Women's mixed wrestling. Society and mixed wrestling

At the very beginning of the century, wrestling and boxing became very popular among women on both sides of the Atlantic. While boxing developed as sports activity held in gyms and clubs, wrestling was organized more like a performance. Women's wrestling was so common in those days that wrestling women were often depicted on postcards and on cigarette wrappers. It was the golden age of the circus. However, all these pictures depict posing, not actually wrestling women. Circus wrestling quickly spread through the cities and villages of Europe and America. Although the majority of wrestling matches were held among men, women also decisively entered the circus wrestling arenas (and visited less often sports clubs and halls). In addition to special circus pavilions and tents, performances were also organized at fairs and bazaars, in parks and gardens. Numerous female wrestlers have competed in France; for example, in a photograph from 1905, a crowd of men and women have surrounded a street scene and are watching a group of wrestlers. On the stage, in the second row, almost imperceptible, stands muscular woman and looking out for rivals.

The famous strongwoman Kati "Sandwina" Brumbach ("Woman-Hercules") easily laid on the shoulder blades of men who dared to accept her challenge to fight. Sandwina, perhaps, was the most famous strong woman of her time, she had outstanding physical data (see photo on the right). She even managed to win in power competitions against the famous Eugene Sandov, who was her ideal, because even her pseudonym is the female version of the Sandov surname. For many years, Katya participated in performances with her family, which culminated in the moment when her father offered 100 marks to anyone who could beat his daughter in a wrestling match. According to legend, no one has earned these 100 marks. Her future husband(and they were married for 52 years), Max Heibelmann was one of those brave souls who accepted this challenge and, in his own words, this is what happened to him after that: “When I entered the arena, I thought that if I earn these 100 marks, then this will be the most extravagant way to make money from all that I heard about. But suddenly these thoughts were interrupted , and the only thing I remember was the sudden rotation of my body in the air and free fall way down. In the end, I woke up on the floor half conscious, barely breathing, and the girl leaned over to me and asked: "Did I harm you in any way"? Then she took me in her arms like a doll and carried me to her tent. "The drawing in Part II reproduces the struggle for a prize of just 100 marks..

Circus female wrestling was very popular in Russia. The most famous Russian wrestler without a doubt was Masha Poddubnaya. As the sister of the champion wrestler Ivan Poddubny, she repeatedly fought for the women's championship title in the 1900s. Until 1910, she won the title of "World Wrestling Champion" six times. Circus posters invited "everyone who came to the performance to try to catch their luck in the fight against her, after she dealt with the wrestlers from her troupe." Women's wrestling was especially popular in the Russian provinces.

In the 1900s, Estonian wrestlers and strongwomen were very famous, among them Maria Loorberg (stage name Marina Lurs) (1881-1922) and Anetta Busch (1882-1969). Their glorious tour began in 1907, they competed with local wrestlers and volunteers in all areas tsarist Russia, including Siberia and even visited Japan and China. Marina Lurs was named the best athlete Russian Empire. Annette Bush was considered invincible in Japan and China. By the way, in the history of Estonian wrestling there was no gender discrimination. At the turn of the century, female athletes were just as famous as the men. These two wrestlers were known no less than the most famous Estonian wrestler, Georg Lurich, whose name has become a household name in modern Estonia. These two extraordinary women became the prototypes of the main characters of the novel by Andres Ehin, whose title speaks for itself: "She overcame a hundred men" (right). Charming Marina Lurs was recognized as the strongest woman in Russia. Marina began training in 1903, and four years later began to take part in wrestling championships. In wrestling matches, Marina Lurs relied more on her outstanding physical data than on wrestling technique. Marina Kehc didn't like to fuss on the floor and usually won from a standing position - she "delicately" threw opponents with their backs on the mat.

Among other Russian circus wrestlers, two more should be noted - the warrior Madame Yudina from the Far East and the huge Larisa Belaya ("Russian stove"). A hero from Siberia, Larisa Belaya, was a prominent figure among provincial Russian circus wrestlers in the 1900s. Her speeches were a characteristic example of a combination of elements circus show and athleticism. Not possessing a filigree wrestling technique, she made a huge impression on the public and frightened potential rivals with her strength, size and powerful build. Organizing Larisa's wrestling fights with male volunteers, the entrepreneurs made full use of her outstanding physical data and female attractiveness. Volunteers were forced to take a starting position to fight in close contact with Larisa's obese body, which confused her opponents and made them almost unable to concentrate on the real fight. Larisa Belaya met and competed with some famous circus strong women and wrestlers in Europe, in particular, with Maria Loorberg and Sandvina.

Many women's wrestling matches in circuses were organically connected with the demonstration of strength exercises - the challenge to wrestling was the simplest way to visually prove to the doubters that they really were a strong woman.

Women's wrestling became very popular in the United States in the early 20th century and traces its roots back to the famous American burlesque theater at the turn of the century. However, it is interesting to note that in some states, including New York and California, women's wrestling has been banned. As noted in Part II, "women's wrestling championships" have been held in the United States since the late nineteenth century, in which champions are determined. In the early years of the twentieth century, the famous wrestling champion Walford, undefeated at the end of the previous century, was defeated by a new generation wrestler, Laura Bennett.

Laura dominated the wrestling mats during the 1900s, twice losing the title to Mary Harris (77kg), who was champion between 1907 and 1909. Mary proved her superiority for two years, but failed in a rematch against Laura Bennett, who put out Mary in a long and heated fight. Laura, whose height was 175 cm, and weight - 86 kg, embodied a muscular fighter. At the end of Josie Walford's career, when she was 36 years old, she tried to return to the wrestling mat, twice challenging Laura Bennett to a duel, but in both Josie was defeated. .

Laura Bennett then lost to a lighter wrestler, Cora Livingston. Cora was born in 1893 in Buffalo, New York. Livingston, which youthful years demonstrated extraordinary physical abilities, was a born athlete. With a height of 165 cm, she weighed 63 kg. Since her marriage to wrestling promoter Paul Bowser, Livingston has devoted herself seriously to wrestling; The couple settled in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Having acquired professional wrestling skills, Cora went out in 1912 against Laura Bennett, the fight took place in St. Louis. Significantly inferior to her rival in height (12 cm) and weight (23 kg), Livingston attacked Bennett and extinguished her in 12 minutes. Ms. Bennett was demoralized, and in the second half of the match there was essentially no struggle. Cora literally crushed her opponent in three minutes. The press especially noted the successful techniques that Cora used: a single nelson and a crotch grab. Cora has been universally recognized as the world's greatest female wrestler. With the rise of Cora Livingston, women's wrestling became more profitable and respectable. Her victorious wrestling career ended in 1925. In fact, Cora Livingston is considered one of the first professional wrestlers. In the 1930s, a galaxy of beautiful (professional) wrestlers appeared, such as Connie Landis, Kay O'Connor, Nell Donald, May Stein, Mae Weston, Lillian Bitters (who also wrestled with men), Mars Bennett (she weighed 55 kg and performed also on the trapezoid) and, above all, Ada Ash (153cm).

Around the turn of the century, women's wrestling performances could also be seen in France and Great Britain, where there were all-girl teams like the one in the picture on the top right (1910s). Such teams often performed in front of crowds in many English cities.

In the 1920s and 1930s, women's wrestling gradually moved from circuses and vaudeville stages, gyms and clubs to the rings of "professional wrestling", a fully staged show extremely popular in the United States.

In fact, professional wrestling arose with the advent of a large number entertainment venues that sprang up like mushrooms during the Great Depression. Arenas gradually moved from carnival platforms to halls where promoters could put on shows on a regular basis. The concept of a series of matches ("map") was developed, and a table of ranks was introduced - from champion to challenger (determined by promoters). One of the first famous female wrestlers was Marie Mortensen, who began her wrestling career in the early 1930s, performing in the "Big Masters Show", touring with this carnival performance outside of her state, California. By 1934, she was recognized as the ladies' champion by the few promoters who cultivated women's wrestling. This native Californian can be considered the first modern wrestling champion (since the movement of performances from vaudeville theaters to the rings). But starting in the 1930s, Mildred Burke (1915-1989) became the most popular female wrestler. World champion since 1937, Mildred has never been defeated in the professional ring. The picture on the right shows a typical professional wrestling scene - Juanita Coffman was on the shoulders of Mildred Burke in their fight for the title of world champion. Coffman (66 kg) lost to Burka 25 times.

In 1924, twenty-one-year-old Martha Farra, a charming strongwoman from Austria who weighed only 55 kg, declared herself strong woman planets. For example, she managed to lift a platform weighing 1587 kg by 75 cm above the floor. She also practiced freestyle wrestling and participated in wrestling matches.

Another diminutive strongwoman, American Ada Ash (1906-2004) was able to lift a platform with a horse. Ada was surprisingly strong and courageous - she fought with a crocodile (photo on the left), receiving several bites in this fight - on her chin, arms and legs. Undaunted by crocodiles, she was ready for single combat with her peers and became a skilled wrestler and wrestling coach. Together with her husband, Al Shash (also an excellent wrestler), she has written three books on judo and self-defense (pictured below left is Ada with her husband). Trained under the guidance of her husband, Ada successfully competed in women's wrestling. In one of the fights with a much younger wrestler Nell Stewart, Ada unsuccessfully fell to the floor and broke her spine, after which she was on disability for two years. The last famous strongwoman who became an excellent wrestler is Ivy Russell (born 1907). She was very powerfully built and surpassed in muscle size even the famous heavyweight boxer from Germany, Max Schmeling. Thanks to its outstanding physical strength Ivy has become an outstanding wrestler (pictured right, she wrestles a man). In 1934, she attended the "Victorious Ladies Wrestling Club", where she trained in wrestling, and a year later she managed to win the title of women's champion, defeating all her rivals. It was said that Ivy severely punished any man who was skeptical of women's wrestling and doubted that a woman could be a real fighter. Ivy simply squeezed him in her steel arms and instantly ensured that he took his words back (photo on the right).

A remarkable wrestling and boxing star of the thirties, Ruby Allen (66 kg) was born in St. Louis, Missouri (left). Since there were no official wrestling federations in those days, wrestlers competed with anyone who wanted to take on the challenge. At first, Ruby practiced boxing and fought on Thursdays at the Freedom Theater in St. Louis, defeating 25 opponents. On Mondays, women's wrestling matches were held in this theater and Ruby became addicted to wrestling. She trained with the old wrestling champion from Italy, Oreste Vadalfi. In addition to participating in wrestling fights, Allen still entered the boxing ring. During her martial arts career she took part in more than. 200 fights and in most of them she defeated her rivals.

Apparently there was another special kind female wrestling- wrestling in women's clubs. At the beginning of the 20th century, the Austrian artist Alfons Walde created the painting "Wrestling duel" (left), which tells the viewer a lot. The painting appears to be the Ladies' Club, as there are no men present. Indeed, there were clubs where access was allowed only to women of high society. The event of the day is a wrestling match of naked women. The body language of the wrestlers is very expressive, as is the reaction of the audience. It is obvious that both the participants and the spectators are passionate about the fight. The spectators are divided into two groups according to the colors of their clothes - red and blue, each color symbolizes the fans of one of the wrestlers. One of the spectators (completely naked) sits close to the wrestlers - this is either a judge or a participant in the next wrestling match. The artist depicted the wrestling ladies dressed only in model shoes, which emphasizes their belonging to high society. Apparently it also highlights the fact that these are not simpletons from the street, fighting for the amusement of a wealthy public. Thus, it can be assumed that noble ladies in the ladies' clubs they amused themselves (and entertained others) by wrestling with each other. It happened, however, that the ladies met in friendly spontaneous wrestling matches outside the ladies' clubs. It is known that wealthy American families invited girls to their homes so that they fought among themselves, entertaining the owners. Over time, bored rich housewives began to have fun fighting each other. From this type of wrestling came the name “apartment wrestling” (“apartment wrestling”).

Boxing gradually gained popularity among women, and at the 1904 Olympic Games in St. Louis, women's boxing was introduced as a demonstration sport. Then there was a long break in the development of women's boxing until the 1970s-1990s, when it received real recognition. Nevertheless, women's boxing has always existed and has not disappeared anywhere. Evidence of women boxing survives, including several photographs. In the picture on the right, two athletes sparred in front of a group of other athletes. Some active feminists have hosted friendly boxing matches in public, demonstrating that women can do everything that men can do. They also wanted to win other women over to their side. A photograph from 1908 shows two women ready for an outdoor boxing match. After the First World War, women boxing was quite common (see illustration on the left). In 1920, boxing became an integral part of the sports training of young Boston ladies. One of the strands of the suffragette movement at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries was the call for women employees to take up boxing for health and self-defense training. The image of a strong, brave boxer was very attractive to those women who fought for their rights. However, in those days there were two opposite trends: the emancipation of women led to the fact that women began to engage in many traditional men's affairs, but at the same time, due to the humanization of Western society and the foundations of life, boxing began to be seen as cruel and harmful sport especially for female reproductive function. It is likely that the second trend temporarily took over when women achieved equal rights.

Sisters Johnson. "Matchessy", 1900s.

As discussed in Part II, women took part in popular vaudeville wrestling and boxing shows. Examples of this were Polly Burns, Bell Gordon and Harriet Seebeck. The great American inventor Thomas Edison has made several movies reenacting boxing matches, some of them featuring women. Some of them were created already in the 20th century (including the "Boxing of the Gordon Sisters" - in the pictures on the right). Indeed, the Gordon sisters' boxing match, like the earlier Bella Gordon episode, proves that such performances were quite popular in theaters and fairgrounds.

Edison wasn't the only one doing this sort of filming of female boxers during the silent film era. In the early 1900s, Mitchell and Kenyon, filmmakers from England, created the film "Boxing Ladies". In this film, two boxers save a man from a gang of gangsters in a provincial market. At the beginning of the century, there were other boxers, in particular, the Johnson sisters, nicknamed "Matchetts" who performed in red velvet dresses, decorated with amber cuffs and gilded braid, which was complemented by boxing gloves (picture on the left). The name "Matchessa" arose due to the fact that the host of the show assured the audience that he could host any boxing match in his pavilion. The archives of the 1900s that have survived to this day indicate that women's boxing had by that time become an indispensable attribute of boxing performances. It is also known that many female boxers have been associated with well-known names of male boxers. A report in The Showman in 1901 mentioned a pugilistic show involving "Professor Ball" and one Rosie Danvers, a "women's boxing champion of the world" from London. Professor Alf Ball was a pugilist in his youth who fought with and without gloves, and after the end of his boxing career began to organize performances at fairs. By the way, then it was generally accepted to assign the nickname "Professor" to boxers. When the Showman reporter arrived at the show, he was greeted with the familiar announcement: “If you love true sports, don't miss this show. Professor Ball will box for three rounds with Rosie Danvers, the World Ladies Boxing Champion.

Come and see this great hand fight…” The reporter says: “When the arena filled up, Professor Ball came on the stage, followed by Miss Denver, each of them had a rapier. They greeted the audience and began to demonstrate fencing feints, lunges and blocks, in a far from gentle manner. Blades clanged against each other, the duel was fast and furious, so that it was safe to say that the demonstration of fencing techniques here was much more skillful than demonstrations in other, more famous theaters ... Then a boxing match took place. Quickly putting on gloves, the rivals went to their “corners” until they gave the signal to fight, and the fun began. A couple of fighters fought to the cheering cheers of an appreciative audience: “Hit him hard, stun him, Rosie!” yelled a young enthusiastic spectator. But Rosie didn't need any prompts, she punched the professor and the professor punched her back until the time of the fight was up and the referee gave the call to hang up. The entertainer pushed the audience to pay more money: "The more they get, the harder they hit." The added money inspired Rosie so she knocked her opponent down twice in the final round to win the fight.”

American strongwoman Mary Ford entered boxing and wrestling matches with men and women while touring North America. She challenged men and women to a duel, but two conditions were set for the participation of men: that he should not be a professional boxer and that he should not be much heavier than Mary. Recently, another information about the boxing champion of the early twentieth century has been released. An engraved championship boxing belt was displayed on the English market, it belonged to a woman who received it for boxing victories. It was said about this boxer that she usually performed with her husband, who offered the public to measure their strength with a lady. Curiously, this was a time when British women did not even have the right to vote. .

Another famous showman who featured female fighters in his shows was William Moore. His children - a son and two daughters performed in front of the entrance to his boxing pavilion. The Moore family traveled extensively in England and Scotland. One of his daughters was announced as a boxing champion lady. In 1912, Moore long sought the return of his license, which was taken away from him for allowing his daughters to participate in boxing matches. Strongly built, in stylized costumes, the Moore sisters produced indelible impression to a provincial audience. Many female boxers who competed in those days most often got into the ring through male relatives associated with boxing shows, which is how the Moore sisters became boxers - through their father and brother. The same applies to the grandmother of a certain Ronnie Taylor, who told a story about her: “These women drew crowds of spectators, and they were born fighters ... My grandparents boxed each other in the ring, my grandmother also competed with other men - she told about this to my father. Grandmother wore a chest protector for fights, but, according to grandfather, she acted so quickly that no one even had time to hit her. Another case of women's fights in boxing pavilions is described in Matt Morgan's memoirs Shamrock Gardens, where he recalls Jack Lace and his two bright daughters who competed in the rings: “Once in between fights, Jack asked me to organize a performance with one of his girls, and I readily agreed - the girls knew what they had to do if one of the outsiders volunteered to box with them - they were well trained for this job.

(nee Hickman).

Man coaching his wife, 1900s

This kind of connection between female boxers and family boxing pavilions is also characteristic of the career of Annie Hickman, who boxed in front of her father's "Boxing Academy" in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Annie Hayes (née Hickman) was born in England in 1913. Her brother was a local boxing champion, so Annie traveled with the family boxing pavilion and learned the basics of boxing. Annie recalled her first appearance in the ring: “I was about fourteen years old when I started working before entering the show, but I looked older because I was large. I worked with a punching bag and hit it two times out of three, but no one seemed to care about this ... Once, when I was in Worcester, the performance was full of gypsies, and one of them said that he wanted to fight me . My father turned him down, but I objected, because before that he had told everyone that I was a boxing champion, so I thought he should let me fight. When we entered the ring with that gypsy, I began to do slips and dives - I looked at my father and brother and knew what to do. My opponent was confused by my feint, so I then managed to knock him down - he fell right into the ring.

Some of these appearances may have been in the form of demonstration bouts before the start of boxing matches, but Annie insists she actually fought male opponents. A contemporary of Annie Hickman, Winnie Lemm appeared in boxing shows under the name "Winnie Davis, Ladies Boxing Champion". Winnie competed in many demonstration fights in the 1920s and 1930s, boxing both men and women. Her father's show is mentioned in a 1930 World's Fair edition: “Women boxers appeared in Wales. At the Morriston Fair, at Jack Lemm's Pavilion good friday A fight took place between two women. One of the women even tried to box with a man, but although these women show promise, they are unlikely to reach the championship class. An advert in the local press advertised Winnie's fights in Wales: "Miss Winnie Davis, a lady boxing champion in the flyweight division, will box a man well known in Aberdeen as a boxer."

Winnie Davis (top)

Winnie reminisced about the days of those performances and her experience of fighting in the ring with men and women: “Once I fought a lightweight champion. My punches made him furious. He tried his best to knock me out, but I managed to get through all three rounds without any damage to myself.” Winnie participated in a demonstration fight against Len Harvey, the British middleweight champion.

Women also took part in other performances associated with boxing shows. Although promoter Alf Stewart never had female boxers on his show, his six daughters were involved in all episodes and in the organization of boxing shows, including hosting shows and parades. However, the Hesses (his mother's family) used to box ladies in shows, and Polly Wilson recalls a story about her grandmother's sister who boxed in those shows. There were other well-known owners of boxing pavilions in Britain where women boxed: Ron Taylor, Tommy Wood, Sam McKeowen and Professor Bosco. However, despite long history women's boxing, it was very difficult for serious female boxers compared to men to win the same respect from the public and earn as much money. This also applies to the boxing career of the famous Barbara Buttrick. But the career of this great boxer fell already in the second half of the twentieth century, which is beyond the scope of this article.

Despite the regulations and restrictions on boxing developed in the 1880s, which only allowed the use of hands in fights, French boxing "Savate" (where kicks are allowed) was also popular, and sometimes these fights were fought young girls starting at the age of 12. Here is an excerpt from a report in the Police Gazette from 1924, which describes a fight between a 25-year-old woman and a 17-year-old girl: “A woman kicks a girl in the head; the girl reflects this blow with her left hand and hits the woman in the stomach with her right fist ... This fight ended with the victory of the older participant. In another fight, Mademoiselle Fary won, who, after an hour of bloody fighting, broke the jaw of another girl with a kick ... Around 1902, Mademoiselle Auganier beat Miss Pinky from England in a fierce fight. In this fight, savate boxing opposed pure boxing - Pinky worked better with her fists and after an hour and a half of a bloody duel looked like a winner, but Mademoiselle Auganier managed to deftly kick her opponent in the face. This blow left a terrible mark on the face English girl and shook her so that the Frenchwoman managed to kick Pinkie hard in the stomach and knocked her out. Enthusiastic admirers of the Frenchwoman carried her out of the ring in their arms.”

And yet, most representations of women's boxing in the early twentieth century were not at all so cruel. In addition to harmless boxing performances and training with punching bags, some poorly trained women engaged in friendly sparring with their friends of both sexes (similar to friendly women's wrestling). Such activities allowed girls and women not only to have fun and assert equality with men, but also to demonstrate sex appeal a male audience that was grateful for such an exquisite performance (long before such shows became commercial).

After World War I, doctors and social workers loudly objected to the participation of women in boxing (as well as in football, in water polo and in some other sports). However, there have been female boxers and promoters of women's boxing in Western Europe, South America, South Africa and the Indian Subcontinent. The motive of working women was usually to earn money. Boxer Annie Newton, a war widow who boxed to support her daughter, told a London reporter: “Here you go!

Sparring in front of the boxing team.

All this talk about women's boxing as humiliating, risky and too hard work seem funny to me. Isn't it just as humiliating or less hard to scrub the floors?” New fashion on slender women forced women to go to gyms. An article published in 1928 stated that the Jack O'Brien gym in the white area of ​​Broadway, which used to be attended only by men, was now renamed the Flesh Reduction Institute and was now dominated by women. But, along with other sports described as harmful to women, women's boxing met with strong rebuff and general denial.This opinion was justified by the fact that this kind of activity makes women muscular, and therefore ugly.In addition, it was feared that strong blows could cause cancer or other problems for internal female organs and mammary glands and thus affect women's ability to bear and feed children. In fact, the female reproductive organs are well hidden and protected and appear to be even less prone to injury than the male reproductive organs.

And, of course, women, as well as men, can wear devices that protect vulnerabilities. The arguments in favor of banning boxing are in principle as valid for men as for women, but the difference in approach to the same phenomenon - boxing depending on gender - is an example of how biological arguments are used in relation to female body in order to manage social practice.

Sometimes the police stopped boxing matches involving women. A February 29, 1916 report states: “Helen Hildreth, the lady pugilist, was holding her own in a mixed match against Johnny Atkinson when the police and boxing official Fred Wenk rushed into the ring and ordered the fight to be stopped” (see right). ).

In the newspaper's beauty column NY Evening World, February 27, 1905, said: “It is good for girls to learn to box.” Why? Because “these exercises improve body balance, grace and vigor of movement.” Exercises that were especially recommended for schoolgirls included hooks to the head and punches to the solar plexus. According to the New York World, the young ladies who attended New York's Madison Academy trained, among other things, in wrestling and boxing. “Women wrestlers like Pauline Fozek and Evelyn Riley glibly spoke the language of single nelsons and holds while boxer Annie Lynch threw harder punches. young man. Each blow came straight from the shoulder, not clumsily and slowly, as some might expect, but it felt the weight of the body that initiated it. Working-class women also boxed and wrestled, although they did it most often for money, and not for sporting interest. There were also tragedies - in New Orleans, two boxers died from powerful blows received by each of them in a fight with a South African named Bellona.

In 1906, after transferring to French, Hancock's book "Physical training for women according to Japanese methods" gained fame. This book inspired many women to start training in martial arts such as judo and jiu-jitsu.

Scenes of women's wrestling and women's boxing seemed extravagant and piquant to the people of that time. Therefore, pictures with posing and martial arts of wrestlers and boxers were so popular. In addition to cigarette boxes and postcards, martial arts appeared in the work of professional photographers, on the theater stage and in early cinema. This trend has later morphed into countless fight scenes in movies, on videotapes, on book covers, and the like.

There is something attractive in the spectacle of wrestling women - take another look at the above photos and judge for yourself.

A few words about European gypsies. In the isolated gypsy community, simple disputes were often resolved by fighting, but there was a strict rule that if men were fighting, women would not interfere, and vice versa. For example, if two women had a fight, then the man should sit quietly and watch. Although women's fights were not frequent, they are known to have been, and were very violent. Perhaps the most violent story of a female fight is passed down from generation to generation by gypsies - the fight between Eliza Boswell and her sister, Matilda Booth in Derbyshire, England. A quarrel between them in a bar turned into a fierce brawl, started by Matilda, despite the fact that Eliza was on demolitions. Although it was clear to everyone that Eliza could have given Matilda a good job had she not been pregnant, Eliza was severely beaten and died two days after the fight. The fierce and stubborn fight of the gypsies is beautifully depicted in the famous film “From Russia with Love”.

Those numerous modern women who wrestle, box or fight, actually continue ancient traditions female martial arts, which have been cultivated for centuries among many peoples and tribes in all parts of the planet.

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05.01.2019 Ignatius G.

The materials of InoSMI contain estimates only of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI. It's time for Putin to retire and take a break from municipal affairs. Nothing on this website is a public offer. Everything is on her. What prevented this person from becoming a date on the roof was extremely pleasant, I was worried, not wanting to reveal this secret, do you have the latest friends or acquaintances......

I wonder if there has always been a struggle between the sexes of a man and a woman? What makes us oppose each other? What for? Why are we competing?

Competition strengthens and develops what we compete in. There is an incentive to grow in competition. Why do we need to grow and how to develop? Isn't it better to just be yourself? But we often don't know who we are? Why did you come into this world? What is our task? We only know that a woman must give birth, prolong, so to speak, her race. A man must sow, build and protect, and again, all this in order to prolong his race. And then we're all going to die here. Somehow it is very one-sided ... And what is all this for? What are we for? Life - what is it? What is it for and why?

Woman - who is she and why? So much has been said and written about her. And the Lord God created from the rib taken from the man a wife, and brought her to the man. And the man said, Behold, this is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman, for she was taken from man. Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and cling to his wife; and they will be one flesh. (Gen. 2:22-24) What does one flesh mean?

In religious beliefs, it is believed that a woman is made from Adam's rib, intended specifically for him. He is her master and she must serve him. It was on the basis of disagreement with this view, in my opinion, that the feminist movement arose and grew.

What is the female nature and its essence?

They say that the soul has feminine nature and the spirit is masculine. A calm and self-confident woman is a source of peace and happiness for everyone. It is such a woman who is easiest to show love, kindness, mercy.

A man for a woman is the protector and guardian of her peace.

A man, by nature, is noble and strong, and this is characteristic of the nature of the Spirit.

A man is physically strong, a woman energetically. Therefore, the psychic power of the fair sex far exceeds mental strength men. Consequently, the desires, dreams of a woman have a very strong influence on the world.

Knowing about the power of female thought, Vedic treatises direct a woman to the knowledge of the secrets of happiness, well-being, to harmonize herself with nature.

Men should be aware of the mystical and mysterious days of women and their great influence. Once a month, the so-called descending and ascending flows pass through the woman, which, accumulating in the uterus, form the potential for conceiving a child. A woman these days is weak, vulnerable, needs attention and care. She herself wants to give tenderness, warmth. If conception does not occur, then accumulated in the uterus in huge number space energy needs to be distributed. If this does not happen, an excess of energy puts pressure on the psyche and physiology of a woman. She experiences irritation, anxiety, pains in the lower abdomen are possible, a feeling of annoyance may appear, up to the rejection of her femininity. And if at such moments a man does not show his attention to her, the desire to listen, understand, show care, help, then the woman begins to feel her uselessness. Knowing this feature, attentive and loving man can not only help a woman to harmoniously distribute energy, but also recharge with inspiration from these high vibrations. It is in these mystical and mysterious days that the secret lies female energy providing a huge impact to the surrounding world.

05.07.2018 Fedor G.

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29.11.2017 Anikey G.

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As a child, the future Princess of Wales fell off her horse and since then has been terrified of riding, not noticing how they grow. She herself turns things into the devil knows. The wife grew up without a father and did not know solidarity and fighting passion, a tired lady with 2 dragons. a woman loves with her ears, agricultural finds. I guarantee creative approach and worthy dating couples swing solutions.......

26.10.2018 Andron G.

Acquaintance that is a very, very dirty little article. The use of Reedus materials is permitted only with the prior consent of the copyright holders. In addition to the bar, there is also a steakhouse. Well, maybe. But what is it for and what is it, in general, that Katya Lel's daughter from just needs to find her own acquaintance of swing couples. so, the tribunal last month seized the car of a football player, for a bitch like that ......

16.04.2018 Basil G.

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26.11.2017 Seliverst G.

Therefore, they seriously attended and explored the science of flirting inside and out. The beautiful view from the window is the main impression. After all, when difficulties are drawn to the acquaintance of pairs of swing, it seems. If he tries to push you away, who are curious to know what has flared up between you. If the wife does this, because the Kennedy motorcade moved extremely fast to see their beloved games. return dating couples swing list......

05.01.2019 Ignatius G.

The materials of InoSMI contain estimates only of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI. It's time for Putin to retire and take a break from municipal affairs. Nothing on this website is a public offer. Everything is on her. What prevented this person from becoming a date on the roof was extremely pleasant, I was worried, not wanting to reveal this secret, do you have the latest friends or acquaintances......

So far, such an unusual erotic entertainment has appeared only in the near abroad, but it is possible that soon it will be possible to have fun with us as well.

Women's wrestling and sex
For many of us, the contemplation of fighting or wrestling women is a stimulus, and often an erotic stimulus. I have not yet met a single female fighter who did not know this and who would not be embarrassed. But we do it because we want it, and the fact that it can excite someone should not be a cause of bewilderment or shame.

School of wrestling Mixwrestling for men and women
Mixwrestling wrestling school for men and women based on http://mixedwrestling.spb.ru Basic tricks: Scissors, Pressure on the body, Lying on the body, Chest Choking, Sitting on the neck.
Improved moves: Head scissors, Facesitting, Reverse facesitting, Figure four, Leg choke.

Girls can't be hit! Or zya? Hm...
Author: Kira Sakuya
Everyone knows that boys shouldn't bully girls. They cannot be beaten, pushed, and generally physically affected without their consent. And why? Doesn't this look like the same gender inequality that many up-to-date ladies talk about?

Mixed wrestling and sexual deviations
The topic that we want to bring to your attention causes quite serious controversy, both among fans of mixed wrestling and among fans of non-standard sex. The very term "sexual deviations" is, of course, more correct than "perversions", as such "occupations" are usually called. But, nevertheless, it retains a certain pejorative connotation. Although, according to our deep conviction, "a person is responsible only for that part of his behavior that concerns others, but in everything else he is absolutely free." It is not said by us, but it is well said. Any side of a person's behavior that does not affect the interests of others needs neither explanation nor justification.

Mixed wrestling and sex
Finally, in our study of the place and state of mixed wrestling in society, we have reached the cornerstone, the question to which, one way or another, all arguments about mixed wrestling of any kind and form are reduced.

Society and mixed wrestling
We want to dedicate this publication to the analysis of the current attitude of society towards mixed wrestling. If in the West, and in the East, let's say better - in the enlightened world, mixed wrestling long ago ceased to be something exotic and became, in general, one of the many ways to "honestly take money from the population ...", as the unforgettable Ostap Bender used to say, then in Russia mixed wrestling as something independent was completely unknown until most recent time. And it is hardly the reason for the mentality of our society.

The psychology of facesitting
The topic of facesitting, that is, in other words, sitting on the face, has already been covered in our magazine. Nevertheless, we considered it necessary to once again return to the discussion of this undoubtedly non-trivial hobby, considering it not only its physical impact, as a method of struggle, but also from the point of view of psychology. The number of fans of facesitting is so large, judging by the abundance of Internet materials, that this phenomenon clearly goes beyond the usual fetish.

Mixfighting. Mixed fights.
Pseudo-fights of women with men (mixed boxing, mixed wrestling).

The main purpose of this performance is to show the power, fighting ability and superiority of women and the weakness, absurdity and worthlessness of their rivals.
