Wish for the new year in prose. New Year's greetings in prose

New Year is perhaps the most wonderful holiday which not only children but also adults look forward to. This is the time of gifts, fulfillment of desires and real magic. AT before holidays children write letters to Santa Claus, and parents run around the shops in search of cherished gifts for their children. Traditionally, the holiday begins to be celebrated on the evening of December 31, before meeting it, you need to spend the outgoing year. There are many jokes about the fact that the holiday begins on December 31st and ends at least on January 7th. Still, for new year holidays there is so much to do: meet all the friends and visit all the relatives. On this magical holiday, everyone deserves warmth and attention.

In 2019 I wish you 12 months without illness, 53 weeks of all the best, 365 days of happiness, 8760 hours of success, 525600 minutes of love, and 315360000 seconds of pleasant moments.

The anticipation of the New Year awakens a child in me... As in childhood, waking up in the morning, I want to see a Christmas tree with gifts under it... I want to play snowballs and eat snow and not think about getting sick.

May Happiness knock on your door on New Year's Eve ... And God forbid that you are at home at this moment!

Tangerines are on the move, so the New Year is coming soon!

I love winter and the feeling that the holidays are approaching ... New Year's Eve ... Days of wish fulfillment, faith in miracles and fairy tales!

New Years is soon! May all of you ... have someone nearby who will clean your tangerines ... And the one who will steal these tangerines from both of you ...

My status went into the forest, probably behind the Christmas tree.

Funny and Cool Quotes

I want a little man... small, plump, with gifts... Santa Claus, I'm waiting!

Soon we will sit out on the Internet, we will not celebrate the New Year, but update it.

Never stick snowflakes on the refrigerator for New Year's Eve - they resemble the letter J to drunken guests.

Only in our country on New Year's Eve the congratulations of the president go through all channels, but they watch it only through the first one.

New Year's Eve is a dinner ending with breakfast.

Grandfather Frost, I would ... Gazprom shares - so that I don’t bother you anymore.

If a fat uncle comes up at night and puts you in a sack... don't freak out! It's just that someone asked Santa Claus for you for the New Year;)

Dear Grandfather Frost, for the New Year, put a piece of happiness under the Christmas tree for me..180 cm tall, please.

My children are already writing a letter to Santa Claus! And Santa Claus sits next to him on the couch and goes nuts!

Get ready for the New Year! I even moved the scale back 5 kg ...

December is nearing the middle, it's time to decide what to dress up for the night from December 31 to January 9.

How did you spend New Years?
I don't know, they haven't told you yet...

Statuses with meaning

Snow… Adults say that it is frozen water, but children know better: these are small stars with a magical taste of the New Year.

I'm getting ready for the New Year, it seems the liver suspects something.

Dear Santa Claus, cotton beard, I don't need gifts! Increase your salary!

New Year is such a time when a call at 3 am is more glad than a call at 10 am.

New Year - good reason leave some people in the old.

Someone dreams of a new life. And for some, the New Year is enough.

Every man should be a little Santa Claus for his family, help his Snow Maiden create a fairy tale and give gifts, well, and if this does not suit anyone, there is also a deer vacancy.

Beautiful statuses about the New Year

New Year gives us a great chance to change our lives for the better. This is an occasion to abandon the familiar, but so boring, step over fears, leave doubts behind, smile at the world around and start building your own destiny according to your own, exclusive project.

To the beat of the clock, exactly at twelve,
The world will change around.
We are in a fairy tale, as if
Let's go back to childhood...

They say that everything always comes true on New Year's Eve, even the fact that whole year fails to come true!

Dear Santa Claus!!! I want to apply! Put only five boxes under the Christmas tree for my friends: fill the first with health, the second with good luck, the third with kindness, the fourth with patience, and put faith in the fifth! And one more thing - I beg you, tie all these boxes with a ribbon of happiness! Thanks, Santa Claus. I will be waiting very much...

As we get older, the New Year's wish list gets smaller and smaller, and what we really want can't be bought with money.

There are many aphorisms about the New Year. Some of them are playful and amusing, while others inspire philosophical reflection and encourage change. Choose the expressions you like for your statuses, give Christmas mood to yourself and those around you!

May the New Year be successful for us and rich in good events and acquaintances, desires and opportunities. I wish that we could share joyful moments with loved ones. I wish you health, peace, good luck and prosperity. May the New Year bring joy, happiness and change in better side!

The smell of tangerines and Christmas trees reminds us of wonderful holiday childhood. New Year is a time of smiles and good mood. Let children please their parents, peace and prosperity reign in the house, and love rules the soul! First of all, love for relatives and friends, for the world and for life. I wish that in the New Year all the most secret desires!

In the New Year, I want to wish everyone peace, more joyful moments and meetings. Let be old year will take away with him all the troubles and mistakes, and we will leave only warmth and kindness. Give each other love, attention and care! Victory to you big and small. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I wish this year to be even better and brighter than the previous one. To make all your dreams come true and dreams come true. Let every new day energize and inspire new positive thoughts and actions, let it dip you into the world of prosperity and bring heavenly pleasure!

Happy New Year! Good luck, material well-being, a lot of warmth and light, fullness of colors in vivid impressions, pleasant moments, exciting trips, health, love, beauty and success!

Today is a special, incredible and magical day, because on the threshold of the New Year, with which I want to congratulate you. May not only this year, but every subsequent year bring you only favorable, positive emotions, will give ease in all your affairs and help to realize your plans. I wish you good and peace, positive, prosperity and, of course, miracles, without which life would be the same type. May every New Year bring harmony, peace and happiness to your home!

I wish that Christmas story gave you many wonderful moments and the fulfillment of all desires! Smile and enjoy life! Let be your heart will always be filled with love, happiness and kindness!

I want to wish you a Happy New Year! May the year bring you and your loved ones good health and good mood. I really want all the problems to remain in the old year, and New Year came with new possibilities. Let flowers always bloom in your soul, and your eyes - if they cry, then only from happiness!

Well, another year has gone by. It was different for everyone, there was a lot to go through. Let's not be upset, because the new year has come to replace it. And this year, I sincerely wish everyone that all the bad things are left behind. May all dreams come true. May each of us be happy this year: the lonely will meet their soul mates; those who are sick, get well soon; for those who love - understanding and patience, well-being and comfort. Happy New Year! With new happiness!

We wish you inexhaustible vital energy for the next 365 days, amazing luck for all 12 months and good mood for the next 52 weeks! May a new, interesting, rich, vibrant life begin on January 1! Health to you and your loved ones! Happy New Year!

I congratulate you on the New Year and from a generous soul I wish you grace in the house and love in your heart, for a whole year of luck and good luck, sincere joy and good hope, magical miracles and the greatest happiness!

From the first of January it is customary to start new life. Let the list of tasks for the new year include pleasant things, the results of which will bring prosperity, satisfaction and a sense of self-realization. Good luck and luck to achieve the most incredible. And a lot of health. Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Let all the bad things remain in the old year, and from the first minutes of the new year, life will begin to change rapidly and turn into that fairy tale in which we will be happy, healthy, loved and rich! May they be next to us faithful friends! May only happen to us in the new year pleasant surprises!

Happy New Year! I wish you well-being, joy and fulfilled desires! Let everyone who seeks find, and those who wait wait. Let the houses be filled with kindness and comfort, sincerity and sincerity. Love, health, laughter and fun, a lot of new and interesting things!

Happy New Year! A beautiful fantastic holiday, with the aroma of winter, champagne with tangerines. So let everything be clear and fun in the New Year, like the Christmas holidays. Difficulties are in the past current year will take away everything with it, insults and bad weather, and a fresh year will become spotless, like landscape sheet. Let only bliss become in it, dreams come true and come true, including the most cherished ones. In the shower more good. Well-being, mutual understanding, fun, travel, memories and just not bad events. Let the New Year bring only the best that it can in life!

In the New Year, I want to wish a bunch of everything: more interesting acquaintances, warm feelings, tasty food and fulfillment of all desires. May every day give an ocean of joy, sincere smiles, pleasant moments and new vivid impressions, as well as a sea of ​​​​beautiful mood.

I wish that for all of us this year will be the beginning of something new - something beautiful! So that it has less sad-rainy everyday life and more bright and joyful events so that every morning we wake up not alone, but next to our beloved relatives. Happy new year friends!

I wish you success in the New Year! And every year let the number of victories increase. I wish you prosperity in all matters and may all your dreams come true. Let there be a lot of money and let life be sweet as honey. Let the days fly like birds in the sky. Let it be easy every hour. And every time let happiness smile. And good moments with friends are remembered. May the new year be full of gifts, joy and fun. Let the whole year be permeated with cheerful laughter, jokes, and enthusiasm.

Happy New Year! I wish that everything that I dreamed of would come true, so that the bad things remain in the past. May luck accompany you in all matters this year, may your friends not leave you and your family support you, may your colleagues love and appreciate you at work.

congratulations on this magical holiday! I wish it brings you as much happiness as you can imagine and gives you the most magical and joyful moments! Let the coming year be the beginning of something bright and unforgettable! And from this moment on, no difficulties will bring you down from the leading position in the life course!

It is no coincidence that it is customary to express the most cordial and sincere wishes. The custom is to do it precisely in these, almost fabulous days, when all the wishes come true, is firmly rooted in our minds.

AT new year's eve you need to wish absolutely everything - useful, desirable, unusual!

The tradition of reinforcing what was said with a raised glass has become essential attribute holidays. And in many countries it is customary to send personally signed postcards with relatives and friends by mail.

Internet is Internet, but fantastically fabulous winter landscapes on paper, with soulful text with reverse side, set to lyrical mode anyone. Postcard signed with love good wishes for the New Year is already ready gift. The most expensive and sincere! Why not revive this lovely tradition? And here are examples of congratulations on the coming year in prose.

In contact with

Happy New Year wishes to parents

Often our moms and dads pay more attention to words than anyone else. For them, you need to write something quivering and real, like the very feelings for the most dear people. You can write your wishes to beautiful postcard, and even better - say congratulations in person.

Who is Santa Claus? And the Snow Maiden?

Dear our parents! Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden always gave us gifts on New Year's Eve in childhood, and now we have grown up and understand that this was the work of your hands!
It turns out that you are these fairy-tale characters?!
Congratulations on your upcoming love winter holiday and wish that now YOUR dreams come true. We will help in any way we can!
For starters, you have our love and support.
Your son and daughter.

Desires vary...

Dear parents, we want to wish on New Year's Eve to make a wish more wishes so that they are all fulfilled within a year.
If we run out of options, we can offer our own: we wish you a delicious feast, frequent meetings with real friends so that you forget the word "boredom" and accept it into your life for permanent residence big love and small pleasures!

Short New Year's greetings to parents:

Dear mommy, daddy! Thank you for raising us to be real people! Happy New Year! Let all your plans come true! Good health you and more joyful events in the coming year! We love you. Your children.

New Year's wishes in prose to friends

Friends should wish the best for themselves. They often occupy an important place in a person's life. Next to the wishes of the emotional vivid sensations in the coming year, you can also remember about material wealth, since financial well-being gives a lot of possibilities!

With friends, the holiday is more fun:

Good friends - a lot of happiness:

Dear friends! This year I will ask Santa Claus for one thing: may your most secret desires come true, because you have been with me all year, have not left me!
And if grandfather is not in the mood, I will explain everything to the Snow Maiden. It doesn't matter: you can't avoid happiness in the coming year! And more money! Your own, and not strangers, on savings. Happy Holidays!!!

What is a friend?

A true friend is the most honorable word addressed to a person. And I wish mine to the best friend in the New Year of what will not be superfluous every 365 days: love, luck, money, determination, success and harmony with everyone and yourself!

I love you and ... New Year's holiday! Congratulations loved ones.

The start of a new year is a good opportunity to add new, bright colors in your relationship with your loved ones. Reminder will be organic close person about important place that he holds in your heart.

Beloved ... and beautiful:

My dear, you are handsome! Let the upcoming holiday leave your charisma with you, and the new year will only add gloss and consistency, like a good New Year's champagne!

Darling, I'm with you!

Beloved, when I am not around during these New Year and Christmas holidays, let Santa Claus's fur coat and active squats in the cold warm you. This is useful. The rest of the time - I'm your guardian angel! Happy New Year, my dear!

Who do I love?

I love the cold because they make us stay at home together. I love the New Year, because it gives the expectation of a happy future. But more than anything, I love you!
On this holiday, I will wish that all YOUR wishes come true! My joy is your smile! Have a good mood you, dear, in the New Year!

Favorite ladies:

Happy New Year to your beloved woman, do not skimp on wishes, beautiful words and vivid epithets.

I'm not a magician, but...

I wish you, my treasure, to shine and sparkle like New Year's snow!
So that I save up for your fur coat, like the Snow Maiden!
So that pleasant surprises do not end like gifts from Santa Claus!
I’ll start small: I’ll wash the dishes on January 1 and cook breakfast for you in the morning.
I may not be a sorcerer, but my love is like Magic wand! I give it to you for the whole year! Ask what you want! In love with you...

Dear Snow Maiden:

I want to wish this New Year's Eve to the dearest girl to always remain so attractive, sweet, tender. Darling, you are the magic itself. I am grateful to you that you will not disappear with the chimes, but are always there. You are the real miracle in my life! Happy holiday to you, my Snow Maiden with a warm heart!

New Year greetings for colleagues

Colleagues can be presented with congratulations in prose, not only in writing, but also orally. spoken from pure heart wishes will lift the spirit of fellow workers.

Colleagues about extra day per year:

Dear colleagues, here it is, happiness! On the nose - leap year, which means that we will have to work one more day.
I want to congratulate you and wish that this 366th day becomes another day off, Sunday or vacation day! Let dreams come true! Happy New Year!

Good wishes:

Dear colleagues, comrades, comrades-in-arms! We spend more time at work than at home. Therefore, in New Year's Eve I want to wish, as relatives, everything on the "D": kindness, sincerity, money, friendliness, prosperity, trust! Happy New Year!

Wishes like a toast

Colleagues, all of you with winter holidays!
If we imagine our life in the form of a New Year's glass of champagne, then let it be full!
Let all emotions be present in life in full, but ... I wish you less sick leave, more bonuses.
less problems with public transport more horsepower in your car.
Less drafts, more ready ideas! May the coming year bring you everything you dream of!

May this magical New Year be full of joy, wonderful miracles and wonderful mood! Wish sincere love, devoted friendship and many new successes this year! May happiness, health and prosperity only increase!

The New Year is a fabulous time when everything is renewed and starts all over again, so on this holiday I sincerely want to wish all of us wonderful discoveries, new achievements and triumph in all matters! Let your loved ones and relatives always be there, the smile does not leave your face, and all the holidays pass with a bang! Happy New Year!

And so this year comes to an end. Every year brings a lot of good, but we will not remember the bad. May the coming year be successful for you, everything will turn out as it should. In the new year, I wish you the fulfillment of your plans, a wonderful decision difficult situations. I wish an ocean of love, health to everyone, ease in life and no problems. We all believe in miracles, and they surround us. You just need to take a closer look and understand that a miracle happened. Have a good start and a successful continuation to you in the new year!

May life play with all colors in the new year, like confetti, dreams come true, smiles shine on faces, eyes sparkle with happiness! May there be more good in the soul! Health, love, mutual understanding, joy, prosperity, travel, impressions and only good events. May the New Year bring only the best!

Happy New Year! Let all sorrows and failures remain in the old, and the new brings you only joy, smiles, long-awaited meetings, love and health. I wish that all your plans come true, and your goals are achieved. So that the news brings only happiness, and there is no reason for sadness. I wish you prosperity and pleasure from your work!

Happy New Year! Let this year really become new in everything, the beginning of a new, more interesting and happy life! All wishes made are sure to come true, luck accompanies in all matters, let health give no reason to think about it, and love - doubt it! Best wishes!

Happy New Year! I wish the coming year to bring us all as many radiant and positive moments as possible! We wish new achievements and unprecedented heights! Let every day be filled with optimism, smiles of loved ones and good health! I would also like to wish that every moment was beautiful and unique!

May the new year that is knocking on the door bring you only happiness, health, unforgettable emotions! May good luck accompany you all year, let smiles and laughter illuminate your faces. May all the wishes that you make under the chimes come true. Prosperity and success in all endeavors to you and your loved ones!

I congratulate you on the most magical holiday - Happy New Year! May the coming year be a wonderful beginning for you of something very fabulous and insanely good. I wish you to meet only good and positive moments, nourish your strength with magic, revive your feelings with the beauty of the surrounding holiday and recharge with the smell of tangerines. Health to you, happy hugs and cozy gatherings in the circle of your beloved family!

May this New Year be for you fabulous journey where to meet good people, will occur interesting events and unforgettable experience! Let your dreams come true, luck will be on your side, health and success will settle in your home! I wish that money flows to you like a river, love is a sea, and happiness is an ocean!
