Boro purple. Cream Boro plus - a universal cosmetic product

Boro plus - cosmetic product for problematic skin. The composition includes natural ingredients, which have an antibacterial effect, which helps to accelerate the healing of wounds, ulcers, acne. The causes of skin inflammation are removed, the surface is cleansed and restored. Normalizes metabolism and eliminates acne, ulcers, blackheads, improves work sebaceous glands.

Boro plus is used as prophylactic, and for daily care. The cream effectively relieves irritation after shaving, protects lips from cracks.

Composition and principles of action

Boro plus is popular because of its composition, where contains natural ingredients, namely:

  • Tulsi - has an antiseptic effect.
  • Turmeric - treats skin diseases.
  • Aloe - antiseptic natural origin, cools and moisturizes the skin.
  • Glabra - accelerates wound healing.
  • Sandalwood - treats allergic reactions and diseases, eliminates odor, gives the skin healthy look, reduces burning sensation.
  • Estimahdu - heals wounds.
  • Vetiver - relieves burning sensation, cools the surface, normalizes perspiration.
  • Neem - tones the skin, removes most skin problems.
  • Kapoor kachari is a widely used substance in Indian medicine used to treat skin diseases.
  • Talc - absorbs liquid, eliminates odors.

According to the instructions, Boro plus ointment has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antimicrobial effect. Quickly removes pimples and inflammation in the layers of the epidermis, eliminates itching, burning, irritation. Creates protective layer which protects the surface from environment. Ointment promotes healing of abrasions, burns, wounds, cuts. The composition showed itself well on diaper rash and impetigo.

Natural ingredients help nourish the skin beneficial substances. Boro plus effectively moisturizes dry surfaces and restores a healthy look. The components of the cream eliminate skin damage that has arisen after the treatment of acne and blackheads.

Indications for use

The instruction indicates that Boro plus in green packaging applies to:

  • Acne, boils, acne.
  • Irritation, eczema.
  • On postoperative scars.
  • Inflammatory processes on the skin of young children, diaper rash.
  • Frostbite, scratches, insect bites, abrasions.

Indications for use of the composition in purple packaging:

  • Chronic forms of skin disease.
  • Rash, boils.
  • Partial frostbite.
  • Traumatic injuries and microcracks.

What is the difference between purple Boro plus and green

Both tubes have the same properties, and do their job. But there are differences:

  • Additional components - in the green tube contains extracts of medicinal herbs, and in purple - flowers.
  • Consistency - the purple composition is fatter than green and is applied in a thick layer, the latter is absorbed faster.
  • Smell - green does not contain fragrances.

Instructions for use and contraindications

Boro cream plus is applied externally. Apply evenly, 2 times a day. Apply until the damage is repaired and full recovery.

Boro plus is contraindicated for use in case of intolerance to any of the components. If appeared allergic reaction, then the composition must be washed off and discontinued.

Boro plus - antiseptic which heals the skin well. It is used as an antiseptic for injuries and as cosmetic product. Relieves skin irritation after shaving and redness from diapers. The composition of the ointment includes natural ingredients that are safe for health. The cost of a purple tube of Boro plus is 75 rubles, a green one is 90 rubles.


We have a very unpredictable life and anything can happen in it. Bureau Plus, which has a wide range of indications for use, will help to cope with skin problems. The cream is made in India I have known it for a long time and use it all the time. There are two different types- green and purple. Pharmacies said that they were no different, but I noticed a difference. They act the same way, relieve irritation, have an anti-inflammatory effect. If you carefully read the instructions, you can notice the difference in the composition. Their consistency is also different, green is better absorbed. But I like both.

Purple is more bold, it is more difficult to smudge. A small drop is enough to cover a large area of ​​skin. After application, it does not leave marks on clothes. Green is much lighter in consistency. Boro Plus is available in 20 ml, 25 ml and 50 ml tubes. The composition smells of pleasant herbs.

The range of application of the cream is very wide:

  • Antiseptic and antibacterial properties.
  • Protects the skin from wind and frost, removes irritation after frostbite.
  • Heals scratches, damage, wounds.
  • Effective for sun and superficial burns.
  • Relieves itching from insect bites.
  • Relieves irritation and redness.
  • Eliminates the imperfections of oily skin.
  • Remove boils and soften the skin.
  • Tones and gives elasticity to the epidermis.

Boro plus showed itself well for elimination baby diaper irritation. An alternative to Bepanthen, at a lower price. For these purposes, a green tube is more suitable. With cracks on the lips and dryness, it perfectly moisturizes and heals quickly. AT winter period I smear a thin layer at night, I like the effect. After application, the wounds on the lips heal faster.

My mom used to treat cracked heels, proved to be very effective. The purple version is better. Scratches and cuts heal rapidly, the resulting crust quickly disappears. After working in the garden, irritation appeared on the skin, she smeared it at night and the next morning there was no trace left. I haven't used it for acne.

Boro plus has many advantages, one of which is the price. The cream can compete in effectiveness with more expensive ones. Always in my first aid kit as an effective skin care product.

I recently learned about the cream and decided to try it because of the small price. The ointment contains medicinal herbs natural origin. That provides antifungal and bactericidal action. I bought it to clear up a rash on a toddler. After 3 applications, everything was gone, and the damaged skin healed quickly. Was very satisfied with the use.


Burned in the summer, on the third day blisters appeared all over the back. The pharmacy advised Boro plus (green). After application, the blisters disappeared after a few hours. Maybe it happened because they were small. However, I didn't expect such an effect. The skin has completely recovered and there are no traces left.

Boro Plus is a natural product that contains only natural ingredients and has antibacterial properties. Due to the pronounced antiseptic effect, this medicine accelerates the healing of ulcers and eliminates acne. And also it eliminates the very cause of inflammation, cleanses and restores the skin.

The effectiveness of the drug

The product is available in tubes containing a cream of a homogeneous consistency. white color, possessing specific smell. On pharmacy shelves you can find Boro Plus in two varieties: purple and green.

The drug is especially effective in the fight against acne, as it is able to eliminate skin rashes, increase elasticity and moisturize the skin. There is no addiction to the main components, so you can use it for a long time.

Boro Plus cream has an anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial effect on the skin. The tool allows you to quickly remove irritation, heal wounds and restore the epidermis. When applying the cream to the affected areas, an invisible barrier is created that protects against pathogenic bacteria.

Boro Plus purple

This tool should be used when:

  • skin rashes;
  • scratches;
  • abrasions;
  • acne;
  • frostbite;
  • burns skin;
  • boils;
  • eczema;
  • dryness of the skin.
In addition, the cream can be smeared with insect bites, as it is able to eliminate itching and burning. Men can use Boro Plus as an antiseptic for prevention, and women in lactation period, lubricating the cracks in the nipples.

The composition of this drug includes:

There are only a few components that join the green Boro Plus that are not in purple:

  • Ginger lily. Helps soothe the skin and reduce redness. Pimples with the help of lily, from the first days of treatment become hardly noticeable. It has a pleasant aroma and gives the skin calmness and euphoria.
  • Chandar, ushir, tulasi, estimahdu. These components are often used in folk medicine which are natural antiseptics. In addition, they promote wound healing and moisturize the skin.
Green Boro Plus is intended in the same way as purple for the treatment of acne and acne of various degrees. It differs only pleasant smell, delicate texture and fast absorption into the layers of the epidermis. Depending on the type of skin and the nature of the rashes, dermatologists may prescribe any type of Boro Plus. During the initial treatment, a green cream is mainly prescribed.

Mode of application

Boro Plus is recommended to be applied to problem areas of the skin 3 times a day with a thin layer, and rub massage movements. It is undesirable to use the cream before a night's sleep, as greasy traces may remain on the pillow.


Since Indian Boro Plus is based solely on herbal ingredients, it has no contraindications. Individual intolerance can only be observed.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, you can by conducting an allergy test, for this you should apply a small amount of the product on your wrist. If after half an hour there is no itching, redness or rash in this place, then the cream can be freely used in the fight against acne.

The use of Boro Plus cream has only positive reviews. Negative ones are noted only with improper use, overdose or the manifestation of allergic reactions with individual intolerance to the main components.

Analogues and their cost

If for some reason, treatment with Boro Plus is not possible, then it is worth considering options that can replace this medicine.

Boro Derm Gel

A direct analogue of Boro Plus is Boro Derm gel. He has proven himself in the fight against acne, and various rashes. It can be used by people of any age. The gel has anti-inflammatory, wound healing and antiseptic properties.

After its application, the work of the sebaceous glands returns to normal, due to which the pores narrow. Boro Derm gel consists of cedar tar,

What is Boro Plus ointment for? Instructions and indications of this external remedy will be presented in this article. We will also tell you about what substances this drug contains, whether it has contraindications and side effects.

The composition of the drug

Why is Boro Plus so popular? The instruction says that the composition of this product includes only natural components of plant origin, namely:

  • Turmeric - perfectly treats skin diseases, including dermatitis.
  • Tulasi - has an antiseptic effect.
  • Glabra - has wound healing properties.
  • Aloe is a natural antiseptic that disinfects, moisturizes and cools the skin.
  • Estimahdu is a substance intended for the rapid healing of wounds on the skin formed as a result of mechanical action.
  • Sandal - heals various diseases and allergic reactions, including prickly heat. This substance removes unpleasant odors, has cooling properties, makes the skin healthy and beautiful appearance and relieves sting.
  • Vetiver - show a cooling effect, relieves burning sensation, regulates perspiration.
  • Kapoor kachari is a substance often used in Indian folk medicine to treat various skin conditions.
  • Neem is a substance that copes well with a large number of skin ailments. It quickly relieves itching and burning, tones the skin.
  • Talc is an auxiliary component used as a deodorizing agent, eliminates unpleasant odors and absorbs liquid.

General information about the drug

What is Boro Plus? The instruction says that this is a universal cosmetic product that is designed to care for both healthy and problem skin.

The medication consists only of natural plant components that have antibacterial activity. Due to the pronounced antiseptic properties, the cream in question contributes to accelerated healing ulcers, as well as the elimination of acne. It also eliminates the causes of inflammation, deeply cleanses and restores the skin.

The preparation "Boro plus", the instruction of which is presented below, improves the metabolism in the skin, eliminates acne, acne and ulcers, and also regulates the sebaceous glands.

The cream in question is well suited for both daily use so as a prophylactic.

Ointment "Boro plus" is effective in relieving irritation on the skin of the face (after shaving). It protects the lips from chapping and prevents the appearance of cracks on them.

It should also be noted that the cream can be prescribed to children who have a pile rash or skin irritation.

Operating principle

How does the drug "Boro Plus" work? Instructions for use states that this drug has a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. It quickly removes any purulent and inflammatory processes in the lower and upper layers of the epidermis, and also eliminates burning, itching and irritation that occurred after insect bites (mosquitoes, midges, etc.).

Creating a kind of protective layer on the skin, the cream protects it from environmental influences. The drug promotes accelerated healing of small burns, wounds, abrasions and cuts, and also accelerates the process of cell recovery. It is also used for impetigo and diaper rash.

The presence of valuable plant components in the cream helps to saturate the skin with minerals, vitamins and other beneficial substances. The medication effectively moisturizes and nourishes dry skin, restoring it healthy state and beautiful appearance.

Possessing tonic properties, the ointment easily eliminates any unpleasant odors (including sweat), gives a feeling of lightness, cleanliness and freshness.

The complex effect of the components that make up the cream improves and evens out skin color, and also eliminates all existing defects that remain after the treatment of acne or acne.

Of particular value to the ointment is its ability to restore the beauty, youth and elasticity of the skin.

Indications for use of the drug in green packaging

What is the purpose of using the green tube of Boro Plus? Instructions for use of such a drug contains the following indications:

Indications for use of the drug in purple packaging

In what cases can Boro Plus cream (purple) be used? The instruction says that such a drug is prescribed for:

  • frostbite of some areas of the skin;
  • chronic forms of skin diseases;
  • thermal trauma;
  • furunculosis and rash;
  • irritation resulting from insect bites;
  • microcracks and traumatic skin lesions.

Contraindications to the use of drugs

At what deviations can not use the cream "Boro plus" (green)? The instruction says that this drug is contraindicated for use with a tendency to allergic reactions, as well as intolerance to the components. The same applies to purple ointment.

Ointment "Boro plus": instructions for use

This drug should only be used externally. It is evenly applied to the affected area of ​​the skin at least twice a day (with chronic diseases- three times a day).

How long is Boro Plus ointment used? The instruction says that the above procedures should be carried out until the damaged skin is completely restored.

For the prevention and treatment of microcracks during lactation, mothers should definitely wash their breasts before feeding the baby.

Price and reviews about the drug

The main advantage of this remedy is not only that it contains natural herbal ingredients, safe for health, but also the fact that such a cream has a relatively low cost. One tube of 50 g of such a preparation (purple) can be purchased for only 75 rubles. As for the green remedy, it is a little more expensive - 90 rubles.

Now you know what Boro Plus cream is. Instructions for using this tool have also been described above.

According to consumer reviews, this medication effectively copes with the tasks. Patients note that such an ointment accelerates the healing of abrasions and wounds, helps relieve itching and irritation, and also moisturizes the skin.

Adverse reactions with this drug are recorded very rarely. Sometimes patients complain of a local allergic reaction.

Indian cosmetics "Boro Plus" Himani has firmly entered our lives. The conquest of Russian souls began with two types of creams: green and purple, which so well relieve itching after mosquito bites. And now you rarely meet a mom who would not have one of these tubes in her purse.

But the line of these products is not limited to these types of products: it includes foot cream, elbow and knee cream, soap, tonic, and many other products. Consider the main ones presented on the Russian market.

Types of funds "Boro Plus" Himani

  1. 1. Cream "Boro Plus" green - a multifunctional skin care product. It can be used as an anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antiseptic and antipruritic ointment.

Thanks to its components, the cream has proven itself well for burns and frostbite, as well as for insect bites. In addition, this excellent remedy from bruises. It can also be used for simple care. normal skin, which after several applications will have a fresh, radiant look. It restores the normal structure of the skin, restores its youth and elasticity.

Extracts of medicinal plants (sandalwood, tulsi, neem, kapur kachari, turmeric, ushir, etc.), which form the therapeutic basis of this cream, have been used by Indian healers since antiquity, therefore this remedy and has such success with people.

Since the ointment contains only natural ingredients, then in the absence of allergic reactions, it can be used in newborns as a diaper remedy, as well as for nursing mothers with nipple cracks. The talc contained in the composition perfectly dries and protects the skin from moisture.

  1. 2. Cream "Boro Plus" purple is also used in the treatment of various skin diseases, relieves itching well and stops the inflammatory reaction. Like green, it has an antifungal and antiseptic effect and is used for frostbite and burns. There are more components in it than in the green counterpart, due to this, the range of application is somewhat wider. On the other hand more likely development of an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients of the cream.

Its disadvantage is the presence of petroleum products (lanolin, paraffin) in the composition. The skin under the treated layer does not breathe, and this can lead to blockage of the pores of the sebaceous glands and the appearance of acne.

There are no big differences between green and purple creams, but if one does not fit, then you can always try another.

  1. 3. "Boro Plus Acne Relief" is designed exclusively for the treatment of acne. It not only relieves inflammation, but also prevents the formation of scars at the site of acne. large sizes, evens out old scars and makes the skin silky and soft, has a matting effect.

Its composition differs from the composition of green and purple creams. It is enhanced with anti-inflammatory and antiseptic components (camphor, clove oil, oil tea tree, eucalyptus oil and nutmeg oil). The ointment is quickly absorbed, so many use it every day in the morning and evening as a regular moisturizer.

  1. 4. Antibacterial soap is a great addition to acne cream. If you apply it daily, then acne will disappear in 2-3 days.
  2. 5. Cream for hands and nails - a specially designed formula for problematic skin hands, and brittle nails. Its components (wheat germ oil, olive oil, red lily) restore the balance of dry, chapped skin of the hands and strengthen the nails, making them strong and beautiful.
  3. 6. Cream for the elbows and knees of the Boro Plus Intensive Care series is a godsend for those whose skin on the elbows and knees is so dry that it periodically cracks with the formation of long-term non-healing ulcers.

This remedy not only restores the natural balance of the skin (wheat germ oil, aloe and Coconut oil), but also prevents the formation age spots, and also brightens the existing ones (licorice). It accelerates the process of cell renewal of the surface layer of the skin (keratinized epithelium).

  1. 7. Moisturizing lotion (Boro Plus Badam & Milk Cream Moisturizing Lotion is a unique, advanced), which contains pink water, extracts of sandalwood, lemon, basil, acacia, turmeric, white lily, oil from grape seeds, almond and olive oil applied morning and evening to the entire body.

It perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin, heals small cuts, cracks and burns, and suppresses inflammation. Due to the processes of nanodiffusion, the particles of the product penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin and nourish them. The application of the lotion slows down the appearance of signs of skin aging.

  1. 8. Foot cream "Boro Plus" was created specifically for the treatment of heel calluses and cracks. It contains oil nutmeg and chamomile extract, which moisturize and nourish rough dry skin, stimulate the process of cellular renewal, promote rapid healing cracks and protect the skin from environmental influences.
  2. 9. Boro Plus Prickly Heat Cooling Talc Powder - powder with antibacterial, deodorizing and tanning effect.
  3. 10. Boro Plus Prickly Heat Powder is a highly effective antiperspirant that absorbs sweat and keeps skin fresh.
  4. 11. Boro Plus Healthy & Fair Winter Cream - a cream that protects the skin from the effects of frost and wind in winter, provides good nutrition and hydration during the cold season.

Caution: Allergy

Despite the fact that only natural ingredients are used in Boro Plus products, you should not forget about allergies. After all, a reaction can develop on any of the components of creams, soaps or lotions. And it's good if it's easy contact dermatitis, but there are also more severe allergic reactions, for example, anaphylactic shock or angioedema.

Important! Don't neglect simple test. A small amount of the product should be applied to the skin of the forearm closer to the cubital fossa. After 5 minutes, you can evaluate the result - if the skin turns red and itches, then you can not use the product.

If you are an allergic person with experience and know which substances are allergens for you (provokers of an allergic reaction), then carefully read the instructions for use, especially the paragraph on the composition of the drug.

Cheap and cheerful

Fortunately, there is no mention of any serious pathological effect of Boro Plus on the human body. Therefore, everyone continues to use creams with pleasure both for medicinal purposes and as cosmetics. Moreover, the price of these funds is quite affordable, so everyone can afford to purchase the desired tube.

I just want to add that before using any means with therapeutic purpose You still need to consult a dermatologist, so as not to harm yourself.

Boro plus for acne is natural preparation based on herbal extracts. Universal remedy created by Indian pharmacists on the basis of natural ingredients, therefore, it has practically no contraindications and, unlike synthetic drugs, does not cause side effects. This drug appeared on the Russian market more than 20 years ago and has since gained particular popularity due to its safety and unique properties that allow it to cope with various skin problems.

Boro plus acne cream has proven itself especially well, it effectively eliminates rashes, improves skin condition, while providing nutrition and hydration of the epidermis. It can be used for a long time, because addiction to the components does not occur. This drug is also used as an ordinary cosmetic product, applying it to the skin as a nourishing cream. natural composition Boro will provide excellent care, restore health and beauty to the skin. Let's take a closer look at this amazing drug and find out how Boro plus acne cream helps.

Cream Boro plus is a universal drug with a wide spectrum of action. It has an antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal effect, quickly relieves irritation, promotes healing and restoration of the skin, and when applied creates an invisible layer that protects the skin from adverse external influences. The use of the cream not only protects, but also restores skin tone, improves its elasticity, accelerates the processes of cell regeneration and renewal.

The drug is produced in several versions, Boro plus purple and Boro plus green are suitable for the treatment of acne. They are somewhat different in composition, but have a similar therapeutic effect, equally well relieve inflammation and help eliminate rashes. Let's take a closer look at the composition and unique properties each type of cream.

Boro plus purple: indications, composition

Indications for the use of the drug are the following conditions:

In addition, the drug can be used to treat the skin with insect bites, since the cream well eliminates itching and burning. Men can use this remedy as an antiseptic when shaving, and lactating women can lubricate cracked nipples. The drug is absolutely harmless, created on the basis of natural ingredients, perfectly nourishes and tones the skin, has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Purple Boro plus for acne quickly copes with skin rashes, eliminates irritation, gives a feeling of freshness and coolness, saturates tissues with essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Such a unique therapeutic effect is provided by its composition, which includes:

Boro plus green: composition, indications

Green Boro Plus is recommended for the following conditions:

This type of cream effectively eliminates irritation and dryness of the skin, promotes rapid healing of the skin, it can be used to eliminate itching when bitten by insects, treat festering wounds, and be safely used to treat the skin of young children. The drug is used to treat postoperative scars, since its components accelerate the healing of the skin and prevent infection. Green Boro plus for acne well regulates the functions of the sebaceous glands, prevents the formation of comedones, dries up acne and promotes the rapid maturation and opening of purulent formations. In addition, the cream saturates the skin useful vitamins and microelements, improves complexion, eliminates post-acne (spots left after acne).

Green Boro differs only in a couple of additional components. In addition to aloe, sandalwood, talc, turmeric, neem, vetiver, kapoor kachari, the cream contains:

Both types of cream have a similar therapeutic effect and can be used to treat acne and acne. At the same time, Boro green has a more delicate structure and a less harsh aroma. Purple Boro is oily and takes longer to absorb into the skin. Dermatologists can prescribe any kind of drug, while they are guided by the condition of the skin and the nature of the rashes. Usually, for those who first seek the help of a specialist, a green cream is prescribed to fight acne.

Rules for using Boro plus

Before using the drug, you should carefully read the instructions and apply the cream according to the recommendations, this will help to achieve best result in the treatment of acne. Boro plus cream has a homogeneous composition and a fairly thick consistency, has a pleasant herbal aroma and is quickly absorbed when applied to the skin.

The drug should be applied to the affected area with a thin layer, with light, massage movements. Since there is no specific frequency of application of the cream, it is used as needed. Remedy can be rubbed 2-3 times a day, the frequency of use in your case can be clarified with a specialist. The cream is used in any convenient time(morning, afternoon, evening). But it is undesirable to apply it immediately before going to bed, since the drug is quite oily and bed linen traces will remain.

Another way to apply the cream is to use it as a mask. For this on problem areas the drug is applied in a thick layer and left for 15 minutes, after which the excess is removed paper napkin, and the rest of the cream is not washed off, leaving it on the face until completely absorbed.

The benefits of the drug

Boro cream plus is often used as a regular cosmetic product, it nourishes and moisturizes well. It can be applied to the face after removing makeup, it will quickly soothe and refresh tired, irritated skin. Purple cream is used as a base for make-up, it perfectly nourishes and protects the skin from any aggressive influences.

The cream contains extracts medicinal plants, thanks to which it heals and rejuvenates the skin, restores its elasticity, tones, moisturizes, improves complexion. Most of its ingredients have anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects, promote rapid healing and restoration of the skin. The use of the drug eliminates suppuration, reduces the number of rashes, cleanses the pores of the skin from excess sebaceous secretions.

The soft and delicate structure of the cream ensures quick absorption, pleasant aroma of flowers. for a long time stored on the skin. The drug can be used at any convenient time. There is no specific frequency of applications, so the cream can be applied to the skin as needed.

Boro Plus preparations contribute to the enrichment of cells with oxygen, saturate the skin with useful vitamins, microelements and minerals, which allows you to restore the skin's blooming appearance, former elasticity, restore tone, improve complexion and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the aging process slows down, the skin looks healthy and young.

The natural product is quite safe, it can be used long time without fear of the development of side effects, the appearance of a withdrawal syndrome or addiction. The cream can be used in any age category, in pregnant and lactating women.

Another advantage of Boro is its price. The drug is affordable and inexpensive, it can be purchased at any pharmacy at a price of 50 rubles per pack.

Contraindications and side effects

Boro cream is safe and effective drug, the only contraindication for use is hypersensitivity to its constituent components. Therefore, the only side effect there may be an allergic reaction in people with individual intolerance to this remedy.

A regular skin test, which experts recommend doing before the first application of the drug, will help to avoid unwanted manifestations. To do this, a little cream is applied to the elbow or wrist and wait 30 minutes. If during this time there is no irritation, burning or redness on the skin, then Boro can be safely used to combat acne.
