Stones and lunar birthday. Crocodile

Lunar days and Minerals

Stones of lunar days

First lunar day
Diamond, lapis lazuli and rock crystal, but with caution: diamond is not for everyone.
A diamond gives happiness only if you receive some kind of dedication, or if you inherit it. It has a good effect on the offspring of ancient families. This is the stone of kings and high priests. To the rest of the people the diamond is in best case scenario indifferent. It will not work for at least 7-9 years or will act detrimentally. It is highly undesirable to wear a purchased diamond. It will take at least nine years before he gets used to you. Should be worn no more than once a month. A stolen diamond brings bad luck.

As a talisman, Rock Crystal makes a person hypersensitive, multiplying his abilities. It helps to develop psychic abilities and develop telepathic contact. How the Rock Crystal amulet cleanses space well negative influences and energies.

Lapis lazuli strengthens the physical body, mind and consciousness. The stone is good for cleansing the aura of negative influences, helping to get rid of unnecessary memories and disturbing thoughts. Lapis lazuli improves the functioning of the third eye chakra if it is placed in this area and meditated for at least 10 minutes.

Second lunar day
Jadeite, chalcedony, iridescent agate
In Chinese and Tibetan medicine Jadeite is used as a good energy stabilizer. Healers believe that noble jadeite, with its “Qi” energy, evens out disturbed bioenergy, gives emotional charge and regulates blood pressure. The energy of ordinary jadeite is less pronounced, but it can even out and calm emotional outbursts.

Chalcedony has a calming effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, helps get rid of outbursts of anger, drive away melancholy and create a good mood.

Iridescent agate stimulates a person’s spiritual awakening, softens character and promotes inner peace and confidence.

Third lunar day
Jespilite, ruby, pyrite, aventurine

Ruby is a stone of the element of Fire and a concentrator of the strong principle of Yang. A highly revered magical stone in India. It is believed that Ruby gives unlimited power and has an irresistible effect on people. It has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps with depression. The stone helps to cure blood diseases, chronic tonsillitis, diseases of the spine and joints. However, if there is an excess of Yang principle in the body, that is, with high blood pressure and nervous breakdowns, it is NOT recommended to wear Ruby.

Aventurine, a pink-yellow stone with sparkles. This stone gives a person confidence, optimism, and sharpens the emotional state. Previously, it was believed that he could win the hearts of your lovers towards you. Aventurine cannot be worn more than one lunar phase in a row, preferably in the third or fourth. For people who have a strong Neptune and the signs of Water and Earth, it really lifts their spirits if they don’t wear it all the time. Natural stone is very rare; now it is made mainly from crumbs.

Fourth lunar day
Sardonyx, Amazonite (brings joy to the home), Green Jade
According to Costa ben Luca, Sardonyx “... drove out debauchery and turned a person into chaste and modest...”.

Amazonite helps strengthen family relationships and build strong family, he brings joy to the house.

Fifth lunar day
Turquoise, pink chalcedony, marble
Turquoise is a symbol of good luck and victory and is considered the stone of brave people capable of fighting evil. It is recommended to be worn by people who are not afraid of risks and strive for victory. Turquoise is considered the most important stimulant of the throat chakra. Accordingly, it has a good effect on the vocal cords and the thyroid gland.

Chalcedony is associated with property, money, prosperity. It has a calming effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, helps get rid of outbursts of anger, drive away melancholy and create a good mood. Chalcedony Pink colour especially good for regulating the work of the heart chakra and the psycho-emotional sphere of a person.

Sixth lunar day
Hyacinth, yellow citrine
Hyacinth is a light and transparent variety of Zircon. It helps achieve emotional balance, improves mental capacity and enhances the desire to learn.

Yellow Citrine activates the brain and accumulates vital energy in the body. Moreover, Citrine, with its vibrations, strengthens the protective properties of the human aura.

Seventh lunar day
Sapphire, heliotrope, coral
Sapphire is associated with loyalty and oath, the highest law. This stone bestows secret power, strengthens the human spirit, but helps only strong people. Sapphire helps to sense lies, and also makes a person calm, tames passions and is able to influence the passage of time. Sapphire is the stone of teachers who can teach and lead others. Helps strengthen altruism. Ritual stone. It was worn on the middle finger by high priests and judges.

Eighth lunar day
Red granite, peridot, morion
Peridot brings good luck in all matters, gives strength and vigilance, and has a good effect on the physical and emotional state. It is believed that it is able to warn its owner against unreasonable actions.

Ninth lunar day
Black pearl, alexandrite, rauchtopaz (gives loneliness), serpentine (attracts blackness)
Pearls calm the psyche and promote peace of mind. Ancient texts of Ayurveda recommend drinking “pearl” water in the morning on an empty stomach - put 4-5 natural pearls in a glass of water overnight. Pearl water has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and blood-restoring effects. Black Pearl, like any black crystal, also has a protective function.

Alexandrite gives the owner peace of mind, positively influencing the nervous system. It is believed that it contributes to the spiritual renewal of the owner, balancing his mind and emotions.

Serpentine is a greenish-gray stone with motley, black inclusions. The serpentine is considered an insidious stone - a symbol of temptation and the possibility of sin. It is believed to attract the forces of evil. The serpentine is quite dangerous for humans. It is often used by magicians. For others it brings trials in the form of temptation. Nadder was spat out by Adam when he choked on an apple: a piece of the apple got stuck in his throat and became Nadder. This stone points to original sin, to temptation. He is associated with the Elemental Spirits. There should be no cracks in it, otherwise you will not attract a normal Elemental Spirit to you. It was placed under the threshold to protect the house from evil spirits. At the same time, the Coil is recommended to be worn by people who want to avoid dangers on the path of life; it is able to protect the owner from negative influences from other people.

Rauchtopaz is a stone of calm and meditative contemplation, it is too calming emotional people, relieves jealousy, resentment and pride. This crystal dispels negative formations and emotions, purifying images affects the subconscious. As a talisman, it protects against negative forces and magic. However, this stone can plunge the owner into a world of illusions or cause loneliness.

Tenth lunar day
Amber, tsvarovite, olivine-peridot, sardonyx
Amber is a source of creativity, faith and optimism. It gives the owner creative powers, good spirits, brings good luck and maintains health.

According to Costa ben Luca, Sardonyx “... drove out debauchery and turned him [a person - approx. author] in chaste and modest...”

Olivine chrysolite brings good luck in business, gives strength and vigilance, and has a good effect on the physical and emotional state. It is believed that it is able to warn its owner against unreasonable actions.

Eleventh lunar day
Fire opal, hematite, carnelian

Hematite or, in other words, Bloodstone - dark stone, with bloody veins. Hematite has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis and prevents blood diseases. It also has a positive effect on the energy of the first (or base, support) and second chakras. This is a sacred magical stone that protects against any astral attacks and is used to concentrate tantric energy. Contraindicated for weak people.

Carnelian has a calming effect and helps restore strength. Carnelian amulets soften anger and elevate mood, and also protect against negative energies and the evil eye.

Twelfth lunar day
Lapis lazuli, yellow coral, mother of pearl, pink pearl
Lapis lazuli is the stone of people who strive to renew their lives. It promotes the formation of new interests, the emergence of unexpected plans, projects that suddenly come true, and strengthens a person’s friendship. The stone gives peace, joy, happiness in love. Lapis lazuli strengthens the physical body, mind and consciousness. The stone is good for cleansing the aura of negative influences, helping to get rid of unnecessary memories and disturbing thoughts. Lapis lazuli improves the functioning of the third eye chakra if it is placed in this area and meditated for at least 10 minutes.

Coral helps neutralize the negative human states of anger and envy. Medically, it has an effect on blood purification and is recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland, asthma, throat diseases, as well as the cardiovascular system, depression and psychoneurosis.

Pearls calm the psyche and promote peace of mind. Ancient texts of Ayurveda recommend drinking “pearl” water in the morning on an empty stomach - put 4-5 natural pearls in a glass of water overnight. Pearl water has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and blood-restoring effects. Using Pearls helps calm the psyche and gain peace of mind, especially pink Pearls. Pearls are also used for nervous disorders or memory loss.

Thirteenth lunar day
Noble opal
Opal is considered the stone of love, faith and compassion. It calms the nerves, helps with heart disease, protects against violent passions and irritation, and promotes communication between people.

Fourteenth lunar day
Hyacinth, blood red zircon
It is considered a stone of unhappy love: young women with hyacinth rings risk losing their lovers. But it is also a stone of hope and transformation, which helps to calm down and get out of a state of melancholy and depression. It is also believed that Hyacinth is able to improve the mental abilities of its owner, increases intelligence and improves memory.

Fifteenth lunar day
Agate, morion, jet
It is believed that Agate stimulates a person’s spiritual awakening, tuning him into a subtle wave of clairvoyance and clairaudience. Agate calms and dispels fears. It is especially good for children. In the old days, Agate was considered a talisman against witches.

Jet is an absorber of negative energy, which is especially important on the 15th Lunar Day. Jet protects a person from dark forces, dispels fears, good for nightmares.

Sixteenth lunar day
Spinel, tourmaline, charoite, emerald, pearl (except black)
Tourmaline is good for strong nervous and physical activity, to restore the aura after a negative external influence. Tourmaline has strong rejuvenating properties.

Charoite creates peace of mind and harmonizes relationships. Wearing emeralds strengthens memory, helps with insomnia and drives away bad dreams.

Using Pearls helps calm the psyche and gain peace of mind, especially pink Pearls. Pearls are also used for nervous disorders or memory loss.

Seventeenth lunar day
Transparent amethyst, raven and hawk's eye, zircon

Raven and Hawk's Eye are good amulets that can protect against bad energies and the evil eye. It is believed that Hawkeye saturates the first (basic, root) chakra with energy and allows the owner to see himself, as if from above.

Zircon helps achieve emotional balance and treats insomnia. It improves mental abilities and enhances the desire to learn. Jewelry with zircon will help cope with nervous disorders. This is a very strong stone, it is sometimes called younger brother diamond

Eighteenth lunar day
White agate, opal, lilac amethyst, spinel
White Agate is a stone of peace and prosperity. Promotes the manifestation of gentleness, kindness, inner peace and confidence. Good for protection from the forces of evil.

Opal is a stone of love, faith and compassion. It calms the nerves, helps with heart disease, protects against violent passions and irritation, and promotes communication between people.

Amethyst is considered a stone that prevents intoxication. It also soothes pain and anxiety, clears thoughts, and fills the aura with positive energy and good intentions. Amethyst is believed to help control emotions, relieve irritation and eliminate insomnia. This stone initiates the cleansing and opening of the “third eye” chakra, that is, it helps to plunge into the subconscious area of ​​omniscience.

Nineteenth lunar day
Labradorite, jet, morion, hematite, chrysolite, uvarovite and green pomegranate
Black with blue reflections, Labradorite is a gravestone; monuments are made from it. Often used in black magic for the purpose of causing damage, but is also used for protection. It was recommended to place this stone under the threshold of the house, thus protecting it from uninvited guests. It is believed that Labradorite increases the owner's speed to visions and mystical revelations.

Hematite is a dark stone with bloody veins. It has a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis and prevents blood diseases. It also has a positive effect on the energy of the first (or base, support) and second chakras. This is a sacred magical stone that protects against any astral attacks and is used to concentrate tantric energy. Contraindicated for weak people.

Agate stimulates a person’s spiritual awakening, tuning him into a subtle wave of clairvoyance and clairaudience. Agate calms and dispels fears. It is especially good for children. In the old days, Agate was considered a talisman against the forces of evil.

Peridot brings good luck in business, gives strength and vigilance, and has a good effect on the physical and emotional state. It is believed that it is able to warn its owner against unreasonable actions.

Twentieth lunar day
Red jasper and jaspilite
Jasper, according to Taoist beliefs, is the “stone of life,” as it strengthens the physical body and prolongs life. Red jasper is good for working with the first (basic, main) chakra.

Jaspilit is associated with freedom and struggle. Jespilite talismans help lift your spirits, protect against negative energies and develop the ability to foresight. It is believed that Jaspilite increases blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system.

Twenty-first lunar day
Pyrite, zircon, aventurine, obsidian
Zircon helps achieve emotional balance and treats insomnia. It improves mental abilities and enhances the desire to learn. Jewelry with zircon helps to cope with nervous disorders. This is a very powerful stone, it is sometimes called the younger brother of diamond.

Aventurine has long been considered a lucky talisman, worn to maintain a joyful mood, good spirits and clarity of mind. The stone promotes creative development personality and calms emotions. Green aventurine used to stimulate the heart chakra, strengthen vision and develop intelligence.

Twenty-second lunar day

Blue agate, blue sapphire, blue jasper, blue jade and amber
Blue and blue crystals influence, respectively, the fifth (throat) and sixth (third eye) chakras, cleansing them and increasing their activity. Agate stimulates a person’s spiritual awakening, softens character and promotes inner peace and confidence. Good for protection from the forces of evil.

Sapphire is associated with loyalty and oath, the highest law. This stone bestows secret power, strengthens the human spirit, but helps only strong people. Sapphire helps to sense lies, and also makes a person calm, tames passions and is able to influence the passage of time. Sapphire is the stone of teachers who can teach and lead others. Helps strengthen altruism. Ritual stone. It was worn on the middle finger by high priests and judges.

Associated with Jade family well-being and longevity, it is also recommended for those who are trying to change their lives and enter a new period. Jade is also a stone of change, helping to get out of everyday impasses.

Amber is a source of creativity, faith and optimism. It gives the owner creative powers, good spirits, brings good luck and maintains health.

Twenty-third lunar day
Rauchtopaz, black jade, crocodile, sarder
Dark gray and black stones are usually good amulets against negative influences.

Rauchtopaz (Smoky Quartz) is a stone of calm and meditative contemplation, calms overly emotional people, relieves jealousy, resentment and pride. This crystal dispels negative formations and emotions and has a cleansing effect on the subconscious. As a talisman, it protects against negative forces and magic. However, this stone can plunge the owner into a world of illusions or cause loneliness.

Jade is associated with family well-being and longevity; it is also recommended for those who are trying to change their lives and enter a new period. Jade is also a stone of change, helping to get out of everyday impasses.

Crocodilite is a variety of Agate. It is believed that Agate stimulates a person’s spiritual awakening, tuning him into a subtle wave of clairvoyance and clairaudience. Agate calms and dispels fears. It is especially good for children. In the old days, Agate was considered a talisman against witches.

Sarder is a variety of Chalcedony. Chalcedony is associated with property, money, prosperity. It has a calming effect on the psycho-emotional sphere of a person, helps get rid of outbursts of anger, drive away melancholy and create a good mood.

Twenty-fourth lunar day
Black jasper, air obsidian, malachite, blue jade, grossular
According to Taoist beliefs, Jasper is the “stone of life,” as it strengthens the physical body and prolongs life.

Malachite is considered a “stone of health” and a good amulet. Malachite is a stone of the fourth (heart) chakra, which resolves energy blocks and improves its functioning. Moreover, if you use malachite for the third ( solar plexus) chakras – this relieves emotional stress and creates a balance of energy between the third and fourth chakras. According to the Hindu tradition, malachite, placed on the chakra in the “third eye” area, helps clear the mind of fears, resentments, anxieties and obsessive states. From a medical point of view, malachite is used for diseases of the heart, pancreas and spleen.

Jade is associated with family well-being and longevity; it is also recommended for those who are trying to change their lives and enter a new period. Jade is also a stone of change, helping to get out of everyday impasses.

Obsidian is associated with the first (root, base) chakra. It is believed to energize this chakra, strengthening the physical body. It is also a good cleanser that helps eliminate negative phenomena and dissolve energy blocks at the level of the physical body. To charge the body, it can be placed on the groin area or navel.

Twenty-fifth lunar day
Spars, tiger's eye, hawk's eye (blue and blue), cat eye(green), prazem, all fossils - wood, coal; sink, as well as heliotrope, pink marble
Eye of the Tiger - powerful amulet and a stimulant stone. This stone is recommended to be worn by sick and weakened people. It is believed that the Tiger's Eye controls solar energy, redirecting its flow into the human body.

Hawkeye is a good amulet that can protect against bad energies and the evil eye. It is believed that Hawkeye saturates the first (basic, root) chakra with energy and allows the owner to see himself, as if from above.

Cat's Eye is a strong amulet. This stone strengthens the human spirit and also protects family, home, and property. Its task is to stabilize a person as much as possible.

Heliotrope increases physical and mental activity, helps withstand stressful situations, and strengthens a person’s protective energy field.

Twenty-sixth lunar day
Orpiment, yellow jade, jadeite, chrysoprase
Jade is associated with family well-being and longevity; it is also recommended for those who are trying to change their lives and enter a new period. Jade is also a stone of change, helping to get out of everyday impasses.

Twenty-seventh lunar day
Purple transparent amethyst, emerald, adularia, rose and crimson quartz, selenite
Amethyst is considered a stone that prevents intoxication. It also soothes pain and anxiety, clears thoughts, and fills the aura with positive energy and good intentions. Amethyst is believed to help control emotions, relieve irritation and eliminate insomnia. This stone initiates the cleansing and opening of the “third eye” chakra, that is, it helps to plunge into the subconscious area of ​​omniscience.

Emerald dispels melancholy, strengthens the heart and promotes longevity.

Adularia, a variety of Selenite, is a strong amulet for people with an explosive character. It does not allow energy to be wasted and relieves strong spiritual and mental stress. Adularia perfectly protects against harmful influences and entities. It cleanses the space around the one who wears it.

Selenite is an amulet for people who are inclined to develop their intuition. It does not allow you to fall into euphoria. A very good talisman for women. Contemplation of Selenite calms the psyche.

Twenty-eighth lunar day
Agonite, chrysoprase, belomorite, milky opal, jadeite, aquamarine, amethyst, plasma
The green color of Chrysoprase improves mood, lifts spirits and improves vision. Chrysoprase is also considered a symbol of friendship and good luck. It can be used as an amulet that protects against negative energy. Chrysoprase stimulates the work of the heart chakra well, it seems to rejuvenate the heart.

Jadeite is a stone of earthly joys, good luck, justice. Jadeite is one of the magic stones. In Chinese and Tibetan medicine, Jadeite is used as a good energy stabilizer. Healers believe that noble Jadeite, with its “Qi” energy, evens out disturbed bioenergy, gives emotional charge and regulates blood pressure. This stone is useful for people with pruritus blood pressure, he straightens it out. By at least, a person will react less to weather conditions. The energy of ordinary Jadeite is less pronounced, but it can even out and calm emotional outbursts.

Amethyst is considered a stone that prevents intoxication. It also soothes pain and anxiety, clears thoughts, and fills the aura with positive energy and good intentions. Amethyst is believed to help control emotions, relieve irritation and eliminate insomnia. This stone initiates the cleansing and opening of the “third eye” chakra, that is, it helps to plunge into the subconscious area of ​​omniscience.

Twenty-ninth lunar day
Black pearl, mother of pearl, obsidian, cacholong, white opal, labradorite, colored jasper
Pearls calm the psyche and promote peace of mind. However, black is usually used for protection.

Obsidian is associated with the first (root, base) chakra. It is believed to energize this chakra, strengthening the physical body. It is also a good cleanser that helps eliminate negative phenomena and dissolve energy blocks at the level of the physical body. To charge the body, it can be placed on the groin area or navel.

Noble Opal is considered a stone of love, faith and compassion. It calms the nerves, helps with heart disease, protects against violent passions and irritation, and promotes communication between people.

Black with blue reflections, the Crow's Eye or, another name, Labrador, is a good amulet that can protect against bad energies and the evil eye. This is also a gravestone; monuments are made from it. Often used in black magic for the purpose of causing damage, but is also used for protection. It was recommended to place this stone under the threshold of the house, thus protecting it from uninvited guests. It is believed that Labradorite increases the owner's speed to visions and mystical revelations.

According to Taoist beliefs, Jasper is the “stone of life,” as it strengthens the physical body and prolongs life.

Thirtieth lunar day
White coral, rock crystal and tourmaline.
Coral helps neutralize the negative human states of anger and envy. Medically, it has an effect on blood purification and is recommended for diseases of the thyroid gland, asthma, throat diseases, as well as the cardiovascular system, depression and psychoneurosis. As a talisman, Rock Crystal makes a person hypersensitive, multiplying his abilities. It helps develop psychic abilities and develop telepathic contact. As an amulet, Rock Crystal cleanses space well from negative influences and energies. Tourmaline is good for severe nervous and physical stress, for restoring the aura after negative external influences. Tourmaline has strong rejuvenating properties.

Moon days and stones

1st lunar day Lamp
This is the day of beginning, building a plan, deed, identifying one’s own self.
Good concentration on fire
Stones 1 Diamond, quartz, rock crystal.
Used as a symbol of strength, beginning, sun.
Gives clarity of mind, a clear understanding of your actions and goals, ways to achieve them, removes negative emotions.

2nd lunar day Horn of plenty.
This is the energy supply for future action. The mental model is ready, now we need energy
Stones - jade- symbolizes the five main virtues - mercy, modesty, courage, justice, wisdom. It is impossible to hang anything of your own on jadeite
Chalcedony(a type of quartz)
Carnelian (cornelian, cornelian) chrysoprase, heliotrope.- these are all chalcedony.
Used to protect one’s own property, protects against mental illness and depression. Gives strength and expressiveness to speech
Agate- (this is also chalcedony) - sharpens vision, gives strength and eloquence. This is the music of the spheres.

3 lunar day Leopard or leopard
This is the beginning of action, the beginning of the implementation of a mental model
Stones 2 -Ruby
Purifies the air from harmful microbes, protects the wearer from epidemics, insomnia, blood and throat diseases, diseases of the spine, joints, arthritis, weakens asthma attacks, helps relieve fatigue and irritability, drives away evil spirits, increases the shine of the eyes and restores vision.
It helps a timid and shy person develop their temperament and make the blood in their veins move faster. To the common man promises sensual love and happiness through activism.
Aventurine maintains a joyful and happy state of mind, clarity of mind. Contributes to outbreaks mutual love, mutual attraction, awakens the imagination. Helps to tune the heart chakra and helps to release traces of emotional trauma and resentment.

4th lunar day Tree of Knowledge
This is a day of verbal magic (word magic), spells, prayers, work on the past
Jade is a stone of power - core, peace of mind, strength and firmness in decisions
Sardonyx, agate

5th lunar day Unicorn
This is a day of goals, pressure, pressure, setting a voice, filling life with meaning.
Amber- an astral cleanser, helps the owner not to go to extremes, not to succumb to temptation, strengthens the abdominal organs, against dizziness and bleeding, suppuration and tumors, against coughs, cramps, treats a number of women's diseases and colds, helps with abnormal metabolism, gives beauty and longevity , supports optimism, helps to do right choice in love and friendship, enhances intuition.
Pink chalcedony- helps to awaken self-love, reveal anahata and express love in action.

6th lunar day Crane
Day of sensitivity, intuition, catching information, telepathy, the ability to read other people's thoughts, absorption and assimilation of cosmic energy, working with words, fortune telling.
Stone- citrine- is associated with receiving real benefits from the information passing through a person, it strengthens all the organs of mercury (ligaments, throat, eyes), helps establish the contacts you need and assimilates the prana of the air.
Using creative power in all aspects of life.
Plasma, chalcedony, hyacinth.

7th lunar day Wand or wind rose
This is the day of the elements and working with them, working with words, verbal magic, singing, developing the voice, mantras, mudras, pranayama, prayers, especially in nature. You can’t chat, it’s better to remain silent
Sapphire relates to ajna and governs wisdom and intuition, a stone of philosophical contemplation, calmness and composure, attracts divine favors and sympathy from others, helps to win love and protects from treachery, anger, fear, envy. Encourages good deeds, gives clarity of thought, and is also a cure for heart disease and women’s diseases, sapphire makes drug therapy more effective for everyone. chronic diseases owner, that is, it speeds up therapy and makes it better. As a talisman, it promotes spiritual development - increases concentration, purity of soul and thoughts. This is a stone of peace of mind and trust, a stone of inner harmony.

Coral- This is a cure for sadness and sadness, makes a person wise, and prevents trouble.

8th lunar day Phoenix.

This is a day of transformation, alchemy, transfiguration. Lighting of sacred fires.


Morion or dark smoky quartz-it facilitates contact with the world of the dead, gives an understanding of the indifference of life and death

Olivine-Chrysolite warns the owner against unreasonable actions, protects against bad dreams, obsessive states, enhances self-esteem, relieves sorrows and delusions, and activates the sexual sphere.

9th lunar day. Milky Way.

Cleansing at the level of thoughts.



10th lunar day. Fountain.

The day of preserving faith, tradition, defending justice, the day of agreement, the establishment of large cycles.







11th lunar day. Fire Sword or Crown

Day of work with energy, day of health.

Fire opal




12th lunar day Chalice

Day of love, day of Christian faith. Mantras for opening anahata. Day of mercy, compassion, forgiveness.

Lapis lazuli



13th lunar day. Wheel

Day of accumulation of information, teaching.

Noble opal


14th lunar day. Pipe

Day of conscription, gaining knowledge, using sources, working with canons, with sacred texts.



Lapis lazuli.

15th lunar day Snake or jackal

Satan's day. Asceticism is useful. prophetic dreams




16th lunar day. Dove or stairway to heaven.

This is a day of purity, balance, harmony.



17th lunar day. Bunch of grapes

This is the day of Shakti, fun, emancipation, mastery of sexual energy, active creative power.





18th lunar day. Mirror

Day of healing, day of protector, day of justice and help, day of submission and duty, humility of pride.





19th lunar day. Spider

Operational magic of contacts, work is underway with lies, deception, obfuscation. This is a day of retribution for pride. Black Magic Day.






20th lunar day. Eagle

Astral travel, spiritual practices, choice, finding the core.

At a high level, this is a day of dominion, power.

Red Jasper




21st lunar day. A herd of horses.

Developing loyalty, constancy, awareness of one’s own debt or repayment of debts. Construction Day and Kshatriya Day.






22nd lunar day. Ganesha. Scroll.

Wisdom Day secret knowledge and using it for good. Magic for recognizing the future. Working with symbols, focusing on pictures, gaining strength through knowledge. This day is associated with the Highest Cosmic Law.

Blue agate.



23rd lunar day. Crocodile.

Health day. Day of healing, medicine. Day of seduction, you must not succumb to provocations or low thoughts.


Black jade


24th lunar day. Shiva. Bear.

Destruction of the old and creation of the new. The Augean stables are being cleaned.

Everything is cleaned both in physics and in the house.

Black Jasper



25th lunar day. Turtle. Sink.

Day of awakening of psychic phenomena. Work in other worlds. Saving information. Fortune telling.

Eye of the Tiger


Cat's eye.

26th lunar day. Toad.

Search for a teacher, teaching, access to the egregor. Checking the correctness of the teaching.


Yellow jade


27th lunar day. Rod or trident.

A day of meditation for inner insight. Working with the past. Travel day. Day of Prophecies.






28th lunar day. Karma. Lotus.

A day of contemplation, a day of working with symbols, with dreams. Concentration on anahata. Day of learning the wheel of your incarnations. Self-knowledge and self-strengthening.



Milk opal


29th lunar day. Satanic. Mayan. Hydra.

Black Pearl.


30th lunar day. White Swan.

Moonstone is semi-precious mineral, which was especially revered in India in earlier times and even today it has not lost its relevance. In this country it is called jandarakand, which translates as “moonlight”.

As legend has it, this stone arose from the solidified light of the moon. Therefore, it has magical properties and incredible power, which this night celestial body shared with it.

Other common names for the mineral are and. Astrologers recommend using it as a talisman for some zodiac signs. However, not everyone needs to wear it. In this article we will tell you who is suitable for adularia, and also find out how to wear a moonstone.

Moonstone is main mineral love. Its owner does not know what a feeling of rejection is. Luck always accompanies him love affairs. The stone bestows the owner with passion and sensuality, which help to achieve success with the opposite sex.

In addition, the stone allows you to understand whether you need to tie love relationship or not. If nothing good comes from this union, then the mineral becomes dull. Such relationships will only bring pain and disappointment, which is why the stone says that it is better not to start them.

If the talisman begins to shine brighter, this means that this union will be harmonious. Moonstone will preserve and protect such relationships from betrayal, homewreckers, quarrels, separation, etc. IN in this case It is recommended to be worn as decoration and kept in a photo of your loved one. Then his love will never pass.

Another meaning of the amulet is that it helps to develop hidden talents, as well as the gift of oratory. Thanks to him, a person acquires abilities that he did not even know about. Sometimes they can change his whole life in the most dramatic way. To reveal your talents, the moonstone should be worn as a ring. In addition, it is recommended to put it at home next to your photo.

The next meaning of the talisman is that it bestows good luck in financial matters and helps to establish a good relationship with others. The owner of this talisman can count on signing profitable deals, building successful career and success in all business endeavors. It will help you pay off your debts and improve your financial condition. In this case, it is recommended to wear the mineral in the form of a pendant. It can be worn as a bracelet or ring, but must be worn on the right hand.

Magical properties of Moonstone

Moonstone has magical properties. Thanks to this, it can be used to treat certain ailments. So, the mineral normalizes unstable emotional background, helps cope with depression and depressed moods. In addition, it is recommended to be worn by people with pathologies of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract. There is an opinion that it helps to recover from these ailments. The magic of the stone is also effective for colds.

If a person who has become infected with infectious pathologies wears a moonstone, he will recover very quickly. This mineral is recommended to be worn by women during childbirth. It will relieve suffering and help a healthy child be born. If the baby was born too active and mobile, then the mineral gives him calmness and perseverance. In all these cases, it is not necessary to wear the moonstone on yourself. You can simply place it on a photo. Even in this case, it will give a positive result.

Besides, this mineral normalizes sleep and protects against nightmares. You can keep it under your pillow at night. In this case, he will send the owner a prophetic dream or help him get answers to many questions.

Moonstone can make wishes come true. To do this, you need to wait until the night when the full moon is shining in the sky. Exactly at twelve o'clock, you should take the mineral in your hand and stand under Moonlight. After this, you need to make a wish and ask the talisman to make it come true. It is believed that the mineral will make every effort to make it come true.

This amulet needs constant recharging. To give it to a mineral, you need to place it in the moonlight on a full moon. Then it will be charged with the energy of the moon and will again begin to “work” at full strength.

Who is suitable for Moonstone according to their zodiac sign?

Moonstone is not suitable for everyone to wear. There are zodiac signs whose energy is ideally compatible with the energy of the mineral. However, there are those for whom wearing the mineral is contraindicated. The table below provides information about who lunar will do stone, and who doesn't.

Moonstone compatibility with zodiac sign. Table 1.

Moonstone affects each zodiac sign differently. So, the talisman is ideal for Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces. It gives them peace of mind and allows them to get rid of bad character traits. In addition, the mineral develops in this case the gift of eloquence and hidden talents. It attracts money and gives good luck in all endeavors.

Moonstone gives wisdom to Leos. Thanks to this mineral, they will be able to choose their path in life. In addition, the stone does not allow Leos to stray from the right path.

Moonstone helps Sagittarius solve all their problems and make the right decision even in the most difficult situations.

This mineral will help Aquarians get rid of negative traits character. In addition, he grants them protection from evil forces, evil witchcraft, envious people and gossip.

Moonstone will help Libra choose the right path in life and overcome all the obstacles that arise along it.

For Gemini, this mineral gives peace of mind and helps get rid of sudden mood swings.

Moonstone will help Taurus gain confidence in own strength. It gives optimism and relieves the blues.

Thanks to this stone, Virgos will be able to build a strong and happy family. In addition, the mineral grants protection from evil forces and evil witchcraft, quarrels and gossip.

Aries and Capricorn wearing Moonstone contraindicated.

Moonstone is one of the most strong talismans. The main thing is to use only real mineral as an amulet. Its imitation has no magical power. Understand what's in front of you a natural stone based on its appearance and temperature. You can find bubbles inside it, and if you hold it in your hands, it will not heat up, and it will also feel cool. Only such a stone can be used as an amulet.

On the 1st lunar day- day of dreams and daydreams - try to reduce communication with the outside world to a minimum. The best thing you can do is to devote this time to communicating with your favorite stones. This is the perfect time to receive a diamond ring or rock crystal pendant as a gift - in similar jewelry you may well claim to be a bright personality who will have a strong influence on others.
Fill the inner space that every precious stone has with exclusively positive feelings. If you draw a bright, emotional picture in your imagination and transfer it to the stone through a system of communicating energy vessels, there is a high probability that your plan will be realized in the smallest subtleties and details.
On the 2nd lunar day It’s very difficult to recover wasted energy, and time flows slower than usual. Fate sends you all the most important things for this lunar month, pushing to buy jadeite or iridescent agate, although it is recommended not to place special hopes on such objects of power as precious stones, but to rely only on yourself. Your energy field with more likely will strengthen the boulder you meet on a walk, the “brother” of those precious crystals that you are used to working with at home.
On the 3rd lunar day- the day of hidden internal possibilities - it is recommended to control your desires and emotions. Any precious stone that happens to be in your hands during these lunar day, can be considered a test of strength, that is, the state of your energy. Pick up jewelry with aquamarine, aventurine or ruby ​​in a jewelry store; this will give you a powerful charge of additional strength and energy.
On the 4th lunar day- the day of unsolved mysteries - our energy is very unstable, and it is better to think ten times before taking specific actions. In order not to further disturb the overall energy background, it is recommended to purchase only agate, amazonite, sardonyx, serpentine and green jade - by working with these stones, you give yourself a chance to deal with the negative life experience problems inherent in the past.
5th lunar day- concentration time emotional forces. Success stones and marriage stones will keep you from emotional ups and downs and short-sighted actions. Receiving a gift in the form of pink chalcedony, white turquoise or amber instills self-confidence, determination, activity and a joyful attitude towards life.
Purchased on the 6th lunar day hyacinth and citrine become conductors of cosmic energy. Any gemstone you charge carries a powerful energy wave, contains very important information. But you can catch it and perceive it only on the condition that on this day you do not show aggression, irritability, or impatience.
7th lunar day- Not best time for seclusion. You should also refrain from deep penetration into the structure of precious stones because any thoughtless action can do harm and drain energy from you. And the purchase this
the lunar day of heliotrope, sapphire or coral will help realize dormant magical abilities.
8th lunar day- a day of inner attractiveness that cannot be touched, photographed, or described in words. To protect yourself from the influence of lower astral entities, try to use red garnet, morion or chrysolite purchased on this lunar day. Meditations with these stones can give a hint of your true purpose, of the tasks that life expects you to solve.
On the 9th lunar day Beware of energetic influences and your own destructive emotions. On this lunar day, it is useful to plan the purchase of black pearls, alexandrite, rauchtopaz and other precious stones that are emotionally associated with asceticism and loneliness.
On the 10th lunar day muses are literally in the air, try to remember yours internal sensations from this lunar day, and the fruits of your creativity will definitely be a stunning success. On these lunar days, the karmic channel opens, and the energy of the family comes to the rescue in solving problems of spiritual growth. The power of blue turquoise, sardonyx, amber or olivine-peridot purchased on this day is very effective.
11th lunar day- a day of incredible power that you have to learn to control, one of the best lunar days of the month. At this moment, the ancient forces of the earth, the forces of animal nature merge with lunar energy. It is recommended to purchase carnelian, hematite, and fire opal.
12th lunar day- a day of positive cosmic pulsation - as if called to bring good to the world. Try to be sincere with yourself and with others, do not hesitate to openly express your feelings. On these lunar days, it is recommended to purchase yellow coral, mother of pearl, lapis lazuli or pink pearls.
On the 13th lunar day It’s better to avoid worry and fuss, and then you have a chance to comprehend the information flow that the earthly element sends you, get in touch with the “soul” of the stone and catch the passage of time. On these lunar days, you may intuitively like jewelry with noble opal.
14th lunar day- happy, “chosen one”, always giving us “precious signs of fate”. It is on such days that the ability to subtly feel and create an aura of understatement around oneself comes. It is recommended to use the magic of the hyacinth purchased on this lunar day.
15th moon day contradictory, an excess of sensual energy near the full moon splashes over the edge, sometimes turning off common sense, but including our subconscious. Support yourself by purchasing agate, morion or jet.
16th lunar day creates an atmosphere of dreams and the construction of “strong” castles in the air - there is an opportunity to work with your future and correct the past. If there is a lot of thinking on the new moon, then on the full moon there are a lot of emotions. The main thing is to be able to convince yourself that we can do everything in this life, and to fight the illusions that deprive us of real opportunities. During these lunar days, plan to purchase gems aimed at maintaining mental balance, such as spinel, charoite, tourmaline or emerald.
17th lunar day- the best time to find your “soul mate”. So don’t miss these lunar days, which pass under the auspices of Eros. The magic of a hawk's eye, zirconium or amethyst acquired on this lunar day is very effective.
18th lunar day is like a mirror: everything that those around you say about you on this day is the pure truth. And you can find out what the stones say about you if you buy opal, spinel, white agate or lilac amethyst on these lunar days. Know how to get things done own desires, try not to fall under the influence of others and be sure to complete what you plan.
19th lunar day-period of manifestation magical abilities when you easily, without the slightest effort, will inspire sympathy and respect in others. And jet, Labradorite, bloodstone, chrysolite or green garnet bought on this lunar day will help you. It is on such days that the wise thought may come to you that there is enough natural energy in this world for everyone.
20th lunar day- a period of active and decisive action. You have to realize its internal connections, understand that nothing happens by chance - everything is natural and one follows from the other. It is useful to purchase red jasper and jaspilite
On the 21st lunar day Nature will help everyone who makes an effort to express themselves. But it is this day that makes us understand that lunar magic is not a immersion in the world of baseless fantasies, but our actions, for example, buying zircon, aventurine, obsidian or pyrite.
22nd lunar day favorable for turning to stones with any requests. It is favorable to purchase blue agate, blue jade, as well as blue sapphire and blue jasper.
But your desire to step beyond the visible world will not be enough. Only those with wisdom and secret knowledge will be able to decipher the hidden symbolism of precious crystals and penetrate into the very depths of the magic of stones. This means that it is better not to immerse yourself in those ceremonies with which you are not thoroughly familiar.
The main commandment 23rd lunar day- do not try to manipulate other people. Any adventure will only give false feeling as if the situation is under your control. But where do you get such confidence that no one will ever be able to manipulate you so insidiously? Black jade and rauchtopaz purchased on this lunar day will help you control yourself.
On the 24th lunar day internal reserves are at their limit, so when preparing for any appeal to the forces of the Earth and the Moon, try to choose the crystal that is suitable specifically for balancing the energy scales. Traditional purchases of this day are black jasper, airy obsidian, malachite or blue jade.
Loneliness on the 25th lunar day- your best assistant. Any magical action on this day only takes away mental strength. Therefore, a sage or a person with good intuition strives to remain alone with himself, turn to his inner world or go to jewelry store for red jasper, jaspilite, heliotrope, pink marble, hawk's or tiger's eye.
On the 26th lunar day is not the time to cultivate your own uniqueness and exclusivity - otherwise you will feel that energy level your interlocutor, companion or colleague is always slipping away. When you buy jadeite, chrysoprase or yellow jade, remember: attachment to the material world prevents a sufficient understanding of the higher laws of existence.
On the 27th lunar day intuition is especially sharpened. Its vibrations carry secret knowledge; purple amethyst, adularia, selenite, rose quartz and emerald purchased on this day have great power. But you are only allowed to use your own experience, what you yourself understood and felt.
The perfect recipe wisdom for 28th lunar day- rest. Do not try to get to the bottom of the matter and the root cause of events. You cannot isolate yourself, it is necessary to develop the “inner light” inherent in each of us and draw strength from belomorite, milky opal, plasma, jadeite, aquamarine and amethyst acquired on this lunar day.
Symbols 29th lunar day- deceptive judgments. Avoid the dark and dark places. Fumigate gemstones with herbs. Turn to water magic: be sure to perform cleansing baths for crystals and gems, as this will help wash away all negative energy from them. Buy mother of pearl, obsidian, black pearl, labradorite, white opal and colored jasper.
Shortest and rarest strategy 30th lunar day- waiting. The moon is finishing its cycle, and our internal reserves are running out. And yet, we always get from the night luminary what we order, especially if we manage to purchase tourmaline, rock crystal or white corals on this lunar day.


The lunar calendar is based on the length of the lunar (synodic) month (more than 29 days), determined by the period of change lunar phases. The first lunar day, according to the lunar calendar, corresponds to the new moon phase, when the shadow of the earth completely covers the moon and the light of the sun does not reach it.

The lunar calendar already existed in Ancient Babylon. Each lunar day has its own symbols, its own astronomical and astrological meaning.

First lunar day - new moon

Day creative ideas. Symbols of the first lunar day are light, lamp, lamp.

Pallas Athena emerging in full armor from the head of Zeus.

You can’t start any business on this day, it’s better to just plan it. This can subsequently be successfully implemented, including without our intervention.

A magical day - the mental forms in our consciousness will then be embodied.

You can’t think about “the wrong things” on the first day: we can create realities that will later bring misfortune.

The day must be clean. Think positive!


The first day of the Moon is associated with the brain and the front part of the head: on this day you should not overwork, drink alcohol, or eat spicy and very hot food. Physiologically difficult day, thickens internal organs. If you violate the recommendations, energy will be released to the internal organs, which can lead to the formation of stones. While there is no disease, you cannot allow it to arise and develop. Unlucky for those who fall into illnesses that last a long time.

Born on this day:

Those born on the first day of the moon always expect something great; they can live like this all their lives and not wait for their finest hour. Sometimes they have to get involved in activities - unexpectedly and brightly.


Second lunar day

Symbols: mouth, mouth, cornucopia.

Anger is completely contraindicated on the second day of the Moon; generosity is indicated.

Born on this day :

People born on this day strive to absorb everything into themselves. In undeveloped people this manifests itself in the form of aggression and greed; never gaining weight, they eat everything indiscriminately. People of this day may develop greed, predatory instincts, and attachment to things.


On the 2nd day of the moon, diet has a beneficial effect. It is recommended that everyone, before moonrise or in the morning, rinse their stomach and drink a liter of salted water with lemon. You can sit quietly and slowly remember the foods you eat; If, when remembering something edible, you feel nausea or an unpleasant sensation, the product is harmful to the body. (You can check your friends in the same way: the one who makes you sick is not a friend). It is good to start a cycle of physical exercise or a large information cycle on this day. If this is not done, the physical body may harden (salts, stones), teeth begin to hurt, periodontal disease, lichen are possible (with a bad Saturn). You should pay attention to the mouth, teeth, and the upper part of the palate.


Third lunar day

The symbol is a leopard or leopard preparing to jump. From this day the new moon begins, a crescent moon appears in the sky. This is a period of active struggle, pressure and aggression, an astral warrior clad in armor. All passive people on the third day of the Moon they are vulnerable, as various astral attacks are made on them. A person, if he is not a fighter, simply “ferments” his energy, becomes suspicious, suspicious and insidious. You should concentrate and use your astral energy for self-defense. This is the best day to practice martial arts - tai chi, karate and others. On this day they work with metals, sharpen knives, and in ancient times they cast silver things. It is bad to spill oil on the 3rd day of the Moon (this means that you slipped, went out of your way).


It is advisable to go to the sauna and take a steam bath. It is recommended to work with all energies of the biofield. If there is pain in the back of the head or ears, it is necessary to clean the bones (boil 1 packet of bay leaf per 1 liter of boiling water to a volume of 0.5 cups and take the decoction as an internal remedy). On the third day, these parts of the body should be given increased attention.


Fourth lunar day

The symbol is the tree of knowledge, the choice between good and evil. On this day, which is best spent in solitude, you need to think ten times before making a decision. This day is the first of the unfavorable ones. And it carries a dual characteristic: it is positive and negative at the same time, there is evil in it. In Western European astrology, it is considered the day of the fall of man who ate from the Tree of Knowledge - hence the symbol of Adam's apple stuck in the throat. It’s better to spend this day in solitude and try not to make hasty decisions: first you need to think it over thoroughly. On this day one is supposed to focus on singing sacred hymns. Contraindicated group work, you can’t pick flowers or cut down trees. It’s good to spin on this day, walk through the forest, unravel threads.

Dream Interpretation:

If on the night preceding this day you see threads and your hair gets tangled, you should abandon your plan.

Born on this day:

People born on this day are the bearers of some kind of cosmic secret: it is desirable that everyone unravel this secret within themselves on an intuitive level.


Fifth lunar day

The symbol is a unicorn, denoting, in particular, loyalty to principles and duty; people on the fifth day are “pacified” by pure virgins. On this day, symbolizing the beginning of the assimilation of food and its transformation, one should pay attention to the food consumed. great attention. This is the only day when food (in the sense of the astral frame) burns without residue and is completely converted into tissue. Therefore, you can be guided by instinct and eat what you are drawn to; This is what yogis do - they buy a little of everything at the market and eat. On this day you need to get enough, but not overeat. Milk and cottage cheese are preferable as the basis of nutrition.

Born on this day:

don't get fat, they distinguishing feature fussiness. It is useful for them to follow information, not to eat sauerkraut, pickled cucumber, avoid products containing rotting germs. It’s good to be on the road on the fifth day, cry (in dreams and in reality), work with herbs - collect, dry them, infuse them. On this day, principles are defended, someone is protected.


attention should be paid to the esophagus. You cannot go hungry; animal food is contraindicated. On this day people are born who transform food into physical and astral energy. Heroes and saints may be born.


Sixth lunar day

Precedes the first quarter of the Moon. Symbol - clouds, crane, sacred prophetic bird Ivik (Greek). The crane symbolizes the passive feminine principle. The period of absorption and assimilation of the energy of the Cosmos. Prophecies, transmission of thoughts, work with words, pranayama classes. It is also recommended to work with odors, because only in the upper respiratory tract, as well as in the tops of the lungs, the process of transformation of cosmic energy - prana - occurs. The day of finding grace and love. Reminds me of forgiveness.

Born on this day:

conductors, transformers of cosmic energy. In ancient times, on this day they used to tell fortunes by reading the clouds. When the sky is clear or completely covered with clouds, it means the world is devoid of harmony. It’s good to see the clouds and hear the melodic ringing.


you should pay attention to the bronchi, plasma, upper respiratory tract; treat diseases well respiratory tract. The day is good for rejuvenation.


Seventh lunar day

Dream Interpretation:

It is very bad to see a fighting rooster in a dream - this is a sign of a quick disaster for a person or his loved ones.


You need to pay attention to your lungs, as you can easily catch a cold on this day. It is also the least favorable for tooth extraction. People born on the seventh day of the Moon are “weathervanes”, superficial and indefatigable collectors of gossip.


Eighth lunar day

Symbol: phoenix, treasure chest, fire. Also peacocks, bringing misfortune. The planetary symbol is Proserpina, associated with the constellation Gemini and the Moon. Color - red-black (the color of a dying flame). This is a period of biochemical transformations, alchemy, a day of repentance and absolution, purification by fire (food for which is wood or rope - for example, in a candle). In the process of chemical and alchemical transformations in our body, subtlest energies. Transformation and breakdown of food occurs in the stomach.


You can fast, cleanse the stomach and intestines. In addition to the stomach, attention should be paid to the peripheral nervous system. This is the day when it is good to prepare medicines for all diseases, especially complex ones, which contain 108 or 72 components.

Born on this day:

Alchemists are born on the eighth day of the moon.


Ninth day of the moon

The first day of the square of the Moon and the Sun. Symbol: bat, bat.

Dangerous, satanic day. A period of seduction, illusions, deceptions, misconceptions, poisoning. There may be bad, painful dreams (they should not be trusted). A day on which we receive only bad signs, which must be taken seriously: each one must be soberly considered and assessed. It is necessary to purify thoughts, active self-defense from aggressive blackness.

The strongest warning on this day is spilled milk. If a nursing mother's milk disappears, the baby will be punished. You can't look in the mirror or break it.

If a cactus blooms on the ninth day of the moon, this is good.

A pressing feeling in the chest is a sign that many problems have accumulated and we need to turn to the assimilation of spiritual food, to the origins, to tradition. You can do all power asanas. It will be very effective to forgive the person who offended you.


You should pay attention to the chest, to prevent intercostal neuralgia and angina.

Born on this day:

They are often unhappy: they need to constantly clean themselves, get rid of toxins, both physical and astral.


Tenth day

The symbol is a source of water, a fountain. The fountain is associated with the energy that constantly overwhelms a person and reminds of spiritual independence.

The day is associated with a person’s emergence into his own tradition, his self-deepening, and the inclusion of karmic memory. On this day, secret sources of knowledge are accessed. Sometimes a person begins to do something unconsciously. On the tenth lunar day, it is recommended to meditate on one’s own karma and the karma of the family, in order to understand our past and present, to better imagine how to ensure the future and the line that we lead in life. Reflections on your family tree, meditation on portraits of ancestors should be combined with strengthening the home and family. It’s good to start construction on this day.


The tenth day is a day of rest. This is the best day for a Russian steam bath.

Born on this day:

find new sources of energy for themselves, many turn to them for help as a source of strength. Those of them who follow the lower path are selfish, superficial, often suffer from cancerous tumors, men - diseases of the prostate gland.


Eleventh day

Symbol: fiery sword, crown, ridge. The hidden symbol is the Labyrinth, where a person must defeat the Minotaur within himself. A day on which caution and attentiveness are required in carrying out any task. You can practice some cleansing procedures, in particular, cleansing the astral plane, prayer and magical actions, but everything requires careful preparation. If a person does not know, or is not purified, then let him not do anything serious on this day. People who do not have regular practice should not overload themselves, should not pick up cutting tools, and should not even cut bread on this day. You can’t give up what you start; you have to finish everything. Falling knives and forks warn of danger. Contact with insects is not recommended (you cannot kill them).

Born on this day:

very strong, almost unpredictable, and disasters often happen to them. Such people are often bitten by dogs, wasps and even cows. On the eleventh lunar day it is good to start fasting.


Twelfth day

The symbol is a cup, a heart (Grail). The day of mercy and compassion, the inclusion of cosmic energy of love. On the one hand, man’s love for God is included, as the source of the one from which he once came, and on the other hand, God’s love for his creation. This is one of the days when prayers come true. It is good to receive a revelation on the twelfth day. This is a period of visual astral images, concentration on water, purification of thoughts. The day of the victory of wisdom over the mind and feelings, the day of calm, the influence of the spirit. It is useful to give gifts, distribute sacrificial remains, and give alms, especially if you are asked to do so. Anyone who is not merciful on this day may himself lose mercy. A day of prayer, solitude, self-attention, indulgence, altruism, but you cannot relax and cry. It is contraindicated to get angry.


On this day you should try to eat less rough food and a lot of water. Juices are recommended (except apple for enrichment). On the day of cleansing the upper respiratory tract, heart and lungs, it is useful to take an expectorant. Loads on the heart are completely contraindicated. Bad sign on the twelfth day - broken dishes, spilled liquid: this is a sign of suffering, loneliness.

Born on this day:

gracious people.


Thirteenth day

The symbol is a wheel (a snake biting its tail) with a swastika inside. The swastika is “mirror”: it seems to rotate in a clockwise direction, according to the Sun, salting (the swastika is a symbol of the Sun). The swastika symbolizes the movement, primarily of blood, intestinal peristalsis, and the circulation of Chi energy (prana) through the channels of our body. Magical day. The number 13 corresponds to the sign of Gemini (1+3=4 - Mercury, the ruler of this sign. By the way, follows the 13th zodiac constellation Ophiuchus - the constellation of magicians). This is a day of accumulating information, making round talismans, spinning threads, organizing contacts, correcting the past, working with karma. The period is good for contacts in a group and learning.


Bread should be baked on this day. It is necessary to load the stomach, medications and cosmetics (for example, beets with sour cream) are perfectly absorbed, and rejuvenation processes are underway.

Born on this day:

a snake biting its tail is a person working with time, coming into contact with other worlds. On the thirteenth lunar day, ideal students are born.


Fourteenth day

The symbol is a trumpet. This is the day of calling, so it is symbolized by a trumpet. Associated with the use of information sources. It is better to postpone the start of any important business to the 14th day, if there are no interfering factors: planets in destructive degrees, bad planetary situations. Things started on this day are successful. If you missed it, you lost a month. You can pray, but not very hard.


“Dry fasting” is possible, because any liquid on this day carries contamination; It is necessary to clean the drain pipe through which waste must be removed. It is better to eat more almonds and salty foods, give up bitter and sweet foods. Working with sacred texts is useful. Secret knowledge is being acquired, a person’s third eye is opening (if efforts are directed towards this). You should not engage in any magical activity, overload your eyesight, use perfume, and people with a weak Moon should not look in the mirror. Any is useful physical labor. We should not forget that on this day sadness, melancholy, grief and melancholy often “fall in”. There are many suicides, persecution mania, and contacts with other worlds.

Born on this day:

have a calling for something. They are characterized by a longing for authority, incredible adaptability, the ability to disguise themselves, intelligence and cunning, and the ability to lead people along. They are ready for heroic deeds, internally pure, rather sterile, and very fastidious.


Fifteenth day

The symbol is a snake, a jackal, a man - a fighter against evil spirits, whom the Persians called a zurvan (zurvans took upon themselves the mission of cleansing the earth of all evil spirits). Satanic day, Anubis day, a period of carnal temptations and astral battles. In some texts, he is referred to as the tempter Ahriman (Angro Mainyu) - the spirit of the flesh, which relaxes a person, makes him pliable, suggestible, lazy, succumbing to any earthly temptations. On this day, the inner serpent of every person is activated, so you need to practice any form of asceticism, conquer your flesh in order to be pure (otherwise the astral plane is destroyed). It is useful to defend justice. It is advisable to eat viburnum - to improve memory and tame your base nature. The food is good, both spicy and lean, hot. Japanese cuisine is recommended: legumes, barley. You can't eat apples (too Yin food). A dream on the fifteenth day is prophetic (for a month). A bad sign on this day is a quarrel. A good one is a dog, even one that barks.


You should pay attention to the work of the pancreas (its function is corrected) and to the diaphragm. It is better not to get sick on the fifteenth lunar day. People born on this day, the day of the full moon, have a serpentine nature. They succumb to all astral temptations, for they are born under the influence of the astral serpent. Such “uterine” people are not alien to any temptations of the flesh. People of this and the following lunar days are especially not suggestible. This is not good for the student.


Sixteenth day

Symbol - Psyche, butterfly, dove, “stairway to heaven”, denoting the difficult path of ascent, contemplation with enormous power imagination. The first day of the third phase of the moon, which sometimes has a full moon. One of the clean days. Marked by justice, balance, harmony between the astral and physical bodies. On this day, any physical exercise is recommended that promotes harmony, which leads to irreversible processes - both physical and mental. It is believed that shouting and unceremonious behavior should be completely excluded on this day. We must remain calm and not disturb our inner comfort and peace in our souls by any extraneous actions, for the symbol of this day is moderation. The sixteenth lunar day is one of the days of Initiation of preachers. Malice and aggressiveness, envy shown on this day lead to a fall. Sex is also contraindicated.


Born on this day:

love White color and purity, leaning towards blue and silver. They don't judge others. At the first stage of their spiritual advancement they hear nothing; at the second and third stages they come to understand the language of plants and animals. Such people tend to work with time—correcting the past. It doesn’t cost a person of this day anything to build a phantom; he is a kindly dreamer.


Seventeenth day

The symbol is a bunch of grapes, an alarm bell, a bell. This is the period of gaining inner freedom, the day of the mystery of Dionysus. In ancient Greece, sacred bacchanalia were held in honor of this god. In Sanskrit, this day was called the day of Shakti - female energy. This symbol also denoted dancers, priestesses of love. This is a day of accumulation and growth, fertility, ecstasy and joy of being. Favorable for marital relations, paired contacts. The most striking aspect in the characteristics of this day is love, but you should not lose your head and caution: due to uncontrollable energy, it contains many surprises. The day is associated with the transformation of feminine energies, and unsublimated (unprocessed) feminine energy may manifest itself as violence, as an involuntary release. It is advisable to spend the seventeenth day of the Moon as a day of contacts, fun and liberation, a day of speeches, songs, mastering power asanas, group exercises, sublimation of sexual energy. The results of this day can be very different: at the highest level - access to the key to ideal love, at the lowest - rioting and drunkenness. It is recommended to drink dry wine or heated Cahors - this is a symbol of knowledge of eternity and ecstasy, connection with movement and joy. On this day it is good to enter into marriages that will for a long time hold on to love. In general, 12, 16 and 17 are good for marriages lunar days(on the 16th day - the marriage will be based on harmony, and on the 12th - on higher love).

Born on this day:

need their “half”. They have a great need for a true spouse or lover - a source of energy of paired polarity, otherwise the person will be pitiful and weak in life.


Eighteenth day

The symbol is a mirror, ice, a monkey, the image of the sacred Egyptian baboon, which was dedicated to Anubis; Hanuman, the noble leader of the monkeys in the Indian epic, is also related here. The day is passive, for some people it is difficult, since it can also become the day of the Fall. A person who does not want to fight his base instincts is overcome by nightmares and seduction; secret obstacles appear - it seems that they are trying to lead you astray. The day is associated with imitation, mimicry, and passively following other people's thoughts. Everyone needs to work with their bad and unclean thoughts; Developing an objective view of the world, try to see yourself from the outside, give up illusions, base instincts. What happens on the eighteenth day can be illustrated by the following image: the surrounding reality is, as it were, a mirror reflection of our inner essence, our thoughts and actions. Each of us deserves his own mirror: one is crooked, the other is smooth and clean, the third feels as if a mirror shard has fallen into his eye, so he sees everything in a distorted image. In a word, the mirror shows us on these lunar days what we have achieved. On this day, everyone needs to renounce vanity and selfishness. Drinking and smoking are contraindicated; it is useful to cleanse the intestines; Many spiritual teachers have recommended fasting.


You should pay attention to the kidneys: they weaken on this day. On this day there may appear skin diseases, secret wounds will be opened (one must be very careful with any diagnosis and treatment). If something like this happened, it means that the person violated the law of cosmic evolution. It is recommended to cleanse the skin, massages, ablution, rejuvenation, baths with good steam, sleep less - otherwise you can get up in a broken state. It is undesirable to eat meat - better nuts, more vegetable oil (including as a rub during massage).

Born on this day:

with talent as an actor, mainly comedic; Reducing everything to the point of absurdity, they see the world upside down. These are people “without a core” who can imagine themselves to be the crown of creation - and then their path will be pitiful and low: they can reach complete cynicism and destruction. Often they become entangled in their illusions and begin to spare neither the right nor the wrong. Tall people, i.e. individuals walking along the high path are a type of pure mirror; the mystery of Hanuman, whose task is service, can be played on them high idea; These are creative personalities, capable of self-sacrifice and heroic deeds, while at the same time they can remain modest and unnoticed; healers.


Nineteenth day

Symbol: spider, web. The period is difficult and quite dangerous - Satan’s day. The moon is already in decline, so many sorcerers have chosen this day for their magical and black deeds. This day is dangerous with poisoning, spiritual intoxication, and splitting of consciousness. Having become entangled in some kind of vice, a person can easily fall into the devil’s network spread around. You need to be very careful with new ideas and trends that you learn on the 19th lunar day - most likely it will be seduction. This day is associated with astral cleansing for everyone, i.e. with moral cleansing of the soul and conscience: it is useful to think about your actions, at least mentally repent, get rid of lies, pride, other people’s thoughts, and devilish illusions. It is useful to sit by the fire (in ancient times they jumped over the fire), light a candle and walk around the room, apartment, house with it; It’s better, of course, to light a lamp. The day is also associated with creativity: the spider is a person who can oppose himself to everyone - a creator, an individualist, a loner who will show the rise of creative thought, but most likely will be punished by fate for his pride.

Born on this day:

V worst case, people are insidious, cunning, flatterers, skillfully weaving their networks, either losers or lone creators, not understood by the world. However, you can significantly reduce or even completely get rid of the negativity of the 19th day if you cultivate high moral qualities and in life you will be a selfless, modest person, bringing goodness and light.


vulnerable places in the human body on this day are the appendix and sigmoid colon.


Twentieth day

The symbol is an eagle-vulture, “an eagle with a crocodile’s tail,” which means a combination of the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. (the sign of Sagittarius is the presence of the energy of Jupiter). A very serious and interesting day: time spiritual transformation, overcoming doubts, ascension, knowledge cosmic law. The eagle is a symbol of religious feat. The best day for fasting of spiritual insight. It is forbidden to eat meat and strain your eyesight; it is better to be at home, do household chores, family, and traditions. You should not treat extrasensory sensory: it is easy to become exhausted and give away too much energy. Dangers of the 20th day: pride, arrogance, grumpiness.


Organs of the human body such as the shoulder blades, upper back, and peritoneum are associated with this day.

Born on this day:

lives in constantly waiting flight, very prone to astral travel. The best people 20th day - ascetics who sacrifice themselves for the sake of the cause. In the worst case scenario, they tend to rise above others in a negative sense - they become false teachers, dictators.


Twenty first day

The symbol is a horse, a herd of horses, a chariot. A time of indomitable movement forward, upward; a day of courage, fearlessness, voluntary sacrifice, renunciation of property; revolutionary changes, perseverance in achieving goals, the ability to achieve triumph. Active day, creative day sports competitions(better in running). Day of astral warriors, quixoticism, chivalry. On this day you can take an oath of allegiance, you must strive not to lie, to be absolutely pure and fair. All people should be active, “form herds” - everyone is useful group classes; This is a day of friendship, uniting people.


Baths, showers, douches, hardening are recommended; On this day you can travel or start traveling. You should move to a new place of work on the 21st lunar day. Medically, it is associated with the hematopoietic system, in particular the liver; stress on the liver is contraindicated; It is necessary to carry out blood purification procedures - drink grass, eat carrots, cranberries, beets, rowan berries, pomegranates. It is recommended to do physical exercise and be outdoors.

Born on this day:

They can be, in their lowest version, indomitable proud people who “trample” others. Higher type- a pure and honest knight, strong-willed, defender of justice.


Twenty second day

Symbols are the elephant Ganesha (son of Shiva) with a broken tusk, a scroll and a golden key. This is a period of wisdom, the study of secret knowledge and its use. It is recommended to find out the future (not on maps). It is useful to meditate on magical and astrological symbolism. It’s good to focus on pictures, on yantras (these are images of sacred sounds on paper, on sand). Teach others, pass on experience, prepare students, show generosity, or simply accumulate knowledge.


you need to be especially attentive to the hip girdle, sacrum, and lower spine. It is better not to make sudden movements. Since the elephant eats a lot of plant foods, it is recommended to eat a lot and load the stomach.


Twenty third day

The symbol is the Makkara crocodile, a bloodthirsty half-crocodile, half-fish, half-bird, half-snake, who swallows, grabs, devours everything; another symbol is Cerberus. Close to this image are also Chimera and Echidna. The period is very difficult - one of the days of seduction. Associated with violence, destruction of the old, with radical reform. On this day, a person easily releases the instincts of capture, an insatiable appetite, a tendency to delirium, fights and adventures. The sexual energy of this day undermines health. A day of rampant vampires and bloodsuckers. This day is a symbol of self-sacrifice, repentance, understanding and forgiveness. It is dangerous to indulge in anger, gluttony, you cannot cut your nails, or undergo surgical operations; You should not lead a sedentary lifestyle.


A period of fasting and abstinence, caution and accuracy, gaining strength and healing capabilities. This is a day of home protection, in which cleaning and sprinkling of holy water should be carried out, thresholds should be cleansed with candle fire, and the premises should be fumigated with wild rosemary and cumin. This day is also associated with bullying, persecution, expulsion; one should beware of collisions with an angry crowd, and not succumb to provocations or the temptation of revenge. On the day of the crocodile, meat foods are excluded from consumption, dairy foods are desirable - you need to drink more milk, eat cottage cheese and other dairy products, bake cheesecakes, in which it is good to bake nuts. On the twenty-third day, a person should be especially attentive to his health. The spine should be at the center of all concerns: it is advisable to carry out strengthening and healing procedures with it.
