which may well turn out to be a military transport aircraft, “hung out a web” several times over the territory of Canada and America. Having settled on the ground, the "angel hair" quickly turned into a brown jelly-like substance; it was they who became interested in self-taught researchers, which, in the end, led to rather disastrous results.

At first, Cassini came down with a severe flu (he was collecting a strange substance for analysis), feeling great the day before. Then a biologist who analyzed the "cobwebs" got to the hospital in a serious condition. Doctors stated that this patient has a significant lesion of the upper respiratory tract. The same symptoms were found in the hostess of the house, on which, in fact, the "web" fell out.

In general, new reports excited the public, which, in turn, led to the creation of an observation center for this celestial phenomenon. It turned out that the "chemtrails" do not behave at all as it should be for respectable contrails from jet aircraft. As a rule, "chemtrails" are continuously expanding, gradually turning into stratus clouds, consisting of many rings. Observers also report parallel streaks or "tic-tac-toe tables in the sky."

According to one version: America and Canada are facing a serious threat of the use of biological weapons by terrorists. It was not without curious assumptions. For example, supporters of the extraterrestrial origin of the “celestial web” are sure that “chemopaths” actually contain substances that weaken human health, the government knows about this, but is silent and does not provide assistance to enthusiastic researchers; so America is carrying out a secret population control program in this way.

The version of the researcher Mike Blair is also popular. He assures that the basis of the "chemtrails" is barium salts, the spraying of which is carried out as part of the military program for testing the latest radar system. Based on the effect of reflection of radio waves, it makes it possible to observe objects in three dimensions at once.

But the doctors are seriously worried. After all, if Blair is right, then the picture is painted very gloomy, because a mixture of barium salts, polymer fibers and other chemicals in the atmosphere can be the cause of many inexplicable seizures that doctors now and then have to deal with in places where the "web" appears. In particular, we are talking about nosebleeds, allergies, asthma, pneumonia, arthritis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and even intestines and muscle tissue (barium salts are perfectly absorbed into them).

It is understood that NASA, the Protection Agency environment America and a number of other influential government organizations hastened to disown suspicious celestial traces, assuring that in reality people observed "ordinary contrails, which, thanks to air currents, can take on the most bizarre outlines." It is probably unnecessary to explain why few people believed this message. As a result, the scientific world and ufologists once again found themselves at odds. different sides barrier, accusing each other of spreading "all sorts of nonsense" (the first) and of deliberately hiding information (the second).

In general, despite the presence a large number evidence of the appearance on our planet of the notorious "angel hair", the mystery of this phenomenon has not yet been solved. It has not yet been possible to establish what the mysterious melting veined fibers are. Who cuts “angel hair” for us and what purpose he pursues by dropping it on our planet, still remains a mystery ...

V.Syadro, V.Sklyarenko

Perhaps the most unusual objects that regularly fall from the sky today are the so-called "angel hair", which often consists of transparent, cobweb-like silky white threads up to several tens of meters long.

"Hair" often falls to the ground after UFO flights, and after a few hours mysteriously evaporate. Once in the hands of a person, they quickly melt or turn into shapeless lumps of white or gray color with an unpleasant odor.

To this day, no one knows exactly what it is, and no scientific hypothesis has yet been able to explain this phenomenon. Unusual precipitation was repeated a huge number of times over the centuries. They were not all identical, and were not always composed of the same substance. In some cases, eyewitnesses spoke of "webs", in others the substance was described as foam or flakes. The Americans called these strange precipitations "the hair of an angel", the Italians - "the hair of the Virgin Mary", the French - "children of the Madonna".

“One of the first reports of unusual precipitation on the ground dates back to 1741, when in several cities in England numerous eyewitnesses recorded the fall of flakes or flaps about one inch wide and about five to six inches long. These flakes consisted of a relatively heavy material - they fell at a certain speed. "

November 16, 1857 in Charleston (USA) instead of rain, a mass of a strange bristly substance with an unpleasant odor fell. The most interesting thing is that this phenomenon, according to eyewitnesses, was accompanied by the appearance of mysterious luminous objects of enormous size in the night sky.

Since Darwin's time, the classic explanation for this phenomenon has been that all the silky stuff that falls from the sky is just a web.

Their appearance is usually associated with sharp seasonal fluctuations in temperature and occurs most often in autumn. This usually happens in dry weather, which has replaced mud and slush, says American scientist Carl Shuker.

The most memorable incident took place in 1881 in Milwaukee, where the sky was covered with whole sheets of angel hair, which was later described by Scientific American magazine:

“In late October, people in Milwaukee (Wisconsin) and neighboring cities were very surprised when cobwebs fell on them from the sky. She seemed to be falling from a great height. In Greenbay the same thing happened, and the web was carried from the side of the bay, only its size ranged from 18 meters long to small fragments, and as far as the eye could see, it was visible in the air. Such a fall of the web was also observed in Wesburg and Fort Howard, Sheboygan and Osauki. In some places, the web fell so tightly that it irritated the eyes. In all cases it was white and solid. Strangely, none of the reports sent to us said anything about the presence of spiders in the web.

Equally astonishing was the "angel hair" that fell in abundance on September 20, 1892, in Gainesville, Florida. Entomologist George Marks published a report on this subject, which, in part, stated:

“For the first time, the web was noticed in the morning. She floated in the air or fell from the clouds. I know people who live at least 16 kilometers apart and they all saw the same thing. It sometimes fell in long strips, like a web, up to 3000 meters long, folding into heaps ... people saw huge flying sheets, they were brought by rain, and they looked like a large, pure white cobweb, sometimes up to 50 meters long. In many places, the trees were wrapped entirely. Next to a small stream, about 100 meters from the house, a huge web stretched out, in other places it twisted into balls.

Are spiders to blame?

Judging by the description, entomologists have concluded that there is no secret and that this fibrous phenomenon is just a mass of broken cobwebs carried by the wind.

In support of their theory, they stated that although spiders do not have wings, some of their species, such as tiny liniths, are able to travel through the air quite original way. The insect simply turns its body into the wind and releases a long, thin thread from its back. As soon as the wind lifts the thread into the air, the spider grabs it tightly and thus overcomes quite decent distances.

Linifians live in large colonies, up to a million individuals in several dozen square meters. If they all go "traveling" at once, which usually happens on warm autumn days, then the threads stretching for tiny insects can quite form into a huge dense web, which air currents spread around the neighborhood.

However, the analysis of some samples of the celestial web shows that they are not of biological origin. But even in such cases, traditional scientists have suggested that these are nothing more than long strands of dust particles electrostatically bound - this can also happen on warm days. And they cite eyewitness accounts who, having touched such a web, felt an electric discharge.

In October 1962, the captain of the Roxburgh Castle ship, R. Pape, walking around the deck, found thin fibers resembling hair on the cables enclosing it.

“Calling the first assistant,” Pape recalled, “I pulled one of these threads from the pillers and found that it was very strong and elastic. I tried to break it, but I did not succeed immediately - that is, the substance was much stronger than the web. After I held the thread in my hands for several minutes, it melted into the air - in other words, it simply disappeared.

Raising our heads, we saw small cocoons of this substance slowly gliding from the sky, but we did not manage to make out anything that could become a source of a strange "rain".

UFO spent fuel remnants

Another scientific explanation for the phenomenon is that perhaps the origin of "angel hair" is associated with the phenomena of plasma, which, as stated recently, is involved in the formation of ball lightning.

However, ufologists have a different opinion. They speculate that "angel hair" is the remains of spent fuel used by alien ships. This hypothesis, in particular, is confirmed by a message from a resident of the Canadian city of Ontario, P. Lewis, about an event that he witnessed on September 26, 1948:

“It was a warm, cloudless day ... I was lying on the front lawn when I noticed some object that looked like a star. The object was rapidly moving across the sky.

It occurred to me that the recent reports of sightings of flying saucers are not at all the fantasy of some people. Other similar objects began to appear from behind the ridge of the roof of the house, they flew over my head and disappeared from view. Taking binoculars in hand, I found that the shape of all these objects is almost spherical, with the centers of the balls glowing brighter than the edges. The binoculars also gave me the opportunity to see many such objects flying at a height where they could not be seen with the naked eye. In addition, sometimes long threads like cobwebs appeared in my field of vision. Some of them sparkled in the sun, which made it possible to determine their approximate length - three or four yards - although it is possible that in fact the length of the threads was even greater.

Another similar incident took place on October 17, 1952, when cylindrical objects and at least 30 cone-shaped, saucer-like objects were seen in the sky over Orolon-Saint-Marie and several other villages in southwestern France.

As they flew by, the saucers left a long trail of filamentous substance that descended and enveloped trees, rooftops, and other exposed surfaces. But as soon as he touched these surfaces, it instantly disappeared.

Two years later, at the Florentine stadium, ten thousand fans witnessed how two UFOs in the form of "glowing spindles", making dizzying maneuvers, swept over the football field three times, and an unknown substance, similar to thin silvery threads, began to slowly fall from the sky.

When they fell into people's hands, the threads melted like snow, although they were not cold to the touch.

One of the witnesses of the miracle, student Alfrede Jacopozzi, guessed to wind a ball of threads on a stick and placed the fibers in glass jar. Soon samples of "angel hair" came to the University of Florence.

Professor Danilo Gozzi analyzed the mysterious substance and stated: “It is a fibrous material that has significant resistance to stretching and twisting. When exposed to heat, it darkens and volatilizes, leaving a melting clear precipitate. Analysis of the sediment showed the content of boron, silicon, calcium and magnesium. Hypothetically, this substance could be something like boron-silicon glass.”

The web appears after the "skyquakes"

On the night of February 20, 1955, a mysterious web fell in the vicinity of the city of Elmir in southern New York State.

Schul's Electronic Corporation President Charles Schul reported that in the early morning of February 21, the plants on his estate were covered in a strange "cobweb." At the same time, that is, shortly after sunrise, other residents of Elmir discovered that an incomprehensible substance had settled on trees, lawns and buildings in an area of ​​​​several blocks.

Local college professor Francis Richmond, after examining a sample of the web, found that it consists of short fibers that look and feel like cotton or wool.

The sample then went to chemistry professor Charles Rutenberg, who stated that according to the data chemical analyzes substance is a protein compound formed as a result of leakage of hot dairy product from a local factory.

However, tests done at the factory showed that the “web” contains only about 30% carbon, but there are noticeable amounts of calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron, and traces of about ten more elements.

Factory chemists Louis Herman and Robert Mix reported after conducting independent research that the substance consists of cotton and wool fibers with an admixture of small pieces of fine copper wire. According to them, "it looks like a carpet bag." Despite the contradictions, all the researchers declared that they were completely satisfied with the results of their experiments. The analyzes were terminated.

Was the web-like substance really powdered milk? If so, where did the radioactivity increased in comparison with the local background, as well as aluminum and iron, come from? And what about huge amount powdered milk to produce enough casein fibers to cover an area of ​​half a square mile?

In August 1998, the British UFO Society received a report from 60-year-old Eunice Stanfield, who, along with her sister-in-law Doreen Mozelik, saw "about twenty silvery things in the sky." Then unidentified flying objects fled in the direction of North Wales, and a mysterious "web" fell to the ground.

A housewife named Rusty, who lives near Romney, West Virginia, reported that this mysterious substance fell from above on her farm on September 19, 2000.

“About 7 pm, I heard a loud humming sound, like a big plane was flying by. I went out to see what was flying, but I could not see anything. The humming continued for about an hour. The next morning, September 20, when I went out, my yard was littered with a strange substance resembling cobwebs. I do not know how to describe it more precisely, but the substance looked like threads of a web, although it was not.

I immediately grabbed my camera and took a dozen pictures. Then I sent my husband into town to buy rubber gloves so we could take samples. On the way, he saw several sections of the field covered with this substance, but nowhere was it as thick as in my yard.

Two weeks later, the inhabitants of Vercellose and Alessandri, two Italian cities in the province of Piedmont, also first heard an unusually loud rumble in the sky, and then a rumble that shook the roof tiles and vibrated the windows in both cities.

Immediately after the "skyquake", the inhabitants saw " long lungs white threads falling down from the sky. This material fell most heavily in Vercellose, although its fall was also reported from the farms surrounding the city.

“It is clear that these fibers were “angel's hair” or “Virgin Mary's hair”, as we call them in Italy. Their loss is usually associated with the UFO phenomenon, ”said Italian ufologist Paolo Toselli.

Mysterious inhabitants of the stratosphere

Despite a significant amount of evidence confirming the existence of this phenomenon, scientists have not advanced very far in its study. According to the descriptions, "angel hair" may be something like ectoplasm - a substance that secretes the bodies of mediums during trance, but falls from a strictly defined place in the sky and does not clearly form in the atmosphere like ordinary precipitation.

In addition, pointing to the different structure and quality of these sediments, eyewitnesses also note the inherent common signs: it is a thick, whitish substance that falls relatively slowly, but disappears fairly quickly, even in sealed jars. However, in this case, the release of thermal energy or other chemical effects not visible. The substance simply disappears as if it never existed.

If it is a fibrous material, its individual translucent fibers have a diameter of about 0.1 microns and have significant resistance to stretching and twisting. True, usually the bulk of the fibers are tangled into lumps or separate “threads”, about 20 microns thick. When exposed to heat, the "angel hair" darkens and volatilizes, leaving a melting transparent precipitate consisting of boron, silicon, calcium and magnesium.

The study chemical composition"Angel hair" gave scientists reason to assert that they are quite close in structure to biological objects, in particular, to plant organisms. Some of the researchers, for example, Trevol Constable, argue that we are talking about some living organisms that live in the upper layers of the stratosphere. But, as in the case of the web, this is just a hypothesis that still has no actual confirmation. Most likely, according to a number of experts, this is some kind of phenomenon, still unknown to science, associated either with changes in the gas composition of the atmosphere, or with chemical reactions occurring in it.

In 2005, "angel hair" fell on the American city of Livonia (Michigan), located 25 kilometers from Detroit.

They were discovered on September 28 in the afternoon. Here is what one of the eyewitnesses, who was jogging around the neighborhood, said:

“I literally ran into it. The substance lay everywhere, but most of all on the grass near the ditch and under the tree. I've never seen it before with my own eyes, only pictures and stories on the internet."

The eyewitness collected some of the substance - first in his pocket, then transferred to plastic bag. According to him, they reminded to the touch cat hair, the individual threads stuck together with each other.

All the threads subsequently stuck together in a bag into one lump. When an eyewitness, for the sake of experiment, extended his hand behind them, they were attracted to his palm, as if they were charged with static electricity.

“I thought that the “hair” would fall apart, as they are usually said about them, but this did not happen ...”

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Falling "angel hair" - UFO.

What is "angel hair"? This is a cobweb-like, slightly radioactive gelatinous mass that often falls out after UFO flights, sometimes covering the entire earth, and then evaporates without a trace after a few hours. In the hands, the "hair" melts or turns into foul-smelling lumps.

In 1954, Professor Danilo Gozzi was able to analyze this so mysterious substance. He stated: "This is a fibrous material that has considerable resistance to stretching and twisting. When exposed to heat, it darkens and volatilizes, leaving a melting transparent residue. Analysis of the residue showed the content of boron, silicon, calcium and magnesium. Hypothetically, this substance could be something like boron silicon glass."

Faced with "angel hair", ufologists began to put forward the most sensational assumptions. Someone Charles Mainey expressed the idea that this is an excess of "materialized energy" that arose during the materialization of a UFO. Dissolving, the fibers "return back to their dimension or another space-time continuum." Another ufologist, Brinsley Le Poer Trench, an Englishman, even suggested that "hair" is something like ectoplasm that appears at seances!

And then a West Virginia housewife named Rusty, who lives near Romney, reported that this mysterious substance fell from above on her farm.

“Last evening, September 19, at about 7 pm, I heard a loud humming sound, like a large plane was flying by. I went out to see what was flying, but I could not see anything. The hum lasted about an hour. I went out, my yard was littered with this substance resembling cobwebs.I don't know how to describe it more precisely, but the substance looked like threads of a cobweb, it was not.

I immediately grabbed my camera and took a dozen pictures. Then I sent my husband to town to buy rubber gloves so we could take samples. On the way, he saw several spots in this substance, but nowhere was it as dense as in my yard ... I went to the city, to "Photo in an hour", and they showed me the pictures.

I've been living here near Romney for six years now, but I've never seen anything like it."

gods of myth

Scientists still cannot clearly explain the appearance of a Cro-Magnon man on our planet. modern type. This is really a phenomenon: against the backdrop of bestial Neanderthals 40 thousand years ago, "somehow suddenly", without a pronounced transition, beautifully built tall handsome men appeared. Where?..

A partial answer to the riddle, it is possible, contains messages scattered in ancient books, annals, chronicles about mysterious heavenly signs, flying "glories of God", "sons of God" and "angels" descending from heaven. These facts are reported by chroniclers, ancient historians, compilers of the Bible. The observations they have collected are thought-provoking.

Let us listen to what the prophet Ezekiel says about the events that took place at the beginning of the sixth century BC:

"... I was among the settlers on the river Chebar, when the heavens opened and I saw visions of God ... A great cloud and a swirling fire, and a radiance around it ... From the middle of the fire one could see the likeness of four animals ... and their appearance was like that of a man ... and each - four wings. And human hands were under their wings ... and the wings touched one another, and two - covered their bodies ... "There were, of course, no analogies to such a phenomenon in a person who lived 2.5 thousand years ago, in the era of the Bronze Age. A technical analogy arose quite recently: a helicopter of the Kamov system, where four pairs of adjoining wings rotate in different directions on the same axis. But Ezekiel, it seems, is trying to describe an individual helicopter-blade system of a knapsack type, unknown to our civilization. Ezekiel tells further that on the ground near each "animal" there was a wheel, and it seemed as if "the wheel was in the wheel", and when the "animals" rose above the ground, the wheels rose with them. Above their heads was a "like vault" (cabin?), And wings extended above the vault. When moving, a terrible noise was heard, "like the sound of many waters, like the voice of the Almighty, like the noise in a military camp; and when they stopped, they lowered their wings." Now we all know well how wildly a powerful helicopter roars, and how helplessly the flexible wings of the blades hang down at standing car, and how they turn into a shining umbrella or "dome" when in flight.

Obviously, even the most courageous person who lived 25 centuries ago would be numb with fear if he got into a modern airport, and Ezekiel, apparently, met with a disproportionately higher technical civilization that could amaze us too! After all, the feet of the “animals” sparkled like shiny copper (we don’t have such shoes yet); amazing aliens, like burning coals or lamps (lanterns?), the rims of the wheels were high and scary, because the "eyes" were full. What are these "eyes"? Some shiny rivets or a structure of a luminous electromagnetic field?.. One can be surprised at the detail of the description given by a person living in the Bronze Age.
