Library projects with kindergartens. A children's club project based on the library of a preschool educational institution for children in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

Private kindergarten: where to start, how to succeed Zitser Natalya

Library in kindergarten

Library in kindergarten

Nowadays, a child masters the TV remote control before he can walk. The child confidently operates a computer mouse long before he learns to read.

Despite the fact that in our time computers, televisions and other electronic means of transmitting information play a huge role in human life, the book still does not cease to be an important part of our world. Development and education cannot occur without familiarity with literary material. Therefore, a kindergarten must have a library, at least a small one. We are not talking about a separate room with shelves and filing cabinets; one rack in which books live is enough. Just like toys and games, books should be in an accessible place so that everyone can walk up, take a book from the shelf, open it and read or look at the pictures.

IN bookstores huge selection children's literature, it's just eye-opening. What to choose for kindergarten? It’s better to start with children’s classics: Chukovsky, Marshak, Nosov, Uspensky... It’s worth choosing bright, modern editions. It is important to pay attention to the print quality and paper. Hardcover books printed on thick paper will last longer. Too thick collections like " The best fairy tales"or "The Most Favorite Fairy Tales" are difficult to hold in your hands due to their considerable weight.

Don't buy right away full set children's literature - it is better to do this gradually throughout the year, then the appearance of a new book in the library will become a pleasant event in the life of the kindergarten. You can ask each parent to bring several children's books to the kindergarten; they will probably do it with pleasure.

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Svetlana Melnikova

Due to the fact that 2015 was declared the year of literature, we decided to create in groups mini libraries, type mini-museums.

As a non-standard method of introducing preschoolers to literature, we created a children's room in the group mini library. Mini-libraries were created on a specific topic, each group had its own introductory part, depending on the age of the children.

Literature is the most educationally accessible form of art. Its accessibility is determined by the native language. Children's fiction is designed to develop the reader's sense of beauty, to form high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art. Fiction serves as a means of mental and aesthetic education children, she provides a huge impact for the development and enrichment of speech.

The problem of maintaining interest in books, in reading as a process and leading human activity, is more relevant today than ever. Equipment (audio, video, computer, giving ready-made images, in a special way affecting people, weakened interest in the book and the desire to work with it. We are already beginning to reap the benefits of this. Today: low level development of speech, imagination, perception, communication skills, and moral principles in general. A special place in preschool institutions is occupied by introducing children to fiction as an art and a means of developing intelligence, speech, positive attitude to peace, love and interest in the book.

Our group created "Multi-remote library", it presents the fairy tales on which they were based domestic cartoons. This topic was not chosen by chance, all children love to watch cartoons, and when children meet cartoon characters on the pages of a book, in my opinion, interest in literature increases. Library visitors had the opportunity to take a book they liked and read it together with the teacher. In addition, the children who came to our mini- the library was able to get acquainted with filmstrips.

Publications on the topic:

Not only me, but also parents, want their children to grow up responsive to spiritual beauty, so I instill love in my students.

Innovative project “Organization of an ethnographic mini-museum in a preschool educational institution” Contents 1. General provisions project... 3 1.1. Justification of the relevance of the project…. 3 1.2. Principles.

Mini-museum as a form of cooperation with families of pupils and organization of educational activities with children A mini-museum as a form of cooperation with the families of pupils and the organization of educational activities with children. Prepared by teacher: Lyudmila Fedorovna Suchkova.

Our kindergarten works according to museum pedagogy. The groups created mini-museums on different topics, starting with middle group children together with teachers.

Traditionally, a mini-garden is created on the territory of the kindergarten. Its presence facilitates direct contact with the child.

Traditions and customs of the peoples of Russia Mini project Topic: “Maslenitsa” Goals: to introduce children to the Maslenitsa holiday; expand knowledge and understanding.

With the arrival of spring, all people, both children and adults, are waiting for the sun, warmth, and greenery. I want to quickly go to the garden or vegetable garden, breathe some air.

Our group has organized a special corner (mini-museum) to introduce people to the origins of Russian folk culture. To replenish the mini-museum widely.

Yurkova E. V.
Head of the Reading Support Center
Ryazan ODB

IN modern society many institutions and organizations are involved in the upbringing, development and education of children preschool age. The specifics of children's libraries allow us to become a full-fledged part of the child's developing environment. The experience of many libraries is varied and quite interesting. I would like to talk about how our Ryazan Regional Children's Library solves the problems of introducing and integrating preschoolers into book culture.

Since the majority of preschool readers are pupils of preschool institutions, we build our work together with kindergartens.

This work is based on agreements on joint activities, which provide different shapes and methods of working not only with children, but also with teachers and parents.

If you try, you can get a child interested in reading at any age, but it is advisable to do this in preschool. At this time, children are more likely to be listeners than readers, so it depends on the adult whether communication with a book becomes a necessity for them. Unfortunately, not all parents understand this, so we decided to take on this mission and created a program for working with preschoolers, “Experience the World with a Book.” The goal of the program is to create conditions for the development of a thinking, emotional, erudite personality through involvement in active reading.

The program is carried out on the basis of kindergarten No. 138 with the support of the head and methodologist. A cozy fairy tale room with soft sofas, winter garden, fountain, toys, audio-video equipment.

As part of the program, work is carried out with parents: speeches at parent meetings Information leaflets and lists of recommendations are issued dedicated to introducing children to reading. The kindergarten has a mobile library, from where parents and children can take books home.

As part of the program, a competition for the “Best Book Corner” was also held. The teachers of each of the 10 groups organized their corners so that the child can not only look at, read (if he knows how) a book, but also play with it. All corners are decorated in compliance with all competition criteria. They reflected all the creative diversity of both teachers and children.

The form of each lesson depends on the topic. Can be used as a game or problematic situation, demonstration visual material(items, toys,

drawings), illustration works of art, retelling, memorizing

reading poems, talking about what they read, showing cartoons.

The study of K. Chukovsky’s work has grown into a large project, including a story about the writer’s life, a literary quiz, a drawing competition, and even the musical “Tsokotukha the Fly.” By the way, with this performance the children congratulated us on the 90th anniversary of the library.

Getting to know the work of contemporary Ryazan writers is also unusual. Firstly, children get acquainted with the works of writers in advance, learn poems, and draw the characters they like. At the meetings there is not just a monologue from the writer, but live communication with children. The guys and the author stage instant performances, sing songs, and share their impressions. After a meeting with the poet Evgeny Naumov, the idea was born to create a handwritten book of unpublished poems. This is how the book “The Spider Weaver and the Bunny Dressmaker” appeared with illustrations by children.

We already have the first results of our program. We are proud of them. About 50% of senior preschool children in kindergarten No. 138 are readers of city libraries.

All graduates of kindergarten No. 138 and most children senior group know how and love to read. It has already become good tradition celebrate the holiday "In bon voyage» for graduates of this kindergarten in the library.

And the main result of the work on the program and the achievement of our cooperation is that the management of the kindergarten chose the education and upbringing of children through fiction as the direction of activity.

In the department of services for preschool children and junior schoolchildren for recent years There are two library programs for preschool children. The “I Love to Read” program is aimed at introducing preschoolers to reading, while the “So that trouble does not come to your home” program teaches the basics of safety. The programs are carried out on the basis of preschool educational institutions No. 1, 15, 17, 20 in Ryazan.

From September to May, twice a month, department employees go to preschool institutions to conduct events. The groups operate non-stationary libraries, from which parents have the right to choose a book of interest for their child and take it home. The programs produce information sheets for parents, which are posted in the Parents Corner. Leaflet topics: “How to behave in a car”, “Products that are useful and not so good”, “ Healthy sleep", "Meet! New names in children's literature", "Tales of Tamara Kryukova", etc.

As part of the program “So that trouble does not come to your home,” activities are held to teach children the rules traffic, the formation of such concepts as safety, caution, self-preservation, education of observation and attentiveness. Event topics: “Home alone: ​​the basics of safety in an apartment”, “The road is not a place for games”, “ Safe walk", "Familiar strangers: rules for communicating with pets", "What we eat", etc.

The “I Love to Read” program is designed to instill a love of books in children early age, with the help of the book, to educate moral, ethical and spiritual qualities in the younger generation. The program includes loud readings, discussions of what has been read, conversations about writers, literary games and quizzes, and creative activities. Every year, the themes of the events are updated and coincided with the anniversaries of Russian and foreign children's writers.

Special holidays are held within the library’s walls for the youngest readers: in the fall – “Harvest Festival”, which precedes an acquaintance with the library, its structure and rules of use; in winter – New Year's parties, to which preschool children are invited together with their parents. Each matinee takes place in the form of a theatrical interactive game, where children learn useful information, participate in competitions. The holiday ends with a sweet table.

The “Book Holiday for Babies and Toddlers” is very popular among preschoolers. The holiday is held on International Children's Book Day. Every year it is dedicated to the anniversary of a writer. In 2012 there was literary journey based on the works of K. Chukovsky (to mark the 130th anniversary of the writer).

On May 17, the children's publishing house “Pink Giraffe” held the IV International Reading Day. Our library became its participant for the first time. Pupils from preschool educational institutions No. 138 and 18 enjoyed listening and completing assignments based on the book “One and a Half Giraffe” by Sh. Silverstein.

Working with preschoolers is a very interesting business, but at the same time very responsible, requiring creative living from specialists in our field. After all, it is at this tender age that interest in books and reading awakens. After all, this is exactly what dating will be like little man The future depends on the book, the library, the librarian. This will develop into strong friendship for life, or these will be formal meetings on business.

A book is a great teacher and friend, without it the harmonious development of a person is unthinkable, because it forms not only memory, intellect, but also the imagination, moral and spiritual face of each of us. “Tell me what you are reading, and I will tell you who you are.” - this is how you can paraphrase a wise saying.

The results of studies over the past decades in a number of countries have shown: people who read are able to think problematically, have a larger memory capacity and an active creative imagination, speak better (it is more expressive, stricter and richer in vocabulary), formulate thoughts more accurately and write more freely; They make contacts more easily and are pleasant in communication, more critical, independent in judgment and behavior. Reading forms the qualities of the most developed and socially valuable person.

A preschooler needs a book. To see the whole multifaceted world, to be surprised by this world and understand it, to experience extraordinary adventures with the hero, to laugh with him, and sometimes to cry.

Also in several generations Russian families the book is not included in the priority spiritual values. Important indicator disadvantages – deterioration in the content and quality of reading, a decrease in its productivity.

Parents, loving their baby, buy him toys, treats, take him on visits and for walks. But not everyone knows that a child is no less, and sometimes even more, happy when his parents read a book to him.

Currently before educational institutions The task is to introduce children to books, cultivate an interest in reading, and form a future reader. It is necessary to begin such work from a very early age, in the child’s first “social institution” - kindergarten.

I decided to start creating the library by interviewing parents and children of the senior and preparatory groups. 24 parents wished to participate in the survey.

The question “do you often read books to your child” was answered positively by 18 (75%) survey participants.

To the question “What does your child like to listen to most?”:
13 (54%) – fairy tales,
3 (12.5%) – poetry,
4 (17%) – educational literature;
4 (17%) – everything.

To the question “Do you think the book a good gift?" 12 (50%) parents answered positively.

To the question “Is it necessary to compare the actions of children with the actions of literary heroes?” 16 (67%) respondents answered positively.

To the question “Will you use the services of the library at the preschool educational institution?” 17 parents (71%) responded positively.

When communicating with students preparatory group I tried to draw attention to the fact that children have little interest in books and do not know how to use magazines.

Of the 16 guys interviewed:

10 (62.5%) could not accurately name the works they read at home and in kindergarten,

8 children (50%) could not name their favorite literary character,

9 pupils (56%) prefer to listen and read fairy tales, 5 (31%) - educational literature, encyclopedias, and only 2 people (12.5%) like to read poetry.

To the question “Who reads better?” 10 pupils (62%) said that their mother, 4 pupils (25%) like to listen to the teacher and 2 pupils (12.5%) like to read themselves.

Analyzing the questionnaires of parents and children, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to teach children and their parents to love the book and develop their interest in it. In order to support and develop reading, the teachers of our kindergarten decided to make a feasible contribution to familiarization with the book, to the formation of a literate and thoughtful reader.

For this purpose, in January 2010, the Chitaika library was created - something between a public and home library, which will belong to all employees, parents and children. So far, the space allocated is small, all books are located on 3 shelves (fairy tales, poems and educational literature), but in the future it is planned to create a more expanded and spacious library.

The purpose of creating the library is the desire to teach a child to listen and hear the beauty of words, the rhythm, the meaning of a work, to see literary images, to emotionally perceive the content. All our efforts should be aimed at promoting reading. It is equally important to teach children to take care and appreciate books and use them correctly. Children learn not only to love reading. But also the ability to behave in the library, to find the works they need.

It is necessary to show children not only good literature and the best drawings, but also introduce them to publications of various formats, “Theater of Fairy Tale” books, and books with thick cardboard pages.

I created forms for each child of the senior and preparatory groups with a photograph of each child.

This year I decided to create forms for each child and the children themselves drew a plot from a fairy tale or fairy-tale characters.

Books from the library can be taken home or to a group. You can come here at any time to read, watch books, watch a video, or just relax. Structure of the library collection: fairy tales, poems, educational literature and periodicals. On the shelves you can find individual works and collected works of famous Russian writers, fairy tales different nations world, collections of games, riddles, proverbs and sayings, children's songs. Priority is given to fiction, which plays an important role in the formation of the child’s social, moral, and aesthetic ideals. Understanding special role fairy tales in the development of a child, we paid great attention to their selection: the library has Russian folk tales, tales of the peoples of near and far abroad and tales of the peoples of the North. Of particular interest to our students are periodicals for children: magazines "Murzilka", " Funny pictures", "Smeshariki", "Filya".

It is necessary to teach children to take care of books. Children should know that they cannot throw a book, tear it, draw on it, bend the corners of the pages, or cut out pictures and pages from it. A “Book Hospital” is organized monthly, where children enjoy repairing books and giving books new life.

Every week I conduct various library activities with the children, once a month there is a big interesting holiday. In my work I use various methods:

Expressive reading aloud helps to create figurative ideas in the child, affects emotions and perception, helps to interest the child, and makes him want to listen to a familiar work again. Reading should be emotionally charged in order to hold the child's attention. Monotonous, monotonous reading with hesitations is unlikely to be listened to attentively, no matter how interesting the works are.

  • Use of illustrative material - when reading works aloud, it is necessary to show the objects and characters depicted in the illustrations for the book.
  • Illustrating works of children's literature - I suggest drawing a character you like or a plot you like.
  • Modeling - make your favorite characters from plasticine.
  • Literary quiz games based on the works of various authors.

After reading works of art, the children and I analyze in detail the artistic forms: portraits, the actions of the characters, their experiences and speech, everyday life, landscape, plot. Kindergarten teachers strive to teach the child to listen and hear the beauty of words, the rhythm, the meaning of a work, to see literary images, and to emotionally perceive the content. It is equally important to teach children to take care and appreciate books and use them correctly. Literary characters in our library “come to life” not only in dramatizations or puppet shows, but also in videos and presentations. From paper, cardboard, fabric, boxes, gloves, spoons, preschoolers make three-dimensional and flat figures of heroes of works, and draw memorable scenes. The kids really enjoy just looking at the pictures and communicating with each other.

The basic principle Educational program Kindergarten "Penguin" is a complex thematic one, where the approximate calendar of holidays is taken as a basis. I plan the work of the library in accordance with annual plan MDOU "Penguin" ( Annex 1).

Twice a year, the kindergarten holds “Children’s Book Week” for its pupils – in October, dedicated to International Day libraries and in May - for the All-Russian Day of Libraries. Preparing for Children's Book Week does not require large time, material or organizational costs. It should be noted that during such theme weeks parents are most actively involved in educational process: participate in holidays, competitions, select materials for exhibitions, and make crafts together with children. From time to time I take Active participation in parent meetings of the MDOU. One of the speeches/presentations can be seen in Appendix 2.

The following events are held as part of Children's Book Week:

  • thematic exhibitions (“My favorite book”, “Our family’s favorite books”, “Books of our parents”);
  • fairy tale dramatizations;
  • book illustration;
  • making bookmarks for books;
  • organization of the "Book Hospital";
  • themed leisure activities “Where the book came from”, “Journey into the history of the book”;
  • viewings of cartoons and filmstrips about the creation of books and film adaptations fiction;
  • reading fiction;
  • work in book corners.

Fairy tales are the favorite literary genre of our kindergarten children. This is explained by the fact that the fairy tale is understandable and is structured in such a way that the child gradually develops with it and learns. simple concepts good and evil, friendship and enmity, love and hatred. With the help of a fairy tale, the emotional sphere of a child develops, who worries about the fate of the main character. And there is hardly a child who disagrees with the fact that in a fairy tale, good always triumphs over evil.

On creative activities“Composing” the guys and I compose new stories, discuss them, everyone expresses their opinion and all together we compose new fairy tales ( Appendix 3).

Children really like these activities and they do them with pleasure. At the end creative work children sketch a fairy tale.

In library study sessions native land we worked on creating the "ABC of Yamal" for children, in which preschoolers could not only learn letters, but also get acquainted with the animals, birds that live in our area and the peoples inhabiting our region. For about three months, the children happily selected materials to create the alphabet and, upon completion of the work, they drew on the theme “Our home is Yamal!” ( Appendix 4).

The creation of our library is largely an experimental activity, but its work is already providing positive results: children’s attitude towards books changes, they experience pleasure from listening to literary works, and willingly take part in dramatization games and library festivals.

Developed system of work and cooperation preschool and parents increased children’s interest in the book, forming the social and moral education of the individual.

I would like to note that the level of children’s speech development over the two years of the library’s existence has increased among children in the senior and preparatory groups. The diagnostic results are as follows:

Monitoring the quality of knowledge on speech development preparatory group at the beginning and end of the 2010-2011 academic year.

Monitoring the quality of knowledge on speech development of senior group No. 1 at the beginning and end of 2010-2011 and preparatory group No. 1 at the end of the 2011-2012 academic year.

October 2010 April 2011 April 2012
High level 9-45% 10-50% 11-55%
Average level 10-50% 10-50% 9-45%
Low level 1-5% - -

Monitoring the quality of knowledge on speech development of senior group No. 2 at the beginning and end of 2010-2011 and preparatory group No. 2 at the end of the 2011-2012 academic year.

October 2010 April 2011 April 2012
High level 6-26% 7-30% 9-39%
Average level 16-70% 16-70% 14-61%
Low level 1-4% - -

In conclusion, it remains to be said that since the opening of the library in the preschool institution, children began to show greater interest in books, spend more time looking at them, and treat them with care.

The book is designed to reveal to the child the ideals of justice, kindness, honesty, courage, and compassion. Preschoolers are receptive and capable of deeply feeling a literary text, so the images they loved in early childhood will remain with them throughout their lives. long years. I would like to believe that working in the MDOU library will help our children form right attitude to people, to oneself, to one’s rights and responsibilities, actions, to work and to nature.
